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Why is Cummins, Inc.

Your Right to Vote on Marriage?
As the national column printed below makes clear, an executive with Cummins, Inc. recently testified before the
Indiana Legislature that allowing an amendment on the ballot to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman
would “make the company more reluctant to create jobs in Indiana.”
Cummins apparently thinks Hoosiers aren’t paying attention to the company’s expansion plans.

Cummins, Inc. Has Already Announced Expansion Plans in Tennessee – Which Has A Marriage
Amendment in Place Similar to What Cummins Wants to Deny to Indiana Voters!

e an E co n om ic D evel op m en t P la n?
Is Gay Mar ri ag
By Maggie Gallagher
eve r stranger:
The arguments for gay marriage get
nt “jeopardizes
-m ake r Cu mm ins Inc ., test ifi ed tha t a proposed state marriage amendme
cutive from engine
This week in Indiana, Jill Cook, an exe
our ability to be competitive in global
re and more often.
e tha t’s an am azin g wh opp er of a claim, and one that we are hearing mo
oath, becaus
I hope Cook was not testifying under
ode Island.
ally tou ts gay ma rria ge as key to his economic development plan for Rh
Lincoln Chafee actu
In Rhode Island, newly elected Gov.
ist Edward
e Cla ss” by pro fess or Ric har d Flo rida to make his weird case. As column
e Flight of the Creativ development corpo-
Chafee brandishes the 2007 book “Th talk ed abo ut Flo rida ’s boo k wh en he first chaired the state’s economic ealing
Fitzpatrick of The Providence Journa
l noted, Chafee
e WJ AR ’s “10 Ne ws Co nfe ren ce,” Chafee paired gay marriage with rep
of Providence NBC-affiliat . In his inaugural address, Chafee actu
ally claimed
ration board. During the Feb. 6 edition n nec essi ties for eco nom ic gro wth
ify legal status as twi
a measure requiring employers to ver gro wth in our state than any economic
development loan.”
wou ld do “mo re for eco nom ic
passing gay marriage
tiny. What’s the
e peo ple laun chi ng it mu st beli eve themselves immune from rational scru
n launched. Th
Clearly, a strange new meme has bee that gay marriage helps, economic gro
e ma rria ge am end me nts hur t, or
evidence that stat
. Department of Com-
ita per son al inc om e gro wth bet wee n 1999 and 2009, published by the U.S
per cap
Well, consider the state-level data on
merce’s Bureau of Economic Analys states
ing , No rth Da kot a, Lou isia na, Mo ntana and Oklahoma. Four of the five
in that decade are: Wyom
The top five states for income growth none have gay marriage.
fast est inc om e gro wth per cap ita have state marriage amendments, and
with the
veys 543
clim ate: Wh at do CE Os thin k? Ch ief Executive magazine annually sur
re of a state’s business growth in CEOs’ opin-
Or consider another potential measu wor st for job gro wth and bus ine ss. In 2009, the top five states for job ge.
CEOs to identify which states are the
best and the
. Fou r out of five hav e ma rria ge am endments, and none have gay marria
rida, Georgia and Tennessee
ions were: Texas, North Carolina, Flo
chigan, New Jersey, and yes, Massachus
(The worst? California, New York, Mi
includes a ranking for
nt U.S . Ch am ber of Co mm erce sur vey, “Enterprising States,” which
comes from a rece
Or consider another data point that pre sum abl y the goo d job s that the creative class seeks or fosters.
.” Th ese are
what it called “middle-class job growth of
9 are: Uta h, Wy om ing , Ne vad a, Ha waii and Texas. Once again, four out
growth between 2002 and 200
The top five states for middle-class job
nts, and none have gay marriage.
the five have state marriage amendme Dako-
are the top “ov era ll gro wth per form ers”: North Dakota, Virginia, South
compiles a list of states tha t nd’s legislature -- in
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also e ma rria ge am end me nts , and non e have gay marriage. (Indeed, Maryla
three all have stat black churches.)
ta, Maryland and Wyoming. The top mo nth afte r a larg e pub lic out pouring of objections, including from
rriage bill this
a surprise move -- rejected a gay ma
e plunging to a halt, but
d in pas sing a ma rria ge am end me nt, middle-class job growth will com
oming succee
Perhaps if social conservatives in Wy
somehow I doubt it.
es because they are much
es tha t hav e em bra ced gay ma rria ge tend to have high per capita incom elsewhere,
The tiny number of liberal Northeas
tern stat
are old er, in par t, bec aus e wit h so little job growth, young families move
d than average. They
older, much whiter and better educate ic growth.
st like ly to a stat e wit h a ma rria ge amendment and more robust econom
us claim?
y like Cu mm ins Inc . em bar rass itse lf in public by making such a ludicro
Why would a reputable compan
ntial Manage-
mm ins’ CE O Tim Sol so was app ointed to President Obama’s Preside
t in early March, Cu
I cannot tell you. But I can tell you tha
ment Advisory Board.
A bit of behind-the-scenes back-scrat

We’ll never know for sure. plan,

governor’s or your business lead ers’ idea of an economic development
One thing we do know for sure : If gay marriage is a big part of your
your state is in big trouble.
for 14 years.
National Organization for Marria ge and has been a syndicated columnist
Maggie Gallagher is the founder of the

Tell  Cummins  that  Denying  Indiana  Voters  a  Voice  

on  Marriage  is  No  Economic  Development  Plan!
Call  its  Chairman  and  CEO,  Tim  Solso  at  812/377-­5000  to  let  him  know  that  you  don’t  appreciate  being  denied  
your  right  to  vote  on  marriage  when  it  is  expanding  in  states  that  have  already  enacted  a  marriage  amendment.

Paid  for  by  American  Family  Association  of  Indiana  and  the  National  Organization  for  Marriage  |    

ColumbusIN_Republic_fullpgAd_Maggie.indd 1 3/25/2011 10:50:07 AM

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