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Pai nti ng yo LL r own figures is one of the best parts of wargaming, It's a great feeling to see your own artwork on the battlefield - slaughtering and butchering all the

enemy'S units, beating

the crap out of your opponent - but it's even better when they're your own "unique" figures. figures unavailable to anyone else, Yes, 1'111 talking about figure conversions, one of the most exciting aspects of our hobby that can be as much fun as actually playing the gallles~ Even if you're not a great painter. you can still do some stunning conversion work. For example, I'm planning to customize all of my Dark Legion figures - adding spikes, extra weapons strapped to their backs, cloaks and lots of other stuff

The fourth book for Warzone, Dark Eden, should be in the stores in the end of the summer, Dark Eden will include four completely new forces along with additional corporate, Dark Legion and Brotherhood units, It will also give you all the details on the new equipment and all the special rules you'll need for playing in the Lost Paradise. dear old Mother Earth, Personally, I already like the SOilS of Rasputin best (you'll know why when you see them), but !'II probably paint a figure or two from each new force because they all are amazing works of art. Lutheran Triads, Ternplars, Crescentians - and it'll be hard to keep from getting all those new Dark Legion beasts!

Editor in Chief

PUBLISHER: Torger Games

EDITOR IN CH IfF: S nm' S'".rvrl EDITORIAL AIDEs-DE·CAMP: Do ve jaroes. )oh .. Roberl50fi

C RII tn«: & PAGE DESIGN: So ",i Siner"" ENGUSI1 LANGUAGE EDrroR: Robert Mor/in

CONTI? IBUTORS: jel'!'my Webb, Thomos f/J,ml'lie, 1.e5 Robertso". Allon Cow'ili. Potric CON"On, jOlloll,o" W. Ca"iI"er; jon"s Mes's. SreJ"" lj,mgqYi,r. Nil, L~nd,rr6"" Ha""ol,

Reos".Cawon, Co es Kwodijk, Henrik Srmlidbe''g,j'''' W,I/jamsml, Nils Gul/i'ssan.

Fredrik Mn Imbefg

COVER ARTWORK: Pa,,1 Bon"" INTERIOR ARTWORK: Paul Bar", .. ; Siudio I'<1renl.: 1'<1010 /'tlren Ie & A lex Horley. Peru Iletgting.jess Mirocolo, jllhn Matson,

Jamie Sim~

FIGURE I'AIlmJ?S:)crkie I'ro«! JOM; JeilTin", FIGURE SCULPTORS: Mork Kn):, Phil Lewis. Key Wliito, Neil M.Kem,ie, Tim Prow. Peler

flo"nefY. Roy Easrland

WEB SITE: w"'W. ' E·MAIL: wa,zoae@latgN.1e


To: I nq uisitor Robertso n, 2nd Opforce 01C Frot!]: Wolfh-ane 0hieftain Padraic Canain, 2nd OPfORCit Intel Section

Re: Tota I Confusion Heretic Operano ns (as per Stj!Jld~g S.O.P. Directive 55· 1~@f44"SRl

TDtal Gilllfusion, one Pi the I~ rgest gaming GOn¥~tions i n the, New England region, ran HIt, 'ye~r between February 20· 23 at the R,lIU'IdO lfrri 1r Andover, MA. [ am pl'l't'e~&(l..{eRPrt to you that the Total COllfwsioQ W~r~one team succeeded ill converting an unprecedented [lumber of H er€tl(s and otber lost souls to ollr glorious Wa,rzone religion.

Once considered a minlatliJe garner-s, Total Confusion 110W off ers a staggerin& variety of ga ruing eve 1:1tS. With cce; tournaments(including Highlander. "arena·sryl e Magic. a rid L5RJ, large-scale Vanwito;;, ~P, tbr:.

regional S~ar ll'lr;:llU Battles Cha:mpionsh 1p rouruernent, <!ITI;J.ll healthy aS$orcl:\nent of Z<lllJes oJq1r Pqi'fmg ~Billy variety Total

GonflYSi0U is a • pa'll"dise,(or ;gIl 'kind, "gaming

el"l~l1,:!sjasts, Still. th~' Ql"the

conventich is strll the miniatllres '001'1"1,.- hO~lsil.1~ the '

brotherhood of true gatl~i{lgc fana iog(' ,

Some of the wonders ofthi~amjug room ipeluded a 15.,foQtlong Batrlereeh warboard, in continuous Lise oj at least-: en people, and an equally huge (and apparently bloodst<ij~ed) Circus Maxtl11us coliseum surrounded by a savage mob ("flip, flip. fl ip!"). Other attracticrrs.l nduded a seri es of naval historical simulations .Hld some science fiction gjm'l'os prodLlc'e-d by other companies. Saving th~ b~$~,fi. (fast die ([Q.~vn jewel of the


mlniatll res r ()p:l was of course the enti re Legio n of the Ca dinal's fiFiest warriors, the Heartbreaker Hobbies [i~~ela ricers.

This elite fqree offive hand-picked Cartel Operatives (Tony Swanson. KrJig KoP~ da.jirn Wi1f1al1lson~ Patrick Cannon and their glorious leader RebensoI\l converted many heathen. to the religiOn bfWa.fz'ol1!!._by demOllstrating just how fast and furious battles can -s·eMn th Mu ant Chronicles universe, Judgillg from the atrliild;<uice~t tll£ ongoing demos, Warzorle was ye~,a~in a popular convention arfra:EliQIl - next door in the dea I e-{"s., rpom, the Cartel Affiliated boqth fur the ga me store War t!ieces so~ auf of its stoo:k of iNa rzone rul ebcoks.

The hjghligh 'of tlr Wa,zone del)loost~atl9n?wa~he late night Free.lanC'§r~<;}fli_y pattie, a fast, brllt~l na exciting conflict' betw t!n the llilan Templars and the Bro'fil"jjrhl'lod Troopers pl<l:ye~ out on an awesome Mars VI'i!rI:J'Q<l R bll1lfJJ"y Fr!;'elancer Jim Williamson., This. ~Jtle Ini~ht be~Qme legendary 8FOlIIld the gal111111l" ta1Jlj;!)j_. The il1.·dQdlble rQut a'Nll; entire squad of Sacred Wag:ltlr the rude SI1fC mrs th;'i~ greeted the appea ranee of J!'i.thef jrBlivi0 11. 'tne all ~I~e shouti ng, gesturing. and expert tactica [ commeiirar,Y ["you suckl" was popular) all contributed to making the battle one for the reco rd books.

