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Translation Paper

Number Eleven
February 2003

Health and Smart Growth:

Building Health, Promoting Active Communities
The authors of this paper represent a collaboration of health and smart growth
experts, including Dr. William L. Roper, MD, MPH, Dean, School of Public
Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M. Katherine Kraft, Ph.D.,
Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Richard E.
Killingsworth, MPH, Director, Active Living by Design National Program Office;
Phyllis Mofson, Ph.D., consultant to the Funders’ Network; and Ben Starrett,
Executive Director of the Funders’ Network.1 This is the eleventh in a series
of translation papers published by the Funders’ Network to translate the
impact of suburban sprawl and urban disinvestment upon issues of importance
to our communities and environment and to suggest opportunities for progress
that would be created by smarter growth policies and practices.

In recent years, researchers, funders, quality, ecological balance, and social
and practitioners have become networks are all impacted by the built
increasingly aware of close linkages environment.3 A prominent character-
between community design, land use istic of sprawl development is resident
patterns, and public health. Land dependency on the auto-
development patterns characterized by mobile. Automobile-
fragmented and segregated land uses, dependency
low-density residential settlements, plays a
widespread strip commercial develop- role in
ment along roadways, and lack of con- determining
nectivity within and between neighbor- levels of physical
The Funders' Network works hoods – often referred to as "sprawl" activity, respiratory
to strengthen funders' individ- – are drawing increasing scrutiny from health ailments, envi-
researchers regarding their potential ronmental pollution
ual and collective abilities to and accompanying
deleterious impacts on public health.
support organizations working Conversely, smarter growth develop- health impacts, and
to build more livable commu- ment practices are gaining attention trauma associated
as an alternative solution that may with automobile acci-
nities through smarter growth improve public health.2 dents. Among many
policies and practices. For benefits, communities
Public health is impacted by develop- designed according to
more information, visit
ment practices in a variety of ways. smarter growth principles4 Physical activity, air quality, water can offer opportunities for

© Copyright 2003 by the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
Page 2

increasing physical activity, reducing tors and leverage greater effective-

The causes of human pollution, improving access to jobs ness of their efforts.
and greenspaces, and enhancing
sedentary behavior, transportation choices. This paper explores the relationships
environmental pollu- among growth patterns, community
tion, traffic accidents, A growing number of public health design and public health, and the
and social dysfunc- practitioners and researchers are growing body of literature documenting
becoming aware of these connections them. It then examines the ways that
tion are, of course, and the importance of incorporating smarter growth patterns can con-
numerous and com- community design into public health tribute to improvements in public
plex. One area that strategies. This work must now health and discusses opportunities for
encompass all professional and com- funders. The paper gives examples of
is linked to all of munity sectors engaged in creating promising practices by funders and
these public health and promoting healthy communities. practitioners to positively impact
concerns is communi- The interdisciplinary nature of this health through promoting smarter
endeavor provides great opportunity growth and more livable communities.
ty design.
for the mobilization and coordination It provides numerous references for
of large constituencies; health funders those wishing to dig deeper into the
are particularly well situated to topic, and points out areas where
encourage cooperation between sec- more research is needed.

On a daily basis, those on the front plex. One area that is linked to all of
lines of health care delivery confront these public health concerns is com-
diseases and conditions associated munity design. Development practices
with physical inactivity, poor air and directly impact transportation choices
water quality, automobile accidents, that, in turn, directly impact environ-
and social and emotional alienation. mental quality, physical activity levels,
Often these conditions are taken as and personal safety. Development
given, and the job of the health care that segregates land uses, income
professional is focused on responding and age groups can result in social
to their results, which include obesity, and physical isolation for groups of
heart disease, diabetes, asthma, can- people – in particular, the elderly and
cer, trauma, and depression. A grow- those with low incomes. These con-
ing number of health care profession- nections are causing a small but grow-
als, however, are taking proactive ing number of health and health care
rather than reactive approaches and professionals and funders to turn to
collaborating with the public health the field of community planning and
community to change the underlying design for its potential contributions
conditions that give rise to these to improving the state of public health.
There is still a relative dearth of scien-
The causes of human sedentary tific research and data documenting
behavior, environmental pollution, traf- these causes and effects. Nonethe-
fic accidents, and social dysfunction less, some studies have been done,
are, of course, numerous and com- and researchers are beginning to build
Page 3

a body of evidence for otherwise large- In the context of the philanthropic Active Living is a way of
ly anecdotal and intuitive linkages. In community, these linkages provide
life that integrates physi-
the sections that follow, this paper opportunities for health and health
reviews some of the growing body of care funders to expand the scope of
cal activity into daily
evidence, and also identifies areas their activities, and to collaborate with routines. The Surgeon
where additional research is needed. funders engaged in the smart growth General recommends
and livable communities movement. that Americans accumu-
The modern medical and public health Funders in the arenas of community late at least 30 minutes
professions are not accustomed to development, community design, and of moderate physical
collaborating with city planners, engi- environmental conservation can begin activity each day and
neers, developers, and architects, and to view their grantmaking in the con- that children engage in
vice versa.6 As the connections text of its health impacts, while health at least 60 minutes each
between these fields become more funders can begin to incorporate new
day.5 Individuals may
established, however, these sectors considerations into their own grant-
will find in each other natural and use- making as it impacts these other do this in a variety of
ful allies, increasing the respective areas. Such collaboration will bring ways, such as walking or
effectiveness of each in their efforts additional resources and leverage, and bicycling for transporta-
to pursue common goals. increase the effectiveness, of the tion, exercise or pleas-
efforts of individual funders. ure; playing in the park;
working in the yard;
taking the stairs; and
Characteristics of Typical Conventional Development Patterns using recreational
Conventional development patterns – gated and low density land uses. In
which include most suburban develop- such developments, opportunities to
ment over the past three decades – use other modes of transportation –
are characterized by fragmented and such as walking, bicycling, and public
segregated land uses, low-density resi- transit – are rare.
dential settlements, strip commercial
development along roadways, and lack Residential developments are typically
of connectivity within and between not connected to other residential
neighborhoods. Also called suburban neighborhoods, commercial districts,
sprawl, this type of development is offices, places of worship, or recre-
drawing increasing scrutiny from re- ational facilities except by high-traffic
searchers regarding their potential dele- roadways. Walking to the store for a
terious impacts on public health. Three gallon of milk is hazardous at best, if
features of conventional sprawl develop- not impossible. Even within residen-
ment are especially significant to this tial neighborhoods, roads tend to be
discussion: limited transportation choic- wide and without sidewalks, making
es, loss of neighborhood schools, and parents think twice about the advisa-
lack of recreation opportunities. bility of allowing their children to walk
or bicycle down the street to a friend’s
Limited Transportation Choices house. Many residential develop-
ments feature cul-de-sacs, which
Perhaps the most dominant of the reduce connectivity, increase distance
defining characteristics of what is to destinations, and contribute to
often termed "sprawl development" is heavier traffic on main roads. Schools
the dependence on the automobile for are often miles away, requiring a bus
transportation between highly segre- or automobile ride.
Page 4

