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Narrative Theory Geris Game

Geris game is a Pixar short film that shows a game of chess between old codger, Geri, and his younger more energetic self. Old Geri seems to have no chance of winning, when a cheeky turn around manages to save him from defeat.

His theory is that every story starts with a feeling of balance; everything is good as it is. Then there is a change, and the balance is lost. This leads to a change in events to finally restore the feeling of balance. This could be used on this short film. At the start everything is fine for old Geri as he is about to start his game. The turn for the worst comes when old Geri loses his pieces rapidly to his younger self, and it seems he has no chance of winning now. The change of events is when Geri has an idea that may just allow him to win, he pretends to have a heart attack. This distracts the younger Geri and allows old Geri to switch the board, allowing him to win, and his happiness is restored.

His theory is that for every story there is a set of characters that take on certain roles. This does not have to be a separate character for each role, but each role will be played by someone. The characters are; The The The The The Her The The villain hero donor helper princess Father dispatcher false hero

This theory is difficult to apply to this story as it is just two people, but most of the roles are played; The villain Geris younger self who destroys the chess game with the greatest of ease.

The hero Old Geri, who manages to rescue his game from the claws of defeat. The Donor This again is old Geri for the moment of magic that gives him the idea of how to win the game. The helper Old Geri helps himself by coming up with his great idea. The princess This is the dentures that old Geri wins at the end, this is the prize that both of them wanted to win. Her Father Although he isnt happy about it, this is younger Geri, who rewards Geri the prize at the end. The dispatcher Younger Geri, this is because he forces him into the danger and old Geri must find a way out. The false hero Young Geri would be this again, he believes he is the hero and the better man, but in the end is out witted.

Claude Levi-Strauss
He looked at narrative structure as binary opposites. He thought that for one thing to exist in a story; it has to have to opposite too. For example, good has to have evil. This can be applied to Geris game. Black and white The chess pieces are the opposite colours, although this is standard for chess boards it also represents a set of binary opposites. Good and evil Old Geri is defiantly the hero of the story, while young Geri tries to take the prize away from him. Young and old Although Geri is both of the people, his attitude on either side of the table gives us the exact opposites, as well as young and old it also shows; o Arrogant and modest o Confident and shy o Quick and slow

Roland Barthes
Barthes believed stories were a lot like a ball of string, it can be opened in either one or many ways, leading us to many different turns of events. He called this; Open Many different ways Closed Only one obvious chain of events

He also decided that the threads you pull on to gain understanding are called narrative codes and they can be categorised in five ways;

Action code Applies to any action that implies a further narrative action. For example when a gun is shot, we wonder what will be the result of this. Enigma code Refers to any part of a story that is not explained. Making it an enigma for the audience, making them ask themselves questions. Semantic code Any element in a text that suggests a particular additional meaning usually through connotation. Cultural code Any element that refers to a science or knowledge. Symbolic code Any element that refers to an ideology or way of life.

Geris game is an open story, as at first we believe young Geri will go on to easily win, but the story turns and results in a different outcome. There is also defiantly an ideology behind the story. I believe it tells us that however young or old or lonely we are, as long as we are happy with ourselves, then we can live well and enjoy life.

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