You are on page 1of 76



The Most Reasonable Prices



·We Specialize in Popular Prices and Better ".Merchandise



Real Estate and Insurance

A Street. Northeast Phone 61


p!\O'P One
Here You Will Find . ... Shutts Feed Store
Graham Farm Feeds
The BEST of Everything "Feed for Every Need"

In Merchandise from . 145 NORTH MAIN STREET PHO;-;E 72

5c to $1.00
Carlton Service Station
Try Us First Standard Oil Products


-{i: The VARIETY Store ~&y 89 South Main Street .:- Phone 159

. Maxwell Furniture Co.

Cliff Strong Garage
I·· "Everything for the Home"


Dearmin S Company
Poultl'r and Egg Packers

Any Service On Any Make Manufacturers of Quality Butter

89 "A" STREET, N. ,,-. PHO;-;E 82

Phone 116-W Home Office at Odon, Ind.

Page Three
Page T,yo
City Directory


Linton, Indiana
Linton Daily Citizen ontaining an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns. Resi-

The aboYe is the statement of one of the leading
ences. Stree!s and Rural Routes and Miscellaneous Information

pUblications of Xewspaperdom. CO~lPILED BY

Loyalty to

Its Community

Fairly and Ably Edited

Progressive and Alert
are the things said of US by OTHERS. This
This Directory is the result of many months of earnest en-
newspaper is OF LINTON, BY LINTONIANS leayor.

and FOR LINTON. No doubt there are errors' herein, but these are unavoidable
due to the fact that changes in residence, business, etc., are made
daily. Also, in making a canvass of the entire City of Linton, it is
only natural that even though many return calls are made, it is
'mpossible to contact everv individual, and it is sometimes neces-
No local newspaper in a city of this size offers
m')' to obtain information from neighbors and friends.
advertisers more for their money-a 97 per cent I want to thank everyone who has so courteously cooperated
'illl me in this work. It has really been a pleasure to compile this
coverage of THEIR trading territory. ook and I trust the result of my labor will meet with the approval
f C\'Cl'y user of this Directory. '

Page Five
Page FOUl'
Street Guide County Officials
Main Street is the dividing line for streets running east and
Vincennes Street the dividing line for streets i'unning north and south. Court House, Bloomfield, Indiana
numbers are found on houses located on the north and ·west sides, and
numbers are on those on the south and east sides.

~\. STREET, X E -First ::-\o1'th of Yincellnl"S from )'lam East to limits. JUDGE-
A STREET, X."\Y -Fast ::-.Torth of Yl11l.'t:."lllles from ~lam 'Yest to limit~. Raymond J. Powell.
A STREET, S.E.-Fil'st South of '~in('el1nes from )[alll EU:lt to limits .
.-\. STREET, S. \\·.-Fir!':t South of Vincennes from )Iain \\'est to limit".
X.E.-Secund ~ot'th of Vincennes from ::\lalll East to Fourth.
X."\Y.-S(·cond ","orth of Yincennes from .:'Ilain \Yest to limits. AUDITOR-
B STREET, :-:;.E.-Seconll South of \~ill('ennes from 1[ain East to 1imit~. Eskel Beasley.
C STREE'!'. X.E.-Third North of Vincennes from .:\[uin East to Fourth.
e STREET, X\Y.-Thi-rcl North of Vincennes from ':\ \\~est to lim!tr-o.
C ~TREET, S. 'Y.-Thinl South of Vincennes from )[ain ",Vest to limIts.
D ,sTREET, X.E.-Fourth North of \'incennes from )Iuin East to Se\"enth.
D ,sTREET, X."'.-Follth North of VinCl;'nnes from )Iain ",Vest to limits.
D STREET, S.1\~.-Fourth South of Vincennes from )Iain "\',est tu lilllltfl.
Claud Story.
E STREET, X.E.-Fifth Xorth of \+inc(>nnes from ::Uain East to limits.
E STREET, X. \\~.-Fifth Xorth of "VIncennes from )[ain ,Yest to limits.
E STREET. S.\\-.-Flfth South of Vine';'llne:-; from )[a!n \Yest to limit::;.
EIGHTH, N,E.-Eightll East of J-Ialn from Vincennes Xorth to H. Milton Bogard.
EIGHTH. S.E.-Eig-hth East of JIain frum Vincennes South to limits.
ELEVEXTH, X.E.-Ele\"E~l1th En;:;t of ::'.Iain from Vinet'nne~ XOTth to H.
ELEVEXTH, S.E.-Ele\"enth East of )Iain from Yilll~",nne:-; South to C.
F STREET, X.E.-Sixth Xorth of VinCennes from )[ain Ertst to limits.
F S'rHEET. X.\\'.-Sixth Xol'th of \·incennes from }'Llirl \\'e:-;t to limits. Franlde Justus.
1~ STREET, ~.\\-.-Sixth South (Jf \'incennes fnJlH }[uin \Y.;>st to limitl>.
FIFTH, -X.E.-Fifth Ellst of )Jain from VinCBl1lWS Xnnh to A and from E to
FIFTH, X.\\'.-Fifth ,Yest of :\Iuln frum V!nt'enn~:; Xorth to limit:;.
FIFTH. S.E.-Fifth East of :Main from Yincennes S,)tlth to B.
FIl·'TH, :::i.-n.p.-Fifth \,rest of :'lInin from Vincennes South to C. Bext Caldwell.
FIRST, X,E.-Fi~."'t East of :;\Iain from Vincennes Xllrth to H.
FIRST, X. \V.-Fi~st \\rest of ::'.Ia!n from Vincennes X"rth to F an,j fnJllt H
FIRST, S.E.-First East of ::'.Iuln from Vincennes South to limits.
F[HST, S.\V.-Fjrst \\'est of :.'.Iain from VIncennes South to limit:>. John Todd.
FOURTH, ~.E.-Fourth East of ::\[;1in from Vlneennes Xorth to limits.
FOCRTH, ~.\\-.-Fourth West of }'I<-lin from VlnCl'nues X,)rth tn limitH.
FOURTH, S.E.-Fourth East of :.'.[ain from Vlnc-enn€'s South to C. ASSESSOR-
7()URTH, S.\Y.-Fourth \Vest ot :.'.hlin from Vincennes South to C.
IJ STREET, X.E.-Se\·enth North vf Vhl':ennes from Jfain East t,) limit:>. Joe M. Goodman.
G STREET, X. \\-.-Se\"enth ~orth of Vincennes f·rolll ~eC()nd We:>t to Fifth.
G STREET, S.\\-.-Senmth South of Vincennes fr')ll1 JIain \'-est to limit:;.
H STREET, X.E.-Eighth North of Vincennes from }'Iain East to limits. CORONER-
H STREET, X.\\-.-Se\"enth North of Vincennes frum )[ain \Vest tu limit:>.
H STREET, S."\~t.-Eighth South of Vinc-enn!;':> from }fain \Yest to limit!;. Dr. Sam Rotman:
I STREET, X.E.-Xinth Xorth of Yincennf:'s from First East to Fifth.
I STREET, 1\. TIr.-Xinth North of \'ineennes froul First \Vest to Fifth.
I STREET, S.\\-.-Xlnth South of VineeuneH frolll ::'.Iain 'VeRt to Fifth.
J ::)TREET, X.V,-.-Tenth ~orth of VinNo'nnes from First "'est to Fifth.
K STREE'!', X.\\+.-Elevt-nth North Qf Vincenne!; from FL'rst ,'{est to Fifth. Alvin E. Keller.
L STREET, X."".-Twelfth North of Vinr;ennes from First \Vest to Fifth.
::'>L-\!X-Dlvlding line for streets running e[Lgt and \\"t'!;t, extends from H .
Korth. Se,uth to limits. SURVEYOR-
~C\TH, X.E.-Xinth East of Jl.lain from VincenneS Xorth to limits. Bert Ed,mrds.
XIXTH. S.E.-Xinth East of ?fain irom Vlncenne::; South tu C.
ROOSEVELT-First Xorth of VinCE.'lln~S from Eighth East to limits.
:-lECOXD, N.E.-:3.:-coud EclHt Qf )Ialn from Vlncellnes XQrth to H.
SECOXD, .N.\Y.-Second 'Yest of ~Iajn from Vlncenne!; Xorth to limits.
::)ECOND, S.\Y.-:3econd "'est of :.'.rain from Vln<;ennes South to limits.
SEVE':-'TTH, N.E.-Seventh East of :.'.Iain from Vincennes North to U.
O. D. Lemonds.
SEVENTH, S.E.-Se-Yenth East of ::'>[ain from Vlnct"nnes South to limits.
:-;lXTH, .N.E.-:::>j:xth East of Main from Vincennes Xorth to H.
SIXTH. S.E.-Sixth East of ::'.Iain from VIncennes South to limits.
From A -Xorth T~nth is also kno\Yn as Broadwa'". Randolph Inman.
TE:\"TH, X.E,-Tenth East oe Matn from Vincennes Xorth tu limits.
TEX'rH, S.E.-T~nth East of ?Ialn from Vincennes South to c.
THIRD, X.E.-Third East of :;\Iain from Viucennes Xorth to H. COMMISSIONERS-
'rHIRD, N.\Y.-Third 'Yest of Main from Vincennes Xorth to limits.
THIRD, S.E.-Third East of Main from Vincennes South to C, Asher Page, Jacob Flory, Grovel' Vanmeter.
THIRD, S.\Y.-ThiTd "\Yest of Main from Vincennes South to C.
'rWELFTH, X.E,-Twelfth East of )'Ialn from Vlnc-t"llnes North to A.
T\\'ELFTH, S.E.~T\\"elfth East of ::'.Iain from Vincennes South to limits. COUNTY ATTORNEY-
YIXCENXES-Di,.-idillg line for strc,ets running- north and south e:-::tends
enst to W<2st limits, ' Edwin B. Long.
Pal?e Six
FORE'WORD Abbreviations
'1'0 filltl n Ullllle YOll Illllst l,;:no,,' how to SInce there are no l"ulcs
Courtesy of JOE E. TURNER f.ll' stleUillJ,( lll"ol}er n:u;lcs. ·we suggest yon ,hu:',;: for it under different hendings.
S:unc in pllrenthesis t ) is the 'Ylf(' s nallie.
'i'he str ... et dIr('etol")" Is urranged in Jluulerieal orl1er ,,'itIl the fit'lll or the
hNHI of tlle fumlt)" given.
Sallies Illillearing in t'IlJIltllls art· illltrHlls of this directory.
Illh'-:Hh'ert!sing ?\ or ll-uortJl
In presenting this Directory of the City of Linton to its lI",r-ngcnt ol'l"-operutor
lI",,,t-assfstant preS-llresident
scribers the publishers feel that they -are suppb'inll a want hkpr~l)ookkeelJer IIrin-lJrincitml
. ~ hlk smtll_hlnck'llllitII IIr011-1lrOllrletor
needed. They ha,-e used extreme care and ha\'e stressed hlllp,--ln' 1]'

in the compilation of data and, are confident that inforn1ation ::~~~eC~!~ltractor rillS-rOO illS
g or c-ea~t sIsman-salesnlult
in win be as free fron1 error as is hum·anly possible to ",'moo,HI dec-eleetrician stell_stenOg"rllpher
~'IIIt1-enI111oyed stn-student
in a Directory. ('n/.{-cnJ,:;fncer tchr-teueher
turll-furniture teI-teIe1lhone
hdw-hard",llrc trens_trea~urer

Linton has become of such importance and the Ilis-in~l1rancc

,,' or 'w-west
territory developing with it has become so closely interwoven llleh-lllCt'hnnlc ",ill-wlI10,,-

city and city interests that any Directory would not be

without inclusion of that area-at least for informative and
ness purposes.
Miscellaneous Information
Linton became a "place" about 110 years ago. The birth Amateur Radio Club, Citizens National Bank Building, meets on call, Dr. F. A.
Bailey, pres. d . It
the town of Linton dates from 1831, though there was a RAHlAnlAl American Legion Frank Courtney Post No. 22, meets evel'y Thul'S ay mg 1 ,
American Legion Home.
here, first known as New Jerusalem some few years prior American Legion Auxiliary, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays, l\hs. Edw.
time, The first federal postofiice bore the name Xew Jerusalem, Stoeckel , secy. 'h 0 v S th 11' J
American Legion Rifle Club, meets every .i\1onday mg t, 9" 12 au J. am, .
. REcker, secy, . h R d '[ , H II
Linton took its name from Hon. William C. Linton, who Chickateth Council Poc-hantas, meets every Monday mg t, e 1) en S I a •
Mrs. Frank Neill, secy. . . .
a candidate for Congress in the district in which the potential Columbian Chapter No. 140, O. E. S., meets every Friday mght, MasoUlc Hall,
ton was located and the Hon, lVII', Linton made his first speech Mrs. Walton Stover, secy.
Community ·Chest, meets Second Tuesday night each month, Steve Stalcup,
as a candidate for Congress. The speech was made "in the secy. . .
not far from where the present "A" Street, Southwest Lodge No. 578, meets evel'y 'Wednesday mght, Herbert PrIes,t, secy.
Encampment No. 222, meets Second and Fourth ·Wednesday mght, Edw.
the western city limits. New Jerus"lem was situated near Stoeckel, secy. . .
is now known as the old cemetery, Elks No. 866, meets every 'Wednesday mght, Clyde V. DaVIS, secy.
Faith Temple No. 42, Pythian Sisters, meets Second and Fourth Thursday,
K. of P. Hall. Mrs. Roll Hannum, secy.
The town had a new birth in the early Knight.s of Columbus, meets on call, Catholic Community "flaIl. ,
' Lodge No. 560. F. and A. 1\1., meets First and ThIrd Thursday lllght
velopment on a commercial scale began. It at hall, 'V. B. Carlton. secy.
a town in 1887 and as a city in 1900. Order of i\Ioose No. 1434, meets every Thursday night, Ross Johnson.
K. of P .• meets every Monday night, K. of P.
For the past 45 to 50 years the growth of Linton has s~~ .
steady-sometimes so rapid as to be almost phenominaL Improved Ordel' of Red Men, meets every FrIday
natural resources, its distinction of being (193"0.1940) the meets every Friday night, American Legion Home.
of population of the United States, its fine citizenship and its . . Veterans. meets Second and Fourth Monday nights.
gt'essive spirit indeed makes it outstanding and a "first class Flfth Street, S.E.
of the fifth class," Club, meets every Thursday night, City Hall, A. O. Nelson, secy.
Safety Chapter, meets First and Third 'Vednesday, Red :Men's
Page Eight
Unity Lodge Xo. 63/. 1. O. O. F., meeb; eYery \Vednesday night, 1. O. O. F PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Hall, James T. Roach, secy.
Violet Rebekah No. 312, meets First and Third Tuesday night, 1. O. O. eaunt of Education-Guy ~Ioss, Bud Kinnaman, Edw. Fisher.
Hall, Mrs. Fannie Stalcup, secy. At_tendance Officer-.JIal'ion 'i,Villiams,
Voitul'e No. 1010, Fony and Eight, meets Fil'st Tuesday month, J.
Superintendent-To ,J. Beecher. .
Ecker, sec-yo
C ton Stockton Hirrh School-No i\Ium and H.
\Voman's Relief COl'p., :\Il's. John Bowen, Secy. III 1', J BceehCl~ R. R. ~\Ii1ler, Vel'a Anderson, B. J. Barnes, l\Iayme Bel'I~S,
Hel~n Bolin, 'Vinona Boston, O. D. Clayton, Arthur Grass,. Ethel Helt-
HOSPITALS an Rosernal'Y Humphreys, Louise Heaton, Myrtle Malicoat, T. N.
O~l~ Ethel o'sbol'n, Estella Phillips, Th~ima Powell, R. O. Roach,
Greene County Hospital. A and Fourth Stl'eets, N. E. Gladys Terhune. Roy l,ViUiams, :Mamice WItty, tchl's.
HOSPITAL BOARD-Andy Humphreys, Paul Fry, Floyd .I~"§;:~;~:,~7:ni,i~j~~~J
Hollars, Hobart Heddon, Allan Pate, Oscar Shields. Junior High School---S9 First, S.E.
Asher Page. Jacob Flol'Y, Grover Vani\,zetcl'. Bonna 'Baughman, ~i\Iillard Fiscus, Wan_eta Hadley, Garland Ladson,
Hildred nrc Donald, James E. Goodman, tchl's.
Central Building-S9 First, S . E . . . .
Fairview Cemetery, Fail'vie\\' Road, Roy Clayton, Agnes Cotter, ilIal'jOry .Greene, :\hldled Hirth, Virginia
Chattin. Esthet' Smith, JO!'~ephine Willtams, tchl's.
APARTMENTS Northeast Wal'CI------1S9 F, N.E. .' - "
Marie Bl'eek. J. \Y. Kemp, ~Ial'Y itllhh:ed Lew!::;, Lucile \Villiams, tchn:;.
Terhune Ap<ll'tment~, ItW South Main Street .•
Northwest l , V a l ' d - ' . .. -.'
Grace Landis Cox, :JIlldl'erl Hm'bett, \'·ayne Pope, tchI's.
Parochial·" Schools-St. Peters 8chool-459 FOUl'th, X.E.
City Park- Haseman Gt'ove and limits.
Humphreys Park-A, X .E., and limits. POST OFFICE
Golf Course- State road 54, East.
Pad;;: Boal'd-Andy Humphl'e~rs, Meredith .JOIle'S, H. S. LlI':"En. 01'. E. V. B
and Steve Stalcup. Postmastel·-Chas. L. 'Volfol'd.
Clel'ks-Elmer -Clayton, Lewis Spink~, Ralph Anderson,· Elmer Sisko
CLUBS Sub CINk-Medford Ham.
Parcel Post Carl'iel'-Addison A. Ste\nu·t.
Gl etltel' Linton Club-Office City Hall, Steve Stalcup, seey-Illgl', Sp!.:~ial Deliyel'v-~eonal'd >_~k.
RotHl'y Club-Meets e\cry \Vednesday, A. i\I. Beasley, pl'E':-:ident. City CUl;i:-iers-OscaJ::Andel'son, Harvey Fi~her, Frank Taylor.
Business and Pl'ofes:-;ionai "ramen's Club-JJ,yrtle Malicoat. president.
Ret~il Merchants' A.-;::;ociation, Inc., Chades Johnson. president.
Rural Route Can'iel's-Earl Bohley, Henry Kl'amel', Geo, Aydelotte.
Sub Carriel'-J. Leon Moody.
Assistant Chstodiun-Thaniel Heath.
Alpha tlnd Beta Chaptel' of Triad-ll'h's. 'Vayne Hanliltoll, direttoI'.
Linton Conccl't Band-.J. Howal'Ci Lynn, dil'ectol·. PUBLIC HALLS AND BUILDINGS
CHURCHES Amel'ican Legion Home--------210 B, N.F..
City Hall-75 A, N.'V.
Apostolic Chul'ch, .North }Iission-140 Third, N.E., R. .J. Staats, pastor. Democratic Headqual'tel's-70 E. Vincennes.
Chul'eh of Chdst-289 Fourth, N. \V., Robert B. Boyd, pastol·. Eagles HaU-60% E. Vincennes.
Church of God-129 \Y, 'i/in(:ennes, Isaa9- B. Tucker, pastor. Elks Club-190 N. ?Iain .
First Baptist Church-gO B, N.E., Hal'l'Y J, Bailey, pastor. . Citizens National Bank Bldg.-5 S. i\Iain.
Fil'st Christian ChUl'eh-290 N. 1Iain, B. H. Bruner, pastor. Hardisty Building-l07 N. Main,
First Methodist Chureh-1S8 B, N.E., Guy H. Ramsey, pastol'. I. O. 0, F, HaU-90% E. Vincennes,
First United Brethren Chul'ch-3l0 E. Vincennes, C. D. PlUl111l1er, pastor. Junior High and Central School Bldgs-89 First, S,E.
Glenburn Mission-Glenburn Addition. Miss Nola Yodel', deaconess. K. of P. Hall-60 1'2 'Yo Vincennes.
Pilgrim ::loliness Church-3S9 Sixth, N.E., James E. Kerby, pastor. Linton-Stockton High School-N. :Main and H.
St. Peter's Catholic Church-489 Fourth, N.E., Emile J. Goos::;ens, pastor. ),Iasonic Hall-H % S. ;\lain.
Salvation Al'my-99 A, ~:W., :Major Gertrude Calvel't. )Ioose Building-90 A, N.E.
Sal'on Reform Chul'ch--!10 First, N.E., C. A. Hofman, pa:;tol'. XOI'theast Ward School-489 F, N.E.
XOl'th\vest \Val'd School-409 F, N,\V.
PUBLIC LIBRARIES Police Station-City Hall.
Post Office-109 S. ;\lain.
Linton Public Library-110 E. Vincennes. Public Library-1l0 E._ Vincennes.
LIBRARY BOARD-R. l\L Vincent, Chas. \VolioI'd, Fel'd Bolten, Republican Headquartel's-18% N. Main.
M. \V. Gilbl'eath, :JIrs. Avery :Mul'ray, Mrs. Edwfil'd Flanagan, Spanish American War Veterans Home-17G Fifth, S.E,
Hal'l'iet Sherwood, Frank Kl'iscl'ok, .J. L. Mattox. Tel'hune Apal'tlnents-169 S. :Main.
Page Ten Page EleV'cn

Office HOUl'S
Linton Municipal
8:30 A.i\!. to 12 noon and
Telephone 128

Office Hours: 8-12 and 1-5

1:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M,
Sundays by appointment Utilities
Thursday: Morning only LINTON, INDIANA
H "A" St., N.E. Phone 63·W


Residence Telephone 131-R

DR. V. C, BULL Linton Is Proud
Residence Telephone 569-J 9-12 A.fif. and 1-5:30 P.M.
And pride is not a fault but a virtue in our case.
DENTISTS Evenings and Sundays by
Appointment People of Linton are proud of its citizenship
22~2 N. Main Phone 131-W 48 So. Main Phone 302
first, then of their homes, churches, schools,
civic and fraternal organizations, but they are
also justly proud of their PUBLIC UTILITIES-

~t.~tttr'~ ~atbolic ~burcb

Fourth and HE", Northeast
Water, Light, Gas
(Four Blocks North of Hospital)
These utilities are owned by the city. People of
Linton get these vital services, all of which are
of high grade, available 24 hours per day, and at
SC~DAY MASS - 8:00 o'clock
a cost commensurate with their qualities and
AFTER~OON SERVICE - 4:30 o'clock services rendered. In few cities are our utility
seryices equalIed, ·and in none surpassed; and in
but yery few cities are all of the utilities
Rev. E, J. Goossens
municipally owned.

Page Twel,e Pag-e Thirteen

CITY OFFICIALS Linton City Directory, 1939
City Hall. 75 A. N.E.
Mayor-Dr. E. V. Bull.
Clel'k-Tl'easurel'-r.Lrs. Lou Fleetwood.
City Attorney-A. M, Beasley,
Linton, Indiana
City Engineel'-John Fritz.
Street Commissioner_A. B. McDonald.
Superintendent Gas Department-Homel' Bailey.
Superintendent Light Depal'tment-i,Yalton ,Stover.
Superintendent 'Vater Department-S. J. BUrress.
First 'Yard-Phil Bennett. . Third 'Vard-Marshall Robertson.
Second \Val'd-i,Vm. "Wilson. Fourth 'Yard-Floyd i\IeCullough.
At Large-Troy Keller.
Council meets Second Tuesday of each month.
Hamilton Drug Stores
. Headquarters-City Hall 24 N. Main Street 28 S. Main Street
Chief-Dan SculJy. . Police-Wm.: ,Coleman. Edw. Stoeckel.
:::\Ierchant Police---Arthur Pinkston.
FIRE DEPARTlHENT A & H C01E\USSION CO., "Vm. Alkire and Wilson Hixson) ____ :~5!) A, S.~.
Headquarters-City Hall . A & P STORE, Lionel Ridlen }Igr ________________ .. _____________ 75 S. Mam
Chief-Bl'anch Hunter. ABRA:\I, Harold (Erma) miner ____________________ .. ________ l' 360 A, N.E.
Firemen-Robert Trinkle. Hubert Heaton, Shirley Osborn. ABRAM, 'Vm (Belle) coal opr ______________________________ ,1' 310 L,;\~.
ABRELL, .James (Della) __________________________________ 1 109 D, I • .
BOARD OF HEALTH ABRELL, Otto (Alice) ____________________________________ r 109 D, N.W.
Dt,. ,v. F. Craft, secy, Dr, C. C, Hamiltoll, Dr. M. N. Thayer. ABRELL, Robet·t wks Linton },Iilk Co. ______________________ r Gi)9 N. 11alll
ADA~IS. ~Ii!o _____________________________________________ l' 789 A, S.E.
TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE ADAMS, Sadie Mi's. _______________________________________ l' 789 A, S.E.
James Lowrie ;"Iattox. ADAil1S, 'VaUace stu ______________________________________ l' 789 A, S.E.
ADA:JISON, John (El'ma) bkpl' Ind. State High,vay Gamge _ l' Terhune Apts.
ADA:JISON, l\L R. (Loretta) minister,
barbel' Frye's Bal·bet, Shop ____________________ 1'1115 ;:;10 E. Vincennes

Linton Bowling Alley ADKINS, Ida Mrs. ________________________________________ l' 2.J£} C, N.E.
AIKIN, Earl T (Bonnie) (Aikin & Son) ___________________ l' 360' First, N.E.
AIKIN, .John H stu ____________________________ :. _________ l' 360 First, N.E.
"Try Dowling for What Ails You" AIKIN & SONS. (Ma.dan J., Earl T., Howard,
James Clavton. Funeral directors) ___________ 240 N Main
AKERS, Vh'ginia ~ ____________________________________ .:. _______ r H, S.\V.
4 STREAMLIXE 20TH CENTURY BOWLING ALLEYS AKRE, Josephine 1\11's. ___________________________________ -..:_.1' 659 H, N.E.
AKRE, Robel't (Mary Edithj supt drilling opr ______________ l' 320 Broadway
ALANBAUGH, "Taltel' (Stella) miner ____________________ l' 939 Fifth, N.E.
47Vz W. Vincennes (upstairs) Telephone 221 ALDERSON, Chas (Alice) WPA _______________________.__ ~ __ ,·89 C, S.W.
ALDERSON. Chus R stu ____________________________________ " 89 C, S.W .
.tLDERSON, Herbert (Nellie) ______________________________ l' 210 D, S.\V.
ALDERSON, .i\Iarthu stu __________________________________ l' 210 D, S.\V.
; 'ALDERSON, Robel't stu ___________________________________ l' 210 D, S."V.
ALEXAXDER, Clm'a Mrs. (,vid Cisco) ________________ l' 210 \V. Vinr!ennes
ALEXAX"DER, Lela }.Iiss __________________________________ l' 310 N. Main

Federal Tire Service ALEXAXDER, Mildred .Miss nurse ______________ ..: _____ l' 210 \V. Vincennes
ALEXA)iDER, \Vm (Pearl) \VPA _________________________ r 310 N. Main
ALKIRE, F. D. (Anna) prop Southern Hotel ____________ l' 171 Second, S.\V.
~LKIRE. Robe1"t stu _______________________________________ 1" 4.jQ E, N.E.
RENNIS WOLFE, Prop. \ LK.IRE. Wallace (Mary) __________________________________ 1" 59 D, N.W.
.\ LK.IRE. Wm A (Alice) ___________________________________ 1" 2B9 F, N.E.
Telephone 190 'A.~KIRE, \Vm .Il' stu ______________________________________ l' 440 E, N.E.
AL~IRE, 'V111 (Oma) _____________________________________ l' 4·10 E, N.E.
FIRST AXD "AU STREET, NORTHEAST \L ~IRE. 'Vnl (Pauljn~) A & H Commission ____________ .1' 629 Second, N.\Y..
AL KIRE. Vera stu ____________________________________ l' 629 Second, N.\V.
ALtAX , J.Iu1'ion (Ruth) minel' ___________________ .:. _____ i' 789 E. Vincennes
. EE, Leona hskp1' __________________________________ ..:_ l' 59 Fifth, N.E.
Page Fourteen Page Fifteen
Mrs. LIZZIE DAVIS M~ J. Aikin & Son
asuy it with Flo\vel's" \Ve have served these communities f01' over thirty years
Cut Flowers and Plants, Special Funeral Work on Short Xotice LINTON AND DUGGER, INDIA)!A
Telephone 66 OIembel' F. T, D. Florist) 509 First Street. ~ortheast

-\ ~HCRAFT Raymond stu _____________________________ l' 127 Fourth, S.E.

ALLEN, Anna 1hs. _~ _________________________________ l' 330 Fourth, N.E. '-\ITEN Sailie Miss \\'PA sewing __________________________ l' 410 I, N.W.
ALLEN, leis Mrs. (wid Edgar) florist _______________________ r 310 F, N.E.
ALLEN, Jack lab __________________________________________ l' 310 F, N.E.
(Ora Ax and John Fry) groceries and .
______________________________________ 59 N l\Jam
ALLEN, John (Lillie) miner ___________________________ l' 310 Second, S.W. -\X Harrv (Florenee) barbel' Hotel Bal'bel' Shop ___________ l' 340
ALLEN, Robert stu _______________________________________ r 310 F, N.E. AX; Ora (Ax & Fry) ________________________________________ r Jasonvllle
ALS:MAN, Harold "\VPA ______________________________ l' Terhune Addition AYDELOTTE, Geo ____ RFD Cal'l'ie1' P. O. __________________ r 509 D. l'-!.E.
ALSl'tIAN, Leota _____________________________________ l' Terhune Addition AZBELL, Dora }Il's ______________________________________ :-_ T 89 H, N.~:
ALSMAN, Robert stu _________________________________ l' Terhune Addition AZBELL, Leona ;\Irs. _________________________________ l' 109 Second, )T.\\.
ALSMAN, ·Walter (Eliza) ____________________________ l' Terhune Addition·
ALSOP, Betty stu __________________________________________ l' 289 G, N.E ..
ALSOP, Jesse (Lola) 1,YPA ________________________________ r 289 G, N.E.
ALSOP, Malcolm stu ____________________________________ l' 289 G, N.E.

ALSOP, Ray ______________________________________________ ,. 289 G, N.E.

Amateur Radio Club ________________________ Citizens Kai:ional Bank Bldg
AMERICAN DISTRIBl.'TORS, Inc., J, H. iHorgan pres JOY:! A, N.E.
AMERICAN LEGION HOME ________________________________ 210 E, N.E.
AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO., L. B. Can our mgt· __ 210 First, S.W.
ANDERSON, Alva (Rub)') WPA ____________________________ t· 189 A, S.E. FREEZER FRESH ICE CREA31
ANDERSON, Chas (Frankie) WPA _________________________ l' 138 E, S.E.
ANDERSON, Dessie }'Iiss seamstress _______________________ l' 140 N. 1Iain
ANDERSON, Job (Essie) bkpr __________________________ ,. 149 Third, S.E.
ANDERSON, Job (Ruth> ______________________________ l' 649 Second, N.\V.
ANDERSON, .Mary :i\Iiss stu I. U. _______________________ T 149 Third, S.E.
The REXALL Store
ANDERSON, Oscar (Etta) city carrier P. O. ____________ r 170 Fourth, S.E.
ANDERSON, Shirley (},farie) ------------------ ________ r 120 Fourth, S.E. BA --0 D N E

1fJg~:~g~: ~~;1t(Eii~~be~~h] ~~~t~I~~~~~~_~~~~_~:~~:_~~~-~.-59ri~~r:;;. ~:~:

ANDERSON, Vera G }'liss librarian High School __________ r 149 Third, S.E.
~i~t~~:, ~i~:~o~~;.t ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~.~~~~~:~~~~~:~:::~~~ l'>~~~ ~: i~~~
ANTIBUS, Harry ______________________________________ l' 110 First, S.W. BAILEY, F A Dr (Kathleen) llhy and surg
ANTIOCH POWER CO., R. J. Mead, plant supt _________ office 5'1, N . · off 84 y, S Main ________________________ r 389 Broadway
APOSTOLIC .CHURCH, R. J. Staat pastor _________________ 140 Third, BAILEY, Edwin (Sarah) stu :Medical School Indpls ____ l' 10~~ E. V~ncennes
ARCHIBALD", Hugh (Jemima) ____________________________ r 1139 A, BAILEY, Frank (Nettie) carp ________________________ l' 100.) E. Vmcennes
ARMANTROUT, L. C. (Leota) wire chief Ind Bell Tel _____ r 160 Sixth, EAILEY, Franklin ___________________________________ l' 1093 E. Vincennes
- A·R1\fANTROUT, Barbara stu ___________________________ r 160 Sixth, BAILEY, Geo (l\fal'gm"et) ________________________________ l' 57% S. l\Iain
ARMSTRONG, Donald Stu ____________________________ r 148 Fourth, BAILEY, Rev Harry.J (Edith) pastor First Baptist Church ___ r 60 B, N.1,v.
ARMSTRONG. Geo Jr ____________________________________ r 289 D, ~AILEY, Harry 'V stu _____________________________________ l' 60 E, N.'V.
ARMSTRONG, Kate ~1rs. __________________________________ r 289 D, BAILEY. Homer (Bonnie) Supt Linton Gas Co ______________ r 550 D, N.E.
ARl\ISTRONG, Kenneth (Retha) roofer ____________________ r 27 Third~ _..::.::..... BAILEY, James stu _______________________________________ l' 60 B, N.'V.
ARMSTRONG, Margaret :'I.1rs. ________________________ l' 148 Fourth, 'BAILEY, Mary stu ________________________________________ .1' 60 B, N.'V.
ARMSTRONG, Martha L __________________________________ l' 289 D, BAILEY, Maxine ~tu ______________________________________ r 60 E, N.'V.
ARMSTRONG, Mary bkpr Correll Electric Co. ______________ r 1090 A, BAILEY, Naney stu _______________________________________ l' 550 D, N.E.
ARMSTRONG, Mildred stu _______________________________ r 1090 A. BAIN, Fannie Ml's ________________________________________ r 210 C, N.E,
ARMSTRONG, Roy (Lola) miner __________________________ r 1090 A, BAlX, Joe (Elsic) ________________________________________ l' 189 E, N.W.
ARNEY, John (Lucetta) __________________________________ r 380 H. BAIRD, :J.fargaret June stu ______________________________ r 73 Tenth, N.E.
ARTHUR, Clarence (Jerry) _______________________________ r 538 H, BAIZE. Otho (Stella) miner _______________________________ r 26"0 H. N.E.
AR'!1HUR, Fred WPA _____________________________________ r 540 G, BAIZE. Phyllis stu ____________________________ r 260 H, N.E.
ARTHUR, Jacob ('Gibby) __________________________________ r 538 H, ~AlZE. Robert stu ___-_--------_-_____________________________ l' 260 H, N.E.
ARTHUR, James J (Lagatha) trucker ______________________ r 360 J, l~:~~~~, G~o (?neta) clk-\V~iford's ______________________._ r ~1O ~~road'i~
ARTHUR, Marie stu ______________________________________ r 360 J, B ' Gllbe1t lab __________________________________ 1 103U Flfth, N . .
ARTHUR. Maxine stu _____________________________________ r 360 J, BAKER, Jack stu _______________________________________ l' 510 Broadway
ARTHUR, Maxine Miss ___________________________________ r 540 G, BA~ER ..Joe stu ________________________________________ r 510 Broadway
ARTHUR, Robert stu _____________________________________ r 540 G, B A};F:R, Jonas ________________________________________ r 540 Ninth, N.E.
ASHCRAFT, Anna E :'Irs. _____________________________ r 127 Fourth, )A.KER. Lane (Grace) mi1l(~l' ____________________________ r 59 Sixth, S.E .
ASHCRAFT, Marjorie stu _____________________________ r 127 Fourth,
Page Seventeen
Page Sixteen
Optometrists and i\Ianufactnring Opticians
Honey Boy Bread
At Your Independent Food Store

EAKER, Leroy (Francis) lab ---___________________ 1039 Fifth 'Warren (Arminta) miner ____________________ l' 63 Second, S.\V.
BAKER, Marilyn stu ----------________________________ :r 510 B,c'o,'ed","
l]l~i~:¥~~~,~i~,"~~';;1 Vannie Miss ________________________ l' Fourth, N.E.
Donald ________________________________ l' 469 Fourth, N;\V.
BAKER, Richard (Yina) ------------C-----_____________ =-r 84 ~ O'Ur'o"
Doward (Alberta) WPA __________________ l' 469 Fourth, N.W.
~:t~l\~,b~~~t s~; )Ialicoat & Baxley -------------- _____ r 510 stu ________________________________________ r 490 I, N.\V.
BALL, Daniel (Pearf)-,ypX-""------------------------------ l' 1137 B, (1Hldred) miner ____________________________ 2' 409 I, N.\V.
BALL, Ernest stu _ ------------------------------- l' 1137 B, Miss tchr ______________________________ l' 359 E. Vincennes

i~ft(~:t;J===~~;~-#~tH~~! l~! '

Billy __________________________________ l' 939 Fourth, N,E.
Bonna :Miss tchr Junior High School __________ r 579 A, N.E.
Donald stu ______________________________ r 390 Sixth, N.E.
Jj."UlljJ~lV.lA", Earl (Elizabeth) Baughman Hdw Co ______ l' 939 Fourth, N.E.
Edw (Pink) ________________________________ l' 40 F, N.\V.

1~~l~lfltE: HARD\VARE,
G A (Alice) prop
G A Baughman
Baughman Hdw
prop ------------ l' 579
______________ A, Main
88 N. N.E.
BALLARD' ·Clara :JIi~ ---------------------------------- I' 84 "'.,egreth, Norval (Nellie) elk Baughman Hdw __________ l' 739 F, N.E.
BALLARD: Gilbert l 'Jl;ciy-;;)--_-_____-_-_----------------------.- 0'9' 084;-V,,~~,~::~~~; Ray (Muriel) eng Central Ind Coal Co ____ l' 390 Seventh, N.E.
BALLARD Kenneth <:: -------------------- 1 - \ __ Frigidaire service (11alicoat & Baxley) ____ Fairview Rd
BALLARD' Maud )h~tu -------------------------------- l' 84 ~:.~~::g: WOODWARD BARBER SHOP,
BANKS, D~rwin (Ire~e)-b;1=b-e-1:-P~~;~£')-~~~~~~~~~---------- r 84 1. (Sam Baxley and Doxsey Woodward) _____ 34 W Vincennes
BANKS, Irene Mrs ____ opr Ind Bell Tel Co _____-~------------- ~ BEASLEY & BEASLEY, attys __________________ Citizens Nat! Bank Bldg
BARE, Betty stu ___ ------------- , W. BEASLEY, Alfred (Gertrude) citya.tty __ Beasley & Beasley __ r 590 N. Main
BARE, Darwin _____ --------------------------------------- r 789 S.
BARE, Glenn Mrs __--------------------------------------- r 789 S. BEASLEY, Eskel ____ auditor Greene Co ______ Bloomfield, Ind.
BARKS, Perry (Be!rh;)-b~;b~{:-C~~bin~')------------------- -. 1~978FHfSh' BEASLEY, Fel'd (Ordythe) wks 1iillet-Baxte1' Co ______ 1:<"88% E Vincennes
BARGAR, Betty "\Ii~5 ___________ ------------------ 1 - 1t , BEASLEY, Dr Haldan (Belle) chiropractor off 38 E. Vincennes l' 360 N. :Main
BEASLEY, John stu ______________________________________ l' 410 A, S.E.
BARGAR, Eileen ..\Ii~;;: ____ Coca C~-l;-B-ottli~;:..-C~------------ 1'. ~~~ BB'
BARGAR, Harry (A!ice) custodian P.O. _____ =___ ------------
BARNARD, Everett (Roxie) \VPA _____________ ------------- 1, 3,19 E,
1. •
BEASLEY Kern G, Beasley & Beasley Cit Nat Bank Bldg ____ l' 590 N. Main
Ray (Ruth) miner ______________________________ l' 410 A, S.E.
stu ________________________________________ l' 109 F, N.E.
BARNARD, Everett J1' stu _______ ------------- 1 79 F,
BARNARD Geo (Dud) --------------------------- I' 79 F wks Antioch Power ____________________ rms 190 First, S.E.
BARNARD', Ida ____ e -----------------------0------ l' 168 .~~ve"tbe, .. ~l.J (Effie) WPA __________________________ l' 389 F, N.E.
BARNARD, Joe (LibbT")----------------------------------- l' Miss clk G C Murphy Co __________________ l' 389 F, N.E.
BARNARD, Philip ---~--~~~~~~~~~~---------------------,~ 1'~8 Sever,th" ~~;91$~1~*:j~'~~
llirs ----------------------------------
J (Tl'essa) carp ______________________ l'
l' 329 Ninth,
310 Sixth, N.E.
BARNES. B(>!'t (Ina) tchr Hio-h Sch~o-l------------------ J. _

BARNES, Cal.,"in Dr (Ida) Reg-istel~ed-Opto; , ,10 D. B~;D'\V'i~i'·L.H, ve'.'" ~~~ss_ ~~~~ _-_~~~~~____________~~~ ~~__~~~__~__~_______l~ _3::_ Sl~X~' ~\~:
~3 S MaIn --------- ___________________ r 660 E Callie Miss ____________________________________
l' 90 D, S.\V.

~t~~~~TE llfl~~I~~~ circulation mgr Linton Daily Citizen __ r 510 E, ~j~Ri~l~??:

i 'Chas stu -------------------------------:..---------- F, J.\fain
Chas R stu __________________________________ l' 1010l' S. S.\V.
BARNETT: Arnold wks -B;~;~tts--C;ie-------------------.-::-ll.l' ~90 H,

BARNETT, Arl'eatus (Clementine) \VPA-~~~~~~~~~---- 1 vf):2 .'1' !~i~i~!!~~: Don stustu
Elaine -------------------------------------- l' 210
________________________________ l' 157 F,
First, N.E.
BARNETT, Arreatus 31' stu ________ --------- 1. 90 Elmer ------------.:..---------t----------- l' 409 Fourth, N.E.
BARNETT, Barbara stu ------------------------ 1 290 ll ~~l~;~:~j:?: Elwin
Elmer WPA
(MYl'tie) driver Am Exp 'Co -------------- l'r 490 D, N.E.
BARNETT, ~has (Denise)-p1~~i~-B;~~~tts-------------------- l' 410 'I, ____________________________________ 90 D, S.W.

ii~!~Ri~j~?~' Emery
SandwIch Shoppe _ _ I (Caorrie) miner -------------------------- l' 210 F, N.E.
BARNETT, Dicie stu _ ----------------------------- r 06~-2 \V. Everett (Booth) (Lillian) miner ________________ l' 209 D, N.E.
BARNETT iIlable ___ ------------------------------------- l' 410 T. ni;;;;;,;~*"'.;.', Fannie lUI'S (wid John) ________________________ l' 360 E, N.E.
BARNETT' Mary stu ------------------------------------- r 290 H,
BARNETT: Roy -..vks F-ells-i~~~-&-1f;t;fC~------------------- r i10 I,
-BARNETT, Rupert (Hazel) lineman
------------------ l' 90 H,
------------------------ r 410 T
.CR SROPPE, Chus Barnett prop ______ 107 N'
~l~R~j~?~ R:$:i~l~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~!~~ I~ f~:
;;;;;"~~O'O', ~elvin CMinnie) WPA ______________________~____ l' 90 D, S\V:
, omas nuner
BARRETT, Georgia stu ___
BARRETT Ho e stu _
======-------------------------:- l' 290 H,
----------------------- 1 63 Second,
;;.:.'·"~eDL" Norman stu __________________________________
, 1 Ol'ma stu ____________________________________ r 209 D, N.E.
l' 209 D, N.E.
,p ------------------------------ ___ r 63 Second,
Page Eighteen Page Nineteen
r-------------------------------I. BERXS, :Mayme Miss tchl' high school ____________________ r
BICKNELL, Dewey (Julia) elect __________________________
49 F!fth, S.~.
48 S~xth, S.E.
BICKNELL, Edith Mrs bkpr Linton 'Vater Co ____________ l' 789 ~ll'st, N.E.
E. J~ Ecker & Son BICKNELL Minnie Mrs (wid Chas) ____________________ r 629 Nmth, N.E.
, BILUS BICYCLE SERVICE, 'Vm l\IcKinney prop ______________ 79 A, N.W.
BLACKBURN, Hel'bert (Madge) miner ______________________ r 659 E, N.E.
'Vholesale and Retail Jobbers BLACKBURN, John (Ruth) miner ________________ ;- _________ l' 710 G, N.E.
BLACKBURN, Ruth 1\11'5 nurse Greene County hospItal ______ r 710 G, N.E.
87 S. MAIN STREET PHONE 59 BLACKBURN Orville (Aileen) junk dealer __________________ r 310 H, N.E.
BLACKBURN: Warren stu ____________________ --' ___________ r 659 E. N.E.
BLADES Fred (Belle) ·coniectionery _____________________ -: T 129 H, N.'V.
BEDWELL, Ralph ________________________________ ~_ rms 157 First, BLADES: Jessie Miss ____________________________________ T 129 H, N.,~.
BEDWELL, Robert WPA ______________________________________ l' H, BLAKE, Robert (Ilene) grocer ____________________________ T 469, D, N.V',.
BED"'ELL, Roy (Iva) miner ____________________________ r 90 First, BLAKE, Rosalie stu ________________ . :. _____________________ T 469 D, N.W.
BEDWELL, Sarah Lou stu ________________________ ~ ___________ r H, BLAKLEY, Helen ___________ ... ________________________________ r H, S.'V.
BLAKLEY, Jack (Mary) WPA ________________________________ l' H, S.W.
BEECHER, T J (Elizabeth) supt City Schools __________ l' 310 Seventh, BLAKLEY, Martha stu ___________________ ~ ____________________ l' H, S.W.
BELCHER, Camille Mrs ____________________________________ r 30 C,
BELCHER, John (Rhetta) custodian Moose Hall ______________ l' 760 S BLAND Norman stu __________________________________ r 57 Second, S.W.
BELCHER, Vedis stu ______________________________________ r 760 S BLEDSOE, Harriett Mrs hskpr ____________________________ r 5,..60 A, N.~.
BELCHER, Virgil WPA _______ ~ __________ ~ _______ ~ _________ l' 760 S BLEDSOE Vil'gil (L-ouise) trucker __________________________ r 009 N Mam
BELL, Linus (Josephine) shoe rep Haseman ________________ r 310 F BLEVENS' Lawrence (Leister) agt Mass Prot Assn __________ r 69 H, N.E.
BELLEU, Edna stu ____________________________________ Terhune BLEVENS', Robel't stu ______________________________________ r 69 H, N.E.
BELLEU, Naomi )11's __________________________________ Terhune BLOOMFIELD OIL CO., D-X Station,
BELVAL, Andrew ________________________________________ r 109 Jewell Herndon mgr ___________________ ~ __ r 109 A, N.E.
BELVAL, Ferry ___________________________________ ~_~ ____ l' 109
BELVAL, Henry (Ilene) __________________________________ r 109 C, ; BLmlE, Harold stu ________________________ ~ ___________ ~~ l' 149 H, N.W.
BELVAL, Lwna __________________________________________ l' 109 C, . BLUME, Jesse (Leona) trucker ____________________________ l' 149 H, N.W.
BEMIS, Thelma 1111'S ____ Thelma's Beauty Shoppe ________ r 560 Ninth, BOBBITT, Elijah _______ ~ ____________________________ ~_~ ___ l' 640 F, N.E.
BENEFIEL, Dale (;.\1arian) mch Gerin Sales & Service ____ r 949 Fourth, BOGARD Milton treas Greene Co __________________ BloomfIeld
BENNETT, Ann }'Irs ____________________________________ l' 709 Bl"oa,iw) BOLTEN, Alta ?dl'S (wid Il'a) __________________________ r 740 T~ird, N.'V.
BENNETT, Doris stu ______________________________________ l' 1069 , ~ BOHLEY, Earl (Jennie) RF'D carrier P.O. ________________ r 289 S.lxth, N.E.
BENNETT, Eloise elk G C Murphy Co ______________________ l' 190 D, BOHLEY & HEATON, blacksmiths ______ :.. _________________ 55 FIrst, N.'''.
BENNETT, Ermal stu ________________________________ r 1169 Fourth, BOHLEY, Sam ____ Bohley & Heaton ____________________ l' 320 S~xth, N.E.
BENNETT, Harold (Ruth) miner ______________________ r 369 FOllrth, . BOHLEY. Estei ________________________________________ l' 320 SIxth, N.E.
BENNETT, Homer (Della) ________________________________ r 369 H, BOLIN, Helrm :i\Iiss tchr high school ________________________ r 209 B, N.E.
BENNETT, Hazel ________________________________________ l' R()osev., 'BOLT, Sarah 1\Irs ____________________________________ l' 669 Fourth, N.'V.
BENNETT, Laurence (Lillis) miner ____________________ r 739 l'cmrtn. BONE, Glovel' (Doc) ______________________ ~ _________ r 759 Fourth, N.'V.
BENNETT, Lawrence 'V (Faye) railroaciel" __________________ l' BONHAM, Ella lITiss ____________________ c _________________ l' 349 G, N.E.
BENNETT, Lester ______________________________________ l' 810 BOOHER, CI~rcle (Doris) wks Ind State Highway __________ r 109 Thn'd, S.B.
BENNETT, Lester wks Linton Bowling Alleys ________________ l' 159 I, BOOHER, Earl (Edith) miner ______________________________ r 810 G. N.E.
BENNETT, Lola ?oIl'S hskpr ________________________________ l' HI69 A, BOOHER, Janice stu _________________________________ ~ __ r 109 Third, S.E.
BENNETT, Lorena stu ______________________________ l' 1169 Fourth, " , Joe (Lillian) ___________________________________ l' 290 B, N.\V .

f~l~~~s:!~-======~========================~====~=T 1Inf;~:i:
BENNETT. iVIal"garet fiIiss ________________________________ I' 290 D,
BENNETT, Martha 111's (wid John) _______ ~ ____________ r 780 Third,
BENNETT. i\fary J i\irs _~ ________________________________ I' 839
BENNETT, Mary K 11rs ________________________________ l' 184 '_:::~~~C
BENNETT, Maude :VII'S ____________________________________ l' 949
. Wm
WPA ________________________________ ,. 460 G, N.E.
_________________________ ~ ____ r 163 Third, S.E.
BENNETT, Mildred stu ____________________________________ r 159 WPA ___________ ~ ____________ l' Terhune Addition
BENNETT, Ora (Minnie) ____________________________ l' 1169 "·,,,n·t.h.
BENNETT. Otto (Ruth) miner ______________________________ l' 159 I,
e -------------------------- 710Fourth,
______________________ l'l' 340 Third, N.W.

~h~t; id stu ~~~~~~~~====~=~~~==~==~~=~~~====~~== ~: ~gg ~: ~:~:

BENNETT, Phil (Novelia) miner ____ City Councilman ______ l' 610 D,
BENNETT, Richard stu ____________ .______________________ l' 810 ""M'"V ::::" .. u.:
BENNETT, Rosanna stu ____________________________________ 290 D, Doris hskpr ______________________________ r 340 Fourth. N.W.
BENNETT, Thelma stu ___________________________________ r 159 T, Flora stu ______________ ~ _________________ r 340 Fourth, N.\V.
ii()RDi1RRL10R~/~ (Roii..xt-an)-~dg..-&-P-iym-~iith l'
BENNETT, 'Vilma stu --- _________________________ ~ _______-r 290 D,
BENNETT, Woodie (Blanche) ____________________________ r 340 Fourth, N.W.
BEN:'IIE, John (Elizabeth) ___ ~ _________________ ~ __________ l'
BENNIE, Minnie Mrs (wid l\fatthew) __________________ r 340 E ~m~:~~n; -~-- 207-209 A, N.E. _________ ~ ________ 1" 290 E, N.E.
stu ________________________________ l' 3--10 Fourth, N.",V.
BENSON, Jack sIs man ______________________ ~ _____________ r 140 N
BERNS, Arthur (~rma) driver school bus _____ :- ____________ l' 710 F, o pres Service Extension Institute
BERNS, Bertha .MISS ____________________________________ l' 460 First, .~~~~~~;~i:X~s ?ofuin - ________________________ ~ __________ 1'ms 78 First, S.E.
; Jules (Hermina) __________________________ l' 140 Sixth, S.E.
BERNS, Catherine ~Irs __________________________________ l' 49 Fifth,
1Iarie :Miss elk Daisy Cigar Store ____________ r 140 Sixth, S.E.
BERNS, Dr P C (Anna) physician ~:~~~~:g:g~[~: Anna stu ______________________________ l' 830 Fourth, N.E.
off 28V;, S Main _______ ~_~ ________ ~ ___ r 149 E } Reva stu ____________________ ~ _________ r 830 Fourth, N.E.
BERNS, Clara Miss ________________________ ~ __________ _ Sceva stu ______________________________ r 830 Fourth, N.E.

Page TVlenty Page Twenty-one

Newkirk's Funeral Home New Union Lumber Company
A Service With the Slogan "Service." A Home Institution
PLEASANTVILLE, IND. Linton and Jasonville

BOSTON, Raymond (lIal'gal'et) Service Shoe Shop ____________ r 510 D,

BOSTON STORE, Max Friedman prop __________________________ 69 S BRECK, Clyde (Emily) wks Wilkinson Lumber Co ____________ r 60 G, N.E.
BOSTON, ·Winona Miss tchl' high school ______________________ l' 510 D, BRECK, Doris stu __________________________________________ l' 60 G, r\.E.
BOUGH, Daniel stu ________________________•________________ l' 309 G, BRECK, ilIarie Miss tchr northeast ward ____________________ l' 259 N. Main
BOUGH, Estel wks Linton Bo,yling Alleys ________________ l' 940 Roos"veltl BRECK, Uildred :Miss clk G C 1furphy Co ____________________ I' 259 N Main
BOUGH, Eyelyn nurse ____________________________________ l' BREWER, Ina Miss hskpr ______________________________ 990 E Vincennes
BOUGH, George stu ______________________________________ r BREWER, Judson ____________________________________ l' 1189 Fourth, N.E.
BOUGH, Lillian ilIrs ____________________________________ ,. 940 ,R~~os~,vO'_~tl BREWER, Oscar (Ethel) miner __________________________ "1' 90 First, S.E.
BOUGH, Marie Miss ______________________________________ r 309 G, Bessie Mrs ______________________________________ r 190 J, N.\\'.
BOUGH, Myrtle Mrs (wid Roscoe) __________________________ l' 309 G,
BOUGH, Opha (Edith) ________________________________ r 40 Fourth,
BOUGH, Wm stu __________________________________________ r 309 G,
,~!~~S~V,:,Victor (Mildred) bkpr Central Ind Coal 'Co __________ l' 84 S Main
Chas (Della) janitor northwest ward school ________ l' 198 F, N.W.
lHaude Miss \VPA Library ________________________ r 340 I, N.W.
BOWEN, Ed (Gertrude) WPA ________________________ r 609 Fourth, \Villey wks Roosevelt Hotel ______________________ l' 340 I, N.\V.
BO'i,VEN, John'i,V (Grace) wks Linton &ice & Locker Co ______ l' 440 N iiRii',"'Fi;" (Charlotte) ------------------------------ l" 10 Third, N.W.
BOWEN, Melvin trucker __________________________________ T 440 N Bert (Beatrice) WPA ____________________________ l' 600 S .Main

B01,VERS, Angus (Edith) miner ________________________ r 69 Seventh,
BOWERS, Calvin stu __________________________________ l' 69 Seventh, I!~~!~~l~ Robertstustu________________________________________ 690 S
-------------------------------------- rl' 690 Main
S :Main
BO'i,VERS, Donald stu ______________________________________ r 340 D, stu __________________________________ l' Terhune Addition
BO'i,VERS, Geo (Margaret) miner __________________________ r 340 D, "';~ .. ;.';' Arbor lab ______________________________________ l' 47 Third, S.W.
BOWERS, Paul stu ________________________________________ r 340 D, Donald stu __________________________"________ l' Terhune Addition
BOYD, Lelia l\1iss ____ Davis Flower Garden ______________ l' 509 First, n"UI\'''. Earl __________________________________________ r 40 Fifth, S.E.
BOYD, Rev Robert B (:.\Iargaret) pastor Church of Christ __ l' 109 First, Elizabeth __________________________________ l' 1189 Third, N.\\".
BOYLES, Burl WPA _______._____________________________ r 753 First, Flo Miss ______________________________________ l' 40 Fifth, S.E.
BOYLES, Ray stu ______________________________________ l' 753 First, Fred trllcker ____________________________________ l' 40 Fifth, S.E.
BOYLES, 1,Vm (Cora) painter ____________________________ l' 753 First, ~r;~_.;.,;' Fred T miner ____________________________________ I' 300 H, N.E.
BRADFORD, Chester (::)Iargaret) trucker __________________ l' 289 L BRO.','''' Glenn h:;;kpr ---------------------------------- r 490 E Vincennes
BRADFORD, Robert stu ____________________________________ r 289 I, Herman (Ethel) miner ______________________ r 269 Fourth, N.\\-.
BRADSHAW, L{>ttie Mrs ______________________________ r 1169 Fifth, Howard (Ruth) ____________________________ l' Terhune Addition
BRADSHAW, Wm Stu ____________________________________ r 730 F Lloyd (Iris) miner ________________________________ l' 209 G, N.E.
BRADY, Mary Uiss opr Schlosser Cream Station __________ l' 59 Merl miner ______________________________________ l' 300 H, N.E.
BRANDENBURG, iIlary Mrs __________________________ r 610 ':!~2\:'j~: Mildred stu nurse ---------------------------- l' 409 Ninth, N.E.
BRANSCOM, Chas (Ruth) ____________________________ r 460 .;: Robert (Hazel) ______________________________ r 1189 Third, N.'\".
BRANSCO;\l, Hoyt Jrstu---------------------------------- 460 ~)1~~~~:
________________________________ rr 460 E
Roy (Lestel) miner ____________________________ r 409 Ninth, N.E.
Ruth _________________ l' 409 Ninth, N.E.
BRANSCOM, Jame,s __________________________________ T 460
BRANSCOM, John Paul stu --------------______________ r 460 ,.,i~;hth: N ______________________________ l' 189% N Main
BRANSCO:l\I, Robert stu ______________________________ l' 460 F,
BRANSTETTER, "Wesley (Irene) l\fgr D-X Service Station ____ l'
BRANTLEY, FerraJ Miss pressel' Craven's Cleaners ______ r 689 Fourth,
BRASSFIELD, Edgal' (Amy) __________________________ r 610 G,
Mr;-==================================== ~: ~~~ f: ~:~:
H (Edna) pastor First Christian Chm'ch ______ r 30 C. "N.W.
- - - - - - - ___________________________________ l' 40 E, S."\V.
BRA ULT, Chas - ______________________________________ ~~~~ ___ r F, --------------------- _____________________ r 40 E, S.W.
BRAULT, Edith Mrs ______________________________ r F
~.~!~~~;KEi;::'llval~i,;h Ind State ------------------------ ______ T 39 C, N.""·.
~~1gtf' ~~~~er~ D s~~_~-------------------------:::::::~~~~: F: 1: Ii truck driver ________________________ l' 510 Ninth, N.E.
m.-.-;·"· "HHg'ai',", Mrs ____________________________________ l' 290 D, S.\V.

Ii!~~!i g:~~~:f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~i IiIlm~~:~,~~:ilJ~~~; factory worker ----------------- ___________ r 290 D, S.W.

