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The Stanford Daily

WEDNESDAY October 5, 2011

An Independent Publication

Volume 240 Issue 9

EastAsia Library seeks move

SERENITY NGUYEN/The Stanford Daily


Phys.dept debuts placement test

Growth in class enrollment prompts department to create advisory exam
By BRAD HUANG In response to a growing number of students taking courses in the field, Stanfords physics department offered a placement test to incoming students for the first time during this years New Student Orientation (NSO) week a change from previous years when only chemistry and foreign languages required such tests. According to Hari Manoharan, physics professor and the departments director of undergraduate studies, the test comes at a time in which enrollment in introductory physics courses has reached record highs. For instance,enrollment in Physics 41,one of the departments introductory classes, has doubled over the past five years to include more than 500 students per class.These students had a wide range of experience in the subject before coming to Stanford, Manoharan said. We are aware of the situation, and several willing professors gathered together and established this test, he said. This year, 250 students took the physics placement test, compared to 116 students who took the chemistry placement test. The number of students who took the chemistry placement test, which helps advise students whether they should enroll in Chemistry 31A or 31X, was almost the same as it was last year. Note that the chemistry test and the physics placement tests have different goals, Manoharan said.The physics test is trying to properly place students within an array of many introductory-level courses, plus provide advice on appropriate mathematics to take. The chemistry placement test is designed for placement into one of two chemistry courses.Thus, the number of students taking the physics placement exam is expected to be larger due to the difference in scope. According to Manoharan, a team of four professors and one faculty member has been working on developing the placement test for the past year, making sure that it would accurately reflect a students ability in the subject. We used the statistics in similar placement tests results from other universities in the public database of the National Science Academy, he said. We examined the relation between questions and student abiliStanford Daily File Photo

Meyer Library was deemed seismically unsafe in 2007 during a campus retrofit study, and was later scheduled for demolition. Provost John Etchemendy plans to seek approval from the Board of Trustees this month to relocate Meyers contents to Jackson Library.

Etchemendy to present a proposal to Trustees for relocation later this month


Provost John Etchemendy will seek approval for a proposal to transfer the contents of Meyer Library to the Graduate School of Business (GSB) South Building at this months Board of Trustees meeting, according to library communications director Andrew Herkovic. Etchemendys decision came after the University carried out a cost-benefit analysis, which was completed during the beginning of the summer. The analysis showed that the space was a suitable replacement for Meyer considering technical factors such as the buildings energy costs, seismic issues and suitability to house the librarys various components, Herkovic said.

[GSB South] was deemed both feasible and within the economic limits that the Provost had in mind, Herkovic said. He added that while the decision awaits approval from the Board of Trustees,he imagine[s] that it will happen. Under the proposal, all of Meyers contents with the exception of a general books collection in the basement, which is more closely associated with Green Library will be moved into the new space.This includes the librarys technical staff, academic computing services, classroom space that is used by the registrar and the East Asia Library, which currently has offices on the fourth floor of Meyer and a small portion of its collection in the basement. Herkovic said that because the GSB South space allows for more shelving

room, the move would allow the University to reunite the East Asia Library with some of its works that are currently being held in auxiliary libraries. However, given that the collection is the fastest-growing on campus, he said the new building would only be able to accommodate a certain amount of this projected growth. The need for a new space arose back in 2007 when Meyer Library was deemed seismically unsafe and scheduled for demolition. The Academic Council Committee on Libraries (C-LIB) convened two subsequent subcommittees one spearheaded by art history professor Michael Marrinan and the other headed by history professor Matthew Sommer to look into the issue of lost

Please see LIBRARY, page 9


Senate debates ASSU budget bill


Please see PHYSICS, page 2

The 13th Undergraduate Senate discussed at length the particulars of the ASSU budget, especially issues regarding executive cabinet compensation, at the Senates marathon, three-hour meeting Tuesday night. Much of the meeting was spent discussing the five-page budget, which includes several significant increases from

last year in certain areas of spending, as well as cuts to others. Several senators questioned a 31-percent increase in the ASSU presidential discretionary spending, which ASSU President Michael Cruz 12 defended. Cruz noted that the $4,000 increase to an approximate $17,000 for general presidential discretionary funds included $1,500 that had been folded in from a line item called campus traditions, which was completely cut from this years presi-

dential discretionary spending. Senators also raised questions about executive compensation, especially for cabinet members. Though Cruz and Macgregor-Dennis salaries which are $8,750 and $8,500 respectively, in addition to the $2,750 total summer stipend for both of them werent questioned, Senator Janani Ramachandran 14 seriously questioned the $16,000 dollars specified