Data from the public health, urban Loss of Neighborhood Schools

design/planning, and transportation
planning disciplines suggest that other Another characteristic of sprawling pat-
community characteristics such as terns of development is a trend toward
proximity of housing to facilities and larger schools on the edge of commu-
businesses, street connectivity and nities and away from small neighbor-
design, and density play a significant hood schools.11 This trend has been
role in promoting or discouraging phys- called "school giantism."12 In addition
ical activity.7 When it is possible to to a variety of educational and commu-
walk comfortably from housing to busi- nity development implications that are
nesses, offices, or other destinations beyond the scope of this paper, this
within a short time, more people may trend also has several urban design
choose to do so.8 In typical automo- and public health implications.
bile-dependent developments, this is
rarely, if ever, the case. The most obvious of these relates to
the effects of land use and community
Designing streets to create seductive design on physical activity levels, as
pedestrian environments – or walkabil- discussed above. Adults are not the
ity – by addressing features such as only segment of the population that is
proper lighting, narrow street widths, getting heavier; childhood obesity is
short blocks, pedestrian-scale sig- also reaching epidemic proportions.
nage, public art and other aesthetic In 1999, 13 percent of children in the
enhancements, well maintained side- United States aged six to 11 years old
walks, shelter from elements, bench- and 14 percent of adolescents aged
es, trees, and right angle intersections 12 to 19 years old were overweight.
helps reduce the likelihood of traffic This prevalence has nearly tripled for
accidents and increase the likelihood adolescents in the past two decades.13
that people will choose walking as a The causes of overweight children, like
mode of transportation.9 In many those for adults, are complex and var-
developments, however, street design ied. But one cause undoubtedly is
rarely includes even one of these ele- lack of physical activity.14
The near impossibility for many chil-
Density, mixed land uses, and building dren of getting to school on foot or
design that includes front windows bicycle clearly contributes to a lack of
and porches also improve walkability physical activity. Only one in ten chil-
by providing "eyes on the street," nat- dren now walks or bikes to school;
ural surveillance contributing to actual this figure becomes 28 percent when
and perceived safety from crime.10 considering those living within a rea-
But again, these features are often sonable distance of one mile or less
lacking in lower density single-use res- from school. This is "in part because
idential developments, which instead huge acreage standards dictate that
feature houses on larger lots set back schools be built in outlying areas
from the street, with garages rather where land is plentiful," according to
than windows or porches prominently the National Trust for Historic
facing the street. Preservation.15

As schools get bigger and more isolat-

ed, and the demand for new school
Page 5

construction grows, budgets for exist- recreational spaces and opportunities

ing schools and programs are increas- for all sectors of the community.
ingly squeezed. Besides transporta- Some community sectors are more
tion to and from school, other school- adversely affected by insufficient,
related opportunities for physical activ- poorly maintained or poorly pro-
ity are becoming scarcer. Physical grammed parks than others. This is a
education curricula, extracurricular and major issue for many low-income com-
intramural activities, and even recess munities and low-income youth.
time are being cut back in schools Affluent communities frequently have Some community
throughout the country. As bus trans- superior access to quality neighbor-
sectors are more
portation accounts for a larger and hood and regional parks. Sprawl com-
larger percentage of school district munities are dominated by private land adversely affected by
budgets, playground construction and ownership and uses, and often what insufficient, poorly
maintenance, acquisition of sports parks, greenways, playgrounds, and maintained or poorly
equipment and facilities, and availabili- other recreational resources do exist
ty of after-school sports and recre- are accessible only by lengthy car ride. programmed parks
ational activities become lower This adversely affects even minimal than others. This is
priorities. access for those without a car (some a major issue for
very low-income people and children)
Issues related to school budgets, sit- and for those who do not drive (includ-
many low-income
ing, construction and maintenance are ing the elderly and disabled). communities and
complex, as are parental decisions low-income youth.
regarding school transportation. The lack of safe and accessible recre-
Development patterns and community ational opportunities impacts public
design clearly are not the only factors health not only by limiting physical
influencing policy and personal choic- activity, but also by diminishing social
es in these matters. But there is a interaction and a sense of community.
growing consensus that current devel- Harvard University Public Policy
opment patterns are contributing to Professor Robert Putnam finds that
the rising trends of childhood inactivity social capital (or those stocks of
and obesity. More research is needed social trust, norms and networks that
in this area – as in other aspects of people can draw upon to solve com-
the community design-public health mon problems16) decreases by ten per-
discussion – to better understand the cent for every ten minutes of commut-
relationship and craft workable ing time.17 Dr. Putnam further finds
solutions. that decreasing social capital con-
tributes to declining health; joining
Lack of Recreational Opportunities just one group cuts one’s chances of
dying in the next year in half.18
Schools that are built on large and Diminishing social capital and interac-
remote sites and serve large popula- tion is not only a public loss; it
tions are less likely to function as reflects the growing social isolation of
community centers than are small individuals, and this can contribute to
neighborhood schools. Just as sprawl depression and other emotional and
patterns of development remove the mental health problems.
physical public space and multiple
public functions of the school to the The elderly, the disabled and those
periphery of the community, they de- with a low income, in particular, are
emphasize accessible public and impacted by the social isolation
Page 6

caused by sprawl development pat- job flight, crime, and a poor, unhealthy
Low density, auto- terns. Low density, automobile environment. Sprawl limits physical
dependent suburban development activity opportunities for everyone, but
mobile dependent favors healthy, upper middle class res- it can be even more difficult for sen-
suburban develop- idents, and limits the mobility and iors to be active and to get from place
ment favors healthy, independence of people as they age to place. The death rate for senior
upper middle class and their physical vigor and incomes pedestrians is twice that of the gener-
begin to decline.19 People living in al population.20 Some senior citizens
residents, and limits communities divested by sprawl also are also at increased risk for depres-
the mobility and are severely impacted, as low-income sion because of life cycle events and
independence of households find themselves isolated declining mental or physical capacity;
in areas of concentrated poverty suf- social isolation and limited physical
people as they age fering from minimal investment in activity can add to stress and depres-
and their physical community facilities, loss of services, sion levels among the elderly.21
vigor and incomes
begin to decline.19
Impacts of Community Design and
Growth Patterns on Public Health
Sprawl patterns of development contin- to the U.S. Surgeon General, sedentary
ue to dominate new growth and con- behavior and unhealthy dietary habits
struction activity throughout the country. account for approximately 300,000
Although some established metropoli- deaths each year in the U.S.23 Over-
tan areas – particularly in the Western weight and obesity are risk factors in
U.S. – are beginning to consume land in heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some
a more efficient manner that is in closer types of cancer, high blood pressure,
proportion to population growth, the per- gallbladder disease, stroke, osteoarthri-
centage increase in land development tis, sleep apnea and other breathing
in most regions continues to significant- problems, high cholesterol, and other
ly outpace population growth, especially chronic ailments.24 In 2000, total
in the Northeast and Midwest.22 Even costs attributable to obesity – including
in densifying metropolitan areas, much direct medical costs and indirect costs
existing and new development continues due to losses in productivity and wages
to be single use and automobile depen- – were approximately $117 billion.25
dent. This means that the characteris-
tics of low density sprawl development Physical inactivity is one cause of
discussed above continue to shape overweight and obesity, and increased
people’s lives and behavior patterns activity has been shown to play an
throughout much of the country. These important role in overweight preven-
characteristics of sprawl have direct tion and weight loss.26 Separate from
impacts not only on behavior, attitudes, its links to obesity, a sedentary
and lifestyle, but also on public health. lifestyle is also associated with higher
risk for several diseases and ail-
Activity Levels, Obesity, and Health ments, including cardiovascular dis-
ease, stroke, and all-cause mortality.27
A strong body of literature documents
linkages between lifestyle, physical Most Americans do not meet the mini-
activity levels, and obesity. According mum federal physical activity recom-
Page 7

