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District of Columbia Bicycle Advisory Council

Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes December 7, 2011 6:30pm at Teaism Attendees: David Cranor, Randal Myers, Heidi Goldberg, Jameel Alsalam Parking Report The Committee agreed that there was no need to follow up on the fact that the report was late, and that though the report contained no detailed analysis of bike parking near Nationals Stadium the addition of such an analysis would add no value. It also decided to make the report public by posting it on the internet and linking to it from the BAC blog and the Washcycle blog. Finally, the committee recommends sending a letter to DDOT to follow up on the requirement in the law to include a strategic plan to meet the minimum requirements or need and the evaluation of travel routes. On the latter requirement, it was noted that such an evaluation could be considered redundant with the existing bike plan. Change in the Ride Right law A few years ago, DCMR 1201.2 was changed from the standard cyclist shall travel as closely as practicable to the right-hand curb language to a new standard about riding in a safe and non-hazardous manner. This was done without BAC input. It was agreed by all that the new language was ambiguous, since safe and non-hazardous is not defined, but there was no suggestion for better language. It was agreed to bring the issue up at the SEE meeting to see how the law was being enforced. Subsequently, it was learned that the new language was going to be clarified and so the committee will take a wait and see approach to this. The committee approved of the general language of the proposed letter to DDOT and DPW asking about plans to come into compliance with the Bicycle Safety Enhancement Act of 2008. It was suggested that the letter note that the BAC would support the use of rear-view cameras or blind-spot cameras in place of blind spot mirrors.

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