In other convention news, the Vampire LARP drew over 100

pe'~ple eacj:lnight as the vampire city QfEno-cll WiJ~ returned to, ;_~arth and on/;' ofthe ancient A~n~iluv_ians aWPk4ro hunt the Cbildren of Cai ne. Rumors gfT5R filing for Chapter ll_ bankruptcy continued to reverberate fhmllghcu.(fhe gamin~ workJ,..!'!s did th.e clcsure of Mllj'fair Garnes that ~'aflle w.e.e!fulJ~ekily., my sources With WinSQ[)le G~mes report' to me;rhat Milyt;W s popular ISxx seri@$ Qf JailroacLgames m1!l h\l:ve· rotilld.l Dew U~ distributor anti re-released socuhy the-·t1€W. COJ'1pa.l1Y·

With this year's ext~lI,!nt attendance and great convention

ra'K Total Co rlfu sion shoul6l be back next YeRr even better tha ri r!tle :' I hIgh Iy reeouunend OUf operatives return for a repeat engagement.

Regards, Pad~aic Canain

WolhJane Chieftain, Carte~ 2nd OPtORCt. $,l)l Dorado INTEL section



For a long time the masses in tfie olat; system, on the worlds of the M utant Ch roniclcs, have wend eJed,'~ here'tloes the power of the Cybertronic co rporatio 11 come from?! 'k'Ihat i~ it that makes their technology so wdl protected from the Dark Symmetry? Is Cybertronff part of til Dark S~lII'S plans to wip out the entire human race"!" _ [)~V~ J,MH:'S knows many of the secrets of the Cybertronic corpora1r5n, and has fielded the Cybertrnnic army in m(H'NZami~ theQY!J\J l've could believe So the thought occuredi Inp be he'd like' to tell us some of the secrets! Then aga in, lIlay[:y~ he cfoesn't,.-

:full name:i!Jave Jo[]e~_, '€"randmaswr of Desigl'l" Age: n

Born in: Limestone, Mainl, USA

Chronicles: As before ,1 will start aski ng _you how YOLljior i nro the Games Design bus! ness! Befq_[~_4',Oll started a t Heartbreaker, what kind of xperi~ce did-you1Tave?

Dave, I W(JS UI1 avid gillll~playerandY was a/ tl1e rlghr place at the right time ... Basically! f cntel'ed a Doon'ltrooper tllumament nt S/J()wmse comics in Granite Run Illall '95, aild I WOIl. SQ~II after that Bob, the OWlJer of tteartoreakn; asked me to do demOS' 011 Doomtrooper-for Genwn_ Then / wo days after Ilwd rctumed home, Bob olJered me a job! War-zolle Iwd j115t b.een released, 50 / started working all that prQiect_

Chroniciebso you've been working for Heartbreaker/Target Games for how long now? Nco r/y two yem-s!

Chronicles: Apart from the games designing, is there J nyrh ing else YOll do at the stud io?

Dave: Right now I om doillg all interview (huh hllh). Besides. I his is only lI1y second dny ill Scouan«, ~ will be-dOll1g other things, clealling the toilet alld menia! stuff like':that, but mostly desigll.

Chronicles: We know that ber~bnic is your lavorite force in

Warw[]e. Why? r~

Dave, I like tile way tlley /:;12/{, moslly,_ 1 like lite ernlrMir Cyburg killd of thing alld the mystely belJ1.l1d thern. Hmm. Tiyingto think what really dlms me on about them.: Aaoh" <D tooks more rorif,i,s~d then he normalty does. Editors 1I0te > I like the wlwle elldotit thing about fl1e111. I don': know if they are 7mma nil! amok Oil me ooytil11 e ...

Chronicles: A q uestion that always pops lip in Illy 111 ind is that, is Cybertron ic an alie to the Da rk SOLd? What is YOllr po int of view 011 this?

Dave: f'ersolwlly I think they always work for themseif seifprerervatiOil 1m others expellse. I dOl1't think that Ilwy m·e a part oIa Dark Sotll-j just think thrzy are into tile technology olld don 't givc a sl1it'abOilt tiJl'


Brotherlrood, and that's wily the BrotiJe.I-lwod blames them for heresy.

Chronicles: Do you have any really funny experiences or memories WI1~" fighting

with the Cybertronic force? Any tips?

Dave: I always t/lillk that the best port is whell I see my own guys go amok, aJ1d stMI sllOoting and blowing away my OWIl dude«. 11lOt'5 hillario!ls.

What f always recommend to a CJbel·troniC player is that they take a filii squadron of Anilos, led by a Chassellr l!ero, olld aile of the Anitos arllled w,ith the SSW42001~

Chronicles: What is your mcsr preffercd drink whet !p~ ing Warzoner

Dave: J jus] think f!!.at tillS (I stupid qtleS/ion, < It wns jnlln's idea. '?

Chronicles: Wb~t'~ tli~ best thing about workin

'Wfth watl~!l@,Mdthe other Mutant Chronicl&s .elated games?

Daye, I love working wilh tne peopre illl'olved (lmf.l love the UIHvel-se ... Uhm ... It's fOol!

Chronic'les: Are there any secrets YOll call tell us that Illay be appearing during this year? From the games design?

Dave: No! I've heard sOme rumors that I am suppused to work 011 a fantasy $ame, arid of course Dark Eden ... / just got illtb thi' tOWltlY two days ago, 50 I've lIot had Sf} Iiturh timp to talk ab011t the tiiffi'I'ellt projects I ~!Jl be:im'Oled III

Chronicles! Whllt do you think of moving into tile studio?

Dave: I rhillk it will be a much mote produttive environment alld we'll j(lst Ilove all out shil toget/ler now. But Scotland is no USA!

Chronicles: A typical day for you! What is t iat?

Dave: I wake lip, go to work, work, go home, enl, Cilia then 1151Iully play game> or go tD the movies, iisten to music. and go tp ~ed ,bllt

sleep is optional. <Allo/hel' nigllt dweller. > .

