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A. 1 Background In the 21st century, a new vision of leadership is needed to respond to local, regional, national, and global opportunities and challenges. More than ever, leaders must integrate knowledge and talent from individuals, units, and organizations in the business, nonprofit, and government sectors to advance the common good. When people ask this Question; is there indeed an ideal of global leadership that links local leadership efforts? The word indeed signals the categorical nature of this question and demands

that one consider widely, so that the global ideal (should it exist) would be an accurate representation of all forms of leadership. The term local suggests that the category being considered includes diverse, on-the-ground examples. On the other hand, the word ideal intimates that abstraction, or a degree of unreality, is also a factor in this discussion. So, impelled to bridge the concreteness of local with the abstraction of ideal, we are invited to think global

We must also consider the other definition of global, as in universal, including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributive without limit or exception; especially: available equitably to all members of a society1. That definition would situate leadership as a general phenomenon that is present or occurring everywhere, existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions, embracing a major part or the greatest

Action Inquiry

portion (as of humankind) and comprehensively broad and versatile enough to denote every instance of leadership2. Say the answer brings an all-encompassing characterization of leadership. If we do theorize that there is some other existing form of uber-leadership, that raises a serious question of who really is the leader in charge of the leader in charge.

As we know, that globalization passes the states border all over the world. Globalization, in some ways, change the definition of the state it self. State is not anymore the land or the field, but it is change into the sovereignty and it interest. So we can measure the influences of each state with its interest. More and more they spread their influences to other state, then we can see the border not anymore in their land, but it is become their interest follow by the other state3. With this situation we can see that small country in definition of border land- with the strong and great power in technology and knowledge become the major and influencing country, defeat big country with weak influence and left behind technology and knowledge

A.2 China As The Future Global Power Based on Education System Education in the People's Republic of China is a state-run system of public education run by the Ministry of Education. All citizens must attend school for at least nine years. The government provides primary education for six years, starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. Some provinces may have five years of primary school but four years for middle school. There are three years

John Markoff. Waves of Democracy. Social Movement and Political Change, Thousand Oaks, California : Pine Forge Prss. 1996 3 Ichlasul Amal dkk, Regionalisme, Nasionalisme, dan Ketahanan Nasional. (Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1998). hal 9.

of middle school and three years of high school. The Ministry of Education reported a 99 percent attendance rate for primary school and an 80 percent rate for both primary and middle schools. In 1985, the government abolished tax-funded higher education, requiring university applicants to compete for scholarships based on academic ability. In the early 1980s the government allowed the establishment of the first private schools. The population has had on average only 6.2 years of schooling, but in 1986 the government set the goal of nine years of compulsory education for students by the year 2000.

The United Nations Development Program reported that in 2003 China had 116,390 kindergarten classes with 613,000 teachers and 20 million students. At that time, there were 425,846 primary schools with 5.7 million teachers and 116.8 million students. General secondary education had 79,490 institutions, 4.5 million teachers, and 85.8 million students. There also were 3,065 specialized secondary schools with 199,000 teachers and 5 million students. Among these specialized institutions were 6,843 agricultural and vocational schools with 289,000 teachers and 5.2 million students and 1,551 special schools with 30,000 teachers and 365,000 students.

China has already pulled off one of the most remarkable expansions of education in modern times, increasing the number of undergraduates and people who hold doctoral degrees fivefold in 10 years. In 2003 China supported 1,552 institutions of higher learning (colleges and universities) and their 725,000 professors and 11 million students (see List of universities in the People's Republic of China. Beijing and Tsinghua universities and more than 100 other National Key Universities are some of the most

prestigious universities in the world. The percentage of China's college-age population in higher education has increased from 1.4% in 1978 to roughly 20% in 2005. Every year 450,000 engineering students graduate from college, 50,000 graduate with masters degrees, and 8,000 graduate with Ph.Ds. In 2002, the literacy rate in China was 90.8%; 95.1% of males and 86.5% of females. Laws regulating the system of education include the Regulation on Academic Degrees, the Compulsory Education Law, the Teachers Law, the Education Law, the Law on Vocational Education, and the Law on Higher Education.

