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Chapter 3 The Greatest Revolution

(pp 87-106) Preparing for your Opportunity

If you answer any of these questions in less than three sentences its probably a fair guess that you did not answer it thoroughly. Contrast Englands treatment of captives or prisoners and the colonists policy of humanity. Use examples. Take a second look at the man George Washington. Assess his strengths and weaknesses after this weeks reading, any changes or clarifications? Include your thoughts not only about his military career, but about his character as well, and your answer need not pertain to this weeks reading only or even just this chapter/ Discuss at least three Revolutionary soldiers other than Washington without whom the war effort may have been lost. How specifically did they influence the outcome of the war? Tell the story of how France aided the colonists. Be sure to tell how it impacted the war effort. There were four major battles fought in the Carolinas. Tell of them. In SC there is a city named Laurens which is the seat of Laurens County, SC. It was named after a Revolutionary War hero. Tell of him and why his death was such a tragedy.

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