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The Stanford Daily

THURSDAY October 6, 2011

An Independent Publication

Volume 240 Issue 10


Marques to lead Program on Human Rights


Assault policy under review

Board on Judicial Affairs analyzes pilot run of Alternative Review Process

Stanfords Program on Human Rights (PHR) hired Nadejda Marques as its new program manager,according to a press release from the Freeman Spogli Institute. Marques,who previously worked as the research coordinator for the Cost of Inaction Project at the Harvard School of Public Health, has 15 years of experience in human rights activism. Marques said that PHR has several planned activities for the year aimed at responding to and capitalizing on student interest in human rights. The main focus of the year will be around issues addressing human trafficking. This topic will be explored in depth during a workshop with Madeleine Rees and Stanford faculty and graduate students in December, as well as in the Sanela Diana Jenkins Speakers Series in the winter and a conference in the spring designed to further develop an ongoing human trafficking research agenda. The problem with trafficking is that criminal and immigration law havent worked so far to cure the problem,said Helen Stacy,director of the PHR and senior fellow at the Center for Democracy Development and Rule of Law (CDDRL). Numbers are going up, trafficking is more and more being run by underground rings that run drugs, run arms and now people. So the problem is growing and because its now part of this large, illegal black market; the violence and the brutality is also getting worse. Marques emphasized both the severity of the problem as well as its potential for richness in academic study,making it an ideal focus for Stanfords human rights initiative. Its a pressing issue, of course, but also the way that human trafficking correlates with urban violence . . . the way it correlates with exploitation and labor rights . . . the way it correlates with immigration . . . All those things come together, and its a very, very rich topic academically as well as serving something for activists, Marques said. There are so many ways [to teach human rights],she continued.There are ways to use art,to use drama,to use music . . . and thats really empowering. Another initiative, the Human Rights Collaboratory, will hold workshops that focus on issues of human well-

SHADI BUSHRA/The Stanford Daily

Nadejda Marques, formerly a Harvard researcher, is the new program manager of Stanfords Program on Human Rights. With 15 years of work in human rights activism under her belt, she plans to draw on both her personal and professional experience to encourage students to pursue their academic interests in the subject.
being and the environment.PHR will also focus on developing human rights curricula to help high school and col lege teachers incorporate the study of human rights into their classroom whether they teach math, science or humanities. Finally, PHR will also hold a regional human rights series, which will focus on Latin America this year, and will continue to sponsor the Undergraduate Human Rights Fellowship. We want to grow the undergraduate student community that works on human rights, Stacy said. Marques, a native of Brazil, was born during the countrys authoritarian period, making human rights a pressing issue for her on a personal level, she said. I experienced abuse of civil rights from an early age,

Please see MARQUES, page 2

The Sexual Violence Advisory Board (SVAB) and the Board on Judicial Affairs (BJA) aim to complete an evaluation of the way University officials have responded to sexual assault cases on campus since the pilot launch of the Alternative Review Process (ARP) in 2010, according to Assistant Dean of Student Life Jamie Pontius-Hogan. The ARP is a pilot program intended to more thoroughly review accusations of sexual assault while maintaining greater confidentiality for all parties involved. The SVAB, established in 2005, comprises of students, staff and faculty who offer advice related to campus sexual violence, relationship abuse and stalking. The University recently lowered its standard of proof and granted sexual assault victims the right to appeal final decisions during University judicial proceedings. These changes are in response to a new set of guidelines issued by the Obama Administration in early April 2011 through the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights. The new federal guidelines served to specify interpretation of the Title IX law that forbids sex discrimination in schools receiving federal funds. This has been a major policy issue for student leaders across the

nation, especially at Stanford.This was a big issue for [myself and former ASSU President Angelina Cardona 11] to advocate for with the administration, said ASSU President Michael Cruz 12. Out of that, after the [new national guidelines were] received in winter 2011, we have been working on other ways to aid the [ARP review] process in any way we can. While the Universitys decision to lower the standard of proof and its establishment of an appeals process for sexual assault victims was in response to the new national guidelines, Stanfords review of its sexual assault policy has been an ongoing process. A few years ago, the SVAB collaborated with the Office of Judicial Affairs (OJA) to identify areas of concern in how issues of sexual assault were being adjudicated, Pontius-Hogan wrote in an email to The Daily. According to Pontius-Hogan, Vice Provost Chris Griffith assembled a working group in the summer of 2009 to draft a proposal of a new process for sexual assault cases, titled the Alternate Review Process. The working group consisted of BJA members, Judicial Hearing Panelists, students and OJA staff. Pontius-Hogan said that the Board on Judicial Affairs is not involved in individual sexual assault cases, but instead pro-

Please see ASSAULT, page 2



Apple founder Steve Jobs dies at 56

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc., died Wednesday at the age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, according to an announcement on the company website. As the former CEO of Apple, he became the force behind and the face of its transformation into a trend-setting, pop-culture phenomenon. News of his death was greeted with an immediate outpouring of grief and tribute from countless world and industry leaders as well as fans on the Internet. Several tech-related sites paid tribute to his memory through comments and images featured on their front page. Jobs, a Bay Area native and Palo Alto resident, was long a familiar presence within the Stanford community. His and Apples close ties with the University have been forged through millions of dollars in donations and several collaborations, including the popular iTunes U site, where Stanford content recently hit 40 million downloads.Jobs was a patient at the Stanford Cancer Center. His commencement address to the Class of 2005, which he gave just over a year after he was first diagnosed with cancer, has frequently been revisited by the media since he stepped down from the company in August.In it,he explored the topic of death, encouraging students to remember their mortality in order to inspire them to focus on what they found most important.The prescient remarks, which Jobs himself seemed to follow in the ensuing years, have been quoted extensively. Remembering that Ill be dead

Study links infertility, heart ills

Childless men more likely to have heart disease
By ALICE PHILLIPS Researchers at the School of Medicine found in a recent study that childless men suffer a higher mortality rate due to greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Childless men in the study were at a 17 percent greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease than men who had fathered children. Here we are seeing a real health impact from childlessness, said Michael Eisenberg, assistant professor of urology and lead author of the study.The reason is unclear, but if it is biologic . . . we may have a chance to save lives. Eisenberg, a male infertility specialist, initiated the study in 2009 during his urology residency at the University of California, San Francisco. He designed the study in response to growing data indicating infertility as a warning sign of other long-term health issues. Eisenberg added that, based on the studys findings, recommended medical treatment for achieving a good sperm count such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercising may also help in maintaining cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular disease is one of the largest [healthcare expendi-

Stanford Daily File Photo

The Stanford Cancer Institute recently decided to form a Brain Tumor Center from its longstanding program on brain tumor research and treatment in order to accomodate increasing growth in the research program.


