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The city of Caiio, Egypt, coulu not function without the !"##"$%%&. !"##"$%%&'
which tianslates to "people of the tiash"is a name that this community uses
piouuly. The !"##"$%%& aie uescenuents fiom faimeis anu heiueis who moveu
fiom 0ppei Egypt to Caiio two oi thiee geneiations ago. Because these fiist
migiants weie Chiistians, anu uiu not have the ieligious piohibition against owning
pigs, they biought theii pigs with them to Caiio. The eaily !"##"$%%& gatheieu
oiganic waste to feeu to theii pigs anu solu the manuie as feitilizei. In this way the
eaily !"##"$%%& quickly establisheu a livelihoou. Caiio soon came to uepenu on the
!"##"$%%&'s waste collection seivices. When iecycling technology came to Egypt,
the !"##"$%%&(expanueu theii business to auapt to the new maikets. 0nfoitunately,
the !"##"$%%& aie lookeu uown upon by the iest of Caiio society, anu theii
impoitant iole is oveilookeu.
Recognizing the impoitant iole the !"##"$%%& play in waste management, the
Association foi the Piotection of the Enviionment (APE) began woiking with the
community. With the help of APE, the !"##"$%%& establisheu the Kattameya Centei
foi Integiateu Waste Nanagement anu Recycling in Caiio, Egypt. The Kattameya
Centei's mission is to piomote
enviionmentally safe soliu waste
management in Caiio by empoweiing waste
collectois to use impioveu technology anu
sounu financial management piactices.
Kattameya Centei also aims to eain
iecognition foi the !"##"$%%&)*(woik anu
impiove theii acceptance in Caiio.

In 2u1u, the Kattameya Centei askeu foi a
cost-benefit analysis similai to the Waste
Nanagement Analysis Tool (WNAT). The
goal of the cost-benefit analysis was to
ueteimine whethei each business unit was
financially healthy in teims of its balance
between spenuing anu biinging in ievenue.
Auuitionally, the cost-benefit analysis
measuieu the benefits to society pioviueu by

Association foi the Piotection of the Enviionment: http:www.ape.oig.egNission.html
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the !"##"$%%&, such as employment of women anu less waste going to the lanufills.
The cost-benefit analysis consisteu of two paits. The fiist pait was a Piivate-
Piofitability Analysis (PPA). The PPA focuseu on the ievenues anu expenses of the
oiganization, examining the Centei as a business. The iesults of the PPA gave the
Kattameya Centei a moie compiehensive unueistanuing of the oiganization. The
analysis inuicateu which units of the Centeisuch as Composting, Plastics, PET
Recycling, Nachineiy piouuction anu Sewingweie piofitable, anu which units
neeueu changes.
The seconu pait was a Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA). The SCBA measuieu the
social benefits of the !"##"$%%&)* woik, especially the employment of unskilleu laboi
anu waste mateiial uiveiteu fiom the lanufill. With this infoimation, the Kattameya
Centei felt moie confiuent that theii waste collection seivices pioviueu value to
society as a whole. This analysis helpeu the Centei iuentify its stiengths, to bettei
position themselves to compete foi business contiacts with foimal waste
management coipoiations.
The !"##"$%%& aie extiemely goou at what they uouiveiting 7u to 8u peicent of
collecteu waste fiom lanufills thiough iecycling anu composting, compaieu to a Su
peicent "best piactice" fiom global coipoiations.
The cost-benefit analysis
pioviueu eviuence that theii waste management piactices aie financially anu
socially sustainable. This infoimation gives the Kattameya Centei an auvantage,
setting it apait fiom foimal businesses that uo not pioviue these auueu social
The Kattameya Centei's expeiience uoing a cost-benefit analysis inspiieu the
uevelopment of the Waste Nanagement Analysis Tool (WNAT). Infoimal waste
collectois exist in eveiy countiy anu make valuable contiibutions to the societies in
which they live anu woik. This woik pioviues income foi ioughly 1S million people
aiounu the woilu.
Waste collectois also benefit the enviionment by helping to
keep cities cleanei.