mendations,28 and this sedentary considered a public health issue. Health Benefits of Daily
behavior may be linked to more and Physical Activity
more time spent in automobiles.29 The Cars pose an even greater danger to According to the Ameri-
number of trips the average American pedestrians and cyclists than to driv- can Heart Association,
adult takes on foot each year dropped ers and passengers. Pedestrians are
daily physical activity31:
by 42 percent from 1975 to 1995. 36 times more likely to die in a colli-
Meanwhile, the time spent in traffic has sion than drivers35 and 11 percent of • Reduces risk of heart
increased 236 percent since 1982.30 all traffic fatalities are on foot.36 disease by improving
Studies show that places that have
blood circulation
throughout the body.
In one of the first population-based, "been built-up since the 1950s and
comprehensive studies to address a are dominated by subdivisions, office • Keeps weight under
variety of environmental and policy parks, and high-speed roads that are control.
determinants of physical activity, designed for fast automobile travel" – • Improves blood
neighborhood characteristics including in short, places characterized by the cholesterol levels.
density, perceived safety levels, pres- features of sprawl development dis- • Prevents and manages
ence of sidewalks, and enjoyable cussed above – are the most danger- high blood pressure.
scenery were cited by survey respon- ous for pedestrians.37 In 2000, bicy- • Prevents bone loss.
dents as impacting their physical activ- clists made up two percent of traffic • Boosts energy level.
ity levels.32 According to the Centers accident fatalities and two percent of
for Disease Control and Prevention, traffic accident injuries, a figure much • Helps manage stress
despite the need for more research higher than the proportion of cyclists
and relieve tension.
into the effects of urban form on trav- to automobile drivers and passengers. • Improves the ability to
el behavior, on balance the existing lit- Approximately one third of cyclists fall asleep quickly and
erature "supports the hypothesis that killed in traffic accidents were children sleep well.
urban form variables influence levels from five to 15 years old.38 • Improves self-image.
of walking and bicycling," and sup- • Counters anxiety and
ports the development of a series of Unsafe roads impact health in two depression and increases
"interventions within the public health ways: they cause injuries and deaths enthusiasm and
arena that would be targeted at retro- due to traffic accidents and they dis- optimism.
fitting existing communities and shap- courage people from attempting to • Increases muscle
ing emerging communities in a man- use walking or cycling as alternative strength, increasing the
ner that enables, and even promotes, modes of transportation – hence ability to do other
physical activity."33 becoming a disincentive to physical physical activities
activity and contributing to more peo- • Provides a way to share
Automobiles and Physical Safety ple in cars more often. an activity with family
and friends.
Increased driving causes increased While many factors – including seat • Establishes healthy
automobile accidents of all types: belt use, excessive speed, alcohol habits in children and
those involving a single vehicle, multi- use, and vehicle type and condition – counters conditions
ple vehicles, pedestrians, and bicy- serve to contribute to or mitigate the such as obesity and high
clists. Despite trauma from car acci- likelihood and severity of traffic acci- blood pressure that lead
dents accounting for a higher percent- dents, it is clear that street and com- to heart attack and
age of deaths among all age groups munity design play important roles in stroke later in life.
from one through 34 in the U.S. than transportation choices and behavior. • Helps delay or prevent
any other single cause (it is also the On the one hand, wide streets with lit- chronic illnesses and
second leading single cause of death tle interconnectivity and few traffic diseases associated with
among the 35-44 age group and the calming measures39 create the condi- aging.
third leading cause of death among tions for excessive speed and danger • Helps to maintain a
those 45-54),34 rarely is driving itself for pedestrians. On the other hand, a person’s quality of life
and independence.
Page 8

neighborhood street grid designed as Lung Association in the 1998-2000

an element of a walkable community – period.44 Motor vehicles also account
one of the hallmarks of smart growth for approximately 30 percent of NO2
– creates safer conditions for pedestri- and VOC emissions, and about nine
ans, cyclists, and automobile drivers percent of particulate matter, or soot.45
and passengers alike.
The health effects of mobile-source
Air Quality and Respiratory Health related air pollutants include respirato-
ry and cardiopulmonary problems,
As sprawl causes Americans to drive headaches, reduced learning ability,
As sprawl causes more and more, the output of air pol- and premature mortality.46 Ambient air
luting emissions from their vehicles pollutants including O3, SO2, NO2, acid
Americans to drive increases. The impact on metropolitan aerosols, and particulate matter are
more and more, the air quality from mobile sources – most- associated with aggravation of asthma
output of air pollut- ly cars and trucks – is well document- and decreases in lung function.47
ing emissions from ed.40 Emissions from cars and trucks
include carbon monoxide (CO), oxides Exposure to these substances and the
their vehicles increas- of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic com- incidence of asthma, especially among
es. The impact on pounds (VOC), sulfur dioxide (SO2), children, are both rising; from 1980 to
metropolitan air lead, and particulate matter. NOx and 1994 the number of people with asth-
VOC compounds are precursor pollu- ma in the U.S. increased by 102 per-
quality from mobile tants, which form ground level ozone cent,48 with asthma accounting for
sources – mostly cars (O3) when they react in the presence approximately 500,000 hospitaliza-
and trucks – is well of heat and sunlight. Some of these tions, 5,000 deaths, and 134 million
pollutants – carbon monoxide in partic- days of restricted activity each year.49
ular – are emitted not only through the According to the American Lung
fuel combustion process, but also Association, "particulate matter air
through the refining and processing of pollution is especially harmful to peo-
fuel for use primarily in privately owned ple with lung disease such as asthma
automobiles and trucks.41 and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease (COPD), which includes chronic
If not for an array of technological and bronchitis and emphysema, as well as
regulatory interventions over the past to people with heart disease.
30 years, current emission levels of Exposure to particulate air pollution
these substances would be much high- can shorten human life by months or
er; nonetheless, the sheer numbers of years, as well as trigger asthma
vehicles on the road and total vehicle attacks and cause wheezing, cough-
miles traveled have offset and, in some ing, and respiratory irritation in individ-
cases, overtaken, these strides.42 Travel uals with sensitive airways."50
emissions now account for 61 percent
of all CO emissions, with motor vehi- Reducing dependence on the automo-
cles accounting for 94 percent of travel bile as the primary source of trans-
emissions.43 Seventy-five percent of portation would substantially alleviate
Americans who reside in areas with oz- the presence of all these substances
one monitors (or over 142 million peo- in the air, in turn limiting the incidence
ple) are breathing in unhealthy amounts and severity of these diseases and ail-
of ozone pollution, with 58 percent of ments. Designing smarter and health-
monitored counties receiving an "F" rat- ier communities that include a range
ing for ozone levels from the American of transportation choices is a primary
Page 9