Hospital expands brain tumor center

By AUSTIN BLOCK The Stanford Cancer Institute recently designated its long-standing program on brain tumor research to be the new Brain Tumor Center in response to the continued expansion of brain tumor research. According to Griffith Harsh, professor of neurology and director of the Stanford Brain Tumor Center, this change in name will increase a sense of group identity among the doctors involved and allows the group to better present itself to the Stanford community and the general public as a multidisciplinary group offering innovative therapy. Harsh believes the new name implies focused expertise, state-of-the-art medical techniques and patientfocused, patient-friendly coordinated care. In the community, [the change in name] lets people know that we are dedicating resources and research time to brain tumors, clinical assistant professor of neurology Seema Nagpal said. I think for us its a nice big step into showing that Stanford is committed to brain cancers and brain tumor sciences. The center, which focuses on treating tumors of the brain, the brain lining and skull base, pituitary glands and the spine and spinal cord, is made up of a multidisciplinary group of physicians and nursing and rehabilitation personnel. Since its inception, the program has treated thousands of patients, some of whom have traveled from Asia and South Africa for treatment. Members of the program meet regularly as a board to discuss individual cases, and patients have access to joint clinics, where they can meet with multiple physicians and have imaging studies performed all in one day. Nagpal emphasized the centers focus on patient care.

Please see BRIEFS, page 2

Please see BRAIN, page 11

Please see HEART, page 11


Features/3 Opinions/4 Sports/6 Classifieds/9

Recycle Me

2 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily

cy on immune-suppressing drugs. Transplant recipients must typically continue to take two to three immune system suppressing drugs for the remainder of their lives, following the transplant procedure. While the drugs prevent transplant recipients bodies from rejecting the kidney, these drugs include numerous side effects and do not always prevent kidney failure. The new technique differs from standard kidneytransplant procedures by implanting stem cells from the kidney donors blood into the transplant recipients lymph nodes, spleen and thymus. By adding the donors stems cells to the transplant recipients blood, the transplant recipients immune system is better able to accept the new organ.The kidney recipient will receive radiation treatment immediately following surgery. Ten days later, the transplant recipient will receive an injection of the organ donors stem cells. While the patient is initially put on two of the same immune-suppressing drugs, one of the drugs is withdrawn, allowing the patients body to naturally adjust to the new organ. Researchers believe this new method will be more cost-effective by preventing the failure of a transplanted kidney. Whereas the failure of a transplanted kidney costs $80,000 during the year, this new process is expected to cost between $20,000 to $40,000 a year.
Marianne LeVine


Continued from front page

soon is the most important tool Ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, Jobs said. Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Ivy Nguyen

Former provost and Dean of School of Humanities and Sciences dies at 90

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Former Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences Albert Hastorf passed away Sept. 26, at the age of 90. Hastorf graduated from Amherst College in 1942 and served in the U.S. Army Air Corps Aviation Psychology Program from 1942 to 1946. He received both a masters degree and Ph.D. in psychology from Princeton in 1947 and 1949, respectively. Prior to joining the Stanford faculty in 1961, Hastorf served as both a fellow at Stanfords Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and as a National Science Foundation Fellow-in-Residence at Stanford. While on faculty, Hastorf served as executive head of the Department of Psychology from 1961 to 1970, Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences from 1970 to 1974 and Provost from 1980 to 1984.

Hastorf was also one of the founding directors of Stanfords Human Biology Program. Hastorf is best known for his influential social psychology study titled They Saw Game, co-authored with the late Hadley Cantril, former chair of Princetons psychology department. The study demonstrated that support for one team over another during a football game impacted viewers interpretation of the overall game. Though Hastorf retired in 1990, he remained active in the Stanford community, teaching freshman seminars and speaking up on campus issues as an Emeritus Standing Guest of the Faculty Senate. During his time at Stanford, Hastorf was honored for his service to the Stanford community. In 1979, he received the Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award for Outstanding Service to Undergraduate Education. In 1987, Hastorf received the Stanford Alumni Associations Richard W. Lyman Award for his dedication to the University and its alumni. Hastorf is survived by his wife Barbara; his sister, Jean Doar; his daughters Elizabeth and Christine; and his grandson Nicholas.A memorial service will be held 3:30 p.m.Oct. 26 at Memorial Church.
Marianne LeVine

New Stanford math formula predicts success of cancer therapy

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Researchers at the School of Medicine recently found that computational biology can be used to determine the rate of how human lung tumors respond to initial treatment. Scientists discovered that the success of therapies targeting cancer-causing genes is due to their ability to slow the speed of tumor cell division. By targeting particular cancer genes, researchers are now able to respond with appropriate

therapy. Oncogene addiction occurs when the presence of cancer is dependent on a single cancer-causing gene. Cancer tumors of this nature regress with oncogene-targeted treatment. Stanford researchers have shown that oncogene-targeted therapies eradicate the addicted tumors by reducing survival signals.A cells life is dependent on the balance of life or death signals.The survival signals allow the death signals to continue. The equation developed correlates changes in death signals with tumor regression rates. Based on the newly developed formula, a patient with an oncogene-addicted tumor will have a different rate of regression than a patient with a nonaddicted tumor.The formula helped predict which patients had oncogene-addicted tumors based on the rate of tumor regression from therapy.This new formula can help determine what treatment will work best for particular cancer patients.While the focus of the research was on lung cancer,Stanford researchers hope to extend the formulas predictive success to other forms of cancer.
Marianne LeVine

New Stanford regimen eliminates kidneytransplant patients dependency on drugs

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Researchers at the School of Medicine recently developed a new procedure designed to remove kidney-transplant patients dependen-


Continued from front page

vides community voice to overarching policy. The working group said it examined other University policies regarding on-campus sexual assault and consulted with experts in the field of campus sexual assault policy before developing the ARP, which was implemented in April 2010. While the Office of Judicial Affairs typically manages the adjudication process for cases involving Honor Code and Fundamental Standard violations, sexual assault cases go through the ARP. There are several differences between the ARP and OJA adjudication processes for non-sexual assault cases. The ARP process consists of four reviewers, instead of the standard six. The four reviewers comprise three students and one faculty staff. Instead of the case being heard in one session, those involved meet separately multiple times to allow for greater confidentiality. Pontius-Hogan added that despite the changes made to the University sexual assault policy, the ARP already met the majority of the national guidelines released in April 2011. The ARP was put in place to address concerns of timeliness, privacy and fairness, Pontius-Hogan said. As we are still in the pilot stage, we are working to make improvements as we progress. Since the ARPs creation, there has been a significant increase in the number of sexual assault cases reported on campus to the police. According to the 2011 Annual Security and Fire Report released by the Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS), the number of reported on-campus forcible sexual assaults doubled, increasing from 10 cases each in 2008 and 2009 to 21 cases in 2010. Despite the increase in reporting to campus police, the Universitys judicial process remains separate from that of the criminal justice system.

