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Sacred geometry, part II

It is significant that as our alienation from all forms of

spiritual and universal wonder increases, symbols bearing the
hallmarks of an ancient, harmonious philosophy have suddenly
begun manifesting in cereal crop.

Even to the hardened skeptic crop circle designs reveal a

facility by their makers of creating a visual harmony that is
pleasing to the eye, much like an ancient temple or a classica
painting. The proportions are balanced, the shapes rhythmic,
their outlying elements forming part of an unseen whole. Upo
close scrutiny even the small `grapeshot` circles that flank
certain formations lie at their given remote locations not by
fluke but by engineered and premeditated design, markers an
clues for the observer to follow and uncover. Not surprising,
then, to find sacred geometry lying at the heart of the
fundamental blueprints of many formations, sometimes
blatantly, sometimes veiled like a secret waiting to be
uncovered only by the most persistent of minds.

But just as with sacred geometry and other esoteric principles, crop circles have been marginalized by
practically the entire scientific community since they challenge the current worldview simply because science
is at odds to explain them.

According to science, crop circles don`t exist.

Yet, as these examples demonstrate, crop circles, through their complicated geometric structure, are worthy
of being ranked alongside the greatest creations of mankind. Perhaps even higher.

When analyzing crop circle forms through the precise and unA L T E Rable practice of sacred geometry one
cannot help but appreciate that a mind of scholarly intelligence is involved, just as the great masters of Islami
and Egyptian art, as Keith Critchlow remarked, "were motivated by and versed in spiritual disciplines that gave
content and meaning to their work and placed it in the tradition of aiding the viewer to raising his or her
spiritual understanding."

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