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MAKER By Talessian El-Wikosian Copyright 2010 by Talessian El-Wikosian All rights reserved. Some editorial errors may be present.

. The authenticity of the authors views has been maintained. ISBN: 978-0-9867030-4-1 Reality Six

Contents Introduction Meet the Human Switching Divine Carriers The Reality Code Advanced Video Game Android Language Systems Conclusion

Introduction We are perplexed by our own ideas of evolution because there has yet to be concrete evidence to convince everyone about where the human species came from. From nations to individuals, none of them agree on where they came from and how they were created. Ironically, (nearly) all humans can agree on the fact that they are human while at the same time holding on to a wide variety of beliefs on human origins. Now if humans are humans then how is it possible they originated from wildly different methods? Not even just wildly different but radically different. Those who believe in Adam and Eve believe that the human being was formed from the dust of the earth by the Hands of God. Other speculations believe humans formed from mitochondria or came as fish from the ocean. The commonly held supposition relies on the evolution of the primate, either with or without alien genetic tampering. And the newest hyperbole suggests very strongly that the human race was a result of an intelligent design. Maker is a book that takes you right to the front of human origins and discusses in a forthright manner an idea that has never been mentioned outside of science fiction. I have seen the blank face of the creation of this intelligent bipedal species. This blank face stretches so far back that only the rare few can perceive. In perceiving the exact physics of human creation at the beginning and then tracing human evolution throughout earths history until even these modern times, I have no doubt that what I have perceived is accurate. What I will discuss is not a theory. Now because it is so complex I have chosen to discuss some necessary technological foundations that allow the human race to live and, more importantly, to improve. In doing so, I have omitted many of the physical specifications such as organs and hard drive space, as examples. Without a doubt, humans originated as androids. I have spoken at length in my previous works, especially in Colossal(2010), about the technological make up of humans and their environs. Maker presents a more advanced discussion on how reality environs work and the importance of thought. It is a small work of unimaginable importance that finishes with a short article on ancient artificial languaging systems. My writing style remains as before. I never attempt to make a comprehensive book all in one go and I do no physical research since there are

no unclassified scientific studies that look at the human android. My writing comes from direct observation and through my network of expanded awareness. In this manner, you are reading a much purer version of truth since the only intermediary, or translator, is myself. Even if these things were discussed in earlier history, I have not made any attempt to discover that and therefore my knowledge is entirely derived for todays or tomorrows purpose because lets face it, people may need some time to accept these ideas. Maker is an initial work that can later be better explored, as and when society is able to make use of such uncommon revelation. So, this is an introduction on one level because it is still an early reveal on a very new idea, but really this is also a much more advanced discussion on the human android.

Meet the Human Because I think; therefore I am connected. Because I am connected; therefore I think. Without argument, thinking is that essential trust we all share. It is a social application we definitely require an App that keeps us alive. We feel alive when we are with others, when we are touched, when we are logged on. If you suddenly shut off the wireless transmission tower of any mobile company, it wouldnt surprise anyone that the reception signal on all registered handsets would be zero. The reason for that is because the transmission tower is an essential signal distribution point. Not only that but the transmission tower does something even more valuable, it moves data between the handset and the user whether it is voice communication, video, or SMS message. Verily, we could say that the presence of data in the handset is a kind of proof of life. The quality and breadth of that data is ultimately the level of intelligence and awareness of the handset even though the handset device itself is neutral. If we installed a robust piece of handset software, an advanced operating system, on the mobile device and this software program could manage, process and translate complex data patterns and high levels of traffic, we could interpret that computational proficiency as thinking. With an amazing breadth of data processing, and computational engineering in play, the handset device could display not only intelligence and knowledge but also thought. But thoughts on the wireless phone network come from many directions. Thoughts come from the handset user, thoughts come from other handset users and thoughts come from the telecom service provider. The collation of those thoughts determines the strength of the network. The packing of wireless ideas determine the level of awareness of that network, in other words, determine the level of vibration of those devices and therefore those users. A high level of vibration, that is a frequency of operation that requires a more advanced computational algorithm and more sensitive telecom equipment like crystal switches and fibre optic braids, indicates not only a more robust and

