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ATIP - 7040-10-140/CL_ Analysed on: December 13, 2010 Review and approval for the disclosure of: “agendas, briefing notes, presentations, speakingnotes and post-meeting reports pertaining to Cassie Doyle’s meetings with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers as reported to the Commissioner of Lobbying. Please cover the time period from January 1, 2010 to present.” Requestor: public Contents: Communication from CAPP to DM, publicly available reports by CAPP, memos to DM from ES in preparation for meetings with CAPP, summary of meeting between CAPP and DM, talking points and summary of issues for DM in preparation for CAPP event. Concerns: Re oil sands - Moderate. Most of the material is of little concern, as it is sent to the DM by CAPP and contains public information. The memos and preparatory notes drafted by ES for the DM state known facts, however of moderate concern is the statement that "NRCan is leading an oil sands engagement strategy with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and other federal departments, in coordination with Alberta and the oil sands industry. This includes establishing a common set of key facts and messages to ensure our communications products are consistent.” (p. 000059, and repeated on p. 000063) It should also be flagged that the memo on page 000041 refers to NNRCan's oil sands outreach; s.21(1Mb) 000065 Page(s) 000066 to / 4 000067 is (are) not relevant n'est(ne sont) pas pertinente(s) Donnelly O° i, Katie From: Carta, John March-15-14 10:46 Joanisse, Micheline; Stuart, Bruce; Arcand, Ingrid; Donnelly O'Neil, Katio Fw: Atip docs. From: Walker, Richard Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2013 10:32 AM Duchesne, Paul; Carta, John McFarlane, Gregory Subject: Fw: Atip docs Pyi Richard Walker Director of Conmunications/ Directeur des communications Office of the Miniover of Natural Resources Canada/Cabinet du ministre des Ressources naturelles Canada Sent using BlackRerry original Message ~ Not relevant Mike De Souza [nailto:mdesouza@postmedia.coml tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:31 aK 0006s

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