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Esthetics dealing with the nature of beauty, art , and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty In dentistry: esthetics will improve the beauty of the teeth and smile 2. repairable

repair when there are gap between the teeth tooth bonding are used to fill in gaps that lie between a persons teeth
3. dental bonding Can be bonded to the tooth structure trong covalent bonds are form between the material and tooth remaining structure which strengthens the tooth compare to traditional dental materials which do not bond to the tooth

Expensive One of the dental composite that expensive in cost is composite filling. This is because they require more sophisticated process and more expensive materials. Cause tooth sensitivity

Technique sensitive mean without meticulous placement they may fail prematurely
Polymerization contraction Dental composite tend to shrink by between 2 and 7% as they set. This may result in a number of changes that may lead to the ultimate failure of the restoration.

Dental composite are the mixture of the polymer (resin) and glass particles(filler particles) filler particles are always coated with coupling agent, called silane. Coupling agent used to enhance the bonding between the filler particles and the surrounding polymer matrix. The particles are surrounded and separated from each other by a small amount of polymer resin.

properties of this materials depend on many factors, including the amount of filler and resin, the size and properties of the fillers particles, the properties of the polymer matrix, and the adhesion between the polymer and fillers particles.

Activation systems including heat, chemical and photochemical initiate polymerization-promote the hardening.
Plasticizers are solvents that contain catalysts for mixture into resin. Monomer, a single molecule, is joined together to form a polymer, a long chain of monomers. Physical characteristics improve by combining more than one type of monomer and are referred to as a copolymer. Cross linking monomers join long chain polymers together along the chain and improve strength. In addition to the resin and filler, the composites contain chemicals to promote the hardening, or polymerization reaction.

Composite is classified by initiation techniques, filler size, and viscosity.

Heat cured composites are polymerized by application of heat.

Self cured composite means chemical initiation converting monomer to polymer takes place. Dual cure means chemical initiation is used and combined with photochemical initiation so either and both techniques polymerize composite.

Composite fillers are classified by material, shape and size.

Fillers greater than one micron are referred to as macrofills and fillers less than one micron are referred to as microfills.

Fillers are irregular or spherical in shape depending on the mode of manufacture.

Spherical particles are easier to incorporate into a resin mix and to fill more space leaving less resin. Viscosity determines flow characteristics during placement. A flowable composite flows like liquid or a loose gel. A packable composite is firm and hard to displace.

Self cured-The mixing of a self-curing composite is reasonable simple. It take few minutes from the start of mixing to complete but is quicker in the mouth. the self-curing restorative must be held in place until it becomes rigid. In contrast, the light-cured material becomes rigid immediately after it is illuminated by the light source. added benefit is that the light-cured material can be manipulated without concern for the working time. The high-intensity halogen bulbs in the light energy at the appropriate wavelength (470 nm). Many of the original self-curing composites contained filler particles that were abrasive to metals and required mixing and placement with plastic instruments. Most modern materials, however, can be placed with metallic instruments, with the type and shape being dictated by the cavity preparation.

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