strategy in reducing this automobile to land transportation patterns and the

dependence. fuel needed to sustain levels of driving
currently required by sprawling develop-
Land Use, Water Quality, and Health ment patterns. All of these impacts
Effects have both environmental and public
health consequences, especially if they
Land use and transportation patterns contaminate drinking water supplies.
can impact water quality in a variety of
ways. A 1999 U.S. Environmental Emotional/Mental Health
Protection Agency study describes some
of these: "1) the creation of impervious Both physical activity and social interac-
surfaces can adversely affect water tion play a role in preventing depres-
quality due to faster rates of runoff, sion and laying a foundation for emo-
lower groundwater recharge rates, and tional and mental health.52 Sprawling
increased erosion; 2) pollutants such development patterns and automobile
as vehicle exhaust, oil, and dirt, and de- dependency severely limit both, as has
icing chemicals, are deposited to road- been discussed. Existing research
ways and other impervious surfaces; 3) points to the considerable impacts of
leaking underground storage tanks such physical factors as air pollution,
release petroleum to groundwater; and noise, traffic, crime, and presence or
4) in the maritime sector, oil spills lack of support networks on mental
affect the water quality of inland water- and emotional health status.53 Additio-
ways and coastal areas."51 The first nal research is needed to better under-
three of these four transportation stand these connections between the
impacts on water quality relate directly built environment and mental health.

Promising Practices –
How Smarter Growth Can Improve Public Health
Smarter growth policies and practices involvement, and mental and emotional
present numerous opportunities for health problems) can in fact be associ-
improving quality of life for individuals ated with excessive automobile use.
and communities. Among these, five Designing communities that offer
are especially significant for the poten- viable transportation choices, including
tial to improve activity levels and pub- public transit, walking, and cycling, for
lic health. These include providing daily transportation needs can counter
better transportation choices, creating these threats.
great public spaces, mixing land uses,
improving green infrastructure, and By helping communities to move toward
creating safe routes to school. transit-oriented development (TOD) and
to provide safe, practical, and accessi-
Better Transportation Choices ble opportunities for walking and
cycling, funders and advocates can help
Many of the health threats posed by Americans reduce their reliance on the
current development patterns (physical automobile. There are many constituen-
inactivity, declining air and water quali- cies with a variety of motivations
ty, declining opportunities for social already advocating for transit friendly
Page 10

and walkable communities.54 The med- physical health of the community and
Promising Practices - ical and public health communities its residents. Building and supporting
How Smarter Growth would be well advised to view these parks, plazas and civic squares, water-
Can Improve Public constituencies ("environmentalists, so- fronts, greenways and trails, public mar-
Health cial equity activists, bicycling advocates, kets, culturally significant public build-
• Better Transportation transit supporters, architects, planners, ings and architecture, and public art
Choices community development groups, the and amenities all encourage people to
elderly … and labor activists"55) as po- get out, be active, and come together.59
• Great Public Spaces
tential allies and partners in its efforts
• Mix Land Uses to create environments that are sup- But it is not enough to design public
• Safe Routes to School portive of healthy and active lifestyles. spaces that are merely attractive;
these spaces should be accessible,
Many policy and organizing tools are connected to other desirable destina-
available for advancing TOD and walka- tions, and – perhaps most importantly
ble communities. Increasing research – designed with input from community
and spending on the factors that con- residents. Community-based planning
tribute to pedestrian and bicycle safety both enhances a sense of belonging
will contribute to the creation of more and increases the likelihood that the
walkable communities.56 Use of traffic resulting public spaces and events will
calming measures, traditional neighbor- be perceived as safe and enjoyable,
hood design, divided and interconnect- and will be desired and utilized.
ed roadways, and building and main- Health funders have the opportunity to
taining sidewalks, bike paths, and trails be aware of the behavioral compo-
are other known ways to contribute to nents and health ramifications of
the building of more walkable – and these projects and activities, and
health promoting – communities.57 should see funders in the areas of the
arts, historic preservation, and commu-
Other crucial issues related to better nity development as their partners in
transportation include assuring access promoting them. These funders also
to health care and quality food sup- should be viewing health funders –
plies. This is a particularly vital con- especially those that embrace preven-
cern in low-income communities, which tion in their programs – in this light.
frequently lack quality medical facilities
and the grocery stores common in Mix Land Uses
other neighborhoods. When hospitals
close in older communities, the issue Higher density and mixed use develop-
of access to health care can become a ment are known to reduce vehicle
crisis situation without adequate tran- miles traveled, provide the ridership
sit connections.58 Similarly, access to threshold needed to make public tran-
healthy and plentiful food supplies, a sit effective, and to provide opportuni-
situation taken for granted by many ties for walking from home to work or
Americans, is a challenging issue for school and to shopping, entertain-
many low-income households who can- ment, and recreational activities.60
not or choose not to drive. When multiple uses and destinations
are provided in proximity to one anoth-
Great Public Spaces er, walking becomes more feasible,
practical and interesting. When com-
Public spaces, activities, and events bined with development codes that
can contribute to both the social and allow or encourage wider sidewalks,
Page 11

discourage large expanses of surface ning decisions, communities can

parking lots, and promote ground floor improve the physical and emotional
retail and other amenities that make health of their senior citizens.61
the pedestrian environment more
seductive, mixed use districts can spur Safe Routes to School
high levels of pedestrian activity.
Creating walkable, neighborhood
Mixing land uses, especially allowing schools is one avenue for creating ...many of the
different types of housing in the same whole, healthy communities. When
neighborhood, also helps to create children walk to school, it positively individual health
friendly communities for all age affects their academic performance, impacts of the built
groups. When housing is allowed that improves their self-image and inde- environment dis-
is affordable at each of the major pendence, provides healthier social
stages in the life cycle, it increases and emotional development, and
cussed above –
opportunities for persons to age in increases the likelihood that they will threats to safety, air
place. A mix of housing tenures and grow into active adults.62 and water pollution,
prices also increases opportunities for and low levels of
people of lower incomes to take advan- The Safe Routes to School Initiative of
tage of better schools, parks, services, the California Department of Health physical activity –
social connections, and safer, healthier Services is a good example of this disproportionately
environments that may be friendlier to effort.63 Safe Routes to School efforts affect people of color
physical activity. Economically integrat- can showcase and constructively lever-
ed neighborhoods can also decrease age connections between children’s
and low-income
pressure for urban fringe development health, school siting and construction, communities.
and better distribute tax burdens. community design, and transportation
Finally, when coupled with efforts to policy. This strategy can not only
take the transportation, health care, improve safe routes to school for chil-
and service delivery needs of the eld- dren but also provide benefits to entire
erly into account in making urban plan- communities.