The change to the judicial affairs process for handling reports of sexual assault/sexual misconduct does not alter the way in which police conduct criminal investigations or the criminal justice process, wrote Chief of Police Laura Wilson in an email to The Daily. Reports of sexual assault may be investigated through both the criminal justice system and the judicial affairs system at the same time, but they are separate and distinct processes. According to the report, the ARP will govern disciplinary cases involving sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and dating violence. Both the victim and the perpetrator have the right to due process under the ARP. The Office of Judicial Affairs website elaborates further on the policies listed in the report. The website states that all reports of sexual assault must be filed with the Office of Judicial Affairs. The website also outlines the rights of the accused student. In addition, the Office of Judicial Affairs website also describes the rights of the impacted party, or the victim, as well as the rights of the witnesses, the selection process for investigators and reviewers, the investigators process and obligations, the reviewers process and obligations and the appeals process to the Vice Provost, to which both the impacted party and the responding student are entitled. The Board on Judicial Affairs is scheduled to publish its review of the ARP by winter 2012. The review process seeks to update Stanfords sexual assault policy by aligning the ARP with the most effective practices nationwide. Despite the Universitys efforts to reform sexual assault policy on campus,Pontius-Hogan described some of the challenges remaining. The greatest challenges that remain are the need to have a permanent process like the ARP to adjudicate these types of cases and finding hearing panelists willing to serve on these difficult cases, Pontius-Hogan said. Contact Marianne LeVine at mlevine

Continued from front page
she said. I always wanted to be involved with human rights. Marques lost her father to the dictatorship he was tortured and killed when she was nine months old. Her mother then fled Brazil and lived as a refugee until she and Marques were reunited with the help of Amnesty International a year later. Stacy said that Marques experience greatly colors her work in human rights. [Marques] has her own personal perspective from her own life and her familys life . . . that means she is intensively empathetic, has a deep desire to see changes in the world and the humor and persistence to persist at difficult problems, Stacy said.

While Marques was forced to confront human rights issues early on in her personal life, she soon started tackling them professionally as well. She has worked as a foreign correspondent for the Washington Post, has a long history of working with Human Rights Watch in Brazil and Angola and, prior to coming to Stanford, worked at the Harvard School of Public Health as a research coordinator for the Cost of Inaction Project at the FranoisBagnoud Xavier Center for Health and Human Rights. I think Stanford [along with] many schools around the state and the world is moving forward with this human rights education and trying to develop human rights within [its] curriculum and to get students interested, she said. Contact Caity Monroe at cmonroe@

The Stanford Daily

Thursday, October 6, 2011 N 3




ts 3:10 p.m., Monday afternoon. Over 600 students are crammed into Hewlett 200 like canned sardines. The students who arrived 20 minutes earlier are fortunate enough to find seats. Other students must seat themselves in the aisles. The rumble of animated chatter dies down when they are all greeted by an energetic, bespectacled man associate professor of computer science Mehran Sahami 92, M.S. 93, Ph.D. 99. Sahami has attained mythical status on campus for his teaching ability, but few students are aware of the origins of his passion for computing and teaching. It all started in fifth grade. My class got a Commodore PET, Sahami said, referring to a personal computer produced in the late 1970s and early 80s. Interestingly enough, the PET failed to kindle Sahamis interest in computing. Sahamis fascination with computing remained latent until his matriculation to Stanford in 1987, where he enrolled in CS106A. He took CS106A with former computer science lecturer Stuart Reges M.S. 82, and [that] was the moment I rediscovered my passion for computing, Sahami said. Sahamis own experience with CS106A also sparked his interest in teaching. Stuart Reges made me realize that teaching could be a career, and that really excited me, Sahami said. He credited associate professor of computer science Daphne Koller Ph.D. 94, who served as his doctoral advisor, and computer science professor Eric Roberts, for providing direction in his studies and teaching philosophy. After earning his bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in computer science from Stanford, Sahami

How many professors bring a lightsaber to class?

David Arnold 13
took a break from academia to enter the software industry, where he first worked as a senior engineering manager at Epiphany and then as a senior research scientist at Google. But industry wasnt his calling. I decided that if the opportunity to come back and teach at Stanford was given, I would take it, Sahami said. In 2001, Sahami joined the Stanford computer science department as a lecturer. He held the position

until 2006, when he was subsequently made an associate professor as well as the departments associate chair for teaching. In 2008, Sahami chaired the committee tasked with revising the curriculum for the computer science major to reflect the evolution of the field, increasing the flexibility and options for students to take as part of the major and promoting more multi-disciplinary work to highlight the connections of computer science to other fields. Sahami is famed for not only his ebullient style of lecturing, but also for rewarding students who participate in lecture with candy. To say that professor Sahami employs an unorthodox teaching style is an understatement; but there seems to be a clear method behind it. What I try to do with the candy and other techniques are to get and keep the students engaged in what Im teaching, Sahami said.Research shows that when students are actively participating in class they are more likely to retain information that is presented. Sahamis teaching approach is also his method of addressing a common teaching problem present in large lecture classes. I am trying to break the invisible wall between myself and the students, Sahami said. Unfortunately, [the wall] is what happens in many lecture classes where the professor drones on and the students just receive the information instead of actively processing and thinking. Based on student reaction to his teaching, his methods appear to achieve their goals. How many professors bring a lightsaber to class? said David Arnold 13. He makes the class very laid back, but were still learning. Hes amazing, added Phil Opamuratawongse 13. Ive never had any teacher as cool as him. Contact Kyle Gschwend at

I am trying to break the invisible wall between myself and the students.
Associate professor of computer science Mehran Sahami 92, M.S. 93, Ph.D. 99

4 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily


What the CS Department can teach us

efit, giving students lots of personal attention and section leaders an opportunity to refine their skills and progress in the field. Students at Stanford who decide to pursue computer science find many opportunities for work open to them right in the department, often before their second year of study.Whether through section leading or summer research, early work experience lures prospective students and keeps current ones focused on their programming work. Though virtually all of Stanfords academic departments offer opportunities for work, the computer science department generally seems to accommodate more of its students and does so earlier in their careers. Earlier this year, Stanfords computer science department began offering three courses to the public for free on the Internet with full interactive grading and conferral of a statement of accomplishment upon completion. The most popular of the courses, dealing with artificial intelligence, saw over 58,000 people enroll. By offering a verifiable achievement less than a degree but still bearing the credibility of a major university name, this formula offers a promising avenue towards the democratization of education.It also helps to foster the atmosphere of openness and cooperation that helps make Stanford computer science successful. When a class receives national news coverage and 58,000 enrollees, who wouldnt at least be interested? Please see EDITORIAL, page 8