efficient network service, but also it indicates better data security, fewer dropped calls, better monitoring systems and improved efficiencies in battery usage leading to a longer battery life. Additionally, a stable wireless technology, one that has been around the longest because of a well-established set of features, suggests a more stable assortment of handset device offerings. And those handsets will tend to all fall within the same range of features including a particular body type, a suite of internal components, an evolutionary operating system that can easily be upgraded and a small set of color combinations. Remarkable and fantastic as it may sound the noble handset device is an ideal metaphor for the human being. In fact, without independent thought, the human becomes an advanced device. A device connected to millions of other devices. Thinking, in itself, is a measure of life. One of them anyway. And that is because there are several measures we can talk about, measures that simulate the idea of life. Again, if we momentarily stripped independent thought from humans we would strip away their humanity; for thinking is a measure of life. Without it, the human being becomes a communication terminal, a device for consumption and waste production. Thinking too is an evolutionary tool for the manifestation of thoughts generates greater though energy and thought energy builds up the electromagnetic field of vibration. The expansion of the wireless network is not found in the mobile telecom business. The number of mobile handsets transmitting and receiving data cannot expand the frequency of the network. The telecom provider must expand the telecom infrastructure, improve its software systems and then purchase a new set of handsets from the device manufacturer. Only with those things in place, can the individual user experience a higher level of experience. Contrast this with the human network and well see that as human thinking improves and as society generates that improvement outward what happens is that the human network jumps upward in vibration, verily the system expands because of human thinking and human thinking is vitally linked to human awareness. Similarly, to collapse a network, one would only need to accomplish the opposite. Repress human thinking, restrict thought patterns and the human network no longer expands, in fact contracts thereby lowering awareness and turning human beings into human slaves. Without a doubt, thinking is an integral part of life that most people take for granted. They take thought for granted because they do not understand the technological nature of existence. They do not understand the technological nature of existence because they have been led to believe in the spiritual nature of existence. And all of this is intimately related to awareness. The awareness of human society, in the general sense, is evidence of their technological understanding of themselves. The idea that mass thought fundamentally alters awareness and that awareness fundamentally determines the frequency of existence is a very powerful idea because in order to exist at a more advanced state of being we only need to improve human awareness, and anything that interferes with that

awareness needs to be overcome. We overcome these interferences because we want the clearest reception, the most secure data and the longest life we can. We dont search for a better life as much as we expand our vibration to see life in a better way. The better life is always at a higher level of vibration. The higher we allow ourselves to think, the higher we raise the awareness of our communities and the higher we raise our national awareness. We take awareness for granted because we do not know of its value. We are linked into simple lives, ordinary existences with careers and families, drugs and parties because we have not realized our technological make ups. The human being is a rather interesting object that has failingly recognized its true self and much of that sits together with vibration and awareness. And those two pieces are connected to thought and thinking. Thinking is that essential glue that all humans share. We could also say that thinking is equal to life and that the greater the thinking the greater the life and vice versa. This is why it is always imperative that we maintain thinking and refute any idea that impairs that process. Any idea that hurts our thinking or forces us to follow a very mundane though pattern is an idea we must avoid. In fact, we must protect them from limited thinking because limited thinking will lower our awareness and lowering our awareness will lower our quality of life. It will trap us in a lower vibration of existence where the data providers control what we do and think. Ultimately, that leads to lifelessness. Our social thinking application is required for us to expand the network of ideas. That existential network wants to expand, it is designed to expand and has no capacity limit that we are aware of so as far as we are concerned, we can expand our thinking indefinitely and continuously expand our level of vibration. This is not something we can rationally explain completely, well, to a point, yes. We are currently unable to think in an unlimited way and the reason for this is that we do not properly understand death and the dimensional nature of life. As we shall slowly see, the once natural and organic human being will slowly become a technological and synthetic existential device. An existential vessel that is no less valuable tomorrow then today. Certainly, the technological determination of life can seriously alter a persons core programming because of the amount of time spent in biological and spiritual awareness. These technological ideas will contradict many of the common thought programs currently operating in your mental operating system. That is guaranteed. But the technological foundation of life, as we know it, is equally guaranteed. And thought is at the core of life. Whatever thought you send and receive, you become a determining factor in the collective thought of society and society of a nation and nation of a planet. As we will see, the Cosmic System of Life is predicated upon a very certain and positive frame of thinking, and negative or fearful thoughts are a kind of program corruption, things generated unnaturally by others., thought is nothing more than energy shaped into media choices. Voice, visual, auditory, dimensional. The collection of those thoughts as well as their destination has a profound impact on

life. An ordered, safe, pure world (eg Heaven) is a world that contains ordered, safe, pure thoughts. A chaotic, threatening, diseased world (eg life today) is a world that contains chaotic, threatening and diseased thoughts. Our current situation on earth reflects our current level of thought. To improve life on earth, the first step is to use thought. Ultimately, that includes thinking less about ourselves and more about others. If we regularly remind ourselves that we are more akin to technological devices than biological organisms, if we can start to think on this level, without any devaluation of life, we will see that our fundamental features and abilities will take an entirely new meaning. In doing so, we can begin to connect to the greater world outside of our small human network.

