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“Go O.D.

, So goatie”

OD/O.D. is a double entendre:

1. O.D. = a hypothetical power once thought to pervade nature and account for various
phenomena, such as magnetism.
2. OD = overdosing
“So goatie” of course refers to Batta being the greatest of all time (ties with the O.D. layer)
“Grow goatee rose gold teeth, Polo tee
Gaudy, godly, sewn clothing”

Goatee is a small beard on a man’s chin (Batta has one)

Rose gold teeth (Batta has previously said that he used to have gold teeth)

Polo tee is a basic kind of t-shirt, really simple (Batta wears those all the time)

So, he is basically describing himself.

“Goku's foe Broly, no homies, old Roshi”

Dragon Ball Z reference:

Goku = main character in DBZ

Broly is another character in DBZ

Foe = enemy

Broly had a deep hatred towards Goku for his entire life. When Broly finally flipped out and
attacked him, Goku had no choice but to become his enemy.

Roshi = the spiritual leader of a community of Zen Buddhist monks (in less words it means
“old master”)
Also, Master Roshi is a character from Dragon Ball who was Goku's master (ties to the next
martial arts coach lines)

“Jiu Jitsu, roll no Gi”

Gi is a kimono/uniform that is worn when doing Karate, Judo and Jiu Jitsu

That line ties back to him referencing the way he dresses, and specifically the part where he
mentions that he wears casual, basic t-shirts. He is basically saying that he knows Jiu Jitsu
but doesn’t wear the Gi uniform/kimono, because he always dresses up in a minimalist type

Gi is also a homonym with ki which ties back to the DBZ line.

Ki in DBZ is an internal life force which fighters can use to battle, with enough training (ties
into the fighting/karate/Judo/Jiu Jitsu layers).
Also, all these layers and references have something in common, they all are part of the
Japanese culture:

DBZ is a Japanese anime series, a kimono is a Japanese uniform and Karate, Judo and Jiu
Jitsu are all Japanese martial arts.

Also, a homonym: roll No Gi/role Nogi

A Nogi martial artist is a person whose role is to train without the kimono or  uniform we
usually wear to train in Japanese Jiu Jitsu.

“Told coach please, don’t coach me, hold trophy”

Continuing the martial arts/DBZ/old master/Master Roshi scheme Batta says that he told his
fighting coach not to coach him and just sit back and watch him win.

“Spoke hope speech, glow holy, no rosary”

His martial arts coach spoke a hope speech in order to make Batta win

The Rosary,  refers to a set of prayers used in the Catholic Church, and to the physical string
of knots or beads used to count the component prayers.

Hope speech = prayers

So, Batta’s coach prayed in order to help Batta win (“Spoke hope speech”) and Batta won
shortly after the prayer (“glow holy”) so his coach didn’t need to pray again (aka a
rosary/string of competent prayers didn’t happen).

Competent prayers ties back to the fighting/trophy theme (You get trophies in competitions).

Also “glow holy” ties to the religion/prayer theme of the line.

“Off axel, So Foley”

Axel is a move that is performed in ice skating where the performer jumps in the air, spins
one or more times and then lands back on the ice.

Foley is another word for a sound effect.

This is a hyperbole: Batta says that the sound that the ice skates produce (foley/sound effect)
when they land on the ice after he spins in the air is produced and can be heard before he
even jumps to do perform the axel (“Off axel”). Basically, another way to say that he is
lighting fast.

Also, a reference to Axel Foley.

Detective  Axel Foley  is a  fictional character, portrayed by  Eddie Murphy, and is the
titular  protagonist  of the  Beverly Hills Cop  film series.
Also, Eddie Murphy was black which is the start of the African/black scheme that he explores
more in the next lines

“New Kwame, old Stokely, so cokely”

Kwame  Nkrumah PC was a Ghanaian politician, political theorist, revolutionary and an

advocate of Pan- Africanism.

Stokely  Carmichael was a was a prominent organizer in the  civil rights movement  in the
United States and the global  Pan-Africanism  movement.

Pan-Africanism  is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of

solidarity between all Indigenous and diaspora peoples of African ancestry.

Coakley = to lose  something - particularly a  political  race (in this case Pan-Africanism) -
which was  once thought  to be easily attainable.