RRT was also very active and aggressive to be the main player to role the advancement in the competency of higher education in the world. Government has run out some programs in order to increase their competence, for example: 211 Project , this project is aimed to develop 100 hundred university in RRC to gain international standard as the world class university. The other project was also 985 project, this program aimed to transform Peking and Tsing Hua University as the worlds best university in 2015-2011, and known as the center of research study in the world. Every universities in China province was also active to held promotion tour in some country in Asia region. Recently, 17 University from Jiang Tsu Province held promotion tour to Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia to find out partnership relation and to start and plan for the student exchange program. In Indonesia, government of China was also held Education Fair in some city in Indonesia. Government of China realize more students of China study abroad, it means that more capital and resources leaving the country. But in the other hand, they also realize, this situation means that opportunity to learn more about advancement that made by West can be learned and every good things will be applied

also in China. Government of China was also try to find out the best way to increase every investment and budget in education sector. Advancement in education sector that they gain today was the result of long and sustainable process in education sector for about 15 years. In 1998, budget for education sector was only 1% from GDP, but in 2007, it is rising and reach 4% from GDP. Government of China also made strategic plan 20032007 to revitalize education sector with some policy, for example; developing education council, increase the achievement number, and better management.

B. Purpose of the Research From the background above, there are some questions have to be ask from this research and study comparative process; 1. How the Government of China held the education system in order to increase their competency? 2. Hows the students of China run their students organization?


A. A Brief Background : Education and its role to increase the quality of Nation As history told us that, the Indonesians awakening process was born from the strugle of youth. Initially, there were concerned about the condition of the nation. Young Soekarno, for the example, started to active in the Partai Nasional Indonesia (National Party of Indonesia), in the age 21 years old, the very young age to be the movement actor. So do with Muhammad Natsir which have started to active in a political movement in 20 years of age4. The role of Indonesians youth, before or after the Indepedence day of Indonesia, was indisputable. Another example was the General Soedirman, the man who leads Indonesians forces to struggle agains the colonizer at the age of 22.

In this global era, Youth in the composition and position as the state asset and potential generally was in a place of challenge and problems. In this situation, as the consequences, it is needful a capacity and the commitment for the youth to be ready for the global era and face it professionally. Nowadays the problems that youth face were a complicated problems and it is need for comprehensive solution, especially the problem of selfdeveloping needs5. However, there are so many challenges that have to face by the youth as the part of the comprehensive solution for the state. The threats and challenges such as; in the politic, economy and ideology field. As an example, the challenge that we face in an economic field was the strengthen pressure for the adoption of the liberal economic to be applied in Indonesians Economic System. In the political field, for example the

Raillon Francois. Politik dan Ideologi Indonesoa : pembentukan dan Konsolidasi Orde Baru.1966-1974. Jakarta. LP3ES. 1989

Dwiyanto Indiahono, Public Disobedience : Telaah Penolakan Publik Terhadap Kebijakan Pemerintah. Gava Media. Yogyakarta. 2008. hal 99-102

more pressure from the foreigner to the government of Indonesia to do some important decision, in order to strengthen their domination in Indonesia6. In the military field, we can see the most serious and priority problem was the territory conflict that border Indonesia to another county. In fact, all of the threats that have been mentioned before was the real threat that not only have to be faced nowadays, but also for the future. The threat that in the right time- will also faced by the youth as the inherited problems. Youth, as the biggest state potential, have more than just usual ability to be moved as the front liner for the state defense against all of the threats. According to the Bung Karno, the 1st President of Indonesia, he said; Give me just 10 youth and then Ill change the world youth, that mentioned by Soekarno, of course not only usual youth, but someone who has great quality as a youth and know well his role and function as a part of states development.

