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The Urns

A Pantomime By Joseph Frost

Draft September 2009

Joseph Frost 4550 Normandy Dr Jackson, MS 39206

The Urns 2 Lights up on a barren field. Sand. Enter a

After a silence, the sound of clanking metal is heard. man with urns.

The urns are tied together - two urns on either end of a rope, the rope slung over the man's shoulders. The man carries more than ten pairs of urns. The man trudges his way across the stage, circling to the center. Struggling with his burden, he removes his shoes and socks before stepping into the area directly at the center of the stage. The man looks around with relief. He drops to his knees, exhausted. He takes the urns off of his shoulders. He begins to place the urns in a straight line, flat to the front of the stage. As he places the urns he regards each of them individually, as he would treat the person who is contained within. Some of the urns are grouped, as if part of a single family unit. Some of the urns are treated more fondly than others. One urn is close like a lover. The final urn is treated like someone who is held far away, removed from the others. The man removes their lids, placing the lids carefully downstage of each urn. He lowers his head, resting on his hands and knees before the urns. A silence. He rises, and looks back, as if to go. The man turns back to the urns. He picks up one of them and holds it high. He begins to pour out the ashes from the urn. The man stops. go back alone. He looks back again. He is pained, not wanting to He has arrived.

The man drops to his knees and grabs the urns, embracing them. He sets down the urns, then notices the ashes on which he kneels.

The Urns 3 The man lays on his back, flat to front, beside the urns. breath. A deep

He takes the urn near his feet and pours it out, covering his feet. He does so with each succeeding urn, covering his entire body. Eventually, he covers up one arm, leaving the other exposed to finish pouring the urns. When he reaches his face, he takes a deep breath, then pours. Places arm to side, still exposed. After as long as possible, he bursts the ash covering with an expulsion of air. He sits up rapidly and regains his composure. Slams fist into the ashes. He begins to beat the pile with his hands, spreading ashes into the air. He rubs his face with the ashes. He kneels once again in the ashes, repentant. A silence.

The man carefully takes an urn into his hands, making sure to remove it from its rope. He begins to scoop up a pile of ash, and pouring it into the urn in his hand. The man stands, holding the urn high. He brings the urn down to his chest, cradling the urn like a newborn baby. The man turns and exits, returning back from where he came. Lights dim, then out.

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