Please see SENATE, page 2



Foundation donates $2.5 million to establish Buddhist Studies chair

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Hong Kongs Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation announced a $2.5 million donation on Monday to establish an endowed Buddhist Studies chair at Stanfords Robert Ho Center for Buddhist Studies.With a matching gift from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the money will go toward funding the first permanent faculty post dedicated to Buddhism at the University. The chair will work with the Office of Religious Life in an attempt to expand the outreach of the Ho Center, which was established in 2008, and improve the academic studies of Buddhism particularly Chinese Buddhism on campus. The gift will also fund Buddhist Studies graduate fel-

lowships, visiting fellows, curriculum development and academic and public events. We at the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford are deeply grateful for the continued support of the Robert Ho Family Foundation, Carl Bielefeldt, center co-director and religious studies professor, said in a statement to the press. The Foundations endowment of a Chair in Buddhist Studies represents the first professorial chair dedicated to the study of Buddhism at Stanford. It ensures that the field of Buddhist Studies will continue to be represented at the University, and that the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies will continue to benefit from senior faculty leadership in the field. This is the Robert Ho Family Foundations second donation to Stanford. In 2008, the organization gave the University $5 million to establish the Ho Center, which is dedicated to promoting scholarly research and public awareness of Bud-

IAN GARCIA-DOTY/The Stanford Daily

Please see BRIEFS, page 2

Josef Joffe, Stanford Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at the Hoover Institution, spoke about Europes current economic crisis on Tuesday night at the Gunn SIEPR building.


Features/3 Opinions/4 Sports/6 Classifieds/9

Recycle Me

2 N Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Stanford Daily County staff report advises San Mateo to accept $10m trail offer
By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF San Mateo County should accept the Universitys $10.2 million offer to upgrade the trail along Alpine Road, according to Assistant County Manager David Holland in Tuesdays staff report. This is based on community comments voiced at two previous community meetings and through mail and email sent to the office of the County Manager, according to Holland. The plans to build the trail network stems from agreements in Stanfords 2000 General Use Permit with Santa Clara County. As part of the deal, the University agreed to build a pair of recreational trails worth $19 million from the campus to the surrounding foothills in return for permission to add 5 million square feet of new buildings on campus. The trail through San Mateo County property runs along Alpine Road from Ladera to Stanford Weekend Acres. Public opinion on the trail issue split. Residents of Stanford Weekend Acres were concerned that improvements would attract more cyclists, walkers and runners along the trail, increasing the potential for accidents along the busy road. Other respondents supported the efforts to promote walking and cycling in the community. The report recommends that the county ask Stanford for an extension on the offer, which is set to expire Dec. 31 this year. During this time, the county should come up with a trail design and engineering and environmental reports regarding the project, all at Stanfords expense. Larry Horton, senior associate vice president for government and community relations, indicated in an Aug. 31 interview with the Stanford Report that the University might consider a two-year extension. If the city rejects the offer or the University decides to not offer the exception, however, the funds will be paid to Santa Clara County for purposes specified under the terms of the GUP agreement.
Ivy Nguyen


Continued from front page

dhism in the religious studies and general community. The foundation also announced on Monday that it would donate $2.7 million to Harvard University to finance the Buddhist Ministry Initiative.The initiative will allow masters students at the Harvard Divinity School to pursue studies in Buddhism.
Kurt Chirbas

Study eyes EP4 receptors for stroke treatment

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF A School of Medicine study, led by neurology professor Katrin Andreasson, suggests that a new treatment for strokes could be realized by focusing on a receptor in nerve and endothelial cells which, when simulated, releases a chemical that helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. The study, performed on mice, was published last Monday in the online Journal of Clinical Investigation. The study started by investigating a class of drugs called COX-2-selective inhibitors. Once a spark of promise within the medical community, COX-2 selective inhibitors were believed to have the effects of aspirin without the stomach pain. However, the inhibitors ended up contributing to what it was supposed to prevent: in clinical trials, those taking the drug actually experienced an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. The drug functions as a pain reliever by helping to hinder the production of a type of messenger molecule called prostaglandin. Prostaglandins travel from cell to cell, triggering different activities within the cells they land on and bind to. One specific type of prostaglandin, called PGE2, is linked to causing pain and inflammation. In a School of Medicine press release, Andreasson said that her team wanted to see why COX-2selective inhibitors caused strokes instead of curbing them. They discovered that PGE2 has four different receptors, and one of these, EP4, causes an increase of nitric oxide, a chemical that helps to relax blood muscles and enhance blood flow, when activated. Mice which were injected with EP4 three hours after a stroke experienced less brain damage. We showed that activating this single receptor, EP4, three hours after a stroke not only diminishes the volume of a mouses affected brain tissue but also enhances the mouses functional recovery, Andreasson said in the statement.And weve taken this a step further by diligently unraveling the mechanisms by which that happens.
Kurt Chirbas


Continued from front page

ties.In addition,we held experimental tests in the Physics 40s and 60s courses to find out whether these questions can differentiate students of various understanding in physics and math. The test contains a substantial amount of mathematics questions, including vectors and calculus. Physics professor Patricia Burchat, who teaches Physics 41, said the team had approached the math department for assistance in designing these questions but eventually designed the problems themselves in order to cover the tools needed to learn in the Physics 40s and 60s series rather than test pure math skills. The physics department uses students test results to objectively match them with course options most appropriate to their skill sets. Sometimes several advising options

