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Revolutionary Times in 2011

Its very interesting to live in the era that we presently live in. There are protests from the Occupy Wall Street Movement that deal with the following topics: the war on terror, controversies on health & environmental matters, and discussions on a myriad of subjects everywhere. One thing remains greatly constant. That is that people are people. Throughout human history, we humans have similar social dispositions, emotions, thinking, and clear intentions about what we desire out of our basic livelihood. We are looking in revolutionary times. Its been weeks since the Occupy Wall Street Movement has come about. Its different from the Tea Party since it appeals to more people and it doesnt try to make concessions to corporate power in the top 1 percent of income earners (among other differences). The reactionaries and even some Tea Party members dont want the government to show policies to help the 99% because they (or the Tea Party clique) believe in the radical notion that only private power is needed to help society. The truth is that both private and public power can assist individuals in various arenas. Some of the Republicans lust after the corporate power structure. They hypocritically use the state to take care of the corporate elite at the expense of the poor. The elite supports oil companies and some transnational corporations. Some Democrats cave into this reality like the Blue Dog Democrats. Plutocratic greed and corporate robbery isnt representative of real moral values, but a throwback to social Darwinianism point blank period. Rick Perry is having a list of scandals and he is desperate in trying to promote his controversial political campaign. The Republicans use a man like Herman Cain (with some sincere intensions, but is brainwashed about various issues) in order to promote poor/minority scapegoating rhetoric. They use Cain as a means to try to validate their own prejudice & illogic political ideologies. Cain is our brother, so he should wake up. Its not about Cains background. Its about him embracing an archaic ideology that numerous folks oppose.

They also use a man named Mitt Romney and some quarters of the mainstream media classify him as just a moderate. On the other hand, his policies bore out that his mind is opposite of moderation. Romney says that he has to right to run despite his religious views. No rational individuals denounce that right, but people have the right to peacefully agree or disagree with the religion of Mormonism. I dont agree with Cornell West on every issue, but at least the man put his money where his mouth is. He protested in anti-Apartheid rallies in the 1980s and got arrested for it. He worked in anti-war protests during the George W. Bush years. He was arrested recently for protesting a political issue. So, for decades Cornell West denounced oligarchy and its policies for decades. His father was a preacher and allowed Dr. Martin Luther King to speak at his church. To the some of them (or Republicans), if youre to the left of Michelle Bachmann, youre credibility is questioned. A white reactionary is just as wrong and deluded as a black reactionary (many of them either deny that racism is a serious problem in the world or use race to benefit reactionaries in general not their own people). They both play for the same team irrespective of color. A man has to have a social conscience, compassion, and empathy to be a real man. We men have to be men not a bootlicker to the corporate establishment, which wants the obscene corporate concentration of wealth. You dont have to act like youre in the Pepsi Generation to be a real human being or catch amnesia. You can live your right not as a mercenary, but as a free thinking human being with dignity, humanity, strength, and honor. When you have record bailouts for Wall Street and no bailouts for ordinary working people and distressed homeowners, then you have a serious problem with the system that presently exists presently.

Yes, I will not dignify myself to celebrate a day that glamorizes witches, terror, demons, goblins, and ghosts either. One of the worst people are those that use religion as an excuse to justify the status quo. They use religion as an excuse to promote materialism, faux patriotism, and a love of sin. Mainstream religion now is heavily a pop show not a serious endeavor. You know a person like me

is ready for challenges. I believe in using the pen and self defense. I respect anybody following pacifism or nonviolence for a sincere moral conviction, but isnt in me to follow. I am not hand cupped by pacifism.

