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Bangladesh society & Culture Religion . The majority of Bangladeshis are Muslim. Festivals: .

On the whole an entire community participates in each other's religious ceremonies. Meeting & Greeting . The hand shake is common. . For women it is best to wait to see if a hand is extended before doing so. Meeting & Greeting . Business etiquette in Bangladesh is reasonably formal. Proper behavior is expected. . Men greet each other with a handshake upon arriving and leaving. . Foreign men should nod to a Bangladeshi woman unless she extends her hand. Business Card Etiquette . Business cards are exchanged after the initial introduction. . Educational qualifications are valued so include any university degrees. . Present your business card with the right hand. Business Meetings . Meetings in Bangladesh are generally the place where decisions are disseminated rather than made. . They will usually be led by the most senior present that sets the agenda, the content, and the pace of the activities. . Meeting structures are not very linear in Bangladesh. There may be an agenda and a starting time, but they only serve as guidelines. . Completing a meeting fully takes priority over time and may extend well past any scheduled end time. .Egyptian Society & Culture Islam Islam is practiced by the majority of Egyptians and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Friday is the Muslim holy day. Everything is closed.

Relationships & Communication . Egyptians prefer to do business with those they know and respect, therefore expect to spend time cultivating a personal relationship before business is conducted. . Who you know is more important than what you know, so it is important to network and cultivate a number of contracts. . Expect to be offered coffee or tea whenever you meet someone, as this demonstrates hospitality. Even if you do not take a sip, always accept the beverage. Since Egyptians judge people on appearances wear good quality conservative clothes and present yourself well at all times. . Egyptians believe direct eye contact is a sign of honesty and sincerity, so be prepared for disconcertingly intense stares. . Senior person will be the speaker. Business Meeting Etiquette . Appointments are necessary. . Confirm the meeting one week in advance, either in writing or by telephone. . Reconfirm again a day or two before the meeting. . Meetings are generally not private. Egyptians have an open-door policy. . If you send an agenda and presentation materials in advance of the meeting, send both an English and Egyptian Arabic translation. Business Negotiation . The social side of business is very important. Egyptians must know and like you to conduct business. Personal relationships are necessary for long-term business. . The highest ranking person makes decisions, after obtaining group consensus. . Include older people with impressive titles in your team since Egyptians respect age and experience. . Expect a fair amount of haggling. Egyptians seldom see an offer as final. . Egyptians do not like confrontation and abhor saying 'no'. If they do not respond, it usually is a negative sign. . Always include research and documentation to support your claims. . Do not use high-pressure tactics. . Egyptians are tough negotiators. Dress Etiquette . Formal and conservative dress make a good impression. Women should wear dresses which will cover their body properly. Business Cards . Business cards are given without formal ritual. . Have one side of your card translated into Egyptian Arabic.

. Always hand the card so the recipient may read it. . Make a point of studying any business card you receive before putting into your business card case. Impasse: In this negotiation ORYX leather company is the reknown leather company so they wont be ready to agree with Bangladeshs all the demand. They will expect Bangladesh to move from their position. On the other hand Banladeshi company has also a selected market. So they may not agree to all the terms and conditions of ORYX.

Impasse: Impasse occurs when both parties reach in such a situation where there is no easy way out of resolution. In our negotiation situation may occur due to the certain reasons: As a renowned leather company, ORYX Leather may try to be in command of the negotiation situation. They may claim more facilities to GOOD Leather.

GOOD Leather on the other hand has a reliable customer segment in Bangladesh and they may not also agree with all the terms and conditions with ORXY Leather.

As both of the parties have strong reasons to be stable in their situation, so the negotiation may be stacked in a certain point and thus create Impasse. In order to resolve this problem, both parties should consider a little or find a different solution to continue the negotiation process again.

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