Cool bands: Deam metal, Gothic. /n(hlstrial. Craddte ufFilth, Si5t"&rs'Ef! Mercy, Alii mph liS, i-rollt/ille AS5el11b!y. Marilyll MOII5qlJ, 1}'pe n l'egotjw, Six feet Ul1der, COl1l1ibal COJPs~, Carcass, Die Kmpps, and a lUI more ...

Movies: Star Wars <BIG Star WQI-sj~rl>, BrnmSfo'ker's DrawllJj Illte,"view with all Valilpire, fiftIJ flemellt __ Ally IIWVil', of 1 ilpJ;,s'Ort, YOII know. SCi-fi. l1Orrol; and artlQII idlld of rhil!!s ...


The new Chasseurs are state of the art android technology: half human, half robot. With complex computer units integrated into their bodies and metallic. armor plating surgically implanted under their skin. the new Chasseur models are

here to stay! .





The Cybertronic Shock Troops are Cybertronic's elite human forces, well-trained and enhanced by heavy doses of the most advanced combat drugs. The Shock Troops specialize in lightning- fast strikes and covert operations.








Na<iI(>j.ltta and Shogun Assault Rifles, the Ashigaru are the finest of iers, Thei r lightweight armor and lack of bu Iky equipment ofthe fastest and cheapest units i n the entire solar system,


ASH IGA 'R U #9535




Mishlma warriors specializing in the destruction of the Dark Legion and its minions; the Demon Hunters travel throughout the solar system, searcb i ng for outposts and servants of the Dark ~egjo:n. Whenever they find the L~gion's hiding places, they destr9Y everything ill the vicinity to "ensure that the demons are eradicated.


The beauty and the beast - in the same body. Golgotha is a female Nepharire, and actually one of the most powerful. She fights an ongoing war with the warlord Alakhai, and slaughters human forces all over the solar system. She recides in her citadel somewhere in the wasteland of Venus, planning and inrrigiung for the Dark Soul's favor.


Hideo Nakai, the brave Hatamoto Swordmaster, stood on the hill and observed the battlefield. Nearby. he could see a group ofWolfbanes storming a squad of young Samurai Swordmasters. Nakai started down the hill to assist the young ones, or at least make certain that the Wo!fbanes would not escape with their lives if he arrived too late. He had faced Wo!fbanes before on the battlefield and knew how fierce they

could be.

As the Wo!fbanes closed in on the young Swordmasters, the Mishimans made their counterattack, screaming UDeath before dishonorl" Nakai drew his Musash; Blades and rushed the Wolfbanesfrom their rear. His two swords swept a path to either side, slicing through everything in the woy in the legendary Yorama maneuver. Blood jetted from two of the Wolfbane throats; a third enemy only lost an arm. Roaring his barbarian war cry. this last Wolfbone struck at Nakai with his double axe, hitting him in the shoulder.

Bload burst through the wound as the axe slid through his annor. but Nakai was coldly efficient. Without even making a sound, he turned and thrust one of his swords completely through his opponent's throat, cleaving flesh and bone like a knife through butter. A twist, and he severed the Wo!fbane's head from his neck. With no other enemies nearby, Nakai allowed himself a few seconds of concentration, letting his ki powers heal his shoulder. When he opened his eyes again, two Wolfbone Headhunters had closed with him, but his wound had vanished without even leaving a scar.

The Headhunters attacked simultaneously. One swung his claymore toward Nakai's chest, but the Swordmaster porried the blow with almost u""uumlO ease. The other Headhunter screamed his barbarian worcry as he swung his Runesword at Nakai's head. With his other sword, Nakai -""/,rlr,",'''' this strike also, then made a quick tum and slashed outward with both swords, beheading one opponent instantly.

remaining Headhunter managed to thrust his swordpoint into Nakai's abdomen and lost his left foot and most of his left foreann for his

_ ... ''''''''~. With blood gouting out of his wound, Nakai methodically pushed his sword through the enemy'S chest, ignoring his roars of pain andfolJ( He realized he was dying. dishonored by the barbarian's lucky strike. Making a short prayer of apology to his master, Nakai drew his wokizashi and pushed it through his own body. pulling the point upward until it reached his heart. Death before dishonor. ...


Samurai Swordrnaster Hatamoto Swordmaster Hatamoto Swordmaster Hero

17 17

10 11 11

15 16

4 4 4

1 1 3

1 2

4, _



24 24

37 48 65


Kenjutsu - A model with the Kenjutsu special ability can make sweep attacks with any sword it uses. For more details, see Co~ndium Volume 1.









DAM 15

Musashi Blades are ancient Mishiman swords made from the same materials as Claymores. Bearers of Mus as hi Blades gain +2 to all saving throws against the spells of the Art and the powers and gifts of the Dark symmetry. Many of these weapons are also possessed by ancestral spirits or have other unique powers as well. Unless otherwise noted, Musashi Blades can only be bought for Hatamoto Swordrnaster Heroes.

By Stefan ljungqvist. Fiction by Alan Cowsill


There was nothing but the unending sound of warfare. Baden's Rivetbull pounded into the undead legions, but for every Dark Legionnaire he killed, two more took its place. Worse still, some of the damaged undead continued their attack, oblivious to the gashing wounds torn into their unnatural hides. Baden's saber ripped through one to his left. Without pausing, he removed the head from cnotner: Before him, he could see the gates of the City slowly opening to release vast hordes of the enemy marching demonically into battle. Behind him, there seemed to be an entire legion of undead. He had no idea how he had managed to get 50 deep into their territory. but at least his trusty friend Otto was still close by his side. blood splattered over his cloak and scalloped helmet. Otto's left shoulder pad was smashed and the arm under it a bloody mess. Somewhere in the distance, Baden heard the horn signaling the Rasputinite retreat. A faint smile crossed his face. There was no way they could retreat. not through the mass of undead between themselves and base camp. He caught the eye of his friend. inspecting the angry and bitter look he found there.

"I would have liked the Palace." Otto caughed. blood coming from his lungs, "I wou/d-"

A pike wielded by one of the enemy silenced Baden's friend.

