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Sermon for Peace

Oh! You peoples belong to youth and old generations:

I am Dr. Syed Hamid Hussain Naqvi Subzwari descendent of Hazrat Syed Moeen-ud-Din
Hassan Kazmi Rehmat-Ullah known as Khawaja Gharib Nawaz and member of former
Ruler Royal Family of Badli, Delhi and a proud Pakistani who want to united the youth
under the flag of the Humanity in the shed of Love Peace and Harmony through out the
world, condemn the terrorist attacks on our Mehran Base Karachi Pakistan and anywhere
in the world.

My innocent friends, terrorists have developed their routes in our society and they can be
anyone among us; because getting employment and basis civic amenities are beyond
one’s approach. Rich is becoming richer and poor is becoming poorer day by day while
middle class has been vanished due to uneconomic activities of our rulers. It causes
isolative effects upon our faces.

The terrorist forces deliberately pushing our economics indicator to the worst to cause
very high inflation in our society without any sources to overcome this dilemma; the
world powers are showing their interest in protecting the humanity but without giving
any solution.

Please don’t help those who want to destroy the peace of our planet despite of your
relations with them. You came on earth to extend Love Peace and Harmony. Allah the
Almighty has blessed you with His blessing by creating you “Human Being”. Your good
deeds and keeping yourself in posturing position for life can’t benefit to the Almighty and
your sins can not harm to Almighty Allah but you should be rewarded for your good or
bad, you did in this world.

So do not strengthen the hands of terrorist or of those who want to harm human beings;
we must defense ourselves and the rest of the world.

We recommend the 5 principle for developing inner peace as below:

1. Cleanse
2. Explore
3. Acceptance
4. Affirm
5. Maintain


Make certain you are comfortable in your physical environment. Is it clean enough for
you, are the smells conducive to connecting to your Higher Self, is the piece of furniture
you are sitting on supporting your physical comfort? Maybe you want to add some gentle
background music, or candles. Once you have the physical space clean it’s time to
cleanse your energy.

To begin the energy cleansing offer up all conditioned beliefs to be released. Ask Spirit to
fill your crown chakra with the white light of love and acceptance. As the light fills your
body begins to notice your physical sensations as the light travels and nourishes each
chakra. You are filling with the light of love and acceptance. Imagine you are washing
out all the negative, toxic energy of the day. As the white light filters down to your feet
allow the vision to carry all the toxicity of the day down the drain. Once you are centered
and feel at peace begin to explore.


There is a place deep within our own bodies that we have access to direct guidance from
Spirit. There is a unique feel to it. It is often a feel we cannot put into words but rather
must experience. Dive into the core of your existence and connect to your Higher Power.
Allow the connection to ignite your thoughts. You will feel the feeling first and watch as
it gracefully turns into a thought. As the thoughts manifest trust in what your five senses
are bringing to your attention. Allow the sixth sense to develop by exploring the feelings
associated with the senses.


Once you are in rhythm with the feelings of your Higher Self focus on what is calling to
you the loudest. What feeling is begging to be expressed? Acknowledge and embrace the
feeling; no judgment, no criticism for it, simply allow it be. Focus you attention on
acceptance. Acceptance for what is. Don’t take yourself to a place that makes excuses for
it or to a place that tries to push it away. Try using the phrase IT IS WHAT IT IS. Think
of yourself as the observer. Begin to affirm how powerful you are at “doing” your life.


The ability to process your thoughts and create positive affirmations; is a key to
manifesting life. Our thoughts are naturally conditioned by life. We have worn certain
labels for so long that often times we forget what we want and even who we truly are.
Affirmations are feelings put into words. I encourage you to feel your way through the
process of affirming. Center yourself on one particular feeling. Once you have the feeling
explore how it can be called into your life. Is there a release that needs to happen, or a
shift in processing? Once you have identified the feeling focus your thoughts on what it is
you came here to create, to be, or to do. Find your hearts desires fulfilled with every


Now that you have set the stage you are ready for the real work. It’s great to set the
feelings and the thoughts in place but the truth is ACTION is needed throughout the
entire process. Another law, the law of physics states nothing happens until something
moves. How true! Attracting the life you desire is possible for anyone, that is anyone who
is prepared to work for it. By work for it I mean we cannot simply state we want a
mansion and sit on the couch and eat cheese curls there is work to the process. Physical,
emotional, and spiritual work brings positive order to all life.

The steps outlined once practiced will be become a natural way to manifest. Like driving
a car you will naturally experience the process effortlessly. I imagine there will be people
who will question my approach and to them I will say, this is my truth and so far so great
for me!

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