Mothers diet could reduce chance of birth defects,study finds

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Women have a lower risk of having children with birth defects if they eat healthier in the year before becoming pregnant, according to a study published on Monday by researchers at the School of Medicine in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. The researchers used data from 10,000 women with due dates from October 1997 through 2005 and looked at the overall quality of their diets in the year leading up to their pregnancy. They compared the womens food intakes to either a Mediterranean-style diet or a diet that closely adhered to U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Both of these diets are high in fruits, vegetables, grain, calcium, iron and folate and low in sugars and fats. The women who ranked highest in following these dietary patterns were less likely to give birth to children with neural tube defects or orofacial clefts.These findings persisted even when the researchers adjusted for potential confounding effects, such as the mother taking additional vitamin or mineral supplements. This study differs from previous research in pre-natal health because previous nutrition research on birth defects has tended to focus on one nutrient at a time, the authors wrote in the paper.The reality, however, is that nutrition is much more complex, they said.
Kurt Chirbas

are offered for students to choose from, according to their course loads and academic interests. Student opinions on the test varied. This is just like high school physics in Taiwan, but it is even easier that they only test the conceptual part, said Franklin Liou 15 after taking the test. However, several other students noted that there were some mathematical and physical operations that had not been covered in AP Calculus AB and AP Physics B courses. Manoharan said that regardless of a students placement test result, the physics department hopes the exam will help students enjoy physics at Stanford. We hope that the placement test will help students from all preparation backgrounds enter, enjoy and complete physics at Stanford with maximum educational benefit, he said. Contact Brad Huang at brad0309


Continued from front page

for cabinet members salaries. Cruz noted that cabinet members were hired with the understanding that they would be paid. Its understood to be a rule, and these stipends are smaller than those paid to senate leadership positions, Cruz said. The Senate Chair is currently paid $3,000, the Deputy Chair is paid $1,000 and the Senate Secretary is paid $800. Ramachandran, who is not currently paid a stipend as a senator, argued that while she wasnt complaining about not getting paid, it bothered her that the amount of money set aside for personal compensation stipends for the ASSU Executive $36,000 is more than half of the total ASSU Executive budget $64,532 which is more than all other spending programs combined. While discussing the new executive cabinet, which has 42 members, Senator Nate Garcia 13 also expressed frustration with the size of the new executive cabinet, saying he felt like senators were getting caught in a big web. When it came down to the vote however, only Ramachandran abstained. After the meeting Ramachandran declined to comment on her abstention. In addition to the budget discussions, much of the discussion focused on the newly established Department of Internal Review (DIR), which was created this year as a way to evaluate the processes and committees of the ASSU.A bill concerning DIR parameters was

eventually tabled for further discussion at a later date, failing to pass a vote after Senators Ben Laufer and Alon Elhanan raised concerns over DIRs organization and reporting procedures. Further discussion will focus on maintaining the departments independence from ASSU pressure while also making sure the DIR has enough access to internal records and procedures. One bill, which occupied an hour of discussion, was whether or not the Senate should authorize Cruz to write a letter on behalf of the ASSU to support holistic admission processes in the state of California. This letter would be in response to SB 185, a bill passed by the California legislature which would allow California schools to make admission decisions based on, among other criteria, race, ethnicity, gender and national origin. The bill is currently awaiting a decision from Brown. The Senate decided to change the language of the bill to not directly support SB 185 since student opinion on the bill is varied. Instead, the Senate authorized Cruz to write a letter to Governor Jerry Brown supporting Stanfords own holistic admissions processes and encouraging admissions offices to use them in California public schools. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Senate passed a solution supporting the California DREAM Act, which seeks to provide in-state tuition and access to financial aid at public universities for students, regardless of the status of their documentation. The measure passed unanimously. Contact Brendan OByrne at bobyrne

In Senate confirms Election Commissioner (Sept. 28), The Daily incorrectly reported that Election Commissioner Adam Adler 12 offered his services as solicitors general (SG) to the respondents, former ASSU Publications Board co-director Alice Nam 11 and former Senate Chair Madeline Hawes 13. In fact, Adler was only accused of offering his services to the respondents and the Constitutional Council openly rejected the claim that Adler misused his discretionary powers. In addition, The Daily reported that Senators Ben Laufer 12 and Dan Delong 13 were the only two senators to abstain from confirming Adlers nomination. Senator Brian-

na Pang 13 also abstained. The Daily reported that the Elections Commission is currently violating bylaws by falling short of the required four members to serve on the commission. In fact, the Elections Officer Selection Committee and the Senate are the parties violating this bylaw, not the Elections Commission itself. In ASSU, Pub Board debate student space (Oct. 4), The Daily incorrectly reported that Jeanette Smith-Laws sent a text message to former Publications Board co-director Zachary Warma 11 giving him permission to use the secondfloor space of the Nitery for Publications Board operations. SmithLaws sent an email to Warma on her iPhone.

