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How can education achieve a more peaceful and prosperous future?

To fully understand how we can achieve a more peaceful and prosperous future, people
must first understand what is education and its types. Education has three different types and
ways. First is formal education, it involves schools and institutions that will provide the standard
and has the necessary qualities and capabilities to provide education. It also has a hierarchical
structure, it is consistent, and requires most of your time to do it. It is paid and requires tuition
fees to be accessed. Professionals are the ones that provide the education, such as educators,
professors, and teachers. It is also subject and courses oriented, and upon finishing the course
you will be awarded certifications and degrees. Next, is informal education, which is the
opposite of formal education, is not supervised by any school or institution. It is not fixed or
planned. It can be acquired, through browsing books in the library or the internet or it can be
thought, by someone who knows or even by a family member. It is also not subject to any form
of payment and tuition fees. And lastly, non-formal education is skills-based. It can be acquired
through a set of experiences, it has a very long process, and is usually acquired through the
environment of the student. Non-formal education also has a lengthy process. And just like
informal education, it is not subjected to any form of payment or fees. Through these three
different forms of education, we can finally understand how can education be acquired.
It is very important to understand that education and learning have competing forces.
There are four definite purposes for schooling/education. Individual possibility, social
possibility, social efficacy, and individual efficiency. First, individual possibility is seen as the
classic form of education, molding and sculping the learners. Second, social possibility imbuing
different cultures, social standards at the very small and very large scale on the local and
international sense. Third, social efficacy involves the human capital’s perspective in connection
to political, economic, and social organizations. Lastly, individual efficacy supports a person's
capacity to traverse educational or socioeconomic institutions (Raab, 2018). These purposes can
be distinguished, into two main parts: individual-collective and intrinsic-instrumental. Individual
purposes consider an individual's perspective and requirements, whereas collective purposes
consider why a community would invest in education beyond what individuals may reasonably
The intrinsic purposes of schooling are those that have to do with the experience of the
schooling process and practice of it. Refers to the way schools are organized, managed, taught,
and learned. Intrinsic outcomes are subject to change based on what occurs. For example, rote
memorization vs. inquiry-based learning techniques will produce different results; alternatively,
if you attend a school that feels unsafe physically or mentally, you will form different
worldviews than if you attend a safe, secure school. Instrumental purposes refer to how
education is utilized as a tool to attain other socioeconomic goals. These are not acquired through
schooling – they are acquired outside of schooling; however, studying may aid in their
attainment. Instrumental goals are concerned with efficiently preserving or managing a society's
present economic and political systems. Because they are based on what is thought society needs
now or in the future, instrumental outcomes are consistent and pre-defined.
Education has been lauded as the most effective way either locally or globally in
connection to developing world peace. First, education results in confidence and hope,
confidence is described as a sense of self-assurance and the confidence that you can succeed at
anything. Knowledge is a powerful confidence booster since it helps you to feel accomplished,
brave, and grow. Second, education encourages independent thinking. Education promotes
autonomous thinking and fosters the exploration of novel concepts. Rather than simply accepting
others' ideas, individualistic people attempt to be reasonable about the world and come to their
judgments. Individualistic thinkers are less inclined to join violent groups or to be members, and
instead are more likely to be leaders in the direction of constructive change and action. Third,
education improves problem-solving skills, Students are frequently pushed to apply logical
thinking to examine diverse works of literature, the importance of historical occurrences, and
discoveries relating to sciences, in addition to arithmetic abilities taught in the classroom. These
critical thinking abilities, when combined with autonomous thinking, can lead to creative ways
and substitute to cruelty and brutality. Education is essential for growth and development.
Development successes, from health advancements and agricultural breakthroughs to effective
governmental administration and free enterprise growth, are made possible by the human
intellect. To fully profit from these advantages, governments must unlock the human mind's
potential. Education is the most effective instrument for achieving this goal. Government
officials and development collaborators came together to underline the significance of education
in development—both in terms of economic growth and in terms of enhancing people's lives in
general, jointly announced Education for All as a goal. While global enrolment has increased
positively, learning capacities are stagnant and regrettably low, and many people have been
outshined (King, 2011). Everyone must change the ways and techniques from a chance of
learning for everyone to a chance of learning for everyone since growth, development, and
poverty reduction are dependent on people's acquired skills and mastery, not the number of years
they spend in a classroom. Formal education given in classrooms are the primer for a better
future but the application and skills are equally important.
According to statistics, 263 million primary and secondary school-aged children are not
in school, globally. 130 million children are almost illiterate even though they are in primary
school, and children with a sum of 75 million aging from 3 to 18 years are experiencing war and
violence and are in depths of hopelessness, and require educational aid. Upon having these
challenges, it is very uncommon to see that government spending on elementary and secondary
education has decreased in recent years. According to UNESCO, providing excellent pre-
primary, primary, and secondary education to all children by 2030 will need an annual external
financial deficit of $39 billion (Rathi, 2019). It only shows that the government itself has
problems in terms of supporting the education system. With the lack of proper education,
growing children's futures becomes blurry and directionless. Education must be the priority of
countries all over the world. Knowledge is power and is essential for development. A better and
peaceful future is anticipated for everyone if all children will be educated because they will be
creative, realistic, and rational. Through passing education to the next generation, they can create
a prosperous and flourishing world for everyone.
The formal one is the best kind of education, to achieve a more peaceful and prosperous
future. Because formal education is structured, consistent, and has standards that should provide
and suffice the knowledge needed. Although, it is expensive, resources consuming. It is
important to provide the best education for the children. Informal education on the other hand
can be good but, it lacks structure and cannot sustain learning that will maximize the learner’s
potential. Development and education are interrelated. Advancement along with maximization of
knowledge are the keys to achieving a peaceful and prosperous world. Through education,
ignorance can be cured, and after that, we achieve learning which leads to understanding and
brings peace with democracy. Julia Gillard stated that “Education reduces poverty, improves
health, increases gender equality, and boosts economic growth. Education is an investment
that pays dividends for many generations.” To sum up, proper education is the key to a better
future. Formal, structured, is beneficial to children because it can change them as a person and as
effective members of society. After acquiring formal education, application and development of
skills will be helpful because it can maximize the knowledge obtained from studying. Therefore,
create innovations, ideas, and a peaceful world to improve the quality of life for generations.

Carl, S. (2019, September 20). Types of education: Formal, informal & non-formal. Passion In
Education. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

King, E. (2011, January 28). Education is fundamental to development and growth. World Bank
Blogs. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

Raab, E. L. (2018, June 22). The four purposes of schooling. Medium. Retrieved October 14,
2021, from

Rathi, S., Rathi, S. K., & Johnson, W. (2019, October 29). Why education is the key to global
peace and prosperity. LSE Management. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

Zeigler, B. Z., DR IT Group, Mahima, Zaheer, S., White, H., Chobya, M., Kavya,
IProjectMaster, & Ken. (2020, September 17). Education for peace: Top 10 ways
education promotes peace. Central Asia Institute. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

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