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Name: _____________________________ Grade: __________

Date: _______________________________
Kind of sentences
Declarative: ends with a period (.) and it tells us something.
I go to school every day.
Imperative: ends with a period (.) and orders or requests something.
Close the door.
Interrogative: ends with a question mark (?) and asks something.
Can you help me?
Exclamatory: ends with and exclamation mark (!) and shows strong feelings or
Ouch, my head hurts!

Read the sentence, write the correct ending mark and match the picture.

Are you fishing on Saturday ____

Yeah, we won the game ____

Do you like ice cream ____

Happy birthday to you ____

My friend Maria is from Spain _____

Can I borrow your computer ____

My mom reads us every night ____

Oh, that is a beautiful picture.

Will you build me a bird house ____

The detective will find the clues ___

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