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QUESTIONNAIRE STRENGTHS 1. What advantages / assets do you have? 2. What do other people see as your strengths?

What is your strongest asset? 3. What do you do well? 4. What differentiates this unit from the other units? 5. What unique resources do you have access to? 6. Do you consider your team strong? Why? (experience, skills, knowledge) 7. What are the capabilities of your staff? 8. Is the morale of the staff high? 9. Do you have immensely talented people on your staff? 10. How is the availability of the clinicians? (skills, number, location) 11. How much is the given budget to the unit? Do you handle your funds well? 12. What do you offer that makes you stand out from the rest? 13. What is your expertise? WEAKNESSES 1. What could you improve? 2. What do you do badly? 3. What do you think should you avoid? 4. In what areas do other institutions have the edge? 5. What necessary expertise or manpower do you lack? 6. Do you have cash flow / financial problems? OPPORTUNITIES 1. What are the good opportunities facing you? 2. What interesting trends are you aware of? (healthcare trends, technology development, information and research) 3. Do these trends fit your unit s strengths? 4. What external changes present interesting opportunities? 5. What have you seen in the news recently that might present an opportunity? THREATS 1. What obstacles do you face? 2. What are other institutions doing that you re not? 3. Are your key staff satisfied in their work? 4. Have you lost key / significant staff?

5. Is your intellectual property properly secured (charts) against theft & loss? 6. Is changing technology threatening your position? 7. Do you have bad debt or cash flow problems? 8. Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your organization? 9. What challenges can be turned into opportunities? 10. Are external economic factors affecting you? OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: 1. When does the hospital give supplies? 2. What are the unit s interventions if the patient cannot afford to buy medical supplies? 3. How many staff nurses are in the unit? 4. How much is the salary of the staff? 5. What is the nurse to patient ratio in the unit?

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