One lesson in life is said by Jesus (he violated unjust laws, he supported the cause of the poor & outcast, and he wasnt a multimillionaire. He wanted to set the captives free), and even Confucius said is to do unto others as they would have them do unto you. You reap what you sow too. That means that if you treat people with fairness and equity, good things have high possibility of happening to you (or you will have a greater sense of moral & spiritual enlightenment). Life is social and individual. Therefore, its a duty to stridently enact reasonable actions to serve our fellow man. Serving people means to promote an end to the war and agree to monumental assistance to the disadvantaged in lifes road excluding torrent behavior. The legacies of the heroes of history still live in our souls since in our generation heroes can inspire us to carry forward to promote real causes. These causes are social equality, economic justice, civil liberty, ending poverty, promoting peace, and a myriad of improvements. These heroes arent just well known icons like Harriet Tubman and Dr. Martin Luther King, but little known figures like Paul Robeson, Ralph Abernathy, and others. We have a long way to go though. A lot of problems continue to fester in the world. Yet, with faith a determined acts, a way can be made where it seems like there is no way. I cant tell you so many times Ive failed and got back on my feet to complete a challenge effectively. Also, I want to mention this. Men shouldnt be ashamed of being men just like a woman shouldnt be ashamed of their femininity. A lot of males use money to just have romance in this new generation. A real man shouldnt put price tag on love or pay their way into love. That is why I have more respect for a poor man in a real loving relationship than a rich man having to pay money to desperately seek attention from a female. Any man has the right to be aggressive in making positive contributions in their lives. We who are men ought to take individual responsibility for our own actions, fight for truth & liberty, and always condemns the supremacist Western power structure harming the world today (we dont let the elite off the hook). So, we should reject emasculation of males and misogyny against females. Both genders should continue to firmly promote their power, worth, and dignity without obfuscation or equivocation. Gaddafi is dead. People know my feelings about this occurrence. He was killed most probably by his captors. Some folks claimed that he was killed in the boras of crossfire. Kaddafi wasnt a saint or a perfect leader. Yet, I do find it amazingly ionic that the faux liberators didnt take him in custody to have a trial before any justice was serviced. He was just killed excluding a trial. Gaddafi is a representation of corrupt leadership on numerous levels. Likewise, the Libyan war is the representation of neo-imperialism done by the power elite. The Western & NATO forces supported the raping/lynching rebels in order to turn a nation (previously being one of the highest standard of living nations in Africa) to be nothing more than a client state of the Western oligarchy. NATO bombed civilian targets and killed innocent men, women, and children. The rebels have committed war crimes against black Libyans including other human beings. This war on terror has promoted the U.S. Empire for a long time (for over a decade). Now, the U.S. military intervention policy is done in Uganda, while Iraqi troops are coming home.

Recently, many Republicans from Ron Paul to Mitt Romney desire explicitly to totally eliminate or heavily restrict U.S. foreign aid. Their reactionary pronouncements gave me a thought in my mind. I dont believe in any unjust military intervention against sovereign nations. Ive made that point clear. Yet, the total sum of our problems isnt just national or sectional. They are global. I never adhered to the position of establishing a fundamental global governmental system in order to formulate a tranquil society. Although, human compassion from us Americans should be extended to help those suffering from poverty, malnutrition, lax infrastructure, and the suppression of basic human freedoms worldwide. These vital activities can be done beyond trade, but via public & private sector efforts to solve these maladies. For concerns about human life doesnt end within our national boundaries. Our authentic concerns ought to be for every human being among the whole human race. We are tied to the destiny of every country and every group of peoples. Their destinies are tied up subsequently with ours. Billions of dollars are spent on maintaining military bases across the Earth. This policy only benefits the eroding American Empire temporarily not the people. This money can be spent justly to assist Americans domestically & individuals internationally (in funding food, aid, infrastructure development, etc.). If billions of dollars can be spent in the war on terror & banker bailouts, then billions of dollars can be spent in home. Ron Paul yells about where is the money to spend for such an effort? Money can be found by ending the war on terror, and making a real, fair taxation system. You can also get money by having debt free money, cut tax loopholes for the super wealthy and other methods. Its purely constitutional for Congress to pass laws and issue policies to help Gods children in America & across the globe irrespective of what Ron Paul says. The Republicans worship the market. The market isnt, because humans have imperfections. Even if the market had no regulations whatsoever, corruption, discrimination, etc. could still exist. That is why you need some interventions to stabilize economic systems. Poverty in America is expansive in the trailer parks, ghettoes, the rural communities, Appalachia, and in even places where you least expect. Its everywhere. Its vitally crucial for everyone to not express an abhorrence of people living in ghetto. We ought to outline compassion, empathy, and a passion to give assistance to anyone that genuinely needs a reformation from the oppressive conditions that are found in poverty. The elite power structure invented the ghetto and other likeminded locations as a means to confine & limit power among the poor & disadvantaged. This decreased real power for the poor. Therefore, policies should be enacted to give more power to poorer communities in order to eliminate the poor conditions in the first place. Our oppressors use the poor as a means for scapegoating readily. Radical economic and structural changes in the West can only end poverty in the West. These changes deal with the promotion of livable incomes, real jobs, affordable housing, the development of excellent education system for especially the poor, etc. A guaranteed annual income is a populist way to fight against poor conditions as well. America has the responsibility and obligation to help the poor without agreeing with the interests of the oligarchy.
What inspires me? There are a lot of things that constantly inspire me daily. Sometimes, a kind word from anybody can inspire me to create information and go forward better in life. Reactionaries and people that disagree with me can inspire me to write something better and focus in a relentless fashion on how I can formulate my political views or otherwise. Famous and less than famous folks that agree with my views inspire me to think critically to be stronger. They can allow me to be culturally sensitive about the human race in general. Human beings like William Cooper, Dr. Martin Luther King, Kwame Ture, JFK, Malcolm X, and others (even athletes like Michael Jordan, Carmelita Jeter, Marion Jones, etc. I respect the Sister Carmelita Jeters winning the World Track championship for the 100 meters) certainly