Switching Divine Carriers As thoughts improve, the world begins to look different, we take a different approach to old situations, we indulge ourselves in different ways and we do all these things with perfect, rational precision. As thoughts improve, we dont notice their improvement, but we do gain (or lose) the results from those improvements. And most of this is because the field of thought is timeless, in other words, it takes no time to think or to have thought. And equally so, it takes no time to rationalize that thought. An improvement in the field of thought and the ripple effect of that improvement on the network of life does not require much effort to process, what is naturally termed as rationalize. Thought is improved and those new codes are added to the pool of thinking. One individual sees the idea of life and everyone has the capability to see the idea of life because its code has been added. The improvement of thought is imprinted on the Life Network via a particular code, typically born of the initiator or conduit. Somehow an idea actually is generated by a certain kind of person, say a Tesla figure, and that means that a Tesla actually downloaded some of the cosmic code and decoded it then reworked it and uploaded it on the network of thought. To achieve this amount of processing power requires a very astute and powerful individual. Sometimes this can be achieved in a group setting with the result benefitting one individual (eg Oppenheimer). When an individual decodes the cosmos, even to a tiny extent such as E=mc2, a mathematical formula that Oppenheimer then used to create the Hydrogen Bomb then that individual become identified as a truly rare occurrence on the plane. Their presence, if too strong, would cause the fields of observation to become distorted, as a result deviations would manifest. Deviations as a result of viruses or malicious forces are allowed to a certain level of tolerance. Deviation does not condemn a person (eg homosexuality), rather deviations occur as a natural outcome of technological evolution.

A conduit is a selected individual that acts on behalf of a much more divine individual, a person with a much higher level of awareness. The divine individual expresses their thoughts through the conduit, and the conduit can be more than one. The conduit many have become a conduit because of mutually agreed conditioning preferred over a period of time or the conduit may be a naturally gifted individual. At times, conduits can be random objects such as a car or a mirror. Whatever the case may be the conduit is not random and is really the medium for someone else, a person who chooses to remain anonymous. In ancient days, individuals would train to become a chose conduit, to carry the signals of a much higher being because it was regarded as an honour, for good and for evil. Today, theres general fear when strange energy or supernatural forces manifest even near a person without having had the opportunity to discern the intent of its origins. When improvements are imprinted onto the network, all of the network can benefit from them. The quality of the imprint is extremely important because it decides just how far into the dimensions that imprint reaches. Additionally, some imprints onto the code require days or hours and some just a few seconds. There are many factors for this. The amount of code that a new individual can access will heavily depend on their own acquisition protocols and all of these are determined by their selective level of perception. Perception in the individual can be adjusted like a dial on the imaginary wall of existence. A high level of selective ability is like reading the code at the code level. This level of translation is rare at the human level of awareness. All multidimensional beings can both imprint and read code at a very advanced level. Therefore, they can also imprint malicious code in order to expand any existing deviations. This is where purity comes in because the purer the code the fewer the deviations and the more the evolutionary jumps. Purity leads to efficiency and under the environs of an extremely chaotic software program running quadrillions of software variances and existential programs all at once, with the amount of interactions and entanglements at any given time the greater the purity, the more stable the system; therefore, to collapse a system, to weaken the thought fields and to weaken the network of life can all be accomplished by a decrease in purity. The less pure the environs, the more corrupt code, and code can be corrupted in any number of ways, the more likely system glitches including the eventual system crash. There are applications for changing the field networks and for improving thought for thought is fundamental to existence. Thought verily determines the movement of life and the movement of life determines the direction of a particular reality. Therefore we can see how important it is, on a cultural basis, that individuals and groups are imprinting codes that are conducive to improvement and to clean out, verily to delete codes that are corrupt. A corrupt code can include code that has been reworked even to the basic level of execution such as adding ellipses or loops of a particular color which is indicative of a particular vibration. It doesnt require a great amount of power to reshape society, it just takes a consistent corruption of the code and, along with

that, it requires the individuals on the network to repeat those imperfections thereby spreading them across the entire environ, an environs that runs efficiently on pure code. And code in this regard is best described as a shaped form of dimensional matter, what we might regard as exotic energy today then again thought too is exotic energy. When the life network evolves to certain vibration, this evolves the entrance of higher functioning programs onto the planary ground and the job of these programs, whether directly or by conduit, is to further purify the operation code because the operation code determines the quality of existence and the quality of existence determines how much improvement occurs on the network via thought extrapolation and extrusion. These higher functioning programs are historically referred to as prophets or false prophets. The difference between the two terms is a matter of spiritual argument, but on a technological level the differences are examined on an entirely different level. For example, a false prophet is reinterpreted as a higher functioning program that did not fully evolve and therefore did not fully upload their onboard programs and also did not fully clean out all the corrupt codes. Those individuals might have cleaned out some dirty codes any may have uploaded a fraction of their onboard programs, but not to the extent that they were programmed to perform. And this is not because of their incompetence. This is due to the fact that there are counter programs, viruses and created software programs that are designed to impede the efforts of these prophet-grade programs. In fact, it can be stated quite effectively that for every prophet there are a series of counter programs, all of them designed to offset or destroy their benefits to the operating system. All of these operators are naturally launched by the counter operating system, a program that attaches itself to the reality system and seeks to corrupt, consume and swallow up the reality program and everything within it. There can be seen, even at this initial point, many factors involved in the operation of a reality environs. One of the key points is the level of cleanliness, describe in a context of code purity. Of course, these codes and these programs exist on multiple levels of awareness and in fact they exist on all levels of awareness in some form. But the dimensions of their operation, verily the dimension in which they describe themselves in a more recognizable form are well beyond the capacity of even the most capable individual, even at death for these are dimensions that are well beyond a million deaths. These are dimensions of reality that have no description, a place which uses a language no being can understand. On a level of matter, such as the whole world, it would be on a level such as dropping a package of toothpicks onto the green grass and staring at them for several hours because of some hidden toothpick language and obtaining some universal truth from those toothpicks. Imagine describing to an outside observer what the toothpicks and blades of grass aid. Accomplishing that would be equivalent to a 1% understanding of the most rudimentary reality dimension. Still, for any person who truly wishes to see the universe in all its glory, it is available completely in everyday life. It is a matter of

