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Components of Cultural Patterns : Norms

Norms is another cultural patterns that influences and shapes the shared behaviours of
people in a community. Norms is about the mutual comprehension of expectations in how a
person should behave in a certain social pool ( Lustig & Koester , Intercultural Competence).
Moreover , according to Wikipedia, norms is about a set of rules , be it a good or bad
values , beliefs , attitude or behaviours that a society hold and practices. In the movie
entitled “ Australia “ , elements of cultural norms are truly evident . There are two
major cultures norms that were represented which are from the white people and the
aboriginal people .

In the white people culture , there are a number of practices that are considered as part
of their culture. The first example shown in the movie would be at the bar where there are a
separate section for women and men to have their drinks . The divided section of the bar for
the sexes denoted the superiority of man over woman .In the era , the men are expected to
be the controller and leader in the society and do all the hard work whereas women are
expected to follow and take care of the family at home. The bar itself is considered by the
people in the community as a place to relax and reward for the white men after a hard day

Moving on , another example of cultural norms of the whites in the movie is fights and
brawls between the men. An example that illustrated this aspect is the fight scene at the
bar . Drover , challenges and fights with the men at the bar .

The third example of the white people shared behaviour in the “Australia” movie is in how
they felt superior about their people thus discriminating and oppresses other people who are
not of their colours. An example that proves on this trait is when Nullah , the aboriginal kid
receive a threat from Neil Fletcher, the villain . Fletcher threatens to hurt and torture Nullah’s
mother if he tries to run away and exposes that Fletcher has cheated Lady Ashley . Another
example of discrimination is when Drover is with his black friends at the bar . The bar tender
refused to serve his black friend and when Drover insisted that his friends should be served
to , the bartender serve the blackman’s drink in an old cup instead of a proper glass .

Moving on to the culture of the aboriginals , their norms and the way they live their life
are presented in a clear and understandable way in the movie . The clear example of a
character in the “ Australia “ movie that shows the aboriginal’s culture norms is King
George. King George is an old aboriginal man and has a grandson , Nullah . In the culture
of the aboriginal people , there is a strong relationship and protection that the people give to
one another . In the movie, King George always look after and monitor his grandchildren
from afar without anyone noticing it . In an event when Nullah is in trouble or under threat ,
King George will appear and helps him. Another very good example is when King George
flung a steel rod straight to Mr. Fletcher that killed him before Fletcher could trigger a
gunshot to kill Nullah.

Aboriginal people always have their unique norms which they are accustomed to and it is
evident in the movie . One of it is when Drover , Lady Ashley, Nullah and the rest of the crew
were lost in their way to transfer the huge number of cattle across the region . At this
moment , King George came and helped the people through a unique way , that is singing all
the way to find the right path of the journey .It is how the aboriginal people find their path to a
location as they have a song for every rock and landmark . Another situation is when Nullah
was in intense situation where the large group of cattle charging towards him and into the
cliff. Nullah has nowhere to go and he then resorts to singing chants and magic to stop the
cattle, with King George chanting from the canyon. Miraculously,  the herd of cattle stops

and Nullah was saved. Moreover, King George always sings out chants as a prayer for his
grandson safety .

Another usual custom of the aborigines that is shown in the movie “ Australia “ is the
way of respecting and caring towards each other . This trait is shown through the characters
of Nullah and King George . As a grandson , Nullah always listens and obeys all the advice
and thoughts that his grandfather , King George has passes on to him. In return , King
George always spend his time with his grandson even though he just watch and monitor
Nullah from afar .

These are the norms in a culture that can be identified from the white people and the
aboriginal people in the movie “ Australia “ .
EPC 542

Cross Cultural Interaction

Lecturer :

Dr. Zarina Suriya

Submitted by :

Mohd Faezal b. Abdul Aziz

Nik Mohd Syafiq b. Nik Mustafa 2009270896

Muhammad Asyraf b. Johar 2009518213

Syahrizulfadli b. Salam @ Mansor 2009935399

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