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a=] ° op) ey > oO Sf —j | 1° ts mm 3 |: Z ssn. WASIG, ‘Iraqi soldiers in Iran, 1980. To The American People: How To Use This Book ostage to Khomeini was designed in summer 1980 s an indictment of President Carter's role in contributing to the downfall of the Shah and Khomeini’s seizure of power. It was—and is—a story that the American people desperately need to know. Now, in 1981, this book must be used to great effect with the incoming government of Ronald Reagan. It is the political responsibility of the American people, once informed, to act in concert to prevent the next U.S. administration from repeating the mistakes of the pre- vious one, An opportunity exists for the entire Khomeini regime to be swept away during 1981 and replaced with a government of sanity. But that will depend on the will of the American citizenry. Byy two copies of this book, and send one to your congressman. Ask your local bookseller to keep it in stock. Ask your local newspaper to review it, Let the officials in Washington know that the Amer- ican people will not tolerate our government treating the Khomeini regime as anything but the outlaw dictatorship that it is January 1, 1981 Hostage to Khomeini

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