The Stanford Daily

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 N 3


Artistic attention to Afghanistan


ts noon at White Plaza, and students pass through on bikes, on foot or on the occasional more creative mode of transport, intensely focused on getting to their destination. Some are headed to class, some to lunch, some just lost in their own thoughts, but almost none stop to take notice of the impromptu exhibition on the lawn. On a flimsy-looking stand hang six canvas posters and a sign proclaiming the title of the exhibition,Windows and Mirrors. One poster features an Albert Camus quote, We used to wonder where war lived, what it was that made it so vile.And now we realize that we know where it lives,that it is inside ourselves. Another is a statistic printed against a background painting of Afghan parents and children, At least three children were killed in war-related incidents every day in Afghanistan in 2009. When does it stop? The remaining four works depict Afghan women, children and elements of warfare. The exhibit, part of a traveling mural project organized by Quaker organization American Friends Service Committee, was brought to campus by student organization Stanford Says No to War, in time for this weeks 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.The original exhibit consists of 45 murals, uniquely designed by artists, and drawings by Afghan students. The replica version, made to travel around smaller venues, consists of reproductions of some of the murals six of them are on display at Stanford this week. We are trying to get people to pause and think about the fact that the Afghanistan war has been going on for 10 years and it doesnt make headlines everyday; but theres still a lot of suffering going on and

this reminds us of that, Stanford Says No to War faculty advisor Todd Davies 84 M.S., 85 Ph.D. 95 told The Daily. Not many students pause, though. Some stand at a distance, but curiosity is immediately replaced with reluctance when the student organizers make overtures. We do live in a bubble, said Joshua Schott 14, president of Stanford Says No to War. Stanford students like to keep their heads in the sand on these issues anything that is challenging the institutional framework.The number one obstacle we face is apathy; students just tune controversy out. The organizers believe that the format of the exhibition, displaying art in a public space,will help get students to pay attention. There are too many inputs for students to pay attention to anything, and a moving piece of art is a different way of explaining things, said Eric Sabelman 68, Ph.D 76, former Stanford Quaker liaison. In a way its a forgotten war;theres very little personal attachment . . . people tend to think that whatever is happening there is okay and we say, No, its not; war is just as terrible for an Afghan child or mother as it is for anyone else, he added. The emotions the paintings are meant to invoke are clear one striking piece depicts an Afghan woman as a phoenix between guns emerging from behind an Afghan and an American flag.Another entitled Mother and Son shows a mother embracing her child. Yet to most students who pass by, it is simply another day,another class and another paper to get through.Sabelman,however, defines the success of the exhibition simply. If the one rare student comes in and take on this cause,then thats a vast success, he said. Contact Marwa Farag at mfarag@stanford. edu.

Courtesy of Dara Wells-Hajjar

Phoenix/Dove was one of the six pieces on display in White Plaza. The artist was inspired by the story of Meena, the founder of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.

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4 N Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Stanford Daily


Im a Barbie girl
Amanda Ach
ities, such as marketing and product design. After all, someone has to build that ridiculously proportioned body before anyone can make an adorable pink miniskirt for it to wear. The point is, doll fashion design isnt just about Barbie its a respected field that can lead to even bigger and better things. You will gain experience in fashion, product design and marketing, and you get to play with dolls, which is fun. Or you could murder them, which is also fun.Totally your call. If you could care less about dolls but think the idea of boning is fun, let Amanda know at

Established 1892
Board of Directors Kathleen Chaykowski President and Editor in Chief Anna Schuessler Chief Operating Officer Sam Svoboda Vice President of Advertising Theodore L. Glasser Michael Londgren Robert Michitarian Nate Adams Tenzin Seldon Rich Jaroslovsky

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The Stanford Daily

Incorporated 1973
Tonights Desk Editors Kurt Chirbas News Editor Caroline Caselli Sports Editor Marwa Farag Features Editor Ian Garcia-Doty Photo Editor Jacob Jaffe Copy Editor

efore I delve into this weeks exciting topic, I want to give credit where credit is due and explain where I got the idea for this column. Originally, I had planned to make this a funny column (obviously I decided against that) and talk about the most ridiculous jobs I could find on the Internet. And I found some pretty weird (but completely legitimate) ones: chicken sexer, boner, cowpuncher and so many more. (For the record, a boner is someone who inserts boning into womens garments to make them more supportive, but I think its funnier just to let the imagination wander on that one.) Anyway, that was my original idea: inundate The Dailys readership with bizarre jobs that have unnecessarily sexual titles. Then, one night a few weeks ago, I was out at a bar with my friend when this creepy guy started talking to us.

Zach Zimmerman, Vivian Wong Billy Gallagher, Kate Abbott, Caroline Caselli, Staff Development

Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 721-5815 from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5803, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal business hours. Send letters to the editor to, op-eds to and photos or videos to multimedia@stanford Op-eds are capped at 700 words and letters are capped at 500 words.





track down a hidden or missing population. Maybe the lesbians who go to private universities for college mostly end up at womens colleges.Womens colleges are widely joked about as being bastions of lesbianism.Gay men dont really have an equivalent option; maybe Stanford only gets the male half of the high-achieving LGBT students. It could be that Im just better at spotting gay men. If a guy acts flamboyant here or flirts with everyone regardless of gender, Im likely to ask about his sexuality. If a girl does this, I think nothing of it. I know whos gay because I ask; I dont know whos a lesbian because I much more rarely make assumptions about womens sexuality. Are lesbians actually just as prevalent as gay men, but just not as loud about it? Do I have lots of lesbian friends I just dont know are lesbians? If this is the case, then I feel like Stanford students are missing a chance to hear the stories and experiences of lesbians. The diversity at Stanford is wonderful, but it is only really valuable if people share their opinions and backgrounds with one another. On the other hand, maybe this

Where are Stanfords lesbians?

