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Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense or the past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

Last Saturday, my friend (1. Invite) _________ me to see a movie. I (2. To be) _________ free

at that time, so I (3. Accept) _________ her infitation. We (4. Go) _________ there at 2 pm. One

hour earlier before the movie was started. We (5. Use) _________ our time we have to take a look

around the mall then we both (6. See) _________ something awkward. My boyfriend (7. hang)

_________ up with another girl. I (8. To be) _________ so mad. But i try to be chilled. i (9. Walk)

_________ into him and (10. Greet) _________ him. He (11. Look) _________ so surprised.

͞Are you dating with ----- ?͟

͞Yeah, She͛s Elena, my girl͟ (12. Answer) _________ him clearly.

I (13. Smile) _________. ͞By the way, you (14. forget) _________ to zip your zipper girl. Then I

(15. Leave) _______ them.

Write the sentences using the clues below!

1.Y ‰hina / big populaton in the world. (superlative)


2.Y The book / good / the movie (comparative)


3.Y My neighbour / boring person / i know (superlative)


4.Y Julia roberts / famous / Uma Thurman (comparative)


5.Y Rome / beautiful / Paris (as ... as)

Fill in the blanks with either the simple past or the present perfect tense.

1.Y See

A : _____ you ever _____ a silent movie?

B: Yes, I _____ it when I was seventeen.

2.Y Eat

A : _____ you ever _____ in a French restaurant?

B : Yes, I _____ at Mona͛s last night.

3.Y Hand in

A : What document _____ she _____ to Mr. Bruno?

B : She _______________ the ͞minute of meeting͟.

4.Y Be

A : _____ they _____ to the hospital yet?

B : Yes, They __________ there.

5.Y try

A : _____ you _____ sushi?

B : No, I haven͛t

Tell your own embarring moment in your life!


Write a or an!

1.Y _____ old book 6. _____ honest girl

2.Y _____ horse 7. _____ accident

3.Y _____ umbrella 8. _____ uniform

4.Y _____ university 9. _____ restaurant

5.Y _____ hour 10. ____ question

Underline the correct answers!

1.Y It͛s a nice place. Many people (go , goes) there for holiday.

2.Y Some people ( is , are ) always late.

3.Y Three people (was , were) killed in that accident.

4.Y I͛m going to buy (some, a) new trousers today.

5.Y How many students (is, are) in your class?


1.Y I was reading _____ newspaper while listening to _____ music.

2.Y That beggar need _____ money to buy__ ___ food.

3.Y My friend didn͛t eat much, only _____ apple and _____ bread.

4.Y I want write _____ letters. ‰ould you lend me _____ pen and __ ___ paper?

5.Y That forest has _____ big trees and _____ wild animals.

‰orrect the sentences which are wrong! If they are right, just put

1.Y My brother needs a new jeans.

2.Y I bought a cheese and a chocholate last night


3.Y My brother will watch a horror movie with his friend tomorrow night.


4.Y I need a scissor to cut this rope!


5.Y Does a policemen in ur city always bring a gun?


6.Y Most of my friends are your classmates.


7.Y There is three passangers in this car. A young lady and 2 children.


8.Y My mother buy a new pijama for me.


9.Y I͛ve married and have three children.


10.Y Both my sister are nurses.


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