Some facts tell us that nowadays youth in Indonesia are at the danger of lost of their character. It is happen because the transformation of a global environment that changes also the spirit of Indonesian is youth7. Therefore, it has to be prevent by always remind them about the spirit of Indonesia, spirit of build Indonesia into one of the greatest country in the world. They have also have to remember that Indonesians people lay hope on the youth shoulder to change for the better Indonesia in the middle of the globalization era, the era when competition between one state to the other become more and more

Fakih Mansour, Runtuhnya Teori Pembangunan dan Globalisasi (Yogyakarta : Insist Press, 2001) Hal 211

Erlangga Masdiana dkk, Peran Generasi Muda Dalam Ketahanan Nasional, (Jakarta : Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, 2008

complex and of course need high quality person to face that problems. In addition, student plays the significant role for this process

B. Education and Student System in China (Case Study in 3 main Universities; Beijing Foreign Studies University, Tsing Hua University and Peking University)

Increasing student competence is something that must be developed for achieving increased competitiveness of nations. As the future generation of students being unable to forgotten and its existence must be maintained to achieve national development in the future. Various important variants that have students need to be empowered and enhanced the role and shape. One effort is to study an appeal to China as one of the rapidly rising economic states than other developing countries. Many things we need to correct regarding the form and function of Indonesian students in the future by not throwing all of what we already have, or reject all the things we have transformed into academic life of our campus from other countries. More wisdom Indonesian students currently need to adopt positive things from other countries after the filter process, including one from China country study course with an appeal that has been done by Student Union throughout Indonesia couples days ago.

Comparative study commissioned by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) this as a form of commitment and effort to expand the repertory ways of thinking and way of Indonesian students by providing opportunities for student leadership of the executive branch to conduct a comparative study with existing

universities in China, then transform the positive values to their respective campuses in Indonesia. As one of the country whose economy has been able to compete with developed countries in the world, increasingly powerful China with its human resource development that started from the colleges through the activities of student union. Student Union is one of the Student Organization in campus activists in several universities in China to accommodate the interests and talents of the students who want to take part in student organizations. Students in China realized that the future generation as their duty not only to learn in college to get a good knowledge of science and technology knowledge and social knowledge.

They understand that the organization is one of the means to produce students who have mental independence, independent and have the spirit of creativity and self-sufficient for the development of competence itself. In achieving this, students at three universities which have become a place bem comparative study of Indonesia At the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Tsinghua University and Peking University has a university student union association called Studen Union. The role and function of this Studen Union as an institution that stands independently to accommodate the interests and talents positive for students to develop the potential and they have. Student union organization has a structure similar to the structure of student organizations in Indonesia. Student Union led by a President and assisted by three vice-presidents in charge of academic departments, department of art and singing, and international exchange. In addition assisted by three vice presidents, management student union has a finance manager who has a duty to seek and develop networking to support funding for student activities union. Then the finance

manager also has an obligation to manage and control the student union finances and take full responsibility for the financial management organization.

To achieve the organization's main objectives, the activities carried out are not contrary to the rules that have been set by the state and the internal rules of the campus. The activities lead to more efforts to improve the competence and the development of student knowledge, as in the academic department. The Department aims to develop and deepen the academic knowledge of students through academic discussions, seminar and study together to discuss and find solutions for the academic problems experienced by the students. The results of these discussions are to produce a solution that answers the academic problems of students. Then, scientific debates into something that is often done on campus to enhance academic understanding and reasoning power and the power of strong and sharp analysis.

In addition to the academic department, department of art and singing is the department that has more activity than the other department. Cultural property of China made the cultural performance becomes something of the great interest by both the foreign students or Tsinghua University and Peking University. Interests and talents of these students to learn the culture and talent for singing is the most preferred activities by students. Routine course are followed every day of course see the saturation point, so to compensate for brain activity by releasing one of their hobbies is to participate actively in the department of art and singing it. Cooperation with several universities in Beijing to hold art and singing competitions are often made to embody the interest hobbies and

talents of students. Any activities carried out in cooperation with the funding from several companies that became partners in cooperation with student union.

