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These two groups of people are often and easily confused, but they are very distinct with

differing beliefs. Can you correctly distinguish between Pilgrim and Puritan? Record as much information as you know partial credit is yours if you try!

John Winthrop

William Bradford

Name of group of followers

(p. 37) Key word here is purify. The Puritans wanted to stay a part of the Anglican Church. They wanted to fix (purify) the corruptions. They felt the Anglican church had too many things trappings of Catholicism bishops, gold crosses, graven images of saints. (p. 41)

(p. 37) Key word here is separitist. The Pilgrims left England to get away from the Anglican Church thats why they sailed from Holland. They had gone there in 1609 to get away from the persecution of the kings army.

Beliefs specifically their view of Anglican Church

(Both were protestant but dissenters. I think some of you may have the Catholic & Anglican Church confused.)

Social Class/Status
(how they were dressed was a visual clue if you forgot which was which) Both knew the Bible well, but beyond that they were very different.

(p. 37) Puritans were highly educated you could see that they valued this with things like the Deluder Law (p. 42) They were successful merchants (p.37)

They had already left England 11 years before and were living in Holland. They were a small group and felt that being so small they were in danger of losing their identity. Half of them died in the first year from starvation of died!! They depended on the Indians for survival and without Squanto all of them might have died. (p. 39)

Arrival in America names, dates, details encouraged

Puritans came in 1630 with 17 ships and more than 1000 people! You can bet these ships were well supplied. Winthrops ship the Arbella was a rich, proud ship with 28 cannons which gave naval gun salutes!! It even had an eagle carved on the prow. They came with a charter from the Massachusetts Bay Company. When they came they had time to be concerned about education not survival (they founded Harvard in 6 years!) (p. 40-41)

Mayflower was a tiny ship called fragile on p. 41. They arrived in America in 1620 (signing of Compact date) coming ashore at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. (p.38-40) They were few in number only 102 passengers. When they arrived they depended on Indians for survival.

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