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Dear PTPN Member-

Today, I learned that the Senate Business, Prolessions and

Economic Development Committee will hear testimony on AB
783 which, if passed will allow physicians chiropractors and :i.
podiatrists to LEGALLY EMPLOY PTs, which has been deemed
illegal by the California Legislative Counsel.

We are in need of a massive turnout for the hearing on

MONDAY JUNE 13 starting at noon at the Capitol. I urge you to
attend the hearing and voice your opposition to AB 783 which
has already passed the Assembly. This will likely be our last
chaFce to defeat this bill and we need your physical and vocal
representation at the hearing. I will be personally testifying
against its passage. There will also be an investigative report
that will air next week on KNBC-LA to expose this issue for what
it isA€iphysician greed and {ailure of the Depaftment of
Consumer Affairs to enforce existing law!

You can also help significantly by attending the California

Flepublican Party fund raiser at Doctors of Physical Therapy
on June 1Oth in Carlsbad (see attached). lf vou are unable to
attend. olease consider makinq a $50-100 (or more).donation to
the CRP or a specific.lqqislatol orl lhe invitAlgn,.such as Senator
Mimi Walters or Bill Emmerson. Rememberi€i.these donations
and your attendance at the hearing WILL IMPACT YOUR

DonA€rMt sayA€iA€ others will do it so I dond€rMt have foa€

Take charge and letA€rMs all get this bill defeated as we did last
year. This time however, Medicine is prepared for our arguments
and is bringing in the big guns and PTS who work for them who
fear they will lose their (illegal)jobs.

Thank you for your help so far this year. Our combined efforts
have and will continue to go a long way toward getting our voices
heard. I will be emailing you again next week to get a phone and
email campaign in opposition of AB 783.

Working together, we can make it happen!

All my best,

MichaelWeinper, PT, DPT, MPH
818-737-A215 phone
'*epB s s s 11 .& s*e$*S&*Ttu"*******s**"****eS**"***-**s**S"#***'&*****
You cordially invited to a reception in support of the $

California Republican Paty

& tr
* *
w Business or Clocktail Attire ...L
.d, *r
e hrvited Cuests ol'Honor: X
$ Senate ltepublican Leacler llob Dutlon, Assembl.v Ilepublican lrader Connie Conwav, Seuator "$

* Minri Walters, Senator Bill Emmerson, Senator Mark Wyland, Senator Tony Strickland, Settator &
$ S[zu'o1 llururer, SenatorJoel fuiderson, Assernbly Mernber Diane Harkey, Assembly Menrber "[
S Cllrris Nor}y, Assembly Meurber Steve Kniglrt, Assernbl-v Mernber Bill Berryhill, Assenrblv- S
$ Merlller.lim silva, Assembly Member Ntlartin Garrick, Assembl-v Mernber Mike Morrell and &
Assembly Menrber Na.than Flet.cher s
& "&.
.& FridanJune 10, 2011 *
* 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm ik
4 s
* .-{..

Doctors of Physical Therapy aS

* **
6221Mefiopolitan St. Suite 101 *
* Czrlsbad, CA 92009

A f(-
*L lff
Gold Sponsor - $1000 *
Silver Sponsor - $500 e"
Bronze Sponsor - $2SO &
dr Individual'ficket - $ 1.50 s
-n Student - $25 &
lfu s
s #
Please RSVP to .Alyse Migliaro at;rrt ls-
* *r
& I'lease make yout'checks out to:
& ID# 810163 &
1215 K Srl.ccr. Suitc 1220
& Sacrar.neuto, CA 9.5814 B
-s" }{

& These contributions may be made in any amount. Individual contributions will be used in both federal and California state elections and may also be made in any amount. *

. pAC donor. Federal and California law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupatlon and employer for each donor whose contributions &

S' a calendar year must file a California "Major Donor Committee" report. g
'*r Paid for by the California Republican Party 1215 K Street, Suite 1220,Sacramento, CA 95814
; Mike osborn, Treasurer* State lD# 810163 Federal lD# C00140590

-&sAs&&*A*"&s'*.e*-*es"*"s*.&*.*'*"**'&s&*sss*"e&*&****&***&*',&**.*A* I

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