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A Publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics)
ISSN: 1540-5699. © Copyright by Ahead Publishing House (imprint: Okcir Press) and authors. All Rights Reserved.
Journal of the Sociology of Self-

Epistemic Islamophobia and

Colonial Social Sciences

Ramón Grosfoguel
University of California, Berkeley • Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris

Abstract: This article explores how epistemic racism shapes contemporary discussions on
Islamophobia. Epistemic Racism is an underestimated aspect of racism. The first part is a
discussion about epistemic racism in the world-system. The second part is on the Western male
hegemonic identity politics and the fundamentalist responses to it. The third part is on epistemic
Islamophobia and the social sciences.

This paper is about the way epistemic form and older version of racism in that the
racism shapes contemporary discussions inferiority of “non-Western” people as
on Islamophobia. The first part is a discus- below the human (non-humans or sub-
sion about epistemic racism in the world- humans) is defined on their closeness to
system. The second part is on the Western animality and the latter is defined on the
male hegemonic identity politics and the basis of their inferior intelligence and, thus,
fundamentalist responses to it. The third lack of rationality. Epistemic racism oper-
part is on epistemic Islamophobia and the ates through the privileging of an essential-
social sciences. ist (“identity”) politics of “Western” male
elites, that is, the hegemonic tradition of
EPISTEMIC RACISM IN THE WORLD- thought of Western philosophy and social
theory that almost never includes “West-
ern” Women and never includes “non-
Western” philosophers/philosophies and
Epistemic racism and epistemic sexism social scientists. In this tradition, the
are the most hidden forms of racism and “West” is considered to be the only legiti-
sexism in the global system we all inhabit, mate tradition of thought able to produce
the “Westernized/Christianized modern/ knowledge and the only one with access to
colonial capitalist/patriarchal world-sys- “universality,” “rationality” and “truth.”
tem” (see Grosfoguel 2008a). Social, politi- Epistemic racism considers “non-Western”
cal, and economic racisms and sexisms are knowledge to be inferior to “Western”
much more visible and recognized today knowledge. Since epistemic racism is
than epistemological racism/sexism. How- entangled with epistemic sexism, Western-
ever, epistemic racism is the foundational
Ramón Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and a
Senior Research Associate of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. He has published many articles and
books on the political economy of the world-system and on Caribbean migrations to Western Europe and the
United States.


centric social science is a form of epistemic Chukwudi Eze (1997) points out so well—
racism/sexism that privilege “Western” and has gender/color—as African-Ameri-
male’s knowledge as the superior knowl- can Sociologist Patricia Hills Collins (1991)
edge in the world today. has argued—then the Eurocentric episte-
If we take the canon of thinkers privi- mology that dominates the social sciences
leged within Western academic disciplines, has both color and gender. The construc-
we can observe that without exception they tion of the epistemology of “Western”
privilege “Western” male thinkers and the- males as superior and the rest of the world
ories, above all those of European and as inferior forms an inherent part of the
Euro-North-American males. This hege- epistemological racism/sexism which has
monic essentialist “identity politics” is so prevailed in the world-system for more
powerful and so normalized—through the than 500 years.
discourse of “objectivity” and “neutrality” The epistemic privilege of the “West”
of the Cartesian “ego-politics of knowl- was consecrated and normalized through
edge” in the social sciences—that it hides the Spanish Catholic monarchy’s destruc-
who speaks and from which power loca- tion of Al-Andalus and the European colo-
tion they speak from, such that when we nial expansion since the late 15th century.
think of “identity politics” we immediately From renaming the world with Christian
assume, as if by “common sense,” that we cosmology (Europe, Africa, Asia, and later,
are talking about racialized minorities. In America) and characterizing all non-Chris-
fact, without denying the existence of tian knowledge as a product of pagan and
essentialist “identity politics” among devil forces, to assuming in their own Euro-
racialized minorities, the hegemonic “iden- centric provincialism that it is only within
tity politics”—that of Eurocentric male dis- the Greco-Roman tradition, passing
course—uses this identitarian, racist, sexist through the Renaissance, the Enlighten-
discourse to discard all critical interven- ment, and Western sciences that “truth”
tions rooted in epistemologies and cosmol- and “universality” is achieved, the
ogies coming from oppressed groups and epistemic privilege of Western, Eurocentric,
“non-Western” traditions of thought (Mal- male “identity politics” was normalized to
donado-Torres 2008). The underlying myth the point of invisibility as a hegemonic
of the Westernized academy is still the sci- “identity politics.” It became the universal
entificist discourse of “objectivity” and normalized knowledge. In this way, all
“neutrality” which hides the “locus of “other” traditions of thought were deemed
enunciation” of the speaker, that is, who inferior (characterized in the 16th century
speaks and from what epistemic body-pol- as “barbarians,” in the 19 th century as
itics of knowledge and geopolitics of “primitives,” in the 20th century as “under-
knowledge they speak from in the existing developed,” and at the beginning of the 21st
power relations at a world-scale. Through century as “anti-democratic”). Hence,
the myth of the “ego-politics of knowl- since the formation of Western Liberal
edge” (which in reality always speaks Social Sciences in the 19th century, both
through a “Western” male body and a epistemic racism and epistemic sexism
Eurocentric geopolitics of knowledge) criti- have been constitutive of its disciplines
cal voices coming from individuals and and knowledge production. Western
groups inferiorized and subalternized by social sciences assume the inferiority,
this hegemonic epistemic racism and partiality, and the lack of objectivity in its
epistemic sexism are denied and discarded knowledge-production of “non-Western”
as particularistic. If epistemology has knowledge and the superiority of the
color—as African philosopher Emmanuel “West.” As a result, Western social theory is