As a university that has an international reputation and student quality is very easy to find donors who contributed funds for each activity. Student union need not have bothered to seek funding, even those companies who come to the student union to offer cooperation. International Department of exchange became one of the departments involved in helping foreign students studying in the university to facilitate them to adapt to campus in the form of providing language lessons, cultural and domestic life in China in general. The role undertaken by this department is to seek continuation of international students to study at universities in China by organizing various cultural events including art international culture that provides opportunities for each student from various countries to be more intimate and able to communicate and know each other from one culture with other cultures.

Thus will bear the mental attitude of students who understand the meaning of multiculturalism to cooperate and build a full state of the environment with tolerance. Activities conducted by the student union is part of an effort to increase student participation in activities that support the academic values that will ultimately have a positive impact for the campus to become an international student destination. Activities carried out are free from the intervention campus, studenunion given the freedom to carry out the activities has a positive value to develop student competence.

TSING HUA UNIVERSITY The history of the Student Union of Tsinghua University is almost as long as the campus of Tsinghua itself. The first ever elected president of the Student Union could date back to 1919, when the First World War was taking place. The union had gone through those difficult times all the way with the school as well as its fellow students. After almost 30 years efforts, the Student Union finally acquired its fist recognition from authorities in 1948. As the intenseness of war in the campus was cooling down, the Union gradually changed its focus from politics and national security to comprehensive campus services. During the first two decades of Peoples Republic of China, it had been making all efforts to make the campus a nicer place to live, to introduce more activities to students daily life, and to make the students more united as a group. This well functioning organization, however, was put to a halt,like everything else in China that time, due to the unfortunate incident of Cultural Revo;ution. Luckily, the spirit of Tsinghua Student Unon had never died during those tragic years. In 1978, the 20th generation of Tsinghua student Union successfully picked up those old pieces that were left inside

Tsinghua students heart, and revived its spirit of serving Tsinghua students dedicatedly. Since then, the Union has, step by step, won back the trust of its fellow students and in the meantime been growing rapidly both in scale and quality. Up till today, the Student Union of Tsinghua University has become the biggest organization of students, with a faculty of over 500 people, working in 14 different departments. The ultimate goal of this Student Union is to be a warm and lovely home to all the students inside the campus, a

platform for communications between teachers and students, and a practice opportunity to those who have the desire to improve their abilities in social works.

Their Union currently consists of an Executive Committee and 14 departments, i.e. Secretariat, Communication Department (Internal Affairs), Communication Department (External Affairs), Communication Department (Foreign Affairs), Sports Department, Publicity Department, Department of Art and Entertainment, Department of Students Welfare, Department of Campus Festival, Department of Campus Life Service, Department of Culture Publicity, Department of Academic Study, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Divisions and Shidai Forum. The secretariat is an organic combination of Human Resource Center, Finance Center and Information Technology Center, dealing with daily affairs of the Student Union. It is basically in charge of staff evaluatin, finance management, website maintenance and FTP administration.

The Internal and External Communication Department of the Student Union play the key roles for us maintain efficient contact with each other inside the union and with other universities and organizations outside the campus. One is putting its focus of internal affairs, such as cross-department communication and bonding, while the other specializes in off-campus relations, such as constructing cooperative relationships between universities and marketing for donations from companies and other social organizations.

Foreign Communication Department is a newly founded department currently in charge of international mutual visits between universities, and organizing activities to introduce

different customs and cultures worldwide to students in Tsinghua. It is looking forward to establish cooperative relatios with any college or university in the world.

And for off-class activities, weve got Sports Department and Department of Art and Entertainment, each in charge of sports events and art related occasions like on-stage performances, singing contests. Every year, the Sports Department would hold various kinds of sports competitions to provide the students from different departments and majors with opportunities to compete with each other, and in the meantime to get along with better. And the campus Singing Star Contest, organized by Department of Art and Entertainment, has a history of 17 years, and has become one of the most popular events in Tsinghua University.