[red stu ----- _______________________________ r Fourth, S.W.

i~i~~~~rfl~~ RloYd (Lois) WPA
oy (HuJda) miner ------------------------------
_________________ __ l'r 410
BRAULT REPAIR SHOP, Henry Brault prop -------, ________ ~~-164 S . ~!leo.dore (Minerva) --------------- ____-___-_-_-~-1:-64 Eig'hth, S.E.
BRAWAND, Peter (Emma) Justice of the Peace __________ l' 79 Fourth, \~~i~Il (Florence) WPA ________________________ l' Fourth, S.W.
BRAY, Burgess OHable) drag line apr ______________________ r 490 F,
BRAY, Chas (Elsie) grocer ____________________________ r 160 Third, Er Vr(ViOleT)--lViavor---jjel~if~t.::.::.-------- r 64 Eig~th, S.E.
BRAY, Jose~h (WendaIl) Veterans Hosp, Indpls ______________ l' 480 G, Overland Sales _~ ________________ r 990 E Vincennes
BRECK, Clall'anne stu --- ___________________________________ l' 60 G,
E V and V C dentists ____________________ 84 S :Main
Page Twenty-two
Page Twenty-three
~' . , E

" :'~gtt:
~i~ ====================================== ~: g~~r ~169 N
(Thelma) wks Park Inn __________________
BULLOCK; May .Mrs waitress Greenway Cafe ____________ r 137 First,..
BULLOCK, Thelma Mrs ____ Thelma's Beauty Shoppe ________ r 169 N " .. ,~ .. ,
.BJl1'4P, Frank (ltlildred) railroader ______________________ l' 269 Third,
Red's Sporting Goods
BUNCH, Hazel Miss elk Rexall Store ________________________ l' 180 E, "Red" Charles Fulkerson, Prop.
BUNCH, Mary .i\hs ________________________________________ l' 180 E, "."'::.1 BICYCLES -- FISHING TACKLE -- GUNS
BUNCH-'-----.Elaine stu ________________________________________ l' 180 E, "."' .... , AMMUNITION
BUNCE' 1IosheJ1 :Miss bkpl' ,"Vestern Southern Ins ____________ l' 180 E, 119 N-E- A SL TELEPHONE 430
BUNOH: Otho ____ D-X Sel'Yiee Station ______________________ l' 180 E,
BUNGALO"W. STORE, Ed Vonderschmitt prop
groceries and meats ____________________________ 139 lCl"vp"th. Kelvey (Nellie) miner ______________________ l' 159 F!fth, S.E.
BURCH Clyde (LaVerne) minel" ______________________ r 269 W ';:t~~~~.~;.: Mary wks Klusmeier Cafe __________________ r 40 Th~rd, N.W.
BURCH: LaVerne .Mrs prop Cinderella 'Beauty Shoppe ____ r 269 'V': ..,.".•". ~~">~, Thomas wks Coca Cola Bottling Co ______________ r 41~ G, N"~.

~g~~~; }fea~,;t~~~--~--~--:~--~~~:~:--::~~~::~~~~~::~~~~~::::::: :"1:8

BURKE, Nick (i\Iartha) miner ____________________________ r 430
Wm . )~i~;1~~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~-_-_~-_-_-_-_~~~-_~__-___-_-_-_-_- :" :~9 8: ~:E:
BURNETTE, Columbus (lIinnie) ______________________ l' 1190
BURRELL, Amy i\Iiss elk Variety Store ------------------ l' 1069J i~~~.:~~;;.U
BURRELL, Hadey (Dru) ________________________________ l' 1~6~
I and JUrs Joel 'Vhite props ______ 110l' 'V 509Vincennes
(Molly) Miss __________________ r 110 'Y Vincennes
G, N.E.

BURRESS, Corajean stu ________________________ '- _______ r 130 (N~~~)-~~::_-~::::::_-:_-:::~~:~:~_-:_-:_-:_-~_-:_-_ l~. 375990 ~,t1~
BURRESS, Hubert (Katherine) grocery 610 F, N.E. __________ l' SERVICE STATION ____________________ 89 S Mam
BURRESS, Stewart J (Della) supt Linton Water Co ____ r 135
BUS TERMINAL CENTRAL __________________________________ 49 W B (Edna) Mgr Carlton-Standard .
BUTLER, Houghton (Esta) shovel opr ______________________ l' 239 Serv,ce Station ____________________________ r 782 S MaJ,n
BUTTS, Viola :Mrs ____ '''PA
sewing ________________________ l' 90 'Vilma stu ---- ________________________________ i l' 782 S nr:tEn
BYERS, Aldo (~IY11Ie) shovel opr __________________________ 1'160 :~~:~:~l:;~';,;:,,~John Edw (Grace) ______________________________ l' 310 B, 1 'Iv'
BYERS, Jennie .Miss ____________________________________ r 139 Levi (Catherine) ______________________ r 576 Secc;md, N. .
BYERS, John A (Florence) driver school bus ______________ r 139 :c;\~H:H:~~~: IVla1'Y __________________________________ r 739 N~nth, ~.~.
BYERS, Robert stu ______________________________________ 1" 100 Nona __________________________________ l' 739 Nt.nth, 1. ,
Osman (Lola) 'YPA ______________________ r 739 N~nth, N.E.

;;',:;;~~;.;;~~,;;' Tommy lab ______________________________ l' 739 N~nth, N.E.
S'~~:.:~:~:~~;;, Vernon stu ______________________________ r 78D N~nth, ~.~.
__________________________________ ,1' 739 Nmth, 1" •
ret salesman ______________________ l' 809 E Vincennes
) mine sealing project ______________ r 290 F, N.E.
stu ______________________________________ r 290 F, N.E.
THRIFTY BUYERS TRADE AT :;:,~~'¢:!0'~1[iEt'~
aSIt~~~A -----------------
CO, --:-------------------
Stewart supt ____________ ~ N 5;irst, I\r;i~
Giuffre prop ________ 49 A, N.E.

The GEM 5 IO (Amelia) miner ________________________ l' 10 Second, S.'V.

(Ethel) miner __________________________ l' 453 Ninth, N.R.
Miss ________________________ l' 209 B, S.E.
Ask Them t~~~t,~i~;J~jOl1'll'd
~li~~~·-: _________________________ l~' :g~ ~, ~:~:
Ii R6tbiJc'J;E-co~-Tlri\iorg'a;;,-iil·es--~~==-50l/2 A, 'N.E.
CAIN, Anna Mrs (wid John) ________________________________ I' 710 S f~j~1~~~x~E:,li'J~"e,',\ (~,Ta~;? pi~l-n~bi~g=he;ti~-g--=;h;;t---------
r 709 E, N.E.
g~ti~: ~:~:l ~~~s_s_=~===~=~=====~=~~===3=0=1=s=5~=r:~L~=_~--;-~-~'~.
CALFEE, Lucille Miss ________________________________r ,;m~~~ wks-269 A, N.\V. ____________________________ r 269 A, N.\V.
li'e",Ar'llAl'l, Geo F (Winifred) plumber and tinner _. _________ r 380 A, N.'V.
CALLAHAN, Betty stu ________________________________ r 120 '·om·th.
CALLAHAN, Francis stu ______________________________ l' 120 §iAi,~i;\~;:,.;::~~"'~-1f~s-bkP;.-Ele-c-t~.i;-Light--Oiii~~-:~~~::~~~_ l~, ;~90 15: ~:\~:
CALLAHAN, Maurice salesman __________________________ r 70
CALLAHAN, Oral (Dutch) (Pearl) coni jobber ____________ 70
§!gE:V:Eii,"F·::.~d"'''~'''__~~'~_~~~l~_n~~~~_~~d~_-:___-_-_~-_-_-_-_-_~-_-_~__ ~~ 61~9T~'h~~~eA~~~
CALLAHAN, Paul (Anna) ____________________________ l' FOlll'th,_i AUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILROAD,
CALVERT, Amelia stu __________________________________ r ________________________________ l' 250 First, S.W.
CALVERT, Gertrude jU1'S Major Salvation Army ____________ r ~:)!~:~!~~t!, Si"yl()rd ~uph,)lstte1'er ______________________ 110 W Vincennes
CALVERT. Harold factory worker ________________________ l' c-~c.,--, --------------------------- .1' 129 B, S.E.
CALVERT, Inez iIlrs ____________________________________ _ ______________________ l' 909 Fifth, N.E.
CALVERT, Ivan (Mae) miner __________________________ r B ,Boyd pastor ______________ 289 Fourth, N.'V,
CAMPBELL, Francis stu ________________________________ r Tucker pastor __________________ 129 'V Vincennes
CAMPBELL, George (Jody) miner __________________________ r 415 SHOPPE, .
CAMPBELL, Gladys i\Iiss opr Ind Bell Tel __________________ I' 415 prop __________________________ 269 Vmcenn,es 'V
Scherer Bros props ______________ 155 N Mam
Page Twenty-four
Page Twenty-five
l' 729 Fourth, N.'\'.
{'{:ons~'.n"~ stu --------------------- r 729 Fourth, N:W.
Donald stu ~t. Mienards ------=-=== ____________ r 189 J, N.\V.
City Service Corner Elizabeth MISS ---------------_~ __________ l' 729 Fourth,
Elizabeth stu ---------------- ,r 729 Fourth,
Francis stu ---------------------::::::::: l' 729 Fourth,
John stu ----------------------- r 729 Fourth, N.\'.
"TaIteI' 'Volfe, Prop. "'''.~ar''t stu Providence Home ------------ . 729 Fourth, N.\V.
Goldbergs ---------------------- 11' 729 Fourth, N.\V.
FIRST AND A STS., NORTHEAST PHONE 190 __________________________________ T 729 Fourth, N.'V.
!!~~~r~wwst¥u~~ ------------------------- l' 729 Fourth, N.'V.
CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, J E Turner pres ______ 5 S T -CO-Ha.rtingBros-ii;'-op~ ____157219.Fn'st,
B, S.~.
CITY, Bere (Sarah) lab ____________________________________ r 149
CITY HALL ____________________________________ 75 A,
Miss ___________________________________
: rl' 157 First, S.\V.
:Mrs --------------- l' 890 A, S.E.
OFFICIALS, see miscellaneous directory (front pages)
SERVICE CORNER, Walter Wolfe prop ________ 89 A, N.
TRANSFER CO, Fred Hannum prop ______ 32 Second,
& Sons ---------------------:--2()9 E Vincennes
;: ~~g ~:~: t:
Sons ---------------------- I 190 A N E
CLARK, Bert F (Bonnie) ____________________________ r 1280 Second,
CLARK, Claud (Sylvia) mgt' Krogel'S ________________ r 290 Eighth, & Sons (Economy store) _-=-_=__=_-=--~.-i5~ Third;
---------------- ________ l' 189 C, N.E.
CLARK, Cletus (Emma) miner ______________________________ r 189 E,
CLARK, Elizabeth ____________________________________ l' 540, First, l' 620 N 1\1a111
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l' 659 N Main
CLARK, Grace stu __________________________________ l' 1230 Second,
CLARK, Hoyt (Mildred) Linton Daily Citizen ________________ r 580 E, -- -- -- --- - - -_-_-_-:::--::------------------------------------ 1'1' 6:~0 ~ ~i:1~
CLARK, Irma stu __________________________________________ r 48 D, KClmetn_ buteher Ax & Fry -------------==-1' 659 N Maln
CLARK, John (Bessie) miner ______________.__________________ l' 48 D,
--:------ . ----------------- l' 659 N Main
CLARK, Lloyd (Chloe) mech ____________________________ r 689 Ninth,
CLARK, l\Iarg1.1el'ite stu ____________________________________ I' 580 E, ) mght polIceman ----------------1:-590 Ninth, N.E.
CLARK, Maribelle stu ____________________________________ r 189 E, Bertha Mis-s-bip~:-E-l;~t1-:-i~-Light-~-==========-1' 440rs6g~n~ ~~:
CLARK, Mary stu Central Normal, Dam'il1e __________ r 1230 Second,
CLARK, Patricia stu ______________________________________ r 580 E, Don (Erma!) miner -----~----..;---------------_=_~_ r 609 N.E. G,
CLARK, Richard ______________________________________ l' 689 Ninth, Doris stu -------------------------------:::-1-:--440 Second, N.W.
CLARK, Sue stu ______________________________________ r 290 Eighth, Mary Mrs ----------------------------- l' 180 E S.W.
CLARK, Thelma tehr ________________________________ r 1230 Second, Robert miner -------------------------------1~-4-40 Second, N.E.
CLARK, Virginia stu ________________________________ l' 1230 Second, ;t!~~!~: 'Vm miner -------------------------------- l' 369 H, N.E.
CLAYTON, Arlie (Grace) miner ____________________________ l' 390 B, \\' S (Anna) miner ------------------------:::::: l' 369 IH, N.E.
CLAYTON, Chas stu ______________________________________ l' 390 B, Wm Stanle~l stu -------------------------- l' 569 E, N.E.

CLAYTON, Claudia Mrs ______________________________ r 609 Ninth, ihl~iNt(;i~;.:~~~~ stu ----------------------------------_"_"_ l' 569 E, N.E.
CLAYTON, David stu ____________________________________ l' 58% N
CLAYTON, Donald ________________________________________ l' 50 H,
ni:viii<i: 11O,w"ra gro~;;~:-;;;d-;;1:-vi~~-;t_; ~: ~~~ ~I ~:~:
CLAYTON, Esther 1\11'S elk J 'C Penney Co ______________ l' 450 Ninth, --------------,------------------------- l' 569 E' N.E.
'c_~,~,-:.,) agt Prudential Ins Co ---------------- 180 s'Main
CLAYTON, Eva Mrs-WPA library ____________________ l' 730 Third, John Combs prop ---------------------------~. 989 B S.E.
CLAYTON, Guy (Opal) ,VPA ,recreation __________________ r 58 N (Iona) WPA -----------------------------= l' 989 B; S.E.
CLAYTON, Harold stu ________________________________ l' 609
CLAYTON, Henrietta stu ______________________________ l' 360 ss\~ -----------_--_-_-::_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-=--_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-:__ r 989 B, S.E.

g?f~:~!~;~:~S~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~eadleY--------- l~~O:J. ~~:

CLAYTON, James (Ellen) funeral director 1\1 J Aikin & Sons __ r
CLAYTON, James D ins dept Linton Finance Co ______________ r 109
CLAYTON, James H stu ____________________________________ r 89 C,
CLAYTON, Jerr;\' A (Flossie) salesman __________________ l' 360 Sixth, Joseph (Nora) la~ ----------------------------~.- 49 Sixth, N.E.
CLAYTON, John R stu _______ --' ________________________ r 609 Ninth, Robert (Elsie) nlme1' .-------.--------:--------- l' 610 E N.E.
CLAYTON, Julia Mrs (wid Geo) ____________________________ l' 89 C, ,,,,:,,-""- B (Nora) mgl' Amen can Rallway Exp ---------- . 190 H' N.'V.
CLAYTON, Marlon ____________________________________ ;1' 360 Sixth, stu - ____ -------------------------------------1' 190 First S.\V.
CLAYTON, May stu ______________________________________ l' 58% N (May) miner -----------.--------------------- 28 \V Vin~ennes
CLAYTON, Micheal stu ____________________________________ l' 109 F, dressmaking and alteratIons --------------~.- 369 Fourth, N.'V.
CLAYTON, 0 D (Mamie) tchr high school __________________ l' 109 F, ------------------------------------------ l' 341 J. N.W.
CLAYTON, Robert E stu __________________________________ l' 89 C, Arthur (IIo) carp --------"--------------------- r 69 I N.W.
CLAYTON, Ronald stu __________________________________ l' 450 Ninth, Bernard wks Gl'ee~l'S sawmIll -------------------- . 190 l N.\V.'/
CLAYTON, ROIma NYA ________________________________ l' 609 Ninth, N.E. Bruce (Estella) mIller -------------------::::::_-_ \. 290 A, S.E.
CLAYTON, Rosemarie stu ________________________________ r 58lh N MaiJl , Mary Mrs --.---------------------------- r 109 Fifth S.E.

~ .~~:~~:~i~: Julius
CLAYTON, Roy (Esther) prin main scho01 bldg __________ r 450 Ninth, N.E. BiIlv (Lucretia) ---------------------6-A-NE-- ·330 E Vindennes
CLAYTON, 'Vilburn stu __________________________________ r 58% N Main (Sarah) prop Cooper's Cleaners 6 , .. I l' 59 F S",V.
CLINE, Lemuel (Viola) miner __________________________ r 909 E Vincennes Luther (Dorothy) ,VPA ----------------------I~-i3-0 E Vin~ennes
CLINE, Lewis (Luva) miner ________________________________ r 390 S Main Mannie-.Cooper's Cleaners -------;----------- • 109 Fifth S E
CLINE, Norman (Buddy) stu ______________________________ l' 169 N Main C(}OPE:R: Margaret Miss-librarian Public Llbrar~! ------ 1 r 58 F' S.,,,:
-4~~~:~l~~: Martha
CLINE. Richard stu ________________________________________ l' 169 N Main ---------:---------------------------1·
COAKLEY, Con __________________________________________ l' 189 J, N.W. Korman Mrs (Beatrice) mmer ______________________ 190 B'I N.'V.

Page T,wenty-six Page Twenty-seven

Greene County Loan Company
"A Complete Confidential Loan Service"
ewkirk's Funeral Home
A SerrJ;ce With the S I ogan H S'"
78 S. lI1AIN ST.
Bris (Emma)
Cleota Miss bkpr
A & Cleaners
H Commission
I' 489 K,
---------- l'I' 489
489 K,
Frederick stu
Jess (Elizabeth)
----~-------------------------~-;-380 209
mmel' -____________________
l' Sixth, N.E.
E, N.E.
COOPRIDER Dennis wks Cravens ______________ t __________ _ I' 47 Third, S.W.
E t I
< , S e Imner --------------------------- _____ I' , II ) . ____ .
. WPA ---------------------- I' 489 460 K Norma s u(Stc
a ---------------------- ___ _ I' 47 Third,
E S.W.
COOPRIDER, Frank (Thercsa) J, Sampson l' 209 N.E.
COOPRIDER, Heloisc sten
COPELAND, Carol)"1 Farm Secul'ity Administration
stu ------------------- ------ rl' 379
_______________ 349 B,
B, _________________ . v

3~!jf~~;W~~idj)I-(Ajatiie5-iiar-ber-ii8-N-Afain--r-iOO'9 ~1:~l~~~~~~; ----------------------~~~~

COPELAND, Clyde (Mable) miner ------------------------ __ 1' 379 B, _____________________ l' 1069 A, S.E.
wks Cushing Co r 1069 A, S.E.

gg~~m; ~;·~~L ~i~~~bl~)-'V;;ts-id;-iif~bil-St;-:::::::::::_~·_1;.19 ~~~ ~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~ J~Z~ J:J~~

gg~~m; ~~::~t J~S~~~hL_~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~_~·_I;19 (~~~) -;gt-iili-;;oi~-c~;,t~;1-D;P~t-:=~~~71~~0 ij~:~d~' ~,~:
R ________ :
_____ __________________ ______

gg~~m; J~~I~ "s/(SPi;,)-(A-I;,~;)-Li,;To~-li!~t~;-S;I~~-~~~~:=::=_';. ~;;j~~~~j)~~~\~\N~' ~:k;-l~Jl:-~;d-s~~ti~t;-:_____________-_-_____-_-_-_l:- ~4~8~e~~~d~' ~:~~:

CORBIN, John (Edna) WPA ---------------------------- I' ____________ I' 160 Third, S.W.

CORBIN, Kermit (Frieda) trucker ------------------------ I' 1029 A, ____________________________ I' 109 K N.W.
CORBIN, Mildred stu ------------------------------------ __ I' 429 H,
CORBIN, Wayne (Leta) mgl' Std Oil ------------------------ r 429 H,
CORBIN. Wilbur wks Std Oil ------------------------------ I' 429 H,
Geo H
. . St P R R I' 239 A; N.W.
)lrs tchl' __________-_-_-_-___-_-:_-_-__-_______ r 789 Fi!'st,
Helen stu _____________________ r 189 ThIrd, S.\\.
CORBIN, Wilma -------------------------------------- ____ I' 240 H, Irene stu -- ______________________________________- I' 37% First, S.W.
CORBIN, Wm H (Mal',') ------------------------------- ___ I' 240 H, Jack (Isabella I miner ------------------ ______-_____-___- r 1140 Third, N.W.
CORE, Elzie Mrs ------------------------------------ __ r 69 Tenth, John stu ______________________________ _ _____ r 789 First, S.W.
CORE, Eugene (Edith) WPA ---------------------------- I' 149 Fifth, John ______________________________________ r 189 Third, S.W.
CORE, Wilma stu -------------------------------------_ r 149 Fifth, John (LilIic) WPA ________________ __ I' 189 Third, S.W.
CORLETTE. Constance-social service wkl' ------------------ r 210 N Malcolm R stu ---------------------------- r 1140 Third, N.W.
CORLETTE. Gilbcrt tchl' ------------------------------- ___ I' 210 N Noble (Dol'oth),) lab ____________________________ I' 189 Third, S.W.
CORLETTE, Glen H (Laura) Linton Ice & Orville stu ______________________________________ r 789 First, S.W.

Locker R Co
th -------------------------
t I Stat C II _______ r 210 N Thelma stu -------------------------------------- I' 1039 Roosevelt

' u s u owa e 0 ege -------------------- r 210 N 'f u am
. Thos (Anna) . WPA
I b _____ _ ___ r 589 G, SN.E.
CORNELL, Dr S M (Gertrude) dentist 19 V, N Main r 340 A, N.W. . Thos (BessIe) a ----------------------- ________ I' 789 First, .•

CORNELL, Gertrude 11l's bkpl' GC Murphy Co -------------- r 340 A, N.W. Vernon
CORNER, stu Bert
------- ----------------------
Johnson prop _____________-_-_-_- - __________ 10 N Mam
_-__ I' 280 Thh'd, N.W.
CORNETT, Floyd (Anna) Welch & Cornett Flossie :\lI'S ______________________ r 280 Third, N.W.
funcI'al directors ---------------------- r 390 Ninth, N.E. Nigel stu -------------------------------- l' 350 B, N.E.

gg~~~tt, E1.E~fRI~uCO~-i~I~~-C~~.~;jj-p~.~p-========~=:=_~· il S{~~~e'~;~; Sara\t~h~ -_-_-_-_-_~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _-_-_:-_~-~-~:-~ 2f~0 ~, ~~:

CORNETT, Marjorie stu --------------------------- _____ l' 890 Ninth, N.E. '.-i'';;;;;;;i[.'' Tho!; -------------------------------------- __ l' 350 B, N.E.
CORRELL J S (D otl ) CO E __ ';.
e se (Flossic)
or lj'prop 1Correll 'I· t~J~t,~~ ~~
'I' eII EI ec tl'"c Co ---------- l' 179 SI' X th J S • E I' Butler UlllV __________________ _ I' 920 D N'-W. _ ,
Electric Co -------- l' 29 Fourth, S.E. ___________________________:::_-_-:_- r 220 D, N.W.
CORSTEIN, Louisa Mrs
CORRELL, Raymond stu -------------------- ______________r I'2980Fourth,
-------------------------------- First, S.E. I 580 A N.E.

Ezra (Maude) ------------------------------ __ I'I' 119 Fifth, S.E.
S.E. 22 V,
MrsN Mam ----------------------=--_=_ l' 210C, SN.E.
CORWIN, ---------------------------------------- 119 Fifth, _________________ __ 29 D W
CORWIN, Thomas -------------------------------------_ r 119 Fifth, S.E.
~f~'!!'"c~, Betty 8t;;-::::_-:::_-_-_-:_-_-_-_________________________ 29 D; S:W:
COTTER, A F (Laura) bk}ll' Maumee Collieries -------------- r 840 A, N.E.
COTTER, Adam (Joetta) miner -------------------------- r 880 Roosevelt ~~<~,"',,~,", Flo,;d (Margaret) Ind St -Hy garage ______________ r 29 D
Flo)'d L _________________________________ ~--===-
r 610 A.:

~~ 56~n1enN.E.
COTTER, Agnes Miss tchr -------------------------------- l' 840 A, N.E. B b stu _____________________ 60 E V' nes
COTTON, Paul (Mary) miner -------------------------_ I' 249 Fourth, N.W. 1\D:,',<;";;;:j,, CLEANERKFre;f Cravens prop ______ l'
COULTER, Barbara stu ---------------------------------- .1' 209 E, N.E. Elizabeth Ml's _____________ ; ________________ 350 Sixth' N.E.
COULTER, Fred stu --------------------------------------
(Josephine) blksmith ------____________ I' 40 r 209 E, N.E.
Third, Fred (Della)
(Marie) _______________________________
Cravens Cleanels _______________ r 189 First, S.E.
COULTER, ---------- ________________________ I' 209 E, S.W.
N.E. Gu)'

Page Twenty-eight
Page Twenty-nine
New Union Lumber Company
A Home Institution
Linton and Jasonville GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS
Home Furnishing Company
CRAVENS, J C (Josephine) Ins and Real Estate Visit Our Gift Shoppe
off 60 E Vincennes ----- ___________________ r 610 A, N
CRAVENS, Jack stu ---------------------------------- 350 Sixth, ) t hovel eng _____ r 620 First, N.E.
Frank (Grace s ean~ S
eRAYENS, Max (Margaret) Cravens Cleaners ------- _______ r 589 F, • k---:------ - 40 E Vincennes
CIGAR CO, FranCIS Utterbac plOp ----=~_ r 136 Sixth, S.E.
CRAVENS, Wm stu I U ---------------------------------_ r
CRAWL, Otis (Verla) mch CliM Strong Motor Sales ---- r 1069 Fom+h.·
CR-EAGER, Gayle Bough Mrs nurse ---------------------- r 940 Roose'V€I!
Grover (Goldia) radIo repal1'l11g -------~~~~~~~= ___
l' 136 S~xth, S.E.
Jack stu ________________________________________ l' 136 S!xth, S.E.
CREAGER, Lestel' (Gayle) ------------------------------ l' 940~ _~~O_")sO':vett stu ___________________________ l' 136 Sllcth, S.E.
CRISS, Chas (Susie) Used Furniture 170 S Main ------------- r stu ___________________________________-_-:_-___ l' 239 I, N.\V.
CROl\nVELL, Fred wks R C Cola ------------------------ r James (Elizabeth) ______________________________ l' 239 I, N.W.
CROOKE, Harry (Fern) miner ------------------------ r Macrina Miss __________________________ =_______ l' 239 I, N.\V.
CROSS, Earl (Cora) elect ------------------------------ l' Marie Miss ___________________________: ___ l' 138 Seventh, S.E.
CROUSE, Jess lab ---------------------------------- l'ms Dean stu ___________________________--=-__________ l' 130 B, N.E.
CRUM, Abe ---------------------------------------------- r Emma Mrs hskpr ------------------- r 138 Seyenth, S.E.
CRYNES. Dean stu ------------------------------------ r 809
CRYNES. Dorothy ---------------------------- ________ l' 809 f
~::~::i:::::~ Peter (Mary) ---------------------------- _ r 560 F, N.E.
:Chas (Edith) trucker --------------------- r 890 Roosevelt
CRYNES. Hazel stu --------------------------------- ___ r 809 Broa!I,"", Clifford trucker ___________________________ l' 560 F, N.E.
CRYNES, John ----------------------------------- _____ l' 809 Broa!lw"v stu ____________________________________ r 560 F, N.E.
CRYNES, Juanita stu ----------------------------- _____ l' 809 Dl'ua'uwal trucker ---------------------:------;-740 Third, N.'\'.
CRYNES. Pauline stu ---------------------------------_ r 809 (Aretta) miner ______________________ r 349 E. N.E.
sten Shel'wo~d-Templeton ---------------~~~~~ l' 289 C, N.E.
CRYNES, 'Vilbur wks Fitz Bakery ---------------------- r 809
____ l' 9 Fifth, S.E.
an ----_-_-:_-~~_____ r 289 C, N.E.
CULBERTSON, Anna Mrs dressmaker ---------------------- r 190 D, Chas H (Gladys) m!ner
CULLISON, Ben (Audrey) miner ------------------ ____ r 180 Third, Clyde (Jennie) cashler CIt Nat
CULLISON, \Vm railroader --------------------------- _____ l' 30 E, Elmer elec _____________________________ ______ r 289 C. N.E.
CUbIl\!INGS, Daniel (Clal'a) minel' --------------------- ___ l' 489 N
CUNNINGHAM, Billy stu ------------------------- _____ l' 139 Sixth,
Hube11 sen' sta attnd! ----S-----.t-C~;;.l-C~---==
James E (Hannah) Lmton unum
__ l' 280 Fil'st, N.E.
-~__ r 390 Seeond, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Chas (Hel'shel) miner ---------------------- l' 170 H, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Geo (Pansy) cal'p ---------------------- r 189 Sixth, S.E.
Le\1 (Millie) WPA. ---------F'--Clii'E'---
Lizzie JIIrs florIst-509 Irs, . . ----
r 509 First, N.E.
r 260 D, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Jeneatte stu ---------------------------- l' 170 H, N.W. R M (Rosie) _______________________________.:__ l' 349 E, N.E.
CUNNINGHAM, Laurence (Viola) paintel' ---------- rear 210 W Vincennes (Eva) constl' wkl' --------------------___-_--;-390 Second, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Robert stu ---------------------------- r 139 Sixth, S.E. minel' ___________________________ l' 190 Fourth, N.W •.
CUNNINGHAM, Tl10s (Bonnie) ---------------------------_ l' 189 F, N.E. stu_-_--_-_------------------------- r 190 Foul'th, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Virginia -------------------------------_ l' 170 H, N.W. cook Gl'eenway Cafe -------------- l' 190 FOUlth, N.W.
CUNNINGHAM, Wm (Jennie) Supt Linton Summit ---------- l' 259 B, N.E. Joe (Col'a). ____________________________ _______ r 90 I, N.W.
CURRANS, Bernard stu ---------------------------------_ r 159 J, N.W. John (iI!inme) WPA ___________________ r 109 First, S.E.
CURRANS, Frank (Martha) Linton Water plant ------------ l' 159 J, N.W. Wm (Susie) minel' __________________________ r 176 Fifth, S.E.
CURRANS, Felix stu ----------------------------------- ___ r 159 J, N.W. (Ada) ____________________________________ l' 176 Fifth, S.E.
CURRANS, Frances stu ----------- _______________________ l' 159 J, N.'''. _______________________ _
CURRANS, Isabella
James stubkpl' Overland Sales --------------------
------------------------- ___________ rr 159 J, N.W.
159 J, N.'''. ,$~i£'''~;~~~I~r~
~ CO~-R~ss~ilT;:ent
d d ce mgr ______ _ 70 A, N.W.
CURRANS, John stu ------------------------- _____________ r 159 J, N.W. an pro u ----------------- r 269 Foul'th, N.W.
CURRANS. Regina bkpl' New Home FUl'n Co ----------- _____ l' 159 J, N.'''. Carl stu -------------------------------- r 269 Fourth, N.'V.
CURRANS, Theresa stu ---------------------------- ______ l' 159 J, N.'''.
CURRY, Joan Miss nUl'se ------------------------ __________ l' 379 G, N.E.
Martha stu ------C-------Sh-~--Sh~p-------
ehas-Martin-De OUl'cy Sh --------
r 109 First, S.E.
r 160 E, N.W.
op ---~-_-;-i27 Seventh, S.E.
CURTIS, Betty stu ------------------------- ___________ r 209 E Vincennes Shoe
CURTIS, Maggie Mrs (wid John) ----------------______ r 710 E Vincennes --------------- 70 E Vincennes
CUSHING & CO, W T Cushing pl'Op -------------- r 140 I, N.W.
Ladies ready to wear, etc -------------------- 79 N Main ~~:J":_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~. i~~ J: iN~:
CUSHING, '" T (Josephine) Cushing & Co ---- r 260 E Vincennes Herschel (Chlodena) truckel' -------------------- l' 140 I, N.W.
CUVELIER, Betty stu ------------------------------- _____ l' 260 G, S.W. James (Axie) miner ------c--------.-C---------- l' 289 D N.W.
CUVELIER, Celina Mrs ---------------------------- ____ r 840 Fil'st, S.W. Delbel't (Marie) slsman Robbms MOtOl 0 -------- l' 289 D: N.W.
CUVELIER, Desire (Minnie) \VFA ------------- ___________ l' 260 G, S.\V. Marie Mrs elk Boston Store _____________________ _
CUVELIER, Evelyn stu ------------------------- _________ r 260 G, S.W. Page Thil'ty-one
Page Thirty
Chas J1' _______________________ ~ _________ _"__ ____ r 929 A, S.E.
Chas stu ._________________________________ r 115 Fourth, S·'Y·
DRUG STORE, Frank G Duncan prop ______________ 19 N Ma~n
Linton Ice & Locker Company, Inc. Frunk G (Sarah) drugs ________________________ r 540 N Mam
Glen (Dorothy) supt Morgan stripper ____________ r 730 D, N.E.
Distilled 'Yater Ice-purer than the water you drink! Harold mch Jackson's Garage ______________ l' 115 Fourth, S."T,
Ail' Conditioned Ice Refrigerators .Julian wks Cravens Cleaners ______________ r 115 Fourth, S.'V.
Martha Miss __________________________________ l' 929 A. S.E.
669 SOUTH MAIN ST. PHONE 17 .Marv Mrs (wid Virgil) ______________________ l' 40 First, S.W.
M c" (Evelyn) ________________________ c _________ r 459 G, N.E.
Medford stu ______________________________ r 115 Fourt.h, S.'V.
Noll (Lulu) wks Hill's Used Furn __________ r 115 Fourth, S.Vil.
DENSMORE, A E (Leontine) prop Talk of the To\\'ll Olan (Ruth) miner _~ __________________________ r 59 D, N.V\,.
Salon _____________________________________ _
Beaut~T shovel opr __________________________ ~ ____ l'ms Ideal Hotel
DENSMORE, Billyanna stu __________ :.___________________ r __________________________________________ r 540 N Main
DESS, Howard stu __________________________________ r 739 l\.:hs ____________________________________ r 80 First, S.\V.
DESS, Morris (Sophia) Fell's Iron & Metal Wks ________ r 739 ______________________________ r 70 Second, S.\V.
DICK, Betty stu ______________________________________ r 158 _________________________________________ l' 574 E, N.E.
DICK, Ben (May) WPA ________________________________ T 158 Grant (Enola) ____________________________ r 160 Eighth, 8.E.
DINGLEDINE, Warren R ________________________________ r Jeanette stu __________________________________ l' 469 H, N.E.

DIXON, Emery stu _.--------------------------------- r 240
DIXON, G \V (Naomi) coal Opr ________________________ r 829 ml~~[Ul~: OscarRobert -------------------------------~--- 180 l'Seventh,
__________________________________ ~ r____ S.E,
574 E, N.E.
DIXON, Urban (Annabell) steam shovel opr __________ r 240 Robert (Lillie) ________________________________ T 469 H, N.E.
DOBBINS, Verdon (Dorothy) 'VPA ________________ '- ______ _
DODD, James (Esther) miner ________________________ l' 289 ,·"",.,h 'J
1l.o~iN1N(}: Robert 0 stu _________________________________ r 469 H, N.E.
\Vm __________________________________________ r 574 E, N.E.
DODD, Omm' (Maucie) miner ________________________ l' 289 N,m'th, (Fannie) ______________________________ r 1089 E Vincennes
JI. ,- . DOIDGE, Robert
DOIDGE, Mary Mrs 94 •;g~~:~:J:.~
----------------------------------- rr 94
DOLENCE, Jennie ___________________________________ r 1229
(Eveb:n) cmp \Velch & Cornett Fun Dil' __ r 1160 E Vincennes
stu ____ ~ _________________________________ l' 1160 E Vincennes
Albert- stu ________________________________________ r 430 F, N.E.
.. , DOLENCE, Peter (Jennie) ___________________________ l' 1229 Herbert (Olin) driver Fitz Bakel'~T ________________ l' 430 F, ~.E.
DONIE, Carl (Margaret) mine supt ________________________ l' 140 Murl __________________________________________ r 430 F, N.E.
DONIE, Elizabeth stu ____________________________________ r 140 STATION-Bloomfield Oil Co ____ 89 W Vincennes
DONIE, Marguerite stu ___________________________________ l' 140
DONIE, Marie stu ________________________________________ r 140 , SERVICE STATION-Bloomfield Oil Co ________ 90 H, N.W.
DONIE, Philomena stu ____________________________________ l' 140 F,
DONNELS, Maggie Mrs ______________________________ r 70 Eighth,
Ii, DONOHUE, John (Irene) ____________________________ r 1180 First, ...... "~,
DONOHUE, Monan __________________________________ r 1180 First,
DORNE, Geo (Cecelia) __________________________________ l' 1109 A,
DORNE, Sylvia _________________________________________ r 1109 A,
DORROUGH, Fred (Vena) plumber ~!ack Tyler ____________ r 590 G,
DORROUGH, Henry lab ____________________________________ r 90 G,
DORROUGH, John-WPA office ____________________________ r 90 G, DRUGS - SUNDRIES - TOILET ARTICLES
DORROUGH, Michael lab __________________________________ r 90 G,
DORROUGH, Mildred stu __________________________________ r 90 G,
DORROUGH, Ruth sten Motor Finance ______________________ r 90 G,
DORROUGH, Sarah stu ____________________________________ r 90 G,
amilton Drug Co.
DORROUGH, Thos senT sta attndt __________________________ r 90 G, 28 S. Main
DOTY, Eva Mrs _______________________________________ r 136 Sixth, S.E.
DO"TNING, Chas (Norma) Central Ind Coal Co ________ r 41() E Vincennes
DOYLE, Wm (Jennie) WPA ------------------------------ r 310 J, N.w.lri.~~t~j~
E~!g~~f~: ~a,,~(lj~y)tu(\'T;~;;;~tt~)-bkP~·-C~;-I~d-C"'a~Tc~ ~: i~~ ~I~':;: ~:~:"
DUDLEY, Bryan (Flossie) ________________________________ l' 1189 B, RE.
~l:~::re\V~~~~_=================================== ~: ~~~ ~: ~:~:
HALL ______________________________________ 70% E Vincennes
DUDLEY, Thos stu ______________________________________ r 1189 B, S.E. . Eliza Mrs _____._~ ___________________________ l' 739 Fourth, N.W.
DUFFROY, Leon (Helen) ______________________________ ~_ r 259 G, S,W. Andre"w (Agnes) WPA _______________________ r 143 First, S.\V.
DUFFROY, Maurice (Virginia) Fells '!ron & Metal Co ______ l' 279 G, S.W. Evelyn Mrs _________________________________ l' 163 Third, S.E.
DUFFROY, Monna _______________________________________ r 279 G, S.W. Francis (Julia) bkpr ______________________ l' 1229 Second, N.\V.
DUFFROY, Nellie ________________________________________ r 259 G, S.\Y. Marion stu" ______________________________ r 1229 Second, N.\V.
DUGGER. Walter E ____________________________________ r 32 Sixth, S.E. ________________________________ " 40 L, N.W.
DUKE, Chas (M~'l·tle) _______________________________ r 310 Seventh, S.E. __________________________ r 470 First, S.\V.
DUKE, Chas Jr NYA ________________________________ r 310 Seventh, S.E. J Ecker & Son ______ r 260 First, N.E.
DUKE, Homer (Delphine) trucker ________________________ r 69 1h N Main J and John R
DUKE, Luther WPA --------- _______________________ r 310 Seventh, S.E ...' accessories etc __________________________ 97 S Main
DUKE, Roscoe (Minnie) '''PA ________________________
r 790 E Vincennes ~·D~(jJ{I~iit,
DUNCAN, Chas (Nola) __________________________________ r 929 A, S.E. fi
John R (Martha) E J Ecke.r & Son ________ r 89 I, N.W.
Page Thirty-two Page Thil't~·-three
ECKER, Marie Mrs (,yid Raymond) ________________________ Terhune
ECONOMY STORE, Mack Coen and Sons ______________________ 70 S ASK YOUR GROCER FOR-
EDDY, John 'V elk Hotel Roosevelt ________________________ r 190 G,
i.J EDINGTON, Bettl' stu ____________________________________ r 530 E,
EDINGTON, Cecil (l\fyrt1e) meat cutter Krogel's ____________ r 530 E,
EDINGTON, Edmond stu ____________________________ 1'·609 Fourth,
EDINGTON, Granville eee __________________________ r 609 FOUl'th,
. utter-toast Bread
EDINGTON, Harry stu ___ ..: __________________________ l' 609 Fourth, "Fitz" on the Label Means Quality on the Table
EDINGTON Max (Geraldine) Edington Paper Co _________ r 166'1.0 S
EDINGTON' PAPER CO, Rufus Edington prop _____________ 146-166 S
EDINGTON, Ruby waitress __________________________ l' 609 Fourth, _ r 139 E, S.E.
James R stu ------------------ r 139 B, S.E.
EDINGTON, Rufus (CeJia) prop Edington Paper Co __________ r 149 S Margaret Miss ---1'-"59 Seventh, S.E.
EDWARDS, A C (Janice) barber 'Villiams BarberShop ______ l' 740 F, :.ow·", (Cora) WPA ------------------------- 89 A N E
EDWARDS, Bert-Greene Co Snrveyor ____________ Lyons,
EDWARDS, Carl stu ________________________________ r 1289 Third,
TIRE SHOP, R~nnis Wolfe mgr ------ r;!~ 140 A, N.E:
J State Auto Pohce ----------------------- 489 E Vincennes
. ED\VARDS, Fragrant (Hazel) miner ______________________ .r 210. H, 'H~~ K (Pauline) Ind State Emp Ser\' ---- l'nlS State Rd 54
ED\YARDS, Hubert miner ___________________________ r 1289 Thllod,
ED\VARDS, Jack _________________________________________ r H, IRON & METAL WORKS c:-----------~.-~29 E Vincennes
EDWARDS, J G (Myrtle) WPA ________________________ "_ r 939. . :GliS()N., J I (Alice) slsman Gulf Refmmg ----:_-_-_-_-_-_____ l' 189 F, N.E.
EDWARDS, Lula Mrs (wid Vemal) __________________ r 1289 Thn'd, Alpha stu ------------------------ _______ l' 870 Ninth, N.E.
ED'VARDS, Marietta Miss ________________________________ r 210 H,
ED\VARDS, Vernon stu ___________________ ~ __________ l' 1289 Third, ~~Wfo~~u(F~;~ki~)-,~,kS-i~d-St~t~-H;' -----~.-610 lF~~;t1~' :.,~:
ELKS CLUB _______________________________________________ 190 N Conrad stu ---------------------------- Ideal Hotel
ELKINS, Chas stu ________________________________________ r 337 G, Earl (Oqual) salesman --------------------;,-870 Ninth, N.E.
ELKINS, James \V (Effie) miner __________________________ l' 837 G, HalTY Olaude) ---- ---------------1' 610 Fourth, N."'.
ELKINS, Mary stu _______________________________________ r 337 G, Herbert (Emma) WPA ----------------- r 210 A, N.'V.
ELKINS, Paul stu ________________________________________ r 337 G, ~(;~s:~i~: OquaI ?lhs ,Prop Ideal Hotel -------~~~~~-~-250 Seventh, N.E.
ELKINS, Thelma waitress Klusmeiel's Cafe _________________ r Third, (Effie) Huner -------------I-----C 1 Co _ l' 990 A, N.E.
ELLETT, Geo (Elsie) truck drivel' ________________________ r 140 D, (Rose) elk Sherwood-Temp eton oa ----_ r 990 A, N.E.
ELLETT, Herbert (Beatrice) trucker _________________ l' 540 Second, y Jl' ~tu -----------------------------------_ l' 990 A, N.E.
ELLIS, Rov (Cleo) Goodman & Ellis ______________________ r 190 E,
ELSON Ai·thul'-Elson Jewelers and Optometrists __________ r 889 A,
~~-";":".( Gf~dY;)-\~k~-'\Tilki~~~~-i.~~~b~;.-C~-=========- l' ;~2~ BN~\~:
ELSON: Jewelers and Optometrists __________________________ 116 N DEPART~IEXT --------------~-------.------ 90 i, N.W.
ELSON, 'VIll (Ste1Ja) prop Elson Jewelers and Optometrists __ l' 889 A, ;~~;~~ BAPTIST CHl:RCH, Rev Harry J BaIley pasto: -------- 290 N Main
EMERSON, Avis-'VPA sewing ___________________________ l' 90 K,
ENGLE, Harriett stu _________________________ :......: __________ l' 910 A, CHRISTIAX CHURCH, Rev B f!
Brun:r pasto~_~~~~~~_=_~ 189 B, N.E.
M E CHURCH. Rev Guy Ramse) pastOl -:----- 310 E Vincennes
ENOCHS, Bonnie stu ___________________________________ r 610 B,'oad,,'a. U B OHURCH. Rev C D Plummer pastol -----===~= ___ l' 90 H, N.E.
ENOCHS, Ora Mrs __________________ , __________________ r
EUREKA CHEVROLET, Percy Myers mgr _________ _
.Bennie stu -------------------------------
Millard (:'Ifal'ion) tehr ----;--------;-.---.--------
l' 390 Third, N.'' .
r 90 H N.'''.
EUREKA CHEVROLET-Used Cars _____________________ 90 Willard (Dorothy) recreatlOn supCH VIS01 ----------- l' 709 A S.E.
EVANS, Jennie stu _______________________________________ r , E printing and adv slsman -------------------- l' 579 H' N.E.
EVANS, III A (Fenel) meeh ______________________________ r (Ethal WPA ----------------------- ________________ 1" 709 A, S.E.
EVERETT, Effie Jlfrs ___________________________________ r 78 Olvie (Thelma) mmer ----------------_-_-:_-_-_-________ l' 579 H, ~.E.

F ~~,~~~d~~:~~~:~~:~~~~~=~~~:~~;~~~~~~-~-:-:------:-:-:=-:-:-:-: J2~
~f2~im;~i~~: (Pichoueeque) Cha~ (Zelle) gro -----------=
l' 209 H, N."'.
--------------------------------i~ Chas Jr-Fisher TIre Shop ---~-----------------__ l' 159 F, N.'V.
i' Ed (Maud) n~gl' ~ew HO,IP~ FUln Co -----~~~=-~ 610 E Vincennes
EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Haryey (MarIe) CIty ('arI~el P.O. --------- r 209 H N.'V.
Hem'Y' (Lillian) Fishel' TIre Shop --------------.-€i10 E Vin'-cennes
James stu Purdue --------------:...------------ 1'1 390 Second, N.\V.
New Home Furnishing' Company Leland (Elsie) miner ---------:------------- 89 A N.'V.
tj~isiiii~R TIRE SHOP, Chas .and He!1l"Y F~she,. ---------------- 59 A: N.E.
Bl~I~~!I~, Oscar FItzpatrIck plOp -------------; 459 H N.E.
Exclusive Dealers for Kroehler's Furniture Betty elk G C Murphy Co ------------------ r 459 H' N.E.

;~I~jit~:ij~tii~ir Craig
Dessie (Jean) Fltz Bakel':\T
Miss-Fitz Bakery -----------------
----------------- r 110 B' N.\\'.
l' 459 Ii N.E.
FAGIN James --- ----------- _______________________ 660 Fourth,
l' Dessie stu ------;-------------------------- l' 59 C' S.'V.
FARlIi BUREAU, Leo Hulen mgr ______________ 90 Third, HalTY (Pearl) mmer ----------------------- r 59 c' S.W.
FARRIS, Mary C stu __________________________________ r 160 Thi.rd, Jack --.-----------------------------1-:-~1~-110 'V Vin~enlles
FARRIS Mildred l\fl's elk Variety ---------------------- l' 160 Th 11' d, Jack
stu -----------------------________, l' 459 H N.E.
FARR,IS' Roland stu __________________________________ r 160 Third,
F ARTHr'NG, Bert Dr (Bertha) H & F Jeweler and Optometrist l' 139 B, Page Thirty-five
Page Thirty-foul'
~ ___________ r 989 A, N.E.
(Alice) agt Monon R R --------- r 989 A, N.E.
J stu ------------ ------------- _ r 989 A, N.E.

JOHN T. FRITZ (~ilzab~th)-;."k-s-F-l~a)~S-e~.-R;i;i~.-ShOP-~~-~~ 1~~ ~~!~~~'J\~:

August (PhyIlis) WPA ----------- ________________________ r 989 A, S.E.
Architect and Engineer
George (Ruby) .------------------- _c ___________ l' 1053 B, S.E.
C);prien (Josephme) ---- ------ _ l' 390 Sixth, S.E.
Leon (Loui~e) --------------~~~_-~_-~~~_-~~~~~____ l' 1053 B, S.~.
50 A ST., N.E. TEL. NO.3 Rosemary NY A -------------, I NW l' 490 Fourth N.".
Joe (.l\1ina) repair shop 490 Ii OUl't 1, • • -~ l' 490 Fourth: ij.W.
John stu ------------------------------- r 490 Fourth, N.\V.
stu ------------------------------- l' 178 Seventh, S.E.
FITZPATRICK, l\1iraJda ----------------------------------- r 59 stu ------------------ r 69 I S.W.
FITZPATRICK, Oscar (Ossie) prop Fitz Bakery ____ l' 110
FITZPATRICK, Sue stu __________________________________ r 459
------------======== ___
I' I; S.W.
------------ l' 178 Seventh, S.E.
FITZPATRICK, Violet _____________________________________ l' 59 Duner ------------------ r 438 H, N.E.
FITZPATRICK, ·Warren ____________________________________ l' 59 ----------------------------~-i039 E Vincennes
FolTZPATRICK, Wilda _____________________________________ I' 59 ----------------- l' 410 G, N.E.
FLACK, Amy Miss ------- ___________________________ l' 590 ~:~~:,:d; ----------------------------------1~-1039 E Vincennes
FLACK, Jesse (Opal)miner __________________________ l' 590 t: (Venus) trucker --------------.,.----- r 59 Tenth, S.E.
FLACK, Mary Jane iIliss clk G C Murphy Co __________ ·r 590 '2::;~~~ John (Clythe) ------------------------------- I' 410 G, N.E.
FLACK, Raymond stu _______________________________ l' 590 ;::; Lewis (Mary) sIsman -----------------~------~- r 309 N Main
FLAGLER, Oley ________________________________________ Conrad (Agnes) ~---------------------------~ 309 E Vincennes
FLAKE, Amos (Liza) ______________________________ ._ r 239 (Lottie) contraetor ------------------ r 120 E Vincennes
FLANAGAN, Edw (Emma) l'ailroader ______________________ r 89 llU1.~~_~_=__=_~~-.-~~~-=--=----=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~-,~ 1r2089ET.,hTi,.11'ldc'e,S,~~~
FLATER, Homer (Helen) WPA --------------------------- l' 40 B t Shop
FLATER, Lola stu ________________________________________ r 40 prop VanIty eau Y , -------- r 120 E Vincennes
FLEETWOOD, Lou Mrs-City Clel'k-Treasurel' __________ r 489 E Vi"",nnle; (Marie) contractor ------------------ l' 240 A N."T.
FLETCHER, Cor3 Mrs ___________________________________ l' Eugene stu -------;--,----------------------_=__=_ r 240 A: N,'Y.
FLETCHER, Ler3 wks Cravens Cleaners ___________________ r Marvin gtu Butler lJlllv ------:-------------- r 240 A N.W.
FLINK. Elmer (Emrna) painter and paper hanger ______ l' U40 E Vi"cc,nr,e; l\Iax (Lillian) prop Boston Stale -------------- r 690 Ii N.E,
FLORY, Jacob (Ida lII) Commissioner (Sarah) miner --------------------------~:89 SeeOlHI: S.W.
(;,reene Coun1r -------------------------- BI oom f'Ie Id R (Laura) mine}' -----------------------.----
t -------------------
l' 760 H, N.E.
~g~~: ~l,~: Ni;~I.;t-)-\\-PA-------------------~-----------------------_-_-_-_-~:3-10r
690 Jaco~ ~ -(i~-;t-h;)-i;kP~-~ff-50 A, N.E. ------ l' 2~~oC~ ~.E:
FORDYCE, Betty l\Iiss ___________________________________ l' _________________________________ ; ______ 1 ,

FORDYCE, Dexter elk Kroger" --.----------------------_ r (no;,,,') city engineer real estate ms N E
FORDYCE, Homex (Catherine) mgr Motor Finance l' 50 Ji., N.E. __________________ l' :02~9BB \';.E:
FORDYCE, Jack (Leola) --------------------------------- r stu Depauw ___________________________ : 760 H' N,E,
FORDYCE, Louise Miss _______________________________ l' 440 (FI ) ",,'ne,' _____________ I ,

FOREMAN, Florence l\Irs (wHI . J K) ------------------- r 469 orence --------------

Bob stu _______________________________ ~. 210 E Vincennes
, 390 E Vin~enneR
FORTUNE JE'VELER-Fortulle F'auvergue prop 24 'V Vincennes r Vi,eke,bul] Carrie .Mrs ___________________________ _
FOSTER, A E (Lulua) shoyel opr ------------------------- r 960 . 111 (id ottO)
FOSTER, E W (Margaret) ________________________________ r 390 A, Catherll1e l rs W • 390 E Vincennes
FOSTER, Rey 11 V (Phoebe) ______________________________ l' 210 E, N. Shoe Store -------------- I E

, 1ll on -----------------------------------------,
,. 730 E Emma )lrs (Wld . Alf' Ie d) l' 188 Third, S. <.
----------------1' 390 E Vincennes
FRANCIS, Robert (?I.laggie) -------------------------- r 193 Fourth, Mal'\' "Margaret. stu I U _________ : ______ _
FRANCIS, Rosalie stu ------------------------------------ I' 189 G, :::,:,oo;co,,; SHOE STORE-Mrs Catherme
FRANCIS. Thos (Hazel) miner ____________________________ r 189 G, N.E. 15 N Main
FRANKENFIELD, Bal'bara stu ______________________ r Terhune Addition prop --------------------------~_-_~- r 90 C, N.'Y,
FRANKENFIELD, Jack stu _________________________ r Terhune Addition ________ -------- ----- r 169 First, S"Y,
FRANKLIN, Chas stu ____________________________________ r 110 J, N.W. ------------------ I' 120 Fifth, N.E.
FRANKLIN, Danny stu _______ .________________________ r 58 Eighth, S.E. ---------- --------------------- l' 539 E N.E.
FRANKLIN, Elmer 'VPA _________________________________ r 389 :I, S.,Y, . ) blksmith --------------------------;.- Jasonvill~ Ind.
FRANKLIN, EYerett ______________________________________ l' 889 B, S.E. & Fry --------------------------------- l' 120 Fifth; S.E.
FRANKLIN, Guy (Ann) s]sman Fuller Brush ___________ r 58 Eighth, S,E. -------- -------------~~------ l' 120 Fifth, S.E.
FRANKLIN, James (Zona) miner _________________________ r 110 J, N.'''. MaJdne __________________________ ~-------------_-_-_-____ ,1' 90 C, N.\V.
FRANKLIN, Kenneth NYA ________________________________ r 389 I, S.W. Paul (Lucille) -------------------------------- l' 120 Fifth, S.E.