Baden was by his side in an instant, his blade slashing down through the attacking Legionnaire. Even before he saw the sad, pained look vanish from his friend's eyes, he knew it was too late.

"I would have liked it... very ... much ..... Otto gasped as Ileftllfrom his Rivetbull, life leaving him.

Now masterless. Otto's beast went into a frenzy as the undead tried to tear it apart. Baden looked up towards the huge gates of the City. They seemed to beckon him. The Gates of Hell. Tugging his beast's reins, he made one final charge towards them, remembering the old Kommandant's words:

"Your father died well. He made it into the City with an intact regiment of Cossacks. The damage he caused ... impressive. His actions single-handedly could have changed the course of our entire campaign. You should be proud."

"i should be proud." Baden whispered to himself, a red mist clouding his vision.

He was almost at the gates when he saw them slowly widen. yet anal her squad of undead legionnaires entering the fray. Some he recognized as Cossacks. Dead Cossacks.

"Not me." He cursed, pulling the last explosive charges from the side of his Rivetbull. They were dose now. He could smell their decay. their hunger, even through his mask. He made one final decision. Even though his death was on him there was no way they would claim his corpse and turn it into one of their own undead legion. There was no way he would them to do unto him what they had done unto his father.

"Time to die, you bastards." he cursed as they moved towards him. The last sound he heard was that of the mines exploding. More thunder cracking open the skies and then nothing. Nothing at 01/.



• The Sons of Rasputin, the largest si~,gl~ ~~~'~mls~ fl~~d

W .. ,. e to date including the notonou k

arz I.,. I I ·0 s Cossar;

Sl~~~kt~~~~f~~' i~~t~J~:~~;S~I~I;~leti ;~;~~ ~ivetdb~ 115. The

L . I I the most advance

Rasputi nite~ not on Y lave b t many of the stu rd iest

technology III savage Europe, II

of the vicious war-beasts.

Welcome to this Chronicles exdusivs "behind the scenes" preview of Dark Eden, the fou,;h sourcebook for Warzone. Over the past months, we ve all poured gallons of our Own SWeat and blood (no tears required, though)

into this project. We think you'JI see some of the results of OUT hard work in these pages.

Dark Eden will give you derails on everything' YOu need to fight the thriiling, sometimes even breathtaking battles of Dark Eden. Dark Eden combat will emphasize a very different style from what you might be used to from Wafzone. Instead of the target-shooting, duck-and·cover type of skirmishes, Dark Eden relies on frenzied, head·on combat, so buckle on YOur bloodstained steel and beware of slavering beasts!

The tribal, almost primitive forces of Dark Eden don't have the advanced technological firepower of the Corporations, but that's the point of life in the Scorched Earth. I assure you, many arrogant Corporate types have lost con trol of themselves at the sight of the huge berserk wa r-beasrs and ruthless tribal

warriors - and that was only the play testing! I believe that these new forces will inspire many seasoned Corporate strategists to change many of their preconcept'ions a bour warfare (ain't that right, Mr. Jonas "Hide-Fire-Hide"' Hatamoto?).

Dark Eden will contain full force lists for all the four major EUropean tri bes,





• Crescentia, being a nomadic tribe by nature, naturally relies on mounted combat for overall battlefield performance. When I say they're hard to face on a muddy battlefield, I. mean it - their beasts are not on Iy arnazi ngly bloodthirsty, they're protected by the speedy light Crescentine infantry, many of whom have been known to take a bullet aimed at the beasts! Oh, and that's not even

i nel their ancient Prophets who can predict the futu re

and command the elite Jihad infantry units,

YOU'.lI also find tI.l,e c .. orpo,r2te forces st2ti,on.ed on an.d specially trained for Dark Eden, with two new types for each corporation including the Imperial Conquistadors, Mishima Enigmas, Bauhaus Forgotten Rangers, Capitol Wolverines and Cybemonic 19th Silents, Each unit type bas its own Special Abilities

and rules for spewing death and destruction on your "normal" Dark Eden Warzone force. What do you think of the new Storming Special Ability, which allows a model to move and shoot at the same time? Or Martyrdom. which a\\ows a model to throw itselfin front of a bu \let in order to save one of its comrades?

If you want to bring the deadliest of the locals off-planet to fight

against unsuspecting opponents, Scorched Earth has rules for that too. Wait until you bring a few Rasputin Cossacks mounted on their Rivetbul\s to your Venusian junglewar table! If you want to bring the .,--------::--------

harsh environmental realities of Dark Eden into your game, we've provided rules and setting material for viruses, black snowstorms, flashstorms, and radioactive terrain. All of which brings me to the new Dark Legion creaturesl\ke the Gomorr\an Emasculator; Infernal Corroder. and the Carnal Harvester- The centerpiece of this banquet of evil has got to be the two stunning new Razides. designed by

monster-master Mark Kay himself

Need to restock your armory? You'll find no fewer than 50 new

weapons In this book - al\ beautifully illustrated!

I'm out of room, but I've tried to pack as much information into this preview as possible, in order to give you a good taste of this truly incredible book, And don't those visuals look


Later friends!






By Jonathan Couller

Hello, again - it's me, Sergeant Buck. The Captain wanted me to tell another story (actually, he phrased it as an order), so here I am with another saga oj the fighting I've seen. Last time, if you remember. I told you about tile time I was assigned to a new Meteor Detail after a comet exploded into fragments littered all over Venus. The Dark Legion wanted to collect the fragments for some evil reason, but we managed to beat them back and grab most of the rocksfor ourselves.

When the dust settled, we didn't even have a chance ro catch our breath before the next order came through from headquarters. Our force was told to begin pursuit of the Dark Legionnaires immediately and to retrieve any comet fragments in their possession. After that, Ollf orders were to eradicate the enemy force and leave no survivors.

Once we were airlifted ahead, it was easy to keep the stinking Legionnairesfrom making it bock to their Citadel. The first wove of our troops harassed the Legion from behind while the second group moved araund to the enemy's leftflank. When Sergeant Dewland's squad a good friend of mine, by the way), closed in on the right flank, we closed the vise shut! Simple tactics.

Even though we had them boxed in, there were lots of Legionnaires out there that day. Still, this battle was going to be just like a walk in the park ....


