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Front cover : Back cover

This is Adele's album covers '21', we can clearly see the artist as she is the focus of the cover giving a sense that she is the most important thing to see. Her name is at the bottom of the page in capital letters, connoting that it is important to read. The album name is straight after her name so you read it straight after the artists name, the album name is in the same font as the artist name but in a different colour font connoting that they are separate texts. On the back page the track list, barcode and copyright/production companies can be denoted. There is also another image of the artist this makes the usually bland back cover more visually pleasing and as the artist is on both sides of the album it gives the artist recognisability and improves her iconography. Using the statistics button on youtube allows me to see who is the most popular audience for the main song on the album. As you can see it is females 13-24, I feel the album cover attracts this audience as it makes the younger listeners feel more grown up and does not put off the older listeners as it looks sophisticated as it is in black and white and not over the top garish colours.

Front cover : Back cover

In this album cover for Duffy's Rockferry album we can clearly see the artist as she is the focus of the cover giving a sense that she is the most important thing to see. Also we can denote her name in an autograph-style font giving the buyer a sense that the album is for them, as when a fan meets their idol they often ask for an autograph. The album is also denoted in block capitals connoting to the reader it is important to read, as often block capitals are used in text to show importance or 'shouting' to be noticed. On the back cover it is very plain with just the track list, barcode and copyright/production companies. This connotes that this is less visually pleasing and the focus will be on the front page which is where the artist is giving the artist recognisability as she will be noticed. Using the statistics button on youtube allows me to see who is the most popular audience for the main song on the album. As you can see it is females 1324, I feel the album cover attracts this audience as it makes the younger listeners feel more grown up and does not put off the older listeners as it looks sophisticated as it is in black and white and not over the top garish colours. Also as the name is 'signed' it makes the album feel personalised to the buyer.

Front cover : Back cover

In this album cover for KT Tunstall's Drastic Fantastic album again we can see the artist as the focus of the over giving the sense that she should be seen as she is the most important thing on the cover, she is also holding a guitar which is a common convention of singer/songwriters. We can also denote her name in the top right corner in block capitals, this is connoting importance as in text using capital letters connotes shouting, making this piece of writing stand out. The name of the album is in the same font as the artist so therefore will have the same connotations of being important to read. The back is different as it has a cartoon image of the artist performing, this gives a hint that this may be a good way to listen to the artist as well as on her CD's, it also has the track list, barcode and copyright/production companies. Using the statistics button on youtube allows me to see who is the most popular audience for the main song on the album. As you can see it is females 13-24, I feel the album cover attracts this audience as it makes the younger listeners feel more grown up and does not put off the older listeners as it looks sophisticated as it is in black and white. Also as there is pop art cartoons on the back it may attract a wider audience.

Front cover : Back cover

In this album cover for Leona Lewis's Spirit album again we can see the artist as the focus of the over giving the sense that she should be seen as she is the most important thing to view on the cover. We can also denote her name at the top in block capitals, this is connoting importance as in text using capital letters connotes shouting, making this piece of writing stand out, and by being at the top it is the first thing read. The name of the album is in the same font as the artist so therefore will have the same connotations of being important to read. On the back cover it is very plain with just the track list, barcode and copyright/production companies. This connotes that this is less visually pleasing and the focus will be on the front page which is where the artist is giving the artist recognisability as she will be noticed. Using the statistics button on youtube allows me to see who is the most popular audience for the main song on the album. As you can see it is females 13-24 and 45-54, I feel the album cover attracts this audience as it gives the younger audience a clear picture of the artist of whom they may aspire to and also as there is delicate [patterns on the back it may make the older audience feel it is more sophisticated and grown up

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