very Saturday,when I am home in Oakland for the summer,my parents and I go to our local farmers market. In addition to the fresh local food, one of my favorite things about it is the fact that I can see the diversity of people who live in the neighborhoods around me.I get to see the little kids that squirm with impatience as their parents look at vegetables,the most useless of all foods when youre six, the adorable older couples shopping together, the young guys on the side peddling their music and the families whose childrens faces reflect but do not always reveal the heritage of their interracial parents. The people that I love most of all, though, are the lesbian couples. They often stroll through the market, hand in hand, buying food together and making sure their kids dont get stepped on by the other busy shoppers. Oakland is to lesbians what San Francisco is to gays. Its not as nationally renowned, but its been a hotbed of lesbian community and activism for decades. Its a place that Im proud to come from and I love living in a community where people dont have to hide who they are or whom they love. I think of Stanford as also having that quality, but last fall when I got to campus I began to realize that I dont know very many women here who are very open about being lesbians. At best, Ive only been aware of three or four female undergrads in my time here that identify as something other than straight, but I know many gay men. So I started to wonder why that is. Are there really no lesbians at this school? Does the Office of Undergraduate Admissions have an unconscious bias against them? Stanford is well known for being an accepting place; it was ranked second on the Princeton Reviews list of the nations most LGBT-friendly colleges in 2011. It just seems to me that the number of gay men and women should be about equal here, and the fact that this doesnt appear to be true worries me.That might be a faulty assumption, but I cant help but wonder:where are all of Stanfords lesbians (and bisexual and questioning women)? I have some theories,but I have no way to tell if any of these are actually true. Its hard to

Jamie Solomon
whole column is silly and the reason that I dont know any lesbians is because I dont hang out with lesbians. They could be in places I dont frequent. I just happen to know all the gay performers because I do theater and love a cappella. The worst option is that maybe, even though this is a great place to be gay, Stanfords not a safe space for a lesbian to be out and loud and proud. I have no idea if this is true, but if it is, this is an important thing for us to work on as a school and figure out how to fix. So whats the reason? If this was an academic paper, I would suggest we launch a survey or do more research to find the answer. But this is just a lowly opinions article, so the most I can really say is: think about it. Talk about it. And dont just let me know what you find; let our whole school know. Continue the discussion with Jamie by emailing her at

Doll fashion design isnt just about Barbie its a respected field.
Long story short, we got onto the topic of my column, and he suggested that instead of telling Stanford students to bone, I should give them real job options that they might actually consider. So thanks, creepy guy. Its a pretty good idea. Im still not giving you my number though. Now, onto this weeks topic: The Barbie Doll dress designer. Before you stop reading, hear me out. Granted, its no boner. But a Barbie dress designer is actually a pretty great job. Im not going to patronize you by detailing the long history of the Barbie doll and its importance in American culture and society; instead, Im going to level with you completely you will make six figures. I hate to be crass (says the girl who has made three boner references so far in this column), but lets be honest: money really does matter. But thats not the only reason why its not such a ridiculous suggestion after all. The best part of the job, in my opinion, is that its a great way for people interested in fashion or product design to gain experience in their respective fields without subjecting themselves to the miserable life of an unpaid intern/slave. Especially for those hoping to pursue a career in fashion, working as a Barbie Doll dress designer can be a great starting point. In researching this topic, I found that many people do the job for a few years, make some money and go on to work for big-name designers, although you should expect a decrease in pay with that transition. Another reason life in plastic is so fantastic (thanks, Aqua) is the relative ease of the client-designer relationship. Anyone who hopes to go into fashion in some capacity, or even anyone who has seen the episodes of Project Runway where they design outfits for real women, knows that one of the most difficult aspects of fashion design is executing your vision while pleasing the client. In this regard, Barbie is the perfect client she has no strong personal preferences and she can never feel fat in anything. Who wouldnt love designing for a client like that? Additionally, as a doll dress designer, you will get to attend various fashion weeks, scout new looks for Barbie and help set national trends by telling the nine-year-olds of America what they should wear. But while Barbie dolls are great, they arent for everyone. Personally, I never loved my Barbies, which I made pretty obvious when I tore them apart limb from limb and buried them all around my backyard. Sorry, Ken. Luckily, Barbies arent the only dolls who need a new fall wardrobe, so if they arent really your thing, there are plenty of other companies hiring doll fashion designers.There are also ways to get involved in the industry in other capac-

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The Stanford Daily

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 N 5

Functional Programming at WORK

Lots of people talk about functional programming. We run our business on it. Apply for a job at Jane Street, where programmers are rst class.

w w w. j a n e s t r e e t. c o m

New York London Hong Kong

6 N Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Stanford Daily


We put the formation out there and let Andrew call the play. Its 100-percent up to him to put us in the right play.