FRANKLIN, Lottie ---------------------------------------
_______________________________________ rr 889
389 I,
B, S.W.
S.E. RoPauselitntae _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-:::::_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-_,. r511020EF,i!,.tnhc'enSn.Ees'
FRANKLIN, stu ___________________________________
Sarah Mrs 889 J,B, N.W.
---------------------------------- rl' 110 S.E. ABI1AieR~BhE·sR--S-H--O--P-----R--L---F-r--~.-e--p-;~p--~-:~=~~~_ 26 E Vin.cennes
FRANKLIN, Wm A miner _____________________________ r 179 Fifth, S.'\', Irct~;~l~T~ l' 510 'V Vmcennes
FRANKLIN ,m. C- 1'a d'10 serVIce
. _____________________ r 179 F'fth
1 " S "ITT
H. L"prop barbershop.
t -------------------------
. __ l' Terhune Apt
FRANKLIN, 'Villard (Goldie) 'VPA ____________________ rear 360 H, N.E, J Jesse Maumee S l'lppel ---------------------- -
Page Thirty-seven
Page Thil't:~l-six
At Your Independent Food Store
67 E. Vincennes Tele. 186

r 789 G, N.E.
FU'LKERSON, Chas (Red) (EatheJ) ------------------------------------- 57 S Main
p.fOp Red Sporting Goods __________________ r 349 C, and Ten -----------------~----~ 1063 B, S.E.
FULKERSON, Margaret Mrs (wid Luther) _________________ r 310 D, (Mary) ------------------- r 370 A, N.E.
FULKERSON, Melvin (Buck) WPA ________________________ r 389 1, -----.. --.,--.----------------------- 187 A N.E.
FULLER, James (Emma) ________________________________ r 190 C, Joe Germ prop -----------~~~~~ ~ 809 F; N.E.
FULLOM, Claude (Cecil) WPA _________________________ r 1160 ------------------------- r 509 H N.E.
FUSCO BROS CAFE, Leonard and Frank Fusco _______________ 58 A, baker -----------------------;, 32 Sixth, S.E.
FUSCO, Chas stu __________________________________ l' 290 Seventh,
FUSCO, Emmanuel stu ______________________________ r 290 Seventh, ;~p-tC;l~b~al-Cit~~-l\ii~~-~~~~-;. 60~oET\IT~ndcenSnEes
. r lu }11',.'
FUSCO, Frank _____________________________________ r 290 Seventh, mmer --------------------- r 110 B, N.E.
FUSCO, Frank (Providence) __________________________ l' 140 Fourth,
FUSCO FRUlT MARKET, Joe Fusco prop _________________ r 260 A, ~~~l;~G:;~~f~i~~~· =========================== r 110 B, N.E.
FUSCO; Joe (Stena) prop coniectional'Y ______________ l' 290 Seventh, ~ Mahlon and .
FUSCO, Josephine Miss _____________________________ r 290 Sev~nth, ,ItI".... ' _____ 77 E VIncennes
FUSCO, Leonard (Iva) Fusco Cafe _________________________ r 58 A, f'~nT,'e Gilbreath ----~-------------- r 110 B, N.E.
Mahlon (Stella) GIlbreath Insurance ---------- l' 110 B, N.E.
Nancy Mrs ----.---------------;-------------- r 110 B, N.E.
~~1i'H: l\Iahl~n W Jr-Clty School Attolney -------~.-769 Ninth, N.E.
G George (Elma) trucker
Mattie Mrs --------------------------
±'!'~,;;;.\ Amos (Jennie) miner -------------------------
r 'i0 Se\'enth, N.E.
Mary Miss --------------------------~ __ ~ __ r 'i0 Seventh, N.E.
r K of P Bldg
r 709 A N.E.
Clarence (Ethel) cement worker ---------------- l' 709 A' N.E.
Ethel Mrs ass't to Dr G C Porter :--------------- r 709 A: N.E.
MEET YOUR FR1ENDS AT THE Mal'Y Faye attndt Greene Co HOsplta~ ------------ l' 980 A, S.E.
SODA FOUNTAIN John'miner ------------------------------------- l' 980 A, S.E.
Robert -----------------------------------------_ l' 809 B, S.E.
Audl'ey stu ---------------------------------- _ r 789 S Main
~ti~~~~ Blanche Miss wks Central Inn ------------------ l' 789 S Main
The REX ALL Store [i; . Elmer (Nora) ----------'---------------------- l' 809 B, S.E.
~~~~~,~ =~~~====~==~===.===.===========~===_~:_=~~~5~r ~~~t~'
Lloyd (W11111a) CIty recleatIon -----------
809 B, S.E.
G & GE Railroad Co ________________________________________ 5lh N
}~yi·tle ----------:-------------------------;-709 E Vincennes
GABBART, Cecil stu ________________________________ r 689 Second, Orlie (Florence) mmer -------------------- l' 809 B, S.E.
GABBART, Chas WPA ______________________________ r 689 Second,
GABBERT, Loren (Edna) paper hanger _____________________ . F, 'Iti~~t~: Ralph (Alice) --------------------------------- r 809 B, S.E.
~ Rosemary stu -------------------------------- l' 809 B S.E.
GALLAGHER, Phyllis stu ______________________________ l'
GALLAGHER, "Tm _____________________________________ l'
GAMBILL, Coral stu ________________________________ r 869 <oun.n
GAMBILL, Emma stu ________________________________ r 869 Fourth.
Theln'th.:;~=~~~~;~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;5:: !~yt H:!:
(Anna) 111l11el' ------------------- l' 290 D N.E.
GAMB1LL, Everett (Mal"),) __________________________ r 869 Fourth,
GAMBILL, 'Vm E stu ______________ ~ _________________ l' 869 Fourth,
Philip stu ------------------------------------- l' 290 N.E.
RobeI't. stu ;------------------------------~-~-Terhune Addition
GAMBILL, "TilllIa stu ________________________________ l' 869 Fourth, Jean (MarIe) Vi/PA --------------------- _ l' 310 G, S:W.
GARNOC, Leon (Irene) elk Bungalov., Stol'e ______________ r 1189 Ro,ose",
GASTINEAU, Sentene:.r ____________________________________ r 59 D,
~"~"~'(Mildred) WPA ------------------------------ r 489 A, S.E.
GEARY, l\Ian: E l\iTs sten Sel'vice Extension Institute ____ r 409 First, "n;;,;;:.,,- Leona;.nD;;;.isrpro-v-Ce;;t:;';rj:;;~-a;;T---. 949 A. N.E.
GEARY, "Too'drow (l\Iar~: E) clk Burress Grocery· ________ l' 409 First,
GEATCHES, Clara ilIrs ______________________________ r 389 W Vi:nc,mne! and Soda Shoppe -------------------- I . 489 A S.E.
GEATCHES, Donald (Fel'Jl) lab ___________________________ r 390 G, 'C,c:-.c,--·.: (Clara) commission merchant -------------1-:- ~9 Sixth; S.E.
GEATCHES, Emma Mrs ______________________________ r 94 Eighth, (Lulla) - ___ ------- ----------- ----~------
GEATCHES, Frank (Bea) WPA ___________________________ r 390 G, Roy (Josephine) plumbing and heatmg r 789 A, N.E.·}
GEATCHES, Georganna stu _______________________________ l' 789 G, N Main ----------------------~------- 630 N Main
GEATCHES, George (Muriel) miner _______________________ r 789 G, i>El~N"S BEAUTY SHOPPE, Mrs Glen Hayes plOp ---------~ 890 A N.B.
GEATCHES, Mary M _____________________________________ r 390 G, John (Nettie) ___________________________________ 1 ,

Page Thirt~t-eight Page. Thirty-nine


89 E. YiuC"ennes St. Telc. 35 Cafe
210 1\.,r. A St.
TUMEY HOTEL GREENWAY, }lrO}l. 67 E. Vincennes Tele. 186
Tele. 126

tehr high school __________________________ r 339 B, N.E.

GOLDBERG C01\FECTIONERY, "\Ym Goldberg prop __________ 133 N . miner ___________________________ r 390 First, N.E.
GOLDBERG, CI!arlotte Miss nurse __________________________ l' '89 H, ~;~;~i~'vl.~llgl' Texaco Sta __________________________ l' 339 B, N.E.
GOLDBERG, MIlton _________________________ •..... _....•. _ l' 89 B, ~ Miss ....... _.......... _..... _.......... l' 339 B, N.E.
GOLDBERG, Wm (~achea.n prop Goldberg Cafe ____________ r 89 B, !I.!I.;_}t~er'la~.::. stu ___________________________ ,.- __"___ l' 390 First, N.E.
GONSER, Geo (Lessle) mmel' ____________________________ T 1030 A, ______________________________________ r 129 I, N."'.
GONSER, Helen stu ____________________________________ l' 1030 A, Howard stu' ____________________________________ l' 120 I, N."W.
G ~~~ ~;uu I-U·~~~~~~~~~~~~·-~~·--~~~~-~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~ 49 0
.____ ______________________ ____ ,': 4 9 0 AA', Mary
Peter stu .. - .. -- .. ___________________________
(Theodosia) - ...... --.............. --- .... r 129
l' 236 I, N.W.
Sixth, S.E.
GOOD, Chas mmel' ____________________________________ l' 40 Second, Robert stu _____________________________________ l' 129 I, N.'''.
GOOD, Lew (Edith) groceries and meats __ ._. _____ l' 490 A, Wm Jr stu ......... --.- .... - ......... -- ..... - .. l' 129 I, N.W.
, ~ew-G 1'eene C 0 D em Ch· an'man ___________ l' 490 A, (Laura) ------------------------------ r 250 Third, N.'V.
C M .... __ . ___ ...... _._ ..... __ ....... __ ....... r 249 G, N.E.
GOOD, Sylvia Mrs ________________________________________ l' 139 S COY 1\1 stu St Rose Acd Vincennes ___________________ l' 249 G, N.E.
GOODMAN, Bart ...... _......... _. __ ........ _..... _... _. l' 100 H, Robert W stu ........... ___ ........ _............. _ l' 249 G, N.E.
GOODMAN, Clinton (Anna) shovel opr ____________________ r 789 H, Jack (Audl'ey) miner _______________________________ r 880 A, S.E.
GOODMAN, Dean stu __________________________________ l' 1060 ~~:~~:~:: James (Alice) minel' __________________________ r 250 Third, N.'''.
GOODMAN, Doris Miss .--.... _............... ___ ...... r 1060 E TER LINTON CLUB, Steve Stalcup secy-mgr . ___ City Hall
GOODMAN & ELLIS FEED STORE ______ ._. _____ 98 Harry (Chellie) agt C ill & St Paul R R .. _",_ ... l' 510 S Main
GOODMAN, Hallie (Faye) miner ______________________________. l' A E __________________________________________ r 1109 B, S.E.
GOODMAN, James E (Nola) tehr junior ,high ______________ l' 169 Betty stu _______________________________________ r 789 A, S.B.
GOODMAN, Janis (Ethel) miner _________________________ l' 500 Lo\vell mgr Linco Sta 189 A, N.'''. __________ r 139 Seventh, S.E.
GOODMAN, Jere 0 (1\I:~.. rtle) slsman ___________________ l' 309 Marjorie Mrs tch1' main bldg ____________________ l' 789 A, S.E.
GOODMAN, Jos M (Ida) Assessor Greene Co ________ E:to()mfield Myron carp ....... __ ..... ___ ._ ... ___ ._ ... _ r 139 Seventh, S.E.
Ross (Naomi) insurance and real estate ____ l' 139 Seventh, S.E.
GOODMAN, Lea stu --------------------------- ___________ r Sina stu _____ ____________________________ l' 789 A, S.E.
GOODMAN, Laverne stu _______________________________ l' 1060 Rc>osey,,11 ____________________________ 410 A, N.E.
Lem miner .......... - ... - ................. l' 1060 R~;d~!t;~. CO, Homer Fo'.'d,.'ce mgr ___ 78 S Main
GOODMAN, (Emma) ________________________ l' Terhune. J
GOODMAN, Reba stu _____________________________________ l' 789 Greenway Cafe ____________ l'ms 240 First, N.E .
. GOODMAN, Reva stu .......... _........ _... _..... _... __ . l' 789 ustin Greenway l)rOp . ___ 67 E Vincennes
GOODMAN, Rosemarie stu ____________________________ r Delbert (Jaunita) '''PA foreman ________ r 690 First, N.E.
GOODMAN, Ray (Mildred) wks Criss Mvers Service Sta }' ","iii';;:;' DeJ1amae Mrs elk J C Penney Co· ____________ r 339 D, N.E.
GOODMAN, Vesta Miss ______________ ~ _________________ l' Edw (Dellamae) minel' _____________________ r 339 D, N.E.
GOODSON, Audr)' (Dola) WPA ._ ........ _.... _... ___ l' 310 ""."_""'~, Herbert tchr .. _........ ___ ....... _.... l' 690 First, N.E.
GOODSON, Eugene miner __________________________________ l' 49 ""."_"~:"" Hubert (Ruth) ____________________________ r 689 H, N.E.
GOODSON, Geo (Bessie) ____________________________ r Terhune Addition PrisdIla stu ___________________________ r 690 First, N.E.
GOODSON, Hettie Mrs 'VPA sewing __________________ l' 369 Roy ___________________________________ r 690 First, N.E.
GOODSON, Iris stu __________________________________ r Terhune ~'lg!l;!on 'Valton (Elzora) miner __________________ r 690 First, N.E.
GOODSON, Ollie (Ida) ______________________________ r Terhune "'"'UH.W" Rinehart (Arline) asst mgl' G C Murphy Co __ r 420 E Vincennes
GOODSON, Phyllis stu ____________________________________ l' 49 C, ;I~:~~:~: Claude -- ___________________________ ~ _______ r 198 Third, S.E.
GOODSON, Verna stu _____________________________________ l' 49 C, !! Lillie Miss _________________________________ l' 198 Third, S.E.
GOODSON. Wes (Millie) WPA ... __ ... _ .... _ . . . . . l' 49 C r~!~~!*,N H iIlrs _.............. __ . __ ..... _......... l' 198 Third, S.E.
GOOD\VIN, Barhal'a stu -------------- __________ ===_=-;·-829 Fourth: N.E. ii Agnes Mrs _________________________________ l' 37 Third, S.'''.
GOOD1VIN. ,Clarence (HeJen) miner __________________ l' 329 Fourth, N.B. .,i';~.;;' Chas mech Cliff Strong l\fotor Sales ____________ r 269 H, N.E.

,r"..,'' 'i;'
GOOSSENS, Rey Emile J-St Peters Rectory _._ 490 Fourth, N.E. ";:';';;;.;' E R (Lillian) railroad agt ....... _............. l' 149 B, S.E.
GORSAGE, Elizabeth .Mrs ______________________ ~ __________ l' 560 H, N.E. Gordon stu ----------------------------------- r 149 B, S.E.
GOSNELL. De\\'e~r (l\fartha) miner ________________________ l' 359 E, N.E. "'.T~.T;' James lab ------------------------------------ r 269 H, N.E.
GOl\;EN, Ha1'Ve;\T (Ethel) _________________"________________ l' 990 A, S.E. Lois stu -------------------------------------- r 149 B, S.E.
GO" EN. James ..... _.... _........... _...... _.... _.. _.. _. l' 990 A, S.E. May Mrs .. - ..... - ............ - ............... l' 269 H. N.E.
GRAHAM, Edw State Employ Se1'v ____________________ l' R69 E Vincennes' Max ------------------------------------------ r 149 B, S.E.
GRAHAM, H G _______________________________ '_ ______ l' 869 E Vincennes Otis lab -------------------------------------- r 269 H, N.E.
GRAND CAFE, Joe Fusco prop _____________________________ l' 80 A, N.E. X~~~:;'!',· Martha l\Iiss --------------------------------- r 809 C, N.E.
GRAPER, Fred stu ___________________________________ l' 609 E Vincennes '1S1tpjji~DS: oris stu - _________________________________ l' 1168 A, N.E.
GRAPER, H G (Edna) Farm Security' Adm ____________ r 609 E Vincenne~ (ij Harvey (Helen) pit boss Maumee ColI __________ r 1163 A, N.E.
Page Forty Page Forty-one
GROVE, Ruby Mrs ______________________________________ l'
GRUBBS, Helen 1\Irs Linton Daily Citizen ______________ l' 680
GRUBBS, Marjorie stu _______________________________ r 680
GRUBBS, Victor (Helen) prop Vic's Place ____________ l' 680 E V;n"o.~='
GUITHER, Ernest (Millie) carp ___________________________ r 140 K,
GUITHER, Ernest Jr stu ________________________________ :.. l' 140 K,
J. Ecker & Son
Wbolesale and Retail Jobbers
GUITHER, Mary ________________________________________ r 140 K,
GUITHER, Mud stu _____________________________________ r 140 K, PHONE 59
GULF SERVICE STATION, Geo Sm'mont mgr ________________ 509 A, :MAIN STREET
HomerGARAGE, HomerGarage
and Noble Gunn . C:79 A

---------------------.---------------- S.E.
GUNN, (Della) Gunn's __________________________________________
-~: 390

GUNN, Naomi stu __________________________________ :. . ____ l' 390 C, '~~~~:rl~~ Mrs ______________________________________
l' 149 l'Seventh,
390 E, N.E.
GUNN, Noble (Lillian) Guun's Garage _____________________ l' 390 F,
GUNN, Noble Jr stu __________________________________ l' 390 F,
______________________________________ r Terhune Addition

(~_o~~~~_===============================·===- il,' ~:~~:

GUNN, Paul stu _____________________________________ r 390 F,
Herm.asll ;'-310'
At u_______________________________________ r 190 Third, S.'V,

H -\j
stu ________________________________________ l' 310 K, N.W.
stu ________________________________________ r 190 H, N.E.
________________________________________ l' 310 K, N.'V.
\~~nlt~:,.;~~;;ie~1 WPA ________________________ r 149 Seventh, S.E.
. Monon R R ____________________ l' 310 K, N.'V.
ALWAYS THE LATEST DESIGNS IN V~~~i.~~~h;~~~'in~'-)-~\\;.pi~-------------------------
\' WPA _________________________r l'149190Seventh, S.E.
Third, S.W.
__________________________________ 510 A, S.E.
WALL PAPERS ____________________________________ r 789 E, N.E.
Greene County Hospital _____________ r 110 H, N.'V.
Hamilton Drug Co. . 110 H. N.'V. _____________________ r 110 H, N.'''.
Ham's Grocery _____________________ r 440 J, N.'V.
________________________________________ l' 110 H, N.'V.

,~._., ~." Album R parts dept Linton Motor Sales __ rms 240 First, N.E.
HAAG, Earl (Alice) mgr 'Yestern Union Tel Co ____________ l' 130 H, ~r:~}i*>:~} Alpha (Delpha) miner ____________________ r 143 First, S."T.
HADLEY, Denver (Helen) arc welder Maumee ColI _________ l' 190 D A S (Lizzie) painter _________________________ r 590 A, S.E.
HADLEY, Sylvester (Louisa) constI' supt Maumee ColI ______ l' 490 E, HU.LLJLVJ", Dr C C (JllaudeIine) ph)' and SUl'g
HADLEY, "'aneta tehr junior high ________________________ r 490 E, N lIIain __________________________ r 409 A, N.E.
H & F JEWELERS AND REG OPTOMETRIST . stu ______________________________ l' 143 First, S.'V.
Dr Bert Farthing mgt' __________________'________________ 20 N
HAFFLEY, Clem (IJIine) miner ___________________________ r 309 E,
DRUG STORE, W J Hamilton Jlrop ______ 24 N Main
Eliza Mrs ________________________________ l' 190 Fifth, S.E.
HAFFLEY, Felix ,(Etta) miner ____________________________ -1' 350 C, Helen Loui~e Miss ___________________________ r 409 A, N.E.
HAFFLEY, FranCIS ______________________________________ l' 350 C, Jasper stu ______________________________ r 143 First., S.'V.
HAFFLEY, James (Anna) 'VPA __________________________ r 249 G, Leeomus _______________________ ~ ________ l' 143 First, S.W.
HAFFLEY, James Jr stu __________________________________ r 249 G, ____________________________________ T 143 First, S.W.
HAFFLEY, John (Helen) miner __________________________ r 379 E, ____________________________________ r 190 Fifth, S.E.
HAFFLEY, Mary ________________________________________ l' 350 C,
'V.vns•tu ______________________________ l' 143 First, S.W.
HAFFLEY, Mildred NYA ________________________________ l' 109 'H,
HAFFLEY, Theresa stu __________________________________ r· 309 E, (Nelle) Hamilton Drugs ______ r 339 A, N.E.
HAFFLEY, Vera 'VPA library ____________________________ l' 109 H, 50tu _______________________________ r 143 First, S:W.
HAFFLEY, Virginia stu ________________________ . .- _________ r 249 G, ~~;;~."(a~~~~i W
(Emma) (Hamilton Drug Store)
Store) coal opr etc __________________ r 84 S Main
HAGAMAN, Eufaula Miss sten and bkpl' ______________ r 60 Seventh,
HAGAMAN, James E ________________________________ r 60 Seventh, Lee (Edith) WPA _______________________________ ,. 260 G, N.E.
HAGAMAN. Leanne stu ______________________________ r 60 Seventh, .~A:{i;I~ Jerrv stu _______________________________________ r 260 G, N.E.
HAGAMAN, ]lladon prop Marions ,;:; ehas R stu ________________________________ r 319 Sh..-th, N.E.
Beauty Shoppe ______________________ r 60 Seventh,

ltHglli~ Gloria
Guy stustu___________________________________
---------------------------------- r 319
l' Sh..-th, N.E.
319 Sixth, N.E.
HAGAMAN, Roll (Dora) prop Ideal Barber Shop ______ r 60 Seventh, Lucien (Ruie) painter ______________________ r 319 Sixth, N.E.
HALBACH BATTERY STA, Chas Halbach prop ________ rear 190 A, Porter (Nallnie) _______________________________ l' 690 A, S,E.
HALBACH, ;Chas (Marie) prop Halbach Batter~r Sta _________ l' 369 D, Edith Mrs _____________________________________ T 90 B, N.E.
HALBAOH, Chas Jr stu ___________________________________ l' 369 D,
HALBACH, Rita stu ______________________________________ l' 369 D, Fred (Vergia) prop City Transfer __________ r 32 Second, 8:W.
HALE, Chester lab __________________________________ l' 690 Fourth, RoB (Mona) miner ________________________ r 169 'W Vincennes
HALE, Helen stu ________________________________________ r 840 E, 'Wm-janitor junior high school _______________ r 70 First, S,E.
HALE, Glasper (Mary) miner ____________________________ r 7% N Emmett wks Shutts Feed Store _____________ r 449 First, N."'V.
HALE, Lloyd (Mildred) mch ______________________________ r 340 E, Mildred Miss tehr Northwest'ward ___________ r 449 First, N."T.
HALE, Otis (Lula) trucker ________________________________ r 473 G, Robert (Laura) lab ________________________ r 449 First. N.W.
HALE, 'Vm-Ind State Highway ______________________ l' 600 Fourth, . Roy (Pear}) elk Harbin Grocery ____________ l' 490 Third. N.'''.
HALL, Bernard (Leora) WPA _____________________________ r 190 H, Al'thul' (Myrtle) grocer 580 First, N.'V. ___________ r 90 D, N.·W.

Page Forty·two Page Forty-three

General Insurance Raymond Withycombe, Mgr.

HARBIN, Clyde (Emma) grocer ______________________ r 1209 Fifth, Mud Haseman prop _________________ 59 N Main
HARBIN, Harold mgr Bailey Sel'v Sta _____________ ~ __ l' 1209 Fifth, Hill's Used Furn _______________ l' 190 H. N.W.
HARBIN, Robert stu ______________________________________ l' 90 D, ) ______________________________ r 69 Third, ~.~.
HARBIN, Roy (Bonnie) ________________________ :-- _____ r 1209 Fifth, ____________________________ r 389 H, . .
HARBIN, Virginia stu __ .: _________________________________ r 90 D, wk;~f-.TAikin &. Sons ___________________ r 389 H, ~:E.
HARLEY'S PLACE, Harley l\Uller prop ________________________ 7 N l' Terhune AddItion
HARMON, Dorothy st.u ___________________________________ l' 1153 A,
HARMON, Marianna stu _________________________________ l' 1153 A,
;t~-:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______ l' 309 E, N.E.
supt Greene Co Hosp ____________ rms Greene Co Hosp
HARMON, Oscar (Elsie) grocery 589 A, S,E. _______________ r 1153 A, ~h;'j."ir' Dr (Jessie) dentist ' off 44 A, N.E. _ Terhune Apt
HARRAH, Audrey Miss wks Barnetts Cafe ____________ l' 171 Second, Miss hskpr _____________________________ l' 650 FIrst, N.~.
HARRAH, Leva J stu _____________________________________ r 480 A, stu ___________________________________ l' 53 Fourth, S. .
HARRAH, Max stu __________________________._____________ I' 480 A, ____________________ l' 53 Fourth, S.E.
HARRAH, "Tm (Cora) Linton 'Vater 'Yorks _______ --.: ________ l' 480 A, --------- l' 53 Fourth S E

HARRIS, Evelyn stu ___________________________________ l' 120
nn. Mrl:1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~6~9 !g~!t~'E-*
" stu Browns Business College ________________ l' 560 N Mam
HARRIS, Kenneth meh Linton Motor Sales __________________ l' (Elva) sec foreman New Hope ________________ l' 79 Fi~th, S.E.
HARRIS, Margaret stu ________________________________ l' 120 Dolly Mrs elk Varietv Store _______________ r 1140 E Vmcennes
HARRIS, .Mary Maud Miss ________________________________ l' 130 Floyd (Bernice) 'VPA _________________________ l' 380 B, N.'V.
HARRIS SHOE STORE, Claude Harris prop ________ 189 N Hurschel (Al'dath) __________________ ,---- r 1050 E Vincen:1es
HARRIS, "Wayne butcher Krogers __________________________ l' 289 D, James stu ______________________________ r 290 SIxth, N.E.
HARRISON, Clarence (Fern) miner ________________________ l' 109 G, John _~ ___ =~ _________ ~ ____ ~ ___ ~ _________ l' 1050 E Vince~ne~
,i~'''''",';'_-, HARRISON, Clarence Jr stu _______________________________ l' 109 G, John (Marv) miner ______________________ r 240 -Fourth, N.,,,.
'HARRISON, Clarice stu ___________________________________ l' 109 G, Katherine ~tu ________________________________ r 380 B, N.".
HARRISON, James _______________________________________ r 109 G, Perl (Dolly) supervisor .
-HART, Frank (Hazel) miner ______________________________ r 810 F, Coltlllluntit)' Sanitation ________________ r 1140 E Vmcennes
~l~i: ~~~:t~_=======================~================== ~: ~ig ~: Chas stu ____________________________________ r 40" Second, S.,,~.
'HARTING BROTHERS, Inc., Fred Harting pres, Norman stu _________________________________ r 40 Second, S,'\.
Thaniel (Hula) ______________________________ r 40 Second, S.".
Wm F Harting vice pres, Otto F Harting Arthur (Gladys) mch Clifcf Strong Motor Sales __ r 1110 Roosevelt
secy-treas, Coca Cola Bottling Co ______________ 219 B, Arthur Jr stu ________________________________ r 1110 Roosevelt
HARTING,_ Donald stu _______ ~ __________________________ r 189 H, Betty stu __________________________________ r 1110 Roosevelt
HART.ING, Doris _________________ ~ _______________ ~ ______ l' 189 H, Dal'l~el1 (M;rgaret) Gem 5 & 10 ----------------- l' 1169 GB , NS'~'
HARTING. Fred (Be.~tha) pres Harting Bros ______ r 120 D, Harold-Variety StOl'e __________________________ r 210 , '.'
HARTING, Harold stu I U ______________________________ l' 79 Third,
HARTING. Otto F (Isabella) sec\.'-treas
Hubert (Fern) City Fire Dept ------------------- l' 28
Jessie cashier J C Penney -----------------------
fg g ~Aa~
janitor Christian Church __________________ rr 210 G,, N.E.
Harting Bros __________________________ r 99 Third, tchrhigh school _________________________ l' 210 G, N.E.
HARTING, Paul (Bonnie) Coca "Cola Bottling Co ____________ r 189 H, Coca Cola Bottling Co _____________ l' 789 A, N.~.
HARTING, Wm (Sophia) vice-pres Harting Bros r 79 Third, ::;ele'v",e Cornel' ________________________ l' 389 N Ma~n
HARTING, 'Vm Jr stu I U ___________________ ~ _____ ~ ____ r 79 "Third, _;;~,;,;;'.;;" l'(Rli~:~b;;tb)-;I~(;;;T~------------------------ r 389 N Mam
260 S
'fAN H
HARVEY, Andrew
,arry (Ida)
1 Ian
'VPA ------------------ l' l' 640 even,
•• hovel runner _____________ l' 390 \V Vincennes "-
stu ______________________________ r 259 F~1'st, N .\VT : c:~~~~,~l
" ~ HARVEY, Delilah NYA _____________________________ r 640 Fourth, Mrs wks Central Inn __________________ l' 259 Fll'St, N.".
HASEMAN, Betty stu _________________________________ r 220 Sixth, • John (Mable) Service Station .
HASEMAN, Bill)' stu __________________________________ r 59 Sixth, E Vincennes ______________________ r 659 E Vmcennes
HASEMAN, Francis (Eya) mgr Ins Dept Stanle" stu _______________________________ r 659 E Vincennes
Peoples Trust Co _______________________ r 59 Sixth, N "T 111 -Ciyde distributor S~ony Vacuum Oil Co -- rms Tumey Hotel

·"'1 HASEMAN, Harry (Ellen) Haseman Shoe Shop ________ .:. . l' 159 Sixth, Wr~i;'~N" Ethel Miss tchr high school ____________________ l' 90 E, N.\V.
HASEMAN, Howard (Jessie) miner ___________________ r 909 Fourth, Helena Mrs ___________________________________ r 90 E, ~.~.
HASEMAN, Joseph (Beatrice) bkpl' __ ~ ___________________ l' 59 Fifth, ~:~:ltii~~Li~1~~. Raymond ---:---------------------------------- 1'.90 E, :N E'
HASEMAN, Mud (Zoe) prop Haseman Shoe Shop __________ l' 780 A, l' Guy (Madge) mmer ______________________________ 1 46 F, . .
Page Forty-foul' Page Forty-five
Linton Ice & Locker Company, Inc.
Di&tilled Water Ice-purer than the water you drink! ewkirk's Funeral Home
Air Conditioned Ice Refrigerators A Senu'ce With the Slogan "Service."
669 SOUTH MAIN ST. PHONE 17 Indiana
HENICO, Billy stu _________________________________ l' 1069 E Vi1"Ceonn, James F (Dezzie) __________________________ l' 310 Ninth, N.E.
JIENICO, Joe (Mable) ll1ch Eureka Chevrolet ---------- r 1069 E Vinc,,,,n, Lela stu ____"_______________________________ l' 310 Ninth, N.E.
HENICO, Nancy stu _________________________________ l' 1069 E T,hurman (Nonna) carp _________________________ l' 829 A, S.E.
HENNEQUET, Adolph (Eodie) ---------------------------- l' Amanda "),11'8 __•____________________________ l' 209 Fourth, N.E.
HENNEQUET, Henry stu --------------------------------- r 40 Dora Mrs l' 490 A, N.E.

~~~~~i~~: Pt~~:l~t~t~ -~=~~~ =~ ~~~=~~ ~~ ~==~ ~~ ~~~~~=~~ =~=== ~: ~~g

IHENNETTE, ,Ivan (Nelle) truck driver ______________ :.. ______ r 249 I, I, ~E~'eJI~\l,,"n>s!t~u~
• =_~_~_=_~_~_~_=_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_=_~_~_=_~_~_~_~_~_~_=_=_~_~_~_~_~_=_=_ 'rl~ 333g9000 gB:, NN~ .·E ~·.·
HENNETTE, Lea J stu ____________________________________ l' 910 A, Grey' (Katie) Humphre~'s-Schloot & Co ___________ r 360 D, N.E.
HENNETTE, Louis (Emma) ------------------------------ l' 91~ A, Lee (Josephine) Linton Hardware Co _____________ r 640.A, N.E.
HENRY, August (~lary) \VPA ------------------.------ l' 409 S~xth, l\lax (Ruth) Hixson & Sahms _______________ r 289 \V Vmcennes
HENRY, Thomas NYA -----------------------------.--- r 409 Slxth, Otto (iolal'garet) Rickeys Super Service St.a __ l' 209 Fourth, N.E.
HENSLEY, Edw (l\Iary) miner ---------------------------- r 910 B, Ronald stu _____________________________________ l' 360 D, N.~.
HENSLEY, John miner ----------------------------------- l' 740 S & SAHi\IS. Men's furnishings ______________________ 58 N 1\Iam
Llo:.',td stu
HENSLEY, Parker Danville
miner College ---------------------
______________________________ 910
rillsr 710 G st_u__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ,': 33 60 DD" N~ . EE'.
HENSLEY, R \Y (Iva) ------------------------------- l' Terhune. (Ruth) mgr Ax & "Fry ____________________ l' 390 B, N.E.
HENSLEY, \Yesley __________________________________ l' Terhune _____________ ~ ________________ r 439 E Vincennes
HERCHY, Augu.<;t (Jennie) \YPA -------------------------- l' ) (Elizabeth) sIsman
HERNDON, Betty stu -~ ___________________________ ~ ____ l' ~ _________________________ ~ l' 230 B, N.E.

HERNDON, Ira (Inez) miner --------------------------- l' A __________________ l' 460 Second, N.\V.
HERNDON Jewell (Pearl) mgl' D-X Sel'\' Sta __________ r 70 Seventh, ______ .:. __._________________________ r 460 Second, N.\V.
HERNDON; Mattie Mrs ----- __________________________ l' 269 Sixth, John _______________________________ T 339 Ninth, N.B.
HERNDON, Myra Lou stu --- ______________________________ r 289 H, Katherine ______________________________ r 460 First, N.\V.
HERNDON, Roy _______________________________________ l' 1009 Louise )li::;$ ____________________________________ l' 230 B, N.E.
HERNDON, Sheldon (.Morag) welder ---------------------- 1'0 ,~,.~~ MaTY )11':; _______________________________ l' 1209 Fifth, N.\\'.
HERROD, Margaret Curtis ---------------------------- r Re,: C A (Irma) pastor Sa1'on .
HERT, Leo (Juanita) wks Linton Water Co ---------- __ r Church _______________________________ r 440 FIrst, N.E.
HERT, Jel'J'y stu ---. ----------------------------,----- l' Geo (Etta) WPA ______________________________ l' 109 J, N.W.
HESTER, Bert (Rose) ------------- ____________ ~ ______ r 379 , James ________________________________________ l' 109.J, N.\V.
HEURING, Selma Mrs (wid John) ----------::-------- l' 248 W R"oad"'ar Barbara )liss secv high school _____________ l' 290 E Vmcennes
HEWITT, Belle Mrs ----------------------~------------- l' 5GO Thos J _ _____ ~ __________________________ r 290 E Vincennes
HE\VITT, Billy st.u ----------------------------------- l' 540 Vil'g-inia st;n Citizens National Bank ________ l' 290 E Vincennes
HE\VITT, GU~T (Catherine) painter ---------------------- l' Mal';gal'et Mrs ________________________________ ~_ l' 353 B, N.~.
HE\VITT, Mary stu ---------------------------------- r 540 Edith ~liss _________________________________ l' 610 S Mam
HE"WITT, \Vinnie Mrs tehr ------------------------~- __ l' 540 Elmer ____________________________________ l' 610 S Main
HICKEY'S MOBIL SUPER SERVICE, Geo (Arma) _______________________________ l' 610 S Main
Otto Hixson prop __________________________ 289 A, N Lola Miss~Lint.on Daily Citizen ________ r 209 Fourth, N.E.
IIILDEBRAND , D 01'0 th V S t U --------------------------- r 160 T h'11'd , V\altel' 'VPA ______________________________ .1' 610 S Main
109 F' t S E
~HI1LtgE~RBB~tC~K~g:J:I~p"t~a'lMl~t&I S~nR_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: i~g J;l~: (Lillian) ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~-;;. ~8tol~i~~~;' ~:~:
e en(Louise) ________________________ Terre Haute, Ind.
HILGERDICK,, ",Vm n 1 --------------------------------
carp ________________ ~~ _______ l' 609
HILL, Henry (Grace) used iUl'n 156 S Main ________________ r 1~9 _____________________________________ l' 139 S l\-Iain
HILL, Ilene 1\1rs ______________________________________ l' 290 FIrst, ________________________________ r 159 First, S.E.
HILL, James (Della) WPA ________________________________ l' 740 N l\!i" ___________________________________ l' 159 First, S.E.
HILL, Maggie Mrs __________________________________ l' 489Io!;~I!~:cen,;r~ ____________________________________________ l' 48 Sixth, S.E.
HILLIGAS, E J (Pearl) wks Monon R R ________________ l' Robert (,Hallie) miner ____ .. _______________________ l' 669 E. N.E.
H1MEBROOK, Carol (Mildred) plasterer _______________ l' Rohel·t Jl' ________________________________________ l' 660 E. N.E.
HIMEBROOK, Carol J1' ________________________________ l ' 49 Robert ______________________________________ ~ __ l' 479 E, N.E.
HIMEBR00K, Ella hskpr _________________________________ l' 250 R W (Anna) ___________________________________ l' 479 E. N.B.
HIMEBROOK, Ladonna stu ---------------------------- l' 49 Third, i;{r,!~:iir~l;~; .Tohn _________________________________________ ,. 510 G, N.E.
HIMEBROOK, Mildred stu ____________________________ l' 49 Third. Kenneth (Bo11l1a) _________________________ l' 510 Third. N.'V.
HINMAN, Bett.y stu _______________________________________ r 829 A, Shal'oie ~tu ____ ~ __________________________ r 510 Third. N.\\'.
HINMAN, James stu __________________________________ .... 310 Ninth, Michael DIary) ______________________ l' GGO Fourth, N.\V.
Page Forty-six Page Forty-seven
T. P. LAM Union Lumber Company
Groceries -- \YaJ]papers -_ Paints BUILDING MATERIAL
Linton aud Jasonville
32 West Vincennes Street Cash and Carry TELEl'HO:\E 102 SOUTH }IAIN ST.
HOSTETTLER, Glen (Nina) Ax & Fry ________________ l' 157
HOSTETTLER, J R (Mary) lab - __________________________ l' J ph (Elizabeth) sisman _________________ r 639 Fourth, S,E,
ose J1' ____________________________ r 639 Fourth, S.E.
HOTEL BARBER SHOP, M A Ladson prop _____ 79 E !':~:~~::~:
HOTEL ROOSEVELT, Mrs Mollie Tumey prop __ 89 E V Loren ------------------------------------- rr 639 Fourth, S.E.
639 Fourth S.E.
HOTEL TUMEY, Mrs Mollie Tumey prop ___________ 210 A, Nor111alee stu -----------------------------1' 210 Fourth 'N,W.
HOUCHIN, Hazel. Mts -- ______________________________ r 140 ) -------------------------------- 339 J... N W.
HO\YE, LuJa Miss bkpr Prudential Ins Co ___________ -________ r 760 , Cal Hunt prop -------------------------- r 409 A S.E".
HOWE, Roy (Fel'l1) ---------- __________________________ rear 810
HOWELL, Alfred ------------ ____________________________ l' 1160
HOWELL, Estel (Beulah) WPA _______________________ l' 120
~r~ ====================~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~9
Dept _____________
rNJ~¥:' r.\~:
159 D, N.\\'. l'
HOWELL, Jack stu ---------- _____________________________ l' 810 __ r 159 D N.\Y.
HO"TELL, John (Naomi) ------ ____________________________ l' 810
HO\YELL, Marion ------------------------ _____ ~ ______ l' 810 tli's:t~el-~l;;.:~~ - -~- -~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i' 60~ N.~,
Chas (Agnes) miner ______ _______________________ l' 31.. /~ Fll'~' H, ~~.
h ___

HUBBARD, Esther Mrs -------- __________________________ r 310 L,

HUBBLE, Chas (Verna) concrete wIn' ______________________ i' 289 E,
Clayton (Cora) minet' --------------------------- :. H' N:E:
HUBBLE, Chas Jr ----- __________________________________ l' 289 E, Della Mrs ----'-----;----:-----------------------:-340 Sixth' N E
Forrest A (ElSie) Clt;\T Light Co _____________ 1 , .•
HUBBLE, Denver ------- _________________________________ l' 289 E,
HUBBLE, Herschel ----- _________________________________ r 289 E, Gertrude l\1iss -------------------------------;--i39
John _____________________________________ 1 rs~e;nTh
" ~:~:
HUDSON, Detta --------- ____________________________ r 59 Seventh, John J (Maud) miner _______________________ r 2~9 FIrst, Nr'E.
HUDSON, Edw stu ------ _________________________________ .1' 58 F, Lillian ]\Jiss tel opr _____________________________ 1 609 H, ~.~.
HUDSON, Iris stu ----------- ____________________________ r 340 F,
HUDSON, Kinn --------------____________________________ r 349 I,
HUDSON, Marvin stu - ______________________________ l' 124 Eighth,
~hlrguel·ite Mis~ wks Goldbel'gs Cafe ____________ l' 460 I, ~,\\-
. )
(CI a~a ---------------
__________________ l' 460 I, N.\\.
- __ r 709 H N.E,
HUDSON, Midas (Dovje) WPA ______________________ l' 124 Eighth, Robel t stu ------------------------------- 0 H' N E
HUDSON, Milford (Crip) (Emma) ________________________ . l' 58 F, Billy Lee stu ---------------------~-------- r .7 n9 D' N'E'
, " • 1\1" _ __ I' 1vO ,.
HUDSON, Willard stu -------- _______________________ l' 124 Eighth, Cathellne 1 ISS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • 190 D' N.E.

HUFF, Billy stu ------- _______________________________ r 189 Third,
HUFF, Emery (EifieJI) miner - ________________________ l' 189 Third,
ii~~~~TS l\ii~~-~~~___~~~~~~~~~___~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'.1~0 D: ~,~,
"liUard' (l\Iarcella) City Service Corner ______________ r ItO I, N,".
HUFF, Maxine beauty opr Vanity- Beauty Shoppe _______ r 189 Third,
HUFFMAN, Eva Mrs ---- _________________________________ l' 389 D,
HUFFMAN, Fred "'ks Antioch Power ______________________ -r 389 D,
HULEN, Leo (Blanche) mgt Farm Bureau ________________ l' 290 H,
HUMBLE, Lucien -------- ________________________________ r 269 D,
HU.MMEL, C P (Mahala) miner _________ -' ___________ l' 132 Seventh,
HUMMEL, Goldean --- ______________________________ r 132 Seventh,
HUMPHREYS, Andrew (Nelle) secy-treas
Peoples Trust Co ------- __________________ r 110 A, N. SEASONABLE ITEMS AT SENSIBLE PRICES
HUMPHREYS, Caroline Mrs (wid James L) __________ l' 590 E Yi',lceI1~1::
HUMPHREYS, Chas WPA ________________________________ .1'
HUMPHREYS, Clement V ----_______________________ l' 259 Foul'th,
HUMPHREYS, Emma (wid Ben) _________________________ r 160 F,
HUMPHREYS, Ethel Mrs (wid Horace) bkpr New Union
The GEMS a 1:0
Lumber Co, agt New England Mutual Ins Co __________ r 589 A,
HUMPHREYS, Bob stu -------- ___________________________ l' 589 A,
HUMPHREYS, Jean stu 'I U -------- _______________________ l' 589 A, '·~'~".L BARBER SHOP Roll Hagaman prop ____ 24 E Vincennes

HUMPHREYS, Emma (wid Henry) - _______________________ r 110 A,
HUMPHREYS, iHarold truck driver ________________________ r 490 A, RAILROAD, N Sprop Stillwell agt depot __ 290209
------------------ First, N,\V.
HUMPHREYS, James M (Ida) Humphreys-Schloot Co ______ .,. 389 A, mgr ___________________ 1089 A,
S Mam
HUMPHREYS, Rosen18ry music tehr pUblic schools _________ T 110 :A, -------_________________ 150 N Main
HUMPHREYS-SCHLOOT & CO, (James M Humphreys) DIVISION OFFICE ____ 171 N Main
STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ______________ 171 N Main
(Pete.r Schloot) (Seph Inman) Furniture _____ 60-66 S Mai!'ii STATE HIGHWAY GARAGE ________________________ C, N.W.
HUMPHREYS, Vivian Miss ------ ____________________ l' 259 Fourth, STATE UNEMPLOYMENT SERVICE ____________ 171 N Mam
HUMPHRIES, James (Lessie) trucker __________________ r 53 Fourth, Mrs hskpr _________________________________ l' 100 H, N.E.
HUNLEY, Elma l\fiss elk Gem 5 & 10 _________________ r 639 Fourth, Mrs \YPA- sewing ______________________ r 170 Third, S:W,
Page Forty-eight Page Forty-nine
stu ____________________________________ r 569 F, N.~.
r 290 Second, S.".

JOHN T. FRITZ st~r~_===~============================== 110 rVi-~69r'

