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CONSONANT SOUNDS P and F Pick a partner and practice passing, for ir you pass proficiently, perhaps you'll play

professionally. There was a young fisher named Fischer Who fished for a fish in a fissure. The fish with a grin, Pulled the fisherman in; Now they're fishing the fissure for Ficher. Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks. Fat frogs flying past fast. TH Room Three Hundred Thirty-Three on the third floor rents for $33.33 every third Thursday. Whether the weather is hat. Whether the weather is cold. Whether the weather is either or not. It is whether we like it or not. I thought a thought But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought Three hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred thirteen trees. B and V "Berries vary very much," said the very berry fairly. One should wear one's best vest for the fest. In other words, one should wear one's best fest vest. V and W Wendell Vacario Wasted vine after vine. Woolen vests for wailing wolves are worn in vast woodlands. Varied berries are wetted while Val and Walt whisper in vain. Woodson's waistcoat is weirdly vented. Wise women don't walk in the woods while wolves wander. Vivian, Valerie, and Virginia verbally voiced vivid salvos. Mervin never drivels when vexing wooing vendors. S and Z

Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes amiss. For moses knowses his toeses aren't roses as Moses supposes. Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir? L and R Laura and Larry rarely lull their roosters to sleep. Sri Lankans are really leery of Landry's rules. Climbing crimes are lures for crowded clowns. There are free fleas for all the loyal royalty. It's the right light with the glimmer in the mirror. Collecting the corrections is the role of the elderly. Are Roland and Sally rallying here in their lorry? Jerry's berry jelly really rankled his broiling belly. Sh and Ch Check the sheep shippers for seeping chips. Chuk and Russ's cherries and peaches get mushy in a rush. Insane Shane chained his catch close to his ketch. The serchers for perch perished on the chilly seashore. Sean Schick was seasick selling seashells in shallow shoals. "Shush", siad Sally as she shredded Charlotte's cheap shirts. Sherman was shy about chips and sherbet in

Chattanooga. Charlie is sure sore about the chipped Tanhitian fuchsia he purchased. VOWEL SOUNDS Eat each green pea. Ain straight at the game. It is in Italy. I tried my kite. Oaks grow slowly. Father was calm as he threw the bomb on the dock. An awed audience applauded Claude. Go slow Joe, you're stepping on my toe. Up the bluff, Bud runs with the cup of love. Red led men to the heifer that fell in the dell. Oil soils doilies. Flip a coin, Roy, you have a choice of oysters or poi. At her leisure, she used rouge to camouflage her features. There's tour cue, the curfew is due.

It was the student's duty to deliver the Tuesday newspaper. He feels keen as he schemes and dreams. Much of the flood comes under the hutch. Boots and shoes lose newness soon. Ruth was rude to the youthful recruit. Oddly, the ominous octopus remained calm. The pod will rot if left on the rock. Look, you could put your foot on the hood and push. Dale's dad died in the stampede for gold. Engineer Ethelbert wrecked the express at the end of Elm street. Long E and Shor I I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings. Tim's team was licked by the leaking roof. Pip and pete shipped the sheep ships cheaply. Those bins are for Bill Beal's beans. Does Jim still steal Jill's jeans? Will Wheeler's team get many hits in this heat? The girls snickered at Jill and Jean's sneakers. Leaving the living sinners at the scene, Will wheeler grieved. Pick cherries at their peak or Pete will see the pits. Beach bins are filled with field filler. He's giving his healing pills to all sinners on the scene. O, U and A Chop shops stck chops. A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. Swan swam over the sea, Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again Well swum, swan! Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black but bit? Sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shotsilk sash shop. E and I

Ed had edited it.

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