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Silhouettes Age 5-8

You will need

Silhouettes pdf A4 black paper Scissors

A4 white paper

PVA glue or gluestick A sharp pencil What to do

1. Download the Silhouettes pdf. Look at the pictures of the silhouettes. They are taken from a magazine in 1878. What does each silhouette show? 2. Choose something to make into a silhouette. You can use books, photographs or magazines as inspiration. Draw or trace its outline carefully on to white paper. 3. Cut out your drawing or tracing and place it flat on black paper. 4. Use a sharp pencil to draw around the edge of your drawing or tracing on to the black paper, then cut out the black shape. 5. Stick your black shape onto white paper with glue. 6. You might also want to decorate your silhouette by drawing an attractive border around the edge!

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