make me aware of my own errors in life. Yet, these people remind me that second chances, doing accomplishments, promoting justice, and being real are the spices of life. I have the right to be real and honest display my attitudes about events in the world. It's certainly real that compassion mixed with strength are great avenues than embracing frivolous "swagger," the truth is better than fiction, and good is superior to evil. Hope, love, and power are items than can overcome oppression. Self improvement is a quintessential goal of mines and others. So, that concept should be etched in the consciousnesses of all peoples. Now, we can have a better life by protesting, using mentorships, teaching someone about the reality of life, participating in charities, working with likeminded individuals to make a difference, live by example, feed the hungry, believe in cultural improvement among our own people, and loving to help our people. In our generation, we dont need one solitary leader guiding us. We can be leaders simultaneously all over the Earth fighting for justice and radical actions to be taken. For one person thats unsung is just as important as one person doing the right thing that is more famous. In our lives, did the real dream die? No, the dream didnt live. It lives on in us since our ancestors passed away, but the ancestors of every background gave us hope, enlightenment, and relevant teachings to carry forward with THE DREAM. As long as I have breathe, I will fight.

*Blue Dog Democrats (the maintainers of the status quo) & their reactionary allies believe in moderation and statesmanship in order to accomplish the so-called social good. This anemic policy doesnt lead into radical reforms, but wicked compliancy. Did we use moderation to fight for our God-given right during the civil rights movement era? Did we need to be moderate or express keen statesmanship to end legalized slavery in the USA? Do we need to be moderate (or traitorously in love with the chains of political correctness) to battle against unjust & evil economic inequality transpiring globally? No, No, and NO. What we need is radicalism. It was radicalism that defeated the British Empire overtly in the 1700s via the colonists during the Revolutionary war. It was radical actions of folks even violating unjust laws in America to give basic civil, voting, and human rights to Americas. So, it will take strong measures to get solutions developed in the American continent & the world. This isnt statesmanship, but revolutionary activities. Moderation leads only into mental slavery, which is as cruel as physical slavery. The reason is that in being a socalled moderate, you try to play both sides when you are only mentally confused on what to do (while you are submerged in the status quo with no real process to see). I dont give a care about the odds. It is more important to battle against the odds since my people won battles when the stack was decked against my people. I dont support a culture in a country that claims to believe in democratic principles, but has a depravity of health services to its poorest citizens. I dont ally with a culture that glamorizes social bigotry, materialism, and the evil gender wars. I dont agree with mainstream religion being used a pimp circus instead of a genuine spiritual atmosphere. What I support are concepts of justice, equality, fair treatment among all genders including individuals of every background. By Timothy

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