wks Johnson Rest _____________________ _____ F, N.E.
\ mceimes l'
______________________________________ r 569 F, N.E.
General Insurance Ra"Jllon<--(i,~;) railroader ___________________________ r 569 F, N.E.
Albert (Bessie) ____________________________ r 1010 A, S.E.
50 A ST., N.E. TEL. NO.3
Bed (Celia) clk Good's Store ________________ r 1155 A, S.E.
Rex stu ____________________________________ l' 1155 A. S.E.
Robert elk .i\Iaddison ________________________ r 989 E Vincennes
KEENE, Lorena ____________________________________ -;- _____ l' 580 H,
KELLER, Alvin E supt schools Greene Co ____ " _____ Lyons,
KELLER. Carolyn stu ________________________________ l' 1169 Fifth,
~ ~. Wm(Martha)
miner ________________________
1~' ::1?h!eV~~~~t~:~
Terhune AddItIon l'
KELLER; Cloyis _______________________________________ l' 73 Tenth, Mrs ___________________________________ l' 390 Second, N.'V.
KELLER, Earl (Mary Bene) elk Hamilt.on Drugs ____________ l' 639 H, .Mrs _______________________________________ r 188 B, S.E.
KELLER, Glen wks Heenans Serv- Sta ________________ l' 188 Eleventh,
KELLER, Grace Louise stu ____________________________ l' 78 Tenth, and(Mildred) Kirkham & 'Vest
heating _______________________________ r 869 A , N .E,
KELLER GROCERY, Chester KeHer prop ______________ 539 Fourt.h, & WEST, Plumbing and Heating ____ 44 Second, N.W.
KELLER, Jasper (LoueJla) _________________________ l' 188 Elevellth,
KELLER, Lula Mrs ________________________________________ l' 69 F,
Civela- (Pearl) --------------------------------- :' ~5g
Ira stu ---------------------------------------- 1, 200
KELLER, Mary stu __________________________________ l' 1169 Fifth, L~wrence stu ---------------------------------- 1, 00 l N.'V.
KELLER, Myrlo ___________________________________ ~ __ l' 70 R~ehard stu ----------------------------------- ~. ~OO IN.,,,.
KELLER, Oele (Grace) cit~, street dept _____ '- ____________ r 73
KELLER, Robert stu ________________________________ l' 1169 Fifth, ~~l~~r~t~t~-~~:~~==~============================ 1: 200 J; ~.~~~.
KELLER, Troy (Ethel) _______________________________ l' 1169 Fifth, Robert (Elizabeth) WPA ----------------------- :. ~gg ~' N:W:
KELLER, Truman _________________________________ l' 188 Eleventh,
KELLER, \Vayne (Buck) (RosiIand) sIs man ________________ i' 410 H,
~~~~la (G~~.t-;.~d~)--'\;PA--========--=========== _--;- 739
(Elizabeth) Linton Hdw Co ____________ r 289 E Vmcennes, S. w:
KELLEY, Joe B (Mildred) ,Central Ind Coal Co ______________ r 809 A,

KELLEY, Mildred lI.lrs nurse ______________________________ l' 809 A,
KELLY, Chas (Janet) miner _______________________________ r 169 I,
~~;l~i~~~;'~C~;A~:FE Jack K1usmeier prop __________ 56 A, N.E.
I He;en) in'op cafe __________________ 730 Third, N.'V. l'
KELLY, David (Mary) miner ______________________________ l' 130 I, NURSERIES, Harry E Fish local mgl' 709 A, ~.E.
'I KELLY, Dorothy Miss ____________________________________ I' 169 I,
KELLY, Ellen Miss clk Gem 5 & 10" _________________ ~ _______ l' 169 I,
·o~";;:;;:·stu nurse ________ :- _______________________ 1: g~g !,
Lorena sten G!'eene Co HospItal -------------------- 1 A' N"E'
KELLY, John stu _________________________________________ r 169 I, Ralph (Louetta) Central Ind Coal Co ________________ r 690., .•
:I KELLY, Olga Miss sten Central Ind Coal Co ________________ l' 130 I, 1
BUILDING -----------------------------------; 193 Fourth, S.E.
60 ,V
KELLY, Ruth Miss _______________________________________ l' 130 I,
I KELLY, Thelma Miss _____________________________________ I' 130 I, Dons stu --------------------------------- r 193 Fourth S.E.
KELLY, Violet ]\.fiss elk Gem 5 & 10 ________________________ l' 169 I, ~~~ha~.t-(E-li;;b;th)--:K~:;;n~~;.-Hd;-~~~--~~~~~~- l' 489 Fi}:st: N.E.
KELLY, Will _____________________________________________ l' 310 I, HARD'YARE Henl':',' and Gerha1't Kramer ______ 27 E \ mcennes
KEMP, Betty stu _______________________________________ l' 80 Third, ',. ____________ r 193 Fourth, S.E.
KEMP, Chas (Maude) Sherwood-Templeton _______________ r 80 Third,
KEMP, E,'nest (Bernice) Antioch Power ________________ l' 870 Ninth,
Hazel stu ---------------------
Henry (Lizzie) Kramer Hdw ------------------~-3~0 First' N:E:
Jerr~T st';1 -.--------------------------------- 1 . 509 N'l\Iain
. 110 C N E

KE.i\fP. 'Villis tehr Northeast ward _____________________ nns 289 A, John tehr
KENNEDY, Gilbert (Phyllis) ______________________________ l' 689 E, _____________________ 1.1 110 C , N.E.
OIl11nIe) ---------------------------------
KENNEDY, Jack stu Danville College ________________ l' 289 Seventh, ~uldolph (Edl~;)-;S-s-t-;~~~~.:-t~·ea~ Peoples Trust Co r 310 First, N.E.
"' I'~ _____________ r 1109 E, N.E.
KENNEDY, John (Lizzie) Eng- Maumee ColI __________ r 289 Seventh, 1\ 1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • 789 Ninth N.E.
KENT, Betty _______________________________________ I' 180 Twelfth,
KF.NT, Herman (Iya) "'PA _________________________ l' 180 Twelfth,
KENT, Jack stu _____________________________________ l' ]80 Twelfth, ff~':ie -M;;-===========================-~ l' 59 Fi!th. S.E.
(Goldie) blksll1ith Maumee CoIl ______ r 839 E \ mcennes
KENT, Mable 1\1rs ________________________________________ l' 580 H, A Dna s t u ------------------------- ----------- r. 390
390 G,
KENT. Norman _____________________________________ r 180 T,\~elfth, CatherinE' l\-~is~ -----.-------------------------- 1. 90 G' N'E'
KERBY, Carl H stn _________________ .:. ________________ l' 379 Sixth. Frank (Chrlstma) "'PA ---------------------- 1. 3 d N"E'
KERBY. James E (EyeI~'n) pastor "";liM'. Leonard ------------------------------------- ~. :~g G' N:E:
Pilgrims Holiness Church ______ . :. _________________ l' 379 Sixth,
KERBY.•Tames E J1' stu _______________________________ r 379 Sixth,
J{ERCHIVAL. Florence Miss _______________________________ r 810 F,
~~y~~'.~ttS t(D ~l~~) -\\,PA---------------------------------------------~:
Laurence stu ------------------------------ . 140 Third'
1!g ~~1~:~: ~:~~:
KETr:HUl\L Cres~ie 1\1rs (Peggy) ____________________ r 180 Twelfth,
KESSLER. Ida Mrs ___________________________________ ,. 209 Fifth, Robert -~xD-iiEATS-Cl~;d-e-cl;~'k-;;g;.-==--1----- 89 N' Main
KEYE. Olivp.r (Audl"e~') ______________________________ l' 849 Fourth, '. • l • , 939 Third N.'''.
GROCER1 -----------.---------------------- • . 090 I' NW
KT~r.ATD. "'alter (Pem·n shovel opr ____________________ ~_ l' 410 H. .John (Anna) gTO ----------------------------- 1. 990 r' N'"r'
KINCAID, Earl (Aure11ia) shovel 0])1' ________________________ 1' 410 H, N. Katherine jIiss _________________________ I - , . .

Page Fifty-two Page Fifty-three

L Ice & Locker Company, Inc.
Distilled 'Vater Ice-purer than the water you drink!
Air Conditioned Ice Refrigerators
A Complete Line of '''nfT'''« MAIN ST. PHONE 17
Leon wks Fells Iron & Metal Wks _______________ l' 289 H, S.\V.

~t~:~-======================================~== ~'l;i i;' ~:~:

I The GEM 5 0 10 G~:;1'gi;:I-pl~;b~~. ____________________________ l' 329 K, N.W.
tc('lJ€,~e ______ ,.. ___________________ r 339 K, N.W.
LADSON, Ann· Mrs tchr _~____________________________. r 760 D
LADSON, A J ______________________________________ ;.~,;-Hotel iwo'"e,·,'1t
LADSON, E G (Flora) miner _________________________ l' 60 Seventh
~~2'q~~~';Wot:~~:) _______~~o_~~~~~=~~_============== ~: ~~~ ~: ~:~~:
__________________________________ l'459 !C, N.W.
LADSON, Garland (Ann) tchr junior high __________________ r 760 D,' --_c_-----------------c------------------- 329 K, N.W.
LADSON, M A (Buster) (Tressa) prop Hotel Mrs ______________________________ l' 410 E Vincennes
BarberShop __________________________________ l' 490 JE~v,;,:~~;E"~n~ Miss __________________________________' ,t·.490 H N,,,r.
LADSON, Robert stu _________________________________ l' 60 R Ernest (Anna) miner ___ --= ________________ r 560 Fourth, N.'V.
LADSON, Tom WPA ________________________________ l' 290 ~{~:~~~: Julia Mrs ______ ~ ____________________________ l' 490 H, N.'V.
LADSON, Vera stu __________________________________ l' 60 Victor ______________________________________ r 490 H, N.\V.
LADSON, 'VendaIl stu _______________________________ l' 60 _______________________________________ r 910 A, S.E.
LAFFOON, Chas (Ada) earp ______________________________ l' stu _____________________________________ l' 190 F, N.E.
LAM, Edwin (Sarah) Lam Grocery _______________ .... __ l' Fifth and (Letha) factory worker ___________________ r 190 F, N.E.
Jr stu ___________________________________ l' 190 F, N.E.
LAllI, Thos P (Minnie) gro Billie stu ______________________________________ l' 190 F, N.E.
LAM GROCERY, T P Lam prop ________________ 32 \V ViJ'lcenll,esi
LAM, Thos P (Milmie) gl'O ________________________________ l'
LANDIS, Alice stu _______________________________
409 F,
60 I g~~;ri~a~J~u -==================================== ~: i~~ ~; ~:~:

Marjorie stu _____________________ ~ _____________ 190 F, N.E. l'
LANDIS, Dan (Martha) wpA ____________________ ========= l' 60 I: Nigel stu ______________________________________ l' 190 F, N.E.
LANDIS, Gerald (Vera) U S Congressman Phyllis stu ____________________________________ l' 190 F, N.E.
Seventh District _______________________ l' 669 First, ,Vm 1,s~tu~u~e-,;i~;,)-wj----------------------------- 190 F,
LANDIS, Harold (Pearl) concrete finisher __________________ r 384 F, WPA __________________________ l'
l' 609 F, N.E.
I LANDIS HOUSE, Mrs Grace Landis Cox prop ___________ ..: ____ 239 A, r;.:~~~"'>r'~,'~ ..n.wkr _______________________________ l' 259 F, N.E.
LANDIS, J D gro 110 S Main ______________________________ }' 239 A, D (Ruth) road supt Greene Co ___ r 259 F, N.E.
,,j LANDIS, Mary Lou stu ________________________________ l' 669 First,
: LANDIS, Margaret Mrs ",VPA library ______________________ l' 111 C,
LANDIS, l\fureI __________________ ~ ________________________ l' 60 I, ~~[~if~:~:~~L;~eo
tJ~111fi~)-~~i~-e-1'-~~~=~~~~=====~=~~~~==-~·-439· i-~11'r.'li.'~:
• Nancy stu _____________________________ r 439 Third, N.\V.
LANDRUM, Mayme Mrs wks Greenway Cafe ______________ l' 66% S Frank A seey to Congressman Landis ____ 810 H, N.E.
LANKFORD,Cordela _____________________________________ r 380 miner ______________________ l' 760 Ninth, N.E.
LANKFORD, Ethel stu ___________________________________ }' 380
LANKFORD, Walter WPA ________________________________ l' 380
LARSEN, A M _______________________________________ r 259 .'F!;)~~~~~i,~:!:~~)--~;j~-~-,~-:-----------------------
A, N.E.
l'l' 810
l' 1089
A, S.E.
LARSEN, H S (Margaret) bkp1' Cent Ind Coal Co ______ l' 259 ______________________________________ l' 48H H, N.E.
LASH, Anna Mrs ______________________________________ l' ,----'-,--'. Lambert ____________________________________ r 160 Third, S.E.
LASH, Chas (Katie) WPA ________________________________ l' K,
LASH. Rochelle __________________________________________ .}' 259 K, l\! E (Dora) 'Vilkinson Lumber Co ___________ l' 160 Third, S.E.
LAUGHLIN, Cornelius ___________________________________ l' 409 K, N. ~j::~TIiiR:Paul (Catherine) mgr \Vilkinson Lumber Co _______ l' 279 A, S.E.
('Wid Xavier) _____________________________ l' 89 C, S."\V.
LAUGHLIN, Cynthia (wid R J) ______________________ l' 347 E Vincennes Irene Mrs (wid Julian) ____________________________ l' 30 C, S:W.
LAUGHLIN, Louis _______________________________________ l' 409 K, N.W.
'""T'~;:J;u:}j;;an R stu _____________________________________ r 30 C, S.W.
LAUGHLIN, 'Walter (Cora) ",VPA ________________________ r 409 K, N W. Chas (Estelle) ret carrier P a _______________ l' 835 A, N.E.
LAUGHLIN, 'Walter Jr stu _______________________________ r 409 K, N\V. Mary E stu _________________________________ l' 835 A, N.E.
LaVANNE, Bett~T stu _____________________________ _ r 89 Sixth S E.
LaVANNE, .Toseph ________________________________ =_=== r 89 Sixth; S:E. \Val:d (Retell) 1ll.Q'l' Kroger Meat Mkt _____ l' 349 First. N.\V.
LaVANNE, Josephine Mrs ______________________________ l' 89 Sixth, S.E. HATCHERY, L B Letterman prop ______________ 114 N Main
LaVANNE. Rita Miss ___________________________________ l' 89 Sixth S.E. Miss nurse Greene Co Hospital __________ l' 710 A, N.E.
Mrs ___________________________ r 629 F(lurth. N.'''.
LAWRENCE ..James 11 (Marguerite) mgr G C Murphv Co __ l' 160 B' N.E.
LA \VYER, Chas ,VPA _____________________________ ~ _______ r 109
LAWYER, Clovis _________________________________
l' 109 IS"'.
r; ___________________________________________ l' 359 F. N.E.
stu _______________________________________ l' 359 F, N.E.
"',"""0. Charmion stu ____________________________________ r 359 F. N.E.
LECHlEN, Adolph (Lora) WPA ___________________ ========
r 269 G: S:W.
LECHlEN, Adolph Jr _______________________________ C_____ l' 289 I, S.\\'. '''';.'".~' Dellemae _________________________________________ l' 359 F, N.E.
Gra~(' stu ____________________________________ l' 57 Second, S.\V.
LEC'HIEN, Emile (Juanita) Fells Iron & Metal Wks ________ l' 289 H, S.W.
Page Fifty-four Page Fifty-five
[I Linton Recreation Parlor Funeral Home
I',·1~ "Snooker and Pool"

I. ' MELVIN "CHICK" SCHOLL, Pl·Op. East Vincennes St.

A Service With the Slogan <'Service."
Homer (Pea1'l) baker Sponslel's Bakery _____________
Kenneth ____________________________________._____
1: 489
r 359
F, -John (Dolly) \VPA ________________ ~ _______ 480 Third, N.W.
J LE"TJS, Lester wks Sponslers Bakery ______________________ l' 489 H, !CA.roho, stu ___________________________________
l'140 Thil'd, N.\V.
149 Fifth, S.E.
Lewis stu ________________________________________
Mary stu _________________________________________
l' 359
r 359
_________ ~~ __________________________ l'
__________ ~ __________________ ~ __ r 160 Fourth, N.\V.
________________________________ r 149 Fifth, S.E.
1.' LE\VIS, Mildred Miss tchr Northeast ward _________________ r 489 H,
LEWIS, Newton (Ida) WPA _________________ ~ ____________ r 359 F, miner ____________________________ l' 140 Third, N.\V.
Robert stu _______________________________________
Euna stu ___________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~
r 359
l' 359
_______ _____ _______________________ l' 490 C, N .. \V,
~ ~

Theatrcs _________________________ r 149 Fifth,. S.E.

1 ~o1'theast ward ____ ~ ________________ l' 460 E, N.E.
LEWIS, Violet _~ ____ ~ _____ ~ ____ ~_~_~~ __ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~ ___ r 359 F,
LE"WIS, \Vayne stu ______ ~ ____________ ~ ________ ~ __________ l' 359 F ________________~~ _________ _________ l' 149 Fifth, S.E.

__________ ~~ __________ ~ _____________ l' 39 Fourth, N.\V.

LIDDELL, Alberta Beauty Shoppe _____________ 589 N stu __________________________________ r 39 Fourth. N.\V.
LIDDELL, Dorothy stu Bl'O"wns Bus CoIl ~ ______ ~~ ________ ~ __ l' 589 N
LIDDELL, Geo (Alberta) sec foreman New ~Hope ____________ l' 'Walter (Iris) barbel' Baxley-\Voodward Shop ________ l' 389 N Main
Wa;\'ne (Kellie) opr Sher-Ritz ___________ ~ ____ r 39 Fourth, N.\V.
LIFFICK, Alva (Jessie) supt Socony Vacuum Co ________ l' 157 \Vm (l\Ial'gal'et) ____________________________ l' 390 \V Vincennes
LINeO SERVlCE STATlON, Lowen Green mgr ____________ }' 189 (Harriet Pearl) ___________________________ r 39 Sixth, N.E.
LINTON BOWLING ALLEYS, Alice )lrs ______________________ ~ _______ ~ ____ l' 410 A, N.\V.
Jack Mehlhoff mgr ____________________ 49% IV Vinc"lUte.\ , (Lillian) elect ___________________________ l' 75 Fifth, S.E.
LINTON CANDY KlTCHEN, Christ Sarris prop __ ~ ____ ~ ______ 13 N (Lillian) elect _________ ~ __________________ l' 69% S Main
LINTON DAILY CITIZEN, Eskin Turner mgT ________ 79 S Rex stu _______________________________ ~ __ r 590 Fourth, N.\V.
LINTON FINANCE CO, Milo Mitchellmgr ____________ 5 N Thos (Letta) miner ______________ ~ ________ l' 590 Fourth, N.W.
LINTON HARDWARE CO _________________________________ 44-52-S -(Della) supt Maumee No. 23 _________________ l' 910 A, N.E.
Mrs ________________ ____________________ l' 589 A, S.E.

LINTON ICE & LOCKER CO, stu ______ __ .:. _____________________ _________ l' 290 E, N.\V.
~ ~

Glen H Corlette prop ________________________ 669 S Chas (Gra{:e) Johnson Feed & Supply ___________ l' 169 Fifth, S.E.
LINTON LAUNDRY, Tip Tincher prop ____ ~ ___ ~ __________ ~ __ 176
LINTON LIQUOR STORE, Brn. Mal' and Luther Sifford __ 89 E Yi]"cenn"
LINTON MILK CO, Rex Winters mgr· _________ 189 IV
Gilbert (Norma) miner ________________ ~ _______ ~ ___ l' 339 J, N.\".
Herschel (Jean) ____ ~ ___________ ~ ______ ~ __________ l' 339 J,
Marian (Nelle) engineer ___________________________ r 89 J, N.\V.
N.'' .
LINTON MOTOR SALES, J M Corbin and R S Reed _____ 101 W Vi]ncenn" Paul (Grace) ,,"PA __________________ ~ ________ l' 760 E Vincennes
Robert stu ________________________________________ l' 290 E, N."T.
LINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Sarah Mrs _____________________ ~ _________________ l' 290 E, N.\V.
Miss Margaret Cooper librarian ____________ ~ _____ ~ 110 E Vinep"""
Melvin Scholl prop ______________________ 80 E
LINTON RECREATION HALL, "Tilla1'd Fiscus supervisor _____ K of P
R R Miller prin _________________ ~ __________________ N l\Iain and
LINTON-SUMMIT COAL CO, Wm Cunningham supt ____ 56% W VincEmnes
LINTON WELDING CO ____________________________________ 89 A,
LISTON, A l\I (Verla) sIsman _____ ~ _____________ ~ _________ I' 280 H, YOU SAVE WHEN YOU BUY AT
LISTON, Harold (Joyce) elect eng Antioch Power ___________ l' 190 E,
LISTON, Janice stu ___ ~ __________ ~ _______________________ l' 190 E,
LITTLE JOHN COAL CO ________________________ • _________ 5,. N
LOCKHART, Frank railroader ___________ ~ ________________ r 90 T,
LOCKHART, Lou _________________________________________ l' 90 I,
amilton Drug Co.
LOCKHART, Russell _____________________________________ r 469 H, 28 S. Main Street
LOCK\VOOD, Harold stu _____________________ ~ ___________ l' 159 D,
LOCKWOOD, Jack teller Cit Nat! Bank ____________________ l' 159 D,
LOGAN, R B (Marie) miner ______ ~ ______ ~~ ___________ _.: ____ l' 328 B, Daniel WPA _______ ~ ____________ ~ ____ l' 179 Seventh, S.E.
LOHR, Alvin (Goldie) prop LohI' Stripper ______________ l' 369 Third, Mary :Mrs ___________________________ l' 179 Seventh, S.E.
LOHR, Cal'l stu Commercial 'Coll Terre Haute _____ :.. ____ r 369 Third, \Yilliam ______ ~ _______________________ r 179 Seventh, S.E.
LOHR, James stu Rosepoly Terre Haute • ________ ~~ _____ l' 369 Third, H. " ; . , Bernard ()Iae) leader \VPA Recreation ___________ l' 890 S Main
LOHR, Leroy stu ___________________ ~ _________________ r 369 Third, Curtis (Agnes) ___________________________ ~_ l' 580 First, N.E.
LOHR. \Vilma ______________________ ~ ________________ r 369 Third, Harry (Opal) miner _____ ~ ____ ~ ________________ l' 990 Roosevelt
LONG, Edwin B (Louise) County Attorney ____ l' 410 Ninth, Norma stu _____________________ ~________ l' 990 Roosevelt

Page Fifty-six Page Fifty-seven

Chris Myers Filling Station EVERY
'YaIgreen System Drugs
Quality Gasoline and Oils - Free Air' On Popular Drug Store Items
,~ Guy (Bessie) \VPA ________ "'- __________________ l' 44~ S Main
McATEE, Thelma :Miss nurse _________________________ l' 580 Herbert _____________________________________ r 44% S Main
! l\1cBRIDl!;, Ellen stu ______________ ...: _________________ .:. r 510 nmrt.h. Lois stu _____________________________________ r 44% S Main
il McBRiDE, James ____________________________.------------- l' '''''LJ;:;n, Chas· ______________________________________ r 150 First, S.E.
i D W atty off Cit Natl Bank Bldg ___ l' 150 First, S.E.
McBRlDE. Jess
McBRIDE, (Irene)
Jess L ___________________________________ 510 ~":.;~~'~:':.;':~L:
miner _____________ -: __________ l'l' 510 ) gl'O _____ . ________________________ ,1' 59 D, S.W.
McBRIDE, Louise stu ________________________________ r 510 (\1.>;1",,") trucker __________________________ l' 179 Third, N.E.
McBRIDE, Margaret stu _____________________________ l' 510 stu __________________________________ r 110 \V Vi11cennes
McBRIDE, Russell ________________________________________ l' drivel' City Transfer _______ -'- ___________ l' 110 '" Vincennes
McBRIDE, Nettie Mrs WPA library _________________________ r Bessie 1'Ilrs _______________________________ ..: __ r 760 E, N.E.
McBRIDE, Russell ________________________________________ l' :;"Ti-j"V' Billv stu __________________________________ l' 24 Third, S.'V.
McCAIN. CI~'de (Talulla) lineman _________________________ r Jcnetta _______________________ ~____________ l' 79% A, N.'''.
McCART, Theodore (Mattie) WPA ________________________ 1'.249 Mable Mrs ________________________________ l' 24 Third, S.'V.
McCHRISTIE, Alec ______________________________________ l' 300 K, ',ii.,,,,,v· H prop Bill's Bicyclc Service _____________ l' 79% A, N.'V.
McCHRISTIE, James (Elizabeth) _________________________ l' 300 K, (Vera) __________________________ r 120 Fourth, S.E.
McCLUNG, Lee (Altona) mill foreman New Union Lumber Co r 290 A, stu ________________________________ l' 10 Third, N.W.
McCOLLISTER, Ora (Nova) trucker _______________________ r 96V A, Mrs _________________ .... _________________ r 10 Third, N.W.
McCORKLE, Edgar City Street Dept ____________________ --_ r 160 E, wur,u,,,, Pearl Mrs _______________________________ l' 160 D, S.W.
McCORKLE, George (Lillian) City Street Dept ___'__________ )' 160 E, stu ________________ .:. ________________________ l' 610 N Main
McCORKLE, Louisa Mrs _________________________________ r 160 E, Laurence -.,yks Antioch Power _____________________ r 610 N fiIain
McCULLOCH, Archie (Esther) miner __________________ r 990 First, Laui'ence wks Antioch Power _____________________ r 610 N Main
McCULLOCH, Chas stu _______________________________ l' 990 First, Dr Alec (Clara) podiatrist off 50~~ A, N.E. ______ l' St Rd 54 E
McCuLLOCH, James stu ______________________________ l' 990 First, '''':.''.''''' Mary stu _____________________________________ r 390 K, K.W.
McCULLOCH, Norma stu _____________________________ l' 990 First, Norma _______________________________________ l' 390 K, N.'V.
McCULLOCH, Wm (Mary) slsman ____________ : __ :.. _________ l' 511 A, Ruth stu _____________________________________ r 390 K, N."T •
McCULLOUGH, Floyd (Ella) bkpr Central Ind Coal Co ______ r 439 A, •~~,:~,..!.'Vm (Eya) ___________________________________ l' 260 K, N.'''.
McCUNE, Fred J (Florence) a8st secy-tl'eas Peoples Tl'ust Co r 369 N Edw supt Tech Ser CCC Shakamak State Park l' 650 First, N.E.
McDONALD, A B (Lena) street commissioner ______________ r 1170 A, ,,_~.•,,:... , Josie-Variety- Store ______________________ r 650 First, N.E.
McDONALD, Avis Miss ___________________________________ r 830 E, ~~.~~J"', Mary Mrs _________________________________ l' 650 First, N.E.
McDONALD, Esta tehr __________________________________ . l' 1170 A, ~V.'HJ"', Thos 8ls111an Eureka Chevrolet _____________ r 650 First, N.E.
McDONALD, Frank stu I U ______________________________ I' 1170 A, '!"'",H', Billy stu _____________________________________ r 259 K, 1\.\V.
McDONALD, H D (Polly) ________________________________ l' 489 J, .!!l'!,'~, Cla-rence stu __________________________________ r 259 K, N.'V.
McDONALD, Hildred tchr junior high ____________________ l' 1170 A, ,~,~!,~~, Madge Mrs ________________________ '- __________ l' 259 K, N.'''.
McDONALD, Ira (Eva) ______________________________ l' 180 Twelfth, ,!"'''.~, l\bxine stu ___________ .. ______________________ l' 259 K, N.'W.
McDONALD, Johnnie _____________________________________ l' 110 I, t!l'!,,,,;, Norma stu ____________________________________ l' 259 K, N.'''.
McDONALD, Leonard elk Harris Shoe Store _______________ r 110 I, t!:~!,l<;, 'Vilma _______________________________________ r 259 K, N.W.
McDONALD, Reiman (Hazel) ____________________________ r 1090 B,

McDONALD, Robert (Ella) miner ________________________ r 330 E, Billy stu stu
Dorothy ---------------------------------
_____________________________ r r 39789Seventh,
First, N.E.
McDONALD, Robert Jr __________________________________ l' 330 E, Evelyn stu _____________________________ r 39 Seventh, S.E.
McEUEN, Choren (Bonnie) 'YPA ____________________ l' 560 Eighth, Iris stu _________________________________ r 39 Seventh, S.E.
McGinnis, Mary ______________________________________ l' 290 Sixth, ?r;DiR(;~: John (Emma) miner ------- ______________ r 89 Seventh, S.E.
]l.kGRE'V, Blanche Miss nurse _____________________________ l' 159 E, A • 'Vm (Elma) groceries and meats 84 N Main _ r 789 First, N.E.
McGRE'V, Flora Miss ____________________________________ l' 159 E, I'~!!~'~, Dorothy hskpr _____________________________ r 739 First, S.W.
l\IcGRE'V, Han:.' (Rhoda) chief elect Sherwood-Templeton ___ l' 240 C, ,!-~~C'A, Stella Miss ____________________________________ r 390 A, N.'Y.
l\IcGRIFFIN, B R (l\farie) clk Hamilton Drugs _____________ -_ r 149 G, (Edith) WPA _____________________________ r 380 E,N.E.
McGRIFFIN, Ed (Doris) _________________________________ l' 110 G,
'1!~~.~~~¥~' Troy "'PA office ---------.--------------- r 240 First, N.E.
McGRIFFIN, Helen Miss __________________________________ r 149 G, .~ Raymond (Anna) Sherwood Templeton __ r 137 Fourth, S.E.
1\IcGRIFFIN. Hem':.' (Flora) 'VPA ___________________ r 929 Fourth, Marjorie stu __________________________ r 187 Fourth, S.E.
McGRIFFIN, Jack stu ____________________________ , _______ r 149 G, ~r';;;~n,Tl\I,aurjce st.u ___________________________ r 137 Fourth, S.E.
l\-fcGRIFFIN, Jimmy ~tu .__ . .: _______________________________ l' 149 G, BUILDING. Ro:,>' Clayton prin ______________ 89 First. S.E.
McGRIFFIN, Joseph stu __________________________________ r 110 G, & BAXLEY, frigidaire service etc _______ 32 S Main
McGRIFFIN, Man' stu ___________________________________ l' 110 G, Harold stu _________________________________ r 1060 E, N.E.
McGRIFFIN, Philip stu ___________________________________ l' 110 G, J H (Rosa) __________________________________ l' 210 H, N.E.
l\!cGRIFFIN, Theora ________________________________ r 929 Fourth,
'l:i;ico;;~T: Myrtle tehr high school --- ___________________ r 1060 E. N.E .
.l\IcGRJFFIN. Thomas ________________________________ l' 929 Fourth, :.~ Raymond-Malicoat & Baxle~t ________________ r 210 H, N.E.
McHALEY, Chas stu _____________________________________ r 441. S
Page Fifty·nine
Page Fifty-eight
Goodman S Ellis Ice & Locker Company, Inc.
Acme and Vitality Feeds John Deere Farm Implements Distilled Water Ice--purer than the water you drink!
Air Conditioned Ice Refrigerators

MALICOAT, W A (Viola) ________________________________ I' 1060 E, stu--------.---------------------------- r 949 Fourth, N.E.

MARLO"', Susie _______________________________ . :. _________ l' 109 I, (Carrie) miner _________________________ l' 1069 Fourth, N.E.
MARl\HL'VAY REALTY CO, \V J Hamilton treas _____________ 24 N stu ________________________________ l' 1069 Fourth, N.E.
MARSHALL, Bill stu ________________________ : ____ : __ I' 59 Eleventh, ---______________________________________ I' 790 S Main
MARSHALL, James stu ______________________________ r 59 Eleventh, -(G;~;~;) miner _________________________ r 949 Fourth, N.E.
MARSHALL, Oliver (Beulah) agt Prud Ins Co _________ r 59 Eleventh, V~n\8~i.'\ __________________________________ r 949 Fourth, ~,~.
MARSHALL, Paul stu _______________________________ l' 59 Eleventh, v; )
trucker ________________________ l' 341 J, . .
MARTER, Albert ___________________________________ l' 169 Seventh, R J supt Antioch Power __________________ l' 320 A, N.E.
J.1ARTER, Evelyn stu _______________________________ l' 169 Seventh, Jacquelyn ____________________________________ :' 320 A, :,~.
MARTER, Margaret stu _____________________________ r 169 Seventh, James G stu ____________________________________ 1 310 A, T' T'
MARTER, Phyllis stu _______________________________ r 169 Seventh, James 0 (Cora Lee) sIsman Edington Paper Co ____ l' 310 A, N.".
MARTER, Rita stu _________________________________ l' 169 Seventh, E t r 310 A N'V

~i!~ifJ:' ~~~erl sZAn~e-l~~;)-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-~-:~9 l~~~~nit,

MARTIN, Frederica ______________________________________ r B,
!Di~E'Y~'O~; g'; ;,eI:,.;S-~ ~_n-_- _~-_~-_~-_~-_:-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_:-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_~-_:-_~-_~-_:-_~-_:-_:-_:-_~-_~ ,~ 3:40~: J~f.},:J~~:
MARTIN, Jesse stu __________________________________ r 939 Agnes Mrs prop Ornate Beauty Shop ________ r 50 F~fth, RE.
MARTIN, Lloyd wks Fitz Bakery ______________________ l' V39 Geraldine Miss ___________________________ l' 50 F~fth, S.E.
MARTIN, T S (Grace) coal opr ~ __________________________ l' 160 Jack (Agnes) mgr Linton Bowling Alleys ___ l' 50 Flfth, ~.~.
MARTINDALE, Elza (.Myrtle) ____________________________ r 460 . (Rose) Sherwood Templeton ________________ l' 16~ D, N.\\.
MARTINDALE, Emmabelle stu ___ "- _______________________ l' - (Gertrude) slsman _____________________ r 290 FHst, N.'V.
MARTINDALE, Floyd (Marie) sign painter -- ________ I' 110 'V Vil}cemIe' !~f~jif~]: gtu ____________ :-- _________________________ I' 290 First, NT'V.
MARTINDALE, Freeman (Flora) _________________________ l' 460 H, Cecil (Alberta) miner ________________________ I' 169 G, ~.E.
MARTINDALE, Marie stu _______________________________ r 460 H, Elmo ___________ r 169 G, .E.
MARTIN-DeCOURCY SHOE SHOP, Abe Martin and (Ire~~;)--;,-tt;,-~ii-8-4-~~--s-ii~i~-===------------- r 9~ A, S.E.
Harry DeCourcy ______________________________________ 165 N (Maxine) _____________________________ r 79 FIfth, S.E.
MARTIN, C T yard rugr New Union Lumber Co __________ rms Ideal off 19%, N Main ________________ I' BI~ck Cree~ ~~
MARTY, Marymch:i\1rsLinton Motor Sales ------------------ l'r 459
__________________________________ 459 Third,
Third, sa_I_"'_sl_a_d_l_'_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 'I' ~~~ N.E: ii,
MASON, .Betty stu _______________________________________ I' 489 I, (E,-a) groceries and
~1!lg~:, W;i~e~tu(~~rt~~~)~~~,~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~ !i~ i: A, N.~._.:__~~==_-_~==.:__-_~==_-_~==.:__~~==_'~ 8;~to'A'~J'~:
mgr J C Penne~,r Store ________ r 490 FIrst, N.W.
MASONIC HALL _________________________________________ 44% S \l\'aIO"'Ua) _____________________________ I' 490 First, N.W.
MASSEY, -Willis (Glad~'s) mch ---------------------------- r 759 E, sho,,;f opr ________________________ I' Hotel Roosevelt
MATHENA, Clarabelle stu _______________________________ I' 1090 F, 94 Seeond S W
MATHENA, Harley (Helen) elect ________________________ , I' 1090 F, C ------------------------------------- I' • 189 A S E'
MATHENA Jack stu 1090 F Adam (Lou) ___________________ -' ________________ 1 .'"
MA HENA' J ------------------------------------ r
I T . , ames stu - _________________________________ r 1090 F, , Al1drew (Maud) janitor main school bldg _____ r 690 E289Vmcennes
MATHENA, Lemoyne _______________________________ r 639 Fourth, B~tty stu ------------------------------------~.-789 Ninth: N:E:
MATHENA, Melvin (Ruth) lab ______________________ I' 639 Fourth, BIlly stu ----------A------------------------- 190 ~'elfth N E
,MATHENA , R u,t}
--------------------------------------- I' 1090 F Calvin(Iva)
Carl nVilma)
miner'VP --------------------- l'r 879 ~Fourth,
__________________________ \\ 'T"
MATTOX, James Lowl'ie, Trustee Stockton Twn _or 349 151'08,o.l'a, Cliff (Bernice) slsman Edington Paper Co ________ I' 459 N lIfam
MAUGHAN, Dorothy Miss sten Greene Count~r Loan ________ l' 209 Dawn stu _________________________________ r 190 Twelfth, ~.~.
MAUGHAN, Mary Mrs ___________________________________ l' 209 Dixie stu _________________________________ r 489 Fourth, N.,\.
MAXWELL. Claud (Velma) prop Maxwell Furn co _ r 490 Earl stu _______ : __________________________ I' 489 Fourth, N.~.
MAXWELL, Donald (Grace) IVlaxwell Furn ___________ r 469 E Vincennes Emery (Hazel) ___________________________ r Terhune Add1tton
MAXWELL, Emery (Gertha) miner ___________________ r 680 Third, N.W. Fann,ie Mrs _________________________________ r 65. E i g h:, ~:~:
MAX"'ELL, Frona Miss _____________________________ l' 680 Third, N,W, GraCIe _________________________________________ 1 19 O , ' T

MAXWELL FURNITURE STORE, Claud Maxwell pxop 77 S Main Harley prop Harlev's Place __________________ I' 140 FIrSt. S.\\.
MAX'VELL, Paul ____________________________________ r 389 E Vineennes Harvey (Pearl) ,"PA ___________________________ 1: 190 ~' ~.~.
MAX,\VELL, Robert stu ______________________________ l' 810 E Vincennes Harvey Jl' :::-tu _____________ .. ____________________ 1 19~ I' N'E'
MAX,\VELL, Uriah (Kitty) ___________________________ r 389 E Vincennes fi·;C~!!!,Lt'K hene . stu ---------------------------------- l',.718299Npl,·fttl',', S:E:
l\IAX'VELL, '\Vayne (Edith) Johnson Feed & Supply ___ r 810 E Vincenne:; John "tu --
MAY, Albert (Brus) Linton Liquor Store ________________ r Hotel Roosevelt ~UL1.r.J", 301111 (;\Iatti;)-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ r 289 A, S.E.
Page Sixty Page Sixty-one

Johnson Feed & Supply Co. Finance Co.

"Im:estigate Our Finance nates On New and Lsed Cars"
PHONE 62 60 "A" STREET, N.W. PHONE 173

MILLER, Lorene stu ---------------- _________________ 789 Ninth, N E.

l' . 24 F N W
~MIIILLLLEERRJ It~f!aggie ItMl'tS -------------------------:.-------- 4'8' 940FSixlhh, N:E,
'CCla,'a'}g «Z~~f:n)Ci{~t~g~~P~~v~~~.-~---:----:-------------------~~-_ 1~.138. 9
:8, N.E:
Rl'gare s u ------------------------------- r
MILLER,J Mary Mrs ._________________________________ l' 489 Fourth, N.W. OUIt.. , Earl (Opal) _________________________________ l' 69 E I g hth, S .E.
MILLER, 0 P (Mame) ___________________________________ l' 410 S Main Helen Beauty Shoppe ____________________ 389 B, N.E.
MILLER, Orval _______________________________________ r 40 Sixth, N.E _____________________________ r 389 B, N.E.
MILLER, R R (Margaret) prin high school ______________ r 129 Fifth, si miner _________________________ l' 489 G, N.E.
M'ILLER, Ralph (Irene) 'Volford's Flower Garden __________ T 709 H, N.£. ______________________________ l' 389 W Vincennes
MILLER, Ray stu ________________________________________ r 190 H, N.E. ______________________________________ 90 1,"2 A, N.E.
MILLER, Roscoe _____________________________________ :.. ___ l' 289 A, S.E. highway ________________ l' 89 Se\'enth, S.E.
MILLER, Vivian stu ___________________________________ l' 129 Fifth, S.E. G) ______________________ l' 1010 A, N.E.
DULLER, 'Yanda stu _________________________________ r 789 Ninth, N.E. A relief office ___________________ r 349 Broadway
MILLER, 'Vilbur (Dorothy) mgr Oakleys Store ___________ r 60 First, S.W. Frank _________ .___________________________ r 127 Fou~·th, S.E.
MILLON, Alfred (Anna) elect _____________________________ r 760 N Th-1ain George (~fi1dred) prop Morgan Stripper ___ l' 1090 E Vmcennes
MILLOl':, Antone __________________________________________ l' 69 I, S.W. John H pres American Dist Inc _________ 40lj2 A, N.E.
II AI> UbgeUI~tt-tBaltntedl'~S'tSttatTjon
s u a e erre 87 HB,
. --------- l' 197l' F7600Ul'Nt~'l\1181am
au t e . ________________ .~. Il.eI'e--;:l-I.-S-S-~~~.~~~--_~_~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
l' _____________ . __________ __________ ,.1'1 0 10 H.,', N~·.~:
4 38

l\fILLON, Sophia Mrs ________________________________ l' 197 Fourth, 8.E. J E (Faye) __________________________________ r 349 Bl'oad~'ay
MINKS, June stu ___________________________________ r 310 Second, S.W. James miner __________________________________ r 43~ H, N.E.
MINKS, Prisci11a stu _________________________________ l' 310 Second, S.W. John R (Carrie) miner ________________ :. _____ l' 146 ~!)."th, S.E.
l\fINKS, Roxie M1's __________________________________ l' 310 Second, S.W. Kathedne stu ________________________________ l' 89 F 1rst, S.\V.
MITCHELL, Bm~, stu __________ ...<::'____________________ l' 1090 Third, N.W. Kenneth (Irene) mch __, _______________________ l' 580 F, N.E.
MITCHELL CAFE, Mrs Earl Mitchell prop _________________ l' 369 A, N.W. Irene Mrs nurse Greene Co Hospital _____________ l' 58~ F, N.E.
MITCHELL, Cleve (Lorena) \VPA ___________________ .______ r 259 D, S.W. stu _________________________________ l' 89 FIrst, S.,,;.
MITCHELL, Don stu ________________________________ r 1090 Third, N.W. stu .________________________________ r 8~ First, S'\~T'
MITCHELL, Earl (Tl'essie) _______________________________ r 369 A, N.W. (WId Seth) __________________________ 1 380 I, NS E'
MITCHELL FILLING STATION, C R Smith mg1' _____________ 489 H. N.W. ) WPA __________________________ l' 127 Fourth. ''1['
MITCHELL, Finis (Hulda) farmer ___________________ l' 739 Second, N.W. Mrs _____________________________________ l' DO C, S.' .
MITCHELL, Gladys Miss _________________________________ r 410 N Main (Ruth) shovel opr ______________________ l' 89 First, S.'V.
MITCHELL, John (Mary) ___________________________ l' 168 Eighth, S.E. ________________ l' 438 H, N.E.
MITCHELL, Kenneth (Kathleen) \VPA time keeper _________ r 389 D, N.E. c--(ii;,~·jo~iey~~k~-P~~·k--I~l~; ___________ l' 127 Fourth, S.E.
MITCHELL, Kenneth R __________________________________ r 489 H, N.W. (Nettalee) ___________________________ l' 79 N~nt~, ~.~.
MITCHELL, Lowell (Hazel) \VPA ______________________ r 1129 Roosevelt ____________ r 79 Nmt, . .
MITCHELL, Mary Mrs ________________________________ r 80 First, S.W. G st~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________ r 79 Ninth, ~.~.
MITCHELL, Mildred ______________________________ .. _ r 739 Second, N.W. Leta Ml'f-O nurse _______________________________ r 89 J, N."",
MITCHELL, Milo (Ellen) mgr Linton Finance Co ___________ r 409 N Main Audrey _____ ~ _____________________________________ l' 179 I, N. .
MITCHELL, Odie WPA _____________________________ l' 739 Second, N.W. Clifford _________________________________________ l' 669 Broad)':W'
MITCHELL, Quiney J (Stella) ____________________________ l' 410 N Main Cynthia-Cine' Theatre ____________________________ l' 119 I. N . .
MITCHELL, Ray (Beatrice) WPA -------------------- l' 1090 Third, N.W.
MITCHELL, Ross E ______________________________________ r 489 H, N.W.
Ea!'l (J?e}la) WPA --------------------------------- ~. 5 1°19
Eh (LIllIe) ----- ,
J:~: t,
MITTEN, James C stu _______________________________ r 289 Second, N.W.
MITTEN. James R (Ethelyn) eng Central Ind Coal Co __ r 289 Second, N.W.
Elmer lab _====~====~=========~====~=====~=== _____
r 179 I, NT'V.
Guy (Nona) Linton Dailv Citizen ___________________ l' 510 B, N.E.
MOCK, ehas (Glad~'s) miner ______________________________ r 539 N Main Harry (Margaret) ____ ~ ___________________________ l' 179 I, N.,,;.
MOCK, 'Vm ______________________________________________ r 539 N Main Harrv Jr stu ______________________________________ l' 179 I, N.\\.
MOHR. Alfred civil eng ________________________________ rms 190 B, N.E. Kenn'eth 'YPA ___________________________________ l' 1041 A, N.E.
MONSER. Mary Ethel stu Ind Satte Teachers -College __ Apt 6 Terhune Apt Lillian stu ______________________________________ r 6,69 Broa~t~l
MONTANYE. Rex lab ____________________________________ r 409 J. N.'''' Margaret stu _____________________________________ 1 179 I, . .
MONTGOMERY, Harriett Mrs waitress Combs. Cafe ___ r 340 Second, S.W. Margaret Mrs ___________________________________ r 1041 A, N.E.
MOODY, Frank (Anna) 'VPA ____________________________ r 390 K. N.'''. Mary itu _________________________________________ l' 1041 A, ~.~.
MOODY, Garland (Sarah) WPA ________________________ l' 49 Third, S.,\". Merrill WPA ____________________________________ l' 1041 A, . i
MOODY, James (Ida) __________________________________ .:._ r 809 H, N.E. 01etha elk Variety Store ___________________________ r 179 I, N.\\.
MOODY, Lillian __________________________________________ r 809 H, N.E. Richard (Gala) ,,7PA ____________________________ r.669 Broadway
MOODY, Robert. gtu ______________________________________ l' 389 F, N.E. Robert stu ________________________________________ l' 510 B, ~.E.
MOODY. Vel'n~ 1\1iss bkpr Mack Tyler ________________ r 760 E Villcel1ne~ Violet fib's elk Boston Sto1'e ____________________ r 70 Eig-hth. N.~.
MOORE, Bonllle stu ----- _________________________________ r 124 F, N.\\·. 1I'i!:~lIlO·rOIR FINANCE, Homer Fordyce mgr _______ ~ _____ 78 S lIiam
Page Sixty-two Page Sixt~T-three
MOTT, Eli (Lillie) ---7----7---"'------------------------ __ l' 511 A, N.B,
MOTTERN, Floyd (DorIs) mmer - _________________________ r 109 1<:, K\\'
MOTTERN, Nonna stu ----~_. _____________________________ r 109 K, N.\\'·
MOTTERN, Robert stu ------- ____________________________ l' 109 K,
MOUNIER, Eugene stu ----- ______________________________ r 269 G, S,W'
1\.,,' Union Lumber Company
MOUN1ER, Honore (Juanita) mgl' Raney's Grocery ___ '- _____ r 359 :1, N.W· BUILDING MATERIAL
MOUNIER, Rosebud ------------- ________________________ l' 269 G, S.W·
blOUNT, Hattie Mrs (wid Thos) ___________________________ l' 328 B, i'i.B' Linton and .Jasonville
MOUNT, Thos (Edna) D-X Service Sta _____________________ l' 69 H, RE;' TELEPHONE 102 SOUTH )L\IN ST.
MOWERY, D A (Leona) ____________________________ l' 511 Fourth, N.W:
MUEHLER, Edw (Catherine) --" __________________________ l' 789 E, N.B.
MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO, . . ---------------------------- r l'890
Geo (A vena II) mme1 60 C' S.W.
D N.W.
Walton Stover supt -~--- ______________________ City Hall Coy ----------------------------------------- l' 390 C' N.W.

~~~ll~P~~~m[~~'f;l!J~ig~~,¥~~~~~~-ii~~~~~= Pleasantville
MURDOCK, Andrew (Margaret) '''PA ___________________ l' 710 Broadway
MURDOCK, Andrew Jr stu ____________________ -' ________ r 710 Broadway
MURDOCK, Barbara stu - _______________________________ r 710 Broad\\'a~'
MURDOCK, Gordon stu ---- _____________________________ r 710 Bl'oadwa}'
MURDOCK, Margaret stu _______________________________ l' 710 Broadwar W G. Dixon vice pres, Ray Singer secy-treas .
1\fURDOCK, Mary stu ------ _________________ "___________ r 710 Broadway Edw Fisher rugr _______________________ r 44 W Vmcennes
MURDOCK, Robert stu ----- ____________________________ r 710 Broadwar UNION LUMBER CO, W J Hamilton pres,
MURPHY, Flora Mrs --- ______________________________ l' 140 First, S.E. 'Irs Ethel Humphreys vice-pres, Carl E .
MURPHY, G C COMPANY, James La"wrence nigr ________ 15-19 E Vincennes "HarrIS
. sec,,·treas, gen mg.'.. __________________ _ 210 S ]\fam
MURRAY, Alma Mrs ---- ____________________________ r 689 E Vincennes
MURRAY, Avery (lI1ary) Drug StOl'e 69 N lI1ain __ r Terhune Apt H E iIrs --;-----.------------------------------ ~. 4~i ~,l\~~f~
MURRAY, Mary 1\1rs bkp1' Peoples Trust Co _______________ l' Terhune Apt Slyvester (h.athel'me) ------------------------- \' ~09 A S.E.
MUSSER, George ------- _________________________________ l' 110 G, N.R. Wm ------------------------------------------ . 459 N'Main
MUSSER, Newt (Alice) Cafe 84 S Main _____________________ l' 410 S Main Francis wks Goldberg s Cafe -----------------1:-269 IFourth, N.'V.
MUSSER, Vern --------- _________________________________ l' 110 G, N.E. ,;iiQl,~;_.~()s;;n;,~r)·
~; s t u ----------------------------
stu _ _ _________________ 1. 149 Sixth , S.E.
MYERS, Betty stu" ------ _________________________________ r 791 S Main Hovt 01ari,)-g~~·~g~ ~.~~1' 190 A, N.W. ___ r 149 S~xth, S.E.
MYERS, Criss Sel'\'ice Station _______________ Fifth and A, N.W. . h . r 149 SIxth, S.E.
MYERS, Dal'l'ell elk J C Penney Co _________________________ r 791 S Main I\lI~~~t (~dd-G;O-l:i;)--------------------------------~-------_-_-_- r 71~ ~~nt2' ~.~.
MYERS, Earl J (Dora) _____ ~ ___________________________ l' 39 Fifth, S.E. (Isabella) _________ :______________________ 1 1 , ..
MYERS, Herbert (Gladys) - _______________________________ ,. 791 S Main (Yiolet) Nolan Machme and . I h "E
Lee stu ------ __________________________________ ,. 39 Fifth, S.E.
Nancy Mrs -- ____________________________________ l' 990 S Main
i:F Eieet1'i,,_~~h('E
&-ELEi;TR-IC-SH-OP;-------------- l' 389 Elg It , 1-..: • •
'. d B SW
MYERS, Oddies (Elsie) miller _____________________________ r 289 E, N.E. Nolan and Sons .___________________________ Fast a~. ' . .
MYERS, Percy (Eva) prop Eureka Chevrolet __________ r 1190 E Vincenll~ Alfred (Grace) slsman Jewel T Co ____________ r 510 NFJJ~th, NS.E .
MYERS, Sadie Mrs ---- _________________________________ r 39 Fifth, S.E. ' )
K enne"th (H a l cI~n _________ l' 78 lrst, .E .
------------------- - l' 110 A N.'V.
Stewart (CY"llthla) ------------------------------ 489 If N E
N ;.;H'Wl~s;rWARD SCHOOL ---------------------------~ 09 F
:'1' WARD SCHOOL --------------------------- . \09 G RE.
siGl;dy~)-~li~l~;·-~~=========~============~ ~.
b'iBER·~TrjHfiIiIRTY-F·OUR BARBER SHOP _____ 34 W Vmcennes
40? G; N.E.



NAIL, Laura l\Irs-Beauty Shop --__________________________ 66:1,6 S 1\fain
NAIL LIQUOR STORE, James Nail prop ______________________ 90 A, 'N.E. Think of
NANCE, Lillie 1\1rs ---------- __________________________ l' 32 Sixth, S.E.
NEAL, Betty stu ---, ------- ________________________ r 389 Fourth, N,E.
NEAL, Joanna stu ----------- _______________________ l' 889 Fourth, N.E.
NEAL, Mary E ------------- ________________________ r 389 Fourth, N.E.
amilton Drug Co.
NEAL, Mud (Audie) --------- _______________________ r 389 Fourth, N.E. TlTV"O STORE 'iYilbul' Miller mgl' ________________________ 76 S Main
NEILL, Frank (l\fal'~'oma) miner - _________________________ r 540 F, N.E, Austin (Audre:\T) City recreation _________________ r 569 G, N.E.
NELSON, A 0 (Kate) ----------- _________________________ r 110 D, N.W. Ja~k stu ____ ~ _____ ~ ____________________________ l' 569.G, N.E.

I'c~~,:~1~~llii --------------------------- r 769l' E~VJ11CeJ1~leS

NELSON, James N (Sarah) -- _______________________ l' 290 \V Vincennes
NELSOK. 'Vayne lab -------- _______________________ l' 290 \V Vincennes Lewis (Lenora)
Arthur ;;;tu __________________________________ 4<>0 E, N.E.
Page Sixty-foul' Page Sixty-five
Froeschke's Shoe Store
Archer and Mojud Hosiery
15 N. MAIN PHONE 219-W

O'CONNER, John ,V (Florence) railroader _________________ l' 450 E,

The G,EM 5 a 10
O'CONNER, Kathleen stu _________________________________ r 450 E, Ask Them
O'CONNER, Lillian ______________________________________ r 450 E,
O'CONNER, Mildred _____________________________________ r 450 E, 1'\.£.
Bernard (Mable) ------------------------------ ,. ~Oi ~:l!$: 11'
O'DELL, Ralph (Jean) miner ______________________________ r 440 F, N.R,
ODER, Alberta Mrs _________________________________ r 630 E Vincennes ebas 0Ia1')') ,,'PA --- --------- -------- ---~,-1270 r Third' N. "T.
OGLE, Allcal ____________________________________________ r 370 A, S.1\'. ~\~,~ ~l~'s -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~= _____ :: ~~O ~, l\~~~~
OGLE, Charlotte Mrs _____________________________________ l' 370 A, S.W. Irene wks Central Inn ------------------------- l' 24~ J N.'''.
OGLE, Donnal stu _____________ ~ _________________________ l' 370 A, S.W. Lester (Grace) ---------------------------~-1-4-8 F ·th' N m
"'(T' .' '1' _ I <OUl, .n.
OGLE, Hannah stell Farm Sec Adm ________________________ r 40D At S.E. \ ll'gmla 11 ~s -------------------------- - . 1270 Thil'd N.'''.
OGLE, Ol'\'il _____________________________________________ r 370 A, S.W. ,Valter (O!Jve) --------------------------- 1
''lard ________________________________________ l' 1190 A ,
" OGLE, Theodore (Ellen) tehr _________________________ r 969 E Vincennes Asher, commissioner Greene co. ____________ R. R.l Dugger
O'HAVER, Barbara stu ___________________________________ r 660 G, N.R. Charles (Effie) ins & Real Estate __________ r 109 B, N.W.
O'HAVER, Edith l\frs-Ser\' Rep Ind Bell Tel ______________ r 160 E, N.W.
O'HAVER, Evan stu _____________________________________ r 660 G, N.R Iva;l stu -------------------------------------=-==- ~. ~~~ ~'~'.
James -:,----- ------------ ---------- -- --- ----- '-1209 Second' N.'V.
O'HAVER, George (Edith) tehr ___________________________ r 160 E, N.W. Leroy (\ lOla) carp -------------------------- 1 • 9 Third S.'V.
O'HAVER, Minnie Mrs ___________________________________ r 660 G, N.E. Orval (Pan:;y) coal opr ------------------;--------- 1 l' 109 B tN.'''.
O'HERN, Iris stu ____________________________________ r 1160 Third, N.W.
O'HERN, Margie stu _________________________________ 1" 1160 Third, N.W. Sa~!tty--;t~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- .l~~~ ~ ~.\;;.
CLYDE WPA ___________________________________ 1. 60 E' S:'V:
. O'HERN, Pat (Ethel) ________________________________ r 1160 Third, N.W.
O'HERN, Patricia stu ________________________________ r 1160 Third, N.W.
Donald st~ -.------------------------------------ 1
Edward (}\...HtJe) ---------------------------------, ~ 28U
289 c' S.lV.
S.'' .
o K MOTOR SER\TICE, Earl Ross prop __________________ rear 97 S i\lain George )\lA ----:------------------------------ 1. 0 E' S'V
, (GenHa) mllle1' --------------------------- 1 6 c' S',V'
OLGUS, Cllas ____________________________________________ r 89 B, N.W.
OLINGER, John· stu ___________________________________ r 89 Third, S.W. ·b:h~~t;;-· ccc ----------------------------------~-9i~ rfth, N.E:
1 --------'------------------------------- 1. 910 Fifth' N.E.
OLINGER, P R (Maude) groe and rest 89 Third, S.W. ____ r 89 Third, S.W. welder ---------------------------------- 1. 910 F'fth' N E
OLIVER, Yina Mrs _______________________________________ r 440 I, N.W. Arthur (Hazel) miner ------------_-_--_-_-_-_-___-_--~. ~80 Fou~,th/ N:\V:
OLSON, Martin tel1er and bkpl' Cit Natl Bank ________ rms 240 First, N.E. George -------------------------- - . 0 Fourth N.\\'.
ONIONES, Donald stu ___________________________________ r 469 I, N.W. Lell~ beauty opr ---------------------------- 1. ~~O Fourth' N.·W.
ONIONES, Gerald stu ____________________________________ l' 469 I, N.W. ~:;'I(~Jiz~-b-eth)-,\ip-A-=============~~======== ~. 280 FOUl;.h: N.'V.
ONIONES, John (Dollie) miner ___________________________ r 469 'I, N.W. l!,J""":', Dale 1llch N'olans Garage __________ ~ ______ ~_ r 110 ':' 8\I~ce~~~~
ONIONES, Leona ________________________________________ r 469 I, N.W. Steve (Yirginia) \VPA ------------------------6-8--S 1 th' N' E'
r even . '.
ONIONES, Marjorie ______________________________________ r 469 I, N.W. ~h~~ldol~:u(r.-lild-l~d-)--I~-di;~-R;i-c~-=~======== l' 68 Seventh: N.E.
ONIONES, Willis (Illene) ____________________________ r 53 Fourth, S.E. (l\Iattie) Jab __________________________ l' 689 ~~~~t~ ~'~i~
~E!!:Cl">Y.", Gu~: 1------------------------------------;-680 E Vincennes
OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, 1Vm Johnson prop ___________ 68 N .l\lain 1
ORNATE BEAUTY SHOP, Mrs Agnes Mehlhoff prop _______ 50 Fifth, S.E. Flol'ence :) rs ------------------------------- '180 Fifth S.E.
OSBORN, Ad (Addie) ____________________________________ r 589 F, N.E.
OSBORN, Ethel .Miss tchr high school _____________________ r 190 B, N.E.
Aud1'e:.' stu ----------------------- ____________________ ~. 180 Fifth: S.E.
James stu ______________________________________
-------------------------- 1. 119 Fifth 'TS.E.
OSBORN, Norma stu _____________________________________ r 150 H, N.W. T

OSBORN, Pearce stu _____________________________________ r 150 H, N.W. ~':'":~:'~,. (Waneita) WPA _______________________ r 779 Fourth, N-".
OSBORN, Shirle;'.T (Ethel) City Fire Dept __________________ r 150 H, N.W, '~o·-""'.-;-·Jo·~C CO. J. H ~Iienel' Mgl' __________________________ 110. N Mam
OSBORN, Shirley E stu __________________________________ r 150 H, N.W, . ' _________________ r 1110 Thll'd, N.W.
OVERLAND SALES, Dr E V Bull prop _______________________ 69 A, N.E.
01VEN, Anna stu ___________________________________ r 139 E Vincennes
Glace -------------------
Sara~~l-:-;-~ii~~- __-_______-___-___-_-_-___-___________-_________
l' 1110 Third N.'V.
l' 149 Fourth, s.~.

OlfEN, Evelyn stu ___________________________________ r 189 E Vincenne~ TRUST CO, Peter Schloot pres ____________ 59 S lIIall1
OWEN, John (l\Ielissa) miner ____________ :-- ____________ l' 190 Third, N.'''. "- , . ____________________ l' 860 Roosevelt
OWEN, Ruth stu ____________________________________ l' 189 E Vincennes ~",l"V. Chesterstu::;tu-----------------
Betl:' _________________________________ , 160 Sixth , S.E.
Ol\rEh~, Ruth Humphrey Mrs 'VPA office _______________ l' 139 E Yincennes
Page Sixty-seven
Page Sixt~'-six
Allen A. Wilkinson Lumber Co.
"The House of Homes" Daisy Cigar Store
South Main Street and I. C. R. R. Candies and Tobaccos

PERIGO, Claud -------------------------------------____ I' 860 Roos"·,lt WPA --------___ . ________ - I' 190 Second, N.",\'.
PERIGO, Claud Jr stu -----------------------,----- ____ I' 860 Roosevelt (Hcnrietta) WPA SUpcn"sor _____________ r 759 I'Second,
189 D N.E.
PERIGO, Clyde (Lexie) \VP A ----------------------- __ r 750 Third, N.W ,,<O,,"U"l\!l'S -------------------------------------;.-759 Second,' N .'V.

st~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---. -.--------:.~-=.~~-=.-=.-=.~-~.--i90,s3e4c90n~" ~:~:

PERIGO, Earnest (Esther) Linton Roofing Co -------------_ I' 90 F, N.1\'· stu -_____________________________ I' 189 D, N.E.

PERIGO, Juanita stu ---------------------- ____________ I' 160

John -------------------------__________________ Sixth,
I' 124 S.t
F, N.1\'· h t
PERIGO,' 0Melinda ------------------------------ ______ I' 610 Third, N 1\' (Elizabeth) mac lUIS ----.------------- I' "289, A, N.W.
gle s u ----------------- _____________________ I' oosev,lt"
· t 860 R
PERIGO, Rosella -------------------------------- _____ I' 750 Third, N.1\' ' . 'I,'s
Ethel Mrs --------------------.---------~~~~
_____ I'-Oll:r540""ITincennes
A, N.E.
PERIGO, Ro)' (Liza) carp --------------------------- ___ I' 82 Sixth, S.E: John stu ________________________________ ___ I' 540 A, N.E.
PERIGO, Violet stu -------------------------------- ___ I' 160 Sixth, S.E. Pear! (Carrie) ____ I' 249 E, N.E.

Sar~h s~tlurs -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-~~~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--------_-_-_-_- i', ~:\~;:

PERIGO, Wilf"ed stu ------------------------------ _______ I' 90 F, N.1I·. Mary L Mrs ---------------------------- I' 189 Fourth, S.E.
PERKINS, Guy (Joy) -----------------------
(Susan) -------------------------------_ 790 E,
__________ I'l' 659 N.E.
F, N.B. __ F SI ______ 1: 55g
Lee (Nora) -------------------------- ______ I' G9 Tenth, N.E.
Lois Miss hskpr ------------------------ _______ I' 659 F, N.E.
Dwight (Ruth) barbel' ')'e lOp ---
Jean stu ______________________________ 1
709 G, N.E.
I' 709 G, N.E.
Rex (Mable) mgr Standard Sen' Sta ------ I' 189 Seeond, N.W.
Thelma Miss -------------------------- ________ I' 140 D, S.W.
Lee stu _________________________
Llo)'d Dr (Aerie) chiropractor ----------
I' 260 N Mam
I' 260 N iIIain
PERKINS, Volney (Alice) ------------------------- __ I' 210 Second, S.W. Lowell stu ____________________________ ___ I' 709 G, N.E.

PERKINS, Wa)'ne (Emma) dist mgr Std Oil ------------ ____ l' 289 N Main ' Millard (Lena) miner -------------------------:- ___ ). 709 G, N.E.

PERIUNS, Wendall prop Beauty Robei·t stu ----------,jT-j;;--ff55V,-i.O/,Ji"lafn -__ r 309 A, N.B.
Shoppe 140 N !lfain -------------- -_________ r 659 F, N.E. 11._'c,:",,!.Geo Dr (Gertru e p ) 0 _ : ___________ l' 90:
PERRY, Chas Feed Store 102 W Vincennes -------------- ___ I' 739 N iIlain
PETERS, Maggie Mrs ---------------------------- __ I' 248 W Vincennes
Ins Co ______ ;.
(Ruth) miner __________________________ 109 S Main
'~097 Rodsev~lt
84:J,~ _~_I_r_s S '.; ~'.
PETTY, Lulu Mrs ---------------------------------- I' 310 Second, N.W. ehas Wolford postmastel' ____________________ I' H S.W.
B G(Lou)
sJsman------------------- _____________ I' 240
Swift & Co ---------------------- r First, N.R
S Main Jull'a __-_-_-_-_-_._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- I,.' HH:, H

PHILLIPS, Estelle Miss tchr high school -- _________________ I' 209 B, N.B. Henriett" ________________________ _
PHILLIPS, HalT)' (Anna)
(Louise) Ritter
------- ______________I' 490 Broadway
I' 369 F, N.E. Raymondt J judge Greene ____ " St Rd 59 N

~Iotor :~~_
PHILLIPS, Leo (Glad)'s) ----------.---------------- ______ I' 380 H, N.E. Circuit Cour ------------------------- I' Sullivan, Ind.
PHILLIPS, Lou Ann stu ------------------------------ I' 240 First, N.E. C IV-Powell Sales ___________________ l' 709 N iIIain
PHILLIPS, Mary Louise stu --.------------------------- I' 490 Broadway Lewis stu ___________________________ I' 289 B, N.E.
PHILLIPS, Paul -------------------------------------- I' 240 First, N.R Lillian illrs (wid E A) --------------- ---- I' 709 N Main
PHIPPS, Ma)· Mrs -------------------------------- __ I' 320 Second, S.W.
PHIPPS, 'Vm stu ----------------------------------_ r 369 Fourth, N.W.
PICHOUECQUE, Chas (Zelie) see Fishel' ------------------ I' 209 H, N.W.
Lloyd (Mary) stock bUY"d -C-,yp---il---------4G W Vincennes
SALES, 'Vm J an . ,owe -------- r 310 D, N.'V.
Pete (Marjorie)- butcher MaddIson s _____________ I' Sullivan, Ind.
PICHOUECQUE, Chas Jr-Tire Shop -------------------- __ I' 209 H, N.W.
Wm J-Powell Motor Sales ------------------;-127 Fourth, S.E.

~i~~g~: i:e~ /fM~~; ·~~~~~~:'~_?~~iO~,_:uI~1h~r_~_o_~~~~~~~~~ i~g ~: ~t ~l~sItu==_=_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_=~~~~~=~~~~~~=~=~~~==~==~=~~== ~N: .~E:.

PICHOUECQUE. Henry (Li1lian) Tire Shop ---------------- r 209 H. N.W. (Emma) ___________________________ _ r 160 H. N.E.
PIERCE, Le"wis trucker -----~---- _________________________ r;: 730 F, N.E. :,:. :, iggii
PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH. Jas E Kerby pastor ---- I' 389 Sixth, N.E. John (Oleta) elect _________________________________ l' 160 H, N.E.
PINKSTON. Arthur (Martha) Merchant 160 H N.W.
PIRTLE, 'VilJis (Margaret) barber Ideal Police --------
Shop --- I' 189 Fourth, N.W.
__________ r Terhune Apt Justine
R t stu -----------------------------------;-797
_______________ _ Second,

PLANN. iIlarion
iIlrs(Beatrice) WPA ----------------------- __ I'I' 310
289 H.
D, N.W. '~~E:~T ~A'k~ER-SHOP~-H-;I~b~;t Priest prop___________
.t ____ 47 ~ i;~nt~'w.~~
~h~;1Cl~t~_~:~~:~::~~~~:::::~::: _______________ ;: ~iZ m~h: S:E:
PLEW, Della ------------------------------------ ____ N.E. h SE
PLEW. Ellis (Doroth),) clk Fl'oeschke Shoe Store --------- I' 62 Sbd;h, S.E.
Harold (Velma) _______________________________ ~: 210 Fifth, S.E.
PLEW, Ph)'llis stu ------------------------------------- I' 62 Sixth, S.E. Earl __________________________ ________ 210 D, N.E. I'
PLEW, Roy mch OPl' Cine' Theatre ------------------------- I' 289 D, N.E.
PLE'V, Van (Gertl'Uhde) carp ---------------------------- r 82 SixDth,
POE. Al'llold liIlal't a) vending mch Opl' ------------------- I' 189 , . ".
POE. 'Carl'ie MI'S ------------~
------------------------ ____________ I'l' 759
N~·EE·II:;tf!!lfli: Henry (Emma) \YPA
Herhert (Lonaine) prop Pnest Ba, Cl
op ___
r 209 Fifth, S.E.
I' 148 B, N.W.
POE, Catherine _______________________ 190 Second.
Se.::ond, N.W.
N.E. Ida Mrs ____.___________________________________ _

Page Sixty-eight
Page Sixty-nine
Suits Made to .Measure General Insurance

PRIEST, James stu --------________________ ~ ___________ r ,24 Sixth,

! PRIEST, James J1' ---------- ______________________________ r 148 B, GOODS STORE, . 119 A N.E.
PRIEST, John wks Greene County Hospital ______________ l' 24 Sixth, ( Red) Fulkerson prop ------------------ H' N E
PRIEST, Lucy --------------__________________________ r 439 Sixth,
PRIEST, Mary stu --------- ___________________________ " }' 24 Sixth, (Agnes) miner ------------------------------- 1'-'330
r 6$9 F , N.E.
PRIEST, Nathan (Hcnrif?-tta) __________________________ r 24 Sixth, (Callie) miner -------------------------~~~~~ r 689 F; N.E. '
PRUDENTIAL INS CO, Earl R Reeve asst supt ________ Cit Natl Bank

il(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==f~j~ !JIJ! ~~i~

PRUETT, Betty ------------- ______________________________ l' 90 I,
PRUETT, Harlan (ilIae) WPA ----- ________________________ l' 90 I,
PRUETT, Harlan J1' ---------- _____________________________ l' 90 I,
PRUETT, James ------------______________________________ r 90 I, (Leona) Linton Motor Sales ----~~::~~~~ r 369 Sixth, N.JF.
PRUETT, Marsella stu --------- ____________________________ r 90 I, stu I U ------------------------- l' 649 N l\Iam
PRUETT, Mary -------------- _____________________________ I. 90 I, N,,.,"oon (Olive) Thomas & Reel Gto ---------------=~ l' 685 A, N.E.
PRUDHONE, Ernestine stu --- _______________________ r 709 Fourth, ------------------- r 635 A, N.E.
PRUDHONE, Paul (Trella) WPA ____________________ r 709 Fourth, stu ---------------------------------------- l' 635 A, N.E.
PRUDHONE, Pauline stu ---- ________________________ l' 709 Fourth, (Jennie) as~·.t supt Pl'ud Ins Co ------------~~~~ l' 635 A, N.E.
PRUTSMAN, Margaret stu ---- ________________________ r 57 Third, Eleanor stu --------------------- __________ r 685 A, N.E.
PRUTSlIIAN, Wilbur (Audrey) - ________________________ r 57 Third, Lenora ------------------------- l' 635 A, N.E.
PUCKETT, Leslie (Mildred) WPA ______________________ r 137 First,
PURCELL, Ernest (Martha) miner _________________________ l' 569 H, ~~~);;~lSla~:.,:;,-t)-~gt-~!;t-iXi;-b;S-C;-_-_-_-_-_-_::~~~~~~ 1;. ~~O J: ~:~~:
..caroJr n stu -----:--:.------:-~.--------~~ _______ r 89 H, N.".
Clinton (Emma) huckIng .sel\lCC ----- r 779 First, N.E.

Clyde (China) (Leona) mIner -------------- r 50 H, N.E.
Dora ~lrs ------------------------------------ r 89 H, N.'''.
!l)£~j~~: Harrell stu ------------------F----C-------l~-5-50 Second, N.\V.
l£ Irvin (Lucille) wk~ New Home urn 0 ---- r 859 E Vincennes
John (Thelma) mmer -------t------------ l' 560 First, N.E.
John T (Xannie) carp and con l' -----------~. 849 Fourth, N.E.
MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE Lome (Mary) ------------------- ------- r 89 H, N.W.
stu ------------------------------------~- 18% N Main
HEADQUARTERS ---------------~~~~~~~=_- r 149 .T, N.W.
The REXALL Store Hazel st~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________ ~: i!~ ~: ~:~~:
La\Tel'l1 stu ------------------------R-R"---------- l' 149 I, N.\V.
SODA FOUNTAIN 'Valter (Martha) section foreman I C . ____; ___-_-_-_____________ _
MERCHANTS' ASSOC, Ine,-H E Zander sec, - 28 S Main
DRUG STORE, Wm Sahms mgr ----------; 789 F, N.E.
RAMSEY, 'Carolyn stu ---------- __________________________ r 149 B, N.E.
rNOI,D:S. Benford lab -------------------------------;.:829 Ninth, N.E.
RAMSEY, H G Rev (Catherine) pastor 1\1 E Church _________ r 149 B, N.E. Donald (Add) W~A .------------------- r 1040 A, S.E.
RAMSEY, Marilyn stu ----------- _________________________ l' 149 B, N.E.
Harold (Gladys) Hllner gro ------------------ r 1040 A, S.E.
RANC, Mary Mrs ------------- ___________________________ r 69 H, N.W. :nmLIlS. Janet- stu -------------------- --------- l' 1040 A, S.E.
g~h~ ~:~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~18~· *~~rfh, ~:~:
RANEY, Barbara Jean stu -..:----------------------,-7,------ r 909 A, N.E.
RANEY, Ben Dr (Elizabeth) phy and surg .
off 129 E Vincennes --- _________________ 370 E Vincennes June ~tu --------------- ----------------- l' 159 D N.'V.
May 1.Irs ----------------------------------- l' 789 -t, N.E.
RANEY, Ben (EsteJIa) gro 840 Fifth, N.,,'. ___________ r 870 E Vincennes 'Vn~ H (Sarah) gl'O ------------------------,-- r 780 N l\Iain
RANEY, Ben Butler III stu --- _____________________ :-_ l' 870 E Vincennes :~~;~~r~(~)~:Butler stu ------------.---.---------------- 18 N Main
RANEY, Carolyn stu ---------- ___________________________ I' 909 A, N.E.
RANEY, Robert (Alice) Overland Sales ____________________ l' 909 A, N.E.
;~ BROS, Men's FurnIshings ----------.780 N Main
RAYMER, Clint (Leona) miner --- ___________________ r 649 Fourth, N.W. Caldn (Eunice) Rhodenbeck Bros ------;-4"10 1 Second, N.\V.
RAYMER, Louise clk G.C ]\iul'phy Co ________________ l' 649 Fourth, N.W. ehas (Elizabeth) baker -------------- l' Second, N.'V.
Chas gro and bakery -------.------------- l' 90 H, N.E.
RECReATION CENTER, 'Villard Fiscus supervjgOl' __________ Ie of P Bldg Fannie l.iiss-Rhodenbeck BIOS ----------- l' 90 H, N.E.
RECREATION CRAFT-ART SHOP, Oscar Haussin supervisor _ 99 A, N."W. H W Second, N.'V.
RED PIG, sandwiches, soft drinks, etc, Angel Lefebvre prop ___ 490 H, N.'''. i\laliollEsther
~6Di~NBicGK; ?lfary _______________________ _ l' 410 Second, N.'V.
Page Seventy
Page Seventy-one
r 57r Second,
Edna Mrs :....-------------------------------- ___ 389 D S.W.
Newkirk's Funeral Home Gilbert (Mary). ---:------------------------~. 110 'V Vin~ennes
Glen mgr skatmg rmk -------------------- _ I' 65 T.hird, S."\'.
OUR IDEAL-A Community Se l'vice of Quality at the Lowest
Possible Cost. "Ask Those Whom "'e Serve"
Wn'!- <Yera)
1~ 3f04g ~'N."T.
----------------------------.-"3io Second,
Pleasantville, S (Mmllle) -------------------------.---- 1 . 460 F N.E.
Indiana Chal'1otte stu ----;---:----------------.----------- r. 260 I' N.Vit.
Edw (Iva) state mIlle mspector -------------------
_____ 11. 260 [', N.'V.
John s t u ---------;------------------------ - I' 390 Sixth. N.E.
RICE, Daniel (Emma) wks Antioch Power ______' ________ l' 120 Sixth, S.£. John J (Bertha) mmer ---------,.------------- r 390 Sixth N.E.
RICE, Daniel F stu -------------- ____________________ r 360 Second, N,R, Kathryn WIlls stu -------------------------- . 260 I' N.W.
RICE, Gloria stu --------------- _________________________ r 1039 A, S.£. Mal'garet stu ----------------------------------- ~. 460 F N.E.