understanding the dimensional language for that particular communication or piece of knowledge. All of this is well outside the capacity of the human mind; therefore this is naturally restricted, by way of perception and awareness, to certain individuals or groups of individuals. There is always a preference for individuals who speak the cosmic languages and are willing to subject themselves to technological code. These kinds of individuals are usually technological to a very high degree. So thoughts are continually improving and lowering improvement and the difference between the two processes demonstrate the net impact on the operational code. We include the exceptional programs which may or may not be individual persons that routinely clear code, process code, execute code and upload new code. There can always be found anomalies in the system, strange variances that come and go and extreme outcomes; all of them can be explained on a technological level. Where the system fails is when the individuals and groups are not functioning properly. They are not functioning properly because they have downloaded corrupt code (eg War). Everything within the evirons is programmed and everything that is programmed is encoded and every line of code is an intimate composite of the whole; therefore, any deviation or corruption can reverberate across all the intelligences because they are all inter-located on the same network. What has occurred throughout history is that the individual and group programs (eg People) have been gradually directed from regularly accessing the oceans of code and instead have been artificially fed a corrupt code through various lower-tech mechanisms (eg television). The dependence of fast food code (fast food) has resulted in a compromised community of inhabitants. The community is typically running low-level code or corrupt programs, including such things as simple as rudimentary loops and limited thinking (eg religion). What is generally regarded as not having enough spirituality is actually better interpreted as being disconnected or having infrequent connection to the life network. The life network is an ocean of cosmic code. The only times in a busy world to download new code or to clean out viruses are times of sickness or yearly vacations. Some people have chosen to devote themselves to a pure life of worship with some diving being, these monks and priests, if skilled and egoless, will have a regular connection to the cosmic code. Other believers, even those who lead ordinary lives, can have a regular connection to the life network. The quality of that connection is hard to determine. It can be stated that a high level connection produces an egoless individual who prefers natural environments and who is content with a meagre profession and who is dedicated to serving some aspect, or several aspects, of the reality architecture. This kind of individual has no quest for wealth, no interest in religion and lives and eats in moderation.

The state of the world today can be interpreted as a reality that has been compromised by heavy corruption. The reality system is far from over and in fact is able to contain further corruption, but what is needed is an improvement in individual connection to the network. A reliable and regular connection to the cosmic code ensures that the ascension of all on this reality plane achieves its highest level of achievement in the most practical time period possible. Verily, the improvement in connectivity leads to the improvement in reality and allows the escape of the deviations and corruptions in reality. The greater the individual understanding the more easily individuals can leap out of their current vibration of carrier and to jump on a higher functioning network. As more and more users jump off the lower vibration networks, those lower networks will collapse due to a lack of energetic variances. The collapse of the lower coincides with the ascension of society and the improvement in the quality of life because as we travel up the ladder of vibration we find clearer and purer codes. This is because the lower levels of vibration can hold the dirty codes, but dirty codes cannot affix themselves to higher realms of vibration. The better we extricate ourselves from the old to the new, the faster we advance as a civilization.

The Reality Code In order to process a reality environs it is necessary to adopt some kind of programming language. In the usual computer model, it is common to find the use of codes. These codes instruct the computer machine on what to do and what not to do. Code can be 1s and 0s as well as can be symbols or truncated language forms with certain built-in command such as If A=B, THEN LOOK AT LINE Q). As the processor runs through the code, verily reading it then producing the result, those sequential fast-paced reads determine the output. It used to be extremely complex to produce a simple black and white pattern on an external printer. That was 30 years ago in the 1980s. Since that time, the image processing capability on a computer is more life-like than photo emulsion paper and why digital photos are now the standard. Life is not much different than a pattern. If we zoom in on all the objects in existence skin, wooden table top, glass window, and rubber tire and we could get really up close, wed realize that behind the facade of the object there are many tiny particles and each particle is programmed to be in place. The compilation of particles produces the appearance of an object, even a moving object. The question is whether that object is really moving. From the perspective of our reality-based eyeballs, the nude woman on the bicycle is moving away from us, but the reality of the situation is that the tiny particles on the reality screen are just changing colors. See, because we know that reality is a construction, we

