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HAF Iron Ch Chal hef llenge

Last Upd dated on Mon nday, 11 Jul 2011 10:2 Written by Chainmail By MBOI Friday, 8 J ly 20 y lle I July 2011 07:06 ur um llenge and th theme wa centered a he as around the tv show Iron v This is ou forth foru wide chal Chef! Ou artists wer given a sp ur re pecific set of rules that ar listed belo your cha f re ow, allenge as a voter is to pick the artists work that most closely represents th rules. So y have a tough job, sin k m r he you nce this job of being a jur is so diff o ror ficult we hav some priz for you a well so kee reading ve zes as ep

Rules of the Challeng C ge:

1.) Entrie must be directly foodes d -themed. For example: Y can carv a stamp o of a potat r You ve out to and enter that into the contest. Ho r owever, you cant enter a card that w merely s u was stamped with the h potato sta amp (unless the card itse is also foo elf od-themed). 2.) Entrie can be cre es eated from fo (e.g., a macaroni nec ood m cklace), can be a resemb blance of food (e.g a cake made from diapers), or can very obv g., m d c viously conta food-rela ain ated materials (e.g., a jour made from recycled cereal boxe a sorting game made from cupcak s rnal d es; ke container rs). 3.) To en the conte you mus take a pictu of your c nter est, st ure completed entry and pos it, along w a st with brief exp planation of the entry. Ev t veryone who sees the pic o cture should be able to te what is fo ell oodrelated in your entry (an initial ex n xplanation of the entry m be neces o may ssary, but we shouldnt h have to have a hard time deciphering what is food-related in y d w your entry). 4.) Any entries that do not follow these rules WILL be di e d w isqualified!! !

Conte estants Prize: P

We try to be as gener o rous as we can afford to our particip c pants so that their hard w work and effo do ort not go to waste. The winning art will rece $25.00 c o e tist eive cold hard cas to spend o anything they sh on want. Th winning contestant wi also a win a free shop for life on t Handmad Artists S he c ill n p the de Shop!

Voter and Commen rs C ntor Priz zes:

All who vote and lea a comme saying that you voted will be aut v ave ent d, tomatically e entered to win seve prizes sh below donated from our lovely members as well as a $2 eral how d m s 25.00 cash to o spend on anything yo want from the Handm n ou m made Artists Shop! If yo vote and d not leave a ou do e comment you will no be entered you must do both to be eligible to w the prize t ot d d e win es.

The first prize is a plant poker ma from cop ade pper wire and enamel char rms Lovingly donated y by Bohem mianGrove

The se econd prize is a i polym clay cake mer e donate by one of our ed f earlies members Haffina st H of Haf ffinaCreation ns

The third Prize is a lovely e e pen ndant Donate by ed Bob bbiwired of Bobbis Ima aginations-Je ewelry

The forth prize is a 200 h 2 page min journal fro ni om our wond derful Blue Highway ys

Ar rtsyCrafty is donating s th baby dres for a 12 his ss month old

So there are 5 prizes plus CASH All you need to do i vote and c H! n is comment

Contes Ent C st tries!

Its a brown vanilla ice cream, whipped crea and a che with hot fudge nie, i w am erry t sauce by WelshDragon W nDesigns _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

Three knit Sushi Rolls by Dahlish Knits s ________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ______

A Pop Tart Journal by Blue Highw t B ways _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

Handmade Mardi Gras cake by Ree Botanical ef ls _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

Mario mush hroom bath fizzie by Ch hoshu _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

Fairy Hous plant poke made from bread doug by Bohem se m gh mianGrove _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

How to coo Apple-Str ok rawberry Jam by One str m roke painting g _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

Red, White and Blue Polymer Clay Cupcake N e, P y Necklace by Karoger87 _________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ______

The mouse takes the ch heese lampw work by Love Devotion es Choose yo favorite entry! our

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