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The Legend of Jaka Tarub

To Mr Suwarno as head Master of SMA Nasional respected.

Mrs. Devi as English teacher and all my friends beloved.

One day, o long time ago. When he was returning home from hunting, he happened to
pass by a Lake. How amazed he was to see several beautiful girls bathing in the lake amid o
dense jungle.

Jaka Tarub had reached the age of marriage, and he thought of Possibility of getting of
the pretty girls as his wife.

As he was thinking hard of a way to get acquitted with any one of them, he caught sight
of their clothes, which were piled up under a tree on the bank of the lake. He decided to steal one
of the garments. That was what he did and then he did.

After they had finished their both, the girls walked ashore to fetch their garments. Are of
them, however, screamed suddenly and wept as she found that her own garment was gone. While
they were searching for the lost garment, a rainbow appeared in the sky and glided down towards
the lake. Now it was time for them to go back to heaven. As the other girls climbed up the
rainbow on their way back to the sky, the one whose clothes had been lost was left alone,
weeping, for she could not enter heaven without her heavenly dress.

Seeing this, Jaka Tarub was astonished greatly, because he now knew that they were
certainly not ordinary women but nymphs. He felt very sorry for the poor nymph and decided to
approach her.

How surprised the nymph was when she sows Jaka Tarub standing before her. She at
once thought that he must be the thief who had stolen her clothes, so she blamed and scolded

Nama : Filla Doni

Kelas : XII IPS 3

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