Welcome to the second in a seri es of scenarios brought to you by our friend Sergeant Buck. Although "A Walk in the Park" takes place immediately after Buck's last battle ("A Dark Dayan venus, from Chronicles #4), it isn't necessary to have played that scenario to enjoy this one. "A Walk in the Park" stands alone as a self-contained battle and so reading or pi ayi ng the previous adve ture of Sergeant Buck is unnecessa ry, although it does provide background information on the Capitcl/lmperial force involved.


ln the jungles of Venus, a combined Capitol/lrnpertal force has recently defeated a Dark Legion detachment. The corporate force's mission was t(J'~ollect the fragments of a rogue comet that has I ittered the jungle with rocky fragments. Although most of the fragments have been retrieved and turned over to the corporations for processing, the surviving elements of the Dark Legion force took several fragments for themselves as they retreated fro m the battlefield.

Headquarters immediately ordered two joint Capitol/nnpe ria I units to pursue the Legionnaires. retrieve the fragments and destroy the fleeing troops before they could return to their Citadel. The fir'?t unit wo uld attack first, ha rass ing the Legionnaires and allowing the second unit to attack the Legion once the enemy has been thoroughly confused and demoralized.


Note: Although many of the following rules appeared ill "A Dark Dayan Venus," they are duplicated here for convenience.

Comet Fragments - A comet fragment grants its bearer

certain unusual powers over the Dark Symmetry. Fi rst, if fhe model carrying the fragment is able to use the Dark Symm-en;y, it receives a + I bonus to its Powe,!;. (PW) for each fra me t carried, Furtherrriofe, while fragments increase one's mastery of the Dark Arts. they are also naturally resistant

to those arts. In .

addition to th abo e PW bonus (if applicable). the bearer of a fragment gai

+ I bonus to its 'Leadership ltD ."he attempting to resist the power of l~ Dark Symmetry.

Picking up and Moving Fragments - Any nonvehicle model which comes into base-to-base contact with a fragment can automatically pick it up. The fragment marker is placed with the model and moves with it. Models may drop any or all fragments carried at any lime, without penalty; dropped fragme~ts;m<ly then be pinked up by other models as 'normal, Fragrnent-bearin models who are killed drop their fragments immediate] .

Fragments can be transferre rom odel to model as long as the are in l5;:.tse-to-base contact. This transfer ",~stanfa,i1eous and does not require the models to take any act", I'lS: ragrnents ay b transferred to open vehicles if the vellicles remain stationary during the turn. ljslng Fragments in Future Ca 111 es - Cornet fragments acq ui red in this scenario may be used in future games. First. as optional rules, fragments are not available in tournament play. Second. each ragrnent costs 5 points when designing your force. We recommend that players not be allowed to purchase fr<jgments unless they have taken part in this scenario. Only individual model can carry, receive. or use fragments" a nd each model may carry no more than three fragments at anyone time.

Ongoi ng games also require some special ru~es to alance

the fragments' powers. Fragments will decay in pot ncy as their power is used. To simulate this, the player owning a fragmem must announce that he is using its power before making any dice rolls. This drains the owning player must announce before any d ice rolls that the power of a fragment is being used. In so doing. a + 1 bonus is applied as normal, but t.1iI'is drains the power of the fragment,

rna king it lJs~ress,

PI 0 ('veT,moa!}1 carrying more than one f[agment may use anyof all of them at once for Clil ulativ bonuses (lip to 3).



You have just scored a victory against on enemy force and are now ;11 hot pursuit to clean up the remnants. Although only half of your force is in a position to pursue immediately. the rest will catch up as soon as they have regrouped. Your superiors have ordered you to retrieve tile comet fragments the enemy took with them.

You are in full retreat after a d j sa strous battle. Now you r only objective is to carry the few comet fragments you were able to salvage from the battlefield bock to your home territory. All you need to worry about is the raging river in front of you and the pursuing enemy force on your tail.

This scenario requires a little-more set-up than "A Dark Day on Venus." The center of the ta~le .should be dominated by a large hill which is at least partiall accessible [0 ground units. A iver should run beneath the hilll5et\veen the long table edg s, crossed by two bridges. Th Fest of the terrain should i clurh ,. plenty of trees and hillV regions to simulate the dense jUllgl s

of Venu s and I im i t Ii nes of sight. If n ecessa ry. reduce the size of the playi ng area to make the jungle as dense as p0ssil'H ,

After setting up the terrain. you will need to deploy the comet fragments themselves. Some items YOLi can us 0 represent the fragments are the ruby red Iifestone couriters used in collectible card games. small red dice, pennies, I .arhl:~ or anything fairly small. The Dark Legion playe[ is allottea,<! number of frcgruents equal to half the mlnlber.5()rsquad,~lld individual models ill his force. These are pla€ecl with e<l"th

Unit enters anywhere along either table flank or is helicopter deployed,

Unit enters anywhere along either table flank or the deployment edge of the table.

Unit enters anywhere along the deployment edge of the table.

Unit is delayed and may not enter this turn. Roll again next turn.

Unit gets lost and is removed from the game.

GAME DURATION The game is Ii mitecl to six turn s of play. Any troops or II ncla i med fragments sti lion the tabletop at the end of the game do [lot count toward victory goals for either side,


This scenario is designed as a barrie between any Corpbrarion and the Dark Legion. Variations are possible, naturall - Corporate vs Corporate or Legion vs Legion battles beinS' the most obvious choices with different factions within eacf force fighting over the fragments. When playing one of these variant scenarios, any Dark Legioretforee is automatically the retreating force anq,dillows the "Dark Legi scenario. If neither or bot fore 5 are Dark player with the highest roll 1m 1 020 is the retreati ng force.-

The point value and composlt'llon is up to the players to agree lpon, although the retreating for e may I~ p to 2511afger J.!1~r.1. the attacking force for balance. The sc arTo's del~s",.

" te rain lends itself to forces of 1 Mo tp· o§OO pOi nts.

xc ptiofl Ily large tables with huge am0~lIlts of terrain can suppo [l[ 250 to 3000 poi nt forces. Interest! 11 games have

een pl<lyt. ted by using both the Brotherhood ~acred

Cru adess (erom hronicles #7) and the Spezial Attaek KaXTlpfgrrJJ,'-ge (irr'rhis issue) against the Dark Legion or other forces! ..


