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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse District 1 District 2 Rep. Rep. Patrick Jim Kennedy Langevin On October 3, 2008, both of our Senators & Representatives voted for the $700,000,000,000 bailout package (H.R. 1424) for Wall Street despite many requests from contituents to vote against it. While this bill has been sold as a means of protecting homeowners and preventing an economic collapse, the truth is quite different: 1. The value of the dollar has dropped for every American as $700 billion has been pumped into circulation. 2. Top men & women on Wall Street have made a fortune (on top of what they already make). The bill contains all kinds of "sweeteners." 3. American taxpayers will pay more in the years ahead (including Al Gore's carbon tax which is based on unproven "facts.") 4. More power has been given to our central government's executive branch. 3. Americans have lost more of their liberties due to a "rushed" bill that was rushed in similar to how the Patriot Act was rushed in. 6. A 10-20 year depression will likely occur. 7. Homeowners won't benefit in the long run. 8. The market is prevented from correcting itself. 9. The bill is unconstitutional. 10. 60-99% of the American People (including Democrats, Republicans, Third Party Members and non-voters) were against the bill. These politicians work for the American People and that's who should be represented. This is a breach of trust, so therefore, by at least one definition of the word, TREASON has been commited. Next election, please be sure to VOTE THEM ALL OUT! Vote for whoever runs against them. If no one is, then write someone's name in. To help remove bad Senators and Represenatives from other States, please go to the website:

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