Publicity Department is a creative studio that has produced thousands od delicate art designs including posters, fliers, brochures and video clips for the Student Union. It also shoulders the responsibility of scheduling detailed publicity programs to promote the popularity of Student Unions activities among Tsinghua students. Department of Students Welfare and Department of Campus Life Service are the two departments that strive for a better living condition and higher students contentment in the campus. Department of of Campus Life Services takes care of all kinds of details in our daily life, ranging from free umbrella lending services to self-study classroom availability information. Department of Students Welfare is paying more attention to maintaining students legal rights as consumers, as residents of the campus, and as individual persons.

Department of Campus Festival organizes fascinating activities on three major annual festivals in Tsinghua: Prince Day, Princess Day and Campus Lovers Day. The intention of these special festivals is to promote the interaction between male and female students, and provide chances for student to communicate more with the opposite gender. Department of Culture Publicity introduces different cultures from even the most remote corner of China, as well as the hot cultural elements newly developed on various medias, to expose Tsinghua students to all kinds of possibilities in this world, and to help them establish the habit to respect culture variety.

Department of Academic Study is a bridge between students and scholars, techers and those experienced senior students . With occasional paties and sloons, it provides opportunities for students to meet and interact with the people they wanted to meet but hardly had chances to, in the hope that they would get more confidence and experience with the lives ahead of them. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Divisions specially deal with all kinds of daily affairs concerning students from Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan Province, due to their individual culture and living habits. They also host various kinds of exhibitions and performances to publicize their unique culture.

Shidai Forum is a fairy young department which was founded five years ago, specializing in holding high-level lectures inside the campus. Despite the fact that it does not have such long history as other departments, it has been growing rather fast in the past few years. So far, it has already held more than 100 successful lectures under the general

topics of Lecture Rom, Sound of The Times and Life & Career, most of which given by CEOs of multi-national corporations, well received public writers, famed scholars and current and former political leaders from all over the world.

Tsinghua Student Union has accompanied this campus and its students for almost 90 years, and has witnessed all the ups and downs of Tsinghua University. For years, we have been trying our best to serve our fellow students, to be their home which they can always turn to when in need, to be their voices when they want to express feelings, and to be a working platform for those who want to accumulate social experiences. When we see the bright smiles on their faces, we feel our hard work totally pay off.

And this year is going to be the 90-year anniversary for Tsinghua University Student Union. We sincerely hope that through this occasions, we can take another big step forward, and make the Student Union and even better organization. The Student Union will continue to be a union that serves our fellow students faithfully, and further more, will also try to become a student union that stands very front of the trend of the times, leading the fashion of campus life and culture, and a more international student union interacting with students from all over the world. We believe that it wont be long before Tsinghua University Student Union becomes a well-received fist class student union worldwide.

Tjing Hua University implements a student competency development system that is free and independent. Freedom of action that can improve the performance of academic and

non-academic that carried out independently. Universities in China generally have a system of boarding dormitory or a lecture, so many emerging positive activities undertaken by students at the university, including what was done and practiced by Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University, the activities undertaken is the distribution of student interests with the establishment of student associations to channel the interests and talents are up to 123 SMEs. For example, tennis club, photography club, choir club and others. These clubs are supported by the campus but are entirely independent (Of, By and For the student).

Most of them follow the existing competition in regional and international levels. Achievements gained respect by the sponsor or the company but the campus is only appreciated with congratulations or appreciative. Most of them follow the existing competition in regional and international levels. Achievements gained respect by the sponsor or the company but the campus is only appreciated with congratulations or appreciative. Mostly the BEM and structural systems are usually called the student union at university and china has the equation has little difference with the structure of student organizations in Indonesia. The difference is associated with an institution that controls the student legislation BEM policy (his Student Union University in China). Systems and structures at the University of Indonesia student has a relationship with coordinate control system by a panel of student representatives (MPM) with a structure different from the case in China, Student union is in China had no coordinated or structural relationship with the student and the University though. They could freely develop his creativity in a positive, progressive and productive. The position of the

campus in the context of the development of creativity is only limited support student motivation and no support funds. Chinese students are trained to be able to build communicate with any parties and institutions to succeed in an activity.