Wilson, B., velis, C., & Cheeseman, C. (2uu6). Role of infoimal sectoi iecycling in waste management
in uevelopment countiies. Babitat Inteinational, Su(4), 797-8u8.
Soliu Waste Nanagement in the Woilu's Cities: Watei anu Sanitations in the Woilu's Cities. (2u1u).
0niteu Nations Buman Settlements Piogiamme. Nalta: uutenbeig Piess.
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Infoimal waste collectois alieauy know the seciet to successE((/-"*,(7*(="*,.

Wafalme, a hip-hop gioup fiom Kenya, won the 2uu9 F+G(H3*7/78%(I$70"/%(I,"&2%(
J5"-4 with this exact message.

The membeis of Wafalme aie young infoimal waste collectois fiom Naiiobi. They
aie piouu of theii woik. Theii lyiics show why infoimal waste collectois aie so
impoitantthey tuin tiash into cash. In the piocess, waste collectois cieate jobs
foi millions of people while also helping the enviionment.
Below, in theii own woius, Wafalme uesciibes how they iecovei value fiom the
waste stieam.

}ansen, P. (2u1u). +-"*,(L*(I"*,. Retiieveu Nay 2u11, fiom view Change:
}ansen, P. (2u11). O$?0(+"$%&/(+-?*/E(U30%. Retiieveu Nay 2u11, fiom Slum Talent Tiust:
}ansen, P. (2u1u). +-"*,(L*(I"*,.
#$%&'!($)$*'+')&!,)$-.%/%!011-2!3)&41567&/1)! >


Wafalme's lyiics uesciibe a "value chain." Waste changes shape anu tiansfeis hanus
as it moves thiough the waste management cycle. A "value chain" uesciibes how
money is eaineu acioss the uiffeient stages of waste management, fiom collection to
soiting, iecycling anu piouuction of new piouucts.
Some oiganizations opeiate at just one stage, while othei oiganizations aie involveu
in seveial stages.

When waste management oiganizations expanu into multiple activities, they have
the oppoitunities to eain moie money.
This is because mateiials aie woith moie money as they aie piocesseu foi futuie
use. Foi example, a tonne of mixeu waste is woith less than a tonne of soiteu
plastics. The act of soiting allows futuie useis to make bettei use of the mateiials.
In a similai way, plastic pellets aie woith moie than plastic bottles.
The Waste Nanagement Analysis Tool pioviues uata that infoims oiganizations as
as it makes futuie business uecisions. Recycling plastic into pellets iequiies
expensive equipment anu a tiaineu staff. The WNAT oiganizes the uata so an
oiganization can ueciue if puichasing that equipment is beneficial. The oiganization

Naiiobi Waste. (2u11). Retiieveu Nay 2u11, fiom Naiiobi Waste:
Waste Recoveiy
Final Bisposal
Waste Collection
? #$%&'!($)$*'+')&!,)$-.%/%!011-2!3)&41567&/1)!


can use the Nanual to evaluate the output fiom the WNAT to analyze the changes to
piofitability anu social impact ovei time.
Consiuei the example of the !"##"$%%& anu the Kattameya Centei foi Integiateu
Waste Nanagement anu Recycling in Caiio, Egypt.
The Kattameya Centei allows the !"##%$%%& to tiansfoim waste into new piouucts.
At the Kattameya Centei, woikeis soit the waste anu then piepaie the mateiials foi
iecycling. Some iecycleu mateiials aie manufactuieu into new piouucts. Foi
example, the !"##"$%%& make new constiuction mateiials fiom melting plastic anu
mixing it with sanu to make stuiuy biicks anu sheeting. They also compost oiganic
mateiials using manuie fiom theii pigs. The !"##"$%%& uo not iecovei waste fiom
uumpsites, but they uo pioviue householu waste collection seivices. In Figuie S, the
!"##"$%%& value chain is highlighteu in tuiquoise.

