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Start of the 11th century rather little coherent learning survived in the Latin west from the ancient world, and they had few tools with which to deal with the material that they came into contact with from the Arabs.

The intellectual patrimony of the half millennium between the end of the western empire and the beginning of the medieval contact with the Arabs was a small number of Christian texts without a great deal of intellectual apparatus.

The Later Medievals

Once they started to make sense of the Arabic Greek texts, they were presented with a huge body of Knowledge that was clearly a vastly better way of understanding nature than the rather pitiful early Christian natural philosophy. Medievals who found a way of bringing together what have been called the three pillars of western culture: Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem.

New Texts : The Renaissance

With the transmission from Byzantium of classical Greek texts between The 1390s and 1450s,15 the bases of the medieval intellectual world were brought to an abrupt, almost violent end. The influx of these texts was the ultimate cause of the renaissance, and in the case of the study of geometry, was to change everything, and change it utterly. in the 16th century decent Latin translations of the classical texts were to be made and then printed, which mean that better and more reliable, fixed, texts were distributed far more widely. Indeed, often the chain of translation of the Arabic texts was much longer than that, allowing for more and more layers of scribal error, errors of translation and interpretation and losses as a translator or copyist would ignore a chapter, or a proof, or a few lines.

* Our source of this knowledge, and our assurance of its supreme epistemic status, however, is based on our faith in God. Hence this kind of knowledge and knowledge of the world is knowledge from faith. * It is knowledge obtained through logic and the exercise of our rational powers, so is knowledge from reason. Clearly well, clearly to the medievals knowledge from faith is superior and more certain than knowledge from reason, so should there ever be any conflict * Thus the revelation in the language of Man is clearly in code, allegorical and mystical, and needs to be unpacked and decoded * However, whatever God creates is imbued with God and Gods purpose and meaning, so this reasoning goes clearly in Creation itself there will be God.


It was hardly a vacuous or enterprise 2) Clearly the first part of the enterprise of knowledge of the world. 3) As the medievals might have put it - to understand theory of signs. 4) Key to understanding the importance of the Quadrivium and Trivium for the medievals.

Late in the 16th century, another interesting and revealing justification of the study of geometry is to found amongs to some of the toughest and sharpest intellectuals in all of Europe the Jesuits. Justifications of teaching geometry -which the did everywhere in the world , and often to astonishingly high standards- is interesting: abstract. The 17th century by 18th century argument became even stronger, as the geometry of the infinite.


16th century to the early 18th century the changes in the mathematics and in natural philosophy were so deep as to merit the dramatics label of revolution.
Two of its most public known practitioners were galileo and Descartes , and their connreexions with the 16th century italian tradition are clear and simple.


was to mutate in the 17th century in to less mystical and less theologican set of intuitions. Geometry was a moment of direct contact Gods mind and that in finding geometric models of the motions of the planets. Uncovering the exact language of God thought. The copernican spheres of the orbits of the six planets in a unique way.`1

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