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Quibbler cover template

Accio dress! Whether you're a wizard or a muggle, this Luna Lovegood outfit is suitable for Halloween or cosplay! For Halloween this year, my daughter asked me to help her put costumes together to look like Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter's friend. We're both obsessed with Harry Potter, so this is a fun challenge! Instead
of going shop-bought, we got a DIY/thrift everything we needed for these clothes that saved us a lot of money and allowed us to get creative. If you also admire this unique character, this dress is perfect for Halloween and cosplay! *See all of our Harry Potter projects! The girl unleashed a different aura of dottiness.
Perhaps it was the fact that he had stuck a stick behind his left ear to keep safe, or that he had chosen to wear a Butterbeer hat grock, or that he read the magazine overturned. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Luna Lovegood's character are quite odd and eccentric, which is clear in her choice of clothing and
accessories. From her Spectrespecs to her carrot earrings, Luna's clothes are all about details. You can make all these accessories yourself – I'll show you how! At Harry Potter, Edible Plums are magical plants that resemble orange carrots. Harry sees Luna wearing some of these as an ear, and thinks it's a bit weird.
After doing little research, it turns out that Selfgible Plums attached on the forehead helped ravenclaws to improve the ability to accept the unexpected. Luna also wore Necklace's Butterbeer Cork, with butterbeer corking as pending. The aim is supposed to keep Nargles away. Here's how you can make your own Luna
Butterbeer Cork Necklace: First, look for a cork. This could be new from a craft shop, or used from wine this weekend. Glue the screw eye pin to the top of the cork and set aside dry. Strings of various blue seed beads to two different jewelry wire lengths. You want a lower hanging shade in the chest area, so measure it
accordingly. Tie the tie the wire together to keep the roots in place, and then attach the two servings together. Hook the jump ring larger through the eye pin on the cork and place two mains in it. Close the ring, and the wreath is ready to wear! Luna's father publishes The Quibbler magazine, so he is usually seen carrying
copies around with him. When Harry first met Luna, she read this copy of Quibbler but held it upside down. I just thought it was necessary to include a magazine with clothes! I found a printable magazine on a website that is no longer, so I'll share files with you here*. I printed the front page on the cardboard, cut the white
edges. Next, I found a magazine I got in the mail and tracked a printed cover at the front. I used my TrueControl Cricut Knife to cut the magazine down. After a bunch of tape tape line, I stuck the cover on the back and front of the magazine. I also added some clear tape down the magazine's spine to keep two pages
together. *Download Free Printable Quibbler Protection ***If I can find the original designer of the cover, I'll update this post! Luna is also known for wearing a pair of Spectrespecs. They are big and colourful glasses given in the issue of The Quibbler. According to Luna, Spectrespecs allows the wizard to see the invisible
creatures! I found a pair of plastic Spectrespecs that would work great for clothes, but it was difficult for my daughter to wear it because she was already wearing glasses. Instead, I formed some printable Spectrespecs to stick over her glasses for the same look! Download and print Free Printable Spectrespecs on
cadstock. Carefully cut the pieces, including eye holes. I recommend putting on spectacle if you're going to wear this much!! Fold side pieces at the straight end and glue them to the glasses so they can be worn. If you're already wearing glasses, just stick the front to your glasses with a few glue/tape points in the corners
and bridges! Some things you need to know before downloading: *Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (okay for home, school & library). *You cannot modify, sell, redirect, or claim the design as your own. *Please do not remove the credit/watermark. *If you want to share this project, you
can use ONE photo and credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama and linked back to this post. Luna brings around a crooked messenger bag. I wasn't clever at the crochet, so I left the job to my sister and mother. This Navy Tweed thread is a perfect shade, and I love additional color specifications! As I said, I don't
know much about the crochet world ... I was told it was made as a rectangle, then sewn to the side. Next, attach the ropes to go perpetrators around the shoulder. The finished bag measures about 9.5 wide, and about 9 is high. It's the perfect size to hold the magazine (the title will show the top), the stick, and of course,
candy from tricks or treats! Clothing for clothes is a mixture of clothes we have, and the things we find in the thrift store: • Instead of skirts, she wears unicorn/space clothes. You can find many similar ones on Walmart or Target. • Coat/jacket is from thrift shop! We found it in the woman's suit section, but also had seen
some similar sweat and other jackets. • Blue legs are also excited, but you can easily some are blue regulars at Walmart/Target. Another option is to digest some thick tight or white-legged. • Colorful, neckline almost everywhere. Tuck your legs into socks, and then bunch them up to get this look! • Luna wears high
Galaxy shoes, so our Galaxy DIY Shoes Honestly, you can wear the shoes you want, or visit a thrift store for affordable options if they won't be worn much after Halloween. Hope you're inspired to make your own Luna Lovegood outfit! I want to hear what you think and if you make your own Harry Potter-inspired clothes
