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Unit 3: Citizenship, Diversity and the public services Task 2 (P6) The Oz box project which is a Police run

organisation was formed in 2002 by Steve Osbalderston and was put in place to encourage the young people who are having trouble with anti-social behaviour and getting trouble with the law, or those who are beginning to get into trouble and getting them to take part in intensive fitness which is circuit based training and boxing to channel the young peoples energy into something worthwhile. This project is in place for those young people who are considered trouble for the streets of Derbyshire and give them an interest and give them some inspiration to change their lifestyle for the better. However this project is not just for young people who are getting into trouble with the law, Steve also encourages family, social and school groups from any social-economic to participate in this great scheme. For these people of society this project offers a boxing style fitness session with circuit training and additional motivation from Steve, to develop overall fitness, self discipline and the frame of mind for those young people to change for the better and become a responsible citizen in society. This benefits society as these young people become more productive members of society and have had guidance to help them recognise when they are about to do something wrong and redirect their energy into a positive action. This benefits the public services also as it will save resources from tracking down troubling youths and put their resources to better uses for crime prevention and education.

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