After dismantling UCLA 45-19 on Saturday night, Stanford football head coach David Shaw commented that the offense sped up its tempo by using a no-huddle several times during the game a new look for the Cardinal offense that was spearheaded by a brand-new offensive coordinator. [The no-huddle offense] is really something we worked on the entire offseason, and this was the game that we were going to start doing it, Shaw said in his postgame press conference. We put the formation out there and let Andrew call the play.Its 100-percent up to him to put us in the right play . . . Its not coming from the sideline, its coming from him on the field. Shaws comments were certainly intriguing because Stanford running the nohuddle in the first place is distinctly different from the 2010 Cardinal team, which held the football for an average of 34 minutes and 34 seconds per game the highest time of possession of any team in the country last season. But Shaws comments were especially interesting because of his deference to the Heisman candidate quarterback to run the offense. When were in the no-huddle,[Luck]s calling the plays, he said. If he wants to get to anything, he can get to anything in the offense. After a season in which Stanford went 12-1 mostly due an offense that held on to the football the entire game,why would the Cardinal suddenly want to test out a new style? Its something were trying to incorporate in our offense just to give us another dimension, said redshirt junior offensive tackle Jonathan Martin. Its just something we can spring on an opponent like we did against UCLA. Martin also mentioned that the team spent a lot of time during the offseason getting adjusted to the new velocity after wearing teams down in a much slower style last season. We worked on it a lot in the offseason, during spring ball, during camp, he said. So we kind of got used to the leg burn you get from it, and we even did some drills in the weight room to get used to it. The no-huddle offense is not a new invention by any means the Cincinnati Bengals first brought it to life in the 1980s but the speedy, relentless style of offense has found new life in the college game lately, most notably with the Oregon Ducks, the only team to beat the Cardinal last season. Oregons bluroffense was the subject of much debate and research last year, as the Ducks played their way to the BCS National Championship Game, but Martin said that the Cardinal is not trying to mimic its rivals to the north. Oregon does a great job with [its offense], and its all based off the option, Martin said. Ours is our entire playbook, which I think, Im not really sure, is a lot larger than Oregons.Andrew can call any play he wants when hes up there. That ability to call his own plays separates Luck from pretty much any college quarterback in the nation, Shaw said. I dont know if theres too many college quarterbacks that can truly call the game,he said.I go back to the [former Indianapolis Colts offensive coordinator] Tom Moore quote of When youve got a great player, dont hold him back. Those who follow pro football closely know that Moores star pupil former No.1 overall pick and Super Bowl champion Peyton Manning calls his own plays with wild gesticulations and loud audibles at the line of scrimmage and is widely regarded as one of the most difficult quarterbacks to play against in NFL history. Luck, by virtue of being the projected No. 1 pick in next years NFL Draft, is familiar with this type of praise, but he mentioned that he enjoys the mental stimula-

SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily

Please see FOOTBALL, page 8

Redshirt junior quarterback Andrew Luck threw for three touchdowns in Saturday nights game against UCLA, while junior running back Stepfan Taylor (above) ran for 112 yards on 17 carries and scored two touchdowns. Stanfords offensive balance was key to its 45-19 win over the Bruins.

Miles Bennett-Smith

Freshman Bowen named MPSF Player of the Week
After helping the mens water polo team to a big win at the SoCal Tournament last weekend, freshman Alex Bowen got some good news when he was named Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Mikasa Player of the Week for the week of Sep.26-Oct.2. The San Diego native scored 11 goals in the Cardinals 4-0 run to the SoCal title, which included an upset win over No. 1 USC in the semifinals. He scored six goals in the championship match against California Bowens final tally also doubled as the game-winner in overtime. In wins over No. 14 Princeton and No.5 Pepperdine,the utility player netted five goals, including a hat trick in Stanfords 7-5 win over the Waves on Saturday night. After just nine games in his first year on the Farm, Bowen leads the team with 19 goals. The conference honor is the first for a Cardinal player this season and the first since Brian Pingree was named Player of the Week last October,which also came following an upset win over No.1 USC. Stanford returns home for the first

esterday, I read a report that said the Chicago Cubs have asked the Boston Red Sox for permission to talk to Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein.It has been rumored that the Cubs and chairman Tom Ricketts have wanted the 37year-old Epstein to make baseball relevant again on the North Side,but the report on Tuesday was a little bit of a jolt to many of us in Red Sox Nation. After winning two World Series titles

Theo Epstein:no movies,two rings

in nine seasons in Beantown, not only should Red Sox fans be reluctant to let the youngest GM in Major League history leave;they should worship the ground he walks on in gratitude for what he has done. While I do believe Epstein will stay on for one more year and honor the contract extension he signed four years ago he is known to have a particular loyalty to the Red Sox organization after it put its trust in him as a 28-year-old a move to the Windy City could pay dividends for the Yale grad. Consider the possibilities: Epstein could go down as the man who ended an 86-year title drought for the Red Sox which he did by assembling a bunch of idiots who finally beat the Yankees and broke the curse of the Bambino in 2004 and be the one to stop a more-than-100-year slide for the Cubbies.

Please see B-SMITH, page 8

Please see BRIEFS, page 8

The Stanford Daily

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 N 7

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Continued from page 6

time this season as the Card begins MPSF play with matches against conference foes Pepperdine and UCSanta Barbara. Stanford and the Waves square off Friday night at 7 p.m., with the matchup against the Gauchos slated to tip off at 12 p.m. on Sunday. Both matches will take place at the Avery Aquatic Center.