~ftc:rst~u _========~============================= ~: ~~g ~,' ~:~~:

RICE, Imogene stu ----------- _______________________ r 360 Second, N.£.
RICE, Jess (Bessie) gro --------- ____________________ r 360 Second, N,E.
RICE, l\ftal'~r ---------------- ________________________ r 860 Second, N.t. beauty opr NaIl Beauty Shoppe -------------- . 460 F N.E.
RICE, Matthew stu ------------- _________________________ r 1039 A, S.t. ----.--------------.------------------------ ,.1 239 A' N.W.
RICE, IVm (Ada) carp ---------- ________________________ r 1039 A, S.E. Elsie MIS.S hskpr LandIs House ------------~-i69 Fourth, N.K
RICH, ehas (Violet) ----------- _______________________ l' 49 Third, N.W. (Mary). mmel' -------------------_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_- r 369 Fourth, N.E.
RICH, Jennie Mrs ------------- ___________________________ r 69 C, S.W. .MtSS ---------:------------- l' 179 Ninth S.E.
RICHARD, Daisy --------------- __________________________ r 49 E, S.W. Ralph (Ilene) Bnner ------------------- . 160 E 'N.\V.
RICHARDSON, Claude coal 0lH' ------ ______________________ r 89 D, N.W. Faye) -:----.-------:---·--.--:-,-------------.-35~ E Vin'cenues
RICHARDSON, Donna stu ----------- ______________________ r 890 A, S.E: asst hbl'anan pubh: hb~~,1) ---------- ~. 659 E Vincennes
RICHARDSON, Frances Mrs ---------- _____________________ l' 89 D, N.W. Earl (Glenn) prop 0 K MotOl Sel\ICe ---------- l' 410 H N.E.
RICHARDSON, Lee (Nellie) coal opr -- ____________________ r 290 G, N.W. BI'is (Pearl) steam shovel apr -------------------- . 410 ~-r' N E
RICHARDSON, Ray (Polly) ------- _______________________ r 390 A, S.E. 'Earl (Bud) stu lndpls Phurm Sc~ool -------------- 1, 620 D' N:E:
RICHARDSON, II' 0 (Mollie) shop worker _________________ r 390 A, S.E. Chester (Susie) steam shovel Op1 ----------------- 1. 620 D' N.E.

l\I;d?~_h~11':t~_====~=,=========================~=== ~: ~g~ ~; ~~~:

RICHMOND, Helen Miss ------- ______________________ l' 440 Third, N.W.
RICHMOND, Laura I\1rs -------- ______________________ l' 440 Third, N.W.
RIDLEN, Harold clk ------------ __________________________ l' 590 D, N.E.
RID LEN, Lionel (Blanche) mgr A & P Store _________ . . : ______ r 590 D, N.E.
Gerald (:\Iildl'ed) mmer -----------------======== l' 339
Jet:r:\, stu ------------------------------ _______ r 1090 E, N.E.
RIGGLE, Emma Mrs ---------- ______________________ l' 189 Fourth, S.E. ~~!,;,"'c, BIliy stu -------.----------------------- r 39 K· N.W.
RIGGLE, 01"val (May) --------- _______________________ r 220 Sixth, S.E. Carl (Geneva) mmer --------------------------- . 39 K' N.W.
RILEY, Alfred (Luda) WPA ------________________________ r 30 E, S.W. Carl J1' stu Ind State Terl'e Haute --------------- r. 40 K' N.W-.
RILEY, Exmon ----------------- __________________________ r 30 E, S.W. Claude (AI~ce) ~l'u<;ker --~------------------~-i"1o
Clyde (RosIe) Cme Theahe ---------------
. 39 K N.W.
RISHER, Harold ------------- ____________________________ 1" 410 F, N.E.
RISHER, Royce (Margaret) gro and conf 669 FOUl·tll, N.E. ___ r 4'10 F, N.B. q~ii~~~~; Jackson ---------------------------------------1' \090 E N.E.
RITTER'S PLACE, Chas Ritter prop ____________________ 45 E Vincennes Lillian st~ ----------------.-------------------- I' 39 K' N.'V.
RITTER, Chas prop Ritter's Place -- ____________________ l' Hotel Roosevelt Lucille MISS sten Paul MessIck ------------------ l' 39 K' N.W.
ROACH, Agatha Miss ------------ ___________________ r 360 Second, N.W. ~~;:~"!" MonzclI stu ----------------------------------- lOgO E
ROACH, Betty stu ------------- ___________________________ r 459' A, N.E. Phyl~is _______________________________ ~1 1090 E', N.E.
stu -;----------------------------------
Virgtl (Dessle)

ROACH, Carl (Ruth) Roach Electric Co 120 S Main ____ r 750 E Vincetmes
ROAOH, James T --------------- __________________________ 1; 459 A, N.E.
ROACH, Jessie Miss stu nurse ------ _______________________ l' 210 A, N.E.
ROACH, John (Anna) miner ----- ____________________ r 860 Second, N.W.
ROACH, Lon (l\Iary) Roach Machine Shop _________________ l' 210 A, N.E.
ROACH, Patricia stu ------------ ____________________ I' 750 E Vincennes
ROACH, Raleigh (Pearl) tch1' high school __________________ r 459 A, N.E.
ROACH. Ralph (Irene) miner -- _____________________ l' 360 Second, N.W.
ROBBINS, Agnes l\fjgs sten State Employ Sel'Y ________ ~ ____ 1'" 349 B, S.E. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME
ROBBlNS, G G-Robbins Motor Co 60 First, S.E. __ 78 First, S.E.
ROBERTS, S H electrician -------- ____________________ r 890 1i'irst, S.W.
ROBERTSON, Gilbert (Mary J) wks Skating Rink _____ r 389 Fourth, N.E.
New Home Furnishing Company
ROBERTSON, Horace stu ----------- ________________ r 190 Second, N.W. Exc1usiye Dealers for Kroehler's Furniture
(Tobe) (Cora) janitor junior high _ 1" 190 Second N.W.
ROBERTSON, John (Lelia) carp ----- _____________________ r 310 H, N.E.
ROBERTSON, Leo (Nannie) Goodman & E1lis Feed ______ r 249 Third, N.W.
ROBERTSON, Marshall miner City Councilman _______ l' 790 Second, N.'''. ___________________ l' 149 B, S.E.
------------------- _____________ r 60 Third, S.E.
ROBERTSON, Mary bkpr Linton Motor Sales _________ r 190 Second, N.W. (Ellen) ------------------~- r 140 D N.E.
ROBINSON, Helen wks Combs Cafe --- ____________________ r 44:J,f S Main
ROBISON, Barbara stu ------------ _____._______________ r 65 Third, S.II'. ~--~------------R;~;jj-St_;.~·~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r 239 D; N.E.
ROBISON, Bob stu ------------- _______________________ r 65 Third, S.W. CHURCH,
ROBISON, Chas (Elizabeth) miner ----- _____ .... _____________ r 590 E, N.E. Rey Emile Goossens pastor _____________ 489 Fourth, N.E.
ROBISON, Creel (Esther) proJl Sery Sta _________________ r 65 Third, S.'Y.
. PETERS CATHOLIC SCHOOL ___________ 459 Fourth, N.E.
Page Seventy-two
Page Sevent~·-three
ROBBINS MOTOR CO. M. W. Gilbreath & Son
II, G. G. Robbins, PrOI).
GOOD USED CARS -- STOIlAGE -- WASHING __ GIlEASING Hea) Estatt' - Insurance and Loans

Packard - Oldsmobile - Nash Service' AUTOMOBILE FINANCING

I ST_ PETERS RECTORY --- _________________ 494 Fourth, RE.

SALVATION ARMY, Mrs Gertrude Calvert major _. _________ .99% A, N.'\',
'SAMPSON Carl (Irene) WPA ---- ________________________ l' 390 J, N.W.
SAPPENFiELD Vance news ed Linton Daily Citizen _____________ 79 S. Main
SARGEANT, D~le (Helen) electl'~c welder ______________ r 579 Th!rd, ~.W.
SARGEANT, John (Della) electrIc 'welder ______ -.: ______ l' 589 Thlyd, N.W.
SARGENT, James (Vercie) miner _________________ =-..., __ l' 149 FIl'st, S.£.
SARGENT, Jaspel' (Mattie) custodian Elks CI}lb ____________ l' 30~ C, N.B.
SARGENT, Jeanette ----------- _____________________ ._ l' 149 FIrst, S.E.
SARGENT, Jesse stu ---------- ___________________________ r 309 C, N.E.
SARON REFORM CHURCH, Rev C A Hofmann .pastor _:-_ 410 First, N.£.
SARRIS, Christ (Helen) Linton Candy Kitchen ________ r 241h E V!ncennes
SARRIS, Nick --------- _____________________________ r 24% E Vmcennes
SARRIS, Pauline stu ---- ____________________________ r 24~~ E Vincennes - 65 E Vincennes
-----------------------~. 689 Third) N.E.
SARRIS, Pete stu ------- ___________________________ r 24% E Vincennes (Anna) ----------------------------- . 79 D S.W.
SAUCERMAN, Mary Mrs ------ ______________________ r 349 Fourth, N.W. (Belle) WPA ----------------------------- ~ 79 D' S.W.
SAUTER, John (Estella) wks Antioch Power ___________ r 369 Ninth, N.E. Bruce clk Kl'Ogel's ---------------------:~::~::::-l' 1 L,) N."'.
SCE-CENA Andre\v (Blanche) miner ______________________ l' 140 D, N.E. Chas ---------------------------------- 149
l' 280 Third N.'V.
SeECENA: Blanche :Mrs-Hixson & Sahm _________________ l' 140 D, N.E.
SCECEKA, Geo (Anna) lab ----~-- ________________________ l' 260 G, S.W.
SCECENA, Geo stu ------ ________________________________ r 260 D, S.W.
ro~~n (D~~·;)-N-;ti~~;l-A~lti-<?I~~~;-A~~l;-~~~~~~:~---- 11: ~~~ t: ~:~~~:
Mike -------------------------------------------- l' 249 C N,E.
SCECENA John (Jemima) miner - _________________________ r 210 G, S.W. Robert (Dol'oth:d mch --------------------------- . 210 I) N.'V.
SCECEKA: John Jr stu --------- ___________________________ l' 210 G, S.W. Abraham stu -------------------------------- 11' 389 i, S.'V.
SCECEXA, Joseph plumber ------- _________________________ r 260 D, S.W. Almona )'Irs -------------------------------- -1' 210 I N.'V.
SCECEKA, Martha -------------- _________________________ 1-,210 G, S.W. L"J.'n,~',,:, Cora -------------------------------------1:-340 Third' N.'V.
SCECENA, Rose stu ----- ________________________________ l' 260 D, S.W.
Dick (Ethel) WPA) ---------------------- l' 210 I' N.W.
SCECENA, Thos (MarY) ------- ___________________________ l' 260 D, S.W.
SCHERER Jack-'Cine; Theatre ---- ___________________ r 260 Sixth, N.E. H
Lulu stu ------------------------------------ r 210
Mal',\' stu ----------------------------
r 210 I, N.'V,
SCHERER: Jean stu --- _____________________________ r 210 Vi,T Vincennes Af~!,!-,!!~, Nellie stu ---------------------------- l' 210 IN.'''.
SCHERER Julia Ann stu -------- _____________________ l' 260 Sixth, N.E. ' 'm (Jeanette) eec ------------------------- l' 210 l' N."'.
SCHERER, Lawrence (Hazel) Linton Theatres _ l' 260 Sixth, N.E.
~1m~~w.: i;~;:d JtD;:n:;;)-Li~;t;,;;D~il;.-Citiz-.-;;------~~---------------54~ ¥i;sP" J'J:
Bertha Miss ------- _________________________ l' 50 Third, S.E.
Ella Mrs (wid ~erman) - _______________________ l' 140 A, N.E.
Esther Miss --------- __________________________ l' 148 A, N.E,
Mrs ------------------------------------ 1 l' 240 K N.'''.
Daniel min~r ~-----------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~:-51O Third: N.'''.
SCHLOOT, Hugo (Barbara) contr __________________________ l' 350 G, N.E. Lafe (MollIe) ----------------------- l' 910 Roosevelt
SCHLOOT, Jasper (Mabel) ~oal opr -- ______________________ l' 330 A, N.E. Nettie Mrs --.-------------------------~~~~~~~~~_ l' 240 K) N.W.
SCHLOOT, Peter (Jennie) ' 'm (Lola) mUler --------------------- l' 289 B S.E.
Humphreys-Schloot Co ----- _______________ r 109 B, N.E.
SCHLOSSER BROS CREAM STA, Miss Mary· Brady apr _____ "r Vincenlle~
' l\~l~: _-___-_-:___
-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--------------;:-13 l~~·sIt" ~..~~:
SCHMITT, James (Dutth) (l\fary Susap) driyer Texaco truck _ r 380 I, N.". Ph~l11is stu -------------------------------------120 l' N.'''. 1l'

SCHOLL, Melvin (Bernadene) Lmton """",n, 'Vm (Martha) --------------------------~~~~~~~ r 120 I: N.'V.
'Vm Jr ----.----------------------------- l' 959 B S.E.
Recreation Parlor ------'- ________________ r 953 Roosevelt George (Nelhe) "~PA -------------------~~~~~~~~ l' 959 B: S.E,
~tust~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~==== ________ l~. 955~ J) ~,~:
SCHOLL, Pollyanna stu ----------- _______________________ r 140 N Main
SCHOLL, 'Vafter Ii' stu ----------- ________________________ l' 140 N Main
SCHOLL, Walter H Dr chiropractor ______________ r 140 N Main (Anna) WPA ---------------------------- l' 50 D' S:\V.
Morton (Jaunita) Carleton Sel'Y Sta ________ l' 189 Sixth, S.E,
Doris --------- ________________________________ l' 269 C, S.W. g~~rs -~~-~=~~~=~~~==~~==~======================= ~ ~~ E: ~:~~~:
SCHUBLA, James stu ----- ____ :.. _____________________ l' Terhune Addition
SCHUBLA, Martha Mrs ----------- ________________________ l' 269 C, S.W.
:11~~:~¥:~j;: Eme1'v (Zoe) WPA ------------------------ 0 SM'
Frank (Fl'eida). RC!:.' ~ol'del's Sales -----_-_--_-_-_-_-_ \.12~4 E. N~~~
SCHUBLA. Martin (Ljzzie) '''PA -- __________________ l' Terhune AdditIOn
SCOTT. D R prop Variety Store _________________ r 379 A, N.~. ;i
SCOTT Joe (Susie) miner ___________________________ l' 73 Second, S.", 8~[~J;~~~:p: Reed L\Iab~l) Jal1ltOl ---------------- - . 1010 S Main
SCOTT: Kenneth stu ------- _____________________________ l' 551/~ N Main -~ 'Vm (Bessle)
Elzia ------------------------------.\90
1\hs _________________________________ 1

Page Seyenty-four Page Seventy-five

D-X STATION Union Lumber Company
'Vesley Branl'itetter, Mgr. BUILDING lIIATERIAL
FIRST and H Sts. N.E. Linton and Jasonville

SHERRY'S BEAUTY eHAL --------------------------- 49 N lIIai u ___________________________
~ l'160 \V Vincennes
SHERWOOD Hattie Mrs ET, Mrs Edith Hanger prop ________ 60 B, KEn __________________________________ l' 250 G, S.W.
SHERWOOD'TEMPLETON-CO------------------------------ l' 90 B N E' Ornal' ______________________________________ r 250 G, S.'V.
SHIELDS, l\iintaMrs _______ AL CO, Wm Stewart supt ______ 51h N'Ma'in' 'Vm (Maxine) WPA _________________________ r 290 G, S.'V.
SHILKETT, Lillian Mrs ____ ---------------.------------- l' 289 A, K\\'. (Zula) Eureka Chevrolet _________________ r 409 First, N.E.
___________________________________________ l' 510 S Main
SHONK, Chester (Helen) tl'uck-d~,i;~l:-------------------- r 84 Fourth, S.E.
SHONK, Jack stu ---------------------- l' 360 H, ?\.E j-:1,!!eo::.:~P()~t(~f~~~\'. _______________________________ l' 510 S Main
SHOl\K, Ra" stu _---------------------------------------- l' 360 H, ?\.E· _________________________________ r 690 S Main
_____________________________________________ l' 190 H, N.W.
SHONK, Shellie (Th~l~~)-Li;~~-S~~.~.-St----·---------------- l' 360, H, N.B:
SHOPTA'V, Alfred miner a --------------- r 14 Thn'd, S.W. PROVIDENCE, St Peters Convent _____________ r 489 E, N.E.
SHOPTAW Dayid stu ----------------------------- l' 160 Sixlh, S.E ";"P~'I);:;;;~'iII'.~.~;t~) shovel opr ------------------------ l' l'139 -;
SHOPTAW; James (ZOI~;)-=---------------------------- I' 149 Fifth, S.\\,: ~ stu ____________________________________ 80 H, N.'''.
F, N.W. 1,
SHOPTAW, Leo lab --------------,---------------- l' 110 G, S.\\'. (Beatrice) miner ___________________________ l' 80 F, N.'\'.
SHOPTA'V, May stu ----------------~--------------- l' 269 I, S.w. stu __ :. . ____________________________________ l' 80 F, N,'\,.
SHOPTAW, Thos (Vil'gi;i~)-==~=--------------------------- I' 269 I, S.1\'. ________________________________________ r 920 A, S.E.
SHOPTAW, Thos Jr stu ______ -------.------------------- I' 269 I, S.\\'. HalT~' K (Leonora) Ind Bell Tel ______________ l' 1009 E, N.E.
SHORT, David (Mary) . ______ --------------------c------- l' 269 I, S.W. o P '(ll'ez) ret Ind Bell Tel ________________ r 130 First, S.E.
SHOUSE, Dicie Mrs Janitl'ess hjgh-;~h~~T---------------_:--- l' 853 B, N.E.
SHUTTS FEED STORE W Sh t -------------- r 350 Second, N.W. ' 'Ill
Rex (Ruth) mch Roach Mch Co ________________ l' 920 A, S.E.
barbel' Ideal Shop ______________________ l' 89 Sixth, S.E.
(.Mal'Y) __________________________________ l' 60 G, S.,\'.
SIFFORD, Bet!, stu ,m u ts prop ------- ___ 145 N Main Sadie ______________________________ ~ _____________ r 60 G, S.'V.
SIFFORD, Lut~er (M-;.~-dij~i)-~~~~~~~---------------------- l' 689 N Main Margaret Ann ~lrs _________________________ l' 360 Second, S.'V.
SILVEY, Bland (Laura) ---------------------- l' 689 N Mam Reuben (Anna) __________________________________ r 289 B, N.W.
SIMMONS, Albert stu ---------------------------- r 212 Twelfth, N.E, Bessie supt nurses Union Hospital Terre :Haute _____ r 289 B, N.'V.
SIMMONS, Junior stu ------------------------------------- l' 489 S Main 'Vm ____________________________________________ r 384 D, N.E.
SIMMONS, Lawrence st~--~~~~~-------------------.
SIMMONS, Lol'ence' stu
r 489 S Main
---------------------------- r 489 S Main
SIMMO~NS, 'Wm (Minnie)-~-_~-_~-_~-_~~~~~-------------------- l' 489 S l\Ia~n
Camden (:u.ssie) miner _______________________ r 310 Third, N.'''.
Camden Jr stu ________________________________ l' 310 Third,
Camden Sr ___________________________________ r 310 Third, N.W.
N.'' .
SIMON, Arthur (Feal'not) _ -------------------- l' 489 S Mam ehas auditor _____________________________________ r 839 N Main
SIMON, Ernest stu --------------------------- l' 790 First, S.W. Chas (Linda) '''PA ____________________________ r 80 Ninth, S.E.
SIMON, Fe1'non (Sim~~l-e-)--::::~::::~:------------------ r 789 ~jrst S.W. Chas stu ______________________________________ r 80 Ninth, S.E.
SIMON, Olga stu ___ ------------------ r 789 FIrst, S.W. Clara Gleason Mrs chief apr Ind Bell _________ l' 150 Second, N.W.
SIMS, Benny (Cecil) t~11~:-S-;~d\~,j~1~-Sh~---------------- r 739 First, S.W. Cyrus (Florence) trucker ____________________ l' 108Q Fourth, N.E.
SIMS, Bernadine stu p ----------------_ r 120 H, N.E. D'on (Ethel) stripper __________ ~ __________________ l' 390 N Main
SIMS, Bernice stu __ -------------------------------------_ l' 120 H, N.E. Esther Bakel' Mrs tch}' main bldg ________________ r 49 Sixth, S.E.
SIMS, Billy stu ______ ------------------------------------- l' 120 H, N.E. Gertrude Miss ____________________ ~ __________ l' 210 Second, N.'V.
SIMS, Cora elk Sponsl~;;-G;,~~;~;---------------------- l' ~189 Fifth, N.W. Glen (Elizabeth) miner ______________________ r 210 Second, N.'''.
SIMS, Dale lab _____
SIMS Dorothy
. -------------------- l' Nmth and E N.E.
------------------------------------_ r 190 F' N.W.
Harry 'V WPA _____________________________ r 410 '" Vincennes
Iris stu ____________________________________ r 1089 Fourth, N.E .
. SUlS; Evelyn'st;----------------------------------- r Ninth and E N.E. Jack (Minnie) 'VPA _________________________ ~ ___ r 1080 E, N.E.
SIMS, Gilbert (Zen~~;;f-l;;i~~;-~~~~~~~~-------------------- r 190 !,,' N.W. John T (Maud) ___________________________________ l' 160.1, N.W.
SIMS, Harlan stu ___ ------------------ l' 70 ThIrd S.E. K~nneth stu _______________________________ l' 1089 Fourth, N.E.
SIMS, Harley (B1anch~)-;;~t-f~;.;;;;;;----------------------- r 120 H,' N.E. Lex _____________________________________________ l' 180 F. N.'''.
SIMS, Harold stu ______ ---------------------_ l' 190 F, N.W. Mal'ibelle stu _~ ________________________ ~ __________ r 339 N Main
SIMS, Joseph (Bertha) "'FA------------------------------- l' 120 H, N.E. Maxille stu ____________________ ~ ________ ~ ______ r 80 Ninth, S.E.
SI1\1S, Lloyd stu _____ ------------------------ l' Ninth and E, N.E. Norma Jean stu ____________ ~ ____________________ ~ r 390 N Main
SIMS Mae stu ---------------------------------- __ l' 190 F' N.W. Phyllis stu _________________________________ l' 350 Second, N.'''.
SIlUS: Marie NYA--___-_--------------------------------- l' 70 Third, S.E. Rose Mrs __________________________________ l' 410 'V Vincennes
SIMS, Rosemary stu ------------------------------ l' Ninth and E, N.E. Rosemary stu ______________________________ r 1089 Fourth, N.E.
SIMS, Violet stu ___ :::_----~------------------------ r N~nth and E, N.E.
SIMS. \,h."il (Maud) WPA-_~~~--------------------- l' Nmth and E, N.E.
SINGER, Cal'ol~n1 stu Purdue __-___-_-_-_-_-_-_--------------- ~. 1189 Fif~h, N.W.
~~~1~ ~t~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~ 3~08ge~~~~h,~~:
Sarah E Mrs __________ ~ __ ~ _______________________ r
180 F, N.'V.
SINGER, Esther stu -------------- 1 160 'V Vmcennes Ted (Hazel) mine supt ____________________________ l' 339 N Main
SINGER, Ray (EveIvn)-~;~I-op~:---------------------- l' 160 \V Vincennes Thos R stu __ ~ ___________________ ~ ________________ l' 210 E. N.E.
~ -----------~---------- l' 160 1,V Vincennes Yel'n (Robel'tine E) ______________________________ r 210 E, N.E.
Page Seventy-six
Page Seventy-seven
Rhodenbeek Bros. Funeral Home
Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings' OUR IDEAL-A Community Service of Quality at the Lowest
TELE.18W Possible Cost. "Ask Those "'hom \Ye Serve"
18 N. MAIN ST. rpl.em,an tville, Indiana
SMITH, Virgil Fitz Bakery ________ .
SMITH, 'Walter lab ________ ------------------- r 80 Nmth, S.t Steve (Stella) secy·mgr
SMITH, Wilbur (Mary) WPA ------------------------------ l' 160 I, N.\\: Linton Club __________________ r 420 E Vincennes
SMITH, lVm ece ~ ________ ------------------------ l' 1089 FO~l'th, N.E: OIL CO, ·Wayne Corbin agt _____________________ 689 S Main
SMITH,'Vm (Ruth) miner _ --------------------------- .}' 80 Nmth, S.E
SMURDON, Sarah Mrs (wid J-o-h-~)--------------------- l' 690 Third, N.W: OIL SERVICE STATION, Thos Dorrough rugr __ 1189 A, N.E.
SOUR WINE, Willard (Jav) -------------------- l' 480 First, N.E: ,~,~'.'!':!o: OIL SERVICE STATION, R K Perkins mgr _____ 221 N Main
PRINTING CO, Irdn H Gates prop ____________ 189% N Main
SMYLIE, Thelma Mrs (wid F;~;;;_k)--------------------- l' 480 First, N.E.
,. SNACK & SODA • -------.---------------- l' 460 N Main
SNOW, Helen _____~HOPPE, Leonard GIuffre proJl ____ 155 N Main
Dean ______________________________________ l' 1120 Roosevelt
·"'n~·'" Dorothv ___________________________________ l' 1120 Roosevelt
C".n~." John (E:lza) 'VPA __________________________ l' 1120 Roosevelt
SNOW, Isabel1a stu __-::_-_-_------------------------------- l' 58~ N Main Leon stu ___________________________________ l' 1120 Roosevelt
SNO\V, Margaret _________ ~:~----------------------------"l' 58% N Main )11's _________________________________ l' 143 First, S.W.
SNOW, Olimer stu _________ -------------------------- __ r 581,6 N Main stu _____________________________________ l' 709 Ninth, N.E.
SNOW, 'Vm (l\Iary) \VPA ___-_---------------------------- r 58% N Main (Minnie) ddver Ray Miller Trucking Co ___ l' 709 Ninth, N.E.
SOLSBERRY, Jacob (Lika) __ --------------------------- •r 58\2 N Main ~~::::;.' ______________________________________ r 76 Fourth, S.E.
SOUT.HERN HOTEL, F D Alk'Ire o---------------------------- l' 939 B S E ~~;;;:';.' Ethel )liss _______________________________ r 76 Fourth, S.E.
prop , '. , John ______________________________________ r 76 Fourth, S.E.
SPARKS, Greta hskpr _______ -----_ l' 176 Fifth, S.E. Bt'nnie ____________________________________ l' 1290 Third, N.\V.
SPEARS, Doris stu -------------------------- ___ l' 310 K. N.W James "'- ____________________________________ l' 1290 Third, N.'V.
SPEARS, \Vm stu __-------------------------------------- l' 489 K, N.W: John CCC _________________________________ l' 1290 Third, N.W.
SPICE, Chas (Sarah)------------------------------------ __ r 489 K, N.W. Naomi )ll's (wid John) ______________________ l' 1290 Third, N.\V.
SPICE, Donald stu --------------------------------- ____ r 989 A S.E Paul stu ____________________________ .:. _____ 1290 Third, N.'V.
SPICE, Flomemol'Y ;t~~l-A~~-Dj;t------------------------- r 113p N.E: A: Robert stu _________________________________
l' 1290 Third, N.'V.
SPICE, Jack (Gwendol\'n) bkpr l\fa"U-n~~;-,c-lf------------ l'
SPICE, Otis _______ . 0 -------- ______
SPICE POOL ROOM,-Th;d-Spi~.;_--,~o------------------------
180 SIxth, N.E,
l' 1130 A, N.E.
l' 249 I, S.W.
;i>;,i>iY 0'\J~ n e- -s-t ~- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ ~ _=:9?,
Lee stu __________________________________ l' 430 G, N.E.
I;Jl'~, ~];:
SPICE, R~ymond A (Virginia) bk p. P -------~-------------- l' 74 N Main Ralph (Ruth) miner ______________________ l' 910 E Vincennes
SPICE, RlChard stu __ pl ------------------- ____ l' 1189 A, S.E. \Ylll DIan.') miner _____________________________ l' 430 G, N.~.
SPICE, Thad (Mae) Pl'O-pSpi-c~-Po-oTR~-------------------- l' 1130 A, N.E. tE'i,ENiLol'<. Ella )11'8 ___________________________________ r 789 N MaUl
SPINKS, Alvina stu om ------------ __ l' 180 Sixth, N.E. r",,,,,,cu., carrier P a ___________________________ r 179 F, N.E.
SPINKS, Angeline st~--_-~_-___-_------------------------------ l' 640 E, N.E.
SPINKS, Betty stu __________----------------------------- r 640 E, N.E. '~,:vA:RjJ: En'in (:\!an miner --------------------------- r 179 F, N.E.
:1' Louis Grocery 169 F, N.E. _____________________ r 179 F, N.E.
SPINKS, Fred _______ ----------------------- ______ l' 640 E, N.E. :JIinnic' stu liurse ____________________________ l' 179 F, N.E.
SPINKS, Louis (Inez) P~;toffi~;--------------------------- l' 640 E, N.E.
SPONSLER, Cleo Mrs clk Cushinis-------------------------- r 640 E, N.E.
SPONSLER, Clvde ___ -------------------- ____ l' 160 D N.W.
:",_':._.-'",,' !~~:;: ~;!ss_~~~~~~~~~_~~~_~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~==~= ~: ~+~ !: ~:~:
, C Hobart (Lillian) agt Met Life
SPONSLER, Earl (~I~-b~I)----.-----d--------------------- l' 510 N Main Co ________________________________ r 78 Fifth, S.E.
69 Seventh N glO an meats Ersil (Elsie) Service Shoe Shop ________________ r 340 H, N.E.
SPONSLER, Marg;1'et·~;.s-(~.idr:;,-~)---------------- r 510 N Main .0"'00.'.-""" g~ldi~b_:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-::_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ;" Jt~ ~ ~~~~~
SPONSLER, MarleJ' (Cleo) grou:nl-----t------------ r 75 Fifth, S.E.
360 Third, N.W. ____ mea s Gordon (Gertrude) Eureka Chevrolet ____________ r 360 I, N.'Y.
Harriett 1\Irs __________________________________ l' 209 F, N.E.
SPONSLER, Vema Miss ---------------------- r 160 D, N.W. Helen ___________ ~ _______________________ r 389 Foul'th, N.'V.
SPURGEON, Carl (Ve1'11aT\i'PA--___-_-_-_-_-___------------------- r 90 H, N.W. 0::'_' -- .. ~, Jennie )frs (wid A D) _______________________ l' 1109 Rooseyelt
SPURGEON, Edward stu --------------- ___ r 690 S Mam John stu ______________________________________ l' 979 A, S.E.
SPURGEON, Wilbur (Henett;)J;,,-------------------------- r 690 S Main
SQUIRES, Frances Mrs ---------------------- ____ r 39 E S.W.
Kathleen stu __________________________________ l' 979 A, S.E. i
SQUIRES, Verna Mrs _ ------------------------------- ____ r 340 F' N.E.
STAATS, Dorothv stu -------------------------------- ____ l'
STAATS, Herbert stu --------------------------------- ___ r 439 N'Main
STAATS, R J Rev (Re~;)---t-~A-----l.-------------------- r 439 N Main
620 A' N.E.
, Lillian Mrs Jlublishe.r City DirectorJ' _ r 78 Fifth, S.E.
!'"~~\VAilT: Naomi )!rs WPA se\ving ----------------______ l' 90 K, N.W.
Robert (Lyda) 'VPA _____________________ r 690 E Vincennes
'Yillal'd (Edith) plasterer ______________________ r 979 At S.E.

STAFFORD, Geo (l\faggiel)a~_~l_ posto Ie Church N Mission _ r 439 N Main Wm (Xonna) supt 'Central Ind Coal Co _________ r 645 A, N.E.
STAGGS, Harley. Texaco Sel'v St~-~=~===~----------------- r 27~ A, N.\Y. "~m C (Jean) tipple foreman
________________________________ l' 645 A, N.E.
STALCUP, FanJlle Mrs --------------_ l' 549 FIrst N.\V.
-------------------------------- l' 90 Third; N.''', 'mc)i(iKEL~'E~,~~."";~"~.~~·V
I C Railroad - ______________
Uagt_____________________________ l'
l' 1090 E, N.'Y.
260 A, N.E.
Page Seventy-eight
Page Seventy-nine
STOECKEL, Chester stu ---------- _______________________ l' 1090 E, N.£
STIECKEL, Edw (Anna) policeman -- _____________________ r 1090 E,
STOECKEL, Ronald stu ----------- _______________________ l' 1090 E, N.t:
STOECKEL, 'Vilma stu ---------- ________________________ r 1090 E, :N.£'
STONE, Max --------------- ___________________________ r 340 Broadwa):
STONE, Rex (:HeIen) wks Last Chance Cafe _____________ ~ __ r 889 I, N.W.
STONE, Rollie WPA ------------ _________________________ l' 289 A, S.t: THRIFTY BUYERS TRADE AT ,
I STONE, Victor (Virginia) Eureka Chevl'olet __________._ r 280 Third, N.W: i'
STORY, Chas -------------- ___________________________ l' 59 Eighth, S.t:.
STORY, Claud A clerk Greene County ________ " _____ Lyons, Ind. The GEM 5810 ,i

. STORY, Douglass -------------- _______________________ rms 28% S Main Ask Them

STORY, Mary Mrs ----------- _________ 1.._.<. _____________ l' 59 Eighth, S.E.
STOVER, \Valton (Orda) supt Electric Light Co ____________ r 665 A, RE.

r 189 n: N,'V.
STRIETELMEIER, Elizabeth ---________________________ l' 50 Third, S.E.
STRIETELMEIER, Elizabeth Mrs - _________ - ______________ l' 510 A, S.E. Phylhs stu

----------------------========== 1040
(Amanda) --------------------- .
189 D N.W.
Roosevelt l'

STRIETELMEIER, Paul stu -- ________________________ l' 389 Ninth, N.E. Cha~ ~tu ---------------------------~~~~~ l' 1040 Roosevelt

STRIETELMEIER, \Vm (Leanor) minel' _______________ l' 389 Ninth, N.E.
STRONG, Alice Mrs Peoples Trust Co __________ ~ _____ l' 179 Third, S.E. ~;ijl{:~t IE)d~~h \\?PA--ijb~;;.y-~~-=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
1 .
r 56% W Vincennes
1040 Roosevelt
Elmer (:Murtha) ------------------------- 1". 1040 Roosevelt
STRONG, Cad (Viva) miner - _____________________________ l' 260 H, N.\\'.
STRONG, Chas (Nellie) miner -- ___________________________ l' 80 H, N.W. Hobart stu ----------------------========
Heie.n ---------------------------
~, 1040 Roosevelt
r 220 H S.'''.
STRONG, Cliff (Olive) Motor Service LesllC (Reya) ---------------------------.-i76 Seventh S.E.
215 A, N.E. -------- _________________ r 289 Fourth, N.E. )!rs -----------------------------__. ~. 176 Seventh: S.E.
II PA ------------.----------------- . 589 F N.W.
STRONG, Jaek stu -------------------- _______ c _____ ~ l' 289 Fourth, N.E. Oswald (Dora) asst custodIan. Elks Club --------~- 1 ic of P Bldg
STRONG, Jean stu --------- _________________________ l' 289 Fourth, N.E. R ,R (llick) barbl'l' 178 S Mam --------------- 1n8'0' S . th S E
STRONG, John ------------ _________________________ l' 689 Fourth, N.W. Alfred ---.-----------------------:--------- r. 80 Se\'enth e \ e n S.E.
STRONG, Sara Nell elk J C Penne)t Co _______________ ~ _____ r 80 H, N.W. Edward mmer ---------------------------- 1 80 S th' S E
STRONG, ·Warren (Alice) slsman _______________________ l' 179 Third, S.E. }<'Ioyd ~t~. -------------------------------- l' . 153 even,.. Third S.W.
STRUCKIIIEYER, Ed\\' (Stella) - ________________________ l' 79 Sixth, S.B. Fl'ank n wlet) tt'ut'kel' -------------------- lOS . th' S E
STRUCKl\fEYER, Kathl';\'Jl stu -- ________________________ l' 70 Sixth, S.E. :~~~~!~:; Isaac stu --------------------------_______-_-___ r 80 Seventh,, S.E. l' 8 > e\en ..
STRUCKMEYER, Louise M"s --- ________________________ l' 39 Fifth, S.B. Jame!' ----------------------------- . l' 80 Seventh S.E.

STRUCKMEYER, Margaret (Peggy) Service Ex Bureau ___ l' 49 Fifth, S.E. Robert ;;;tu ----r-------------------======~ r 80 Seventh; S.E.
STRUCKl\fEYER, "'alter (..Margaret) slsman Sam ()Iyrtle) ".PA --------------- . 529 Third N.'V.
Gi1lette Tire Co --------- ________________________ '"-_ l' 49 Fifth, S.E. (Bessie) wks CIty 'Vater Plant ----------- 1, 529 Third: N.'''.
N stu ----------------------------------- 1 l' 480 G N.E.
STRUCK MEYER, Wilbur sign painter ____ ~ _____ l' 39 Fifth, S.E.
STUPPY, Albert (Julia) ------___________________________ l' 210 K, N.W. «
('D~~) -(-il-ild;.;d)-T;;Tl~;.';-S-e~~·--St-a--~~-;.-730 E yin~ennes , I
STUPPY, Geo stu ------------- ___________________________ l' 210 K, N.W. Chas (ElSie) . .
111111e1'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l' 169 • 390S1xth, S.E.
A N.\V. i
STUPPY, Julia stu ------------ __________________________ l' 210 K, N.W. ':"~"O;' C ,y ------------------------------------------ I, 109 F' N.'V.
i!, ,
SUFFAL, Mur! (Grace) Coca Cola Bottling Co ______________ l' 290 A, S.B. Dor!g, Beauty Sho1? p e. ----------------~~~~~~~~-~-5~9 First; N.'''.
SULLIVAN, Emily Mrs --------________________________ r 125 First, S.E. El"Vln (Tressa), mmel --------------- . 569 First N.\V.
SULLIVAN, Iva Miss ----------- _________________________ l' 410 A, N.W. Eugene wks, l'hller:Baztel' ------------------- 1 r 1':'59 N Main
'..2~OC"" Fl'ank (Marte) carrle~' P 0 ----------------------- r ~59 N Main
SURMONT, Geo mgr Gulf Serv Sta 510 A, N.E. _________ l' 159 Third, N.W.
Frank Jl' ~tu :---------------------------------- l' 79 H N.'''. . "\
SURMONT, Jules (Josephine) - _______________________ r 159 Third, N.W.
SUTHARD, DolJy Mrs ------ ___________________________ l' 24 Third, S.W. Geo (Cleo) mmer ------------------------------ . 789 S Main
SUTHARD, John ---------- _________________________ l' 169 Fourth, N.W. GROCERY, Ray Taylor prop -------------------- ~ 2 A N E
SUTHARD, Lula Miss -------- _______________________ l' 169 Fourth, N.W. Henry (Ruth) slsman Eureka Chevrolet ---------- ~. ~99 H' N."'V:
SUTHARD, Rufus (Peal'l) --- _________________________ l' 810 Ninth, N.E. Imogene st~~ -·--;--------·-----------~-_:.-~~-_~____~--r 910 Ro~sevelt
SUTHARD, 'Vm coal opr ----- _______________________ r 110 'V Vincennes J Frank (\ 11'gmm) ---------------- - - '1 139 A S.E.
SUTTLE, Janet l\hs wks Goldbel'gs Cafe __________________ l' 170 I, N.W.
SWABY, Beuford ---------- ______________________________ l' 929 A, N.E. 0_"-,"0'",' ~~:e;l~n(~V~~edalf)--\r~t;;~l~ -H-~s-pit;l-{;d~l~------------~n 1~ 480 C;;' ~.~.
'.-.',"0':0' '1 . (F 'eda) embalmer 'Velch & COl nett ______ 1 859 , . .
S'" AN, Lena Mrs ---------- ______________________________ r 111 C, S.W. ~I ar~'m r 569 First, N. 'V.

~~~W~-~t~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::-~::::~~~~~ : . ~!!O ~ ~~:

S"'ARTZ, Paul --------------- ___________________________ l' 269 C, S.W.
'SWAYZE, D F (Dessie) ------- ___________________________ l' 859 A, N.E.
S'VAYZE, Dennis stu -------- _____________________ ~ ______ l' 859 A, N.E.
S'VAYZE, Frank stu ---------- ___________________________ l' 859 A, N.E. Richard (Emma) ------------------------------- l' 759 N'Main
S'VAYZE, Richard stu -------- ___________________________ r 859 A, N.E. Robert stu ----------------------------------h"-78o E Vincennes
SYLVESTER, Claud (Goldie) carp ______________________ l' 1169 Roosevelt Sammy R stu ------------------------------ , 889 A N'V
SYLVESTER, Hattie Mrs ----- ___________________________ l' 139 A, S.E.
SYLVESTER, Rosemary ----- __________________________ l' 429 Sixth, S.E.
SerYice Sta, Reed Taylor prop ----------------::-290 Second.
'.--.;:""'~--~.'., Roy ---------------------------------- 1 ~ 169 S Main
SYLVESTER, 'Yalter (Glad~'s) miner ___________________ l' 429 Sixth, S.E. Apartments --,-----------------
Groyer (Flossle) -------------.-289-
________________________ 1
Fourth , N.E.
Page Eighty Page Eighty-one
Heenan Super..Service Station Union Lumber Company
Sinclair Products Firestone Tires : Washing : Lubrication
Linton and Jasonville

r TERHUNE, Henry (Florence) elec ___________________ r 440 Fourth, N.W. ________________________ Jasonville
TERRELL, Elmer (Evadna) agt C M & St P R R ____ ~ ______ l' 749 A, N.E.
TERRELL, Hazel stu ---------- _____________________ r 779 Fourth, N.W. Sarah Mrs -------------------------------- r 279 Sixth,
r 710 H N .E.
TERRELL, Mary stu -----------_____________________ l' 779 Fourth, N.W.
TERRELL, Robert stu ------__________ ~ _____________ r 779 FOUlth, N.W.
<1".~!'~, Gersie Miss ----------------------------------- r 310 J' N."'.
Orlan (B~tty) .se1'v sta attndt ------------------ l' 710 H, N.E.
TERRELL, Roy Peoples Trust Co ____________________ r 779 Fourth, N.W,
TERRELL, 'Vm (Leona) cook --- _____________________ r 779 Fourth, N.W.
TERRELL, Wm Jr ------------ ___________ .-"- _________ l' 779 Fourth, N.W.
Robert City Fll'e Dept ----------------======
Vilas (Fanny) ---;----------------------
l' 380 F, N.E.
. 210 C N.E.
'Vayne (Goldta) mIller ------------------------ ~ 4"'0 H' N.E.
TEXACO SERVICE STA, Eugene Grass mgr __________________ 310 A, N.E.
THAYER, l\i N Dr (Lois) phy off 22Y, N Main _____ 190 A, N.W.
;~;ITJfR, Chas (Nellie) miner --------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ~. 450 H: N.E.
:1t THAYER, Maxine stu -------- ____________________________ r 190 A, N.W. ~~~l~er -iIi~;-l;~~;;-G~;~);~-C~-H~.;pit;,l-~~--:----- 44J'P~ ~ ~:~:
THAYER, Rosa Lea Miss sten Dr l\I N Thayer ________ l' 270 Second, N.W. DTT~'rF.F. OFFICE, James Lowrw Mattox tIustee Stockton --~ 260 K N.\V.
1 THOMAS, C A (Sadie) Thomas & Reel ____________________ l' 510 N
THOMAS, Chas stu -------- __________________________ l' 789 First,
Ancil ,,"PA -------;----------------------------1-: 60
Fourth, S.E.
-Arthur (l\lartha) l\IIller-Baxtel' Co --------:_-_-:___ l' 1070 E, N.E.
:~~;~~T S(~Ia-;g;l:e-t)-d~i\~;l-:'\';k~fi;id-Tl:;cki~lg
Serv - ~: i~~~ ~', ~'.~'.
THOMAS, Joe (Nellie) Linton Milk Co ____________________ r 410 E, N.E.
THOMAS, Joe Jr stu --------- ____________________________ l' 410 E, N.E.
THOMAS, Ralph (\Vilhelmina) Motor Finance Co __________ r 349 D, N.E. Lila stu ---------------------------------------- I' 1070 E, N.E.
THOMAS & REEL, groc and meats C A Thomas, Newt Reel ____ 790 N Main l\lacl'ose stu ------.-----------------------------1:- 60 Fourth, S.E.
THOMAS, '''alter (Minda) Antioch Power ______________ r 789 First, N.E. Martha Mrs superVIsor opr Ind Bell ------------ . 610 G N.E.
THOMAS, 'Valter Jr --------- _________________________ l' 789 First, N.E. ·Max (Eula) ------------------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_- l~ 260 K,' N.'''.
THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE, Mrs Thelma Bemis and Mayme Mrs ------------------------------ _____ r 260 K, N.'V.
Mrs Thelma Bullock ------ ___________________ 90 A, N.E. Ruth -------------------------------------- r 1030 E Vincennes
THOMPSON, Richard Linton Bowling Alleys _______________ I' 169 B, N.W. Chas (Edris) lineman Ind Bell Tel ------------ . 390 Broadway
THOMPSON, Sue Miss ------- ___________________________ r 169 B, N.W. Donetta stu -----.---- ------ - ----------------- ~. 390 Broadwa)T
TIBBETT, Achell (Gae) Ind State H'y _______________ ). 229 Fourth, N.E. Wm (Blanche) mmer --------------------------- . 390 Broadway
TIBBETT, Esther stu ---------- _____________________ l' 229 Fourth, N.E. 'Vm J1' --------------------------------------;-lho Third N.lV.
TIEK, )3etty stu -------- ____________________________ r 589 E Vincennes
TIEK, Ervin (Esther) Coca Cola Bottling Co __________ r 589 E Vincennes
TIEK, Virginia stu -------- __________________________ l' 589 E Vincennes
~ ·~~~i~~: Alden tchr Atlas --------------------------- r 1110 Third, N."'.
Harold mch -------------------h"--ra-d:--- I' 86 Second S \V
Rev Isaac B (Pearl) pa~tor Churc 0 a ----1' 1110 Third: N:"<
TIEMAN, C F agt Indian Refining Co _____________________ l' Terhune Apt Louise stcn Farm Secul'lty Adm -------------_ r 86 Second, S."'.
TIETSORT, Gene Mrs ----------- _________________________ l' 310 F, N.E. "~:f}i~F, .Uldine stu --------------------l------------ l' 89 E Vincennes
TINCHER, Chas (Frieda) Sherwood-Templeton __________ l' 164 Fifth, S.E. ~;'1T,i",,' W''''Ti'T (Mary) Pl'~P Hotel Ro.oseve t ---------
Mrs MoIlle Tumey PlOP
---------== ___
r 210 A. N.'V.
l' 190 A S.lV.
TINCHER, Clara Mrs ------- _____________________________ l' 740 S Main laundry serVIce ____________________ '.
TINCHER, Edgar (Anna) miner ___________________________ r 609 E, N.E.
TINCHER, Floyd (Hazel) WPA --- _______________________ r 260 J, N.W. ( Helen) editor Linton Daily Citizen 710 N Ma~n
TINCHER, Herbert (Tip) (Agnes) Linton Laundry _________ r 240 !H, N.E. l' 710 N Mam
TINCHER, Hyla tbeaut~T apr Venus Beauty Shoppe __________ I' 609 E, N.E. E Jr Ann stuDally
Linton --;----:--.----------------------
CItIzen __________________ 1. 710 N .Main

TINCHER, James stu ---------- __________________________ l' 240 H, N.E.
TINCHER, Rosemarie stu ------- _________________________ l' 240 H, N.E. Joe E Sr p:~es Cit N~t'l Bank -------~_-_~=~ ;.13~oNl~.I~.
TINCHER; "'m (Delphia) '''PA ______________________ r 40 Second, S.W. (B€l'll1~e) pamt€l ----------------- __ I' 80 C S."'.
TINDALL, Chas 1\1 (Roberta) _________________________ r 569 Tenth, N.E. Chas (Ion~) Lmton Hdw Co ------------------ . 690 Tenth' N.E.
TINDALL, L:-,'n stu Maryville 'College Maryville Tenn ___ r 569 Tenth, N.E. E R (Callie) ----------------------------~~~~_~ __ l' 280 E: N.E.
TILT, Harry (Elizabeth) -- __________________________ r 1039 Fourth, N.E. Fred 0 (l\ slsman ------------------ ______ r 510 H, N.E.
TISLOW, Marion (Frances) elect ,,,elder ____________________ r 389 C, N.E. !rln/PIN: Joseph (Mmme) lab -------------------=~~ r 360 F, ______ N.E.
¥~~a~~u s:~_=~=======~============~~==== __________ .r2~~ ~, ~~:
TISLO'V, Marian E stu -------- ___________________________ l' 389 C, N.E.
'fODD. Florence Mrs (wid Dr 'Vm) ---- ___________________ r 1145 A, N.E.
TODD, J()hn, pros aU)' Greene Co ______________ BlOOmfield, Ind. ··~~~~~f~. 'VaIter lab ------------------------------------- 1. 40 D' S.\V.
TODD, Mer} (Eloise) asst mgr J C Penney Co ______________ r Terhune Apt ..~ Claude (Helen) WPA --------------------------- .1169 N'Main
TODD. MYTon elk Rexall Store ---- _______________________ l' 1145 A, N.E. Dana (Monzell) -------------------------------- \. 60 H N.'V.
TONNER. John (Margaret) miner _____________________ r 290 Third, N.'V. Dean ----------------------------------------~.-154 Sixth, S.E.
TOPPING, Adam (Bella) miner --- ________________________ l' 909 A, S.E. r!;Ri:!!:~: Donald stu ---------------------------------- l' 154 Sixth, S.E.
TOPPING, Jack stu ---------- ____________________________ l' 909 A, S.E. Horace NYA -------------------------------- l' 169 N Main
TRAVIS, 'Vm miner --------- ______________________ 1'ms 259 First, N.W. John stu -:--.------:------------------------------ . 60 H N.\V.
TRENT. RusseII (Opal) mgr Dearmins Poultry Co _______ r 159 First, N.'V. Leandis
Mildred (VIVIan) mlnel' ------------------------1:-154
stu ________________________________ _ Sixth, S.E.
Page Eighty-two Page Eighty-three

TUTTLE, Neoma stu ___________________ r 154 Sixth S E
.0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TUTTLE, Bam (Hattie) WPA __________________________ l' 154 Sixth'S'].;'

TUTTLE, Thyra stu _____________________________________ l' GO H 'N iv'
TYLER, Mack (Jennie) plumbing, heating and ..
sheet metal wo.rk 49 W Vincennes ______ r 190 W Vincennes
Bloomfield. Oil Co.
u Patronize Your Linton D-X Stations

~~ffi~!~~J~~~tJR~,oscoeN<:Aal~~ ________ ~~~~~~~=~=~==~===

310 E, N.E.
310 E, N.E.
Freund prop -----------------
"l\ilR~lICR. (Ovn,\'pv (Ollie M)
New Home Furnishing Company >T~~~md;~~~;~r Greene County _____________ R
4 BI mf'eld
00 I.
TI STORE H E Zander mgr ____________ 115-117 N M~m
Visit Our Gift Shoppe , l' 70 H, N.E.
AI'!na ----------------------------------- r 260 \V Vincennes
Ehz.abet~ ----------------------------=.~~~~ r 260 \V Vincennes
• ParIS J}lmel' ------------------------- r 229 Seventh, S.E.
ULAND, Betty stu _______________ -.:. _________________ r 210 Twelfth, N.E. Harold ----------------------------------- l' 240 F N.E.
ULAND, John (Ella) _____ ~~ __________ ~~~ ___________ ~ ____ l' 509 E, N.E. James (Em,m a ) ----------------------------~'-229 Seventh, S.E.
ULAND, Lester (Ada) ll1ch Eureka Chev _____________ l' 210 Twelfth, N.E.
ULAND, Robert stu ________________________________ r 210 Twelfth, N.E. o-::~.-C~RET;i~IiY--O-~,;fW~ighT~g~-~---~=~-:.----- 669 S Main
ULAND, Robert WPA ____________________________________ r 509 E, N.E.
ULAND, Ruth ____ ~ ________ ~ ___ ~ ___ ~~---- ____ ~ ___ ~~ ______ l' 509 E, N.E. BEA 'TTY
SHOPPE, Mrs Vera Vincent wop __ 46. A, N;E.
_______ l' 290 SIxth, N.E.
USREY & BONE CAFE ___________________________________ \" Vincennes Carl U S Al'll)~' -------------------- . 290 Sixth N.E.
USREY, Eugene (Earlene) sIsman __________________ ~ l' 360 Second, S.W. Frank (Grace) agt \Vestern-Southern Ins ------- 1 "'9 H' N.'V.
USREY, James (Mayme) ____________________________ r 179 Fourth N.R. YL"H~"" Yictar Grubbs prop ----------------------;.-40- s~conJ S.\V.
USREY, Jamie ______________________________________ l' 179 Fourth, N.E. lLJCLfU'. En'in (Hula) 'V~A ------------------------ r 167 Third' S.'V.

' 'Ill _______________________________________

USREY, Mary ______________________________________ r 179 Fourth, N.E.
USREY, r 290 W Vincennes
Fern (Wanda) mIller -----------------------
stu ______________________________________ r 369
r 369 d
c' S.'
s.'''.' .
UTTERBACK, Artie _____________________________________ r 289 H, S.W. Eugene (Ollie) --------------------------------- r 369 G' S.\V.
UTTERBACK, Carol stu ___________________________ ~ _____ r lOGO A, S.E. Eugene Jr stu ---------------------- . . . ----------- r 369 d S.W.
UTTERBACK, Chas plasterer ___________________ __________ l' 60 C, S.W. Flora ~tu --------------------------------------- r 369 a' S.'''.
UTTERBACK, Clarence stu ______________________________ r 289 H, S.W. Mary Ml:S -------------,-----T--------------~-101O E Yin~ennes
UTTERBACK, Earl (Cornelia) Dais)T Cigar Store __________ r 1060 A, S.E. hl,;i>i,,'l' It M (hra) atty off 50',2 A, N.E. ---------- l' 290 G S.W.
UTTERBACK Edgar lab _~ __ ~ __________________ ~ _________ ~ r 60 C, S.W. ------------.-------------------------------- r 590 d N.E.
UTTERBACK, Ethel Miss _________________ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ _______ r GO C, S.W. August (Zella) mmer ---------------------------- r 590 0' N.E.
August Jr stu ----------------------------------- . 590 G' N.E.
UTTERBACK, Francis prop Daisy Cigar Store ______ r 60 C, S.W. stu _____________ ;- ________________ ; ________ r. 290 a' N.E.
UTTERBACK, Helen stu _________________________________ r 289 1f, S.W.
UTTERBACK, Kathleen stu __________________ ~ ___________ l' 289 H, S.W. ~~g~l~~:g~:!!m~: Dwayne (DorIs) elk J C Penne) -------- I ,
UTTERBACK, Sam plasterer _________________________ r 1190 First, N.W. ~. 139 ~~~.' ~~:~~~~_:~~~_~~~_~~~~~s_,----
r 139 Eleventb, N.E.



24 N. Main 28 S. Main The REXALL Store

VANDENEEDE, Paul (Louise) ___ _ _____ ~ ______ ~ ______ l' 289 H, S.W. ____ r 60 Tenth, N.E.
VALANDINGHAM, Jack ~ ______________ ~ __ ~ ___ ~ _____ ~ ____ r 310 E, N.E. Annette ~tu ----------------------~_-_-:_______ r 310 F, N.E.
VALANDINGHA:M, Man' ________________________________ r 310 E, N.E. Carl (LOIS) --------------------- ___ l' 60 Tenth, N.E.
VALANDINGHAM Peggy ____________ ~~~ ___ ~ _____ ~ __ ~ ___ r 310 E; N.E. Yi!\GGO'N]<;R; Paul ()Iary) ~~----~~-~~~----------~~~ . 339 Fourth N.E.
VALANDINGHAM, Rebecca ______________________________ r 310 E, N.E. AKEFIELD, James ____________ r 1
___________________ ,

Page "Eighty-five
Page Eighty-four
American Distributors, Inc. Funeral Home
Community Service of Quality at the Lowest
"Ask Those 'Vhom 'Ve Serve"
PHONE 346 40Yz A ST., N. E. Indiana

Neal (Dora) _________________________.__________ T 190 D, S.'V.

~t~~fi~J;DTh~See(~rr~~fe~~~L~l_~_~~~~~_=,:-_-_~=----,~ r 189 B, N.:".
, Norvetta stu ________________________________ r 49 First, S.'V.