based on the experience of 5 countries do some Islamic and Afrocentric funda-

(France, England, Germany, Italy and the mentalists—the hegemonic Eurocentric
United States) that makes only less than 12 fundamentalist discourses that the Euro-
percent of the world population. The pro- pean tradition is the only one that is natu-
vincialism of Western Social Science social rally and inherently democratic, whereas
theory with false claims to universality, the non-European “others” are presumed
pretends to account for the social experi- to be naturally and inherently authoritar-
ence of the other 88 percent of the world ian, denying democratic discourses and
population. In sum, Eurocentrism with its forms of institutional democracy to the
epistemic racism/sexism is a form of pro- non-Western world (which are, of course,
vincialism that is reproduced inside the distinct from Western liberal democracy),
social sciences today. and as a result, supporting political author-
itarianism. This is what all Third World
WESTERNIZED MALES’ IDENTITY fundamentalists do when they accept the
Eurocentric fundamentalist false premise
that the only democratic tradition is the
Western one, and, therefore, assume that
Against this hegemonic “identity poli- democracy does not apply to their “cul-
tics” that always privileged Christian and ture” and their “societies,” defending
Western beauty, knowledge, traditions, monarchical, authoritarian and/or dictato-
spiritualities, and cosmologies while deem- rial forms of political authority. This merely
ing as inferior and subaltern the non-Chris- reproduces an inverted form of Eurocentric
tian and non-Western beauty, knowledge, essentialism. The idea that “democracy” is
traditions, spiritualities, and cosmologies, inherently “Western” and that “non-demo-
those subjects rendered inferior and subal- cratic” forms are inherently “non-Western”
tern by these hegemonic discourses devel- is shared both by Eurocentric fundamental-
oped their own “identity politics” as a reac- ist discourses and its varieties such as
tion to the racism of the former. This pro- “Third Worldist” fundamentalisms.
cess is necessary as part of a process of self- The “divisions” that results from these
valorization in a racist world that renders identity politics ends up reproducing in an
them inferior and disqualifies their human- inverted form the same essentialism and
ity. However, this process of identitarian fundamentalism of the hegemonic Euro-
affirmation has its limits if it leads to funda- centric discourse. If we define fundamen-
mentalist proposals that invert the binary talism as those perspectives that assumes
terms of the hegemonic “Western” Males their own cosmology and epistemology to
Eurocentric racist and sexist philosophical be superior and as the only source of truth,
tradition of thought. For example, if it is inferiorizing and denying equality to other
assumed that subaltern non-Western eth- epistemologies and cosmologies, then
nic/racial groups are superior and that the Eurocentrism is not merely a form of fun-
dominant Western racial/ethnic groups are damentalism but the hegemonic funda-
inferior, they are merely inverting the terms mentalism in the world today. Those Third
of hegemonic Western racism without Worldist fundamentalisms (Afrocentric,
overcoming its fundamental problem, that Islamist, Indigenist, etc.) that emerge in
is, the racism that renders some human response to the hegemonic Eurocentric fun-
beings inferior and the elevation of others damentalism and that the “Western” press
to the category of superior on cultural or put in the front pages of newspapers every-
biological grounds (Grosfoguel 2003). day are subordinated forms of Eurocentric
Another example is that of accepting—as fundamentalism insofar as they reproduce