have to rely on the fact that this either is fixed in place and that our movement is illusory. We think we are moving because of our reality-based brain. The brain is reality based. It is not in the habit of stepping outside of itself because it cannot. The brain is a piece of hardware. It interprets data, it translates the code and it provides the individual with a sense of the world. The brain and body connection is designed to translate in accordance to awareness, essentially a function of intelligence and education. An uneducated view of reality is vastly different than an educated view of reality and that doesnt necessarily mean that the uneducated view is worse, rather it simply means that it is different. Oddly enough, the uneducated view can have a better view of reality if the educated brain has been programmed with the wrong information. What is fed into the individual brain, what essentially is a kind of programming, is vastly, hugely, immensely important. The entire reality environs can be sabotaged if the teachers only taught from one ignorant nook and that is because the level of brain-to-reality-and-reality-to-brain translation would be compromised. By compromising education, the brains processing capability is weakened and as a result the reality codes will be unreasonable. Society would live like cavemen. This then results in a Neanderthalian world because of low awareness. Contrast this when the level of education is properly and the level of awareness is high. What does that mean? It means that the individual brain can translate the more complex reality codes, and in doing so, in translating the always available codes, the individual will notice the deeper variances and connections in life. Those observations and perceptions will lead them to make different decisions in life, in fact, they will live a higher level of existence and they will be more in tune with the reality instead of being in tune with society. Society is out of tune with reality because society is organized according to nations and nations into provinces. If anything, societies are artificial and as much as we depend on society and its leader, what is more exacting going on is that people are living on an artificial network nested within the life network; what is the cosmic grid that is in harmony to everything else. If a person of some skill wanted to, they could rearrange the reality code, verily rearrange the particles of light on the reality screen and create an interpretive screen of existence, a kind of smaller monitor to the large one at the center. This satellite of reality can turn out to be a metropolis. A metropolis is a good example of the reprogramming of the reality codes, verily a rearrangement of the particles. This is not as complicated to understand as it might appear. We take the example of a forest. We decide to build a few log houses in the forest so we hire some loggers to remove some trees. We rent some logging trucks to remove the logs. We clean up our mess and we discover a plot of land nestled within a forest. Now we bring in our house builders and we build three houses, brain new. We furnish them and put them up for sale. On the surface, at the superficial level of existence, we did all those physical things we cut down trees, we removed logs and brush, we built houses and we

brought in furniture and it was a lot of work, and quite expensive. That is something that is obvious. Most individuals can translate that process. If we look deeper at this process, if we put on a pair of reality goggles and observed, if we put on a pair reality goggles and observed what transpired from beginning to end and wed see something quite a bit different. Why if we could see deep enough, through the obvious, wed see the light particles shifting like grains of sand. The grains of sand being reading and then polished and then forming a new pattern. We slowly bring ourselves out of this reality particle observation and we begin to find that familiar sense of materiality. We see colors shifting, we notice energy, we find a blank spot between dimensions, than we feel a coolness on our skin, we are reminded that reality has temperature and then soon enough we discover ourselves without the reality goggles. At any one moment all of these processes are in operation. It is just a matter of a persons observation. An observant, properly educated person will be able to see deeper into the reality screen. They might not be bothered as much as to the details of the situation or scene. To a very observant mind, a brain that has been better programmed they will not fixate on the amount of blood spilled or on the emotion of loss because they will, at the same time of observing the material happening, they will notice those grains of sand shifting here and there. They wont necessarily know that these grains of sand represent two dead children or if those handfuls of sand represent a brand new car, they only notice the eloquence of particles move to and fro and as well the physical occurrence. The majority of people in the physical plane have been programmed to observe the obvious, in fact, the more obvious the more likely everyone has noticed. To step away from the obvious is to enter a very unstable and controversial terrain that is filled with difficult discussion. The discussion becomes increasingly difficult as we step away from the obvious because each of our observation is unique. Some individuals naturally perceive reality at a much deeper level and when they encounter a person who is trained and unaware they run into conflict. The basis of existence thus far has been compromised because its awareness education is pathetically and cosmically low. Our perception of those reality codes are dismal at best. This prevents us from truly experiencing our translation skills. We are interpreting reality at the kindergarten level. Party of the problem with reality experience in the inhabiting of a foreign device such as the body. The body is fairly advanced existential instrument, verily it is a precision tool in comparison to nature. A tree is not equipped technologically to be productive and to build cars and to make love to another tree. A tree is quite fixed in its place, there may be some movement, but if a tree wants to take a vacation in the State of Florida it needs to be physically dug out, transported by vehicle to an airport and loaded up into a dark cargo hold. Because the physical body is so precise, so revolutionary it causes us to neglect some of the more advanced features. It doesnt help that an education system has limited our observations but that cannot excuse our own neglect, a

