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Name : ________________________

Class : V __

Unit :2

Day/Date : ________________________

Write each verb into the correct form of Simple Past

Irregular Verb : Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Meaning

1 Be
2 Become
3 Begin
4 Bite
5 Blow
6 Break
7 bring
8 Build
9 Catch
10 Choose
11 Come
12 Do
13 Drink
14 Drive
15 Eat
16 Feel
17 Make
18 Say
19 Sell
20 Sing
Regular Verb : Kata Kerja Beraturan

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Meaning

1 Accept
2 Advise
3 Agree
4 Allow
5 Answer
6 Arrive
7 Bake
8 continue
9 Damage
10 Deliver
11 Describe
12 Face
13 Improve
14 Judge
15 Jump
16 Play
17 Shop
18 Touch
19 Visit
20 Work
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of a Simple Past

1. They ____________________ (watch) TV last night.

2. Priscila ____________________ (talk) to her friends all day.
3. I ___________________ (have) a terrible headache
4. Bob _____________________ (come) home from school late.
5. They ____________________ (arrive) late and
___________________ (miss) the bus.
6. She ____________________ (study) hard and
___________________(pass) the exam.
7. He ____________________ (call) the office to tell them he
was sick.
8. I ___________________ (speak) to the director as he was
leaving the room.
9. Dr. Johnson ______________________ (get up) early this
10. Mary _____________________ (do) her homework and
________________ (go) to school.
11. Chris ____________________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.
12. The dog ______________________ (follow) us down the
13. Those students _____________________ (work) hard last
14. Lúcio ___________________ (stop) at the corner and
__________________ (call) us.
15. I ___________________ (try) to talk to Helen last night.
16. I ___________________ (pay) the phone bill yesterday.
17. My dad ____________________ (catch) a cold when he
________________ (be) in Canada.
18. She _____________________ (leave) home early yesterday.
19. They ____________________ (know) each other very well
when they ________________ (be) kids.
20. The teacher _____________________ (bring) the exams
21. She was cleaning the vase when she ____________________
(drop) it.
22. We ___________________ (jog) in the park yesterday.
23. The fire ____________________ (occur) while we
___________________ (be) out.
24. I __________________ (meet) some nice people at the party
last weekend.
25. Carol _____________________ (sleep) until late on the
weekend. Then, she _______________ (go) out to lunch.
26. We ______________________ (fly) to the USA on a great

Write question.

27. She visited her parents last weekend.

28. He cleaned his room before school.
29. The teacher found the missing exams.
30. Tom wanted to go to the movies alone.
31. Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake.
32. I knew what to do.
33. Alexandre helped Anita with her homework.
34. You ate cookies after dinner.
35. You talked to her earlier.
36. We turned off the TV after the news.
37. He drank only a coke at the party.
38. Mom made breakfast early.

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