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Pollen Pollen is the seed of life for plants. By means of wind and insects, plants exchange the microscopic grains, which are necessary for many kinds of plants to reproduce. bm A flowering plant's reproductive organs STAMEN: Male part PISTIL: Female part Pollen grains grow in pollen sacs Furry or sticky stigma catches pollen, inside the anther, found at the which travels down pollen tubes where it end of the filament. joins with an egg in the ovary. Aseed then begins to develop. x Some typical pollen grains Almost all pollen is microscopic in size, ranging from 1/2,0008 inch to 1/00th inch across. & Insect pollination Plants that are pollinated by insects usually have high visibility, scent, nectar or Mistletoe Venus's flytrap ee ae & aS Daffodil inacl , In simple plants, a bee or Oe route nce other insect blunders as around drinking nectar. Cotton’ Pollen sticks to its body, to canes om be carried to its next stop. @ && Wind pollination Some plants produce vast amounts of small light pollen grains. Most of it travels only a few hundred feet, but, pollen has been found in the air over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and at altitudes of 19,000 feet. Willow flowers Clary sage Specialized structures onits -< flowers make pollination more fr likely. , SAN © Bee lands on stage- Wind carries pollen Male like horizontal petal Stamen from plump male = catkin Anthers | *catkins" to slender Female @As bee drinks nectar, female catkins hinged stamens (male) drop pollen on its back Hickory flowers Female Hanging mal flower © After pollen has been catkins release depleted, the pistl female) ist pollen into the air grows longer ad hangs. be Allergic reactions @ An allergic reaction begins when Many people are allergic someone who is genetically prone to to the pollen of the common allergies inhales air filled with pollen. ragweed. One plant can ‘Symptoms include sneezing, itching produce 1.5 billion grains of eyes and running nose. Hay fever" is Tagweed pollen. an old name for pollen allergy.

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