Other Connections

There are other links among growth, The concentrated poverty and racial
development and investment patterns composition of many urban core areas
and public health. One important is related to trends of suburban
area that connects these fields is sprawl and urban disinvestment. This
social equity and environmental jus- relationship is described as follows by
tice. As noted earlier in this paper, Angela Glover Blackwell of the national
many of the individual health impacts nonprofit organization PolicyLink:
of the built environment discussed
above – threats to safety, air and Sprawl – the continuous spread of
water pollution, and low levels of phys- businesses and housing beyond the
ical activity – disproportionately affect boundaries of the central city and
people of color and low-income inner suburbs into more and more dis-
communities.64 tant, once rural, areas – has led to
class and racial inequity. First sprawl
Page 12

creates regional inequity, then it exac- Another area of linkage is that of

erbates an unequal distribution of infectious disease. The field of dis-
resources and opportunities through- ease ecology is identifying links
out metropolitan regions. This imbal- between patterns of development, the
ance breeds poverty and hardship fragmentation of ecosystems and nat-
within urban centers and affluence ural habitats, and the exposure of
and growth on the fringe.65 humans to organisms that cause and
spread "new" and "emerging" infec-
This racial and economic imbalance tious diseases. While this is a global
has been further linked to the dispro- phenomenon, in the U.S. some exam-
Common interests portionate siting of sources of environ- ples of these diseases include West
between the environ- mental pollution and contamination in Nile Virus and Lyme Disease.68 Dr.
mental justice and the inner city in ways that have Paul Epstein of the Harvard Medical
smart growth move- adversely impacted the health of School’s Center for Health and the
urban residents.66 Those working on Global Environment identifies several
ments include brownfields (i.e. contaminated sites) features of global change that alter
increasing investment redevelopment are actively engaged in the ecological balance of disease
in urban centers and these linkages, and are also involved causing organisms, including: "frag-
in efforts to combat racial and eco- mentation and loss of habitat, domi-
promoting regional nomic factors in the distribution of nance of monocultures in agriculture
and community resources for remediation of these and aquaculture, excessive use of
based transportation toxic environments and their public toxic chemicals, increased ultraviolet
health impacts.67 radiation, and climate change and
and land use plan- weather instability."69 Fragmentation
ning efforts. The Funders’ Network for Smart and loss of habitat is directly linked to
Growth and Livable Communities, human land use and development pat-
through its Regional and terns; policies and practices to limit
Neighborhood Equity Project, is work- such fragmentation should produce a
ing to articulate and build a con- positive public health effect.
stituency for the convergence of inter-
ests between the environmental jus- There is also a growing field of conser-
tice and smart growth movements. vation medicine that is interested in
These common interests include the connections among urban form,
increasing investment in urban cen- ecological balance, and environmental
ters and promoting regional and com- and human health. The Consortium for
munity based transportation and land Conservation Medicine, established in
use planning efforts. Many of the 1997 as an environmental health col-
Network’s member foundations are laborative of Wildlife Trust, Tufts
actively engaged in funding activities University School of Veterinary
that simultaneously promote urban Medicine, and Harvard Medical
reinvestment, social equity, brown- School’s Center for Health and the
fields reclamation, and improved pub- Global Environment is one forum for
lic health, providing potential partners exploring these linkages and devising
and resources for public health fun- holistic solutions to public health chal-
ders interested in these linkages. lenges from the built environment.
Page 13

Promising Practices and Strategies

Several philanthropic funders are ed at San Diego State University to
beginning to take these linkages to support investigator-initiated research
the next level, creating funding initia- to identify and assess structural, envi-
tives that encourage communities to ronmental, and policy changes with
think about and use design choices to the potential to increase active living.
promote public health.
• Active Living by Design - a national
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. program located at The University of
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation North Carolina at Chapel Hill that
– a foundation devoted to improving seeks to infuse physical activity-pro-
the health and health care of Americans moting goals and processes into
– is increasingly using its funding pro- ongoing community planning efforts
grams to build knowledge of and incor- and would support the development
porate linkages among land use plan- and testing of 25 local community
ning, the ability to obtain recommended active living projects, with special
levels of physical exercise via daily efforts to reach low-income Americans.
activities such as walking for errands,
and impacts on individual health. • Active Living Technical Assistance
Center – an emerging resource center
The foundation’s objective in this area – that will disseminate information,
which it calls "Active Living" – is to in- tools, and training to those communi-
crease the number of communities with ties that are interested in promoting
programs, policies and environments health through physical activity, yet are
that promote active lifestyles. Building unsure how to proceed.
on community design initiatives and
models, the foundation is promoting the • Leadership for Active Living – a
(re)design of communities to support in- national project located at San Diego
cidental daily physical activities such as State University that supports govern-
walking and biking for transportation and ment leaders as they create and pro-
leisure. It is supporting community ini- mote policies, programs and places
tiatives that include: environmental and that enable active living. Leadership
policy interventions, communication and projects are being supported in
education campaigns, increased oppor- California, Colorado, Kentucky,
tunities for individual physical activity, Michigan, and Washington.
leveraging resources from transportation
and recreation sources to make needed • Active Living Network – a national
infrastructure changes, supporting poli- coalition of leaders - from professions
cy-related research, engaging relevant such as urban planning, architecture,
professions, and developing consumer transportation, environment and public
demand for communities that support health - to promote activity-friendly
routine daily physical activity. places that reintegrate physical activi-
ty into daily life.
The Foundation’s national Active Living
programs include the following: Liberty Hill Foundation.71 Based in
Santa Monica, CA, the Liberty Hill
• Active Living Policy and Environmen- Foundation supports grassroots com-
tal Studies - a national program locat- munity organizations in Los Angeles
Page 14

County that empower people and chal- Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust.72 The
lenge the policies, institutions and health program of the Boston-based
attitudes fostering inequality. The Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust focuses
Foundation’s Environmental Justice on improving public health and health
Fund makes linkages between growth access, especially for low and moder-
and investment patterns, transporta- ate-income people. Its environment
tion, and impacts on public health by program supports ecological health
supporting grassroots organizations (with emphasis on sustainable fores-
working in low-income communities of try and fisheries), water and air quality
color that suffer disproportionately protection, land use and transporta-
from environmental pollution and can- tion, environmental justice and toxics,
cer-causing toxins. Grants of $1,000 and habitat and biodiversity protec-
to $35,000 are given for community tion. Under its education program, the
organizing, applied research, policy Trust supports environmental educa-
advocacy, litigation and/or popular edu- tion in the context of education reform
cation projects and groups working to and improved educational outcomes.
decrease exposure to toxic substan- Over the last ten years, the Trust has
ces in neighborhoods and workplaces. expanded its grantmaking in environ-
mental health with an interest in
For example, the foundation supports improving health outcomes for human
the Bus Riders’ Union, a Los Angeles and non-human residents of the region.
group that advocates for the use of
cleaner fuels in buses, as well as for The Trust supports a wide variety of
environmental justice and equitable public health efforts linked to smart
urban and transportation planning. growth strategies such as statewide
Another grantee is linking brownfields obesity campaigns in Maine and
redevelopment, school site selection, Massachusetts, regional dirty power
and affordable housing in the Los plant and mercury campaigns, regional
Angeles area. This organization – the transportation advocacy in Connect-
Community Coalition for Substance icut and Massachusetts, and initia-
Abuse Prevention and Treatment – is tives building alliances among con-
on the cutting edge of another kind of sumers, health providers, scientists,
public health/smart growth connec- educators and advocates focused on
tion; it sees land use as one way to public health, housing, community
impact poverty and substance abuse development, transportation, climate
behavior, linked by the existence of change and health disparities. Under
abandoned urban buildings and vacant its philanthropy grant program, the
lots. Still another type of connection Trust is supporting an innovation work-
is being explored by grantees focusing ing with community development
on the public health implications of finance institutions to expand capacity
dilapidated inner city housing, such as that will better link community devel-
exposure to lead paint and other tox- opment organizations to public health,
ins, proximity to industrial sites, and smart growth, and other interdiscipli-
air and water quality issues. The nary fields of interest. The Trust is
smart growth strategy of providing especially interested in health sector
clean, safe, and affordable housing leveraging to take more effective
choices in urban areas is seen as one action on environmental health and
way to address these public and envi- community design solutions in urban
ronmental health problems. and rural development in New England
and the Gulf of Maine ecosystem.
Page 15