M~~f~E~~;'isW~' Se~·~ice ~a~9~o~:;~i, ~1

Betty stu _______________________________________ I' 890 Roosevelt
W (Ora) Wakefield Tl'ucking l\Ia1'Y 1\1rs ______________________________________ r 890 Roosevelt
\VALDIE/ Reed (1\i~riE~f-,\rpA------------------------- r 549 F,ll'st, N.W. Oscar R (Pearl) accountant _______________ l' Apt 6 Terhune Apts
Billie stu ______________________________________ r 68 F, S:W.
WALKER, C A (Melissa) 'Yalk;l:--T;;~~ie-r-------------- r 549 F 1l'st, N.W.
WALKER, Carol stu __ ----------------- r 88 9 B, S.E. ~::~.rl~R.Quates (Bertha) WPA __________________________ l' 68 F, S.W.
WALKER, E F (Gladv,;y--c--~---------------------------- l' 449 A, S.W. Caroline Mrs hskpl' __ .." ____________________ I' 590 E Vincennes
WALKER E F J. • mIllel --------------------------- r 449 A, S.W. clk Landis Gro ________________ . .: _______ r 110 E, N.'V.
WALKER: L I c:r --------------------------------------- l' 449 A, S.W. elk Roach Electric ______________________ l' 110 E, N.'\'.
\VALKER, Marion Pst~-------------------------------- l' 449 Fourth, N.E.
WALKER, Rav (Clara) ----------<--------------------- r 125 First, S.E.
'VALKER Ra\r stu -------------------------------- l' 125 First, S.E.
EL:ciI ~n;'oiR~rE~IT FUNERA-CDIR-ECTORs--i4o E~rll~~ll~':~
"TALKER: Robert st~------------------------------
Dr Frank C (Madeline) dentist
l' 449 A, S.W. 22 Yz N Main __________________________ r 429 A, N.E.
\VALKER Rosemary _------------------------------------ r 449 A, S.W.
"TALKER' Vincent' -------------------------- r 449 Fourth, N.E, Dr Frank 111 (Mary) dentist
WALL, G~o (Eva) ;;~i~-e--;~pt------------------------ r 449, N.E. 22'/2 N ~Iain _________________________ 289 First, N.E.
"VALL, Geo Jr stu ------------------------- l' 139 ThIrd, S,E, t'-=~v;~!.Genedeye Roush ~1rs beauty opr Sherr~' Chalet _____ r 410 H, N.E.
'VALL, Grant (Leona-)-~il~;l~------------------------------ r 139 Third, S.E. Hany (Nellie) Welch & Cornett __________ 620 A, N.E.
'VALL, Harriett stu --------------------------- l' 289 J, N.1Y. Lucille Mrs sten State Employment Service ------ l' 70 First, S.E.
\VALL, James Linton -i\iilk-·Eo--~.=_.=__-.=__-.=_----------------- r,439, N.E, Robert (Lucille) slsman ________________________ I' 70 First, S.E.
WALL, Jane Mrs (wid Job) ------------------ 1 189 Thn'd, S.E. Percy (May) earp __________________________ r 110 Third, S.W.
'VALL, Thos (Eunice) __ --------------------------- r 890 T~ird, N,W. Ml's __________________________________ r 310 Second, N.\V.
'VALL, Thos Jr ____ - ----------------------------- l' 439 Nmth, N.E, . (Grace) lineman Ind Ben Tel __________ r 410 Fourth, N.E.
'VALL, Walter (Leon~~.~)-'\rPA------------------------- r 439 Ninth, N.E. Ronald stu _______________________________ r 410 Fourth, N,E.
'VALL, Wm (Mabel) _________ ------------------------ r 890 Third, N.W. 'lCt;~j'LL, Donald stu ______________________________ r 669 Second, N:W.
'VALLACE, 'Vm (Berniece) ___ =======--=-------------
'VALSER, Donald C 1\f & St P De ot -- ---------------- 1 1010 Roosevelt
r 4~0 Fourth, N.W. Hal'l'~' stu ________________________ ~ _____ r 669 Second, N.'V.
"'~'~o::-:"' James (Margaret) coal opr ________________ r 953 E Vincennes
WALSER, Everett (Iva) miner p ----------------------- l' 589 E, N.E. ~1i3~~t:L: Leon CCC _______________________________ I' 669 Second, N,\V.
WALSER Wanda --------------------------- l' 589 E N.E. Troy (Myrtle) WPA ______________________ r 669 Second, N."T.
'VALTER: Helen _.=__-.=_.=_~----------------------------------- r 589 E; M.E,
Anna Mrs ________________________________________ r 209 E, N,'V.
·WALTON Carl stu __ ---------------------------~------- l' 110 K, N.W. Betty stu _______________________________________ r 369 Broadway
'VALTON' Chas stu --------------------------------- l' 530 Third, N.'Y. Donald stu _______________________________________ r 1009 A, N.E.
·WALTON; Harry (H~I;l~)-;li~;~-_-_-_-_-_-_------------------ r 530 Third, N.W, Elmer (Cornie) Sandwich Shop 1089 A, N.R ______ I' 369 Broadway
'WALTON, Herbert stu ___ _ --------------------- r 360 D, N,W. 'stu _______________________________________ r 1009 A, N.E.
'VALTON, Homer miner -- ----------------------------- r 450 A, S.W. MOBIL STATION, Frank Corbin mgr ______ l' 70 Fifth, N:W.
·WALTON, Jack stu _________- __------------------------.-- r 130 Third, S.W.
'WALTON, James (Elza) mi~el-:------------------------------ l' 360 D, N.W.
~,~"";;,;:;" (Gaynell) miner Kirkham & 'Vest Plumbers ___ l' 1009 A, N.E. I.
WALTON, Kathrm _____ ---------------------------- r 450 A, S.W. AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE,
Gambill prop _,. ______________________ r 135 N Main ,
'VALTON, Norma stu __ ----------------------------- r 610 Third, N.W.
·WALTON, Paul 'VPA ------------------------------- r 530 Third, N,W. ')l'O"""T;~' SOUTHERN INS CO, Hugh \Villiams asst 8upt ____ 84 1,2 S Main
'VALTON, Thomas (Ve~~;a-)-"ipA----------------------- l' 610 Third, N.W. UNION TELEGRAPH CO, Earl Haag mgr ___ 39 \V Vin~ennes
(l\fary) ________ .=_--------------------- l' 530 Third, N.W.
WATSON, Jess (Blanche) WPA _ ------------------------- l' 500 A, N.E.
("Mary) 'VPA _______________________ r 880 Eroad\yay
(Ruth) WPA __________________________ r 710 E, N.E.
),11'5 ___________________________________ r 810 E. N.E.
'VATSON, 'Valter (Dorothy) plumbi~lg--h--t'------d~------ I' 460 FIrst, S.W. James _______________________________ ~ __._ r 130 Thh'd, S.'V.
sheet metal a3 E Viilcennes ,ea l~g an John WPA _______________________________ I' 130 Third, S.'V.
·WAYMIRE, Chas (Rosie) miner ------------------------ l' 840 Roosevelt Bernard ·WPA ________________________________ r 250 G, S,"'.
\VAYNE, Harry (Ruth) ,i,rPA ~------------------- l' 149 Eleventh, N,E. James miner _____________________________ I' 290 \Y Vincennes
WEAVER, Alva (Ruth) ___________-___-___-------------------- l' 40 First, S.W.
\Vm.minel' _____________________________________ r 50 E, S.W.
WEAVER, Chas (Agnes) WPA ---------------------- r 340 F, N.E.
WEAVER, Edward WPA ---------------------------- r 690 E, N.E. w,,~~.;:~:K~~~, Rachael Mrs ____________________________ I' 530 Third, N.\V.
stu ____________________________________ l' 66 Fifth, S.E.
";EAVER, Joe (Florence) "TPA--=--=-____----------------------- r 8~ D, S:W. David (Emma) ____________________________ l' 369 Second, N.'V.
"EAVER, John (Minnie) lab -------------------- r 49 Fu'st, S.W. Jack stu ___________________________________ r 110 W Yincennes
WEAVER, June -----------------------.------- l' 89 D S W
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ________ l' 49 First: S:W:

Page Eighty-six Page Eighty-seven

:' j

Micbeals' Grocery Letterman"s Hatchery,

"The Home of Those Better Bred Ohieks"
Eighth and A Sts., N.E.
. TELE. 361 . WE DELIVER ~"~r.." TELE. 40 SULLIVAN TELE 99

\VRITE, James (Bertha) ----- ___________________ ~ ______ r 66 Fifth, S.t Wm ( B umper ) mmer
. ___________________________ _ l' 90 J, N.W.
\VRITE, Joel (Lillian) elk Maxwell FUln Co .
prop Cal'd\yell House --_________________________ r 110 \V Vincennes J (Jenette) City Councilman wks r 90 J N.'V.
WHITLOW, Noble (Geneva) WPA ____________________ r 860 First, S.W.
\VILKES, Deloros stu ------------ ________________________ r 69 l h S Main
~"~t\~:;~,,,~f~ -i~~-d;ptPe-;pi~~-i';,~~-C~-~~~~~~~~~~;-520 Firs~ N . E.
Maumee CoIl _________________ r 410 Broadwil
·WILKES. LeRoy U S S Navy ----- ________________________ r 69~~ S Main l·l;~;g;)'M'BlrR~:'i~~~;;,:r (Monzell) D-X Station __________ r 339 H, NN. '
\VILKES, Mary Ida --------- _____________________________ l' G9;!? S Main
\VILKES, Patricia stu ------------________________________ l' 69'% S Main H,j;J,~~~;~~;:~Th!~i~~ gl'()eeIc;C 9UOschool
Third, ____________
N.W. ___________
r 669r E309.J, .W
"'ILKES, Sam (Lillie) \VPA ----- _________________________ r 69% S Main mgr Fe,de'raI Tire Serv __________ r 1090 G, N.E.
'WILKIE, Harris (Cleo) mch Maumee CoIl _______________ r 589 First, N.W.
_ r 1090 G, N.E.
·WILKIE, Robert stu Browns Bus CoIl ___________________ l' 589 First, NoW.
~Wss-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:..~~~~~_:..~~~_ r 1090 G, .. N.~.'
WILKINSON LUMBER CO, Paul Lester mgr ________ 315 S Main (Rula) prop City Service C~,~ _____ r 1090 G, N.E.
WILI:rAlI1S, A C (Josephine) barber shop Anms. 'I'
II lSS -------------------------~~
____ r .339 NInth,
~ 240 N.E.
H N;W.
40 A, N.E. ------- ____________________ r 460 E Vincennes Betty stu ------------------------------------ ~r 10 d .N.E.
WILLIAMS, Ann stu --------- __________________________ l' 49 Fifth, S.E. Chas (Esther) postmaster -------~------------339 ~. 'th' N E
"\V1LLIAMS, Belle hskpr --- ________________________ -' __ r 440 E Vincennes Clarence wks Hickey's Super Serv1ce ------- r ~n h' N'E'
WILLIAMS, Clyde (Mary) NYA -- ___________________ ,. 710 Second, N.W. !llI?O!l!J, Earl (Bertha) rug cleaning etc ------------ r 339 N10td N'E'
Ellet (Eleanor) Ind St.s>te H'y _________________ r 19 , ..
'VILLIAMS, Damon Miller-Baxter Co _________________ l' 460 E VinCen}leS
W1LLIAMS, Fielding Mrs tchr Northeast ,"Vard _--' ___________ l' 689 A, N.E. FLOWER GARDEN,
'VILLIAMS, Hugh (Helen) asst supt '''estern Southern JOlseplh W Wolford pXop _________________ rear 40 HB: ~~.
Ins Co ----------------- ___________________________ r Terhune Apts Joseph \\: (Ursula) florist --'------------------ r\~g A' N\V:
"'ILLIAMS, Josephine M1's tchr main bldg ____________ l' 460 E Vincennes MalY Jane stu nurse -------------------------- . 190 G' N E
Mildred Miss elk Variet~... ______.___._____________ r , .•
WILLIAMS, Marion-Greene Co Attendence Officer __ Marco, Ind
WILLIAMS, Roy (Charlotte) teh1' high school _______ ~ ____ r 49 Fifth, S.E. Thad (Mary) Men's FurnIshmg A NW
'VILLIAMS, Trtwa stu ----- __________________________ r 460 E Vincennes 1\,,am
• _____ r 169 , . .
-------------------------- 310 GN.E.
'WILLS, Anna stu --------- _____________________________ r 29 Fifth, S.E.
WILLS, Betty stu --------- _____________________________ l' 29 Fifth, S.E. \\'m, Isaac
stu Purdue ---------------------------=== ~ 609 n' N.E.
---------------------------------- 740 S'Main
'VILLS, Bett~' Miss ------------- _________________________ r 290 E, N.E.
"",;;n'i>(i;", Imogene _ ________________________________ r 139 A·, S.E.
D,' H 0 stu ----------------------------------
'''ILLS, ehas (Alma) Veteran Hospital Indpls __________ r 29 Fifth, S.E.
'VILLS, Chester (Susie) bkp1' Miller-Baxter _________________ r 290 B, N.E. ''iii!>iiIJ~t .. Miss bkpr L'nton Summit Coal Co ------ r 690 JI, l!~'
'YILLS, Janice stu DePauw - _______________________________ r 969 A, N.E. .~ (Floella) bal'be.r 34 W Vincennes _____ r 180 H, . .
WILLS, Margaret stu --------__________________________ l' 29 Fifth, S.E. _ T 797 Second, N.W.
------------------------------ r 797 Second, N.W.
"'ILLS, 'Valter (Nora) ----- _______________________________ r 290 B, N.E. stu ------------------------------ 797 Second N.W.
"TILLS, ·Walter J1' stu --------- ____________________________ l' 290 B, N.B. Max ------------------------------------ r 97 Second' N W
WILSON, Addie ------------ ______________________________ r 710 E, N.E.
'VILSON, Billie stu --------- ______________________________ l' 289 I, S.W.
"'m (Bessie) mine elect ----------===~====_rr 7797 Second
~U"L.O~.'_._\Vm Jr. -------------------------- r 40 Seventh S.E.,
fl1~i~~K1GH~i~~e~~1 te(~hel~-ay~-itst~t~-A~t;-i;;~-~~~~ Vitnhc~nSnEes.~
'VILSON, Edward E (Ruba) supt Maumee Coil ________ r 630 E Vincennes
'VILSON, Foster (Mary) miner -- __________________________ l' 384 D, N.E. r 9100SE
WILSON, Geo (Leona) '''PA foreman _______________________ l' 289 I, S.W. Lola M, rs ------------------------------- 1'4 70% Eeven, ..
'VILSON, Geo (Margaret) l'adio service ________________ l' 520 First, N.E. -----.-----;------------------------:_-_-_-_-_-__ r 590 Broadway
WILSON, Glen ------------- ______________________________ l' 384 D, N.E. Ben (Man~) mmer -------------------______ r 790 Third) N.'V.
'VILSON, Harold stu ------- _________________________ l' 49 Seventh, S.E. r~)~!;~; Beu'ah (Wld Clyde) ------------------ 790 Third N.W.
"\VILSON, Harry (May) steam shovel eng ___________________ l' 969 A, N.E. i;' Clyde stu ---------------------------------- r r 489 n' N.V,""
WILSON, Hesper ----------- ______________________________ l' 509 n, N.E. Donald stu ------------------------------------- r 790 Ii N.E.
WILSON, Janice stu ------- _________________________ l' 320 Seventh, N.E. Dorothy stu ----------------------------------- r 130 J' N.W.
'WILSON, John (Freda) miner _______________________ r 49 Seventh, S.E. Elaihe stu ------------------------------------- r 390 L: N.W.
WILSON, John C WPA -------- ___________________________ l' 349 I, S.W. Elizabeth stu ------------------------------~~~~ l' 390 L. N.W.
WILSON, John T (Pansy) Antioch Po"\ver _____________ l' 320 Seventh, N.E. '~~X~~~; Emogene gtu ------------------------------- r 739 E N.E.
WILSON, Dr M J (Zoda) vet-surg _____________________ l' 520 First, N.E. li Enos (Edith) ---------------------------------890 Third: N.W.
WILSON. Philip stu --------- ________________________ l' 320 Seventh, N.E. ',ii, ,,;;';;' Eugene stu -------------------------------- r 739 E N.E.
'VILSON, Ralph (Margaret) miner _________________________ l' 60 J, N.W. Eula wks Goldbel'gs Cafe -----------------------IOrF .th' N E
Eu!a r 8 OUI,..
'VILSON, Roy --------------- _____________________________ l' 710 E, N.E. FrankMrs -------;--------------------------
(Laura) mmer __________________________ _ r 189 E, N.E.
Page Eighty-eight Page Eighty-nine
J WRIGHT, Fred (Avis) WPA __________________________ r 910 Fifth, N.E
WRIGHT, Geo H WPA ------- ____________________________ l' 390 L, N.W·
WRIGHT, Gilbert stu --------- ____________________________ l' 390 D, N.W·
WRIGHT, Gordon (Dixie) miner _______________________.___ r 259 I, N.W:
WRIGHT, Harold stu ------- _____________________________ l' 790 H, N.E.
\VRIGHT, Hildred----'Coopers Cleanfl's _____________ . . : ___ . . : __.__ r 739 E, N.E.
WRIGHT, Jack stu --------- ______________________________ l' 130 J, N.W.
WRIGHT, Jerry stu ---------- ____________________________ r 130-J, N.W
WRIGHT, John (Fern) miner _____________________________ r 130 J, N.W:
WRIGHT, John 81' (Josephine) miner ________________ :... ___ .:.._ r 89 K, N.W.
WRIGHT, John T (Jessie) driver huckster truck ____________ r 390. D, N.W.
\VRIGHT, Margaret ------- __________________________ l' 790 Third, N.W.
WRIGHT, Mary stu --------- _____________________________ r 390 D, N.W.
WRIGHT, Maxme NYA -- ______________________________ r 910 F~fth, N.E.
WRIGHT, Ora lab -------.- ____________________________ r 439 SIxth, S.E.
WRIGHT, Oral (Nellie) mgr Velvet Creamery ___________ '__..:. r 209 B, S.E.
WRIGHT, Paul stu --------- ___ ~ . .,...:.' ___________ ~.'--~------:.. __ l' 790 H, N.E.
"'RIGHT, Pearl Mrs grocery 740 S Main __________________ r 289 D, N.W.
WRIGHT, Philip stu ----------cc" ________________ C" _____ l' 49 Flrst, S.E.
WRIGHT, Roy L (Cassie) settlement work ______________ r 280 Third, N.W.
WRIGHT, Seth-Electric Light Co ~ ________________________ r 489 D, N.W.
\\'RIGHT, Sherman (Nona) miner _________________________ r 790 H, N.E.
"'RIGHT, Stewart (Pearl) miner __________________________ r 289 D, N.W.
WRLGHT, Thos --------"-- _____ " ____________________ r 810 Fourth, N.E.
'WRIGHT, Wa~me (Helen) miner· __________________________ 1'-40 F, N.'Y.
WRIGHT, ''layne stu --------- _____________________.------- r ~89 E, N.E.
'VRIGHT, "rendell (LaVerne) WPA ___________________ '_ __ r 440 Broadway
WRIGHT, 'Vestley stu ------- _______________________________ r 289 D, N.W.
WRIGHT, 'Wilbur elk K1'ogers ___________________________ ...:._ r 789 E, N.E.
'WRIGHT, 'Vilhur NYA ------ ____________________________ r 890 L, N:W.
"'RIGHT, 'Vm stu ------ ___________________________ :.:_ r 489 Ninth, N.E.
'VRIGHT, 'Vm P (Edith) b'u:'!kel' ________________________ r 49 First, S.E.
'WYMER, Carl ---------- _______________________________ l' 1060 Roosevelt
WYMER, Harold -------- _____________ " ________________ r 1060 Roosevelt
WYMER, Lucille -"----- ______ " ___ " _____________________ r 1060 Roosevelt
WYMER. Maud Mrs ------ _____________________ " __________ I' 129 B, S.E.
'VYMER, Owen-Criss Used Furn Store ' ____________________ r 189 S Main

YODER, Nola Miss deaconess Glenburn Mission _______ ~-____ r 860 H, N:W.
YORK, Edw stu ---------------------------- ________ c l' 1289 Fifth, N.W.
YORK, Geo stu ------------- _________________________ l' 1289 Fifth, N.W.
YORK. John (illm'cella) WPA _________________________ l' 1289 Fifth, N.W.
YOUNG, Chas -------------- _____________________________ l' 109 J, N.W.
YOUNG, Earl (Ethel) bkpl' Cent Ind Coal Co --- _________ 1' 370 Seventh, N.E.
YOUNG, Edwin (Helen) WPA _________________________ l' 229 Sixth,S.E.
YOUNG, Eugene (Juanita) 'YPA __________________________ r 439 J, N.W.
YOUNG, Fredrick stu ---- _____________________________ l' 229 Sixth, S.E.
YOUNG, John A (Susie) mine opr _________________________ \. 289 E, N.E.
YOUNG, Paul --------- _________________________________ r 960 Roosevelt
YOUNG, Robert (Clella) miner __________________ :.. _______ r 960 Roosevelt
YOUNG, Vera stu ---------- __________________________ l' 370 Seventh, N.E .
. YOUNG, 'Vilma stu nurse -------------------- __________ 1' 870 Seventh, N.E.

ZANDER, H E (Opal) mgr Variety Store ____

ZANDER. Carson stu --------" _______________________ r 409 Eighth, N.E.
l' 409 Eighth, N.E.
ZANDER, Rodney stu --------- ______________________ r 409 Eighth, N.E.
Page Ninety
Linton, Indiana


Greene County Farm Bureau

Co-op. Ass'n. Inc.
Feed Tires -- Seeds -- Gasoline .- Fertilizers -- LUb. Oils and Greases

Salt -. Twine Paints -- Fencing -- Kerosene -. Farm Machinery


v ________________________________________ 90 Third, S.'V.

& ELLIS FEED STOnE _________________________ 98 A. N.W.

& SO;O;S -------- ------------------------------- 240 N Main
_______________ • __________________ 140 E Vincennes

J T _________________________________________________ 50 A. N.E.

~}';~~;!-,~:E.& BEASLEY _____________________ Citizens' National Bank Bldg
g~~~T~~~$:··!; _--_.-_-_.-_-_-_-_--_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~t~~~~~'_~~~i~~ai9~2a!1~ ~~~~
E M ___ ._. ____________ . _________________________ 19% N Main
v;'''ri:~, .j;'' Paul -------------.-.----------- Citizens' National Bank Bldg
, R ]\f _____________ -..,_~ ___________________________ 50% A, N.E.-
.~~~~~~~\,E~, J & SO;o; __________________________________________ 97 S ~Iain
AUTO ASSOCIATE STOnE _______________________ 135 N. Main


BonDEns. nOY ___________________________________________ 207 A, N.E.
EUnEKA CHEVnOLET _____________________________________ 79 A, N.E.
oX.~~~!}~lIl~OTOR SALES ______________________________ 109 "r Vincennes
p SALES CO. ____________________________________ 69 A, N.E.
MOTOR SALES ______________________________ 60 '" Vincennes
!lQ~BBlJfs MOTOn CO ____________________________________ 60 First, S.E.
CLIFF )IOTOn SALES _____________________ , _____ 211 A. N.B.
Page Ninety-five
Froeschke's Shoe Store
Archer and l\fojud Hosiery
Groceries •• Meats .- Fruits and Vegetables
UAlways Latest Styles"
15 N. MAIN PHONE 219·W pHONE 243 80 FIFTH ST., S.E

BAImRS-Wholesale and Retail BILLIARDS

80 E Vincennes
RECREATION P A RL OR ---- ------------------_-_____ 74 N Main

Butter-toast Bread & HEATON ____________________________________ 55 First, N.W.

"Fitz" on the Label Means Quality on the. Table 60 E Vincennes
J._~_====~==================================== _____ 5~59 ~S r.~~~
CO --------------------------------------- Main
FITZ BAKING CO ___________________________________________ 59 A, N.E. THUST CO ----------------------------------------
SPONSLERS BAKERY _________________________________ 69 Seventh, NE.
CITIZENS' NATIONAL DANK ________________________________ 5 S Main FIVE and T_EN CENT STOltE ------------------------___-__ ~1 ~ ~l:l~
PEOPLES TRUST CO _______________________________________ 39 S )Iain nR"lG CO --------------------------------i5~19 E Vincennes
CORBIN, Earl ________________________ _ ___________________ 118 N Main ~~;~':':': ,~:X~,';.,'~ii';;llY~::~~~~~~~~~----=~~=~~=~~=~~=~=~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~==-=---ii~-~lh4 ~ ~m:
BAXLEY & WOODWARD ______________________________ 34 W Vincennes
FHYES HARBER SHOP __________________________________ 26 'Y Vincennes
HOTEL BARBER SHOP _________________________________ 79 E Vincennes BOTTLERS
IDEAL BARBER SHOP _________________________________ 24 E Vincennes COLA BOTTLING CO _________________________________ 219 B, S.E.
PRIESTS BARBER SHOP _______________________________ 47 E Vincennes
TANNER BARBER SHOP __________________________________ 178 S Main
WILLIAMS BARBER SHOP _________________________________ 44 A, N.B. BOWLING ALLEYS
BATTERY STATIONS rnJ'p,,,,, BOWLING ALLEY __________________________ 47l!z W Vincennes
HALBACHS BATTERY STATION _____________________ rear 190 A, N.W.
MILLON'S BATTERY STATION _____________________________ 87 B, N.E. BUS TERMINALS
BEAUTY SHOPS BUS TER~nNAL _________________________________ 49 A, N.E.
CINDERALLA BEAUTY SHOPPE ______________________ 269 W Vincennes
HAGAMAN, MARION )lISS ___________________________ GO Seventh, N.E. CARBIDE
HAYES, Glen Beauty Shoppe ________________________________ 630 N Main
IRENE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE _________________________________ 98 A, S.£. LIitWE AIR PRODUCTS CO ____________________________ 32 Second, S.W.
LIDDLE, ALBERTA MRS __________________________________ 589 N Main
MOORE, HELEN MRS _____________________________________ 389 B, N.E.
NAIL, Laura Mrs __________________________________________ 69% S Main CARPETS, RUGS and FLOOR COVERINGS
ORNATE BEAUTY SHOPPE _______________________________ 50 Fifth, S_E.
PERKY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE _______________________________ 140 N Main :.~l~~~Y~!;~~~;I;,,~~g;~& CO ------------------------------ 76~ ~ ~~:l~
REED, Agnes Mrs __________________________________________ 330 H, N.E.
SHERRY'S CHALET ____________________________________ 210 First, N.R.
~L'~~' -"-••~';i""i" tic~o-~-_-_~-_-_~-_~~-_-_~~~-_~-_~~~~~-_40~44-'Y
TALK OF ·THE TOWN BEAUTY SALON ____________________ 340 N Main
THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ______________________________ 90 A, N.E. CEMETERIES
VANITY REA UTY SHOPPE ____________________________ 120 E Vincennes
VENUS BEAUTY SHOPPE __________________________________ .16_A,_N.E. FAIRVIEW CE~!ETERY --------------------------------- Fain'iew Road
Page Nillety-six Page Ninety-seven
189 A ST., N.E.
PHONE 100 289 A ST., N.E. pHONE 103


25 Years in Linton

Telephone 28


Harrv J (Baptist) __________________________________ 60.B, N."r,
BEASLEY, Haldon __________ _ . ~"'~:2 'B (Church of Christ) _______________________ 109 FIrst, S'~'
POPE LI0"d -- ------------------------- 38 E Vmcennes B (Ch~.isthm) ___________________________________Q 39 ~, ~.~~.
SCHoLL• iI'. ii----------------------- --------------- 242
. ____________________________________________ ]40 NN ]\Jain
Main .(BaptIst) _____________________________________ .. 60 , ; .
OQSSE:B.~: Emile (Catholic) ______________________ ~ ____ A9_t FOU,rth. N.E.
CIGARS-Wholesale llJ:~'!':~"'_'" C AE (Saro n , Reron,ned)
______________________ 4~O F,I~'st, N.~,
Holmess) _____________________ 319 SIxth, N'd'
DAISY CIGAU STOUE ___ ______________________________
_ 40 E Ymcennes
. , ....... ,.-" (Ullited Bl'ethern) ________________________ columbus'ltE'
Guv H (Methodist) ________________________________ 149~, ' ..
CLEANERS R j (Apostolic-North Mission) _____________________ 439 N Ma~
COOPER, IRaC\c B (Church of God) ____ -; _________________ 86 Second, ~., .
FUED__-L ------------------------------------------
66 A, N.E.
_ ____________ 60 E Vincennes Deaconess (Glenburn MiSSIOn) ________________ 360 H, N.'V,


CUSHING & CO. ~~~~~~~-~----------------------------------- 69 S
HIXSON & SAHM _ _ - ------------c---------------------- 79 N Main
PENNEY J C CO ___ ~~ __ ~~----------------------------------- 58 N Main - ------ ----
RHODENIlECK IlUOS _~ __ ~~~~-~~----------------------------110 N Ma!n ,UL,utl''"l:<'';:;_ ---- -------- --------
:-------------------------- 18
WOLFORD, THAD ___________ : ______________________________ 36 N
S Ma!n

AMERICAN ::::_:__ --_________-__ _ -_______-_____-_________-___-_-------------___-_-____ -60 \; il~i~~e~~;
~t~~E_S_ ~ LEGION
SHOP ____~~ _____________ .--- ------------- 105; H M~
GREATEU LlNTON-CLU-il---------------------------------- 190 N Main
MOOSE ------------ --------------- -- .------ City _Hall ~~::1''f ,~I~~;fiin~i'ii:CH- -S'SHOP-__-___________________-___________________------------------- -1 d89 A. N. E.
RETAIL ~iERciiANT:<lASEioCiA-TiON-J-~-----------------
n 90¥" A, N.E.
. --------------------c--------
COLD STORAGE _____________________________________________ 120 ~ lIain
LINTON ICE & LOCKER CO ________________________________ 669 S ~Iain
BROS ____________________________________ 80 ,V Vincennes
A & H CO:']l\IISSION ",,~~ ... ~Illl{ co ____________________________________ 189 ,y Yincenn~s
GIUFFUE Sam __ _ CO -------------------------:-'-------- 359 A, S.E. 'CIlEA)IERY ________________________________ .----- 669 S ~lam
FUSCO , J~e ________________________________________________
- ------------------------------------ 98 ,\V
A, N.E.
Page Ninety-nine
Page Ninet~·~eight
Western Auto Associate Store MACK TYLER
Plumhing __ Heating and Sheet Metal "rork
PAUL GAMBILL, Owner Rudy Warm Air Furnaces
Auto Accessories and Truetone Radios 49 W. VINCENNES ST.
135 N. MAIN ST. . PHONE 237

A STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ________________ 171 N Main
BULL, 'E V S& MV _________________
CORNELL, C ___________ _ ------------------------------ 84. S Main
HAYWORTH G B ------------------------ 129 E VIncennes EXPRESS COMPANIES
WELCH F d and F-~i---------------------------------------- 44 N
24% A, Main
, ___________________________________ +_
RAILWAY EXPRESS CO ___________________ 210 First, S.W.
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-lfg ~ ~l::~
PENNEY, J C CO ~;-;.J;;,;v;;~;:;..:&:;,.. ~S;;;UI'PL Y ________________________________ 60 A, N.W.


102 'V
_____ __ ___________ _____________ 145Vil1cem es
1'1 ~Iain
WAKEFIELD, W HCO ___-_-_-_-_-___-------------------------- 32 Sec~nd, S.W.
WALKER C A __ ---- ------------------------- 190 FITst, S.E. FILLING STATIONS
REINTJES Clint ____________________________________________ 389 B, S.E. OIL CO ____________________________________ 109 A, N.E.
MILLER, Ray Trucki~g-c-o-----------------------------------
______________________________ 709 89 H, N.W.
Ninth, N.E. STANDARD SERV STA _________________________ 1189 A, N.E.
(:~:;_~~,.;;,;S;I:;;ll;;!VICE STA ____________________________________ 89 S Main
DRUGS u~. . . . . ~~ CORNEl! __________________ ------------------ 89 A, N.E.
;;~;;;,;;;;.;; STA ____________________________________ 89 W Vincennes
HAMILTON G -j-------------------------------------------- 19 N Main STA ______________________________ ----------- 90 H, N.W.
MURRAY, AVERY -===-~---------------- ---------------
REX ALL STORE ______________________________________________
24 N Main
- -------------------------- ----------- 69
28 NS Main ~Iain
-n~:;,;_~;;. SEUVICE ____________________________ 119 E Vincennes
SERYICE )!OBlL STA ___________________ 289 A, N.E.
_________________________________________ 189 A, N.W.
STA ____________________________________ 489 H, N.W.
ELECTRIC LIGHT and POWER COMPANIES OIL __________________________________________ 221 N Main
PlantPOWER-Office ________ - _----------------------- 5% N .Mam . SERV STA ____________________________________ 509 A, N.E.
Wal'eh;~;;-------------------------------------- Brownstown Road SERV STA ______________________________________ 389 A, N.W.
CITY LIGHTOFFICE------------------------------------- W Vincennes SERV STA _____________________________ ~ ________ 310 A, N.E.
________________________________________ City Hall SIDE MOBIL STA ______________ ________________ 70 Fifth, N.W.
E COUNTY LOAN CO ________________________________ 78 S Main

Malicoat · Baxley ·;i';;;-;;.;'; FINill'iCE CO _______________________________________ 5 N Main

FINANCE CO _:.. _____________________________________ 78 S Main


Afip-l}a!!r!! ~e!c c~r~n~ P. ~n~ y
& TEN __________________________________________ 57 S ~Iain
G C Co ____________________________________ 15-19 E Vincennes
STORE __________________________________________ 115 N Main

, leis 1\11's ___________________________________________ 31~ F, N.E.
RAVIi>,ILlZZIE ~IRS ____________________________________ 509 FIrSt, N.E.
& SON _ CO ------------------------------- 75 E Vincennes /Ll'UJ"U, JOS W ______________________ ----------------- 40 H. N.W.
KRAMER HARDWARE------------------------------------- -- 97 S Main
LINTON HARD'VARE -----~--------------------------- 27 E Vincennes FUNERAL DIRECTORS
LUXTON ELECTRIC CO-------------------------------------- 44 S Main
MALICOAT & BAXLEY -------------------------------- Ellis School Rd .~;~~;:;~,~~1J & SOXS _____________________ ----------------- 250 N ~Iain
FUNERAL HOME _______________________________ PJeasantviIle
ROACH ELECTRIC CO ------------------------------------- 32 S Main & CORNETT __________________________________ 140 E Vincennes
WESTERN AUTO AssociATE-S-i'ORE---------------------- 127 ~
--_" _________________ 135 S Main
Page One Hundred One
Page One Hundred
Newkirk's Funeral Home Funeral Home
OUR IDEAL-A Community Service of Quality at the Lowest OUR IDEAL---A Community Service of Quality at the Lowest
Possible Cost. "Ask Those Whom We Serve" Possible Cost. "Ask Those Whom 'Ve Serve"
Pleasantville, Indiana Pleasantville, Indiana


CHAPMAN, Frank -------------- __________________________ 269 A, N "" STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ________________ 171 N Main
~"""'.- STATE HIGH\VAY GARAGE ________________________ .C, S.\V.
GLENN, ROY ---------------- ___________ ~ __________________ 175 N M~i~
KIRKHAM & WEST ----------------------------- ________ 44 Second N W
rl'YLER. MACK ---------- ______________________________ 49 \y Vin'cen~e~
- --------------------- CIty Han
COMPENSATION-DI\'ISION ____________ 171 N Main
\VATSON, ,Valter --------____ .! _____.____________________ 73 E Vincennes /;"
HUMPHREYS-SCHLOOT & CO ------~-- _____________________ 66 S Main
MAXWELL FURNITURE CO -------- ________________________ 77 S ~Iain
JU" ~"", -, "",:- c'" 0:0 -~~Eo.:-__~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~= =ii,~= P~i~c}l;~~
NE"T HOME FURNISHING CO ------------------- ________ 44 '" Vincennes GOVERNMENTAL OFFICES-Township
I ~'6~k~.'b~i,;,6;~'t,rs~~I"p~~I'~
iTT~,:r;~F.-R· --------------- 70 ,2 50%
E Vincennes
A, N.E.


GARAGES PFFtY-=============================================~==== 57:~'M','