~r. -g~I},[e the turn limit restriction and simply continue playing

,.Uf;l~'~f;~e are no re rearing forces left on file table. The!. cal~,ulate yk,to ry poi nt totals as normal.

2. Ose any i'if th variations given III "A Dark Day on Vel1l~.

3. Al ter the terral n.50 that the river winds mostly acr-oss ~a r side of the table. Simplify the retreating force S obJect!venow, instead of leaving the table, their goal is to cross tile river and get to safe ground. In this variant, the attacking force may not deploy reserves on the far side of the river. Because the

retreating force now has an easier goal, both forces should be of equal point value.




By Thollas 0sterlle aad SaIni Silen'ii

, "Demliogonis, -all hail! Demnogonis,' all glory!

Glory to tbee:'gre,atBifouler, Lord of Pustules and Abscesses! We call.unu» yOIl! We supplicate youl We serve you!

tome forth 'AJabelth, homage to your eternal power!"

. Their eyes bulged with terror as the darkness in the far corner of the chamber took shape.

Both victims were botll 'bound and gagged, muffling tticir Jearfill screams. The male victim struggled against his bonds, thrashing wildly. but his ollly reward was u« horrible wounds

that he ripped open ill his arnlS and legs. The woman had stopped screaming and was beyond help now. Instead, she simply stared at t/le creature taking shape in the darkllliss.

At first it had been a dark apparaio«. just. one shadow among many. But now, as the

chief heretic's chanting gained speed a,nd intellsity, it had begun to grow increasingly

distinctfocialfeatllr,es. " .

Theil, just as the heretic worked himself into' the climax oThis c1,lInt his head tkfJW~~ showering his wOllldebe victilt!s tyith blood alld bone splinters.

"Captain!" The vQlllme in Max Steiner'S earplug made it vibrate: ~$ttiner; that was MY targetl" "Pardoll me, rna cherie, " Sreiller answered with mock ,regret • .., had-simply Jorsvttm. w,lerie."

"If I didn't enJoy observing·your miserable life. I'd kill YOII ri ht. now, Steiner. And that's Major Duval to you. DOII't ever do that agam. Do you heQl"me? Steiner? God damn itr The earplug kept hllrlillg obscenities at Max, bllt he and "ISmell were already cllarging

the newly-materialized Nep/lOrite. "


The Spezial Attack Kampfgruppe is a Bauhaus commando unit consisting of the personal platoons of two of the corporation's most renowned warriors, Captain Max Steiner and Major Valerie Duval. Bauhaus Command fields the Kampfgruppe whenever Bauhaus Command

needs to concentrate extra firepower, or whenever Max and Duval want to take care of any unfinished personal business. Then. the two commanders' Doomtrooper team training pays off to its fullest deadly effect.

Most of the Kampfgruppe's missions are concentrated on Venus, the heart of Bauhaus territory. Although they have been known to operate on other planets (usually wherever they are least expected). the Kampfgruppe's training camp is located on Venus. on a secret island on the Volksburg coast.

16 18
15 11
15 11
11 15
13 13
14 15
10 12
11 13
18 13
14 13
15 14
12 11
14 14
10 10
10 14 2


15 4
15 4
13 3
13 3
13 3
15 3
11 3
13 3
17 4
14 3
16 3
12 3
16 3
11 3
13 3 W 3

3 26
1 3 26
3 3 26
3 20
1 3 20
0 3 24
0 3 24
2 4 24
0 3 24
1 3 24
0 3 24
0 3 24
0 4 21
0 3 28 Martin Weltschmertz Iron Eagle

Iron Eagle HW


Diving Death

Diving Death Sergeant Hussar

Hussar Sgt.


Suicide Hussar Engi neers

Die Spezial Attack Kampfgruppe is. part of the regular Bauhaus force list and as such is fUbject to aD ~edal rules for __ . .,.".,, __

units. However, the intense teamwolic stressed in all aSDedit:Of


Depending on the scenario, Die Spezial Attack Kampfgrupfe can be fielded in any of four force mixes:

1) The Eagle Platoon as a stand-alone force (BOO points)

2) The Stardust Platoon as a stand-alone force (BOO points)

3) The Eagle and Stardust Platoons as a joint force (1600 points)

4) The complete Spezial Attack Kampfgrupfe with the Eagle Platoon, the Stardust Platoon and Die Spezial Abteilung (2000 points).


Max will never Panic or Rout. Because Max is so unpredictable, he may shoot at any model within the ra.e ofhis weapons. even iftbere Is a doser model widti,nbH ofhim.

apRlAl.;. EQUIPMKN1':

Max is equipped with two Plasma Hamh:annons (be can fire bOth iii one action). plus a VIOlator sword fur close combat,



When fielded as part of Eagle Platoon, Max. acts as the squad leader fOT the Iron Eagles.


These aristocratic waniors claim that the only honorable way to fight is by confronting tile enemy face to face. Because of this, an have perfected their skills in close combat at the expense of their ranged weapons training, which suits their commander petfecdy. The Iron Eagles chaIge into personal combat with tIleir MP-l0ls blazing; afterward, theY display their battle scars (some acquired during off-duty rapier duels. a popular sport among the Bauhaus


towanttbe ground, hurling its template on the target and

in a normal attack, with a and deviation are as per


Each Hussar is anned with an AG-17 Panzerknacker. a Mk.2 Grenade laund'ler with AP-grenades. and a Punisher Short SWord. Sergeants carry Hagelstunns and Ap-grenades.


2 squads, each with 5 Hussars and a Sergeant.




Major Valerie Duval refuses to work with people she doesn't call friends. As Valerie picks her friends very carefully, this means that only a select few are allowed to serve with her elite force. The Stardust Platoon is partially financed by House Saglielli.


Valerie prefers to lead her force from a vantage point slightly removed from the main battle, where she can get a full overview of the entire situation. If her mission is the simple elimination of specific enemy units, she will always use her troops to engage the enemy while she picks off the targets with her sniper rifle. The Stardust Platoon understands that nobody but Valerie is allowed to touch the assigned target.


valerie will never Panic or Rout. She has Stealth, Close Combat Training and Commando Training. As an Etoiles Mortant, she also possesses the Art of Mentalism.


