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Page 1 of 2 Aug/2008
1 # Simple Form with standard widgets.
2 from django import forms
3 class ContactForm(forms.Form):
4 subject = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
5 message = forms.CharField()
6 sender = forms.EmailField()
7 cc_myself = forms.BooleanField(required=False) # required=True by default
9 # Form with non-standard widget used
10 class CommentForm(forms.Form):
11 name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'special'}))
12 url = forms.URLField()
13 comment = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'40'}))
15 # Using forms
16 f = ContactForm() # unbound - no data
17 data = {'subject': 'hello',
18 'message': 'Hi there',
19 'sender': '',
20 'cc_myself': True,
21 'extra_field': 'foo'}
22 f = ContactForm(data) # bound - has data
23 f.is_valid() # validate
24 f.cleaned_data # returns a dictionary of the data - note: extra_field is dropped
26 # outputting html data all outputs automatically give labelled ids
27 f.as_p() # renders as paragraphs
28 f.as_ul() # renders as dot-points (no <ul>)
29 f.as_table()
31 # Mapping forms to models
32 class BlogForm(forms.ModelForm):
33 # name = CharField(widget=forms.TextInput()) # you can override any field if you wish
34 class Meta:
35 model = Blog # where Article is something that inherits model.Model
36 fields = ('name',) # 'fields' specifies visible fields - so can't edit tagline, etc
37 # exclude = ('tagline', 'bestEntry') # this also works, chose 'fields' or 'exclude'
39 form1 = BlogForm() # just like a normal form. all normal form methods available
40 myblog = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
41 form2 = BlogForm(instance=myblog) # just like normal binding
42 # generate a model, then inserts it into db, or updates db
43 # creating a new blog via a form
44 b = Blog()
45 form3 = BlogForm(request.POST, instance=b)
46 new_blog = # generates a model, but doesn't insert into db
47 new_blog.tagline = ... # since the form excluded this field, it must be filled before savin
48 # saves the generated model
49 f.save_m2m() # saves many-to-many data - this is required only if you have commit=False
51 # Sample use of forms:
52 def contact(request):
53 if request.method == 'POST':
54 form = ContactForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
55 # the second parameter is optional
56 if form.is_valid():
57 # Do form processing here...
58 return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/on_success/')
59 else:
60 form = ContactForm()
61 return render_to_response('contact.html', {'form': form})
63 # you can write your own forms if you really want to:
64 # see django_template_cheat.txt

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65 <form method="post" action="">
66 <dl>
67 {% for field in form %}
68 <dt>{{ field.label_tag }}{% if field.field.required %}*{% endif %}</dt>
69 <dd>{{ field }}</dd>
70 {% if field.help_text %}<dd>{{ field.help_text }}</dd>{% endif %}
71 {% if field.errors %}<dd class="myerrors">{{ field.errors }}</dd>{% endif %}
72 {% endfor %}
73 </dl>
74 <input type="submit" />
75 </form>
77 # Writing custom widgets means supplying a render function
78 from django.template.loader import render_to_string
79 class CalendarWidget(forms.Widget):
80 def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
81 return render_to_string("widget/CalendarWidget.html", locals())
82 class Media:
83 css = {'all': ('pretty.css',)}
84 js = ('animations.js', 'actions.js')
86 class BirthdayForm(forms.Form):
87 name = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
88 birthday = forms.DateField(widget=CalendarWidget)
90 # Field Type Reference
91 BooleanField, CharField, ChoiceField, DateField, DateTimeField, DecimalField,
92 EmailField, FileField, FilePathField, FloatField, ImageField, IntegerField,
93 IPAddressField, MultipleChoiceField, NullBooleanField, RegexField, TimeField,
94 URLField
96 # Field Argument Reference
97 required, label, initial, widget, help_text, error_messages
99 # Widget Type Reference
100 TextInput, PasswordInput, HiddenInput, FileInput, DateTimeInput, Textarea,
101 CheckboxInput, Select, SelectMultiple, RadioSelect, CheckboxSelectMultiple,
102 SplitDateTimeWidget

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