this year! In PowerPoint and PDF I have collected pages of Quibbler January 2011. Print them as usual, with ignorant paper or regular printer A4 paper, side two or not. The first one below, named 'Quibbler' is PowerPoint and the PDF just underneath. From there, print your page. Accio dress! Whether you're a wizard or
a muggle, this Luna Lovegood outfit is suitable for Halloween or cosplay! For Halloween this year, my daughter asked me to help her put costumes together to look like Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter's friend. We're both obsessed with Harry Potter, so this is a fun challenge! Instead of going shop-bought, we got a DIY/thrift
everything we needed for these clothes that saved us a lot of money and allowed us to get creative. If you also admire this unique character, this dress is perfect for Halloween and cosplay! *See all of our Harry Potter projects! The girl unleashed a different aura of dottiness. Perhaps it was the fact that he had stuck a
stick behind his left ear to keep safe, or that he had chosen to wear a Butterbeer hat grock, or that he read the magazine overturned. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Luna Lovegood's character are quite odd and eccentric, which is clear in her choice of clothing and accessories. From her Spectrespecs to her
carrot earrings, Luna's clothes are all about details. You can make all these accessories yourself – I'll show you how! At Harry Potter, Edible Plums are magical plants that resemble orange carrots. Harry sees Luna wearing some of these as an ear, and thinks it's a bit weird. After doing little research, it turns out that
Selfgible Plums attached on the forehead helped ravenclaws to improve the ability to accept the unexpected. Luna also wore Necklace's Butterbeer Cork, with butterbeer corking as pending. The aim is supposed to keep Nargles away. Here's how you can make your own Luna Butterbeer Cork Necklace: First, look for a
cork. This could be new from a craft shop, or used from wine this weekend. Glue the screw eye pin to the top of the cork and set aside dry. Strings of various blue seed beads to two different jewelry wire lengths. You want a lower hanging shade in the chest area, so measure it accordingly. Tie the ends of the wire
together to root in place, and then attach both necklaces together. Graft the larger jump ring through the eye pins on the kork and place two necklaces inside. Close the ring, and the necklace is ready to be worn! Father Luna Luna Quibbler magazine, so he is usually seen bringing copies around with him. When Harry first
met Luna, she read this copy of Quibbler but held it upside down. I just thought it was necessary to include a magazine with clothes! I found a printable magazine on a website that is no longer, so I'll share files with you here*. I printed the front page on the cardboard, then cut the edges white. Next, I found a magazine I
got in the mail and tracked a printed cover at the front. I used my TrueControl Cricut Knife to cut the magazine down. After a bunch of tape runners, I stuck the cover on the back and front of the magazine. I also added some clear tape down the magazine's spine to keep two pages together. *Download Free Printable
Quibbler Protection ***If I can find the original designer of the cover, I'll update this post! Luna is also known for wearing a pair of Spectrespecs. They are big and colourful glasses given in the issue of The Quibbler. According to Luna, Spectrespecs allows the wizard to see the invisible creatures! I found a pair of plastic
Spectrespecs that would work great for clothes, but it was difficult for my daughter to wear it because she was already wearing glasses. Instead, I formed some printable Spectrespecs to stick over her glasses for the same look! Download and print Free Printable Spectrespecs on cadstock. Carefully cut the pieces,
including eye holes. I recommend putting on spectacle if you're going to wear this much!! Fold side pieces at the straight end and glue them to the glasses so they can be worn. If you're already wearing glasses, just stick the front to your glasses with a few glue/tape points in the corners and bridges! Some things you
need to know before downloading: *Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (okay for home, school & library). *You cannot modify, sell, redirect, or claim the design as your own. *Please do not remove the credit/watermark. *If you want to share this project, you can use ONE photo and credit
must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama and linked back to this post. Luna brings around a crooked messenger bag. I wasn't clever at the crochet, so I left the job to my sister and mother. This Navy Tweed thread is a perfect shade, and I love additional color specifications! As I said, I don't know much about the crochet
world ... I was told it was made as a rectangle, then sewn to the side. Next, attach the ropes to go perpetrators around the shoulder. Finished bag about 9.5 wide, and about 9 tall. It's the perfect size to hold the magazine (the title will show the top), the stick, and of course, candy from tricks or treats! Clothes for clothes
are a mixture of clothes we have, and the things we find in the thrift store: • Instead of skirts, she wears Clothing. You can find many similar ones on Walmart or Target. • Coat/jacket is from thrift shop! We found it in the woman's suit section, but also had seen some similar sweat and other jackets. • Blue legs are also
excited, but you can easily find some common blue ones in Walmart/Target. Another option is to digest some thick or white-legged tightness. • Colorful, striped neck is almost everywhere. Tuck-skipped into socks, and then bunch them up to get this look! • Luna wears high galaxy shoes, so our DIY Galaxy Shoes are
perfect! Honestly, you can wear the shoes you want, or visit a thrift store for affordable options if they won't be worn much after Halloween. Hope you're inspired to make your own Luna Lovegood outfit! I want to hear what you think and if you make your own Harry Potter-inspired clothes this year! Years!

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