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Institute for Creative Problem Solving Mr.

La Spina

Mathematics – the science of patterns

I. A triangular number is a number that can be represented by a triangular pattern. Students are
shown the first few triangular numbers: 1,3,6, and as a class we will produce the next two: 10,15.

In groups, students attempt to answer the following questions:

1) What is the 20th triangular number?

2) What is the 100th triangular number?
3) Find a formula for Tn - the nth triangular number.

After enough time, we will go over the problem and give students the opportunity to explain what
they did to the whole class.

II. Square numbers can be represented by a square pattern. The first few are 1, 4, 9, 16. Also note that
the nth triangular number is the sum of the first n positive integers, while the the nth perfect square is
the sum of the first n odd integers.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16

Find x, if 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 2009 = x2

Students will again work on this problem and then we will discuss solutions. We will show visually
why the sum of the first n odd integers is a perfect square ( an inductive proof without words) and
algebraically why the difference between consecutive squares is always odd.

III. Pentagonal numbers can be represented as pentagons. The first few are 1, 5, 12, 22

(picture from

1. What are the next three pentagonal numbers?

2. What is the first pentagonal number greater than 1000?
3. How can we represent the nth pentagonal number?

IV. (if time) Linear and Quadratic Sequences

An arithmetic, or linear sequence, is a sequence with a common difference between consecutive
terms. In a quadratic sequence, the difference between consecutive terms forms an arithmetic
sequence. The triangular, square, and pentagonal numbers are all quadratic sequences.
1. What do we get if we subtract the 2009th pentagonal number from the 2010th pentagonal
2. What is the 200th term in this sequence: 15, 23, 31, 39, ...
Institute for Creative Problem Solving Mr. La Spina

Absolutely Cool Graphing

I. By plotting points with graph paper, students work in groups to produce a picture of
∣x∣∣ y∣=10

Some students may have limited experience with graphing, so we will work through this as
a class.
II. Describe the graph of ∣x∣∣ y∣=k
We just graphed this when k=10, now try the same thing for k=12. What affect does k have? In
terms of k, what are the coordinates of the four vertices of the square?

III. Stretching the square

Graph the following by plotting a few points: (students work in groups)
2∣x∣∣ y∣=10 ∣x∣3∣y∣=12 2∣x∣3∣ y∣=12

IV. Area of a rhombus in three ways

After reviewing the solutions to the previous graphs, students are asked to determine the area
enclosed by the shapes. After sufficient time, students will present their methods.
1. Break the shape into four congruent triangles and add.
2. The area of a rhombus is half the product of the diagonals (a visual proof will be shown)
3. One of the most interesting area formulas you will ever see is...

V. Pick's theorem and lattice points

A = ½B + I – 1

Using the above formula, determine how many lattice points are enclosed by rhombus:

What is easier, counting lattice points directly or determining the area of this shape?

VI. AMC-12 Problem 2008 #14

What is the area of the region defined by the inequality ∣3x−18∣∣2y7∣≤3

VII. Problem from AIME 2007-2 #5

The graph of the equation 9x + 223y = 2007 is drawn on graph paper. How many of the 1 by 1
graph paper squares have interiors lying entirely below the graph and entirely in the first
Pick's theorem solution: B = 233
A = ½B + I – 1
9(223)/2 = 0.5(233) + I – 1
(2007 – 233)/2 + 1 = I I = 888
Institute for Creative Problem Solving Mr. La Spina

Mathematics – the science of patterns

Name: _____________________________ School:______________

I. A triangular number is a number that can be represented by a triangular pattern. What are the first
few triangular numbers?

1) What is the 20th triangular number?

2) What is the 100th triangular number?
3) Find a formula for Tn - the nth triangular number.

II. Square numbers can be represented by a square pattern. The first few are 1, 4, 9, 16. Also note that
the nth triangular number is the sum of the first n positive integers, while the the nth perfect square is
the sum of the first n odd integers.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16

1. Note that the difference between consecutive square integers is odd for the squares listed
above: 4 – 1 = 3, 9 – 4 = 5, 16 – 9 = 7.

Is this always true? If so, why? If not, what is the first perfect square that breaks the pattern?

2. Find x, if 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 2009 = x2

3. Can you explain why the sum of the first n consecutive odd integers is always a perfect
Institute for Creative Problem Solving Mr. La Spina

III. Pentagonal numbers can be represented as pentagons. The first few are 1, 5, 12, 22

(picture from

1. What are the next three pentagonal numbers?

2. What is the first pentagonal number greater than 1000?

3. How can we represent the nth pentagonal number?

IV. Summary in Context

An arithmetic, or linear sequence, is a sequence with a common difference between consecutive
terms. In a quadratic sequence, the difference between consecutive terms forms an arithmetic
sequence. The triangular, square, and pentagonal numbers are all quadratic sequences.

1. What do we get if we subtract the 2009th pentagonal number from the 2010th pentagonal

2. What is the 200th term in this sequence: 15, 23, 31, 39, ...

3. What is the 100th term in the sequence: 5, 12, 21, 32, 45, 60, 77,...

4. If we made a sequence of hexagonal numbers, what would it look like? Can you find a
formula for the hexagonal numbers?
Institute for Creative Problem Solving Mr. La Spina

Absolutely Cool Graphing

I. By plotting points with graph paper, students work in groups to produce a picture of

Some students may have limited experience with graphing, so we will work through this as
a class.
II. Describe the graph of ∣x∣∣y∣=k
We just graphed this when k=10, now try the same thing for k=12. What affect does k have? In
terms of k, what are the coordinates of the four vertices of the square?

III. Stretching the square

Graph the following by plotting a few points: (students work in groups)
2∣x∣∣y∣=10 ∣x∣3∣y∣=12 2∣x∣3∣y∣=12

IV. Area of a rhombus in three ways

After reviewing the solutions to the previous graphs, students are asked to determine the area
enclosed by the shapes. After sufficient time, students will present their methods.
1. Break the shape into four congruent triangles and add.
2. The area of a rhombus is half the product of the diagonals (a visual proof will be shown)
3. One of the most interesting area formulas you will ever see is...

V. Pick's theorem and lattice points

A = ½B + I – 1

Using the above formula, determine how many lattice points are enclosed by rhombus:

What is easier, counting lattice points directly or determining the area of this shape?

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