Bauman Family Foundation.73 The of the Health and Environment pro-

Bauman Family Foundation, headquar- gram of the Natural Resources
tered in Washington, D.C., has a central Defense Council, especially its cam-
focus on the connections between envi- paign to find alternatives to diesel
ronment and health that stem from buses, as a fundamental part of its
toxic chemicals and air pollution. The linkage grantmaking.
foundation is forging a more explicit
link between public health and the Other Funders. Additional funders are
smart growth and livable communities also actively making the public
agenda by supporting organizations that health/smart growth connection.
impact points of linkage between these Some of these include the Mary Black
agendas; for example, transportation, Foundation’s Healthy Community
school site selection, and housing. Initiative; the Paso Del Norte Health
Foundation’s programs of Ageless
Like the Liberty Hill Foundation, the Health; Healthy Communities; Walk El
Bauman Family Foundation has long Paso; The San Francisco Foundation’s
supported the Bus Riders Union in Environmental Health and Justice
Los Angeles and its efforts to connect Initiative; the Field Foundation of
urban planning, transportation plan- Illinois’ efforts to employ multi-discipli-
ning, environmental and public health. nary approaches to environmental
Another grantee, the Center for grantmaking that recognize the con-
Health, Environment and Justice, nection between environmental health, Opportunities for
focuses on schools and children’s public health, and economic health; Funders
environmental health through its the Community Foundation for Greater
• Making Connections
"Childproofing our Communities" cam- Atlanta’s Health and Wellness Priority
paign, as does the Healthy Schools Area; the McKnight Foundation’s work
and Framing the Issues
Network. Although not specifically list- on Children, Families and • Community Based
ed under the rubric of "smart growth," Communities; and several initiatives Processes and
the foundation sees its major support of the California Endowment. Demonstration
• Research and Science
Opportunities for Funders • Education and
There are many opportunities for fun- Making Connections and Framing the
• Public Policy
ders to explore, promote, and leverage Issues
these public health and community
design linkages. Each of the following Whether they realize it or not, funders
funding areas – Making Connections concerned with nearly any aspect of
and Framing the Issues; Community public health have an interest in better
Based Processes and Demonstration designed and more livable communi-
Projects; Research and Science; Public ties. Likewise, funders interested in
Policy, and Education and Communica- promoting smarter and more livable
tions – complements the others. communities have a stake in better
Together they provide a variety of entry public health. The key is finding the
points for the array of funder types, areas of mutual interest and benefit,
missions, and programmatic interests which may be unique to each partner-
that will contribute to the building of ship given the perspectives and inter-
this field and to bringing about change. ests of individual funders.
Page 16

First steps in this area could include neering daily activity back into our lives.
funding scans of interested funders,
supporting convenings and dialogues There is a need for support of local
that would explore possible partner- demonstration projects, including com-
ships, and providing opportunities for munity processes involving various
networking to interested individuals. stakeholders and members of the pub-
Depending on geographic scope of lic that increase awareness about barri-
interest, this work could be done local- ers to physical activity and other threats
ly, regionally, statewide or nationally. to public health that are caused by the
The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth built environment and design of their
and Livable Communities will be under- own communities. Community planning
taking work in this area to facilitate and and visioning processes that focus on
support the formation of new relation- transportation – infrastructure invest-
ships among health and smart growth ments, commuting choices, construc-
funders in 2003-04. tion of sidewalks, bikeways, trails, and
other measures that improve bicycle
When the Robert Wood Johnson Foun- and pedestrian safety – provide the op-
dation adopted its fourth major goal, portunity to address a range of health
"to increase healthy communities and impacts. These impacts may include
life-styles," in August 2001, it based its physical inactivity, obesity, respiratory
decision in part on the fact that only health, accident trauma prevention,
four percent of national health expendi- water quality, and/or exposure to toxic
tures were being directed to improve substances. These types of communi-
health behaviors. Meanwhile, the ty-based processes can be done in any
health behavior area, which includes community at any level of funding, and
but is not limited to sedentary may provide an especially appropriate
lifestyles, comprised 50 percent of the entry point for community foundations
influence on individual health status. to become involved in this issue area.74
Given this gap between the investment
in health prevention and its potential to Research and Science
improve public health, the opportunity
for health and other funders to find The scientific and public health commu-
common ground seems strong. nities have built a considerable body of
literature documenting the negative
Community Based Processes and health impacts of physical inactivity, as
Demonstration Projects well as a sizeable body of literature on
the health effects of environmental pol-
Becoming involved in land use, trans- lutants. The urban planning and design
portation, regional planning, and com- field has compiled a body of research
munity visioning and design efforts pro- on the impacts of community design
vides health funders with the opportuni- and investment choices on transporta-
ty to create environments that are sup- tion options and general quality of life
portive of routine daily activity. measures. The environmental protec-
According to senior program staff at the tion community has built a robust sub-
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and field around the environmental impacts
because we now know so much about of various urban design patterns.
the importance of physical activity in While intuitively logical, studies that
preventing chronic disease and improv- connect the dots among all of these
ing health, smart growth is an impor- areas, and provide empirical and objec-
tant tool for funders interested in engi- tive evidence for the linkages between
Page 17

