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To my blog!

It's really exciting when you get your first brief so many possibilities, so much to learn but where do you start?

They're big and scary but don't panic! Film reviews will be a BIG help in preparing you for an upcoming essay. They are a benefit more than they are a hindrance so the sooner you tackle them, the better.

The sooner you get to grips with different theories the better. Examples:

Sigmund Freud: The Uncanny, Oedipus Complex, The Ego and the Id, Eros and Thanatos. Laura Mulvey: Death 24x a Second, Visual and Other Pleasures, Fetishism and Curiosity.

You WILL have set-backs. If you can prepare yourself for future problems you can deal with them quickly and with the least mess possible!

This course is full of supportive and helpful people that will go out of their way to make sure you don't go completely crazy. Take full advantage of it! Whether it's by blog or by grabbing someone in the baseroom.

You'll receive comments that might not always be what you want to hear. Don't take them personally, just keep positive and use them to your advantage.

The enjoyment can decrease with time, so if you're struggling then have a break for a while and come back later. Don't let it stop you having fun but make sure you keep your work as a priority and remember your...

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