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Managing Editors Nate Adams Deputy Editor Ivy Nguyen Managing Editor of News Miles Bennett-Smith Managing Editor of Sports Tyler Brown Managing Editor of Features Lauren Wilson Managing Editor of Intermission Mehmet Inonu Managing Editor of Photography Shane Savitsky Columns Editor Stephanie Weber Head Copy Editor Serenity Nguyen Head Graphics Editor Alex Alifimoff Web and Multimedia Editor

The Stanford Daily

Incorporated 1973
Tonights Desk Editors Marianne LeVine News Editor Jack Blanchat Sports Editor Jenny Thai Features Editor Shadi Bushra Photo Editor Willa Brock Copy Editor

f the many trends presently manifested among Stanford students, few are more readily apparent than the increasing popularity of computer science. With a record-high of over 660 students enrolled in CS106A for fall quarter, the surfeit of new computer science students has begun to test the limits of Stanfords physical infrastructure.Explanations for the growing popularity of computer science at Stanford typically focus on the strong performance of technology companies,often local ones, and the jobs they create, along with what many characterize as the almost addictive nature of programming itself. Such explanations are important, but a good deal of credit should go to the particular programs and teaching styles employed by Stanfords computer science department and the atmosphere that it creates. By borrowing some of these methods, other departments and universities can better serve students in the future. In many university courses,interaction between students and instructors is confined to one 50minute section per week, which can easily grow too large to allow most attendees to participate.By employing a large number of undergraduate section leaders, the computer science department is able to provide students with small sections as well as weekly one-on-one sessions where homework is discussed. Section leaders also take turns staffing the Tresidder Lair computing cluster, which offers students help on homework assignments late into the night.The system serves a dual ben-

Zach Zimmerman,Vivian Wong Billy Gallagher,Kate Abbott,Caroline Caselli, Staff Development

Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 721-5815 from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5803, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal business hours. Send letters to the editor to, op-eds to and photos or videos to multimedia@stanford Op-eds are capped at 700 words and letters are capped at 500 words.




Unsigned editorials in the space above represent the views of the editorial board of The Stanford Daily and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily staff.The editorial board consists of eight Stanford students led by a chairman and uninvolved in other sections of the paper.Any signed columns in the editorial space represent the views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire editorial board.To contact the editorial board chair, e-mail submit an op-ed, limited to 700 words, e-mail submit a letter to the editor, limited to 500 words, e-mail are published at the discretion of the editor.

Discovering what is enough




I just came to say Hello

ve never been more ecstatic to set foot on campus than this fall: my last first day of school as a Stanford undergrad.Summers spent working long and lonely hours at a cubicle or living abroad without Internet access would make anyone other than a hermit lust for friendship; for me, seven months away from the place that I love sent me over the edge. I spent the last month of summer counting down the days until the start of the quarter, fantasizing about all the old friends I could catch up with and all the new people I could meet. Life was bursting with opportunity. That first week of school sped by in a haze of supercharged social energy; we were screaming at each other from across White Plaza, giving each other giant bear hugs and booking ourselves solid with catchup dates. By the end of the week, I was hoarse from hours of talking, strung out on caffeine and broke from Fraiche. But with week two at a close, the energy has shifted. That bubbly, over-the-top enthusiasm goes flat as we resign ourselves to the daily grind. Between classes, advisor meetings,three clubs,tutoring,problem sets, papers and at least a modicum of hygiene and sleep, where does spontaneous social interaction fit in? When our schedules solidify, the first thing to go is that same human connection I, for one, so craved upon starting school. My first-day-of-school excitement is melting into a sad little puddle of insecurity and complacency. Either Im just too lazy to walk across the street to Xanadu, too pre-

Leslie Brian

College is the only time in our lives when friends act as a surrogate family.
occupied with writing this column to interact with anyone around me (hmmm, somethings wrong with that picture) or so insecure that whomever I text either doesnt want to get together or that once we start talking there will be nothing to say. So, I find myself sending phantom texts to no one while crossing White Plaza to avoid awkward encounters with people I know well enough to say Hi to, but not well enough to engage in full-on conversation.

day! DO: Be satisfied and happy. DOO-DOO: Climb the ladder of success to be satisfied and happy. I love telling people I was a polevaulter in high school. There is something about watching the immediate I call bullshit laugh slowly fade into a hesitant, skeptical Oh,-I-think-he-might-be-serious look and eventually settle in a social squirm of the body and tongue. Thats surprising wait, not surprising. Well its not surprising that you were a pole-vaulter, just that pole vaulting, huh? Thats cool . . . Im going to leave now. What I dont tell them is that I wasnt a very good pole-vaulter at all. The only reason I was on the team was because it was a no-cuts team. Apparently theres no track event where even a 5-foot, 100pound noodle of a person has a disadvantage. It wasnt just physical stature that kept me from being a star athlete. I lacked the attitude as well (along with everything else that

ey Stanford! Heres some more pseudo-advice to help you get through your Thurs-

makes someone a star athlete). All the best athletes have this no-nonsense, never-satisfied mentality that drives them to the highest level of success. I dont know what you would classify my specific mentality as, but I got disqualified from competition for wearing a cape. (Twice). I had friends on the team who were real track stars. They were the athletes that got to stand on the podium in the middle of the field at the end of the track meet. They were the athletes that got their pictures in the paper. They were the athletes that every parent was secretly watching when they were supposed to be videotaping their own kid. But more often than not, they were the athletes that left every meet disappointed and discontent. No matter how fast they ran, they could always go faster. No matter how high they jumped, the bar would always be set higher. Winning the race, clearing the bar or wearing the gold was no longer enough. I think there is a similar mindset at Stanford, a campus full of overachievers so competent at overachieving that we make it look like

Chase Ishii
regular achieving. We wrap our identity and our worth in our accomplishments. Its not enough to just be a doctor; I need to be going to the number one medical school. Its not enough to just be a student; I need to be starting dozens of clubs while juggling 20 units and a dance team. Nobody is saying this out loud, but everyone is saying this in one way or another. This raises the most important question anyone will ever ask you. (Bold. Arrogant. Probably incorrect, but now youre paying attention.) What is enough? What accomplishment or status, once yours, will leave you completely satisfied? If you dont know what is enough, youll never know when you reach it.

