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Virtual Purdah In my real life I fall under the realm of purdah sometimes, there are some thing s I am not

allowed to discuss in public. I have even received a verbal warning over my real life Facebook activities in the past from my employer. That is why Mr Rosedale invented this metaverse, in a virtual world I can have freedom of speech without risking my real life pay check. So, that is the reason why I write under my avatar name and not my real life name. If I were called Jane Smith in real life I would probably feel somewhat differently but unfortunately my parents were not that considerate in naming me or my brother. They were ahead of their time. So, why have I been quiet of late after so much blogging? It was self enforced virtual purdah. I was hiding. The realisation of how little my friendship meant to a certain person (Nietzsche) was not something that disappeared overnight and continues to be something I am unhappy about. Primarily, because I now know the extent of what he was hiding from me and when I take the time to complete the jigsaw puzzle I am not left with a pretty picture staring back at me. But, there was another reason for my enforced virtual purdah. I had very publicly declared I had feelings for someone in Second Life, someone who did not return those feelings and then, shortly after all of that, I began dating someone else. Someone I am still dating. I just felt as though I would be judged as desperately grabbing the first man who expressed an interest in me (a man of the same nationality). That presented a whole new range of questions for me. Having known this new man longer than Nietzsche We shall call him Socrates for the purpose of this blog I felt unprepared for possible raised eyebrows and the unavoidable comments about my speedy recovery. So, let us get those questions out of the way now. Does Socrates know about my blog? Yes. He read it before we got together, or should I say back together? We dated once before, over a year ago. Does he know Nietzsche? I dont think so, I havent discussed his avatar name with Socrates because to be honest, we dont talk about him LOL but on reading the blog he said he couldnt guess who it was. Does Socrates mind if I blog about him? He says I can blog about whatever I like, he believes in freedom of expression. I think he would prefer it if I didnt embarrass him though. I havent gone public about my new virtual relationship yet because we havent decided for ourselves what it is yet. When something is unplanned it takes some adjustment. But, everyone knows I dont keep secrets and in the spirit of openness I am coming clean now purdah has officially ended.

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