Continued from page 6
In Chicago, hed have almost as much money as he had with the Red Sox, though it appears that Ricketts actually does have an interest in winning as opposed to merely making money, and he could maybe avoid some of the constant second-guessing and extreme pressure in sports-mad Boston. The Red Soxs utter collapse last month will make plenty of residents forget all about the playoff runs and World Series titles and once again begin calling for new blood at the top. But while this season didnt turn out as most of us fans had hoped its tough to swallow the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany starting 06,being the second-best team in baseball for three months and then choking like we had the Green Monster literally down our throats for the final month Id like to point out just three reasons why Theo Epstein is exactly the kind of general manager that Billy Beane wishes he was. Reason number one: Epstein is not afraid to use the money at his disposal. This may sound really obvious or stupid, because most general managers would kill to have a payroll of $161.8 million. But when you have that much money,the temptation is to go out and spend it on anything in sight, no matter the ramifications. Esptein has made several high-priced moves that have backfired big-time Mike Cameron anyone? but for those who criticize the signing of Daisuke Matsuzaka, remember that in 2007 and 2008 he went 33-15 with three postseason victories as the Red Sox won a World Series. And as Carl Crawfords batting average failed to climb and while his strikeout total made like Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger,fans clamored that Epstein had again missed the boat by paying way too much for a ground-ball machine that can only play on turf.But if Crawford plays this poorly next year, I will hang a Derek Jeter jersey above my desk for the playoffs, because the 30-year-old Texas native has too much speed in his legs and too good of a track record not to hit within 40 points of his career average again. This brings us to reason number two: Epstein uses detailed statistical and sabermetric analysis, but not at a Moneyball level. Beane and his assistants prided themselves on finding

The womens rowing team kicked off the fall season in style this weekend at the Head of the Oklahoma Regatta, as the varsity eight boat won the Collegiate Eight competition with the fastest time of the day before watching the varsity four earn a Night Sprint win by two-hundredths of a second. Stanford won the Collegiate Eight last year at the same event,held annually in Oklahoma City, and was anxious to defend the title despite not having as much time to prepare as the team is accustomed to, according to head coach Yasmin Farooq. This race hit earlier in the season than usual, Farooq told, and school started later, so we had to put lineups together quickly and get the boats up to speed. We took a NASCAR pit crew approach to the weekend and really embraced each practice leading up to it with that kind of urgency, she said. The Cardinal led from the beginning, getting off to a clean start in calm conditions on the Oklahoma River. But Texas put up a fight, matching Stanfords stroke rate for

much of the 4,000-meter race. In the end, however, the Longhorns could not quite close the gap,and the Cardinal crossed the finish line a full 10 seconds clear of the second boat. As the light faded, the Night Sprint portion of the racing began, with plenty of fan support lining the banks. The overall atmosphere is really a celebration of the athletes efforts and the Oklahoma fans made all of us feel special, Farooq said. The Cardinal four,who lost a close race to Texas in the Head of the Oklahoma race earlier in the day,came out strong and were quickly in a tight battle with the Oklahoma team. The Sooners held a slim lead for much of the 500-meter course, but a late surge pushed Stanford over the top in a photo finish. It was the reverse of the varsity eight 500-meter event in which Oklahoma nipped Stanford at the line.But overall, Stanford left with a lot to build on. Both boats raced aggressively, and made the most of the day, Farooq said.There certainly is work to do in the weeks ahead, but a race like this one is a great reminder that we ultimately train to race.Well be back. The Cardinal returns to action in three weeks for the prestigious Head of the Charles competition, held annually in Boston. Contact Miles Bennett-Smith at milesbs

Wopat earns Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week honors after big weekend
The womens volleyball team is on a roll after sweeping two wins from the Arizona schools this weekend, and much of the credit goes to Carly Wopat, who was named Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week for Sep. 26- Oct. 2. The sophomore middle blocker, who found out she had won the award thanks to a tweet by teammate Karissa Cook,certainly had herself a weekend she hit .502 in the two matches with 26 kills and 14 blocks. I feel so honored, Wopat said. Stanford has had some really great volleyball players go through the program,and I am so blessed to be associated with them. With the award, Wopat also becomes the first-ever Pac-12 volleyball player to win both Offensive and Defensive Player of the Week honors the 6-foot-2 Santa Barbara native was Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week on Sep.12. No. 7 Stanford hits the road this weekend to take on Oregon State and Oregon on Friday and Saturday night, respectively.
Miles Bennett-Smith

Continued from page 6
tion of playing in Shaws offense. It challenges us intellectually,all the guys will attest that we want to make it challenging on ourselves because we know thats going to play to our advantage,Luck said.I think its why a lot of guys come to Stanford, to challenge yourself academically and athletically, and its fun to be in that offense.

In addition to the competitive advantage, Martin said that the team doesnt mind having a second offensive coordinator, either. By this point Andrew knows the offense as well as any of the coaches, we all trust that hell make the right decision. He has yet to make a mistake in [the no-huddle offense], he said. Andrew has a set number of rules on what plays hes going to run into [defensive] looks, so its the same as what coach Shaw sees . . . he just does what the defense is telling him is the right play.