Duval is anned with an PSG-99 Marl<~~ ritle and two electro-charged~


Valerie is purchased as an individual model and personality. She never associates with any squad.


Julia is Valerie's friend, most trusted aide and the leader of the Black Void Redemption squad. The Redemprionists are assigned the most important missions, of which their favorite is to infiltrate enemy territory in order to harass them and cause as much damage as possible while Valerie chooses her targets.


In addition to the standard skills ofEtoiles Mortants. the Redemptionists may be deployed anywhere on the table except for the enemy's deployment zone. They may also start the game Hidden.


All are armed with Punisher combos.

STRUCTURE: 4 Etoiles Mortants lead by Julia.


Among the few people Val befriends are her students, the Ecliptic Stars. Over years of training. she comes to know them and, more importantly, they come to know her. Although their training is not quite complete, the Ecliptic Stars possess most of the combat skills of full Etoiles Mortants. Knowing that she inspires her students to their peak of performance. she is confident in fielding them on the battlefield.


The Ediptic Stars are Etoiles Mortants in training, and as such they lack some of the finesse of a fully trained Mortant (as their profile reveals. Their devotion to

valerie is so intense that they have an additional + 1 to CC and LD whenever she is widlin their lOS.


The EdiRf1CStars are all equipped with Punisher combos.


vaferie'uses cwo squads offemale Hussars called the White Novas to support her Etoiles Mortant units. They are trained for perfect coordination with valerie's other units, working ~Ily closely with the Jlti,!l1es M ortants.


The White Novas are all Inned with AG-17s and MP-l0Ss. One member of each squad carries an MG- 40 HMG as her only weapon. The two Sergeants are armed Hagelstunns.

STRUCTUR~:, Two squads confistln, of 5 Hussars and t~ergeant.



When both Val and Max are on the field. Die Spezial Abteilung functions as an auxiliary force.

traveling an equal number of inches as indicated by the die roll in the direction of the intended target. In any event, place the special Bombot Explosion template on the table where the bombot explodes.

STRUCTURE: leaderless squad of 6 Hussars. Because of their special method of operations. their command distance is increased to 9".


When fielded with Die Spezial Abteilung, Max commands the entire Kampfgruppe. This requires a higher degree of mobility. for which he needs this GT-Offroad and its Dragoon driver. Meanwhile, Martin Weltschmertz (equipped with MP-103 and Violator sword), Max' second-in-command, takes command of the Iron Eagle squad.


Units of Hussar Engineers are common to many Bauhaus forces. They perform several functions. from building bridges to sapping and destroying fortifications to mining the battlefield. Die Spezial Abt~i1ung's Engineers are unusual in that they are renegades and convicted criminals. Because they are disposable. they are expected to use suicide tactics. but those who prove their worth (and survive) are often pardoned for their crimes.

The Suicide Engineers run as fast as they can toward the enemy with several bombots strapped to each bandoleer across their chest. The sound of their heavy breathing and lightly danering armor is the last thing that enemies of Bauhaus ever hear.


The Hussar Engineers carry small, cable-controlled bombs with them onto the battlefield. the so-called "bombots." Although bombots are normally used for sapping. the Suicide Engineers have been known to use them for close combat.

A Suicide Engineer must make at least two full move actions each round towards the closest visible non-vehicle enemy ground unit. During this movement, he is allowed to use whatever cover he can find and can also Hide. moving at halfspeed while Hidden.

Once the Engineer is within 1 5" of his target, he takes a Use Special Power action to fire his bombot. Roll 1020. If the roll is equal to that of the distance to the enemy. the bombot hits its target. If not. the bombot explodes after

AIR ARTILLERY Soaring high over the battlefield is

the Burgenhind, a massive airship bristling with weapons. The Burgenhind was donated to Max and Val by House Richthausen and doubles up as a freighter for the entire Spezial Attack Kampfgruppe.


Four times during any battle. Valor Max may call in an air strike from the Burgenhind. Treat this as a Capitol Airstrike (see the main Warzone rules), but the Burgenhind can never be shot down by ground units.



W: 1, MV: 1 e120. A: 18, DAM: 16 (x4) Use the Bombot template. Special rules: Bombers are represented by Small models but attack as missiles. AnyWaiting modelwith LOS during the bombers move may attack it with a · MW. Bornbots reduced to 0 Wounds will explode', Itexplodes-ar the place where the waiting model decided to SI190t at it.


The GT cernes equipped with an MG-80 (detailed in the Warzbne rulebook), operated by the passenger.


TIle GT can fire in a 90 degree arc to the front, measured from the muzzle of the gun.


The Karnpfgruppe GT is crewed by Max Steiner and a Dragoon driver.


PRQFILE Cf-offeoad

AC 3

MV 6

A: 30

W 4



100 -4 14(x2)


CR 50






Plasma Handcannon 20

·Uses grenade template


If the GT explodes, al passenger in the vehicle may make a Leadership test to jLfmH out a rid escape i njury If the roll, is successful, place the pas~model 3" from the vehicle.

DAM 15·


2) First. file uff any mold lines or flash left on your figur . ~ Then decide exactly what changes you want to make. On ~1~1";' Blood Beret, I decided to give him a Mandib shotgun in Irs right hand, a Punisher handgun in his lef and an additional

Punisher sword slung across his back. All these apons carne

ftom the Weapon Blister packs.


In order to gel a guild, strong bond between the new gun and his arm, I pinned the Mandible to his arm. This entailed using the smarr drill bits to drill a tiny hole through the gun, just large enough to fun a short length of pin wire through it. Don't use th e glue yet, j list run rhe wi re through!


S) Now I dipped the exposed-end of the wire into red palilt. When I carefully ser the gun into the figl re's hand, thl>, wet pamt left a red dot in fhe;;pl<lce wl~el'" it ~nnected to,_tbe hand.