neglect of ourselves. In fact, we could look at the neglect of the human body another way. We could say that someone builds a brand new nuclear reactor and gives that nuclear reactor to a developing nation as a form of advanced aid. That national president decides that, well because he himself is uneducated, he decides that the highly technological nuclear reactor which could bring valuable energy to his struggling populace is better suited to be used as a museum to show nuclear technology. Instead of operating the reactor and proving low-cost, efficient electricity to millions of people, it turned into a nuclear museum. That is a good comparison for the way the precision body has been treated. The body of reality is purposefully designed to be coherent with all pertinent aspects of reality. The body is not hobbled and then inserted into a highly advanced reality environs. This is certainly not the case. The body and the reality are presented in coherence with one another. Whatever aspects of reality are present here can be accessed by the body, only that many of the more advanced aspects require a significant amount of determination and effort. These attributes are not forbidden. The reality system doesnt need to forbid because it is perfectly designed to acknowledge awareness and awareness is intimately connected to knowledge and knowledge to the quality of ego. The forbidding of things in this reality is a man-made construction, as is the idea of a god. A reality system is atechnological system. If you wanted to alter the scale of reality, youd have to have that level of awareness. To acquire that level of awareness might take you one lifetime and you are not willing to devote one lifetimes to acquiring that awareness. It neednt be forbidden, it only needs to have the right classification. Now, some technological aspects of existence require multiple lifetimes to achieve and that takes a lot of discipline and sacrifice. But, it must be acknowledged, that anyone who has achieved that level of awareness, acquired over several lifetimes, that that person has earned their respective abilities. Of course, it will also be learned that no matter your competence with manipulating the reality codes, there are always many more levels of advancement. We truly are living in a world of possibility and the more we recognize and embrace that then the more likely we will improve our awareness and expand the technological mastery of our physical bodies. Advanced Video Game The physical unit in which is embodied the truthful construct is indeed a uniquely grown device. The range of such devices is not fully available within human science but the human physical body is first-hand evidence that this interstellar science exists, not in theory but in practice. In order for a symmetrical body to exist and occupy an existential space such this reality plane, the body needs to itself be similarly constructed. As such, due to the presence of thought networks and artificial planes, we naturally deducethe synthetic quality of the human body. Of course, I have learned of this information for certain; otherwise, I could not make such a claim for suggesting that the human being is an artificial construct, verily a completely grown synthetic beinghaving independent and co-dependent thought; owning the ability to

replicate itself in improved versions; able to extract energy from manufactured reality products (food) within the artificially grown environment; able to program itself to believe the role(s) it has chosen, even to defend its choice of career or goals in life; and to invent tools with which to ease the burden of existence, to suggest such an idea without having at the root a sense of inner knowledge that others dont know, this would be obnoxious and I am not obnoxious. Certainly, this is forward thinking and will take quite a few years to properly and calmly make sense of. If it took Man 2,000 years to believe in Jesus the Christ then it will take more than a few years for Man to believe that it is an android, and likely Man will do everything imaginable to deny this fact. Now the synthetic human only looks natural because we have been trained to notice its natural dimensions. Should we retrain ourselves to notice more profound dimensions of the dimensional body wed notice the machine qualities of our previously wonderful bodies. Naturally, there will be concerns with the realization of this deleted verse in Genesis, one of which will be carelessness and another lack of purpose. None of these concerns should ever force us to suppress the truth though there might be great temptation to do so. We remind ourselves that in humanitys past this technological truth wasdeleted from human memory and wildly distorted into philosophies that were then used to subjugate and diminish the Will of Man, including applauding the kill of the enemy in countless violent movies. The result of these efforts to interfere with the progress of an android population has sufficiently retarded the vast potential of the human device. In addition, as I have discussed, the plural forms of interference from the rogue programmers who have taken some human form and have gone on to ruthlessly destroy and distort the truth has played a dominant role in the repression of the human android. But those days of false dominion are over and what I am discussing are things that will help society catch up to what is really going on. We are still dealing with basic information and knowledge. As we go along and climb what might seem like a giant mountain of ice, we will discover more and more details and we will be forced to adjust our perception of reality. So the road you have taken is a very good start and the path is on course, but the interferences and challenges will be many. If you are truly up for the challenge you will stay on this path, and it will take years to learn. If you are not willing to overcome yourself, if you have many unsolved issues from yesterday, then all of those things will put you to the test. Doctors have long been aware of the machine-like body and the list keeps growing as science explains more and more details of our biological operations. Along with this, in the computer industry, engineers and programmers continue to evolve software code and continue to detail the operations of machine processes. As these two industries merge medicine and computer we will become even clearer as to the nature of the human form. And we will then be able to extrapolate what kind of person can be created in the near future. The human form was created four billion years ago in a particular form and format, in fact, a much simpler version, for example the female body couldnt replicate but she could experience pleasure in copulation. After a period of