Please see ISHII, page 12


Person 2.0:Wild self-actualization at Stanford

Please see BRIAN, page 10

key difference between Stanford and the Stanfords of the East Coast is that a much larger proportion of our students go into unconventional career paths straight after graduation. I think this is awesome. At Stanford, were encouraged to pursue wild self-actualization in a plethora of forms. In the spirit of this tradition, Id like to explore one of the archetypes embracing this wild self-actualization. Id like to explore the lifehacker. I woke up at 9:45 a.m. to my alarm after eight hours and 15 minutes of sleep, turned off the sleepenhancing rain music emanating from my laptop, ate one and a half bowls of high-fiber, low-carb cereal with once-a-day multivitamin and Omega-3 capsules from 9:46

a.m. to 9:53 a.m., speed-read articles on Google Reader for seven minutes, then showered for nine minutes. I logged in my iPhone leaving Synergy at 10:13 a.m. I made a note in my journal to park my bike on the other side of the bike rack in the future for more efficient access. I biked down the Row listening to a TED Talks podcast. I sat down when I got to class, checked analytics on my computer usage from the day before on RescueTime, which automatically logs any activity and opened Evernote to review recent goals and lessons in the computer science section of my academics notebook. I then set my iPhone to airplane mode to allow myself to be totally present and launched Concentrate, which Id set up to open required applications, block off distractions and

send me regular supportive messages throughout the lecture saying, This class is valuable for your personal growth! After an hour and 15 minutes of class, I opened my Omnifocus and reviewed my to-dos. I was with my computer, so I decided to execute action steps for the day filtered by the Email context, which included checkingup on tasks Id recently outsourced through oDesk. It was a good day; I had two hours and 45 minutes of recreational time! Just another day in the life of a lifehacker. Throw away what you previously thought was possible. Re-envision what you can accomplish. Turn over the page in your journal and write a new heading: Part 2.0.

Please see OP-ED, page 12

The Stanford Daily

Thursday, October 6, 2011 N 5

6 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily

Cold Card offense tries to wake up against Cal

Billy Gallagher

Stay a bit longer, Red Zone

A sellout crowd is already expected to fill the stands at Laird Q. Cagan Stadium on Sunday when the mens soccer team takes on California, but much more than mere bragging rights will be on the line in this years annual clash. Both teams had nearly identical, and somewhat disappointing, starts to the conference season the Cardinal (3-6-1, 0-2 Pac-12) and Bears (3-4-2, 0-2) both dropped two games on the road at San Diego State and UCLA last weekend and the loser of this weekends matchup faces an uphill climb to the postseason with just seven games to play. Stanford lost three straight games to open the season, but swept Harvard and Vermont in the Stanford Nike Classic to move just a game under .500 at the start of conference play. But since junior Dersu Abolfathi knocked in the game winner early in the second half against the Catamounts, the Cardinal has failed to score a single goal a drought of over 222 minutes. Freshman forward Zach Batteer said that a combination of factors has slowed the offense, which has already been shut out six times and has scored just eight goals through the first 10 games of the season. The biggest challenge in road games is always the travel and how hard it is to win away from home, Batteer said. But specifically against San Diego State, I missed a few chances that couldve put us ahead, and we werent able to put together all the pieces that are necessary to win a tough conference match. Cals offense hasnt struggled quite as much, as the Golden Bears have 12 goals in nine games, but their defense has been very porous, conceding four goals in a game twice already and 14 goals overall. That could mean plenty of opportunities for juniors Adam Jahn, Eric Anderson and Abolfathi to continue their success on the attacking end. Jahn and Abolfathi are tied for the team lead with two goals apiece, and Anderson has a team-high three assists from his new position on the Cardinals left flank. Coach Bret Simon says the team isnt having trouble creating chances, but rather hasnt been able to capitalize in the clutch. Weve been creating a fair number of goal-scoring chances, so were spending time in training replicating situations weve been seeing in games, he

SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily

Please see MSOCCER, page 8

Senior midfielder Clayton Holz (above) and the Cardinal have been struggling offensively for the past few games, but have a good chance to break the slump against Cal this Sunday.

Jack Blanchat

No,overeager freshmen,this isnt another part of AlcoholEDU. I mean that Stanford football needs to make better use of those fantastic black jerseys. Everyone knows that black jerseys are

A few simple rules before you black out

fter this weekends football game against UCLA, it became apparent to me that Stanford needs a lesson in how to black out correctly. popular nowadays even teams without black in their color scheme are adopting dark uniforms but even though the Cardinal has now worn black uniforms two years in a row, it hasnt been using them correctly.Therefore,we need to establish some important rules for blacking out. The first rule of wearing alternate jerseys is this:the team thats dressing up needs to use them for an important game.The entire idea of wearing cool alternate uniforms is to get the team pumped for a big game thats why Nike makes pro combat uniforms for rivalry games like Pitt-West Virginia last season and Adidas made brand-new uniforms for Michigan-Notre Dame this season. Take the Georgia Bulldogs for example. Back in 2007, No. 10 Georgia played host to No. 17

Please see BLANCHAT, page 7



SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily

Sophomore outside hitter Rachel Williams (above) and the Cardinal need another good weekend against the Oregon schools to keep advancing up the standings in the strong Pac-12. The Cardinal is currently in sixth place.

After a rocky start, the No. 7 Stanford womens volleyball team is looking to solidify its spot in the top half of the Pac12 this weekend, searching for its first conference victory outside of Maples Pavilion and aiming to extend its win streak to four matches. The Cardinal (10-3, 4-3 Pac12) will hit the road for the first time since a disastrous two-loss trip to Southern California, hoping for better luck up north against Oregon State on Friday and No. 15 Oregon on Saturday. In the series 52-match history, the Card has never lost to the Beavers, a winning tradition it looks to keep alive at least one match longer. A young team with just one senior on its roster, Oregon State (11-5, 3-3) stands only one spot below Stanford in the conference thanks in large part to the play of junior Camille Saxton and freshman outside hitter/middle blocker Arica Nassar. Saxton, an outside hitter, ranks tenth in the Pac-12 with an average of 3.58 kills per set and fifth with .34 aces or an ace for every three sets played. Nassar has been a force at the net, ninth in the conference with 1.15 blocks per set, making her the only freshman to appear in the conferences top ten

blockers. Sophomore libero Becky Defoe has been equally solid for the Beavers back line, ranking fifth in the conference with 4.39 digs per set and coming close to setting her own school record with 28 digs in last weekends three-set loss at No. 3 Washington. Oregon (12-2, 5-1), currently half a game out of first place in the conference, is one of six Pac-12 squads ranked in the top-15 nationally. The Ducks, who shocked then-No. 1 squad Penn State with a 3-1 victory in State College, Penn. earlier this season, will be looking to rebound this weekend after suffering their first conference loss to Washington on Sep. 30. Oregons impressive offense fifth in the nation in both assists and kills per set will be a tough match for Stanfords equally acclaimed defense.As a team, the Card leads the nation in blocks per set and leads the conference in digs, while junior middle blocker Carly Wopat is the countrys individual blocking leader with 1.71 per set, something she attributes to a renewed mental focus on the court. The key to my early season success has really been learning how to outsmart my opponents, rather than just relying on my athletic abilities, she said.