6) Thi showed me exactly wher!" rqtdri.lI iflto the hand to run the pi 11 wire so that the wea pbn fil"ffiiugl% and correctly. After (hilling the hand, replace the red-tipp .. d wintwitil YO.I.)1"<lCtllal (longer) pin wire and glne everyrhi 11g t'0~tb e~~.$r~~d tlfat since the Punisher was such a small gun It\rea1Iy.di~ Q$e~I~pin. Onc .. the Mandible was il~'place I r('!a;rratff8'Q t1l<e;l:t~rl1\1sllJg pin wire once more to strength~p the jfrn~.



The PUllfShel< bI3'a. as all easy task. After deciding ~.stly

where all his:.Datl( I wanted it ro g0. [ filed that ilrlOd,;SrQb,tff akit! (! rj [jed ~ positi on hole to flt the scud Oil the blacr~-.i~m.

. r.

Ni¢liber~,~~ w~it,fdto attach the blade until after I'd painted the' figure because it would have gotten ill the way of the deta il pai nti ng. Fi rsr, after gilli ng the figu re onto its base. let it sit overnight to allow the glue and putty to comple-tely dry. Then, pai nt as normal! I pa lured Otl r old Blood Beret as a Sterli ng Hero. with Sterling urban camouflage 31'11101'. Afterwards, I carefully attached the blade and the figure was COI1lRI;e-j;e .


B) So there you h<!Vi:' it a way to cha nge you r fig ures Iii'ro'a tru Iy person:lli zed, lin iq Llo; a rmj:" B~ safe a ud ha~e fu I~) $t(l)1" me. all of til IS has gortelJ me t hmRlIlg a b()LlIJ~yn to re"'QJJi'a

figure into a running ~se. -, ...

or maybe even making iI

free I ancer out of bits and pl..eces from severa I d i fferenr units. Where did I put that box of figure birs.i..



The Dark Legion approaches, leaving a wave of destruction in its path. New Citadels are erected, some even crushing outposts that were loyal to their Dark Soul. Can nothing stop their quest for dominance? To answer this onslaught the Cartel is establishing their own line of defense.

A Cartel affiliated retail store is knowledgeable about the MUTANT CHRONICLES universe, especially WARZONE and DOOMTROOPER.They also stock a good selection of Heartbreaker products and hold Heartbreaker events year 'round. More outposts will be formed every month.



7. South Main St.

W. Hartford, CT. 06107 (860) 232-0608

• Contactjim about WarzOl1e League:

GREENHOUSE GAMES 279 Harrison Ave. Gardiner, ME 04345 (207) 582-6486

• Mutant Chronicles event every month

MISSION GAMES 33128 First Ave.

Mission B.C. V2V 1 G4 CANADA (604) 820-3224

• Callfor info an the Mission Games rag and the Warzol1e league

LEGENDS 376 State St.

North Haven, CT 06473 (203) 230-3686

• WQrzone League every Friday on awesome die-tables!

MYTHICAL REALMS 12909 U.S. 71 Hwy. Grand View, MO 64030 (816) 763-5075

• Wa170ne every Saturday morning

McCORMICK'S MINIATURES + HOBBIES 1600-D Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926

(916) 345-3949

• Contact - Steve


69 S. Ma rket St. Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 662A263

• Contact - "/l:JI1y

THINGS FOR TIlINKERS 2155 E. University Dr. #101 Tempe, AZ 85281

(602) 968-8819

• COil tact - john Bass

THINGS FOR THINKERS #1 4500 E. Speedway Suite #40 Tucson, AZ 85712

(520) 326-7679

• Contact - Lorna

THE GOBLIN'S LAIR 12914 - 97th St. Edmonton, AB Canada (403) 413-8042 T5E 4C3 • Contact - j.B.


2580 Atlantic Blvd. Jacksonville, FL32207 (904) 399-1975

• Contact - Joe or Rich

SHOWCASE COMICS II Granite Run Mall Media, PA 19063 (610) 891-9229

FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX 8473 Waters Ave. Savannah, GA 31406 (912) 354· 7079

• COlllact - james

SHOWCASE COMICS 111 620 South se. Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215)6259613


2241 S. Avenue A #30 Yuma, AZ 85364 (520)329·9088

• Contact - Diane


12107 Darnestown Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (30 I) 208-1970

SHOWCASE COMICS I 874 W. Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mavr, PA 19010 (61O) 527-6236

• Contact - Mike

NEW FICTION HOUSE 18065 Dixie Hwy. Homewood, IL60430 (708) 206-1330

• Contact - Rich aboljt Warzol1e league


The Solar System is a mayhem of chaos. The Dark Legion's heretical minions conspire and makes war

anywhere possible. Desperate humans try to do anything to protect themself from the growing anarchy. Though, the darkest age is yet to come!!! But there lies faith in the number of still anonumous warriors that can be found all over the Solar System. The Freelancers!

A Freelanc~r is knowledgeable of at least one of Heartbreaker's games, featuring the Mutant Chronicles universe:Warzone TTG, Doomtrooper CCG, Mutant Chronicles RPG among other.A Freelancer is willing to travel through land and country to gamestores and conventions to do demos. Of course, as a Freelancer, you always get paid in some sort of way. For your services you get figures, products, and the latest information from the Mutant Chronicles universe.







P.O. Box 105 Folsom, PA19033 U.S.A.

Heartbreaker do Gamecraft

A16 Gardner's Row Liverpool, L3 6JT ENGLAND


do Walrus & Carpenter 1 st Floor

97-99 Argyle St.

Parra m atta, N.S. W. 2150 AUSTRALIA





'1fl{I'_"-, " . '[g .... -

. - - . --.

-- --- - -- - . -- - -


An explosive tome of new forces for Warzone!

This 100 page book will be the most extensive new forces tome for WARZONE up to dale. Incorporating the best of the Imperial Compendium with new extensive material and forcelists on A~l other Corporations, the Brotherhood and the Dark legion, this book is guaranteed to have something lor everyone, to make their Warzone tactics culling edge, including:

• New Trooptypes· Crimson Devils, Pilgrim Executors, Trenchers, Scorpions and more - and Personalities for aU Corporations, the Brotherhood and the Dark legion.

• New rules and updates.,

• New improved blank forcesheeU

• Quick reference sheets, Markers and Templates - aU on HEAVY STOCK CARDBOARD,

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