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Working Culture in Thailand

First of all I want to let you know about the working culture.
Every country has its own working culture and for ourself we may know
only about our local working culture but not other countries. It is
important to know other country's working cultures but do you know
when it becomes important? It is important when you work in foreign
countries or doing international business by starting a joint venture, or
having business meetings in other countries, it is necessary that you
understand the country's working culture so that the work and
international business that we do are going well.
Now that you understand about the importance of working culture, lets
get to know the working culture in Thailand.
Thai people are incredibly friendly and approachable. Thailand is known
as the 'Land of Smiles', as they love to have a fun and comfortable life.
This goes to their work life as well. They want to keep a happy
environment by avoid arguments and quarrels. This is because they do
not wants to make their workplace looks miserable. In fact they want to
make their workplace becomes fun and interesting. So if you interested
to work with Thailand people, there are few elements of culture in
Thailand that you need to know which are
Building Business Relationships  
To build a successful business relationship in Thailand, you will need to
be open and upfront. They may ask you a lot of questions that you
might think are personal, but this is just a way to get to know you
Before Thai people will agree to do business with you, they will want
to first develop a personal relationship with you. They need to be able
to trust you and relate to you.
The typical greeting in Thailand is the wai, which involves you placing
your hands together in prayer form and making a slight bow of your
head. You can also smile and slightly nod your head as a friendly
greeting to show respect when meeting someone new. 
Like many Asian countries, Thailand respects hierarchies and they
have a great respect for their elders. They will want to try to determine
where you fall in this hierarchy so that they can give you the proper
respect. For example is by offering your business card, they will know
your job title and role within the company. 
Business Attire
Business attire is more formal and conservative than in other parts of
the country. For the colours, dark shades are usually acceptable and
stick to grays and browns since they thought black colour is only used
at funerals. They also prefer less on bright, vibrant colors.
Talking Points  
When you are talking to Thai business contacts, be respectful. There are
5 tips on talking points that we need to know which first is
Use the term Khun before addressing a superior, which is equivalent
to Mr., Mrs. Ms. and Miss.
Avoid interrupting others when they are talking.  
Avoid speaking negatively about any Thai political figures.
Also, avoid teasing or playfully mocking the people with whom you are
speaking. This is not expected and may be taken seriously.
Also, avoid correcting others.
Okay that's all for my explanation on working culture in Thailand. I hope
you guys had fun and gain more information on how to work with
Thailand people.
Thank you.

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