and leave intact the binary, essentialist, social science such as Karl Marx and Max
racial hierarchies of Eurocentric fundamen- Weber. As Sukidi states:
talism (Grosfoguel 2009).
In sum, a political consequence of this Islam, according to Weber, was the
epistemological discussion is that a founda- polar opposite of Calvinism. There
tional basis on contemporary discussions was no double edge to predestina-
on political Islam, on democracy and on the tion in Islam. Instead, as Weber
so-called “War on Terrorism” is “epistemic stated in Protestant Ethic (ch. 4, n.
racism.” “Western” epistemic racism by 36), Islam contains a belief in prede-
inferiorizing “non-Western” epistemolo- termination, not in predestination,
gies and cosmologies and by privileging which concerned the fate of Mus-
“Western” epistemology as the superior lims in this world, not the next
form of knowledge and as the only source (ibid., p. 185). The doctrine of pre-
to define human rights, democracy, citizen- destination maintained by the Cal-
ship, etc. ends up disqualifying the “non- vinists, which led them to work
West” as unable to produce democracy, jus- hard as a duty (vocation, calling), is
tice, human rights, scientific knowledge, not evident among Muslims. In
etc. This is grounded in the essentialist idea fact, as Weber argued, ‘the most
that reason and philosophy lies in the important thing, the proof of the
“West” while non-rational thinking lies in believer in predestination, played
the “rest.” no part in Islam’ (ibid.). Without
the concept of predestination, Islam
could not provide believers with a
positive attitude to this-worldly
SOCIAL SCIENCES activity. As a consequence, Mus-
lims are condemned to fatalism. (p.
Epistemic racism in the form of 197)
epistemic Islamophobia is a foundational
and constitutive logic of the modern/colo- The rationalizations of doctrine and
nial world and of its legitimate forms of conduct of life were alien to Islam.
knowledge production. European human- Weber used the belief in predestina-
ists and scholars since the 16th century have tion as the key concept to explain
argued that Islamic knowledge is inferior the rationalization of doctrine and
to the West. The debate about Moriscos in the conduct of life. In Calvinism,
16th century Spain were full of epistemic the belief in predestination could
Islamophobic conceptions (Perceval 1992; certainly generate an ethical rigor,
1997). After the expulsion of Moriscos in legalism, and rational conduct in
the early 17th century, the inferiorization of this-worldly activity. None of these
“Moros” continued under an epistemic things was present in Islam (p. 199).
Islamophobic discourse. Influential Euro- Accordingly, the Islamic belief in
pean thinkers in the 19th century such as, predestination did not lead toward
for example, Ernst Renan “… argued that rationalization of doctrine and the
Islam was incompatible with science and conduct of life. In fact, it turned
philosophy” (Ernst 2003: 20-21). Muslims into irrational fatalists.
Similarly, in social sciences we have ‘Islam,’ in Weber’s view, ‘was
concrete manifestations of epistemic Isla- diverted completely from any
mophobia in the work of classical social really rational conduct of life by the
theories of Western-centric patriarchal advent of the cult of saints, and