community design, physical activity lev- Funders should seek out opportunities
els, and health impacts – while emerg- that impact both social environments
ing – are still relatively rare. This and individual motivation. There is a
research area provides an opportunity public health component to many com-
for health funders interested in sup- munity building activities; health fun-
porting interdisciplinary research to ders can partner with others to think
build the field. across disciplines to support communi-
ty clubs, gardens, and forums that Many growth, devel-
Other areas into which more research bring people together in public spaces, opment, infrastructure
is needed include: especially when they involve a physical
activity – whether it be walking or bik-
investment, and com-
• The influence of various physical fac- ing, yoga or tai-chi. munity design choices
tors on individual physical activity choic- are made at the local
es (for example, how might the location Public Policy level; funders and
or type of walking or biking trail provid-
ed influence its use); Last but not least, it is vital to improve their grantees should
• The influence of cultural and social many of the laws, rules and practices work to develop tools,
factors on physical activity choices (an that guide the development decisions models, and policy
example may be employer attitudes made every day. Many growth, develop-
and workplace policy toward employee ment, infrastructure investment, and agendas tailored to
use of transit options); community design choices are made at the respective towns,
• How to foster neighborhood and the local level; funders and their cities, regions and
social support systems for daily physi- grantees should work to develop tools,
states in which they
cal activity; models, and policy agendas tailored to
• How to work with the insurance the respective towns, cities, regions work.
industry to quantify community charac- and states in which they work.
teristics as health benefits or risks;
• Linkages between the built environ- There is, however, also a national policy
ment and emotional health; agenda coming together around these
• Racial and ethnic disparities within issues, particularly as they involve fed-
the linkages here discussed; and eral transportation planning and fund-
• How to adapt individual and commu- ing. There is an important role for
nity behavioral change strategies to the health funders in efforts – such as that
needs and situations of specific eco- being spearheaded by the Environ-men-
nomic, racial and ethnic groups. tal Defense Fund and others – to
include the health impacts of trans-
Education and Communications portation choices in the transportation
planning process, just as environmen-
Although there is evidence of a large tal impacts are currently considered.75
latent demand for making changes to The emerging agenda around healthy
the built environment, this demand schools, neighborhood schools, and
should be built on and made more school site selection – led by the
explicit simultaneously with efforts to National Trust for Historic Preservation,
bring about these changes. For exam- Healthy Schools Network, and others –
ple, foundations can support efforts to provides a similar opportunity.76
train the public on the importance of
being engaged in local and regional Funders also can support exploration
transportation planning processes, and of emerging issues that will likely drive
how to do so. many public policy and funding deci-
sions in the near future and outlying
Page 18

years while increasing awareness of • Homeland security and the threat of

linkages they have to the public health/ bioterrorism;
smart growth arena. These include: • Health access and health education;
• Linkages among climate change, and
global warming, energy use, and eco- • Issues surrounding housing safety,
nomic development; access, and affordability.77

As many funders know, these types of established, these sectors will find in
changes take a long time. Building each other natural and useful allies,
awareness among multiple sectors – thereby increasing the respective effec-
the public sector, community residents, tiveness of each in their efforts to pur-
the academic/research community, the sue common goals. Within the philan-
philanthropic community, and the med- thropic sector these linkages may pro-
ical profession – is the first step toward vide opportunities for health care fun-
change. Funders entering into these ders to expand the scope of their activi-
areas and projects with a long-term out- ties and to collaborate with funders
look should soon find that they have a engaged in the smarter growth and liv-
shared agenda with a diverse range of able communities agenda. Such collab-
partners. orations hold significant potential to
bring additional resources, leverage,
As the connections between smart and impact to the critical task of build-
growth and public health become better ing healthier more active communities.
1. The authors also wish to gratefully acknowledge the reviews and comments provided by Marla Hollander, Director of the Leadership
for Active Living Program, and Richard Bell, Phil Bors, and Keecia James, Project Officers at the Active Living by Design National
Program Office.
2. According to the nonprofit organization Smart Growth America, the term "Smart Growth" refers to development patterns that are
intended to: "create a range of housing opportunities and choices; create walkable neighborhoods; encourage community and
stakeholder collaboration; foster distinctive, attractive places with a strong sense of place; make development decisions
predictable, fair and cost effective; mix land uses; preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental
areas; provide a variety of transportation choices; strengthen and direct development toward existing communities; and take
advantage of compact building design." (10 Smart Growth Principles,
3. See, for example, Aicher, Joseph. Designing Healthy Cities: Prescriptions, Principles, and Practice Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing
Co., 1998.
4. However, available evidence shows that while smart growth does increase opportunities for physical activity, many communities
have not yet successfully and systematically incorporated those transportation choices and other opportunities for increased
physical activity into residents’ daily routines. (American Planning Institute Research: Planning and Designing the Physically Active
5. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Overweight and Obesity at a Glance". Rockville, MD - U.S. Office of the Surgeon
General (2001).
6. Dr. Howard Frumkin points out that this is a relatively recent phenomenon; in the 19th and early 20th centuries urban planning
and public health were intimately linked fields, largely due to discoveries about the importance of sanitation in preventing
disease. See Rosen G. A History of Public Health. Expanded Edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993; Duffy J.
The Sanitarians: A History of American Public Health. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990; and Melosi MV. Sanitary City:
Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, cited in
Frumkin, H. Urban Sprawl and Public Health. Public Health Reports 2002; 117(3): 201-17.

7. See, for example, Humpel N, Owen N, Leslie E. (2002). Environmental factors associated with adults' participation in physical
activity: a review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(3),188-199.
8. Principles of the New Urbanism, Congress for the New Urbanism.
9. Burden, Dan, et al, Street Design Guidelines for Healthy Neighborhoods, Sacramento, CA: Local Government Commission Center
for Livable Communities, 1999.
10. Local Government Commission (no date): Transportation Safety. Available online at:
11. See Passmore, Sam, "Education and Smart Growth: Reversing School Sprawl for Better Schools and Communities," Funders’
Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Translation Paper #8, March 2002. Available online at: http://www.
12. Ibid., p. 1.
Page 19