hen are you going to leave? The question posed by many in the Red Zone Saturday night perplexed me. They began at the half with Stanford only up 17-7 and continued throughout the game. By the fourth quarter, the Red Zone had thinned considerably, and the upper levels looked like a Marlins-Reds game. I guess I shouldnt be surprised . . . why would you want to stay and watch a top-five team with the best quarterback in the country calling his own plays in the no-huddle offense in the first home game since classes started? I realize that this is Stanford and everyone is incredibly busy. But the game was on a Saturday night.I seriously doubt many of the early-leavers hit the books hard afterwards. I would almost understand people leaving early if the game was in the bag but the score was 17-7 at the half! Maybe the third quarter Red Zone exodus can become our new Stanford football tradition, like the Ohio State bands script, the Penn State white-out or Notre Dames Touchdown Jesus. Now, I know were not a football school.Im glad we arent.Im glad our quarterback values his education more than tattoos. Im glad his father supports him getting a diploma, not a paycheck that he might not but probably does know about. Im glad our coach isnt Pete Carroll (no veil there).But for Gods sake, can we please watch the team? And its not just the students who suck as fans. It appears as though the good people of Palo Alto and the surrounding Valley were very recently informed of the existence of Stanford football. No word yet on whether they know it will exist beyond this season when [insert your own Luck-runs-out pun here]. So the question becomes, who should have the privilege of watching the Cardinal? My economics professor would probably urge me that whoever is willing to pay the most would receive the most enjoyment. My brother would argue that it should be whoever cares the most (by which we Philadelphians of course mean whoever is willing to wait in the snow for days for tickets to a game that our team will inevitably lose). My friends would all say to let the students in.But the Red Zone was already expanded this offseason. Additionally, revenue from a profitable football team can help offset costs of other varsity teams,so we need as many ticket sales as possible. If I were Director of Athletics Bob Bowlsby, Id have great seats to every game.And Id also charge non-student fans much higher prices for this season. Or make them lock into a multiyear commitment for tickets.Or Id pull what Kansas athletic department did and require a gift pledgefor the privilege of buying tickets. Personally, I would favor a Card literacy test for entrance to games. It would be very short: 1.Which one is not like the others? A. Plunkett B. Elway C. Rodgers D. Luck 2.What is a Toilolo and how do you use it? 3. Name one player not named Luck on the Cardinal who will (most likely) be drafted in the first round this year? (Hint:he guards Luck) 4.Whats your deal? But I dream. By now, youve probably either stopped reading this or youre wondering what the point is. Its simple: Once you get through the incredibly convenient, never-failing, quick-loading Red Zone ticket process and get to the stadium on game day,please stay.I dont particularly care whether the game is all you have to live for,you dont know what a first down is or you fall somewhere in between.Just stay and watch.Because not that many people in the country have the opportunity to watch a team this good.Because I want to stop hearing ESPN talk about how bad Cardinal fans are.But most of all, because these players deserve to play to a packed house every single week. Not a half empty stadium in the fourth quarter.

Please see WVOLLEY, page 7

Billy Gallagher is somewhat of a hypocrite, because he did in fact leave the stadium at halftime of the Eagles-Niners game on Sunday. Laugh at him for not thinking Alex Smith could make Philly fans wish it was 1980 again at

The Stanford Daily

Thursday, October 6, 2011 N 7

ma beating out Stanford outside hitter Rachel Williams for the conferences second-most kills (Bergsma averages 4.72 per set, Williams has 4.54) while Fischer contributes another 3.09 kills per set. The Cardinal will kick off the trip against Oregon State on Friday, Oct. 7 at Gill Coliseum in Corvallis, Ore. Contact Caroline Caselli at

Continued from page 6
Sophomore setter Lauren Plum engineers the Ducks offense, leading the Pac-12 with 11.89 assists per set, sixth best in the country. Two junior outside hitters, Alaina Bergsma and Katherine Fischer, provide the firepower, with Bergs-


Womens soccer captain Teresa Noyola a finalist for Lowes Senior CLASS Award
Stanford senior Teresa Noyola was named one of 10 finalists for the Lowes Senior CLASS Award in womens soccer, given out each year to recognize student-athletes for their contributions on and off the field. To be eligible for the award, a student-athlete must be classified as an NCAA Division I senior and have notable achievements in four areas of excellence community, classroom, character and competition. Noyola, who is also a finalist for the Hermann Trophy award given out annually to the top collegiate player in the country, is a captain for the No. 1 Cardinal (11-0-1, 2-0 Pac-12), who return home this weekend to take on USC on Friday before a showdown with No. 2 UCLA on Sunday afternoon. The Palo Alto native has helped lead Stanford to

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Auburn at home in a rivalry game so big that its called The Deep Souths Oldest Rivalry. The Dawgs came out wearing black uniforms for the first time in school history and rolled to a 45-20 win on their way to a 10-2 season.The players were so pumped up about wearing new uniforms that they took their excitement out in a big game, not a game they were going to win anyway. The two times Stanford has worn black jerseys, it has been against Wake Forest and UCLA. The combined scores of those games were 113-43 in Stanfords favor. Couldnt that enthusiasm have been better used against USC, Oregon or Cal? The second rule is that the team needs to make sure the fans actually know about the blackout and participate in it. Again, this is something that the 2007 Georgia Bulldogs did correctly when they did the blackout. Every single fan was wearing black and going crazy some fans even painted themselves black from head to toe. Do yourself a favor and go watch a few old videos of the game, and youll see just how amped everyone in the stadium is was. The best example of how to get your fans involved comes from Penn State, which stages a white-out game every season. All 106,572 fans are decked out in white, and I can only imagine how the opposing team must feel when they run out into a blizzard of howling fans. Stanford has yet to do this correctly both last season and this season. The entire Red Zone and everybody else shows up wearing red and white, and is left looking around quizzically when the speakers blast Back in Black. The team just looks dumb when theyre the

