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The Killer

You must think I’m mad. In your mind, only someone who has little or no sanity could commit
such acts. Acts of murder. But in your mind, murder is black and white. In the eyes of many, maybe it is.
You’ve stolen a life. And that in it’s self it the actions of a man who has lost all sight in what is good and
what is real. I would like you to think of something. If a man were to have a daughter, and he loved this
daughter very much, this would touch your heart, wouldn’t it? Now if this man’s daughter were to be
killed, his heart would shatter. This would also touch your heart, just not maybe in the same way. If this
father were to become vengeful, and go and kill the man who murdered her daughter, you could
understand it, couldn’t you? Maybe you would not think it right, but you could understand. Now If you
were to see a man on the street with a very nice watch, it would not touch your heart, for it is only a
watch. And if I were to kill this man with the nice watch, it would disgust you. Because, as previously
stated, it is only a watch. And in your eyes, this makes me mad. This I do not understand. The vengeful
father, his daughter is dead. She will always be dead. She will never come back. This father has killed
another man for a pointless vendetta. He will only go to jail. His daughter will only still be dead. He has
only taken another human life and gained nothing. If you peel away all emotions, all feeling of love and
hate, that is all that is left. Now I have killed this man with this nice watch. And now, I have a nice watch.
Wicked? Yes. Shallow? Maybe. Mad? Not by any means. I have taken another human life, and I have
gained a nice watch. Of course your mind is probably thinking that a watch is not equal to a human life.
Be that as it may, my sense of worth may not be that of a normal person, of a sane person, but my acts
of murder have a sense of logic. Unlike the vengeful father. He was distraught by his emotions, he was
careless, he was mad. Do not confuse sanity with moral. Moral I might be lacking, but my mind knows
what it is doing. To be frank, it just does not care.

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