PEKING UNIVERSITY Peking University is the second best university after Tsing Hua University. Peking University has Student Association or commonly known as the Student Association very much up to 203 Student Union. This developed at the university to howl. Students at this university can channel their interests and talents in all aspects, such as student bicycle association. Campus parties allow students to channel their hobby as long as it is a positive activity. Minimal formation of a student association must have 10 people. Student Association here have not own the building or space that was deliberately held by the campus to serve as a secretariat, but they wear the secretariat is the dorm room where they lived.

The effect of the SMEs is to balance the classes with their talents and interests. So, when they are saturated with college can channel their fatigue on their hobbies and talents. Students in China (Tsing Hua University and Peking University) university, study with happiness with the major they take, they also form a study group outside of class. Study groups are here to learn together, discuss the lesson, created a project. And the output of the project study group, they show off and or they offer to companies. Many of the companies played along together with the students in the event organized by students. The company is the sponsor remains always participate in the event that made by

students, for example, held at Peking University Peking Idol, and the sponsor of the event is Samsung. At this university there is also a woman department who take care of the student. Activities are often carried out by this department is to bring seminar, successful women in careers and success in life to motivate the student to more advanced. In addition, women's groups are also often held gathering for student closer to each other, exchange ideas, discuss.

C. How Students in China Build Their Leadership Soul? Leadership in students of China are motivated by they will to build the country. Chinese people including university students are generally very loyal to their country. Their loyalty pushes them to build their leadership skills. They self-awareness as the country's next generation and the competitiveness amongst the students motivate them in facing global challenges in this developing world. They practice they leadership skills through the student organization in they university, which they named as Student Union.

Student Union in the three universities we have visited in Beijing, China turned out to be very different from student organization in universities in Indonesia which is usually known as Executive Student Board. The student union in China is an independent body which has no relation with their universities or far more the government. Their activities are monitored by the students themselves, from the students, done by the students and for the students. Although the government has no relation with student union directly, the government is somehow watching the activities of the student union in these universities indirectly, especially if any political related activities or against the governments policy.

The student union in these universities is basically a body that moves in student development and interest.

The president of the students union is elected through an election process. The requirement needed for president candidate is that the student has to be at least in their fourth year of their study. The election process is followed by some representatives from each faculty. These candidates have to declare or give speech on their future programs. After the speech, the voting is taken. Not all students can participate in this process, but only some representative of the students from every faculty. The quality of their speech will invite students to vote for them, this will reflect on whether they are going to be chosen or not.

The responsibilities of the chosen president are planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Here, they usually held a weekly meeting to discuss on upcoming event or program. The term vice president in student union in universities in China has different meaning from vice president in Indonesian student board. Here it is like the ministry or the head of department. In Beijing Foreign Studies University (BSFU), the have about four vice presidents, in which each of them is in charge of one field, either art department, girls department, physical education department, or advertisement. The

activities done in art department art those related to students interest in arts, such as, art fair, vocal groups and band. The activities done in the department of girls are related to female development, they held some sort of seminar, in which they invite some successful woman.

The purpose of this seminar is to motivate and inspire the female students in BFSU to reach success. They also held an annual girls festival in November. To be noted that the activities in girls department are not related to feminism. Next is the Physical Education (P.E.) department, which is in charge of sports related activity, for example, football tournament between faculties. Lastly is the department of advertisement, they do publishing. They publish announcement, send articles to newspaper, or publish any writing on their field of study.