only ones in the stadium wearing black. Its like showing up to a pool party wearing a coat and tie. Its not that it doesnt look good, it just makes everybody else feel awkward. The third and most important rule of coming out decked in black is that you better back it up. Remember how great that 2007 Georgia game was and how pumped up the fans were? Well, the No. 3 Bulldogs tried it again in 2008 against No. 8 Alabama and got thumped 41-30 in their own house. The Crimson Tide had talked trash all week about how Georgia was wearing black because it was going to be their funeral, and then the Bama fans got to revel gleefully in bursting the Bulldogs bubble, leaving Georgia not only beaten but also embarrassed. So while those fans and players who showed up wearing all black felt like James Bond when they walked into the stadium, they undoubtedly felt like the cover of a Twilight novel walking out. So there you have it three very simple rules that will enhance your blackout experience.Thankfully,Stanford has followed the most important rule so far and will be wearing cool new uniforms for a big game against Notre Dame later this season (because everyone hates Notre Dame), but theres still room for improvement. Perhaps next year, and many years into the future, the sold-out Stanford Stadium will be rocking when the Cardinal puts a bow on another blackout win, but this time, itll be over USC. How sweet would that be? Jack Blanchat wears nothing but polo shirts; so while he has some sound fashion advice for the football team, he is also a prime candidate for TLCs What Not to Wear.To schedule a Ralph Lauren mauve-and-burgundy-out, follow him on Twitter @jmblanchat or drop him an email at

the NCAA College Cup in three straight seasons on the Farm and has once again been at the top of her game thus far this year. Through 12 matches, Noyola has six goals and five assists, and she scored the winning goal in overtime on Sunday to beat Washington 1-0. Although just 5-foot-3, Noyola has had a big presence on the field since she first arrived on the Farm. As a freshman, the attacking midfielder was honored as a NSCAA First Team All-American after tallying six goals and 10 assists for the Card. Last season, she once again found her way onto the All-American roster, becoming just the fifth player in Stanford history to be so honored twice. A media committee chose the 10 finalists from a list of 30 candidates for the award, and the winner will be chosen by a fan vote that continues until Nov. 14 at
Miles Bennett-Smith

8 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily

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said. Most importantly, both our players and our staff have lots of confidence that the goals and results are coming. But if history tells us anything, it is that nothing will come easy for the Cardinal on Sunday. Stanford has lost seven of its last eight games against Cal, managing just three goals in those games, and it hasnt beaten the Golden Bears since the current senior class was freshmen. Those stats are somewhat misleading, as the Cardinal backline has allowed one or zero goals in six of those matches, but the offense has been unable to break through, failing to score six times in the previous eight matchups.

Batteer believes the team will benefit from having a couple of extra days off to prepare for the game. Its obviously tough to lose two games in a row, especially conference games, he said. That being said, weve wiped the past two games out of our memory and are just focusing on our next game against Cal, and were all really excited and looking forward to that. I think we need to just play our game. Being at home is obviously an advantage for us, so I think its just a matter of outworking Cal from the first whistle and finishing the chances that we get, Batteer continued. Kickoff on Sunday is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Laird Q. Cagan Stadium. Contact Miles Bennett-Smith at a good investment of time and money for their students. In its willingness to adopt new methods of class organization, help students find interesting work on campus and advance open education for the general public, Stanfords computer science department has set a strong example. In academia there is an unfortunate tendency towards complacency and ossification, but as the Stanford computer science department shows, it can be resisted.

Continued from page 4
As the cost of a college education rises ever higher and pundits debate the existence and size of the higher education bubble, universities and academic departments across the country would do well to consider what they can do to remain

The Stanford Daily

Thursday, October 6, 2011 N 9

10 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily

out to? You should. No matter how much time may have passed, its never too late or too awkward.Even a five-minute conversation goes a long way, provided youre truly sincere and engaged the whole time. When you ask someone how they are, mean it! Look them in the eye, touch them on the shoulder, connect with them, if only for a few moments.Those little gestures of empathy can change both your day and theirs more than you know. College is the only time in our lives when friends act as a surrogate family. We are literally surrounded on a daily basis by 6,800 of the most amazing people on the face of the planet. These are the people that will be changing the world in five or ten years, and here we are, all living together. Take advantage of your four years here to connect with as many of them as possible. Not doing so? Now that would be the real waste of the moment! Think Leslie is one of those pretty amazing people youd like to connect with? Shoot her an email and tell her what you think at


Continued from page 4

Suddenly Im afraid to reconnect. Its almost as though the words Lets grab coffee! or, We really should catch up! have become synonymous with See you later! another sign-off whose meaning carries no real weight. Upon parting ways, who knows whether the other person actually meant he wanted to connect, or whether it was just a routine gesture of politesse? Aside from insecurities, there are a whole slew of things that get in the way of making and keeping plans. When deadlines loom, cancellation becomes the default. We tell ourselves that there will be another time later for that coffee, but lets be real: for the average Stanford student, theres never an opportune moment to spend an hour or two just catching up. Were all so damn busy scheduling every moment of our lives that

theres no space to breathe in between blocks of time allotted for this or that. For that matter, after expending so much energy playing mental Tetris with our schedules, who in their right mind would want to deviate from the plan? If you havent been booked into someones iCal, good luck catching him or her at a spare moment! But it is this very preoccupation with our schedule that disconnects us from the present and inhibits us from engaging with the here and now. Im not saying to avoid your homework, skip showers or not apply to grad school. We do go to Stanford, we are busy and there are important things that need to get done. But dont we all need an hour of wiggle room every day to get distracted by people you havent penciled in or to let yourself stop for those five-minute impromptu conversations in the hallways? Make time for human connection. Make time for the people you know well, as well as those you dont. Because at the end of the day, people are what matter most. That person you keep meaning to reach

The Stanford Daily

Thursday, October 6, 2011 N 11

and Mountain View. Sign up for our On-Call nanny pool, minimum 4 hour placements, very flexible to suit your schedule Applications MUST be online. Please go to:, and click on Join the Team. If you are smart, resourceful, hard working and love children, you may be just what we are looking for. College Nannies & Tutors (650) 7777898 Email SEEKING PART -TIME, OCCASSIONAL CHILDCARE The Stanford University WorkLife Office is seeking individuals interested in providing occasional evening and weekend childcare. Please call (650) 7232660 EGG DONOR WANTED Gay Stanford grad (BS '85, MBA '90) and husband looking for egg donor for our surrogacy process. Would love to hear from donors (19-25) who are happy, confident, empathetic, tenacious, and athletic. (Compensation provided.) Email: or call 415-225-3769. Not an agency.