finally by magic’ (Sukidi 2006: 200). types that Marx used against “Oriental”
people. Talking about French colonization
If we follow the logic of Weber to its of Algeria, Engels said:
final consequences, that is, that Muslims
are irrational and fatalistic people, then no Upon the whole it is, in our opin-
serious knowledge can come from them. ion, very fortunate that the Arabian
What are the geopolitics of knowledge chief has been taken. The struggle
involved in Weber ’s epistemic racism of the Bedouins was a hopeless one,
about Muslim people? The geopolitics of and though the manner in which
knowledge is the German and French ori- brutal soldiers, like Bugeaud, have
entalists’ epistemic Islamophobia that is carried on the war is highly blam-
repeated in Weber’s verdict about Islam. able, the conquest of Algeria is an
For Weber, it is only the Christian tradition important and fortunate fact for the
that gives rise to economic rationalism and, progress of civilization. The pira-
thus, to Western modern capitalism. Islam cies of the Barbaresque states, never
cannot compare to the “superiority” of interfered with by the English gov-
Western values in that it lacks individuality, ernment as long as they did not dis-
rationality and science. Rational science turb their ships, could not be put
and, its derivative, rational technology are, down but by the conquest of one of
according to Weber, unknown to oriental these states. And the conquest of
civilizations. These statements are quite Algeria has already forced the Beys
problematic. Scholars such as Saliba (2007) of Tunis and Tripoli, and even the
and Graham (2006) have demonstrated the Emperor of Morocco, to enter upon
influence of scientific developments in the the road of civilization. They were
Islamic World on the West, modern science obliged to find other employment
and modern philosophy. Rationality was a for their people than piracy… And
central tenet of the Islamic civilization. if we may regret that the liberty of
While Europe was in obscurantist feudal the Bedouins of the desert has been
superstition during what is known as the destroyed, we must not forget that
Middle Ages, the school of Baghdad was these same Bedouins were a nation
the world center of intellectual and scien- of robbers—whose principal means
tific production and creativity. Weber’s and of living consisted of making excur-
Weberians’ Orientalist views of Islam sions either upon each other, or
reproduce an epistemic Islamophobia upon the settled villagers, taking
where Muslims are incapable of producing what they found, slaughtering all
science and of having rationality, despite those who resisted, and selling the
the historical evidence. remaining prisoners as slaves. All
But the same problem of epistemic Isla- these nations of free barbarians
mophobia we find in Marx and Engels. look very proud, noble and glori-
Although Marx spent two months in Alg- ous at a distance, but only come
iers in 1882 recovering from a sickness, he near them and you will find that
wrote almost nothing on Islam. However, they, as well as the more civilized
Marx had an orientalist epistemic racist nations, are ruled by the lust of
view of non-Western peoples in general of gain, and only employ ruder and
which he did write extensively (Moore more cruel means. And after all, the
1977). Moreover, his close collaborator, Fre- modern bourgeois, with civiliza-
derick Engels, did write about Muslim peo- tion, industry, order, and at least
ple and repeated the same racist stereo- relative enlightenment following



him, is preferable to the feudal the material foundations of West-

marauding robber, with the barbar- ern society in Asia. Arabs, Turks,
ian state of society to which they Tartars, Moguls, who had succes-
belong. (Engels, French Rule in sively overrun India, soon became
Algiers, The Northern Star, January Hinduized, the barbarian conquer-
22, 1848, in: MECW, Vol.6, pp.469- ors being, by an eternal law of his-
472; quoted in S. Avineri (1968), tory, conquered themselves by the
Karl Marx on Colonialism and Mod- superior civilization of their sub-
ernization (Doubleday: New York, jects. The British were the first con-
p. 43) querors superior, and, therefore,
inaccessible to Hindu civilization…
Engels’s option is quite clear: to sup- The day is not far distant when by a
port colonial expansion and bring Western combination of railways and steam
Civilization even if it is bourgeois and bru- vessel, the distance between
tal in order to overcome a “barbarian” state England and India, measured by
of affairs. The superiority of the “West over time, will be shortened to eight
the rest” and, in particular, over Muslims is days, and when that once fabulous
quite clear in this statement. Talking about country will thus be actually
India, the irrational fanaticism of Muslims annexed to the Western World ….
is expressed in the following quote of (Marx, “The Future Results of the
Engels: British Rule in India” written on
July 22, 1853, in Marx and Engels On
The insurgent warfare now begins Colonialism, page 81-83…)
to take the character of the
Bedouins of Algeria against the Marx did not have much hope in the
French; with the difference that the proletarian spirit of the Muslim masses
Hindoos are far from being so when he stated in relation to the Ottoman
fanatical, and that they are not a Empire’s expansion to Eastern European
nation of horsemen. (Engels: New territories the following:
York Daily Tribune, July 21, 1858,
MECW, Vol.15, p. 583) The principal power of the Turkish
population in Europe, indepen-
If there is any doubt about Marx’s dently of the reserve always ready
shared views with Engels’s on the inferior- to be drawn from Asia, lies in the
ity of Muslims and “non-Western” people mob of Constantinople [Istanbul]
relative to the West, the following quote is a and a few other large towns. It is
confirmation: essentially Turkish, and although it
finds its principal livelihood by
… The question … is not whether doing jobs for Christian capitalists,
the English had a right to conquer it maintains with great jealousy the
India, but whether we are to prefer imaginary superiority and real
India conquered by the Turk, by the impunity for excesses which the
Persian, by the Russian, to India privileges of Islam confer it as com-
conquered by the Briton. England pared with Christians. It is well
has to fulfill a double mission in known that this mob in every
India: one destructive, the other important coup d’etat has to be
regenerating—the annihilation of won over by bribes and flattery. It is
old Asiatic society, and the laying of this mob alone, with the exception