STORE -------------------------------- 1u8 Elevent ~~:l~

' ' ' ', ~1~~,LL~I~lcl~~,~}.~1

GERIN SALES & SERVICE ---________________________ ___ 187 A, N E
GU~N ~~OS ------------------- ______________________ ~___ ~_ 89 A, s.iv:
JAC SO,, EARL -------- -__________________________________ 95 A, N.E.
LINTON GARAGE -------- ________________________________ 187 A, N.W
NICKE~SON GARAGE ----- ___________________________ rear 190 A, N.W:
NOLANS GARAGE -------- __________________________ First and B, S.\\'.
O.K. MOTOR SERVICE --------------- ______ c__________ l'ear 970 Main
STRONG, CLIFF MOTOR SERVICE ____________________~~~~_ 211 A, N.E. ~~)G~~R"SChestel' -----~~------------------------------ 539 Four\!J' :r.~~~~
GAS COMPANIES iUINKLl!CK ----------~~:=:::_=:_=_=::::::_=_=:::::::::::_=:_=_=_=~_~~~-1V~~ ~~i~
LINTON GAS CO ------------- _____ -------------------- ________ Cify Han i~~~~~\~~?~f,~y---~-=~ --------------------------------- 32 ,v YiBces~~
~~~~t~ ~!"IJ{Jm? O~~ ----------------------------------- 10~9 S ~lai~
STANDARD OIL 0 CO -------------------------------- FIfth, N.".
C ------------- ___________________________ 689 S Mam

GOLF COUHSE, LINTON )IUNICIPAL _____________________ Sf Hd 54, E
s~:~~{~~][j~~IARLEY _________________________________ 360 T If. . •
~! REGAL GROCEHY ________________________ 69 Sevenf~, ~.~.
~t~~~R1~\1~i::~Elo ----------------------------------------
FIRE DEPARTMENT ~---------------------------------------
GAS OFFICE ---------------------------------------
City Han
C!ty Han
C!ty Han
~~t~\ff i}:¥~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i~J g.~~
LINTON WATER-CC):.::..-oif·------------------------------------ C!ty Han HARDWARE DEALERS-Retail
Pum in Sta Ice --------------------------- ______ CIty Hall GlJl~1."N HDW CO ______________________________________ 88 N Main
POLICE Dt;P'i- ---------------------------------------- St R.d 54, E .~!:::'!,!'!',l{ HD\Y CO __________ ~ _________________________ 27 E Vmcenn~s
--------------------- ---- -------------------___ CIty Hall HDW CO __________________________________________ 44 S Mam
Page One Hundred Two
Page One Hundred Three
Complete Mechanical and Body Repair
Union Lumber Company
Eureka Chevrolet Co. BUILDING MATERIAL
When Done at Eureka ... It's Right! Linton and Jasonville

___ 5 N Main
-----------------------~i8-Fifth--S.E.-110 I, N.W.

Letterman's Hatchery ~i~t~~~~I'!~~INS

INS CO CO --------------
CO, Life,
Cit Nat! Bank
and Ace ______ _
S Main
CO -------------------420 E 'Vincennes

liThe Home of Those Better Bred Ohick:!;?"


------------------------ ---------------------24_ 116Vincennes
N Main
JEWELER ------------ --------------------====
__________________________ _ _____ 20 ~ 1fain
IRON & ~IETAL CO ___ _ _______ _ _____________ _ St Rd 54, W.

LETTERMAN HATCHERY ------- __________________________ 120 N Main
K~.~':::~~,.'~,,~Petcl' Cit Nat! 240
---------------------------------- ________
L ____________________________________ Bank Bldg
I, N.W.
GREENE COUNTY HOSPITAL ------ _______________________ 410 A, N.E.

:~~H,}.,~~SI:cg:-=~= ====== :=~=:========~=~ ~====== ===========~1;~ ~ ~~:i~

69 S Main
HOTEL TUMEY ---------------- __________________________ 210 A, N.W.
IDEAL HOTEL ----------------- ___________________________ 219 A, N.W. LAUNDRIES
ROOSE\'ELT HOTEL ------------ _______________________ 89 E Vincennes
SOUTHERN HOTEL ------------ ______________________ 171 Second, S.W. n.TQ'()N STEAM LAUNDRY _______________________________ _ 176 S Main

LINTON ICE & LOCKER CO ------ __________________________ 669 S Main PUBLIC LIBRAIlY _______ _ ____________ __ t tOE Vincennes
I ..INTOX MILK CO ~------------- ______________________ 189 ,y
LIGHT CO ___ ______________________ 7-0 A, N.W.

GREENE COUNTY LOAN CO _____________ ---------- ________ _
. 78 S Main

M. W. Gilbreath & Son LUMBER-Retail

Real Estate - Insurance and Loans

A UTOMOBILE FINANCING Allen A. Wilkinson Lumber Co.

PHONE 65 "The House of Homes"
eRA VEXS, J C ---------------- _________________________ 60 E Vincennes
FRITZ. JOHN T ------------------- ________________ ----------__ 50 A, N.E South Main Street and I. C. R. R. Tele. 161
GILBREATH L"\8 --- ----------- _________________________ 79 E Vincennes
Page One Hundred Foul'
Page One Hundred Five
PAP I>R-Wholesale
146 S Main
PAPEIl CO -------------------------------------
Wolford's Flower Garden PHOTOGRAPHERS

s~'f;VfrbO _____ ===================================-I~~~ ~ ~l:\~

Flowers for All Oeeas'ons
PHONE 198 49 I ST., N.W.
___________ 84Y, S Ma~n
, FRANK A _______________________________________ ny, N Ma!n
NEW UNlON LUMBER CO ------------------------__________ 210 S Main '

WILKINSON LUMBEIl CO --~---------- ------------ _________ 315 S ~Iain
LINTON ,WELDING CO _____________________________________ 89 A, KW
NOLAN MACHINE & ELECT CO ______________________ First and B, S.W: PLUMBERS
1l0ACH MACHINE SHOP __________________________________ 210 A. KE.

CENTIlAL BUS TElllIL'IAL __________________________________ 49 A. X.E.
DAISY CIGAR STOnE __________________________________ 40 E Vincennl'S
GRAND CAFE ______________________________________________ 70 A, N.E.
Roy W. Glenn t 'Vater Heating .• Stokers
MEN'S FURNISHINGS Plumb~l1g .- Steam an d H 0
BOSTON STORE ____________________________________________ 69 S Main Office 'feicphcne 78. Hcsidence Telephone 229
HIXSON & SAHM _________________________________________ ~_ 58 N Main
PENNEY, J C Co __________________________________________ 110 N Main LINTON, INDIANA
IlHODENBECK BIlOS _______________________________________ 18 N Main 175 N. MAIN ST.
WOLFOIW'S ________________________________________________ 36 S Main

BUCK CIlEEK MINE ____________________________________________ R R 1
CENTRAL CITY MINING CO ______________________________ St Rd 59, K
CEN'rRAL INDIANA COAL CO _________________________ off 5% N Main
LINTON SUMMIT COAL CO _____________ c__________ off 56% IV Vincennes
LITTLE BETTY MINING CO ___________________________,____ S.W. Linton PODIATRIST
MAUMEE COLLERIES ____________________________________ St Rd 59, S. 50~(, A, N.E.
RICHARDSON BROS COAL CO _______________________ Old Jasonville Rd L, A C -------------------------------------------- -
RUSSELL COAL CO _______________________________________ W of Linton
SHERWOOD TEMPLETON COAL CO _: _________________ off 5% N Main POULTRY and PRODUCE
SUPERIOR 4th VEIN COAL CO-Little Dais)' Mine __________ W of Linton __________ 70 A, N.W.
)151U<1'''''' & CO ----------------------------------
GILBIlEATHS 79 E Vincennes 79 S Main
DAILY CITIZEN --- -----------~~::~__________ ~:~-i89% N Main 1
LINTON DAILY CITIZEN _____________________________________ 79 S Main RADIOS-Retail
75 E Vincennes
OILS-Wholesale vr"<,p'Tr CO - 97 S Main
--------------------~ 32 S Main
FAR1\! BUIlEAU _________________________________________ 90 Third, S.W. ._____ - ------ 77 S Main
INDIAN REFINING CO ____________________________________ 1089 S Main
SOCONY VACUUM OIL CO _________________________________ Fifth,
STANDARD OIL CO ________________________________________ 689 S
Main pr'~mrr cS~_~~_:~~~~~~~~~~~====~===============-f:~ ~ ~i!i~~
·~~tsT"ER:NwAUTO ASSOCIATE STOllE ---------------- ------
BAIlNES, CALVIN DII _______________________________________ 87 S lIlain __ 250 First, S.W.
PAUL DEPOT --------------------____________________-____ 290 First, S.E.
ELSONS ___________________________________________________ 116 N Main
H & F-Dr Bert Farthing ____________________________________ 20 N Main CENTIlAL DEPOT ---------------
Page One Hundred Seven
Page One Hundred Six
Crating -~ Shil}ping -- Moying. Moyers Permit No. 32508

W. B. Wakefield
C. HARRIS, Prop.
~orth of Cine'
Telephone 217
., S.E


SHOE SHOP ______ c _____________________________ 59 N Main
CRA V&'>S,
FRITZ. JOHNJ CT ------ .. ---------------------------------- 60 E Vincenn DECOURCY SHOE SHOP _______________________ 167 N Main
GILBREATH. M "'--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_------------------ ---------------- 80 .A. N.~
. SHOP __________________________________ 65 E Vincennes
GREEN Ross ~---------------------------- 79 E VmcennE'5 :.
LINTON FINANCE-CO-------------------------------- 139 Seventh, S.t
PAGE ehas __________ .-------.--------- --------------------- 5 N Mai~
PEOPLES TRUST CO ~~~~~~~~~------------------------------109
_______________________________ 59 B,
S N.W.
CO _____________________________ :- _____ 44 S Main
REFRIGERATORS-Electric »,:;;-;,POiiof.t:-..<r.
__________________________________________ 69 N .Main
GOODS STOltE __________________________ 119 A, N.E.
CORRELL ELECTRIC CO ________ --------~-------------- 75 E Vmcennes
ECKER & SON ~~~~.:;:.L''i';'.~ CO ____________________________________ 120 S Main
HUMPHREYS-scliioor-&-CO-------- ----------------------- 97 S Main AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE ______________________ 135 N Main
MALICOAT & BAXLEY ------------------------------ 66 S Main
MAXWELL FURNITUHE-C-O--------------------------------- 32 S Main TELEGRAPH COMPANIES
NE"T HO)IE FUHNISHING CO---------------------""'---------- 77. S Main UNION TELEGRAPH CO ___________________ 39 W Vincennes
ROACH ELECTRIC CO __________________________ .44 W Vmoennes
WESTERN AUTO AssociA-rE-S"I~ORE----------------------- 12,? N~ .Mam
______________________ 13n Ma!n TELEPHONE COMPANIES
U1,~NA BELL TELEPHONE CO __________________________ 151 N Main
CAFE--------------------------- c ---------- 107 N Main TIRE SHOP _____________________________________ 89 A, N.E.
GOLDBEHG CAFE -------------------------------------- 49 A. N.E. ;;C;..:••i""TIRE SHOP ________________________________ 80 \V Vincennes
GREENWAY CAFE ---------------------------------------- 133 N Main OIL CO _____________________________________ 109 A, N.E.
KLUSMEIER CAFE ------------------------- ------------ 67 E Vincennes
OPEHA HOUSE RESTAURANT------------------------------ 58 A, N.B. TRANSFER COMPANIES
MUSSERS CAFE ----------------------------- 68 N Main CO __________________________________ 32 Second. S.W.
PARK INN CAFE -------------------------------------------- 84 S Main Co ______________________________ 709 Ninth, N.E.
Service ___________________________ 89_H,_N.W.
SNACK & SODA SHOP-=========---------------------------
________________________ . ___ St-Rd
155 N 54, ~.
.Mam SERVICE __________ _________ 190 First, S.E.
______________________________________ 389 B, S.E.
LINTON ROOFING CO ___ .___________________________ 90 F, N.W. THEATRES
_______ ~ _______________________________________ 155 N Main
SCHOOLS HJ>R-1IU'l.'Z _______________ ;.. _________________________________ .19 N Main
CENTRAL BUILDING ----------------------- Main and H 1\1 J __________________________________________ 520 First, N.E.
NORTHEAST WARD ------------------------------------ 89 First, S.E. Wllll)J{U • H 0 DY:ll ______________________________________ 139 A, S.E.
NORTHWEST WARD --------------------------------------- 489 F, N.E.
ST PETERS PAROCHiALSCHOoT------------------------- 409 F, N.W.
, ____________________ 459 Fourth, N.E.
Chas ______________________________________________ 170 S Main
SECOND HAND GOODS IA'.111;1 DRUG STORE __________________________________ 24 N Main
T P ______________________________________________ 32 \Y Vincennes

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~===~~===~~~~~~~=~~=~~=~~= i~Z ~ ~i:~~

SHOES ";ji~ipTNGMUNICIPAL WATER CO _________________ ~ ________ 75 A, N.W.
"' STATION _____________________________________ St Rd 54, E.
FROESCHKE SHOE__ -S'f-ORE---------------------------------- 69 S Main
HARRIS SHOE STORE --------------------------------- 15 N Main WELDING
WELDING CO ____________________________________ 89 A, N.W.
HIXSON & SAHM ____ ------------------ ------------------ 189 N Main
PENNEY, J C Co --------------------------------- 58 N Main !'VLAN MACHINE & ELECTRIC SHOP ______________ - First and B, S.W.
"VALli MACHINE & WELDING CO ________________________ 210 A, N.E.
RHODEN BECK BROS-===-----------------------------------
____________________________________ 110
18 N
N Main
Page One Hundred Nine
Page One Hundred Eight
~ I •• 1;11;, II U'RI:.\, I UHY Johnson Production·Bred Chicks'
1939 Best Quality Chicks, Hatched in Modern Electric Incubators
• .-
A (Northeast) 439 Floyd McCullough
440 Diohne eaen Roy Armstrong A (Southeast)
40% L Mattox Trustee Stockton 459 James T Roach Geo Dorn.
Township 489 Mrs Ethel Humphreys John Jones
89 Paul Messick
American Distributors Inc 490 Mrs Dora Hixson Jack Spice Irene's Beauty Shoppe
J H Morgan pres 500 L W Warner Hugh Archiba1d
Dr Alex -McPhail, POdiatrist 509 Gulf Filling Station Mrs Florence Todd 139 Mrs Hattie Sylvester . ~,

R l\I Vincent atty 511 Eli Mott Mrs Hester Kaho 189 Hem'~T Hill
40 A C 'Vi11iams B Shop Harvey Grounds Earl Moss
\Vm McCulloch 209
46 Venus Beauty Shop 540 Pearl Poole A B McDonald
49 210 Chas Laffoon
Central Inn Cafe 560 1\11'8 Elizabeth Cravens Standard Filling Station
50 John T Fritz 579 'Yard Padgett 279 Paul Lester
G A Baughman
Klusmeier Cafe
Fusco Bros
Dr"r F Craft
Homer Fordyce A (Northwest)
289 John Miller
Ro11ie Stone
59 Fitz Baker~r 609 290 Mud Suffal
60 Gilbert FOl'est 359 A & H Commission House
Julius Cooper 610 J C Cravens
69 Overland Sales 620 City Hall 369 Vacant
70 HalTy \Yelch Fire Department 390 "r 0 Richardson
Grand Cafe 635 Earl Reeve
79 Eureka Chevl'olet 640 Johnson Feed & Supply Co 409 Mrs H E Newman
80 Vacant Lee Hixson 410 Ray Beasle~r
City Service Corner
~h~h~a's. Beauty ShoPPe
\V H Stewart
'Valton F Stover
Deal'min & Co
Bill's Bicycle Service
' 'rn Harrah
Sam Giuffre
689 Josephus Inman Mrs Jenetta McKinney 490 L E Good
Nalls LIquor Store 690
DO 1h Moose Lodge Ralph S Kohl' Wnl McKinney 510 :l\11's Sarah Halstead
109 D-X Station 709 . Clarence Gillett 579 Harmon Grocery
710 ·\Vm Johnson Fishers Tire Shop
Bloomfield Oil Co Linton Welding Co 589 1\1rs Augusta Lynn
110 729 Clyde McCain 590 Al S Hamilton
Andrew H Humphreys 74£1 Goodman & Ellis
119 Red's Sporting Good~ Store Elmer Terrell 609 Vacant
140 780 Mud Haseman Recreation Craft-Art Shop 690 Porter Hamner
Mrs Ella Schloot 789
167 Vacant Roy Glenn Salvation Army 709 Olvie Fish
173 790 Michael's Grocery 789 :Mrs .Marjorie Greene
Vacant 809 John Bennie
187 Gerin Sales & Service Joe B Kelley 809 Fernand Leroux
189 810 John Micheal Stewart Nards 810 John Howell
Jacksons Ga1'3ge 835
190 Alack Coen ehas Letsinger T S Martin 829 Thurman Hinman
840 A F Cotter Thad 'Yolford 880 Jack Grav
210 Lon Roach 859
209 D F Swa:Vze Linea Filling Station 890 Theodore' Cody
Roy A Borders Dodge and 869 Clyde Kirkham
Plymouth Sales Dr M N Thayer 909 Adam Topping
889 \Vnt Elson Hoyt Nickerson (rear) 910 Louis Hennette
215 Cliff Strong Motor Service 890
260 John F Glynn Ideal Hotel 920 Rex Slinkard
Fuscas' Fmit Market 909 Robert Raney Hotel Tumey 929 Chas DUncan
289 H\ckey's Mobile Super Sel'\' 910 Thos Lynch Mrs Grace Cox 969 Nettie McBride
Otto Hixson 920 Vacant Landis Hotel 979 'Villard Stewart
809 Dr Geo Porter 929
810 Texaco Filling Station Henr~l Taylor Max Friedman 980 John Gillian
949 Leonard Giuffre N S Stillwell 989 Chas Spice
R J Mead 960 A E Foster Frank Chapman 990 Harvey Gowens
846 Jasper Schloot 969
839 'Vayne Hamilton Harry Wilson Geo Stafford 1009 Ray Iilman
989 Bert Franks Minta Shields 1010 Albert Kinnaman
849 D R Scott 990
860 Harry Ferry Lee McClung 1039 Wm Rice
Joe Gerin 1009 Troy D \Vest James Mears 1040 Horald Reynolds
879 D R Scott 1010 Mrs Emma Morgan
889 Hunt's Grocery 1060 Earl Utterback
James l\I Humphreys 1029 Kermit Corbin Dr S 1\I Cornell 1069 Chas Courtes
890 E ,,, Foster 1080
409 Geo Gonser Mitchell Cafe 1089 Octave Leroux
Dr C C Hamilton 1041 1\11'8 Margaret Moss Geo F Chapman 1153 Oscar Harman
410 Greene Co Hospital
429 1060 Ro~{ Johnson Taylor's Filling Station 1155 Berl Kinnaman
Dr Frank C 'Welch 1089 Reed Taylor 1160 Ruby *Grove
'Vests' Sandwich Shop
Mrs Alice Lunsford 1189 RaYl~lOnd (Antone) Spice
Page One Hundred Ten
Page One Hundred Eleven
New Union Lumber Company
Linton and Jasom"i!le
amilton Drug Co.
28 S. Main

C (Southwest)
A (Southwest) 380 Floyd Headley \Vendall 'Vright
390 Arlie Clayton Albert Johnson
30 1\Irs. Irene Letot
79 Gunn's Garage Vacant 40 Adolph Hennequet
Harry Phillips
189 Community Sanitation B (Southeast) 49 \Ves Goodson
190 Otis Turley Vacant 59 Harry Fitzpatrick
370 .Mrs Charlotte Ogle Geo Baker 60 Chas Utterback
449 E F -Walker 109 'Vm Rodenbeck Guy Hewitt
69 1\1rs Jennie Rich
128 Cravens Cleaning Plant ehas M Tindall
450 James "'alton 129 Mrs Maud 'Vymer Ben F Wright 80 ehas Turpin
Harry Chipman 1\1rs Ora Enochs 89 1\1rs Clemen Letot
..Mrs Zel1ia Kirby
90 Mrs Sallie Morgan
B (Northeast) 138 Richard Moss
Chas Anderson E R Turpin 109 Henry Belval
Mrs Lizzie Medley Mrs Ann Bennett 111 Mrs Lena Swan
210 Ind State Highway Garage
60 Shel'l'Y's Beauty Shoppe 139 Bert Farthing Andrew Murdock
89 W111 Goldberg Holiness Church Eliza Sheppard 269 Mrs Doris Shubla
90 Edith Hanger 149 E R (Jack) Griffith John Crynes 289 Edward Panky
109 Peter Schloot 209 Bernard Padgett Theo 'Vetzel
110 .Mahlon Gilbreath Leonard Chafe~r D (Xortheast)
130 Mal';\' Maud Harris 219 Coca Cola Bottling- Co C (Northeast)
149 Rev H G Ramsey 279 Claude Eager John Sahm
189 First Methodist Church 289 Mrs Maud Calvin 140
190 Ethel Osborn .349 Harr~t Barger Hem'y Kramer 159 Floyd Shannon
209 John T Fritz 359 Joe Surmont Joseph Nixon 189 Arnold Poe
210 An1erican Legion Home 370. Clyde Copeland . Colonel Osborne 190 Jas Hurley
230 Arch Hodges 289 C A Walker Everett Bedwell
259 'Vm Cunningham 809 Ralph Gilligan James Fuller 209
289 ~hs Lillian Powell 889 Mrs Sarah Franklin Mrs Mattie Jackson 210 Harold Priest
290 Walter ,\vms 890 'Villie Cullison Mrs Fanny Bain 239 'Vm Sahm
309 A E Jackson 909 Lloyd Buckner Marl'y McGrew 250 Raymond Heitman
310 J E Carmody 910 Edw Hensley Della Plew
328 Mrs Hattie Mount 939 Jacob Solsberry Ida Adkins 289
339 Arthur 1\1 Grass 949 Mrs Maud Bennett ehas H Davis \Vayne Harris
349 Frank Poneleit 959 Geo Sheets Jacob Fritz 290 James GilnlOl'e
350 Thomas Crabtree 989 Cl1as Combs 1\I1'S Mal'garet Fulkerson
Jasper Sargent 310
353 Margaret Holder 1053 Cyprien Fra~er Geo Bowers
David Short 1063 Joseph Genestet Isaac C \Vomeldurf 340
368 Fred Martin 1090 Rieman McDonald Geo Secrist 339 Edw Greenwood
389 ehas B Moore 1109 A E Greene Chas Fulkerson 349 Ralph Thomas
390 -Wilson Hixson 1110 Mrs Inez Calvert Felix Haffley 359 John Carlton
510 Guy Moss 1120 Lex Fields Marion Tislow 360 GreY Hixson
1137 Daniel Ball Homer Gunn 369 Cha~s Halback
1169 Darrell Heaton 384 Foster -Wilson
B (Northwest) 1189 Bryan Dudley 389 Kenneth Mitchell
C (Northwest)
490 Elmer Bedwell
60 Rev Harry J. Bailey 509 Geo Aydelotte
89 Ed Flanagan BROAD\\'A Y (Tenth) 39 Rev B H Bruner 510 Raymond Boston
90 First Baptist Church 89 James Clayton 550 Homer Bailey
109 Chas Page 320 Robert Akre 90 Paul Fry 590 Lionel Ridlen
110 Oscar Fitzpatrick 340 Harry Axe 110 A 0 Nelson 610 Phil Bennett
148 Mrs Ida Priest 349 Jesse E Morgan 159 Branch Hunter 620 Chester Royer
169 James E Goodman 360 Frank Corbin 160 Bert Melton 710 Bert Barnes
Lee 'Wakefield 369 E-Imer 'Vest 190 Mrs Anna Culbertson 730 Glenn Duncan
190 Norman Cooper 389 Dr F A Bailey Mrs Eloise Be~nett 1060 \V A Malicoat
289 Reuben Small 390 '''m Tubbey Rev R M DaYls 1090 Edw Stoeckel
290 Joe Booker 410 Lloyd Winters !\Irs Kate Armstrong
Page One Hundred Thirteen
Page One Hundred Twelve
New Home Furnishing Company
The GEM 5 U 10 Vincennes S1. "Everything fox the Home"

D (Northwest) 349 Sam Davis ELEVENTH (Southeast)

Joe Bain
59 Senteny Gastineau 359 Dewey Gosnell Harold Liston
89 Francis Riehal'dson
1\11'8 360 Harry Bedwell 1\I1'S Anna West 59 Oliver Marshall
90 Arthur Harbin 379 John Haffley M V Foster
109 James AbreU 380 'Valter Lankford Thos Lee
Chas Hubble F (Northeast) (Transfer
120 Fred Harting Oscar .Maden
159 Mrs May Reynolds 390 Mrs Dl'llCiHa Hall Sarah L)-'1ln
189 Wm Talbott' 410 Joe Thomas 109 o D Clayton
220 Mrs Gwendolyn Craft 440 \Vm Alkire 110 Vacant
289 Stewart "'right 450 John O'Connor E (Southwest) Carl Donie
290 Laurence Bennett 460 Richard Lo\'e Mrs Emma Humphreys
Pete Powell
Harry 'Valton
R. "r Hooper
Slsters of Providence
Alfl'ed Riley
\Vilbul' Spurgeon
Lewis Steward
Ervin Steward
390 John T "'right 490 Slyvestel' Hadley Frank Bruner 189 Clifford Ferguson
469 Robert Blake 509 John \" Uland "Tillis Jarmon 190 Alvin Lehman
489 Mrs Eula 'Vright 510 E L Barnes 209 Wallace Anderson
530 "'m Whinnie
Cecil Edington Henrv PankY 210 Emery Bedwell
D (Southwest) 539 Renr~T Fry Loui~e McCorkle 240 James Yeller
569 J P Colvin Robert Collins 259 o D Lemonds
29 Floyd Cl'amel' 574 Reed Shepherd Cletus Clark 289 \Y m A Alk hoe
40 Claude Tuttle 579 James Porter 290 Newell Cates
,18 John Clark- 580 Hoyt Clark 309 Lula Jeffries
50 Chas Shepard 589 Everett Walser EIGHTH (Xortheast 310 Mrs leis Allen
50 McKee's Grocery 59G Chas Robison 339 Gerald Rupert
60 Geo Newbv . 609 Edgar Tinchel' 340 Alva Wea\"er
6n Elsie Flvllil G10 L B C01lOUl' Mrs Maggie Donne11s 359 Newton Lewis
79 Albert Shake D,1O . _iL:uie Spinks Claud Clark 360 Burnell Turpin
89 John ·Weaver (359 el'bert Blackburn Clal'en Nolan 369 John Phillips
90 Melvin Bedwell 669 Robcl,t Hoole J.I E Zander 380 Vilas Trinkle
99 Chas E Padgett 689 Gi~bel't Kennedv 384 Chas Lehman
140 Geo Ellett G90 Chas 'Veaver . 389 Arthur Bechtel
190 709 Ben Chandler EIG HTH (Southeast) Noble Gunn
Neal "'eaver 390
210 Herbert Alderson 710 Arthur Wheeler 409 Thos P Lam
239 August Herehy 730 Milton Foster 410 Royce Rishel'
739 58 Guy Franklin
259 Cleve Mitchell" Enos "'right Mr~; Mary StorY 430 Herbert Dver
260 Thos Scecina 759 'Villis l\fass€'v Th~odore' Bucktler 440 Ralph O'D'ell
269 Lucien Humble 760 Lulu Howe' Mrs Fannie ?lnIler 460 Guy Helms
290 Margaret Bl'ran 789 Bertha Haltom 489 Northeast \Vard School
790 Earl Moore
Emmitt Perkins 1\11's Maude Ballard 490 Burgess Bray
E (Northeast) 810 Maria "'heeler Mrs l\lary Doidge 509 Cora Fletcher
910 Ralph Stevens 510 Marvin Johnson
1009 l\1idas Hudson
180 Mrs Mary Bunch Harry Slinkard 540 Frank ;\"eill
Frank 'Yl'ight
Roy Ellis
Fred Coulter
Harry Tryon
1080 Jack Smith
Virgil Russell
Grant Dunning
John t.IiteheU
Albert F1'aser
Chas Branscorll
Chas Davenport
Raymond King
Kenneth Morgan
210 Vern Smith 1109 Mrs Sophia Kramer Choren D McEuen 589 Max Cravens
249 Clayton Hunter 590 Ad Osborn ,
280 \Ym Lehman
Fred Turpin
John A Young
E (Northwest)
ELEVENTH (Northeast)
610 Burress Grocery i
290 Ro:.t Borders 90lI.,fl'S Helena_Heitman 639 Joseph Hunle~' i
Clem Haffley
Roscoe Valandingham
Robert McDonald
Lloyd Hale
Geo 'Vees
l\.Iiss Flora McGrew
Geo O'Haver
Bungalow Store
Edw Vonderschmitt
Chas Waymire
Mitchell Bobbitt
\Vendall Perkins
Claude Reed
Thos Scroggins
Harry DeCourcv Jasper Ke11e1' 709
Page One Hundred Fourteen . Page One Hundred Fifteen
Bus Station Headquarters

Newkirk's Funeral Home INN RESTAURANT

Newspaper Agencies
OUR IDEAL-A Community Service of Quality at the Lowest 39 A St .. N.E.
Possible Cost. ~ "Ask Those Whom We Serve" ANNEX SNACK and SODA SHOP
Pleasantville, • First Door North of Cine' L. Guiffre, P.~op.

710 Al'thul' Berns Dan Scully 109 Ohas Holmes

1229 Pete Delonce 120 Carl E Harris
730 Gilbert H Pierce 1289 John York Clyde Grass
739 NOl'val Baughman Claude Sipes 125 Ray "Talker
740 A C Edwards Saran Reformed Church 130 o P Slinkard
789 1rm H Reynolds FIFTH (Southeast) Rev C A Hofmann 140 Flora A ~Iurphy
790 L€o Pierce Bertha BerDs . 149 Sargent
809 Ezra Gibson Mrs Sarah Smurdon 150 D W McIntosh
·9 Clyde Davis 159 Edward Holtz
810 Frank Hart Gerhart Kramer
1090 Harley Mathena
Perry Bal'ks
Mrs' Sadie Myers Mrs Lizzie Davis 169 J 'Y Draekett
Dr M J 'Vilson 189 Guv Crawns
40 Fred Brown 'V H 'Wakefield
49 Mrs Elizabeth Ann Clark 190
F (Northwest) Roy 'Vil1iams John T Reintjes I C Depot
50 Jack Mehloff 290
59 Mary Brady Curtis McAtee
40 Ed Baughman 66 Frank Dafoe FIRST (Southwest)
80 Earl Skomp James 'Vhite Oral D \\Tright
75 Mrs Margaret Sponsler
90 Ernest Perigo 78 Mrs Mary McQuade Mrs 1\la1')' Duncan
109 C Hobart Stewart 40
Mrs Doris Taylor 79 Roy Hays Gerald Landis 49 Joe \Vea,-el'
124 John Perigo 80 Good's Store "Talton Greenwood "'ilbur )Iiller
159 Edw Fisher Clyde Rentjes 60
89 Mrs S. Halstead 70 Vacant
180 1\11's Sarah E Smith 109 \Yalter Thomas
190 Harley Sims BilIy Coop~r 79 Emil Ja5-tE'r
119 Ezra Corwm 'Vm Maddison Mrs Amelia Dunn
198 Chas Brock Delbert Greenwood 80
·j09 Jimmy Pearce 89 Troy )'lorgan
Northwest "'al'd School 120 Mrs Florence Fry Jack Cook
589 Oswald Tanner 00
Estel Howell FIRST (Northwest) 110 Harry Antibus
F (Southwest) 129 R R Miller
58 Milford Hudson 130 l\'Iarie Shaw
59 149 Mrs Lena A Lo,'e 135 S J Burress
Luther Cooper 157 Bohley & Heaton
68 Alva Liffick Russell Trent 137 May Bullock
Quates 'Vebber 158 Ben Dick
69 Loren Gabbert H S Larsen Les'lie Puckett
159 Kelvey Campbell 137% Chas Hunter
79 Everett Barnard 164 Fernie l\leng
Edith Brau1t Chas Tincher Robert HarbE'tt Jack Cox
169 Chas Lynn 140 Harle:'.' ~li1ler
Hallie Goodman 176 Mrs J K Foreman
Chas Bedwell Spanish Am 'War Vet Home \V m C Stewart 143 Emma Stantz
260 Homer Day Alpha Hamilton
Desire Cuvelier 180 Jake Jarman A H l\Iienel'
FIFTH (Northeast) Mrs Belle Sharp 157 Fannie Cody
184 Joe Barnal'd 159 Chas Skaggs
29 Chas 'Vells 190 Ervan Taylor
39 Mis Louise Struckmeyer 209
Noah Hamilton Harbins Grocery 250 eM & St P R R
49 Herbert Priest Harris 'Wilkie 460 Jess \Yatson
Miss Mayme Berns 210 Henry H Priest
49% "YaIter Struckmeyer Archie McCulloch 470 Ira Ebden
289 Vacant John Scecina
59 Joseph Haseman :1I.Ionon Donohue 690
909 Charles Christley FIFTH (Southwest) Sam Utterback 739 \Vm Kirkley
910 169 Eugene Core \Vm Boyles
Arthur Parks 179 753
939 'Walter Alanbaugh '''m C Franklin 789 Flovd Cox
1009 189 E J Hilligas FIRST (Southeast) Arthur Simon _
Martin Holscher 790
1039 Leroy Baker 840 Mrs Celina Cuyehel'
FIRST (Northeast) 49 \Vm P Wright 860 Noble Whitlow
60 Robbins Motor Co 8UO S H Roberts
FIFTH (Northwest) 70 \V;n Hannum
240 Bert Phillips
249 John J Hunter 78 Kenneth Norris ,
70 Mrs Louise Corstem FOURTH (Northeast)
West Side Mobil Station 260 E J Ecker 80
840 Raney's Store 280 James E Davis 89 Main School Bldg
1119 JuniaI' High School Bldg 179 James Usrey
Frank Corbin 289 Dr Frank M 'Velch Meredith Jones
1169 Tro-- Keller GO Rov Bedwell 189
310 Rudolph Kramer 209 Otto Hixs:on
1189 Yirgil Sims 340 SherreH Johnson Oscar Brewer
1209 Clyde Harbin Paul Messick 229 Aehell Tibbett
360 Earl T Aikin U8
Page One Hundred Shieen Page One Hundred Seventeen
Fell's Iron & Metal Co. Funeral Home
Community Servjce of Quality at the Lowest
HYMEN FELL, i\Igr. "Ask Those "'hom 'Ve Serve"
We buy Junk, Rags, Rubber, Ir~, Metals, Paper and Magazines

G (Northeast) G (Korth west)

259 Clem V Humphreys 490 Joe Frayser
289 Olller Dodd 510 Jess McBride
329 Clarence Goodwin 511 D A Mowery 209 Vacant
Clyde Breck Lee Richardson
339 Thos "rakefield 560 Ernest Lefebvre 290
360 Howard Colvin 590 l.'hos Luxton Mrs, Viola Butts
360 "\Vm Roll 609 Ed Bowen Fred Dorrough G (Southwest)
389 Mud Neal 610 Herbert !t'erguson Clarence Harrison
409 Elmer Bedwell 629 Serclda Lle\"llyn Ed McGriffen
410 Mark '''esner Barbara Ha~nnan 60 Robert Sloan
449 Lou '''alker 639 Melvin Mathena Geo Mussel· Oley Flagler
469 St Peter's School 640 Andrew Harvey B R McGriffen 210 John Secena
489 St Peter's Catholic Church 649 Clint Raymer . Cecil Meredith 249 James Haffley
490 St Peter's Rectory 660 Michael Hassey Tho:; Francis 250 Edith Singleton
539 Keller's Grocerv 669 Mrs Sarah Boit Ellet \Volford 259 Mrs Nellie Duffl'oy
669 RO~'ce Rishel' Conf 689 John H Strong Lloyd Brown 260 Geo Secena
690 'Vm Hale 709 Paul Prudhone Louis Heaton 269 Adolph Leichen
810 Roy Jarman 729 Timothy Coakley Theo McCart 279 Maurice Duffroy
830 Mrs Anna Allen 739 Mrs Eliza Earle Mrs C M Gray 290 \Vm Singleton .
849 Oliver Keye 759 Luther Bone Lee Hamlin 309 Mrs. Myrtle Bough
869 Everett Gambill 779 \Vm Terrell Jesse Alsop 310 Thos Gish
879 Carl MilIer DwaYne Vonderschmitt 369 Eugene Yillon
909 Howard Haseman Cha; \Volfol'd 390 Frank Geatches
FOlJl!l'H (Southeast)
Henry McGriffin
Eal'] Baughman
J ames Elkins
Ella Bonham H (X ortheast)
Ralph May
Edw Holscher
John Correll
\Villis Oniones
Hugo Schloot-
50 Mrs, Dora Reintjes 'I
Harry Tilt
Frank May 59
Guy Hays
\V mAnderson
Paul Shepard
Frank Krischak 69 Lawrence Bleyens
70 l\b's Anna Vaughn
Cyrus Smith
Ora Bennett 63
Arthur Tryon
James Humphries
Ethel Starkey
Russel1 Nunley
Lewis French
\Vm Campbell
Mrs Dora Azbell
"T H Rhodenbeck
Judson Brewer 100 Bart Goodman
79 Peter Brawand \Vm Stevens
84 Richard Baker 120 Benny· Sims
1\1 C Duncan Sims Sandwich Shop
FOURTH (Northwest) 120 Paul Callihan \Vm Booher
127 Beveridge Jones Otis Hale 160 John Price
39 'Va~rne Lucas 127 \Vm Morgan Vernon Moore 180 Dorsey Viroodward
40' Opha Bough James Pribble Clovis Camden 190 Haryey Miller
148 Margaret Armstrong 137 Raymond Magruder John Hopkins 210 J H Malicoat
140 Frank Fusco 240 Herbert (Tip) Tincher
160 Chas Lane Vacant Otho Baize
189 Arthur Pinkston 149 Miss DOl'a 1\1 Pennington Fred Art-hur 260
159 Chester \Vills 269 l\hs May Griffith
190 Joe Davison Tom Jerrels
210 Chas Hunt 160 Harry Hildebrand Austin O'Brien 280 A 1\i Liston
240 John Headle:'t 170
Oscar Anderson
580 Vacant 289 Sheldon Herndon
300 Fred T Brown
249 Paul Cotton' J. Leon Moody 589 Tom Cox -1
269 Herman Brown 189 Mrs Sarah Poore August Voisin 309 Vacant
190 590 310 Orville Blackburn
280 Gsa E Parks Harry Crooke 609 Don Collins
289 193 Robert Francis 330 Cecil Reed
Church of Christ 610 Edgar Brassfield Raymond \Vithycombe
340 Art Borders 197 August MilIan Mrs Catherine Ivy 339
639 340 Ersil Stewart
349 Mrs Mary H Saucerman 660 Mrs Minnie O'Hayer
\Vesley Branstetter
369 Harold Benefield Millal'd Pope 349
FOURTH (Southwest) 709 360 Chester Shonk
389 Mrs Minnie Stewart 710 John Blackburn
440 \Vm \Va11 Geo Geatches 369 WiBard Franklin
115 NoH Duncan 789 380 Leo Phillips
469 Doward Bartlett 484 Carl \Valton 810 Earl Booher
489 Mary Miller \Yalter '''olfe
389 Ora Hattery
Virgil Buckner 1090
Page One Hundred Nineteen
Page One Hundred Eighteen
409 Jarmon & Purcell 289 Mrs Victorine Colderbank ;
410 Bris Rausch 290 Leo Hulen
Wa;~'l1e Corbin
Jas Morgan
310 John Robertson
Marion Plann New Union Lumber Company
450 Chas Trotter 329 Walter Cox BUILDING MATERIAL
459 Craig Fitzpatrick 360 Nola D Yodel'
460 Freeman Martindale 369 Homer Bennett Linton and Jasonville
469 Robert Dunning 380 John Arney SOUTH MAIN ST.
489 Homer Lewis 410 'Valter Kincaid LINTON TELEPHONE 102
490 Bernard Hall 430 Nick Burke
500 Jarvis Goodman 489 l\Iitz:hell Filling Sta
509 James Gibson 490 1\11'S Julia Lefebvre 410 Rupert Barnett K (Northwest)
510 Joseph 'V Turpin 440 Mrs Viva Oliver
538 Jacob Arthur H (Southwest) 460 Noah Hunter
560 Mrs Martha Dugger John Oniones 39 Carl Russell
469 40 Claude Russell
Mes Elizabeth Gorsage 489 H D l\IcDonald
569 Ernest Purcell 220 Leslie Tannehill Homer Flater
579 Marion Fish 260 Artie Utterback 89 John 'Vl'ight S1'
580 l\ Mabel Kent 289 Paul Vandeneede I (South,... est) 90 John B Johnson
589 Hubert BUrress Emile L-eiehen 109 Floyd :Mottel'n .
609 Mrs Dena Hunter 290 Arreatus Barnett 69 Emerson Frederick 110 Mrs Helen \Vatkms
610 Henr~r Dorrough Mrs Emma Pouchain 89 Steve Parol a 140 El"nest Guithel'
639 Earl Keller 340 Herman Hall 90 Harlan Pruett 209 !\It'S :i\Iary Maughan
659 Mrs Josephine Akre Jack Blakley 109 Chas Lawyer 210 Albert Sluppy
689 Hubert Greenwood 410 Robert Bedwell 129 Cecil Inman 240 'YIll Sharp"
690 John Fritts 249 Ivan Hennette 259 Mrs Madge Madaris
260 lUI'S Mayme Tryon
709 Ralph Mi11er I (Northeast) 269 Thos Shaptow
710 Robert Trinkle 289 Adolph Leichen 'Ym l\IcPhail
Ceo Wilson 300 Jas 1\IcChl'istie
710 Bessie McKinney 310 1\Irs Greta Sparks
7.t0 John Jones J1' ~ 489 Willie Mason :34D Josie Cain
Van Hall
760 'VIll F Fritz 889 Lottie Franklin
Kinn Hudson 329 1\Ial'k Lee
'189 Clinton Goodman 1 (Northwest) 339 1\I1'S Rosie Lee
790 Sherman Wright Almona Shanklin Frank Moody
SOg James ?\Ioodv i'Ielvin Fulkerson 390
\Volfords Flower Garden 409 Walter E Laughlin
810 i'll's Rosetta ~ Lenning 49
459 Thos Lee
849 Mrs Lulu :'\Ieyncke 50 Dwight Pope J (Northwest) 489 Bris Cooprider
60 Dan Landi~
H (X orthwest) 89 John REcker Ralph \Vilson
90 .John Dayidson ilO L (Northwest)
89 Marion Lynn
110 John Reens 90 'Ym J Wilson
40 Joseph W Wolford 120 \Vm Shearn Geo Holbert 40 Herschel Eaton
60 Leandis Tuttle 129 1\1rs Fern Gl'aYes 109
69 Mary Rane 110 .James Franklin 149 Bert City
130 David Kelly 130 John Wright Jr ;no Wm Abrams
79 Geo Taylor 140 James Dennis F.rank CUl'rans 390 Geo Wright
Victor Grubbs 149 Vacant 159
80 Chas Strong 189 Con Coakley
150 Verdon Dobbins 190 Mrs Bessie Briner
89 Clinton Reintjes 159 Otto Bennett MAIN (North)
200 Robert Kirkley
90 D-X Filling Station 160 John T Cole Lester Padgett
Verna Sponsler 242
169 Chas Kelly 260 Floyd Tincher 5 Linton Finance Co
'Villard Fiscus 170 Mrs Janet Suttles 289 Grant 'Vall 5% Central Indiana Coal Co
109 Mrs Vera Haffle~r 179 HatTY :Moss 290 ];1r8 Page Shel'wood-Templeton Coul Co
110 Harle,! Ham 210 Wm Shanklin 309 A H Witty An tioch Power Co
129 Fred "Blades 239 James Dalton 310 1Vm Doyle G & G E Railroad Co
130 Earl Hang 240 Wm L (Bob) Jackson 339 Herschel Lynn Little John Coal Co
139 Chas Skaags 259' Gordon Wright Gilbert Lynn 7 Harley Miller
149 Jesse Blume 260 Edw Rogers 340 James R -Hostettler 7% Glasper Hale
150 Shirley Osborn 289 Chester Bradford 341 Arthur Cooksey 10 Cozy Cornel'
160 AIda Byers 290 John 1\1 Kunkler 359 Herschel Dennis 13 Linton Candy Kitchen
170 Chas Cunningham 310 Wm Kelly 360 Jas J Arthur 15 Froeschke Shoe Store
189 Paul Harting 340 Wiley Brogan 390 Carl Sampson 18 Rhodenbeck Bros
190 Frank Hash 359 Honore :Mounier 409 Joseph Conklin 18% Republican Hdq
209 Chas Fishel' (Pichouecque) 360 Gordon Stewart 410 Roy Buckner 19 DUncan Pharmacy
210 Fragrant Edwards ::l80 Mrs Mona Morgan 439 Eugene Young 19~'2 Dr S 1\1 Cornell
240 \Vm A Corbin 389 Rex Stone 440 l\Iedfol'd Ham E l\I Meurer
260 Carl Strong ·109 Ray Barton 460 Frank A Cooprider 20 H & F Jewelers
Page One Hundred Twenty Page One Hundred Twenty~one
22% Dr 'Ym F Craft 409 Milo Mitchell
Dr M N Thayer 410 . Quincy J Mitchell
24 % Dr C C Hamilton
440 John"r
Rev R J Staats
Drs F M & F C Welch DDS
Sher-Ritz Theatre
Cliff Miller
Mrs Thelma Sm:\'Jie
Daniel Cummings
Hamilton Drug Co.
prop 490 Claude MaxweU 28 S_ Main
55-59 Ax & Fry 509 John Kramer
55 % Dr Geo Porter 510 C A Thomas
58 Hixson & Sahms 539 Chas Mock
58,~ Guy Clayton 640 Frank Duncan Linton Daily Citizen 790 Peter May
'Vm Snow 559 Sylvester Newman R 0 Carlton
Dr Ben Raney Her-bert Myers
591A~ Scott's Studio 560 Frank Hays Drs E V and V C Bull 791
Robert Scott 589 Geo Liddel 889 Hubert Heaton
Dr F A Bailey Bernard McAtee
65 Haseman Shoe Repair 590 Alfred Beasle~r Paul Messick aUy 890
68 Opera House Rest 609 'Vm Hilgedick 909 Elmer Gilligan
'Yestern Southern Ins Co Mrs Sallie Myers
69 Avery Murray Drug Store 610 Vacant Gilbert PhilIipe 990
74 Spice's Poolroom 620 Orvil1e Coleman Musser's Cafe 1010 'Vm T Shepherd
79 Cushings 630 Robert. Hayes 1089 Indian Refining Co
,y J Hamilton
84 Maddison Grocerv and Meats 649 Newton Reel Victor Briggs 1090 Frank Shepherd
84 1 (, Vacant . 659 'Vm Coleman Dr Calvin Barnes
88'~ Baughman Hdw G8t) Luther P Sifford E J Ecker & SOil , NL.~TH ( Xortheast)
89 Krogel's 709 Lloyd Powe1J l'ear OK Motor SerVICe Ead
107 Barnett's Sandwich Shoppe 710 Eskin Turner Ross
1JO-112 J C Penney 789 Chas Perl'v 179 Ralph Rooksberry
Skating Rink
114 Lettermans Hatchery 740 Jas Hill . Carlton Ser\'ice Sta 309 Jere 0 Goodman
115-117 Variety Store • 759 Frank TUJ,lor U S po!:"'toffice
116 EIsons jewelers and Opt
310 Jas F Hinman
760 Alfred MilIan J D Landis
118 Corbin Barber Shop 780 Cahrin Rhodenbeck
330 Earl C Wolford
Vacant John Hodges
133 Wm M Goldberg 789 Mrs Ella Stevenson 120 Carl H Roach 339
135 Westf.>l"ll Auto Associate 790 Thomas & Reel Groce!'y 126-146 Edington Paper Co 369 Guy Moss
Store Linton-Stockton High Schaul
140 Dr WaIte!' S~holl
139 John Wood . 370 Ernest Kemp
156 Hill's Used FUl'lllture Store ,Vm Sfrietelmeier
145 \\'m Shutts Feed Store 389
150 MAL'll (South) 156% Max Edington Floyd Cornett
Iud Bell Tele Co 164 Henry A Brault 390
155 Cine' Theatre 169 Terhune Apartments 409 Roy Brown
]0 Citizens' National Bank
Snack & Soda Shop 28 Rexall Store 170-72 Chas Cris~ Used FUl'n Edwin B Long
165 l\1artin-DeCourcev Shoe Rep 410
28% Dr P C Berns 176 Linton Stea;tl Laundry, . 439 Thos Wall
169 Dana Tuttle . Douglass Story 178 Richard H fanner Balbel
Frank Bullock 450 Roy Clayton
32 Malicoat & Baxley Shop 453 Ezra Chofey
171 Ind State Emp Service 36 Thad 'Volford Combs Cafe
Ind Unemployment Service 489 Joseph Simms
44-52 Linton Hdw Co 18!) Chas Criss
Ind Compensation Diy 44% Guy Me-Haley 210-30 New Union Lumber Co 510 Alfred Norris .
175 Roy \V Glenn (plumbing) 540 Mrs \Vinnie HeWItt
Masonic Hall 240 Last Chance Tavern Mrs Thelma Bemis
189 Harris Shoe Store Helen Robinson 315 A A Wilkinson Lmnbel' Co 560
189% Brown's Studio 589 Mrs Minnie Hunt
57 Gem Five and Ten 3R9 'Villie Seen'r Mrs Claudia Clayton
Taylor Brown 57.1,6 Geo Bailey 390 Lewis Cline 609
190 Elks Club 629 Mrs Minnie Bicknell
210 Service Extension Institute 410 Newt Musser Lloyd Clark
Glen H Corlette Laura Nail Beaut~T Shop 490 Bert Seever 689
221 Standard Oil Filling Sta 709 Cal:l Stark
59 Peoples Trust Co 1':10 Harry Green Mrs Belle Nixon
239 Hough ton Butler 60-66 Humphreys-Schloot & Co 5BO Civelo Kirkley 710
240 AI J Aikin & Son 739 Osman Carpenter
69 Boston Store 6]0 Geo Hollowell John Lenning
259 :Marie and Mildred Breck 69% Sam 'Vilkes 669 Linton Ice & Locker Co 760
260 ,Dr LloJ'd Pope Velvet Creamel'~T 769 Geo Gilham
Homer Duke Roslia Krantz
289 Wayne Perkins 1\1rs Mayme Landrum 689 Standal'd on Co 789
290 First Christian Church 809 Ancel Jewell
70 Econom~T Store 690 Carl Spurgeon
309 Conrad Freund 810 Rufus Suthard
Mack Coen & Sons F T Sisk Donald Reynolds
310 'Vm Alexander 73 Vacant Bert Bl'oscheal' 829
339 Ted Smith 870 .Harry Ferguson
73% Church of Latt-er Day Saint of 710 Mrs Anna Cain
340 Talk of the Town Beauty Jesus Christ Mrs Clara Tincher
Dr Haldon BeasleJr
Oakley's Store
A&P Store
Mrs Pearl Wright Grocery
John Belcher
XIXTH (Southeast)
l\Irs Lillie Courtney
77 Maxwell Furn Co 782 ,V B Carlton 79 Carman 1'.Iorris I
78 Motor Finance Co 785 Mrs Glen Bare 80 Chas Smith \
390 Don Smith Greene Co Loan Co Taylors Grocery
Page One Hundred Twenty-two . Page One Hundred Twenty-three
HOOSEVELT 669 Troy Wessell
689 Chas Gabbart
810 \Vaodie Bennett 710 Clyde -Williams A Complete Line of
, 830 Adam Cotter J1' 739 Finis Mitchell
, 839 Mrs Mary J Bennett 759 Carrie Poe POPULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE
840 'Valter Watson 797 \Vm \Yoolsey
· 869
· 890
Claud Perigo
\"m Gallagher
Mrs l\f31'Y \Vebb
Leroy Page
Francis Earles
B F Clark
The GEM 5 S IO
· 909 Vince Porter
910 J Frank Taylor SECOND (Southwest)
939 J G Edwards 69 Rankin Faulk 39 Powell Grocery
940 Mrs Lillian Bough 60 Eugene Ladson 48 J 1\i Holy
953 Melvin Scholl 10Antone CeraI' 70 Jewell Helndon 59 Lane L Baker
960 Robert Young 32Fred Hannum 80 Sam Targett 62 Ellis Plew
990 HaTl';l' MeAtee 40Ervin Villian 89 Chas Morgan 69 Vacant
1009 Ira Herndon \Ym Tincher 129 Mrs Emma DeLong 72 Vacant
10lD \Vm 'Yallace 57 Mrs Edna Robison 132 C P Hummell 79 Ed\\' Struckmeyer
1039 Thos Cox 60 Thaniel Heath 138 Pete Daniels 80 Vacant
1040 Elmer E Tannehill 63 \Yarner Barrett 139 Ross Greene 82 Van Plew
1060 Lem Goodman 70 James Dunn 149 Thos Hall 89 1\Irs Josephine LaVanne
1069 Harley Burrell 73 Joe Scott 168 Geo Barnard Geo Glass
1090 Mrs Miranda Jarrell 86 Rev Isaac B Tucker 169 Albel't Martel' 109 Vacant
1109 1\1rs Jennie Stewart 89 Chas Fritz 176 Mrs Cyrene T~nner 120 Daniel Rice
1110 Arthur Heaton 94 Lewis C Miles 178 Nelson FrederIck 130 Jule Bon·By
1120 John Stanton 169 Frank Jaffre 179 Mrs 3.Iary l\lcAlIister 136 Grovel' Dale
1129 Lowell Mitchell 171 Southern Hotel 180 Oscar Dunning 139 Geo Cunningham
1139 John Corbin 176 Isaac Inman 229 James Velle1' 146 John R ':\iol'gan
1150 Emery Shepherd 210 Volney Perkins 239 Amos Flake 149 Hoyt Niekerson
1160 Claude Fullam 290 J\hs Francis King 310 Chas Duke 154 Sal11 Tuttle
1169 Claude Sylvester 310 S C Roedel' 3nO Leon Fraser 159 Harry Haseman
1189 Leon GOl;10C Thos Fl~'Jln 160 Roy Perigo
Audry Goodson SIXTH (Northeast) 169 Chas Taylor
John Allen 179 Jesse C01'rell
SECOND (Northeast) Mrs Roxie Minks 189 Morton Schl'orer
320 Mrs May Phipps 24 Nat Priest 220 01'val Riggle
190 Claud Poe 340 Mrs Harriett Montgomery 39 Ira Lunll 229 Edwin Yount
360 Jess R Rice 360 Mrs Margaret Ann Small 40 Mrs 11aggie Miller 230 Pete Gl'a,·es
390 Everett Hobbs 49 Mrs Mary E Neal 379 Bert Hester
Robert Conklin 409 August Henry
SECOND (Northwest)
SEVfu~TH (Northeast)
sn Francis Haseman 429 'VaIter Sylvester
160 L C Armantraut ,139 Ora ""right
44 180 Thad Spice ,189 Wm H Johnsen
Kirkham & 'Vest 59 Lloyd Gilligan
140 Hotel Tumey Annex Fred Jel'l"ould 259 509 Earl Johnson
150 60 Roll Hagaman 260 Lawrence Scherer
Mrs Clara Gleason Smith 68 Mrs Mattie Herndon
189 Rex Perkins Theodore Passen 269
69 Sponslor's Grocery 279 Mrs Sarah Tl'indle TENTH (Northeast)
190 H \V Robertson
210 Glen Smith
69b Angus Bowers 289 Earl Bohley
240 Urban Dixon 70 Mrs Mattie Gilham 290 Frank Vest 59 l\1rs Nannie Gillum
270 Rosa Lea Thayer 79 Roy Goodman 319 Lucien Hamner 60 Paul ""aggoner
289 Jas Mitten ~ 250 Bert Ferry 320 Sam ,Bohley 69 Lee Perkins
310 Mrs Lulu Petty 260 Harry Hartman 329 Ed-w J Beckwith 73 Ocie Keller
350 289 John Kennedy 340 Forrest A Hunter
Mrs Dicie ShOllse 290 Joe Fusco • Jerry Clayton
360 John Roach
310 T J Beecher 369 Rae Reed TENTH (Southeast)
390 Leland Fishel' 320 Rev James Kerby
410 John T \Yilson 379
Chas Rhodenbeck 350 Fred C1'3vens 380 J esse Coulter
440 Mrs Mary Collins 59 John French
460 370 L E Young 389 Pilgrims Holiness Church
Harvey Hodges 390 390 John J Rogers
510 Rev M V Foster
Ray Baughman
749 Claude Johnson THmD (Northeast)
540 Herbert Ellett
550 Irvin Reintjes SEVENTH (Southeast) 139 John A B.yers
576 Levi Carpenter SIXTH (Southeast) 140 Apostlic Church
590 Jesse Flack 89 John Maddison 160 Mrs Mildred Fanis
629 'YIll Alkire
649 Job "r Anderson
Mrs Lola 'Yorkman
John \VilSOli
)'11's Mary Johnson
;11rs Lillie Nance
Geo McKim
John Shaffer
Page Orie Hundred Twenty-foUl' Page One Hundred Twenty-fiye
THIRD (North"'est) 69 Chas Hatfield
70 Gilbert Sims
10 Fred Brooks
79 'Vrn Harting A Complete Line of
80 Chas Kemp
40 .Mrs Mary Campbell 89 bITs Louise Freund POPULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE
49 Coral Hinebl'ook 99 Otto Harting
Oral Callahan
Mrs Fannie Stalcup
Lea Love
Jules SUl'll1ont
Clyde Booher
Gw Wall
Job Anderson
M E Lester
The GEM 5 a 10
160 Chas Bray 163 Wm" E Booher
100 John Owens 179 'Van'en Strong 490 M A Ladson
210 Fred Turpin Chris Sarris
180 Victor Cowling 510 Mrs Allie Frye
249 Leo Robertson 188 bil'S Emma Froschke Kramer Hdw . Ervin Tiek
Andrew Gray "Talter 'Vatson plumbtng 589
250 189 Emery Huff 590 Mrs Caroline Humphreys
269 Frank Bump 190 Mrs N H Griffin heating sheet metal -wks Herman Graper
Dr \V H Beasley 609
280 Victor Stone 610 Harvey Fishel'
Roy L -Wright Ferd .Beasley 629 John Heenan
290 John Tonner THIRD (Southwest) Daisy Cigar Co 630 Edward E -Wilson
310 Cam Smith Ritter's Place 659 Earl Ross
340 Louvina l\Iees Herbert Priest BarberShop
660 Calvin E Barnes
360 Sponslel's GroCel'~T 9 Orval Page V{lcant
14 Shellie Shonk 669 Maurice ,,-itty
Mrs Hattie Secrest Craven's Cleaners 680 Mrs Anna" Payne
369 Alyin Loh): 24 Mrs Dolly Suthard -Eagles Hall
27 Kenneth Armstrong 689 Mrs Anna :Murray
390. Millard Fiscus Service Shoe Shop 690 Andrew Miller
439 Leo Lenchesky 30 Vacant Greenway Cafe
37 Mrs Agnes Griffith Robert Stewart
440 Mrs Laura Richmond Democl'atic" Hdql's Orlie Gilligan
459 Mrs Camille Marty 40 Frank Coulter "WPA Office
480 John Lol'iaux 47 Sampson Coulter 710 1\11's Maggie Cudis
Correll Eledric Co J I Fergison
490 Rov Hal'bett 49 Garland Moody GilbreathJs Ins
510 Laic Sharpe 57 Wm Pl;:Utsman 730 Arthur E (Doc) Taylor
Snooker & Pool Parlor Morris Dess
529 Bruce Tate 65 Creel Robison 739
73 Guy McNew
I 0 0 F Hall 750 Carl Roach
530 Thos -Walton Hotel BarberShop
569 Ivan Calvert 89 P R Olinger 760 Miss Verna Moody
Linton Liquor Store 769 Lewis OJBl'ien
579 Dale Sargeant 90 Farm Bureau Hotel Roosevelt
589 John Sargeant 110 Percy Welton 789 Marion Allen
Eureka Chev Used ~rs 790 Roscoe Duke
590 August Fraser 130 John 'Vheeler Heenan Service StatIOn
610 Paul "'alton Homer Walton 809 A R Casey
Linton Public Library
Earl Cross
Emery Maxwell
Everett Kl'istler
Frank Targett "T alter Freund
Vanity Beauty Shop
"rayne Maxwell
Carl Kl'ieble
690 'Wm Smith 157 Glen Hostettler 859 John Reintjes
158 Cad Cole Mrs Ruth Owen 869 Edw G1'8hani
Leo Hert \Velch & Cornett Funeral
710 Chas Boord 160 .Mrs Elizabeth Cox 909 Lemuel Cline
167 Fein Villian Home 910 Herschel "·orkman
730 Mrs Eva Clayton Dr P C Berns
740 Wm Davidson 170 Mrs Carrie Inman 940 Elmer Flinn
180 Ben Cullison Ercel Coen 953 James E Wessell
750 Clyde Perigo Mrs Carrie Froeschke
780 Mrs Martha Bennett 189 John Cox 969 Theodore Ogle
.190 \Vm T Cushing 989 'Vm Kinney
790 Mrs Beulah "Tright Wm Hall Henry K1ink
890 Mrs Jane 'Vall 990 Dr E V Bull
Thos J Holden 1009 Earl M Corbin
939 J 11 Kunkler Store Henry C Freund
990 A H Witty TWELFTH (Northeast) ]010 R 1\i Vincent
First U B Church 1030 Chas L Tubby
Roy Mitchell
Mrs Sarah Pennick 146 Ervin Jackson
G"T Dixon
Julius Cooper
1039 Grovel' French
1140 Noble Cox 180 ITa McDonald 1050 Herschel Headley
Mrs Bennie (wid Matthew) 1053 Frank A Bailey Sr
1160 Pat O'Hern 190 Calvin Miller R J Laughlin
1189 Robert Brown 347 1069 Joe Henko
TWELFTH (Southeast) 359 Miss Bess Barry
1190 Columbus Burnett 180 Herman Kent 1089 Geo Dye
1270 -Walter Padgett .370 Dr Ben Ranev 1090 Geo Morgan
210 Lester Uland 389 Uriah Maxwell
1289 Mrs Lulu Edwards 212 Bland Silvey 1140 Perl Headley
1290 Mrs Naomi Steele 390 Mrs Catherine Froeschke 1160 Maurice Dye
410 ehas Downing 1180 Claude Harris
VINCENNES (East) 420 Steve Stalcup 1190 Percy Myers
THIRD (Southeast) 439 Stell Hobbs
. 440 Miss Verna Jackson VINCENXES (West)
15-19 G C Murphy Co ·460 A C 'Villiams 10 Cozy Comer
50 Bertha Schloot 20 Geo Secrest BarberShop Donald MaA-well Bert Johnson
60 James Sage 469
24 Ideal Barber Shop Mrs Lou Fleetwood 20 Inman & Usrey Cafe
Page One Hundred Twenty-six P age One
" Hundred
"' Twenty-seven

1 '<,
~t. ileter'% <!Catijolic ([burcb
ural Route Directory
Fourth and E Sts .. N .E. Linton, Indiana
Redory Telephone 278W Convent Phone 278J
24 F Fortune Jeweler 129
Fl'.yes' BarberShop
Ohve E Cook alteration and
Church of God
Ray Singer
Roll Hannum
Rural Route No.1
dressmaking 189 Linton Milk Co Bedwell, Chas
29* Paul Shepherd atty 190 Mack Tyler \Valter (Marie)
Jas B Bedwell, 'Vilma
D ·W McIntosh atty 210 Mrs Cl~l'a Alexander Beckwith, G D (Lilly)
Peter Brawand JP LRwl'ence Cunningham o,,,vu,Jas C (Pansy)
Beckwith, H C
Prudential Ins Co 248 1\1rs Se~ma Heuring .Beckwith, Eva
Beasley & Beasley attys 260 Mrs Ehzabeth Ann Vaughn Beckwith, Lena
32 T P Lam Grocery 269 Clyde Burch Beckwith, James (Lessie)
34 Baxley & 'Vood\\'ard Barber 280 Max Hixson Beasley, Orval (Madge)
Shop 290 James N Nelson Beasley I 'Villiam
39 'Vestern Union Telegraph Co 389 Mrs Clara Geatches Borden, Ruth
40% Linton Summit Coal. Co 390 Geo Hedrick Brannon, Roy (Maude)
Chas Burnett 'Vm Lu(!as Brannon, Emma
Edith Tannehill 410 HalT~' Smith Brannon, Homer
42-44 New Home Ful'll Co Brannon, \Vayne
46 Powell Motor Sales TERHUNE ADDITION Brannon, Mora
49 :Mac~ Tyler plumbing and R \V Hensley Brannon, Donald
heatmg Clifford Lvnch Bogard, Milton
4!H~ Linton Bowling Alleys Logan Go~dman Bogard, Pauline
60 Powell Motor Sales . ;Homer (Mary)
Ollie Goodson Sophemia Bogard, Retta
60 lA~ K of P Hall Martin Schubla Bogard, Sue Ann
Recreation Hall Chas (Anna)
Emery Miller Barbara J Burks, Floyd
64 Johnson Tire Service Jack Frankenfield Burks, Mary
80 Schlosser Bros Cream Sta Jean Ginnicks
Hi;;;;,:>11:, Horace (Bessie) BelImay, Mosy .
89 D-X Station Horace Jr Bellmay, Mrs. Norman
Clay Hattoll elin t (Alice)
90 Sam Giuffre Comm Agt Ceo Goodson Cunningham, Pansy
102 Chas S Peny Feed Store Elmer Booker Harold (E\'a) Campbell, Delphia
"ralter Alsman Carpenter, Perry (Nettie)
109-111 Lint.on Motor Sales Jack Kirby tiowe,." Mat (Nina) Carpenter, Gail
110 Joel White Howard Brown 15o\\,e',." Willis Carpenter, Paul
Roy (Francis) Carpenter, Leon
Mrs Florence Ca1'pentel', Irvin (Coyula)
Ralph Carpenter, Loren
'K,'m'c" Carl R (Lillian) Clayton, l\ITS Mary L
Audrev Cook~ey, Victor (Fannie)
HalTY' Cooksey, Emil

AX & FRY Miss Mildred

1\1i8s Marie
. Breck, Geo
Breck, Miss Anna
Cooksey, Janles
Cookse~:, Paul
Corbin, Elsworth (Lela)
Corbin, Lloyd
Corbin, Paul
Groceries and Meats Bland, J H (Elizabeth)
Bredeweg, 'V D (Effie)
Cromwell, Geo (Ina)
Cromwell, Don
Bredeweg, Harry Cromwell, Harold
Phone 85 Phone 91 Bl'edeweg, Alice
Bredeweg, Mary Janet
Coker, Mrs Lula
Chaney, Sam (Laura)
BOl'iff, Alvin (Reva) Chaney, :Miss Madge
.Bed\vell, L D (Alice) Chane~r, Earl
BOl'iff, Ruby Chaney, Norma
Bovenschen, V{m Cole, -Mulford
Bedwell, Elmer (Nettie)
Bedwell, Bartlett (Mary) Cole, Mrs Edith
Page One Huudred Twenty-nine
Page One Hundred ~enty-ejght
:\; ~
.~~ i-

" f
.,-,.. "VA, '---'U''-'.L

Newkirk's Funeral Home 1\1rs B

Kirby, Miss Gracie
Kirkman, Jno H
Kirkman, Helen .
OUR TDEAL---A Community Service of Quality at the Lowest Eugene Knox, John (CynthIa) .
Possible Cost. "Ask Those "'hom 'Ve Serve" Lloyd (Lena) Kendall, Vel'lin (Maggie)
\Vnl (Maggie) Kendall, Edgar
Pleasantville, Indiana Kendall, Nina " "
II L (Mildred) Kramer W J (LlzzIe)
Chas N (Edna) Kramer: Doris
Clark, Ernest Figg, James C (Edith) Kramer, :Hazel .
Clark, 01a Lula
Figg, Jas H Jr Janie Kramer 1\11'S SophIa
Clar~, Betty Graves, Mrs Edna Kramer: Bert. (Yiolet)
Carl'lea, Olaf 'Vm Kramer, MorriS
Gl"aVeS, Lillian Martha
Collins, Miss Mary A Graves, Norbert Mildred Kramer, Don
Counterman, Otha Gl"aYes, James (Stella) Kl'3mer, David "
Centers, Stanley (Laura) Gilligan, Curtis (Loyce) Kramer, Mrs BeSSIe (H D)
Centers, Myrtle Gilligan,- Berniece Kramer, August
Carrico, Horace Goodman, Robert Kramer, Rex
Carrico, Clayton Goodman, Nora Kl'amer, F A (Xellie)
Clark, John (-Bessie) Goodman, Kenneth (Pearl) Kramer, Clifford
Corbin, W A (Mary) Heaton, Curt (Laura) Kramer, Carl H (Anna)
Corbin, Arthur Heaton, D Kramer, Howard
Corbin, Sheldon Heaton, Anna Kramer, Helen
Corbin, Ruth Heaton, Emmitt (Nettie) Kramer, Louis "
Corbin, Roy Heaton, Lester (Grace) Kramer, \V D (BeSSIe)
Corb:n, Garrett Heaton, O\'id Kramer, Ruth
Corbin, Armstead Heaton, Maurice Kramer, Madelin
Carpenter, Levi (Maud) Heaton, Adele Kramer, Kenneth
Chafey, Frank L (lsabel1e) Hoffiditz, Rex (Merle) Kramer, H A (Florence)
Chaft,y, Chas Hoffl'ditz, Harold Kramer, Mary
Chafey, Letha Hoffiditz, Leonard (Ella) Kramer, Dortha
Clark, Ernest (Ola Haywood, Fl'ank (Ellen) Kramer, Robert
Clark, Lettie Haywood, Mrs Laura Kramer, Chas
Dawson, Mrs Delphia Ha~.rwood, Mrs J H Harry (Verna) Kramer, Oscar (Ruth)
Davis, Ben (Selina) ,.,.,,,,~,., Oletha Laughlin, Dayid (JulJa)
Hinebl'ook, H M (Phoeba)
Dove, Chas (Maude) H!mebrook, Mary \Yilliam Elbert Lanny, Jas H (Leona)
Dugger, ~Irs Martha H1mebrook, Bertha Mrs Juanita Lanny, 'Willard
Duffel', C H Rimebrook, Martha Lanny, Lorene
Davis, Lee (Mi1lie) Joan K .. )
Rimebrook, Carl Herschel (Virgllua Lanny, Edward
Elgan, Emmett (Ethel) Hirth, M1'8 Dora Cora Alice Lanny, Bert
Elkins, Chas Hirth, Mildred Phvliss Lanny, Paul
Elkins, Mandie
Elkins, :M ildl'ed
Hirth, Gwendolen Mai'gal'et Lawson, G, pEnnie) ,V
Hirth, Llo:...d Sam Lawson, VIOlet
Eager, Millard (Belle) Hobbs, James (Lda) (Harriett) Lawson, Beuford
Eager, Margaret Hobbs, Everett Lawson, Gib (Estella)
Eager, Pearl Vivian
Hobbs, Louis"e Marie Love, 1\1rs Len A
Eager, Hazel Hobbs, Lois Love, James D
Eager, Mary Inman, Glenn
Hobbs, Lewis "Inman, Noah (Otha) Love, Chas
Eager, Bonnie Hanson, Ric:hard Love, Paul
Eager, Jack Jackson, Gale (Edna)
Ranson, Donald Jordon, Rilla Larson, Ruth
Edwards, Amos (Vera) Hanson, Chas Johnson, Yen (Nellie) Lucas. Elmer (Yiola)
Edwards, Ralph Hanson, \Vinfred Lucas, Howard (Elva)
Edwards, Chas Johnson, Harold
Hunter, Frank (Burl) Jackson, Robert Lucas, Lloy1,(Garnet)
Edwards, Donald
Fullum, Ed
Hunter, Reuben Jones, L p; (Lizzie) Lucas, Virglma
Hunter, Kathryn Jones, MIldred Lucas. Rosalie
Fullam, Ora Hunter, Chas (Althea) Lucas, Elma
Jones, Harold
Fullam, "'m
Fullam, Homer
Hunter, John '" Klink, Ina Lucas, 'V
0 (Mary)
Hartley, John E (Eva) Klink, Stanley (Anna) Lucas, Clarenee (Lena)
Fensen, Agnes Hartley. Laurence C Lucas. "Tilliam
Fiscus, M L (Mollie) Klink, Douglas
HuI1, Lewis M (Mary) Khlia Kenneth (Bertha) Lucas, Raymond
Fiscus, Marie Hull, \Villis " Lucas, Margie
Knox: Clarence (Edith)
Fry, "'m H Hull, Esther Lucas, Rosalie
Fields, Francis Knox, Arthur
HuB, Leonard Knox, Betty" Su Lucas, Samuel
Page One Hundred Thirty Page One Hundred Thirty-one
Oscar (Vandellea) Sash, 'Val'l'en
Raymond (Sallie) Stl'ietehneicl', Carl (Hattie)

Klusmeier's Cafe Eugene

?a,j{!"tt. Roscoe (Marjorie)
Strietelmeier, Carl
Stl'ietelmeier, H C
Strietelmeier, F H (Lina)
Just Good Food Alpha (Pauline) Strietelmeier, Elmer
Ernest Strietelmeier, Melvin
56 N.E. A ST. PHONE 47 Ruth Stl'ietelmeier, Lizzie
Helen Shaffer, J H
Harold Stark, Longa (Emma)
Clarence (Velma) Stark, Dawn
Lucas, Robert Mellick, Jessie Albert (Anita) Stark, Ruth
Larr, Gea (Techla) Mellick, Amy (Emma) Stal'k, Chas
Lan, Ovid Mellick, David Sam (Nellie) Skelly, Dan (Allis)
Larr, Thea Marquart, Elsie P"rlm,tJ. Lula Skelly, Robert
Lynch, Cline (Dosie) l\Ial'quart,- Ervin Clarence Strietelmeicr, F C
Lynch, 'Villal'd Marquart, Gideon Ralph Strietelmeier, Louise
Lynch, Elzie Marquart, Doris Elizabeth Stdetelmeier, Minnie
Lynch, Cletus Marquart, June Steep, Dora
Lynch, Dorothy Marquart, Chas Steep, Carl
Lutes, 'Vayne McCartor, John Steep, James
Lehman, Paris (Clara) Miller, Chas R Steep, Mrs "·i1da
Lehman, Ollie Miller, Harry H (Edith) \Vill Slamp, Louise
Lehman, Bonnie Miller, LloYd Cecil Sherborn, Murl
Lehman, Junior Miller, Helen \Villiam Sherborn, Mrs. :'\1abel
Lehmali, Chloe L (Evaline) lHiller, Herbert Harold Spice, Ray
McBride, Homer (Hazel) Nolting, Joe (Ide) Wayne Swaby, M}'s Mollie
Martin, John (Maude) Nolting, Harold Fred J (Golda) S",:aby, Joe
Martin, John D Nolting, Cordelia Rishel', Gertrude Swaby, Esther
Martindale, Frank (Luella) Nolting, Dorothv - Risher, Hazel Swaby, Wilbur
Martindale, Estal Nolting, Richard Rishel', Rosemary Swaby, Geo (Mattie)
Martindale, Ervin (Opal) Nolting, George (Sophia) Rowe, Obie (Dorothy) Swaby, Fl'3ucis
Martindale, Ralph Nolting, Catherine Rishel', Sam (Nancy) Swaby, Fl'3nk (Stella)
l\Iicheal, Ernest (Gertrude) Nolting, Alice Rishel', Loretta Swaby, Clifton
l\ficheal, Fred Nolting, Ruth Riley, Thea (Lou) Swab~', Chester
Micheal, Paul Nolting, Alburtus Rose, Edson (Bertha) Swaby, Paul (Tressa)
MicheaI, L N Nolting, Everett Rose, Mary Swaby, Virginia
Martin, "rayne (Ruth) Nolting, Fred (Mamie) Rose, Raymond Swaby, Eal'l (Bernice)
Mears, John (Elva) Nolting, Ernest Rose, David Swab~', Earl Junior
Mears, Lawrence Nolting, Mrs Lovena Rader, Wm E (Beulah) Swaby, Lester (Anna)
Mears, Dessie Nolting, Patricia Rader, Dolores Swaby, Audie (Ruth)
Mears, Delbert Norris, Robert Radel', Norman Sullivan, Mrs Bertha
Mears, Ruby Norris, Mrs J T Rader, Lenora Sullivan, John
McKee, Bart (Rehba) Norris, 1\11'S Lorena Rader, Carolyn Sullivan, Betty
McEee, Gal';~r Parks, Chester (Eva) Robbins, Robert Sullivan, Bob .
McDonald, Robert Pergal, Elmer (Edna) Roberts, Richard J Sullivan, Hazel
McDonald, Lester (Violet) Pergal, Sallie Sanders, John (Annie) Sullivan, Ora
McDonald, John (Florence) Perigo, Clyde (Lessie) Sargent, Donald (Bertha) Sullivan, Roy
l\icDonald, Harry Parrott, Mrs R L Sargent, Arnold Sullivan, Clovis
Martin, Roselle Plano, Victor Sargent, Mary E Sullivan, Harold
Myers, James 1\1 Powell, Jake Jr (ZelIa) Shonk, Don (Hettie) Se),."tol1, l\Irs ,,~ H
Moore, Belle Powell, Harold Shonk, Glenn Sexton, Lula
Moehlman, Mrs Tillie Powell, Norma Smith, Robt (Lissie) Sexton, Morgan
May, HarJey (Zella) Powell, \V H (Emma) Smith, Bobby Sexton, Howard
l\fa~l, Van Pov'lell, Lester Smith, Faye (Clara) Squires, Dell (Jane)
May, Victor Powell, Esther Smith, Claudia Squires, Tdxa
May, Loren Peoples, Carl (Madonna) Smith, Ruth Sullivan, Orville (Minne)
May, Cole Peoples, Ben (Grace) Smith, "'alter Sullivan, J ema
May, Dale Powell, Lorenzo (Charlotta) Smith, Lee Shelton, Ernest (Laura)
Ma~!l, Kenneth Powell, Rav Smith, F C (Sarah) Shelton, Forrest
May, Dorothy Powell, :r..hirl Stevens, J H (Bessie) Shelton, Glenn
May, Virgil Pirtle, Trent Stevens, Elsie Stafford, Mrs Abbie
Miller, Fannie Plew, Poll v Stevens, 01'3 (Emma) Smith, Bessie
AleIlick, Lowrey (Etha) Pope, Russell (Grace) Stevens, Ralph Stevens, Lea
l\IeIliek, Audre;' Pope, '''allace Stevens, Ruth Stevens, Cla}'ence (Ruth)
Page One Hundred Thirty-two Page One Hundred Thirty-three
\\'eaver, Esther Burch, Della
Stevens, Arthur Burch, Ray
Stevens, Betty 'Veaver, Floyd Burch, Paul
Stevens, May "reaver, Martha Burch, Herbert
Stevens, Lena \Veaver, Betty Marguerite Burch, Helen
Taylor, Frank (Virginia) "Wright, Mrs Beulah Violet Burch, Cletus
Taylor, J D (Elsie) 'Vright, Clyde Ruby Ballks, Darwin (Irene)
Taylor, Marie " "'right, Margaret \Vilbur (Margaret) Baize, Nancy B
Taylor, Lloyd (Lelia) 'Vright, Geo Chas R (Ida) Baize, Dorothy
Taylor, Joy White, \Vm (Artis) Tressa Baize, Estel
Taylor, Lila .Lea \Val1ingford, Ralph (Orlie) Billy Joe Baize Leiman
Taylor, MarIlyn 'Yallingford, Vada Myrtle Bone, James
Taylor, Louanna "Wallingford, Veda Baize, Leslie (Dora)
Taylor, John "'aUen, James (Bonnie) BaiJey, Curt (Lucille)
Taylor, Elmer E "Wallen, Joan Dan Bailey, Abe (Lillian)
Taylor, Linda 'Vest, John (Dorotha) Etta BaiJey, \Yoodl'oW
Taylor, William 'Vest, Jimmie Frank Bailey, Hubert
Taylor, Ed \Vest, Buddie Marie BaiJey, Nellie
Tincher, Tl·OY" (Delphia) 'Vorkman, Jack (Fern) Roland Borley, Jules
Terhune, Dean (Olive) \Vorkman, Chas l\I Al'l'ealus Beal, Chas (MyrUe)
'rerhune, Betty 'Vhite, Ed (Emma) iellamy, Fred (Golda) Beal t Sadie
Terhune, Garnett 'Yhite, Margaret Geo (Conza) Burriss, Lonval (Lora)
Terhune, Marie "'iJoughby, Frank (Lettie) Nancv Beaty, Groyer (Mamie)
Terhune, Dale \Villoughby, Harry 'arllaro. Everett
'Yilloughb~r, Leonard
Blume, John (Agnes)
Tendick, Dietz
Thompson, Eli (Mattie) "rilloughby, Wenda II ~~.::~:::::1:
Bedwell, Kidd (Bertha)
Burch, Elmer (Lola)
Thompson, Ralph "Willoughby, Robert
"Winters, 'Y C (Elizabeth) Burch, Leland
Templeton, Elmer (Gertie) John Burch, Delema
Templeton, Harold "'inters, Pearl Harry
"'inters, John (Eula) Blume, John (Leana)
Trueblood, 'Vilson (Maggie) RoseiIa Blume, Newton
Tolen, Lel'o~~ \Yinters, Flo Bella Alberta
"Tinters, J C (Blanche) Blume, Alvin
Tolen, Frank Frank
Tolen, Robert \Vinters t June Blume, Nancie
Alma Bennett, Henry pIar),)
Tolen, Mary '''inters, Rex (Ne1le) Addis (Alplla)
Tolen, Anna "rinters, Sammy Bennett, Aver~' (Catherine)
'Winters, Don Carl Bedwell, Hurley (Josie)
Tolen, Barbara Maxine
Tolen, Linda \Vollom, Kenneth (Rosa) Bedwell, Loren
(Pearl) BedweU, L-owell
Tolen, Lena 'Yollom, Robert R Grace
Terhune, Henry (Florence) \Valraven, Mrs Ollie Beck, Elmer (Katie)
Bert Beck, "Talter
Thomas, Ora '''alraven Mrs Cvnthia Andra
Thomas, Ewita 'Yalraven: Millard Beck, Joe
Lula Beck, Hollie
Thomas, Ora 'Yall'aven, 'Ym (Annie) Monzell
Thomas, Metta Beck, Martha
'Yolf, Roscoe (Pauline) Paul Beck, Jo Ellen
Thomas, Hazel 'Vilson, Ollie
Thomas, Thelma Lester Bedwel1, John
Usrey, Preston (Pet) \Yaggoner, Voris (Bessie) BOlve,·s. Cal (Martha) Beck, Marion (Marie)
Vaughn, Sam (Orah) "Waggoner, Dona 'Bledns. Audie T (Marcella) Beck, Lenora
VangiJ, Lymen .BJ,evens. John Beck, Ralph
YOUQg, James (Emma) Joan Bridlow, Joe E (Dorothy)
"Weaver, John (l\Iiller) Yagle, Bill (Beatrice) Coal Co Brown, John "r (Nannie)
'Yeaver, Edith Yagle, Ernest Lee Brown, Chester
(Minnie) Brown, Ruth

Rural Route No. 2 Lorene

Bennett, Ermel
Bake"!', Leroy (Frances)
Beck, Ray (Bessie)
Beck, Bruce
"Bedwell, Cleve (Maud)
Allen, A S (Mamie) Allen, Edna Baker, Gilbert Barnard, Chas (Jaunice)
Allen, Mildred Ashcraft, Ferman (Mary) Burnett, Columbus Barnard, Harold
Allen, Bruce Baughman, Earl (Lizzie) BOl'iff, Ira
Angleton, '" (Fannie) Baughman, Billy
Allen, Fred Alsop, Everett (Lucretia) Brogan, Mrs Susan
Alderson, Thos (Velma) Allen; Elma (Irene) Burroughs, Richal'd (Orlie) Brogan, Maud
Alderson, Herbert Allen, "Winston Burroughs, Floyd Brogan, Manr
Alderson, Nellie Allen, Loren Bellamy, Grant. (Amelia) Brogan, Margaret ;" ,
Alderson, Bobbie AJ1en, Norwood Baize, Leonard (Grace) Bryant, Chas (Iva) . '·1
Alderson, Martha Ann Allen, Roslin Burch, General (Lizzie) Bryant, "TaIteI' \;,
Allen, Matt (Jennie) Allen, Doris -,-, i
Allen, Bart Burch, Harry Bryant, Dwight
Aldeson, Herbert (NeUie)
Page One Hundred Thirty-five
Page One Hundred Thirty-four
Fraser, May
"Bryant, Marion Chrisley, Harry Fraser, Leon
Bryant, Phyllis Coulomb, Marcelle Fields, J L (Gladys)
Browning, Frank (Corrine) Currans, "Tm (Nina) Fields, Lex
Browning, Avery Calzia, Lawrence (Bertha) Franklin, Mary
Browning, Millie Colbert, Ed M (Sophia) Ferrand, Louie
Bledsoe, Lema (Edna) Colbert, 1\~arie Fredrick, 'Vm (Ova)
Bledsoe, Eugene Colbert, Dewey Forbes, L S (Ella)
Bledsoe, James Colbert, Ray Fredrick, Emerson (Francis)
Bledsoe, Paul Colbert, Clint Faucett, Jennie
Bledsoe,01(alph Carlisle, James (Mildred) Fitzpatrick, Owen (Ethel)
Boyles, "'V H (Cora) Cal'liele, "Moda " Fitzpatrick, Max
Boyles, Burl Carlisle, Norwood Fitzpatrick, Ray
Boyles, Ray Comb, Anna Fitzpatrick, Belt
Beaty, Sterling (Agatha) Cunningham, Joe (Dora) Fredrick, Ras (Sadi~)
Benefield, Dale Cunningham, May Fredrick, Hobert
Blevans, Ray (Francis) Cunningham, Joseph "(Sarah) Fry, "'m (Dollie)
Bryant, Rufus (l\Iary) "Cunningham, Dallas Fry Earl
Bryant, Richard Cunningham, Lawrence Fr;'; \Villard
Bryant, Wilma Cullison, 'Ym E (Leona) Fry, Ollie
Bryant, Sherman Cullison, Everett Fl"y, Millard
Bryant, Ray Cullison, Virginia Fauvel'que, Julia
Bryant, David Cullison, Lois Ferguson, Dora
Barnard, Everett (Roxie) Carrico, 'Vhit (Florence) Ferguson, Martha
Barnard, Russell Carrico, Herschel Frankenfield, Hazel
Barnard, Everett Jr Cleveland, James (Maud) Frankenfield, Dean
Bledsoe, Eugene (Margaret) Cooksey, 'Valter (Lola) Frankenfield, Jack
Bedwell, Robert Cooksey, Rosalin Fines, Robert
Brown, Dewey (Nellie) Cooksey, Arthur Fines, Yanda
Branscom, Chas Cooksey, Medford Fines, Iris j

Brown, Rebecca Carpenter, Joe Fines, Deward

Branson, Sanford (Sarah) Carpenter, Frank Fordyce, \V111
Bakel', Frank (Alma) Carpenter, Ruth Fordyce Dorothy
Cuvelier, Desire (Minnie) Carpenter, Dale Goodilla:l, Hallie (Fay)
Cuvelier, Geneva Craig, Eugene Goodman, Naoma
Carr, W (Martha) Rnochs. Ray (Ella) Genestet, Alfonza CMary)
Cuvelier, Evelyn Enochs, Elisha (Bessie)
'Cuvelier, Vern Carr, Bert Genestet, Geo
Carl', Curt Ellis, Homer (Laura) Geatches, Frank (Mary)
Cuvelier, Bett:~/ Ellis, Cecil "
Cuvelier, William l\I CalT, Joann Geatches, Donald
Carl', Naoma ,Ellis, Oscar (Elva) Goodson, Geo
Cook, Billy Jean Ellis, Dora
Cain, Josie Carl', Henrietta Goodson, \\Tillard
Cooksey, Bernard (I\fade) "Ellis, \Valter S (Nellie) Gennicks, Elza (Xannie)
Cole, Geo L (Goldie) Ellis, Annabell
Cole, Linda Craft, ,Vm (Anna) Gennicks, Gene
Chresenberg, Minnie Ellis, Covertt Goodson, Zack (Stena)
Cole, Ruth Evans, Catherine
Cole, Martha Christenberry, Chas Goodson, Mary
Cox, Floyd (Myrtle) Elkins, \Vm (Minnie) Goodson, Ollie
Cole, Harold Elkins, Robert (Lula)
Combs, Matilda Cox, John <
Goodson, G 1\1 (Bessie)
Cox, Thelma Elkins, Bobbie Goodson, Ida
Combs, Geo Elkins," Geneva
Combs, John Cox, Helen Goodson, Audrey
Cox, Vernon E!kins, Paul Goodson, Percy (Goldia)
Combs, Violet Firdherbe, Herman (Viola)
Combs, HalTY COUl'ta, Jules (Elizabeth) Goodson, Richard Lee
Courta, Ralph Franklin, Lottie Graham, Roscoe (Flora)
Combs, Chas (lona) Franklin, Elmer
Combs, Joe Courta, Alph Ginestet, Joe R (Marie)
COUl'ta, Mable Frnnklin, Kenneth Green, A E
Combs, Yera Franklin, \\Tm A (Virginia)
Combs, Bonna Core, Eugene Gambill, Everett (Mar:r)
Coppins, \V111 Fields, Geo (Emma) Gambill, Harold
Cox, Floyd Fields, porter
Cox, Myrtle Comer, Lee (G1'3ce) Gambill, Lee
Comer, John Fields, Maxine Gambill, \Vm
Cox, John Fields, Mary
Cox, Thelma Comer, Earline Gambill, Emma
Chafey, Ray Franklin, Sarah Gambill, \Vilma
Cox, Helen Franklin, Everett
Cox, Vernon Crawl, Odes (Verla) Gambill, Phyllis
Duffroy, Leon (Nellie) Fraser, Cyprien (Josephine) Groye, Ruby
Calvert, I N (Inez) Fraser, August
Crecelius, Ernest Duffroy, Helen Gra~', Virgil (Jessie)
Duffroy, Maurice Fraser, George
Ce1'a1', John (Gertie) Grosjean, Joe (Amelia)
Chrisle,.. Chas (Alpha) Duffroy, Virginia Fraser, Rose
"Page One Hundred Thirty-seven
Page One Hundred Thirty-six
Grosjean, Emile Goodman, Ol1ie {Georgia} Sam (Belle) Johnson, Thul'sto)l.
Gabbard, Noble Goodman, Naomi Elijah (Nora) Jerrells, Ray
Gabbard, Earl (Neva) Goodman, 'Vm P (Dessie) Glen Jackson, Imogene
Gabbard, Commodore (CoraIee) Goodman, Harley Harry (Mar}') Jackson, Catherine
Gabbard, -Lillian Goodman, Coral (Adrian) Jackson, Jessie
Gabbard, Fred (Opal) Goodman, Ruby Jackson, Josephine
Gabbard, Ruth Gilstrap, Ray (Marie) (Hazel) Jackson, }'Ial'~T
Geatches, John (Clara) Humble, Lucien (Ernestine) RaLY1110l:,d (Verna) Jackson, Elberta
Geatches, Mildred Haffley, James (Anna) Jackson, James
Geatehes, 'Vayne Hafney, Virginia Jackson, Lucille
Goodman~ollie Harris, Kenneth Jerrell, Frank (La\Terlle)
Goodman, ~m (Anna) Hensley~ Ralph .Jones, Alfred (Hazel)
Grounds, W E (Gladys) Hester,- Bert "(Rose) Jackson, Lorena
GiUigan, Ola (Nellie) Hainout, Avent (Nellie) Jewell, John
Goodman, Cleve (Helen) Hainout, Oli\'e Jolley, G N (Lizzie)
Goodman, Edgar (Pearl) Hackler, La ura Johnson, )1e1'1'el
Goodman, Deloris Hilligas, Edw Kirkley, -Wol (Gertrude)
Goodman, 'V H (Tressa) Hilligas, Pearl Kirkley, Dorothy
Goodman, Marion (Eva) Hatton, Clay (Geneva) Knowles, Lewis
Goodman, Ophelia 'Hatton, Clifford Floyd Knowles, Everett pfarr)
Goodman, Edith Hatton, Marion Orval (May) Knowles, Leo
Goodman, Mildred Hatton, Edward .H"nlev, Cleve (Juanita) Knowles, Raymond
Goodman, Pressley (Mattie) Holder, James (8amh) lia.uso;!n, Arthur (~!ary) Kevs Oliver H f Audrf.':")
Goodman, Huddie Holder, Ernest 1Vm Kei-l\\:orthy, Dewey
Goodman, Verna Holder Norman Kirb}', K T 0larr)

Goodman, JO~'ce Holder: Ethel Jennie Kirby Eric
Glenn, Cecil (Dorothy) Holder, Marietta Paul
Kirb~/ )felvin
Goodman, Melvin Holder, R-aymond Martha Kirby, Kenneth
Goodman, James Hobbs, Ellen Heitman, Margaret Landis, Ruby
Goodman, Alfred Hobbs, Leverett Lechien, Adolph (Lou)
Heitman, 'Vm Leehien, Al'thur
Goodman, Virgil Heacox, Lucilla Hudson, ChJls
Goodman, Frank (Mary) Hofert, Earl (Lelm) Lechien, Leon
Hudson, Hubert Land, ClaUd
Gocdman, Edwin (Jennie) Hofert, Dorothy Hudson, Denise
Goodman, Hal'old Rofert, Hazel Lester, John (Emma)
Hill, Ernest Lester, Thomas
Goodman, Everett Headley, James (Mal'Y) Houchin, \Vm (Bessie)
Goodman, Meredith Headley, Murl Lester, Hem'v (S:u3h)
Hercby, August (Jennie) Lynch. Barney ISylda)
Goodman, John L (Fay) Headley, Arlo : Hatton, James (May)
Goodman, Fern Haseman, Geo (AlmiJon) Lynch, Hubert
Hughes, John (Dasha) r.."neh, Herbert
Goodman, Bett~r Haseman, Paul Hughes, Ray
Good, Ida Haseman, James (Ethel) L\'nch, ~oah (Fern)
Hughes, Lee L)'nch, Cliffol'd
Good, Virgil (Ruby) Haseman, Thelma Hughes, Betty
Good, Frank (Sarah) Haseman, Otto (Anna) L:'mch, Claud
Heaton, Darrell (Margaret) L\'neh Eva
Goodman, Flem (Effie) Humphreys, James W Homan, Onnie
Goodman, Geo '" Haseman, J D L)'neh: Wilford
Hall, Hel'man (Doris) Luxton, Albert
Goodman, Martin (Lena) Huber, 'VaUace Hale, Hugh
Goodman, Dessie Lemmons, Geo (Xona)
Huber, H H ,Hobbs, Curt (Norma)
Goodman, Logan (Emma) Huber, Marie ,Lemmons, Helena
Hudson, Kinn Lemmons, Esther
Goodman, Theodore (Edith) Holscher, Edw Hudson, Geo
Goodman, Jessie .,- Lemmons, Rose
Holscher, Martin (Nettie) Hoops, Earl Love, H31'l'Y
Goodman, Dorothy Haseman, Howard (Jessie) Hudson, Ray (Goldia)
Gillmore, Earl (Elsie) Love, Robert
Hel'l'ington, Olive Hudson, Geneva Love, David
Gillmore, Opal Hie, Adolph (Jennie) Hudson, J03n
Glenn, Hestle (Laura) Lucas, James (Flossie)
Hie, Lucien Hall, Van (Freda) Lucas, John
Gilligan, Ralph (Alice) Hamlin, J N (Minnie) HaU, Robert
Gi1ligan, Geneva
Gilligan, Thelma
Hamlin, Nellie
Hamlin, "rayne Isom,' 'Ill
1som, IPhillip
Lucas, Tressa
Lynn, Roward (Lucille)
Long, Holland
Gilligan, Myrtle
Gi1ligan, Audrey
Hamlin, Leona
Hagerman, Mil1ard (Ruth)
'Isom, Lester
. Inman, Cecil (HeIda)
Linn, "r
Linn, Elmer
GilJigan, Rosemary Hagerman, Hattie . Jackson, .Ervin (Audrey) Lockhart, DoVa (lIm'y)
Gilham, Claude (Pansy) Hamilton, Milt (Mary) Jackson, Chester Lockhart, Rosa
Gilham, Barbara HamiltQn, Everett Jerrells, Luther pfary) Lockhart, Leonard
Garnoc, John (Adrian) Hamilton, Miss Nellie Johnson, Chas \V (Ollie) Lac~~, Flo}'d (Pearl)
Gi1lispie, Geo (Dorothy) Hamilton, Jasper 'Johnson, W E (Edith) Lacy, Jewel
Goodman, David nVilma) Hopkins, -Wm (Beatrice) Johnson, Earl Lacy, Lois
Page One Hundred Thirty-eight Page One Hundred Thirty-nine
Ladson, Okie (Mildred) Monier, Rose Phillipps, W R J.\rminta)
Lind, ehas (Myrtle) l\Iowery, Everett (Icy) Peel man, Russell (Alma)
Lind, ·:Margal'et :Moore, Jas W OoIarcella) Peelman, Paul
lLovelace, Gerald )Iool'e, l1ildl'ed Peelman, Phyllis
Ladson, E H (Flora) l\loore, Beulah ,Parks, Ray (Helen)
Lechien, Emile (Wanetta) ·Moore, \Yendall ';~:~:;;: ")Iar,'.'
Betty Phillippe, Kenneth
Lawyer, Chas Mathera, Guy ~] 'Poe, Evelyn
Lawyer, Clovis ':l\iartin, Frank (Emma) Steve (Virginia) Roach, 'Yilfred (Blanche)
Lehman, Margaret l\furdock, Dave (l\Iary) Oliver ("):1ary) Rice, Don (Emma)
·Maria, Helen :lIURDOCK, Geo '~Vlal'ie Rice, Francis
McGhee, "Tm )'lo1'l'ison, Burl Perkins, W L (Ada) Richardson, Tom (lIal'thena)
,Mills, Dorothy )'forrison, Elina Harold Roda, Frank (Elizabeth)
Mills, Mrs Jack :'Iol'l'ison, Bernard Pp,'''n,. Ted Roda, Marie
:\Ionier, Celeva )'10r1'ison, Leta Rex Roda, ,Louise
, i~:~!:~i': ·Lulia
Monier, Eugene ')'lorrison, .:\Iildred Roda, Antone
:l\fonier, Rose )'loriord, ILon (Rosa) Clarence Robertson, Claud (Stella)
niooney, Pat (Margaret) :\Iorford, Lora . Rolka Royce, Clarence OIary)
Miller, Antone "'IorioI'd, Ben Pa<j~"tt,
Elizabeth Royce, ,).iaud
:.\Iyers, Herb (Gladys) )'fay, Ralph (Geneya) Leroy Richard, Hallie (Doroth~T)
:.\fyel's, Donny :\Iay, Vh'ginia Padgett, Laucene !lichard, Colonel D1argaret)
:l\Iyers, Betty 1\fay, Betty c Palmer, Charlotte Richard, Guy (Elba)
Millon, Antone lIusser, ,W E (Bertha) Palmer, Barlow Rooksbel'l'Y, Henry (Pansy)
:l\iiller, Adam (Lena) :MiIler, Pearl . Palmer, Lottie R:chard, Abner (Bntha)
:'Ifillel', Ervin )'liller, Alice Poe, .Toe (Donna) Reed, Arthur (Hannah)
l\IilIel', Everett Michler, Ray (Nora) Poe, Dick Reed, Buster
":aliJIer, Ernest McLeon, Richard (Clam) Patrick, Isaac (lfattie) Reed, Smith
Miller, Emery .i\!owel'Y, 'V H (Clara) Padgett, Bernard (liabel) Reed, Pauline
:'Iimer, Cah'in ,)lower~!, Guy !Padgett, Ceo ().Ial')") Rome, Edgar ()fay)
Miller, Geo (Oma) :Jfedlock, Irvin (Ina) Peltier, Emil (JeBsie) Rome, Fredia
M!tchell, John plarr) Magner, Ralph (Hazel) Peltier, Evelyn Reintjes, Lome (:'IIary)
lhtchell, Arthur Magner, Harvey (Sarah) Potoll::hnie, John (:\la1')") Rimel', Lottie
McDonald, Ray (Hazel) Magner, Frieda Perkins, Ray Rose, Carl (lIaggie)
Millel', Guy (Grace) May, Frank (Carrie) Perkins, )Iack Rose, Gilbel't
)'liller, Frank ':\la;:.:, Harold Peltiel', Jules Rose, Rozella
:i\iillel', HalTY (Florence) :'Ilay, Harley (ZelIa) Plann, Marion (Millie) Roach, Lloyd
l\1iJIel', )':1ildl'ed May, Van Plann, Louise Ritter, Ira (Dorothy)
:i\Iiller, Rosalind )'fay, Loren Piper, 'Walter (Stella) Rose, Carl ()Iaggie)
.:\1i11er, Maxine )'1ay. Dale Piper, Blanch Rose, Abe (Dora)
'JicDonald, Ira (Eva) ..'\fa;\', Kenneth Peneda, Alfon<:e Rose, l!ax
McDonald, Cl'essie ')'Ia~r, Dorothey Pool, Herb I (Et.hel) Rose, Maxine
Miller, Calvin (\Vilma) )'la;\~, Virgil Pool, Donald' Rose, Lola
Markle, Floyd (Hattie) l\IcEIl'oy, Owen Poole, "Tm (Cora) Rose, Donald
Markle, Roselee McElroy, Alta Poole, Iris Rich, 'Vm (liartha)
Markle, Floyd McElroy, 'Dan:el Price, Jessie Rich, Freeland (Ethel)
'Meek, Thelma .:\IcElroy, Lee Pr;ce, Niley Rydenback, James (Frances)
.i\IeGriffin, Henr;v (Flora) )'fi1ler, Emel'Y (Hazel) Price, Thelma Rydenback, Joseph
McGriffin, Thos McEuen, Chol'en (BoBnie) Price, Gordia Rldenback, Geo
:Meek, Theora :\IcKinley, Ra~;' (Bessie) Padgett, John (Nancy) Royal, Edgar
:JIillel', Carl (Iva) ~IcKinle~', Katherine ,Padgett, Dorothy Richards, Otho (Edith)
Miller, Clem
Miller Hal'\'ev (Pearl)
)'Ilehael, Ernest
:)OIichael, Paul
'Padgett, 'Vesley
Padgett, Ruby
Richards, Lee
Richards, 'Vilbur .,
:.\filler: Bonni~ Michael, Fred Padgett, :Jlabel Risher, Ethel '. 1
lVrel'cier, Geo ;;
:\lichael, Gertrude Poole, Eugene ShubIa, John (Doris)
:\ietz, Florence ).iarlow, Susie Page, Elwin ShubIa, ')lal'tha
1\Ietz, Madeline Mason, "'m (Bertha) Page, Herschel Scecina, Tom DIary) i~
Mazoyer, CIa vis
Mazoyer, Andrew
- :'IIeeks, Pete (:JIinnie) Page, Richard
Page, Clovis
Scecina, Frank
Scecina, Geo

]l.:Iay·'.::!ough, Carl
Mazoyer, Ray ')Ieeks, Robert Page, Kenneth Scecina, Rose
Mazoyer, Done Newkirk, C H (Katie) Plan, Gertrude Simon, Arthur (Simone)
Martin, E J (Richy) Newkirk, Scott (Dorothy) Padgett, Albert (Goldie) Simon, Fernand
Martin, Eugene
)lartin, Wayne
. Nelson, \Vm 'Perkins, \V D (Ella)
Phillipps, Ermel
Simon, George
Simon, Alga
Newman, Nellie I
Martin, Allen Ooley, S J Powell, Jacob (Annie» Simon, Ernest
)fartin, 1Iaxine O'Connor, EYerett (Bertha) Powell, Andrew Simon, )Iinnie
l\faribell, L€opoJd Ogle, Charlotte Phipps, Dual Singleton, Edith
Page One Hundred F01'ty Page One Hundred Forty-one
Singleton, Hilda Spurgeon, Everett (Adah) Thomas, Em:! Wright, Code (Ethel)
Singleton, 'Villiam Stafford, Emil Thomas, Eleth a 'Yright, Floyc
Singleton, Omer Stormes, Chas (Hattie) Trent, Chas (:)lel'lie) 'Vellington, Jula
Singleton, .:Maxine StOl'mes, ;Dorothy Trent, Robert "'ellington, Nelle
Shoptaw, Tom (Virginia) Stormes, Norman Tincher, :Mud (Bessie) 'VeIlington, Virgil
Shoptftw, .l'oIary Storms, Huldah Tincher, Paul "'ellington, Eva
Shoptaw, M~y Storms, ,Bill Tincher, Elmo \Yellington, Earl
Sisk, Cecil Squires, Geo (Tillie) Tincher, Velma Wellington, Robert
Schmitt, Louis plollie) Sm'mont, Joe Olal'ie) Tincher, Geo ·'Yellington, Chas
Schmitt, 'Ym Spears, Annie Thomas, John "'right, Eli (Nancy)
Schmitt, James Sisk, Ernest (Rosa) Thomas, ,Lyle -Wampler, Jaunita
Schmitt, Donald Sanders, Geneva Thomas, Don "'right, Joe (Luella)
Schmitt, Floyd Sloan, :i\Iary Terhune, Asbury (,:'\Iazie) "'right, Hallie
Schmitt, Norma Sloan, Deb Tucker, Branson (Nellie) "'right, Belva
Sherrell, ,Wm pIaud) Smith, "rilbur Turner, Thos (Eunice) 'Vright, Huber
Sherrell, Sam Smith, Lillian Utterback, Artie 'Vl'ight, Geneva
Sherrell, Thomas Smith, -Lorcne Uland, Lester (Ada) 'Vright, Lois
. Smith, lIIadge Smith, Ruth Uland, Bob 'Vright, PieT{~e
Smith, ':\Iorris Smith, Eugene Uland, Betty "'right, Cecil
Smith, Nell Smith, Rose Underwood, John (i\Iyrtle) 'Vright, 'Yendall
Smith, Barbara Smith; Mary Undel'\vood, ILucille "'right, June
Surlllont, Chas (Celenia) Spice, Ray (Virginia) Underwood, Jack 'Yright, Ora
Smith, John Stanfield, Sam C~Iartha) Villian, MalOY 'Vright, Paul
Smith, i\Iaud Stormes, Calvin (Catherine) VilHan, Allie \Vright, L A (Leona)
Smith, "'altei' Schmitt, 1Vm Villian, Bertha -Wright, Affie
Stl'ietelmeier, Henry (lIargal'et) Sharp, :l\Iartha Villian, Eugene "'ilgus, Hazel
Strietelmeier, .l\Iinnie Smith, Caroline VilHan, -Flora 'Yilgus, .Mildred
Sharp, W.L (~Iartha) Shanklin, Almona Vitts, Frank 'Vebber, ·'Vm
Sharp, Lilly Shanklin, Clifford Vest, Joe OIargaret) "rebber, Chas
Sharp, Jane Shanklin, :Melvin Vickers, Eugene (Reva) "'right, Jess (Lela)
Scott, Tom (Francis) Shanklin, Juanita Vest, CI,aud "'right, Josephine
Storms, Jake (Ethel) Spice, Roy (Lista) Vest, John (Stella) \Vatt, Oscar (Pearl)
Silva, Fred (Edna) Spice, Donald Vest, Chlo 'Yatt, Velma
Silva, )Iay Scott, Harry (Emma) Vest, Evelyn 'Vampler, Claud (Grace)
Silva, Fredrick Scott, John Vest, Roy Wampler, Harold
Strong, Chas (Nellie)
Strong, Ruth
Scott, iLewis
Scott, Louise
Vest -Bettv
Vaughn, Glen
"r ampler, Waneta
'Vampler, James E
Strong, Samnelle Scott, Arlene Vaughn, Albert 'Yorkman, Curtis (Bertha)
Steele, ':Maggie Thomas, Lafe (Beulah) Veller, Helen \Vorkman, Rex
Steele, Ursel Thomas, ,La\yson "'alker, Elza F -Wright, Barbara
-Steele, Juaneta Tuttle, Dave (Elva) 'Valker, Elza F J r 'VondetOs, .Ev'l
Shaw, John (.l\label) Tendick, Ed (Anna) <Walker Gladys White, Geo (Edith)
Shaw, Esther Tendick, Bobbie \Valker; Robe\'t White, Betty
Shaw, )Iaxine Tilt, Harry (Elizabeth) \Valker, 'Ray "'hite, Ruth
Smith, Sarah Taylor, Chas (Bertha) 'Valker, Carol 'Vhitlow, Noble
Shields, Arista (Ida) Taylor, Ray '" alker, Randall \Vonders, Loren
Smith, Chester
Sisil, Loval (Blanch)
Taylor, Irma
Tendick, Ed (Annie)
\Voodard, Louise
\Vhinnie, Bernard
"r onders, Letha
Woodard, Fred
Saucerman, 'lfary Tendick, Bobbie "Tilson, Geo \V (Leona) \Vatson, Wm (·).lildred)
Saucerman, Levi (Hattie) Teyssier, Ed 'Vilson, Amelia \Vatson, Jack
Saucerman, Edna Thomas, Clarence 'VilSOIl, Polly \Vatson, 'Pearl
Saucerman, TJ.·ella Thomas, Latu'u \Vilson, John 'Yaton, Juanita
-Smith, .Minnie Thomas, June "'eaveI', Lewis (Lula) 'Vat-son, Ollie (Carde)
Smith, Delbert Turner, 'Vade (Stella) "reaver, Hoy Wallen, Jeff OIary)
Smith, Elbert Turner, Chas 'Veaver, 'Bertha "'allen, Andrew
Soutex, Audrey Tincher, Floyd (Jessie) 'Veavel', Nadine
Smith, Wilbert (Dora) Tincher, . Bruce 'Vonders, \V111 (Mabel) "'anen, ,i\Ianuel
Shank!in, 'Vm. E Tincher, Grace "'oodrufi, Frank (Beatdce) ''laBeu, ,Barbara
Stormes, Herschel (Hazel) Tylor, Elza (Anna) 'Vondruff, Corbitt "Tatson, Ina
Stormes, Juanita Templeton, Homer (Clara) 'Vatkins, Chas (Sarah) \\' oodard, Louise
Stormes, ·~Ieredith Templeton, Clifford Wilcoxin, J D (~Iay)
Thomas, Lafe (Dica) 'VooIs, Randall (Nora) Wall, Rev SP (Ella)
,stormes, Chas
Stormes, Robert Thomas, Beulah 'VooIs, Venald 'Valton, J 0
Swaby, 'Vi11ai-d Thomas, Lawson 'Vools, 'Voodrow 'Vymer, Ocie
Swaby, Buford ',l'homas, Dorothy 1\Too ls, Dan 'Vools, Calvin (Allie)
Page One Hundred Forty-two. Page One Hundred Forty-three
l:i~::~;':: Faustana Cullison, Be:l
Rural Route N o~ 3 E Armond
'~::;~::~:;: NaHan
:1 Georgana
Cullison, Geo H
Cullison, 'Mose
Cullison, Lexie (Elsie)
Alexandel', Floyd (Hazel) Brown, Arbor ~1'msOll, Grace Critchfield, ·"'111 (Ella)
Abram, 'Vnt R (Belle) Brown, Harry L (Jessie) .~l'mson'c_Clyde Critchfield, Grace
Anderson, Sam (Susie) Brown Isaac (Laura) (Edith) Critchfield, MariDn (Florence)
Anderson, Shirley Brown: Laura l\Ial'v Critchfield, Irwin
Anderson, Otis Btown, Raymond (Jessie) Johl; J (Rika) Cunningham, Thos (Clara)
Asdell, J H (Elsiel\- Brown, Flo ruth Cunningham, Billy
Asdell, Louise Bro\~;n, Dallas Ruth Cunningham, Jonathan
AsdeIl, Shirley Brown, Betty Loretta Cunningham, Polly
Abercrombie, Grover (Edith) Brown, Robert (Hazel) S.m (Kitty) Chanley, Frank (Iva)
Abercrombie, Iris R Bredeweg, Henry (Lydie) Frank Chanley, Otha
Abercrombie, Everett (Rhoda) Brede\\'eg, Herman (Edith) Burm;tt. J Columbus (:Jlinnie) Chanley, "'m
Abercrombie, Noble Bredeweg, Chas (Dorothy) Chanley, 'Vilma
Armpl'iester, Elwood Bl'edeweg, Viola (Alice) Chanley, Rosetta
Allderon, Chas (Alma) Bredeweg, Juanita (Hazel) Chandler, Rose
Al'mpriester, Harry (Zella) Bredeweg Roy Central City )iining Co
Al'll1priestel', James Bl'edeweg: Levi (lIal'garet) Combs, Deil1lis (Jennie)
Al'mpl'iester, Patricia ·Bredeweg, Sherman Buck Choppas, Julia
Alderson, Richard (Allce) Bdlamy, Chas (Hattie) IH-unel', Arthur Choppas, Angela
Alderson, Deloris Bellamy, )fathew (Elizabeth) Brown, :,Marie Choppas, Mary ...\.nn
Alderson, Donald Bledsoe, Chas F (Lillie) -Bedwell, Edwin (Lois) Ce11tel'S, Milton (Xellie)
Anderson, Russell 0 Bledsoe, Loren Oiildred) Benham, Joe (1.1al'r) Cox, 'Walter pI)Ttle)
Auben\', Gordon Bledsoe, James (Ruth) , Brown, Florence Cox, Flo;\rd
Arcada: Peter Bolten, Ferd (Iva) Campbell, Leonard Cape, Nellie
Anderson, R )1 (Cora) B~1ten, Bedonna ,Canady, Clarence (Pearl) Craig, Darrell (Yiyian)
Bales, Chas (Edith) Bolten, Elmer . Canady, Kenneth Clark, Roy (
Bale~, Homer Bolten, Ruth Canady, Roger Clark, Lester . ~.

Bales, )Iarr Bolten, Esther Canady, Irwin Clark, Chester

BaleE, )la1'ion Bolten, Beulah Calvert, Earl (Ethel) Clark, J ess:e
Barton, Wm (Kathel"ine) BreweJ', Edward (·LucilIda) Cah'ert, Donald Clark, Arnie
Bailey. Peter (Flossie) Bush, Chas (Katherine) C:ty, \Vm (Thun;a) Clark, Wm (J.loIlie)
R:ti}e~~. Lloyd Bush, Herman City, ,Bert (Sarah) Clark, Russell (Dorothy)
B3.ile~·, Annabelle Bush, James Chapman, \Vm C\larr) Clark Sarah 'I
Barnes, John Bovenschin, .Henry (Suzan) Chapman, .May Clark: ::\Irs, Ahis
Barnes, Jese (Dna) Bouvenschin, Arthur (Pauline) Chapman, Fred (Agnes) Cooksey, Paul (Luella)
;Barnes, Laurence Burris, Chas (,:Martha) Chapman, Paul Cookse;\', )Iay
Baize, Chas (Mary) Burris, Flo~'d (Cynthia) Chapman, Tom Cooksey, Louise
Baize, Otho Burris, James Chaney, Val o.Iamie) Cooksey, John
Baize, Leonard Burris, Stanley Chaney, ),1a1'Y Cooksey, Robert
Beasley, Ransom (Rachel) Burris, Herbert . Chane~~, Mildred Cookse~', Anna
Beasley, Fern Burris, Frank Chaney, Halden (Tressa) Cole, Rosie
Beasley, ,Loren Benefiel, Alpha (:\1artha) Chaney, Treva Curnutt, Homer
Beasley, Herschel Benefiel, Dale Clayton, Julia Curnutt, "rayne
Beasley, Oliver (Ida) Benefiel, Doyle Clayton, Rose Curnutt, ·::\Iaxine
Beasle;', Rosalie Bl'adsha-w, \Vm (Lottie) Cla)'ton, )Iattie Callahan, Paul
Beasley, Arthur (Pearl) Burton, Chas f1\lartha) Clayton, Lula Cisca, Wm (Ella)
Beasle;\T, Irvin (Fannie) Bennett, Hayden (Mary) Clayton, \V111 Cook, Frank
Beaslev, Helen Bennett, James (,Dena) Clayton, \\'m -;\1 (Blanche) Culle11, Chas (J.Ial'tha)
Buche: Robert (Katherine) Bennett, Uldine Clayton, ·:Mal'Y . Cullen, .:\lorriso11
Buche, Gabriel Brinson, Ernest (Flora) Clayton, Sam (:Mtldred) CrOSh;\T, Charnbler
Buckner, Thos (Allie) Brinson, ·Daisy Clayton, Ilene Cunningham, Clinton
Burch, Robert ('Nancy) Brinson, Susie Clayton, ;~!ar~~ N Cole, Martha
Booker, Floyd (Belle) Brinson, Eugene Clayton, :\fil1al'd plyrtle) Cooper, Hobert (Xellie)
'Booker, Norman Blume, Arvil (Alina) Clayton, .Millard Cooper, :Phyllis
Booker, Chester Benefiel, -Lula Clayton, Chas Cooper, Hobart
Booker, Hilda Banteleux, R (Celina) Corbin, Eli (Rika) Cooper, Elise
Branson, Bryan (Icie) Bridges, Noah Corbin, Esther Cooper, :Meredith
Branson, lIary Britton, Chas (Janice) Corbin, 'Valter Chane;\', Maxine
-Bl'anson, Alden Bdtton, Clarence Corbin, Earl \V plagdaline) Calvin, Chrisley ()Iinnie)
BrO\\,,]l, )fal'tin (Laura) Britton, Ambrose Corbin, 'Vm Crisp, Archie (Yiolet)
Brown, \Vil1al'd Britton, Barbar.l Cullison, Geo F Olary) Cole, Luther ()Iaud)
Brown, Dia (Ellen) Brinson, Rollie (Edna) Cullison, itIillard (Gertrude) Cole, Eugene
Page One Hundred Forty·fom' Page One Hundred Forty-fiye
Colemal1, Howard (Florence) Fauveque, Robert Haseman, Ora Hobbs, 1011a
Corbin, John (Lois) Fauveque, Raymond Haseman, Viola Hobbs, Everrett
Calvert, ,Leona Fauveque, John Ham, Raymond (Vern!l) Hastings, Stanley (Belma)
Curnutt, Russell Fish, Clarence (Betty) Ham, ,Leona Hastings; Dwight
·Carroll, Jesse Fines, Rolland (Icie) Ham, Norman Heaton, Floyd OIildl'ed)
Davidson, David (Bel1a) Fines, 'Yesle~t Harbin, Clyde (Emma) Heaton, Shel'le~' AnD
Davidson, :J,ianr Fulkerson, Dave (Grace) Heaton, Sherman
Davidson, 'Ym I:Iarbin, Ray
Fulkerson, ).Iaxine Harbin, Harold Heaton, J1'
Davidson, Robert Foster, Noble Rubin, Harold Helderman, Lillian
Davidson, ).ia1'gie Frakes, Floyd (Ethel) ~Hail', Elmer (iLyda) Hurt, Leo (Juanita)
Davis, Elmer (Alina) Franklin, Ben Hail', -Lester Hurt, Claude (Julia)
Davis, Henry Foster, Geo Hail', Geneva ~ Hostettler, Harris
Doublemont, ,Lewis (Viola) Fritts, )'1rs Lucy Henderson, Roy 0\ (HelEm) Hostettler, Harris
Doublemont, Gerald - Fritts, )farie Henderson, )'Ial'\, Hostetler, Celestine
Doublemont, Dean Go'odwin, Jane , Hattery, Kenneth (ElYa) Hostettler, Betty
Doublemont, Jean Goodman, Bart (Sally) Hutter~r, n:llie Hinman, Thurman (Nonna) -~
Dye, Elmira Gl'iffith; :\linnie Hoffiditz, Frank (Madge) Hinman, Billy
Dobbins, Oral Gwin, Enzie piamie) Hoffiditz, Albert (Hazel) Hinman, Bobbie
Dobbins, Verdon Gwin, Kenneth Hollingsworth, Arthur (Emmaline) Hays, Cleve (Sarah)
Dobbins, Elmer Gwin, Lorrain ;Hollingsworth, ')Ial'k (Grace) Hays Herbert
Dobbins, J ohl1 Gray, Otis (Pearl) Hollingsworth, Herschell Ha~t,\~'ood, Cora
Dobbins, Dorothy Gray, Elaine Hobbs, Lawrence (Ruth) Hunter, Chas (Agnes)
Dglence, 'Peter (Jennie) Good, Laura Hobbs, Curtis Hightower, Carl
Dolence, Pauline Gray, A )1 (Betty) Hobbs, Norma Hutchinson, E\'el'ett (Cora)
Dolence, Lois Gabba,"d, Harold (Ellen) Hyslop, Thomas (Un) Hutehinson, )181,)"
Dockoff, EmIna Gatt, Rosalie HYslop, Billie Houldson, Ode (Bell)
·Duke, Rex (Lela) G;nestet, Victor (,Jlaric) HaYdOck, -N eHie Houldson, Clyde
-Duke, Robert Ginestet, Alford Hatton, :J,1elvin pmdred) Houldson, 'V111
Duke, Claud Glass, Geo (Fannie) Ha~'s, Tuly Dlirtyle) Houldson, O'Nah
Duke, Lorene Glass, )'Iary Havs, Fram'is Hoyt, La\'erne
Duk~, Betty Glass, La Rind a Hui..t, )lonty ()linnie) Heald, Jack
Duke, lfildred Gardner, 'Imogene Hurt, "'Hard Hunter, Henry
Duke, Harold Gardner, Floyd (Eleanor) Hurt, Hellnette (Lillian) Hubbard, Esther u
Duke, Norma Graves, Arthur (Rose) Hurt, ).lorl'is luman, 'Ym (Ethel)
Deckard, Ben Green, 'Vm )1 (Pearl) Hurt, Loui~e Ham, Ivan
Davidson, Douglass (Delema) Green, Sadie Hoffman, :J,Iarv P Inman, Jean
Dyer, -Elbert Green, Theodore Hays, Jake Inman, Betty
Earl, Chas (Flora) Green HalT . .' Hays Ora Inman, Don
Earl, -Solomie Gl'ave~lier, Coral (Edith) Ha\'s' Lee Inman, 'Ym
Earl, Andrew Gl'a\'mier, Margaret Ha\'s: )Iary Ishull1, Chas (Kettie)
EIl!s, Earl (S~'liva) Gravmiel', Norma Ha)ts, Herscllell Ishu11l, 1Yinoka
Elhs, Ed (Rachael) Gravmier, Andrew Hays, Dewey Ishu11l, Al'owana
Eskew, Bertha Gravm!er, Ph~'llis Hays Herbel't Jackson, Orval (Pearl)
Eskew, Elmer Gravllllel', 'Vayne Ha~.. s; Sarah J afire, Frank
Eskew, Fannie Gowen, James -Hobbs, Jake Jaffre, Fernanda
Eske.v, "Tm Gowen, Irwin H-a ...·s Harry (Bonnie) Jones, John E
Eskew, Luella Gowen, Virginia Ha;'s; Anna Johnson, Geo \\T ()'Ian')
Eskew, Geo Gray, Ray (Lucille) Ha~'s, Norma Johnson, Marvin
Eskew, NeIlie Gamble, Helen Hanna, Newton Johnson, Edwin (Jennie)
Edwards 'Yavne Gabbard, Elza (Sarah) Havs Hobert (Al'tie) Johnston, Jmnes ()Iary)
Edwards: Gerald Goshen, Katherine Ha~'s; Viola Jokin, Adam DIary)
Edwards, Hubert Goshen, Mary Hays, Ra~' J okin, Loren
Edwards, ·Lulu Goshen, Margaret Hays, ;:Melvin Jakin, Steve
Elumbaugh, :Dan (Annis) Goshen, Elizabeth Harrell, Andrew ()Iay) Jokin, Jessie
Ellis, .Laurence (Sarah) Gray', Ethel Harrell, Albert J Oki11, Josephine
Ellis, Baxter Goad, Ross Harrell, Jessie Johnston, Frank (Helen)
~dds, Russell (!Lois) Huney, Homer (Hattk) Harrell, Ruby Johnston, Chester
Edds, Donnie Huney, John Harrell, Chas Johnston, Ruth
Ebler, Dillan (-Helen) Haseman, John T (Betty) Hays, Jessie Jones, C P ('ilIinnie)
Ebler, John Haseman, Clarence 'Hays, Harrell Kanble, .Isaac
Fainot, Ora ()'1a~!) Haseman, Isabelle Hays, Hubert Keller, Dan (Ida)
Fauveque, Jute (Freda) Haseman, -l'.fargie Hudson, Guv Keller Troy
Fauveque, Jean Haseman, Emil (Namai) Hudson, Emmerson Keller; Eth~l
Fauveque, Hortner (Alpha) Haseman, Lawrence Hiat, Loyd (·)!ay) Keller, Chester
Fauveque, Ruth Haseman, Russell Hobbs, Harold (Cora) Keller, Rena
Page One Hundred Forty-six Page One Hundred Forty-seven -".,
Lynn, Pauline )'Iiller, :\Ielba )'IcCulloCh, John
Keller, Dan ~lilIer, Clovis (:\1innie) :JL:Culloch. Robert
Keller,- Lorena Lovelace, Urban (Donna)
Lovelace, Robert ,::\Iillel', Lorraine McGuire, Jack (Oliva)
Killian, Frank (Nora) ::\Iillcl', Harry R (Florence) )'IcGuire, Henrietta
Killian, Nina Lovelace, Herman
Lawson, Daniel (Alice) )'Iillel', -Rosalie )'IcGuire, Victor (.Marie)
Killian, ':Margaret )Iillel', :.\Iaxine ,McFadden, Fee (Ethel)
Killian, OnTal Lawson, Anton
Lawson, Walter (Pansy) :JIoan, Felix ()larian) )IcFadden, Robert
Kirby, Geo :W (Emma) ).fcFadden, Phillip
1 Kirb~1, Laurence
Kirby, Nellie
Lawson, ,Lillian
Lawson, Burrell
::\Ioan, James
~Ioan, John lIcFadden, John
::\fcFadden, Geo
~ Lucas, Joe (Evaline) )'Ioan, Francis
Kirby, Geo Jr ')Ioody. Clyde (Zoda) }lcDonald. Robert (Ella)
Kirby. Edith Lucas, Mary
-J" Lacer, Ben (Clara) ~Ioody, Winfred :JIcDonald, Robert Jr
Kirbv Noble Moody, Curtis (Lula) :\-IcFarland, John \V (Stella)
-:) Kirb;'; Claude Lacer, Betty
Lacer, June ~Iood;~r, Leon )lcFal'land, Geo
"1{ Kirby, Jack
Leigh, .Eugene )'Ieurel', Chas E (Julia McFarland, Leo
'R Knowles, Jesse (Sarah) ~Ieurer, Anna lielton, 'Vm (Hazel)
Knowles, .liariun -Linton, John (Martha)
"'." Linton, James Meurer, Ellet Maidon, Oscar (Edith)
.y, Kreick, Joseph (IPauline) ,;Ueurer, Chas H (Verna) .Moody, Robt
Klusner. Albert (Ruth)
Klnsner, Rex
Linton, Eileen
Linton", David (Helen) ~Ieurel', James )IcDaniels, ·Ray (Daisy)
Linton, Norman ~IeUl'el', \Vanga Moore, Ransom (Letha)
"I Keller, -:Myrtle :L\Iul'dock, John (Ethel) :Jlason, Frances (l\Iollie
!; Killian, Everett (llabel) Leveque. David (Viola)
1,.' Kirby, "r alter
Keller, Nick (Lindel)
Leveql.!e, Rosie
Leveque, William (Lulu)
l\Iurdock, Winston
)Iul'(lock, .Dorothy
:Mason, Elzie
-l\Iorrison, Lewis
.:JIason, Tom (:.\linnie)
Leveque, Eunice lIul'dock, Wilford
Keller, James )Ieek, John (:\Iary) .:JIason, Chas
Kline, Geo 'V (Rilla) Leveque, i\lary
Leveque, Laverne )'Ieek, Robert ':\Iason, Edna
Kline, Llo;:,rd ::\Ieek, Wiliam :JIedler, Sam (Lenora)
Leveque, Frankie
Kline, :Mattie
Kline, Earl Lettel'man, Frank (Anna) :Jloore, Thos )'Iedley, Donetb.
::\Iaxwell, Carl P.Iary) llillel', Jesse
Kline; Owen Letterman, HalT\' Joe
)'IclntYl'e, James (Juanita)
Kline, Howard Letterman, \Vililia J :\Iaxwell, John
'~ :Maxwell, Floyd (Rosa) l\lm'kle. Lora
King, Dudley (Bessie) Lutes, Earl (Violet)
~~~ Lutes, Margie :\loss, Gurnev (Della ::\Iallr, Fl'an(,:~
King, Elizabeth :Jloss, James :JIiller, John
c)~ Lutes, Billy Joe
King, Clotile ::\1055, Alediabelle )'Ia)" Oscar
:t~ King. Otta (Freda) Lynn, Jack (Ida)
Lynn, Paul ).I:tchell, Jessie S (Al'line) )Iay, Cisea
Kent, .John (Anna) . lIitchell, Robert ·:Jlay, ,Eugene
':'; Koonce. HubCl,t (~adine) Lindsey, Homer
it. La Kay. !da Mitchell, James i\Iay. Exie
Koonce, Albert )litchell, Junior )'Ia)" \Ym
Koonce1 :\Iay Lacy, HIram (Pans,\,)
,,-U Lacy, Robert :'tlitchell, '''m B (Jessie) lIay, Ealy
'\1 Knowles, Victor ()Iildl'ed) :Mitchell, Henry 1-lcPh ail , Fred (Thelma)
Lac~, Betty
, Keller, Geo (Delsia)
Lacy, Marilyn Mitchell, 1L0well :\lcPhail, Janet
i',! Lankford, Kate )Iyel's, Criss (Alice) :Jlyers, Delbert (Aleatha)
Lacy, \"m
Lacy, Ray (Daisy) l\leredith, Steve )'Iyel's, Dorothy
Lisman, Mack (Lola) Landis, Rex Olargaret)
Lynn, Samuel o.lal'gal'et) ':\Iitchell, Emma )'Iyers, Delbert J l'
LeForge, Elva )'Iait, Allen (Florence) )'Ios8, Bertha