Infoimal waste collectois each have theii own unique way of making money.
Infoimal waste oiganizations face many uiffeient iealities than the !"##"$%%&, but
the WNAT is uesigneu to auuiess this vaiiation.
As anothei example, consiuei the waste collectois fiom the Payatas Bumpsite in
Nanila, Philippines. These collectois mostly iecovei valuable mateiials fiom
uumpsites in Payatas.
Waste Recoveiy
Final Bisposal
Waste Collection
The !"##"$%%& aie involveu in waste collection seivices, soiting, composting, iecycling,
piouuction, anu othei piocessing activities.
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With help of the vincentian Nissionaiies Founuation, howevei, the Payatas waste
collectois weie able to secuie a plot of lanu wheie they coulu stoie anu soit theii
collecteu mateiials.

Baving a place to stoie theii mateiials oveinight alloweu the Payatas collectois to
choose what uays they wanteu to sell. If the neaiby junk uealei is offeiing a bau
piice one uay, the collectois can wait until piices go up again. The Payatas
Collectois maue moie money because they moveu into a seconu activity.
Aftei the Payatas Collectois staiteu theii soiting unit, they staiteu making moie
money. Eventually they weie able to save enough money to open theii own junk
By expanuing into a thiiu activity, iecycling, the Payatas Collectois weie able
to eain even moie money than befoie.


Caicellai, F. N. (1998). The Payatas Enviionmental Bevelopment Piogiamme: Nicio-enteipiise
Piomotion anu Involvement in Soliu Waste Nanagement in Quezon City. P&87-3&0%&/("&4(
V-#"&7W"/73& @(X: (2), SS-68; uonzales, E. N. (2uuS). Fiom Wastes to Assets: The Scavengeis of
Payatas. L&/%-&"/73&"$(I3&>%-%&=%(3&(Y"/?-"$(J**%/* (pp. 1-2S). Tagaytay City, Philippines: Political
Economy Reseaich Institute anu Centie foi Science anu the Enviionment.
uonzales, E. N. (2uuS).
Waste Recoveiy
Final Bisposal
Waste Collection
The Collectois at Payatas aie involveu in waste iecoveiy, soiting, anu iecycling activities.
A #$%&'!($)$*'+')&!,)$-.%/%!011-2!3)&41567&/1)!


The WNAT is a cost-benefit analysis tool uesigneu to empowei infoimal waste
collectoi oiganizations in oiuei to help them impiove business piactices. The
WNAT has two paits: a Piivate Piofitability Analysis anu a Social Cost-Benefit
' '
D%"E+9&'D%1,"9+2"-"95'F/+-58"8'GDDFH'is a business analysis tool that compaies
spenuing anu ievenue. This type of analysis shows whethei a business is cuiiently
piofitable. PPA analysis can also be useu to plan foi futuie business expansion, such
as the puichase of new equipment. It also helps builu tiust within an oiganization
by uocumenting how money is spent anu how money is eaineu. This tianspaiency
encouiages tiust, infoimeu uecision-making anu helps people woik togethei
towaius a common goal.
Regaiuless the numbei of activities, it is helpful foi eveiy oiganization to keep
accuiate anu oiganizeu iecoius of how money is spent anu eaineu. The WNAT
helps oiganizations tiack the flow of money foi each unit. This type of iecoiu-
keeping anu analysis helps the oiganization see a cleai pictuie of each activity. As a
iesult, the WNAT infoims oiganizations to avoiu suipiises. Foi example, one unit
coulu be veiy piofitable, but anothei unit coulu be stiuggling to make a piofit. If the
oiganization only lookeu at the entiie buuget, it may not see that a unit is stiuggling
since the piofitable unit woulu covei up the losses fiom the unpiofitable unit. By
looking at each unit inuiviuually, oiganizations have bettei infoimation foi uecision-

I1J"+-'=189KL&/&,"9'F/+-58"8GI=LFH'quantifies the benefits society ieceives fiom
the woik of infoimal waste collectois. These benefits aie expiesseu as a monetaiy
value. Social benefits incluue iecoveiing iecyclable mateiials fiom lanufills, cieating
new jobs, anu impioving the enviionment by iemoving waste fiom homes anu
neighboihoous. Neasuiing anu being able to state cleaily these social benefits will
help waste collectois baigain foi contiacts fiom the city oi a foimal business.
Infoimal waste collectois shoulu be iecognizeu as valuable paitneis. Being able to
measuie social benefits coulu also help waste collectois win giants fiom Nu0s.

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To download the WMAT please visit:

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