of a few colonized districts, which tians and Jews in the Ottoman

offers a compact and imposing Empire,” New York Daily Tribune,
mass of Turkish population in April 15, 1854, quoted in S. Avineri
Europe. Certainly there will be, (1968), Karl Marx on Colonialism and
sooner or later, an absolute neces- Modernization (Doubleday: New
sity for freeing one of the finest York, p. 146)
parts of this continent from the rule
of a mob, compared with which the Marx said, repeating the typical
mob of Imperial Rome was an epistemic racism of the orientalist vision of
assemblage of sages and heroes. his time, that:
(“Turkey,” New York Daily Tribune,
April 7, 1853, written by Engels at The Koran and the Mussulman leg-
Marx’s request, quoted in S. Avineri islation emanating from it reduce
(1968), Karl Marx on Colonialism and the geography and ethnography of
Modernization (Doubleday: New the various peoples to the simple
York, p. 54) convenient distinction of two
nations and of two countries; those
For Marx, similar to Weber, Muslim of the Faithful and of the Infidels.
people from Turkish origin are a mob of The Infidel is “harby,” i.e. the
ignorant people that made the mobs of the enemy. Islamism proscribes the
Roman Empire look like sages. He called nation to the Infidels, constituting a
for a struggle of liberation against the Mus- state of permanent hostility
lim mobs. Accordingly, for Marx, Western between the Mussulman and the
civilization is superior and, thus, called to unbeliever. (“The Outbreak of the
civilized the non-Western Muslims. In his Crimean War—Moslems, Chris-
perspective, better is the Western colonial tians and Jews in the Ottoman
expansion rather than leaving intact in a Empire,” New York Daily Tribune,
timeless stage a barbarian inferior people. April 15, 1854, quoted in S. Avineri
Marx distrusted Muslim people and (1968), Karl Marx on Colonialism and
was convinced of the inherently xenopho- Modernization (Doubleday: New
bic traits in Islam and, thus, wrote apolo- York, p. 144)
getically about Western colonialism. Marx
said: These simplified, essentialist and
reductionist views of Islam from a Judeo/
As the Koran treats all foreigners as Christian-centric, Western-centric perspec-
foes, nobody will dare to present tive was part of the Orientalists’ epistemic
himself in a Mussulman country racism and condescending paternalism
without having taken his precau- towards Islamic thought of which Marx
tions. The first European mer- was no exception.
chants, therefore, who risked the Marx believed that secularism was fun-
chances of commerce with such a damental for revolution to have a chance in
people, contrived to secure them- Muslim lands. He said:
selves an exceptional treatment and
privileges originally personal, but …if you abolish their subjection
afterwards extended to their whole under the Koran, by a civil emanci-
nation. Hence the origin of capitu- pation, you cancel at the same time
lations. (“The Outbreak of the their subjection to the clergy, and
Crimean War—Moslems, Chris- provoke a revolution in their social,



political and religious relations…. spell out here in detail. But one of them
If you supplant the Koran by a code would be to expand the canon of social the-
civil, you must Occidentalize the ory to incorporate as a central component
entire structure of Byzantine soci- the contributions of decolonial European
ety. (“The Outbreak of the Crimean and non-European social theorists such as
War—Moslems, Christians and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Salman
Jews in the Ottoman Empire,” New Sayyid, Ali Shariati, Anibal Quijano, Silvia
York Daily Tribune, April 15, 1854, Rivera Cusicanqui, W.E.B. Dubois, Silvia
quoted in S. Avineri (1968), Karl Wynter and other social theorist thinking
Marx on Colonialism and Moderniza- from the underside of modernity. To incor-
tion (Doubleday: New York, p. 146) porate these thinkers is not a question of
multiculturalism but of creating a more rig-
This secularist view of Marx was a typ- orous and pluriversal (as opposed to uni-
ical colonial strategy promoted by the versal) decolonial social science. Ali
Western Empires in order to destroy the Shariati in particular is an Islamic social sci-
ways of thinking and living of the colonial entist that produced important critiques of
subjects and, thus, impede any trace of Western social theorist such as Marx.
resistance. By arguing that Muslim people But isn’t there only one social science
are subjected to the rule of a “religion,” and, thus, not different social sciences?
Marx projected in Islam the cosmology of Right now what we call social science is a
the secularized Western-centric, Christian- particular, provincial (Western male tradi-
centric view. Islam does not consider itself tion of thought) defining for the rest what is
a “religion” in the Westernized, Christian- social science and what is valid, universal
ized sense of a sphere separated from poli- knowledge. To decolonize Westernized
tics, economics, etc. Islam is more a cosmol- provincial social sciences we need to move
ogy that follows the notion of “Tawhid” into a global inter-epistemic horizontal dia-
which is a doctrine of unity, a holistic world logue among social scientists from different
view, that the Eurocentric Cartesian mod- epistemic traditions of thought to re-found
ern/colonial world view destroyed in the new decolonial social sciences in a pluriv-
West and with its colonial expansion ersal mode rather than the current univer-
attempted to destroy in the rest of the salistic mode. This is not an easy task and
world as well. The practice of colonial we cannot go into the detail of what this
Christianization in the early modern/colo- implies in this article. However, the trans-
nial period and secularism after the later formation from universalism towards
18th century colonial expansion was part of pluriversalism in the social sciences is fun-
the “epistemicide” and “religiouscide,” damental for moving from the framework
that is, the extermination of non-Western in which one defines for the rest (colonial
spirituality and ways of knowledge imple- social sciences) to a new paradigm where
mented by Western colonial expansion. the production of concepts and knowledge
Epistemicide and “religiouscide” made is the result of a truly inter-epistemic hori-
possible the colonization of the minds/ zontal universal dialogue (decolonial social
bodies of colonial subjects. sciences). This is not a call for relativism but
If Marx and Weber are social sciences’ to think of universality as pluriversality,
classical theorists, Western social sciences that is, as the result of the inter-epistemic
are informed by epistemic Eurocentric and interaction in horizontal mode rather than
Islamophobic prejudices. To decolonize the the current universalistic social sciences of
Western social sciences, it would entail mono-epistemic imperial/colonial interac-
many important processes that we cannot tion with the rest of the world.



