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Chapter 4: ReCreation Review

1. Act III deals with ___.
4. Certain people experience an "___" from God to go on an unknown mission that
God shows them gradually.
6. Abraham and Sarah's baby.
7. Abram and Hagar's baby.
10. Sin was destroying the world, but ___ had a plan to save us.
12. Hagar, from the moment she realized she was pregnant, looked on Sarai with ___.
14. Despite the first covenant with Abram, Abram and Sarai remain ___.
15. Acts I and II contain ___.
16. Sarah means...
17. A new name is a sign of a new ___.
1. Act III contains ___.
2. mark of the second covenant.
3. ___ nations trace their ancestry back to Abraham through Ishmael.
5. In the 2nd covenant, God promised Abraham he would be the father of many ___.
8. Abraham means...
9. Acts I and II deal with ___.
11. Genesis can be broken down into ___ parts.
13. Contracted parties walk between the halves of divided animals.

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