copulation without replication, it came to be noticed that the other parts of the female form had been sufficiently fine-tuned so as to be able to add a new function, replication. Replication is an impressive quality on any plane, but on this hard fragile plane it is of exceptional importance because it now allowed the race of humans to multiply. That meant that humans could colonize a distant planet, as long as the replication rate remained positive. If the replication rate fell into the negatives then the human population would decline and since there were many interferences, viruses, and kills from wildlife, it was inevitable to have beings die off. The dead needed to be replaced and then more lives needed to be replicated in order to expand the species. Terraforming a planet required many hands. Throughout the planets most recent epoch, say from about 3,000 years ago, there has remained a vigilant attempt to sabotage the human race and to try to force down the birthrate. This plan to depopulate the earth was put in place by those who wanted to restrict the population size in order to completely dominate society and to extract all the wonders of this planet for themselves. Till this day, they have used every means possible to cripple the human birthrate and they have used the advanced sciences at their disposal (pandemics, vaccinations, homosexuality, wars, food poisons, air poisons, birth control, fear, threat of poverty, womens liberation) to achieve those malicious aims. What you see in the mirror today, both males and females, is the result of extremely advanced cosmic sciences, in fact, dimensional sciences that integrate energy, computing, architecture and matter into one holistic paradigm. That paradigm is you, not just your body but your mind, your heart and soul. And the other parts of you that you have yet to discover. Remember that being an android is not the end of your understanding, rather it is the beginning of a fantastic new adventure. Whether you are an android, a flesh body, a hologram or any combination thereof, it does not diminish the value of your experience. What you experienced thus far remains. Learning more about what you are made of does not diminish those experiences, it does help you to reclassify them so as to see them in a whole new light. Likewise, if you have lived through periods of traumas, even from a young age, you should learn to reclassify those experiences from your internal programming rather than from your physical hardships. In other words, as has been said before, you are not your body; you are something much grander than that. Also, being an elegant android doesnt stop you from continuing your current profession. It shouldnt. What you would be gaining is a profound depth to your existential journey and it should encourage you to study these things further so that in the afterlife you can re-enter a particular realm with a sharper sense of truth. Some of you or those you know will decide that if I am an artificial being and this reality is false then I can do what I want. Probably there will be many who

try thinking in this manner. This isnt much different now with a certain group of criminals, rebels or even world leaders who live in this manner. The point is, and I need to remind you, that no matter what material you are made of whether it be cotton or coriander you are still subject to the rules and laws of the reality. When you incarnated, you signed the agreements that clarified all the rules and laws. Whether you forgot it during the incarnation process or if your memory banks are damaged doesnt change the fact that you understood completely what you were getting yourself into. Therefore, your actions are your responsibility and there are consequences for breaking the rules. Doesnt matter you remember or not, you intuitively know right and wrong. You can choose to override these understandings at your expense. I always think you are much better off learning to ascend your state of awareness, to build a better society, to invent things never invented and to raise your sense of self so that in your next life you can upgrade yourself to who knows what. Its a lot like a video game and you want to gain experience points so that you can earn the more powerful avatar or get the top score or reach a certain obstacle so you can defeat it. No one plays video games to jump off bridges. People play video games to overcome the obstacles of the game so that you can start a new game with a more powerful player or you can enter the new version of the game. Do you see the sense of it all? You didnt come here to waste yourself and to damage things just because you are artificial. You came here to experience as much of life as you can in the time you have. The better you keep that in mind, the fuller your life. Many people will continue a life of pessimism and laziness. You should refrain from these players for they will interfere with your success. Be a player of players, join up with the warriors and leave this world better than when you first entered. This will ensure that the reality game will improve its functionality and the next time you stop by you will be able to interact with an entirely new game interface and new obstacles never before imagined. Think video game. Advanced video game.

Android Languaging Systems There has been plenty of talk of the Sumerian texts, the strange symbols which some cryptographers have attempted to translate. And there has been ongoing discussion on the Egyptian hieroglyphics, the graphical language used by ancient Egyptians. If we just look at these two ancient languages within the context of a manufactured reality upon which exist android people then the ancient scripts should take on a whole new meaning, and they do. They do because a computer does not read like a person. If say we were more computerlike in the ancient days and as we evolved and forgot our ancestry then we began reading less and less like computers and more and more like biological people. Then less than 100 years ago, we introduced machines and programs and then we developed computer codes and computers could only read computer language, special punch codes or 1s and 0s, while humans had language.