13. The Surgeon General's Call to Action Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C., January 2001. See also
14. Ibid, pp.l9-20, 28.
15. Beaumont, C. and Pianca, E. "Historic Neighborhood Schools in the Age of Sprawl: Why Johnny Can’t Walk to School,"
Washington, DC: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2000, p.10. Available online at:
17. Putnam, Robert D. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000),
18. Ibid.
19. Howe, Deborah, "Aging and Smart Growth: Building Aging-Sensitive Communities," Miami, FL: Funders’ Network for Smart Growth,
Translation Paper #7, December 2001. Available online at:
20. "Mean Streets: Pedestrian Safety and Reform of the Nation’s Transportation Law" (Environmental Working Group, 1997), cited in Howe, 2001.
22. Fulton, W., Harrison, A., Nguyen, M., Pendall, R. "Who Sprawls Most? How Growth Patterns Differ Across the U.S.," Washington,
D.C.: Brookings Institute, Center on Urban & Metropolitan Policy, Survey Series, July 2001.
23. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 2001, p.1. See also: Allison D.B., Fontaine K.R., Manson J.E., Stevens, J., VanItallie, T.B. "Annual
Deaths Attributable to Obesity in the United States," Journal of the American Medical Association, October 27, 1999, vol.
292(16), pp. 1530-38.
24. Ibid. p. 9.
25. Wolf, A.M., "What is the Economic Case for Treating Obesity?" Obesity Research, Vol. 6, Supplement 1, 1998, pp. 2S-7S.
26. See, for example, Hill, J.O., Klem, M.L., McGuire, M.T., and Wing, M.L, "Behavioral Strategies of Individuals Who Have Maintained
Long-Term Weight Losses,"Obesity Research, Vol. 7, 1999, pp. 334-341.
27. Frumkin, 2001, p. 11, citing National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel on Physical Activity and Cardiovascular
Health. NIH Consensus Conference: Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol.
276, 1996, pp. 241-246; and Ebrahim, S., Shaper A.G., Walker M., Wannamethee S.G., "Lifestyle and 15-Year Survival Free of
Heart Attack, Stroke, and Diabetes in Middle-Aged British Men." Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol. 158 No. 22, December 7/21,
1998, pp. 2433-40, among others.
28. "Healthy People 2000 Final Review," Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health, Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2001.
29. "Transportation Data from the 2000 Census," Surface Transportation Policy Project, June 2002. Available online at
30. "The Built Environment: Is There a Connection Between Sprawl and Health?" State Health Notes (Washington, D.C.: National
Conference of State Legislatures, May 6, 2002, p. 5).
31. See
32. See, for example, Humpel N, Owen N, Leslie E. (2002). Environmental factors associated with adults' participation in physical
activity: a review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(3),188-199, and Ross C. Brownson, PhD, Elizabeth A. Baker, PhD,
MPH, Robyn A. Housemann, PhD, MPH, Laura K. Brennan, MPH and Stephen J. Bacak, MPH, "Environmental and Policy
Determinants of Physical Activity in the United States," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 91, No. 12, December 2001.
33. Engelke, P. and Frank, L.D., How Land Use and Transportation Systems Impact Public Health: A Literature Review of the
Relationship Between Physical Activity and Built Form, Active Community Environments, Working Paper #1, Atlanta, GA: Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, December 2000.
34. "10 Leading Causes of Death, United States, 1999, All Races, Both Sexes," Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
35. "Mean Streets 2000: Pedestrian Safety, Health, and Federal Transportation Spending," Surface Transportation Policy Project.
Available online at
36. "Traffic Safety Facts 2000," Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation."
Available online at
37. Surface Transportation Policy Project, 2000.
38. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2000.
39. "Traffic Calming" measures include speed bumps, speed tables, neighborhood traffic circles, narrow roadways, on-street parking,
one-way streets, and center medians and islands. See, for example, Ewing, Reid, Traffic Calming: State of the Practice,
Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration and Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1999.
40. See, for example, US Environmental Protection Agency. National Emission Inventory, Air Pollutant Emission Trends, Current
Emissions Trend Summaries. Available online at
41. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: "Indicators of the Environmental Indicators of Transportation," 1999, Available online at:
42. Frumkin, 2001, pp. 5-6, citing Parker T. "The Link Between Transportation, Land Use and Air Quality," Presented at the American
Society of Civil Engineers Conference, San Diego, October 1995, and California Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources
Board. Land Use-Air Quality Linkage: How Land Use and Transportation Affect Air Quality, 1994.
43. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999.
44. American Lung Association: The State of the Air 2002 Report, Available online at
45. Jackson, R., and Kochtitzky, Chris, "Creating a Healthy Environment: The Impact of the Built Environment on Public Health,"
Washington, D.C. Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse, Monograph Series (Available online at,
p. 6, citing National Council for Science and the Environment, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, "Air Quality
and Motor Vehicles: An Analysis of Current and Proposed Emission Standards," 1999.
46. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999.
47. Koren, H.S. "Environmental Risk Factors in Atopic Asthma," International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, Vol. 113, pp. 65-68,
1997, and Becklake, M.R., and Ernst, P., "Environmental factors," Lancet, Vol. 350, Suppl. 2, pp. 10-13, 1997 .
48. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), "Current Estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, 1990," Vital and
Health Statistics Vol. 10(194), 1997.
Endnotes, continued
49. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Data Fact Sheet. Asthma Statistics. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health
(NIH), Public Health Service (PHS), 1999.
50. American Lung Association, State of the Air 2002.
51. "Indicators of the Environmental Impacts of Transportation, 1999," Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, p. 28.
Available Online at:
53. See, for example, Halpern, David. Mental Health and the Built Environment: More than Bricks and Mortar? (New York: Psychology
Press, a member of the Taylor and Francis Group).
54. See Chen, Don and Jakowitsch, Nancy, "Transportation Reform and Smart Growth: A Nation at the Tipping Point," Funders’
Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities Translation Paper #6, August, 2001 for a summary of these. Available online
at: Another excellent resource on TOD is the website of the Great American Station Foundation.
55. Ibid., p. 3.
56. "Mean Streets 2000,"
57.,, etc.
58. Roadblocks to Health: Transportation Barriers to Healthy Communities. Transportation and Land Use Coalition (TALC), People
United for a Better Oakland (PUEBLO), and Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO). October, 2002. Available from
59. Project for Public Spaces,
60. "Linking Land, Air, and Transportation," Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available Online at:, and Clear, Robert, Dittmar, Hank, Goldstein, David, Haas, Peter, Holtzclaw, John.
"Location Efficiency: Neighborhood and Socio-Economic Characteristics Determine Auto Ownership and Use - Studies in Chicago,
Los Angeles and San Francisco," Transportation Planning and Technology (Taylor & Francis, Vol. 25, Number 1/2002, pp. 1-27).
61. Howe, 2001, pp. 7-8.
62. "Kids Walk to School: A Guide to Promote Walking to School," Atlanta, GA. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, See also, for example,
63. See, for example,
64. Frumkin, 2001, pp. 22-25.
65. Blackwell, Angela Glover and McCulloch, Heather, "Opportunities for Smarter Growth: Social Equity and the Smart Growth
Movement," Translation Paper Number One, Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Miami, FL, December
1999, p. 3. Available online at:
66. See, for example, Bryant, Bunyan & Mohai, Paul. Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards: A Time for Discourse. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press, 1992a; Bullard, Robert D. "Race and environmental justice in the United States," The Yale Journal of
International Law v18, n1 (Winter 1993): 319-335; Goldman, Benjamin & Fitton, Laura J. Toxic Waste and Race Revisited.
Washington, D.C. Center for Policy Alternatives, NAACP, United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice, 1994; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Journal. "Environmental Protection: Has It Been Fair?" Special Issue, v18, n1 (March/April
1992); and U.S. General Accounting Office, Siting of Hazardous Waste Landfills and Their Correlation with Racial and Economic
Status of Surrounding Communities. Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office, 1983.
67. The term ‘brownfield site’ means real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the
presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. For more information, see
68. Schmidt, K.A. and Ostfeld, R.S. "Biodiversity and the Dilution Effect in Disease Ecology," Ecology, Vol. 82, No. 3, 2001, pp. 609-
619; and Epstein, P.R., "West Nile Virus and the Climate," Journal of Public Health, Vol. 78, No. 2, 2001.
69. Epstein, P.R., "Climate, Ecology, and Human Health," Consequences: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change, Vol. 3,
No. 2, 1997.
70. Information on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is taken from interviews with Marla Hollander and M. Katherine Kraft of the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and foundation publications.
71. Interview with Michele Prichard of the Liberty Hill Foundation, and foundation publications.
72. Interviews with Gioia Perugini and Rachel Pohl of the Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust, and foundation publications. For current
information, visit
73. Interview with Patricia Bauman of the Bauman Family Foundation.
74. See for an inventory of tools at all levels of cost and complexity.
75. Letter to Norm Mineta, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Environmental Defense Fund and others, June 2002, cited in Kraft interview.
76. See, for example,, and
77. Pohl interview.

Hooper Brooks, Chair

L. Benjamin Starrett, Executive Director
Working to strengthen funders’
individual and collective abilities to
support organizations promoting smart
growth and creating livable communities
Collins Center for Public Policy, Inc.
150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 709
Miami, Florida 33131
Phone: 305-377-4484, ext. 15
Fax: 305-377-4485

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