“So Kunta no Toby”

Kunta Kinte was a Mandinka warrior from the African village of Juffere. His parents were
Omoro Kinte and Binta Kinte. Kunta is the central character of the miniseries. He married
Belle Waller and had a daughter with her. He named her Kizzy, which means "stay put" in
African. So began a long line of ancestors that would eventually rise to freedom.

Kunta was born in Gambia, West Africa, in 1750. Even as a young man, Kunta was brave,
driving off a leopard with his slingshot in one scene. When he reached fifteen rains
(Mandinkan years), Kunta was enlisted in manhood training, a series of tests that would
ensure that by the time he left, he would be a man. Kunta goes to the woods to another
Mandinkan city. He's eventually caught by the Koros, the Kinte's family rivals. He and his
uncle and his cousins are captured and sold to the English.

Despite an attempted mutiny, Kunta is captured with his African friends. He sees Jinna, his
African crush die after the captain stabs her for trying to escape one more time. Kunta is
bought by John Waller, a planter. While Kunta is getting to the Waller Plantation, he sees a
Wolof, Mandinka allies. He recognizes his face and the Wolof tells him that "this is Virginia
talk, not African talk pretty man." Kunta attempts to escape but the overseer captures him.
John Waller's wife renames him, "Toby". Fiddler takes care of him and Kunta says his name is
"Kunta Kinte." He is whipped by the master after trying to escape and whips him til he says
Toby. He finally says Toby and Fiddler says to keep your true name inside no matter what the
"toubob" call him.

Read that whole page for more interesting info

“You don’t own me, you don’t know me

I’m grown Mowgli, left me in a hole lonely”
Another reference to Kunta Kinte (Toby Waller)

“You don’t own me” is said from the perspective of Kunta to the people that captured and
tried to sell him to the English.

Mowgli, also known as the King Of The Jungle is a movie where Mowgli was found in a hole
in the ground by a panther and then was raised in the jungle by the wolves.

“I’m grown Mowgli” is being told by the perspective of Kunta.

“Cold bony, hungry, I seen Satan I know Crowley”

Bony = being very thin

“Hungry” is an allusion/double entendre to both Mowgli and Kunta:

1. When Mowgli was found in that hole in the ground he was very thin and obviously
hadn’t eaten anything for a long time
2. Kunta was hungry to escape

“Abduct me then go clone me”

Continuing the reference to Kunta Kinte since he was abducted and sold the the English.

“Robo cop vs. robo me

44 squeeze, popo bleed, Flo-Jo speed”

“Robo cop” is a double entendre:

1. A reference to the movie RoboCop

2. It also is a continuation the Kunta scheme, a metaphorical name for the people that
captured him.

In the metaphorical narrative “robo me” is a reference to him being turned to a slave, since
he was sold to the English in an attempt to enslave him.

Popo is a slang term for referring to police.

Florence Delorez Griffith Joyner  also known as Flo-Jo, was an American track and field
athlete. She set world records in 1988 for the 100 m and 200 m.

“Face Olmecs, pre date old texts”

The  Olmecs  were the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilization.

“Created the tech that I gave Toltecs”

Continuing the Mesoamerican civilization scheme, the  Toltec  culture was a pre-Columbian
Mesoamerican culture, the Toltecs had really advanced technology for their time.

So, this is basically a classic Batta hyperbole!

“Came to the west on my own soul trek”

Trek = a long journey on foot

“Soul Trek” is a continuation of the Kunta scheme since he was brought to the west by
people who wanted to enslave him.

In this narrative, “soul trek” means a terrible journey that Kunta never would’ve embarked

“Hotep, mutant, my belt buckle a gold x”

Hoteps  are a  subculture  of  African Americans  who use  Ancient Egypt  as a source of  black
pride, this of course ties back to the Kunta scheme.

Mutant is someone/something that results from the effect of mutation.

Mutation alludes the fact that the people who tried to sell him to the English tried to change
his name, enslave him, completely change his lifestyle for the worse and turn him to a
completely different person.

I have no idea what “gold X” is referring or alluding to, if you happen to know then tell me so
that I can edit it in the breakdown.

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