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Continued from front page

tures], he said. Last year almost half a trillion dollars was spent on it. If we can somehow cut down on risk factors earlier, we can cut down morbidity and mortality. The study, which was published Sept. 26 online in the journal Human Reproduction, tracked 137,903 male American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) members from the ages of 50 to 71 for a 10-year period. The study was part of a larger National Institutes of Health (NIH)/AARP diet and health study that has collected health data from more than 550,000 subjects since the mid-1990s. Participants in the study respond to detailed questionnaires distributed by the AARP. The larger NIH/AARP diet and

PART TIME NANNIES NEEDED NOW Looking for a great after school or parttime job? Love kids? Love flexibility and great pay? We are looking for nannies to start ASAP .Applicants need to be flexible, responsible, dependable and active. Nanny jobs can be 12+ hours per week, from around 2:00 - 6:00pm.Monday - Friday, and occasionally some evening /weekend work. The ideal candidates would work through the end of the school year, possibly beyond that too! We are looking to fill positions URGENTLY in Palo Alto, Los Altos, Menlo Park

health study has contributed to approximately 250 scientific papers. Its the largest epidemiological study of its type ever done, AARP Senior Research Advisor Albert R. Hollenbeck said. In order to ensure that the men in the study intended to reproduce, researchers only included subjects who were married or had been formerly married. Researchers also focused solely on men who were over the age of 50 at the start of the study. Due to the long-term nature of the study, researchers excluded men with serious pre-existing health conditions that had already affected their long-term health outlook. Obviously there are lots of reasons to be childless, Eisenberg said. Certainly some men dont want to have children, but in the general population as a whole thats a minority. Another recent study found that men with high levels of testosterone were more likely to find

mates and father children that those with lower levels of testosterone. Eisenberg drew a connection to his study on fatherhood, saying that men with low sperm counts also tend to have lower levels of testosterone, which could potentially indicate broader underlying health issues. Eisenberg stressed that external factors must be considered when evaluating the study, including the role of socioeconomic status in determining family size and the change in lifestyle associated with having a child. The other important thing to think about is that fathers do have their children and their children take care of them, Eisenberg said. Having a child that is involved certainly can help. We do know that being married, living with a spouse and happiness all lead to longevity. Contact Alice Phillips at alicep1@

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation 5-week course, October 14, 21, 28; November 4, 11 12:30 to 2:30 pm University Lutheran Church, 1611 Stanford Ave. (at Bowdoin) Free (donations accepted), all welcome.


Continued from front page

We really focus on quality of life and we take care of the family, not just the patient, she said. We recognize that a brain tumor is a pretty devastating disease to be diagnosed with.Theres a lot more than just the medicine and the chemotherapy happening; theres huge life-adjustments, huge financial adjustments, huge planning for everything. In addition to expanding its personnel, the center has also achieved three research breakthroughs in the past year.The first was the discovery of a new genetic deletion in glioblastomas, which Harsh called the most malignant type of brain tumor.

Harshs paper on the discovery was published in February in the New England Journal of Medicine. The second breakthrough involved identifying important contributions to tumor growth from metabolic pathways and the tumors unique blood vessel supply. Finally, Nagpal said that she and Lawrence Recht, the centers senior neuro-oncologist, have identified a drug that increases quality of life for patients diagnosed with a glioblastoma after studying data from Stanford glioblastoma patients since 2003. To treat brain tumors, the center uses new techniques such as entropic mapping of speech and motor function,which allows the doctors to remove a tumor while a patient is awake and speaking.The center also removes tumors through endoscopy, a surgery through the nose,eliminat-

ing riskier surgeries that involve opening the skull. Additionally, the physicians use a Cyberknife machine to focus radiation on specific areas of the brain and reduce the duration of radiation treatments. Once the tumor tissue is removed, the centers doctors test the tissue for the most up to date genetic markers. By analyzing these markers, they hope to develop personalized medicine regimens that target each patients specific tumor. While the technology for distinguishing between the genetic makeups of different tumors exists, Nagpal said the medical community has not yet developed the medicine to effectively target tumors based on that knowledge. Contact Austin Block at aeblock@

1 3 2 4

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit


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12 N Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Stanford Daily

formed view of people and an engineering underpinned worldview. Were embracing social media platforms as a way to iterate on personal brand, develop a distinctive voice and crowdsource feedback. Were using StrengthsQuest and Myers-Briggs to optimize around our current strengths. Above all else, were embracing the attitude of relentless self-improvement. This is just the beginning. You have incredible potential, yet its up to you to realize it. Becoming a lifehacker is just one of myriad ways to self-actualize. Find the one that resonates with you and embrace it. I care about your self-actualization because others cared about mine. You have your ideal self to lose and the world to change.


Continued from page 4

A decade ago, I was the skinny, socially awkward kid with reading disabilities who didnt stand a chance. While I may still be the quirky kid, the tough path to Stanford is why I get so pumped about people realizing their potential. This is the call to action: be bold in the pursuit of your ideal self. A small contingent of friends and I have recently been looking to push the boundaries of lifehackerstyle self-actualization. Were sharing lessons and aiming to create a totally immersive environment that will take us towards actualization. With the knowledge that you are what you measure, were trying out quantified-self, where you measure so much more than just

grades think: time, food, weight, exercise, learning, productivity, communication, computer activity. Were open-sourcing our lives to create instant feedback loops. Knowing that you can only truly know 150 people, were listing the people who we really want to forge relationships with. Were making introspection a continual process, taking journal notes after each interaction. Were developing our unconscious intuition through pattern recognizing looking through everything from different types of art, facial expression, to worldly success. Were brainstorming, using design thinking, Six Hats and lateral thinking to take our thought processes to the next level. Were aiming for polymathic knowledge by speed-reading Wikipedia, online resources and classic works. Were embracing Renaissance-style learning of the humanities, a social science in-


Continued from page 4

Im learning that it is a dangerous myth to believe ultimate satisfaction exists at the top of the ladder of success. Its a dangerous myth to believe there is a top to reach. I spent my first week this quarter planning out my classes so I could graduate two quarters early. I thought that the sooner I got out of Stanford, the sooner I could get to LA and start working in the film industry. Once I had a job or sold a script, I would be happy; that would be enough. And in that first week, I was completely miserable. I cant see the future, but I can only imagine that even if everything went as planned and I reached that level of enough, it would not be enough.

The more I focused on everything I hadnt accomplished, the smaller and more worthless I felt. The more I viewed contentment and satisfaction as something to be attained in the future, the less I was able to see it around me in the present. From personal experience, Ive learned that the quickest way to curb the unquenchable thirst for success is with gratitude and humility. Recently, Ive been trying to focus and be thankful for the things I have and the opportunities Ive been given. When I lose sight of what I have, I get bogged down by everything I dont have. But when I focus on what I already have, I find it tends to be enough. I never really cared how well I did in track, and I loved every second of it. If you sucked at sports too, then why not email Chase at

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