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Micah Stevens

Art Attendance

February 8

Graphic design, junior, Ashley Rubes, sits in her 8 AM design class with a

doctor’s note in her left hand, and a paintbrush in her right.  Normally, a doctor’s note

would be a valid reason to miss class, but not in the Grand View art department. “I had

mono and strep throat and was highly contagious, the doctor recommended I be out for

two weeks,” Rubes said.

“When I got to class I showed my teacher my doctor’s note and he replied with

‘What’s that for? You know an absence is an absence no matter what.’  So I had to

continue to come to class although I was highly contagious.”

The art department is the only department on campus that has a set attendance


The art department’s attendance policy is as follows: “All absences are equal.

There are no excused absences unless specified as approved off campus experience in the

Grand View University Catalog. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes 5 absences=

reduction of final grade by one letter grade, 7 absences= failed class. Tuesday and
Thursday classes 4 absences= reduction of final grade by one letter grade, 6 absences=

failed class.”

“I understand the need for a policy, but what I don’t understand is why something

like a doctor’s note is not an excused absence.” Rubes said.  

Graphic design sophomore, Aric Bradley, drives 43 miles one way to class

everyday. Facing treacherous, snow covered roads on his way to his 8 AM class, he went

in the ditch. “There was a snow ordinance, so I couldn’t get towed out. I walked to a

dentist office and sat there until someone could come tow me out… I’ve missed 3 days

already this semester because of the weather.”

With this year’s record-breaking winter many art majors share the same concern.

Art education junior, Ashley Forbes, commutes 30 minutes everyday. “This semester has

sucked because of the snow. I know a lot of people live on campus but a lot of people

don’t. I live in Adel and I have to plan accordingly, I can’t just miss because I’m being


Becky Kralicek, graphic design sophomore, lives off campus and roads are her

main concern for missing class also.

“It’s either I chose a weather day or I risk my life. This policy really doesn’t take

into accordance the weather.”

Josh Ryther ,assistant professor of art and design, said, “There are no exceptions

for our department. Our policy is explicit. I follow the attendance policy, I don’t have a

“I don’t think it should change,” Ryther said. “I’m sensitive to the fact people

have to miss, there are absences included, but there is a point where education is

diminished because we’re so hands on.”

Becky White, graphic design junior said, “It should be more individual based

rather than group. It’s a good theory but doesn’t work when trying to apply it to a wide

range of people.”

Assistant professor of art, Cindy Fleagle said, “Our policy became official this

fall. We look at it the same as a job…. If you think about it you’re throwing money

down the drain by not coming…I’ve had students miss 14 plus classes and expect to pass.

It’s not fair to the other that I have to back up, especially dealing with web design.”

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