LeForge, Lillie Letul'gez, i\Iay

l\lait, ·).Iae ),Iay, Willis (Exie)
LeForge, Vern ice
Lehman, Dave plaggie)
Leturgez, Doris
Loos, Fred )'Iait, ~Irs James Neal, .Lula
~ol'l'is, Justin (Dorothy)
Lehman, Clyde Loos, Wilma :\Iyel's, Damon (Lola)
~:I, Loos, Betty Moehlman, Alfred ("Helen) Norris, Rosalie
Lehman, Dan Moehlman, Junior Newman, Earl (Catherine)
Lehman, Raymond :JIal'tindale, Claud (Rachacl)
lIartindale, Word Moehlman, Harold ~eal, Herschel (Carmel)
Lehman, Chester :Moehlman, Avery Neal, 'Va iter (Mary
Lehman, Geneva i\Iartindale, \Vard
O'Haver, Roy (Nannie)
1 Lehman, Luvina
Luxton, Wm H (Agnes)
)'Iartindale, )Iaul'ice
:\Ial'tindale, ,:.\Iaul'ice
Martindale, William
l\Ioan, John (Edna)
,)'Ioan, Letitia
:noody, Clara
O'Haver, Geo
O'Haver, Junior
Luxton, Geo
.:~ ·lIartindale, Hugh (Ethel) norgan, Herman Osha, Lula
Luxton, Richard )Iyers, Norval (Alma) Osha, OUie
!:: Luxton, Geo (Mary) May, Donald
:Myers, Bobby O'Brien, Geo
Luxton, ,"m
Luxton, Ivy
Luxton, Roy
Maddox, Velma
~Iaddox. Henry (Ella)
~Iitchell. Otho (Irene)
)Iyel's, Orval
lIyel's, Eugene
Owens, Ralph (Dorothy)
Openshaw, Hester
Openshaw, Nancy
,~ I Laxton, -Gerald .lIitchell, Joan :Myers, Shirley
:Mycrs, Earl Openshaw, James
',1 Lynn, ,Maud,_ (Orval)
Lynn, Hallie
lIiller, Edgar (Pearl)
lIiller, Dean )IaGill, S H Sr (Elizabeth) Openshaw, Lee
.,iff Lynn, May 'l\Ii1lel', Merrill :MaGill, S H Jr lPatrick, Betty Jane
.Miller, Dewey (Effie) McCammon, Herman Page, 'Richard (-)lan!ie)
Lynn, Gusty (Pansy)
Page. One Hundred Forty~eight
. Page One Hundred Forty-nine
-Page, Thos (Sarah) Pirtle, Anna Robertson, Chester Steele, John T (Naomi)
Page, Edward (Daisy) Pirtle, Jessie Robertson, \Vm (Gloya) Steele, John
.Page, ,Everett IPel'shing, Opha (Grace) Steele, James
Pershing, 'Hershel Robertson, Kew;eth
Page, Orval Robertson, L}'lia Steele, "Tm
Page, Sam (Sarah) Pope, Anna Roark, Vernon (Martha) Sinden, HeI'bert (Eth::l)
Page, Eva Pope, Loren -Russell, A E Stifancik, John (Anna)
Page, ,Marie ~People.s, Belle Sims, 'Hershal ()1able)
Padgett, Elbert (Delma) Rodman, Bert
Page, Ralph Reed, Leo (Lucille) Sims, Richard
fPage, Leroy (Viola) Padgett, Betty Reynolds, C (Evelyn) Simons, V{In OIay)
Page, Donald (Lelia) Padgett, Stella Robold, \Yillard (Geneva) Steele, Claude (Chloe)
Page, Richard (Dora) Phillipps, Priscilla Reed, Smith (JIar:e) Steele, Ruby
Parks, Silas (Belle) IPritchard, -Ellen S3.mpson, James (Kate) Steele, Floella
Parks, Minnie Pritchard, ~rillal'd Sampson, Carl Sanders, Ralph
Parks, Lon A (Margie) Pritchard, "'111 -Sampson, Emma Smith, Eugene (Francis)
Parks, Dorothy Pritchard, Marian Samples, :JIl's Alice Smith, )'Iary C
Parks, Charlotte Pershing, Clyde (Alice) Sims. ,Dennis Stockrahm, Sam (Nellie)
Parks, Ruth Padgettt, \Valter (Olive) Shields, Thomas (Anna) Stoekrahm, Dan
Parks, Ruby Perry~ Leon Stockrahm, Robert
Shields, Flo:yd
Perkins, Clara PerrY LeroY Shields, David CJIal'garet) Swabey, Doyle (Neva J)
Plew, IGeo (Alta) Powetl, Ott' Smith, Joe (.Bessie) Swabey, Ronald
Page, Glen (Sylvia) _i
Plew, Hazel Smith, Rose Swan, 'Vm (Dola)
Plew,1,Vm Padgett, Walden (Delsia) Shields, Hal,},y C (Dorothy) Sherman, Eldredge pfett.a)
Pope, Elmer (Pearl) IPadgett, Hershel Skaggs, Agnes Sherman, John
Pope, 'Wayne (Oliva) Padgett, John Skag-g, Foster Smith, Ben
Pope, Ferris Padgett, Cletus Skaggs, ~orl'is Smith, Ernest
Pope, Amanda Rector, "Tm (Lessie) . Sparks, Harvy A (Tressa) Sherman, Edward (Bertha)
Pope, Ruth Rector, Leona Sparks, Hurley A (Norma) Stone, Chas A (Lula)
IPope, ,Leonard (Fannie) Reintjes, Wm (~ancr) , . Sparks, l\Iargarie Stone, Howard
Pope, DUl'wood Reintjes, Estel Smith, 'Vm R (Beulah Stone, Gerald
Pope, Lea Reintjes, Ruth Smith, Robert Stone, Paulene
Pope, -Etta Reintjes, Patsy SquIre, "~m (Fla\'ah) Scott, ,Luther (E!va)
Powell, Estella Reintjes, ·Wades (.:'Iaud) SquIre, Leonard Scott, Alven
Powell, Thelma Reintjes, Hubert Squire, )Iadge S~ott, )'IelYen
Powell, J Raymond (Etta) Richardson, John T Squire, Robert Siscoe, 'Vm (Ella)
·Price, James E (Effie) Richardson, Gilbert Squire, Beli (:JIinnie) Strietehneiel', Herman
Price, Chas R~chardson, W m (Elaine)
Squire, Vernie Sherwood, Chas (Annn)
Price Arley RIchardson, Llovd (Marthena) Squil'e, Virgil (Thelma) Swartz, Sam
IPetel:son, liarl'), .(Fern) R~chards, Alber't (Eva) Stevens, Joshua (Kathryn) Sisk, Currie
Peak, Geo (JennIe) R:chards, Laurence Stevens, -Emmet Surmont, Emil
·Peak, Elsie Riehards, Pauline Stevens, 'Ceo (::\Ia~.. ) Surmont, Joe L (Ro!;a)
Peak, Claud Robison, Silas (Xe1lie) Stricklin, Hurley (Eva) Sm'mont, Bobbie
Peak, Geneva Robison, John . Strahle, John \V (Mary) Sims, Abe (Alice)
Pritchard, Andrew (Ellen) Robison, Vernon (Emma) Strahle, :i\IOl'l'is Stevenson, John
Pritchard, Andre"w (::\131'Y) Robison, Iris' Strahle, James Stevenson, Shoptaw (Patricia)
Pritchard, 'Valter Ro~ocker, :Martin (Edna) Strahle, Virginia S:ms, Virge} pfaude)
Pritchard, Daisy Rhmehart, Frank (Louise) Stoekram, Verna Sims, Jaek
Pershing, Roy (Evaline) Ramsey, Pearl Sims, Billie Joe
Sheffler, 'Vm C\1al''')
'Pershing, Paul Russell, Kenneth (Alma) Sheffler, Ralph ' Sims, Ebner
Pershing, 'Vinfred Russell, Norma , Sargent, Rut.h Sims, Verine (Bertha)
Pershing, Elza (Fern) Riggle, Sarah Sargent, Barbara Sims, 'Vel',
Pershing, Emmett (Viola) Rhodes, James (Bertha) Sargent, Jess:e Stewart, Carro} (Hazel)
Pershing, Helen Rhodes, Geneva Sargent, Pat.rieiB Sharp, E'ilith
Pershing, Clarence Rhodes, Delpha Sargent, Esther Scroggins, TrO\~ (Belvia)
Penna, ·Paul (Priscilla) Rishel', Arthur (iLula) Sims, Cleo Scroggins, Trena
Penna, Violet Risher, Chas (Nancy) Shonk, Hugh (:lIaggie) Stone, ,Floyd (Juanita)
Penna, ,Luke Rishel', Beulah ' Shonk, Lenoa Stone, Douglas
IPenna, '''alter R~ce, Haryey (Flora) Stone, Lola J
Shonk, Hazel
Penna, Mattie RItter, Catherine -Shonk, Paul Stone, Harold·
Penna, Adrian Ritter, Arthur (Zoda) Swagel't~T, James (:lIirtyle) Smith, J. B. (Selma)
Pritchard, Juanita Ritter, Clarence (Lula) Swagerty, :Jlary Smith, Vira
Padgett, Everett Ritter, Bonnie Swagerty, Edith Stewart, Beuna
Plew, J B (-1!arthu)
Plew, 1Vayne
Ritter, Alice
Rowe, Frank (Iya)
Swagert~T, Anna
Swagerty, Ella
Stropes, Adam (Janice)
Stropes, John
Plew, Wm Rowe, Katherine Spurgeon, Howard (Cora) Stropes, Hoyt
Pirtle, 'Leonard (Grace) 1 Robertson, Newton (Bertha) Spurgeon, Josephine Stone, Cleal (Ruth)
Spurgeon, Florence St6re~{,Elza
Page One Hundred Fifty
Page One Hundred Fifty-one
Talbott, John (Violet) \ViIEams, Jim .
Thomas, Sherman (Llllie)- 'VooIs, Austin (Lettie>
Thomas, Jessie
Thomas, Wend all.
'''ools, Chas
Wools, Hallie /
Thomas, ~oble O!ary) 'Vools, Floyd
Thomas, 2I.Ionzel \--- Wools, )'Ial'garet
Thomas, Laurence 'Vools, Paul .
Thomas, Jonathan (Lydia) 'Vade, Harry (Hazel)
Terhune, )'lUl'l'ay (Agnes) 'Vade, Robert
Terhune, Henry 'Vade, John
Terhune, Mark 'Vade, Edward (Nellie)
Terhune, Robert \Vhite, 'Vm H (Anna)
Terhune, Silas 'Vh~te, Lucille
Turner, Counce (Flora) 'White, John
Turner, ,Leon "Thite, Herschel
Turner, Arthur 'Voods, John
Thornton, Eric (Fern) "~olfol'd, Ray (Zula)
Thornton, Richard (Virginia) 'Vhaley, J.J.linnie
Thornton, Robert "rhaleY', Kenneth
Thornton, Leon White, Ed (Hattie)
Templeton, Verne Wall, Ida
Templeton, )Ial'cella Wiggs, John (Della)
Templeton, James Wiggs, )Iack
Turk, Fred (Susanna) Wiggs, ~oble
Turk, Iris 'Vilson, Thos (Ilika)
Turk, Fredd:e \Valker, 'Y111 (Laura)
Tetrick, Kelsie (Hazel) 'Vinfl'ey, 'VI11 0 (Grace)
Tetrick Evelyn "rl 11 frey, Josephine
Tetrick: Leslie (Ida) Wilson, 'Vm D (Lizzie)
Trust)" Earl (Ruth) 'Yilson, DorIc
Trusty, M:,'les Wilson, Bernice
Tl'ust~y. Grovel' 'Yright, Al'ist3
Trusty, Leroy '''right, 'Vm D (Col'Uclia)
Trusty. Douglas 'Vilson, "rm T (Ida)
Taylor, J(lhn R (Chloe) 'Vilson, Clrde (Bernice)
Taylol', )farv'n 'Yilson, Ora
Tincher, Troy (Delpha) "rakcf;eId, Kirbr (:\faggij~)
Tal'gett, Frank (Violet) "\Vakefield, Helen
Terrell, Jonathan Wakefield, Noble
Thompson, Joe \Yakefield, Clint
Templeton, Frands 'Wakefield, Henllett
Turner, Arthur \\Tatson, Uary
Tannehill, Grovel' (Florence) 'Vatson, Harris
Talley, Earl (Rachael) "ratson, Ruth
Templeton, Fred (Edith) Yates, J '" (Nora)
Utterback, Earl (Cornelia Yates, Tom
Utterback, Ada . Yates, Adam
Utterback, Deloris Yates, Alvin
Vonderschmitt, Joe (Effie) Yates, EJ (Hazel)
Vonderschmitt, Adam (Rose) Yates, Violet
Vincent, James (lfargaret) Yates, Betty
Vickorr, )Irs Chas Yount, ehas E C'\finnie)
Vitosky, Rudolph (Ola Yount, Chas L
Vitosk~', Bruce Yount, Randolph
Vaughn, ,:Uary Yount, Edwin
VanMeter, Joe Yount, )'faybelle
Vangi1I, Lrman Yoder, Lloyd (Nellie)
Wautlet, Edw (Susan) Yodel', Wilma
'Vright, Geo H Yodel', Clinton
Wright, Georgina Yodel', :Paul
'Vilson, John N (Nora) Yoder, 'Pauline
"rilson, Cora Yodel',Donald
'Vilson. ).felvin York, John ()farcelle)
"'ithyGombee, Geo (Nellie) .York, Geo
Withycombe, Herschel (Thelm.a). Zenor, Ruth
\ViIliams, Anna Zenor, Margaret
P'llge One Hundred Fifty-two

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