The term vice president in student union in universities in China has different meaning from vice president in Indonesian student board. The term vice president here is like the ministry or the head of department. In Beijing Foreign Studies University (BSFU), the have about four vice presidents, in which each of them is in charge of one field, either art department, girls department, physical education department, or advertisement. The

activities done in art department art those related to students interest in arts, such as, art fair, vocal groups and band. The activities done in the department of girls are related to female development, they held some sort of seminar, in which they invite some successful woman. The purpose of this seminar is to motivate and inspire the female students in BFSU to reach success. They also held an annual girls festival in November. To be noted that the activities in girls department are not related to feminism. Next is the Physical Education (P.E.) department, which is in charge of sports related activity, for example, football tournament between faculties. Lastly is the department of advertisement, they do publishing. They publish announcement, send articles to

newspaper, or publish any students writing on their field of study. In Peking University, the structure of the Student Union are the same, the only different is in the vice president. They have three vice presidents who are responsible for three different fields, those are, academic, non academic (sport & singing) and exchange programs. Each of these vice are in charge of 3 departments, those different departments are department of press and media, department of job, singing department, and external relation department. They have top singer competitions, tutoring programs for foreign student and job fair. This purpose of this tutoring program is to help student to adapt their language and their environment. And about the job fair they usually invite companies who offer jobs to facilitate students who are planning and working. They also had some short interview simulations for student so when they are do job interview on the future, they are more prepared.


A. Conclusion

From the facts that were discussed earlier in the paper, there are some positive or good things that could be applied in Student board in Indonesia. The first is that their student

union is an independent body, by means, their programs and their financial source. They are not somehow dependant nor has specific obligation to their campus. They have a really good external relation with companies that would support their programs or activities financially. This is one point that we can adopt. We should focused more on expanding our external relations with companies rather than depending on funds from campus.

Secondly, student board in Indonesia should expand their programs by adding more department or associations to be able to contain more of students interest. By taking some examples from student union in China, there are some that we think is good to be adopted. Job department is one thing that could help us prepare for job. They also have some sort of mentoring program for foreign students, this helps in adaptations to campus life. Student Union should also have their own business to develop their entrepreneurship.

In the other hands, some conclusion are mentioned in a different ways;

1. Structurally there is little difference in the BEM universities in Indonesia related to the controlling function of Student Union.

2. Competence development in university students who are in China through the Student Union / Student Association found almost in every university faculty and a very varied and very large quantity

3. Development of competencies through the Student Union is directed at efforts to accommodate the interests and talents of students as an integral part to build a campus academic competence

4. University provides the freedom for each Student Union to develop a positive creative activity and does not violate rules set by the government and universities

5. Union student independence in the conduct of each Fund rising activities carried out by building a network outside the university ith various companies

B. Recommendation

1. Students as the expected generation in the future, has to realize their position as a determinant part to face globalization era and another global challenge. 2. To face the globalization era, it is necessary to have strong and deep education of the condition of Indonesia, and they have to analyze in the right way, what should be done to solve the problem. 3. The process to increase competitiveness of Indonesians youth is necessary, but in this process, we must still keep in watch. We have to prevent any possibility of our effort to educate the youth to have global view, become failed because in the end they lose them national character.

4. To lead Indonesia, means understand Indonesia. As the states leader future student certainly have to know every single part of Indonesia. students need holistic education to understand the plural and complexity of Indonesia. 5. University as the center of knowledge should play they role to prepare for student competitiveness in this global era. University has to introduce student about international world and what should be done to increase our quality. It is necessary to do an adjustment into international standard. 6. BEM activities in Indonesia is more focused on aspects that can build academic competence of each campus. 7. BEM independence of thing that should be considered forward as a form of selfreliance in building a student organization at the university and faculty in Indonesia 8. Various activities which can accommodate student interests and talents is very important to be realized as part of the campus to build a dynamic environment 9. BEM encourages collaboration network with private companies to build networks that fund rising not always depend on the funds from the university a very small amount



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