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..!! =eg neLLgg S1ru nrerS =gear LgeSSre
grea !o eLLgr1rS SanS SrLer. !9..!! =eg
4 L1LZSmSSre mueS e1LLLLLS. =gg1reLr
uggu LZu1eTSSre ! egeL L1LZSmSSre gre
mueS W.P.No. !9o|!a A1rng uegggra LgLLSSLLLL
geL1re1eLu nggg eeSSL LLS.

Se 1arr

kL55 kLLLA5L

776156 cand|dates have appeared for the exam|nat|on he|d on

20.02.2011 IN for recru|tment of cand|dates to the post of V|||age
Adm|n|strat|ve Cff|cer. 1he resu|ts for 2407 cand|dates have been re|eased on
19.07.2011. 1he resu|ts for the 1077 shortfa|| vacanc|es for 5C/51 are kept |n
abeyance unt|| further orders of the non'b|e n|gh Court |n W..No.19563 of

Deputy 5ecretary

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