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For those who already have TaskMagic1 or TaskMagic2...

Whats new in TaskMagic3?

All matching exercises fill the screen, automatically resizing images / textboxes etc. to fit the screen space, so exercises look great even with only 5 or 6 items. The same principle applies to Mix & Gap and Dialogues files. All screens centre horizontally when in full screen mode, e.g. on laptop screens with wide screens. Improved exercise front pages, with available exercise thumbnails resizing in TaskMagic Play to fill the screen. Improved text resizing on output screens, with text centring vertically within text boxes. General improvements to visuals, images etc on most screens. Just looks much nicer!

Jump: a new multi-layer multiple choice jumping game, available in Text Match, Picture Match, Sound Match, PicSound and Grid Match. Trainer: a new vocab training and testing activity available in Text Match, Picture Match, Sound Match and Grid Match. Trainer focuses on spelling and guides the student towards a correct answer. Students can use Trainer as a practice session or a test, and they have the option to print out a record of their scores, time taken etc. Multi Gaps: new in Mix & Gap a multiple choice gap-fill with up to 4 choices per gap. Write gaps: new in Mix & Gap a gap-fill with no hint or word list, which accepts up to 3 correct answers per gap. Prompt Gaps: new in Mix & Gap a gap-fill with a clue for each gap (great for verb conjugation / word families). Long Gaps: new in Mix & Gap a gap-fill where gaps can be whole sentences, which are then listed below the text. Comprehension: a new multiple choice reading comprehension in Mix & Gap with up to 4 choices per question. Worksheets are also available for all of the new formats in Mix & Gap.

16 item limit removed for match exercises (you can now make exercises with up to 10,000 matching items). So you can work on a much longer list of vocabulary within the same file. The Find it! exercise is also no longer limited to 16 items. You can increase / decrease the number of items on the screen for many matching exercises. Similarly, if you have a file with a lot of matching items, you can reduce the number of items to be used in the exercises. Exercises which previously only worked with high number of items, now work with far fewer. (e.g. Football, Tower Block, 3 in a Row) Mix & Gap now accepts texts on multiple lines (e.g. separate paragraphs, lists, poetry, songs, letters, recipes. etc). So its now easy to type in a poem or song and include a sound file so that students can listen to complete the exercises. All screens can now be minimized, and all screens can be resized without restarting the game. Improved dragging and dropping - the text box itself moves across the screen, rather than a box outline. Improvements to worksheet printing, including: worksheet header; choice of no. of matching items to print; no. of dominoes / pelmanism cards per page; answer printout for snake worksheets; worksheets print over several pages. Worksheets now also print to the default printer size and contents automatically fit to the page. Improvements to functionality of many screens. e.g. Gap Dialogue; Show pairs function on Pelmanism hold mouse down to see the matching item; Jumbled words shows partially correct answers; Speed control for True or False; Show / hide facility for matching items on some Match screens. etc. Text preview option on front pages for Dialogues / Mix & Gap


You can decide which games will be available to students when you create your exercise. So if you want students to avoid a particular game, simply uncheck the check box to make it unavailable. (Theres also the facility to create individual game files.) Facility to export Text Match items and Dialogue files to Mix & Gap. New quick input function in Text Match makes it easy to import whole vocab lists from word docs / web pages. So you can create a 1000 entry Text Match file in a matter of minutes. Data can be input anywhere on the edit screens. Any blank boxes etc are ignored. This makes it possible to create part exercises, save exercises with incomplete texts / images / sounds etc. and go back to them later. Gap-Fill in Mix & Gap now allows for multiple word gaps and part-word gaps. The 200 word limit has also been removed (now 500 words same as the other Mix & Gap exercises) and the gapped text now scrolls on the screen to allow for longer texts. Gap numbers now appear on screen and on worksheets.


Upgrade discounts are available for schools which already have TaskMagic1 or TaskMagic2. Please visit the TaskMagic website for details of available discounts: Files save as binary rather than text files. This way images and sounds are embedded in the file rather than being kept in a separate folder. This makes it easier to use all TaskMagic files over an internet connection, over a VLE etc, whatever the users browser. Files can also be transported, emailed etc without zipping. A TaskMagic3 file converter allows you to batch-convert your old files to the new format. Fully compatible with Windows 7.
or email us to request an upgrade quote:

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