ISLAMOPHOBIC DEBATES TODAY A corps of experts on the Islamic

world has grown to prominence,
The importance of this discussion and during a crisis they are brought
about epistemic Islamophobia is that the out to pontificate on formulaic
latter is manifested in contemporary ideas about Islam on news pro-
debates and public policy. The epistemic grams or talk shows. There also
racism and its derivative Eurocentric fun- seems to have been a strange
damentalism in social theory are mani- revival of canonical, though previ-
fested in discussions about human rights ously discredited, Orientalist ideas
about Muslim, generally non-
and democracy today. “Non-Western”
white, people—ideas which have
epistemologies that define human rights
achieved a startling prominence at
and human dignity in different terms than
a time when racial or religious mis-
the West are considered inferior to “West-
representations of every other cul-
ern” hegemonic definitions and, thus,
tural group are no longer circulated
excluded from the global conversation
with such impunity. Malicious gen-
about these questions. If Islamic philoso-
eralizations about Islam have
phy and thought are portrayed as inferior
become the last acceptable form of
to the West by Eurocentric thinkers and
denigration of foreign culture in the
classical social theory, then the logical con-
West; what is said about Muslim
sequence is that they have nothing to con-
mind, or character, or religion, or
tribute to the question of democracy and
culture as a whole cannot now be
human rights and should be not only
said in mainstream discussion
excluded from the global conversation, but
about Africans, Jews, other Orien-
repressed. The underlying Western-centric
tals, or Asians…. My contention…
view is that Muslims can be part of the dis-
is that most of this is unacceptable
cussion as long as they stop thinking as
generalization of the most irrespon-
Muslims and take the hegemonic Eurocen-
sible sort, and could never be used
tric liberal definition of democracy and
for any other religious, cultural, or
human rights. Any Muslim that attempts to
demographic group on earth. What
think these questions from within the we expect from the serious study of
Islamic tradition is immediately suspicious Western societies, with its complex
of fundamentalism. Islam and democracy theories, enormously variegated
or Islam and Human Rights are considered analyses of social structures, histo-
in the hegemonic Eurocentric “common ries, cultural formations, and
sense” an oxymoron. sophisticated languages of investi-
The incompatibility between Islam and gation, we should also expect from
democracy has as its foundation the the study and discussion of Islamic
epistemic inferiorization of the Muslim societies in the West. (Said 1998: xi-
w o r l d v i e w s . To d a y a n a r t i l l e r y o f xvi)
epistemic racist “experts” in the West talks
with authority about Islam, with no serious The circulation of these stereotypes
knowledge of the Islamic tradition. The ste- contributes to the portrayal of Muslims as
reotypes and lies repeated over and over racially inferior, violent creatures—thus, its
again in Western press and magazines ends easy association with “terrorism” and rep-
up, like in Goebbels’ Nazi theory of propa- resentation as “terrorist.”
ganda, being believed as truth. As Edward
Said said not too long time ago:



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