For defenses facing an offense that has averaged 40.3 points per game during its current 12-game win streak, the idea of facing off against Shaw is already scary enough but Shaw himself says that facing coach Luck might be even scarier. His [play calls] were a little bit better than mine. Luck will get an opportunity to call more plays on Saturday when Stanford takes on Colorado at 4:30 p.m. Contact Jack Blanchat at blanchat@

players that can produce on paper, racking up a high OBP and OPS even if they look like they just took part in a Morgan Spurlock all-McDonalds diet. But it has been almost a decade since the 2002 MLB Draft that was supposed to be the bumper crop of prospects that would carry the smallmarket Oakland Athletics to stardom. The 2010 As finished with a record of 74-88 and havent really sniffed the playoffs since they were swept in the 2006 ALCS by the Detroit Tigers. Epstein has built up the current version of the Red Sox with some very nice moves in the draft Jacoby Ellsbury, Dustin Pedroia, Kevin Youkilis, Jon Lester, Jonathan Papelbon, Jed Lowrie, Daniel Bard and Clay Buccholz are all homegrown but he also looks to make moves via free agency or trade, even when they are not the high-profile type. He signed Mike Timlin in 2003 for cheap and turned him into a premier set-up man for the 2004 champs. He traded Henri Stanley to the Los Angeles Dodgers to pick up . . . Dave Roberts. As any self-respecting Sox fan knows, Roberts is the hero of the 2004 Sox for one play,and one play only:The Steal. Add in a very nice pickup of David Ortiz from the Twins scrap heap, a steal of a trade for Curt Schilling and getting rid of Manny Ramirez before any of the failed drug tests and bad excuses, and thats not too shabby. And last but not least, we arrive at reason number three: Theo Epstein graduated from Yale, and Billy Beane turned down Stanford to go have a mediocre minor league career.While I would never say that going to Yale is the right choice,if I had no college degree like Beane and was ever in Epsteins office staring at that diploma on the wall,Id probably be jealous too. If Epstein leaves, I wont cry or throw things or even lose sleep. It would be a shame to let one of the top five baseball minds walk away before he can bring another title to Boston. But if he wants to make his mark elsewhere (specifically the National League), I can live with that. After signing Adrian Gonzalez, Crawford, Pedroia, Beckett and Lester, and drafting Ellsbury and the rest of the young guns,Epsteins fingerprints will be all over the Red Sox for at least the next seven seasons. Miles Bennett-Smith will soon have one more Stanford degree than Billy Beane does, but hell never be played by Brad Pitt in a feature film.Reassure him that he has a great personality at

The Stanford Daily

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 N 9

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Continued from front page

shelving space following Meyers demise, as well as the future of printed materials in general at Stanford. After studying the questions raised by its subcommittees reports, C-LIB was on the verge of filing a report, which would have recommended that the University construct a new, freestanding building east of Green Library East.The GSBs move to Knight Management Center, however, left the old Jackson Business Library, as well as the rest of the South building, vacant. Herkovic said the space became a solution very late in the game. According to Herkovic, the Stanford libraries had little assurance that the University would ever authorize the construction of a new building for the East Asia Library be-

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cause of limitations on growth imposed by Santa Clara County. The libraries had started looking into the possibility of moving the collection into existing spaces within Green Library, but found that this would have been very disruptive to all the humanistic and social science scholars on campus. [GSB South] feels like a last minute rescue to me, Herkovic said. C-LIB chair John Bender said that while GSB South is a satisfactory alternative, the faculty committee still recommends that a new building be constructed east of Green East. A new building would be designed specifically for the needs of the faculty and students and the staff who would support them, Bender said. It would be a fundraising opportunity with regard to the East Asia Library, and it would open the potential for new kinds of spaces that we dont now have. In particular, Bender said that past reports have recommended the creation of research modules, where faculty could work for three to four years at a time and keep all of their research materials assembled in one place. Despite these concerns, he said, the library committee is prepared to accept this move to GSB South as a satisfactory solution while hoping that we will eventually see a new building. When that new building will be a reality remains unclear.At last Februarys Faculty Senate meeting, Etchemendy said GSB South had 20 and maybe even 30 years of life left in it. One benefit of the relocation to GSB South is the potential to turn a space that was originally a business

school caf into a combination of a food-services operation and a 24-hour study space, according to Bender. Herkovic, however said that the plan the Provost forwarded to the Board of Trustees excluded this food-service area. It is out of the scope of the scheme, which leaves the question of whether there will be food service there or not,Herkovic said.The plan is silent on that. The University estimates the relocation would cost more than $50 million and hopes to gain the backing of a donor to support the project. We are hopeful that for the East Asia Library in particular that there will be some very attractive naming opportunities, Herkovic said. We have been talking for years with some very distinguished people within the East Asian community about naming spaces within the East Asia Library, which wasnt going to happen if we were going to tear it down.So this creates some opportunities for us. If the Board of Trustees approves the plan, the University will commission final drawings and start the process of selecting contractors and bidding. Construction would begin in early 2013, and the space would be ready for occupancy in the summer of 2014. At that point, Meyer would be scheduled for demolition. Im just very delighted that this has come this far, Herkovic said.Its sort of a new chapter for the library, which has been losing spaces. We lost the physics library last year, and this is the first real sense of renewal and growth that weve had for some years now. Contact Kurt Chirbas at

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