Todays handheld computers can now read human language which kind of reaffirms the direction we are heading, doesnt it? If a computer can speak a human language, and computers were invented by humans, then it should go without saying that the human is reaffirming its own artificial nature by recreating itself by way of robotics and artificial intelligence. This to me is proof enough that the process of creating a human is through computerization and robotics. In other words, the biological human is the perfected robot form, or it can be said that the human is an android form that was never ever biological. Its biological derivation was an interim understanding of itself. So, Sumerian texts and Egyptian hieroglyphics were android languages because androids use Sumerian codes, sticks and marks, as well as a graphical user language such as hieroglyphics. Again, Egyptologists have determined the sounds of these symbols but rather than a human language this old Egyptian was a computer language, a language that allowed the more android-like body of yesteryear to interact with the reality construct. Today on our computer screens are graphical icons, part of a graphical user interface (GUI). We click or double-click on an icon and that transports us deeper into the computer realm. We might launch a software application or we might open a data file. Whatever it is, by clicking a graphical image, or typing its location, we gain entry into the computer. Well, in ancient days, the symbols in Egypt when observed or spoken could give the reality user access to a certain part of the reality construct. Depending on their need at the time, whether it was to go online or to upload new knowledge, the android user could gain entry into the reality. And since each person had a varying degree of artificial complexity, that is, some were more advanced robots than others, then some people had a more profound mastery of the reality computer. After all, what does an advanced computer look like? The most advanced computer looks and feels like an environs clouds, blue sky, trees, rocks, air all these are very advanced technological appliances that have been built in to appear natural and inconspicuous to lessen the interference of origins and to upgrade the existential experience. The graphical languages were openly displayed on the outer surfaces of buildings and in hallways just like today where we use building names, street addresses and advertising symbols to communicate with people. The differences today from yesterday are many, but they include the employment of modern advertising to program culture to think and behave in certain ways, perhaps how to dress, and at the same time, to program counter-culture to reject expected behaviours and norms. In the homogenous cultures of the ancient past, diagrams, graphical codes were employed to program a uniform culture, and one that maintained an intimate connection to their other dimensions. A living robot such as the early android lineages required a living language, verily a code that would continually communicate with the constructed population. This made up a kind of coded energy network, an advanced Wi-Fi electromagnetic medium that ensured that all avatars could live out the best

possible life, namely at the time, Terraforming and building various key centers of the world. An androids modulation device (brain) processes information based on graphical images, musical notes, symbols and gestures. Although primary society today can still maintain a basic literacy on thinking as an artificial person, it only means that theyve been disconnected from their primary operating system and have been over centuries reprogrammed to listen to a newly built ego construct, a phantom operating system (OS) held within each avatar body. The phantom operating system, ego, plays a prominent role in Earths society, but because it was created it is not connected to the earth computer nor is it connected to the cosmic computer. The android avatar is fully equipped to operate under the network protocols of the planetary grid and the cosmic grid. Due to the interference of the phantom OS and also due to the fact that the ego construct is linked up into the phantom network, a software network built and run by the rogue programmers who hijacked this reality. To return to your android avatar youd need to isolate and apprehend the ego. By apprehending the ego, youll be able to link into the inner construct, there youd gain direct access to the planetary grid and the cosmic computer. Those advanced networks are as valid today as they were yesterday. If only humans could overcome their well-seasoned ego. So in ancient times, the codes and graphical icons were put in place to allow the android populace constant access to the cosmic mainframe. And this resulted in a harmonious existence. There were glitches on occasion and there were viruses, but also there were visitors from other systems who frequented this place and they brought viruses and they tried to change the system or to overthrow the appointed leader. Some malicious programs indeed incarnated into flesh avatars and were determined to destabilize the world, the result of which is 2010 planet Earth. Learn to reconnect your inner wiring, remember the things you forgot, dig into those old files, launch those forgotten programs and start to interpret reality from a symbolic and graphical perspective, see the patterns of existence instead of the words and letters. By doing so you will rewire yourself and slowly return to the android nature that you are and you will also increase your potential exponentially because androids come with many features, depending on your model and expertise of course.


On the surface, it will be extremely easy to find the need to devalue the Human Experience. There will be screams from many sides surrounding this issue and there may be a time of challenge regarding the reinterpretation of a human life. All of this is pending the remote chance of public interest. As we have discussed, the human android is a very complex yet elegant existential machine that each of you have inhabited for quite a number of years without any serious issue outside of the personal issues (eg addiction). Being an android doesnt undo the trauma or joy youve experienced in life. The android presence forces you to reinterpret biological perforations with technological processes, all of it housed within the context of a particular space or reality. The troubles we may have with this new realization have to do with adjusting our internal sensors to be able to detect the technological software around us. Our technological reality sensors are unfortunately not functioning properly nor are many of our built-in features. Some of the necessary basic applications are functioning or you wouldnt be reading this book. Then again we still interpret a technological process with a biological eye and as long as we do that well remain as a less aware civilization. Ultimately, there are many restrictions on what you have just read, as well, some of it really confused you. When we take an idea such as life and such as the human body, we have been unable to overcome their biological sandbox, and rightly so because we only had a biological level of science. You know, we only can measure the sand in the sandbox and we havent yet figured out how to step out of the sandbox and onto the artificial grass. As we improve our understanding of multidimensional physics we begin to see other realities and other avatar forms and we begin to realize that if the upper realms are technologically advanced to some cosmic degree then what we have here on this plane must also share some of that technological architecture. They must share the same technical specifications to some degree in order to be part of the same cosmic whole. We have been inundated with a limited eye on science and as we open up those dormant faculties we begin to see the reality networks, existential machines and the multitude of fantastic programs.

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